I Messenger 4 32



Thought-provoking, informative, enlightening and entertaining news and commentary featuring Ron Busby and more brought to you by Sankofa Global and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Transcript of I Messenger 4 32

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Dr. Jerry B. Chambers believed

in our children

VOLUME 4 ISSUE 32 April 10, 2015


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Message to the People...

I MESSENGERCheryl Smith, Publisher

Established 2011

IMESSENGER is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen.IMESSENGER is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to www.myimessenger.com.

April 10, 2015






There are so many people out in the world not doing a thing for anyone but themselves and maybe a few family members, church members or friends.

Then you have Dr. Jerry B. Chambers.I met this wonderful man decades ago, walking the halls of Dallas’ Lincoln Humanities and

Communications Magnet. It seemed as though he was always doing something for young people. This wasn’t a stretch because just like former school principal Dr. Napoleon B. Lewis, Dr. Chambers realized the importance of having a strong male presence, especially a Black male! And Lincoln was an ideal place to witness strong leadership and student involvement.

The last time I saw Dr. Chambers, I told him that I was sorry I didn’t see him in Selma. We were both there but there were so many folks commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Bloody Sunday March and our paths didn’t cross.

It was my second trip to Selma because in 2004, I was honored at the 40th commemoration and I was so excited to return.

Dr. Chambers founded an organization, The Freedom Riders, named after the valiant men and women who worked to challenged segregation and unjust laws. He spearheaded the trip to Selma for children, parents and citizens from Dallas County Texas to Dallas County Alabama.

The young people loved and respected Dr. Chambers. Every time they were together was a time for a history lesson.

This is what Dr. Chambers said in his efforts to raise money to take students on historic tours:I am proud to say that I have 50 years of experience commemorating historic civil right events

in America I had a vision long ago that I needed to expose and teach the true history of our past to future generations. As I reflect today on the death of Emmitt Till in 1955, history flashes before my very eyes. I will not forge the lynching which summoned me to Burr Cemetery in Chicago, the burial ground of Till’s remains and many other victims of lynching and killing during the Jim Crow era.

The purpose of the Freedom Riders organization is educational intent. The organization and Freedom Riders will reenact the 1961 original Freedom ride through four states: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. The tour for the young Dallas Freedom Riders has provided life changing opportunities by allowing them to experience real people, places and events, and make connections with others commemorating 2013 historical events. The 2014 tour will reflect on the past killings of the three civil right workers during freedom summer in Mississippi and the signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act by Former President Lyndon Johnson. The Riders will travel to Washington D.C. to visit the office (hopefully with President Obama) where President Johnson signed that bill. The tour will also include attending the STEM Conference as well as visiting the Senate, Congress, Lincoln Mall, and the offices of Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Congressman John Lewis.

Dr. Chambers also worked diligently to secure the naming Bill Blair Park in Sunny South Dallas. He lived a life of service. So many benefited from his benevolence and endearing spirit. His death last week affected so many as did his life.

Cheryl Smith

Your life is in your hands. Choose to make the most of it by having a no-cost mammogram* performed by quali!ed medical professionals.

If you are a woman aged 40-49, speak with your healthcare provider about getting a mammogram. If you are a woman over 50 years of age, get a mammogram every 2 years. *Eligibility criteria may apply.

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Amanda’s Highlights

By Amanda Fitzpatrick@watchamandatv

By Joshua Johnson

Dr. Jerry Chambers, who passed recently at a local Dallas Hospital, was totally committed to improving the world’s social condition. He gave little thought to his own personal gain, and gave all that he could to enhance the lives of others, particularly Dallas High School children. They were his mission.

During the last two years Dr. Chambers, a former instructor at Lincoln High School, raised funds and used his own personal resources to take students to Selma, Alabama and Washington, D.C. He wanted them to see the history of the Civil Rights Movements.

