Music Video Director Research

Music Video Director Study Daniels - Music Director Duo The Daniels are a director duo, Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, they work together on all off their productions and have made many music videos, short films and TV adverts. They have won a Grammy award for the best music video together. They have made videos for artists such as DJ Snake, Foster the People and Joywave. Their work is very unique and individualised with every music video being very different to the others however they do have a few traits that are carried along through each. It seems that they are fixed with music videos having dancing in, the dancing changes each time and has a different choreography however they all include dancing. Below are two example of this. Another thing about the visual style is that the like to use blocking objectives and pull focus’s a lot throughout their videos. This is used to create a certain mystery about their work which again links back to them be individual and helps them break the conventions of normal music videos. To the right of this is an example of the Daniels using blocking devices to partially hide a naked woman running through a forest. They work with various bands and artists some being quite mainstream such as DJ Snake and Foster the People an some being underground such as FM Belfast and Manchester Orchestra. They work with different genres however must of the genres are closely combined e.g. EDM (Electric Dance Music), Drum and Bass and hip-hop/pop music. I wouldn't say they use a narrative in any of the music videos they use a montage effect to confuse the audience and portray that there isn't a reason for this happening, it just is. They don’t use live performance in their music videos.



Transcript of Music Video Director Research

Page 1: Music Video Director Research

Music Video Director Study

Daniels - Music Director Duo

The Daniels are a director duo, Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, they work together on all off their productions and have made many music videos, short films and TV adverts. They have won a Grammy award for the best music video together. They have made videos for artists such as DJ Snake, Foster the People and Joywave. Their work is very unique and individualised with

every music video being very different to the others however they do have a few traits that

are carried along through each. It seems that they are fixed with music videos having dancing in, the dancing changes each time and has a different choreography however they all include dancing. Below are two example of this.Another thing about the visual style is that the like to use blocking objectives and pull focus’s a lot throughout their videos. This is used to create a certain mystery about their work which again links back to them be individual and helps them break the conventions of normal music videos. To the right of this is an example of the Daniels using blocking devices to partially hide a naked woman running through a forest.

They work with various bands and artists some being quite mainstream such as DJ Snake and Foster the People an some being underground such as FM Belfast and Manchester Orchestra. They work with different genres however must of the genres are closely combined e.g. EDM (Electric Dance Music), Drum and Bass and hip-hop/pop music.

I wouldn't say they use a narrative in any of the music videos they use a montage effect to confuse the audience and portray that there isn't a reason for this happening, it just is. They don’t use live performance in their music videos.

The editing used throughout their videos is very dependant on the song that they are matching. For example if they are making a music video to a upbeat, fast paced song the editing will be quick to match the beat of the song. However, on the other end of the scale if the song is quite slow they will match that too by having slow cuts.

The reason I like the Daniels is because there isn't a reason behind their videos, no narrative and it doesn't portray any meanings or values. They are also very unique and different witch gives them an odd feeling about them which makes you want to watch more because you appreciate the cinematography, lighting, editing and actors performance more than the average music video.

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