“It is important that young people of all races understand the pain the suffering that many people had to endure to improve America,” he was fond of saying. “We cannot allow these children to grow up without knowing about the struggles that people had to endure.”

Among the places that Dr. Chambers took his students was Washington, D.C. where they met with leaders of the American government such as Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and her colleague, Congressman John Lewis, who was an advisor to Dr. Martin Luther King.

Growing up as a child, Dr. Chambers picked cotton on a piece of land that his mother and father worked for a landowner.

During the hot days of summer while in the cotton fields, Dr. Chambers decided that he would get an education and escape the life that his parents had to endure.

“I came to Dallas to make a life for myself and to work with others,” Dr. Chambers once said. “I have always loved people and I wanted to do something special for students. That is why I became a teacher. I was interested in giving knowledge to others.”

And that he did.He worked with students and their parents.

He urged them to become great thinkers and great leaders. He was always in a hurry to get things done.

And he did not accept no for an answer.When the doctors told him that he was ill

and needed treatment he told them that his own health was secondary. He had planned a trip to

Alabama where his students could participate in the 50th anniversary March from Selma to Montgomery, he told the doctors. He would receive treatment when they return.

Shortly after their return from the South, Dr. Chambers was hospitalized. The pain engulfed his body and he grew tired and weary. He called his best friend and said, “I am tired, I have served, I want to go home.”

And with these words he slipped away, this Prince of a Man. May God rest and keep you, Dr. Jerry Chambers. You served Him well!

A Prince of a Man

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NORMALIZE RELATIONS WITH UNITED STATESFor more information go to Mohamed Elhassan on Facebook

Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed was born in the Sudan in 1961. Mr. Mohamed is vice president of the National Reform Party in Sudan and was nominated to run for President in 2010 and 2015. Mr. Mohamed is running again to become the President of Sudan and plans to end the genocide in Darfur and begin the process of normalizing relations with the United States of America. He wants to utilize his knowledge from living in America for over 30 years and incorporate that in his presidential administration and bring peace and harmony to all of Sudan.

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Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Since my early professional career as a registered nurse, public health has always been a great concern. Before and during my formal nursing training, I learned that there are a number of preventive measures people could take to lower the probability of developing chronic diseases.

is year, April 6th thru April 12th is recognized as “National Public Health Week.” During this time, we celebrate successful measures that improve our health and well-being and rally around the

goal of making the United States the healthiest nation by 2030.

is goal is attainable if we follow some basic guidelines. First, we have to practice a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis. Common practices for developing a healthy lifestyle include smoking cessation, avoiding second hand smoke, getting annual physical exams, adhering to sound nutrition guidelines and routine immunizations.

Public health professionals also maintain that regular physical activity is a major component of wellness, as well as regular hand washing. rough regular practice of these methods and sharing them with friends and family, we will become a healthier nation.

According to data compiled by the American Health Association and the United Health Foundation, Texas was rated as the 31st healthiest state in the nation in 2014. One year earlier, Texas was ranked the 36th healthiest of the states. Although we are certainly on the right track, we

must continue to strive to improve our ranking, especially among our senior population.

Texas ranked 41 out of the 50 states when the status of senior health was considered. ere must be widespread efforts to ensure that the people of Texas are at their healthiest, like the people of Hawaii, who were ranked the healthiest in the nation in 2014. Texas can improve its rating by decreasing the number of adult smokers, reducing infant mortality rates, and increasing child immunizations numbers.

According to the researchers for the American Health Association, among the greatest obstacles Texans face to improving their overall health is the scarcity of primary care physicians in rural areas. is makes quality preventative care difficult to obtain. ere is also a high percentage of children living in poverty. Lastly, there is a large percentage of Texans who do not participate in regular physical activity.

Public health officials at the Dallas County Department of Health and Human Services recently recommended that residents take precautions against diseases carried by mosquitoes during the spring and summer months. Director Zachary ompson and Medical Director Dr. Christopher Perkins suggested that residents use mosquito sprays, and wear clothing to protect their arms and legs from mosquito bites.

It is extremely important that we do all that we can to promote wellness and healthy living. By paying close attention to our health and the health of those around us, we can successfully secure a pathway to healthier lifestyles and longer lives. I urge all people to take greater interest in their health. We must understand that the proper practice of public health begins at home and in our communities.

JOHNSON: The state of our public health

Eddie Bernice Johnson represents Texas’ 30th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives. She is the !rst registered nurse elected to the US Congress.

May God bless and keep you always…

Spiritually Speaking

by James A. Washington

"Our people have made the mistake of confusing the methods with the objectives. As long as we agree on objectives, we should never fall out with each other just because we believe in different methods, or tactics, or strategy. We have to keep in mind at all times that we are not fighting for separation. We are fighting for recognition as free humans in this society."

Malcolm X

Greater Bethesda Missionary Baptist District Association


7:30 p.m. Each Night


Calvary Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church4703 Sunnyvale Street Dallas, Texas 75216

(214) 371-3434

With a Guest Evangelist

Rev. Dr. J.H. Moore, Jr.


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Support the Black PressSupport Black -owned bookstores

Send your books for review to: Cheryl Smith, 320 S. R.L.

Thornton Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75203 ELITENEWS




"I want Dr. King to know that I didn't come to Selma to make his job difficult.

I really did come thinking I could make it easier. If the white people realize what the alternative is, perhaps they will be more willing to hear Dr. King."

Malcolm X

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Quit  Playin’

             By  Vincent  Hall

Vincent  L.  Hall  is  an  author  

and  award-­winning  columnist.

ATLANTA, GA - The premiere of the new Bounce TV Original Series Mann & Wife has become the network's most-watched original to date. The series premiere telecast on Tues. April 7 at 9:00 p.m. (ET) delivered:461K Viewers 2+, nearly doubled vs. the prior 4 weeks*260K Households (+41%)142K Adults 18-49 (+67%)Across its two premiere night timeslots, Mann & Wife reached nearly 800K viewers 2+ and 540K HHs. When included among all ad-supported cable television in the time period, Mann & Wife's 9:00 p.m. premiere telecast was the third most-watched program in total African-American viewers and fourth in African-American 18-49 viewership. Bounce TV's most-watched original previously had been the premiere telecast of Off The Chain: Rodney Perry on1/13/15. Real-life husband and wife team David Mann (House of Payne, Meet The Browns) and Tamela Mann (Madea's Big Happy Family, Sparkle) star and serve as executive producers of Mann & Wife The series follows the newlywed, second-chance sweethearts as they laugh and love their way through the ups and downs of life as a blended family, each with two children from previous marriages.  In addition to the show's popular stars, Mann & Wife features a vibrant supporting cast: Vivica A. Fox, portraying Daniel's ex-wife; Tony Rock, playing Daniel's new partner; JoMarie Payton as Lorraine, Daniel's overbearing mother and Tiny Lister as Daniel's Lieutenant and boss. New episodes of Mann & Wife premiere Tuesday nights at 9:00 p.m. ET/8:00 p.m. CT on Bounce TV. Bounce TV is the nation's first-ever and fastest-growing broadcast television network designed for African-American audiences.  Itairs on the digital signals of local television stations and features a programming mix of original and off-network series, theatrical motion pictures, documentaries, specials, live sports and

more.  The rapidly-expanding Bounce TV is the number two most-watched African-American network on television. It continued its ratings surge in the just-completed first quarter of 2015, setting network records for viewership and the delivery of key targeted demographics audiences.

Mann & Wife is a HIT:Series Premiere of New sitcom starring David & Tamela Mann becomes most-watched

original in Bounce TV's history

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Your life is in your hands. Choose to make the most of it by having a no-cost mammogram* performed by quali!ed medical professionals.

If you are a woman aged 40-49, speak with your healthcare provider about getting a mammogram. If you are a woman over 50 years of age, get a mammogram every 2 years. *Eligibility criteria may apply.

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Delta Sigma Theta Dallas Alumnae Chapter

Saturday, April 11, 2015

9 A.M. TO 1 P.M. Mobile unit will be parked at

Harold W Lang Sr. Middle School, 1678 Chenault St.

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According to a  Nielsen consumer report, African Americans are voracious consumers of media, watching 37 percent more television than any other slice of American demography.

While that's not new news, it is disturbing that we don't completely understand the connection between our TV consumption and the huge profits generated by our connection to television. To be fair, some TV programming can actually be beneficial. The recent coverage of the 50 th  Anniversary of "Bloody Sunday" opened the eyes of generations of Americans who were unaware of the brutality of racial oppression in America. 

Much of television, however, is simply escapist entertainment for us, but a tremendous cash cow for programmers and advertisers. 

Take for example Empire on Fox. The network is known for its history of racist banter and has exploited Black America while simultaneously benefiting from Black consumers.

Statistics show that Empire is Fox's highest grossing show in three years, which translates into a huge pay off for Fox.  How big?

How about the  $45.2 billion Comcast/Time Warner merger? How about the  $48.5 billion AT&T acquisition of DirecTV or the estimated  $1.3 trillion dollars spent by Black consumers? Not to mention the  $20 billion lawsuit  filed by the National Association of African American Owned Media and Entertainment Studios Networks, against Comcast, Time Warner, and other civil rights organizations as party to a plan to ensure that profits from Black viewership continue pouring into the same pockets? We've watched with interest and commented on this situation in an earlier President's Message, but the situation has not improved. We will reserve judgment on the soundness of Entertainment Studios Network's CEO Byron Allen's pending legal action, but there are a few things of which we are absolutely certain:

NO TELECOM GIANT has a plan for meaningful participation/inclusion of Black business in their day-to-day procurement activity;

NO PROGRAMMING GIANT has a plan to include, develop or support the development of positive Black portrayals to any meaningful degree;

NO CABLE/PayTV provider makes programming targeting Black consumers available at their basic service level - requiring their BEST CONSUMERS pay extra to view their favorite shows;

NO ADVERTISER using the TV/PayTV medium includes Black business in any significant way in the development, production, delivery/distribution of their products to this loyal consumer base.

Telecom companies and consumer product companies are gearing up for an assault on your wallets like nothing you've ever seen, and if you're riveted by the latest episode or game-of-the-week, you may not even notice your pocket being picked.

Decisions about your money are being made right now. These decisions are being made by people who don't know you, and whose only interest is how long you're in front of your TV before you go buy the products they sold while you were watching. We understand it's about business - BIG

business. We also understand that it is Black consumers' money that makes the business so big. But if Black businesses don't flourish as a result of all this activity designed to move dollars out of Black pockets... well, we'll be back to Good Times in the projects instead of building Empires.

All the more reason to invest money into the Black community. If you can devote time to watching your favorite television show, then you can also devote time to buying from your local Black businesses.

Make #Blackdollarsmatters not just a hashtag, but a way of life.  In the Spirit of Success,   Ron Busby, Sr.PresidentU.S. Black Chambers, Inc.  

Lucious, Cookie and their sons

The Scandalous Empire

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Comic’s Rock Convention

Dick Gregory, Kym Whitley, Luenell, Joe Torry, Shang to Bring the Funny at Hope Flood's 4th Annual Comics Rock! Convention

April 23-26 in Los Angeles Hollywood, CA - What do you get when

you mix a room full of comedic talent? Comedians that rock, that's what! Funny lady Hope Flood is taking over the stage once again with her 4th Annual Comics Rock! Convention, April 23 through 26, 2015, in the comedy capital, Los Angeles! The Comics Rock! Convention (CRC) will gather a diverse group of professional talent, from up and comers to veteran stand ups, with the intent of discoursing all things related to the industry of funny and beyond. Workshops and seminars will be held at comedian/radio personality J. Anthony Brown's JSpot Comedy Club, located 5581 W Manchester Boulevard in Westchester, CA. Master comic, social/civil rights activist and humanitarian Dick Gregory will be the keynote speaker at the convention on Saturday, April 25, during a luncheon held at The Mavericks Flat Bar & Grill on 4225 Crenshaw Boulevard in Los Angeles. A legendary octogenarian, Gregory was recently feted with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Industry experts such as Kym Whitley (OWN TV's "Raising Whitley"), Luenell ("Katt Williams: American Hustle"), Mother Love (LA Talk Radio's "The Mother Love Show"), Rodney Perry (BET's "The Mo'Nique Show"), Shang Forbes (BET's "Comic View"), Joe Torry ("Def Comedy Jam") and The Mooney Twins (sons of comedy legend

Paul Mooney) are only a sampling of the talent slated to conduct workshops and seminars over the course of the four days. Workshops including "Social Media & More," "The Art of Stand-Up Comedy," and "Intro to Voiceovers" will assist comedians with conquering every aspect of the business. On Saturday, April 25, KJLH radio host Tammi Mac will also lend her comedic flair with her "On the Radio" workshop.

"Comics On the Catwalk 4a Cause

Fashion & Comedy Show," featuring a special musical guest and after party, promises to be an added event highlight. A co-production with Los Angeles' premier event host, Kevin Rouse of Rouse House Entertainment, comedienne Cocoa Brown (Tyler Perry's "For Better or Worse") and comic and New York's KISS-FM morning show host, Talent Harris, will preside as comedians temporarily forfeit stand-up for fashion on the runway. The affair will benefit The American Diabetes Association and A Nickel of Hope, Inc., a non-profit founded by Hope Flood that helps mentor at-risk girls in the inner cities ( www.anickelofhope.org ). "Comics On the Catwalk 4a Cause Fashion & Comedy Show," will take place Sunday, April 26 at 3:00 p.m. at OHM Nightclub, 6801 Hollywood Blvd in Hollywood. Tickets for this fundraising event are available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/comics-on-the-catwalk-for-a-cause-2015-tickets-16368124501 .

As the founder of Females in Comedy Association (FICA), Flood originally launched her comedy convention a few years ago as the "Females in Comedy Convention," but has since expanded her vision to embrace both genders. With FICA however, she continues to offer female comedians tools for networking, mentoring, and collaborating as

well as fueling awareness for comediennes in the entertainment industry. Comics Rock! will honor females in comedy with a special day of gifting and pampering.

"Comedy on stage and in life is a crucial

component for happiness," cites Flood. "This year's convention is particularly special as we acknowledge all things funny but also all things crucial to survival in this ever changing business. It is especially heart warming for me to pay tribute to pioneer and icon, Dick Gregory. As a guide and mentor, it is his work and dedication that drives me to continue to present this convention year after year."

Hope Flood has always made waves with

her humor, reaching beyond the stage to influence and motivate. Early on in her career she was not only producing weekly showcases that served to propel the career of many comedians, but also publishing her own magazine, "Comedy the Magazine," the first nationally distributed comedy magazine. She has served as an on-air radio personality on Dallas' KRNB 105.7 radio with BJ & The Morning Show and has appeared on the Russell Simmon's HBO All-Star Def Comedy Jam, Comedy Central's "Comic Groove" hosted by Tracy Morgan, and "Comics Unleashed Hot Chocolate with Byron Allen," to name a few. Hope has been a semi-finalist in the Old English 800 Women's Comedy Crunch and a two-time semi-finalist in the Bay Area Black Comedy Competition.

For registration and more information

regarding sponsorship, vendors or attendance, go to www.comicsrockconvention.com. The Comics Rock! Convention is going to seriously shake up the funny.

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Delta Sigma Theta FestivalJoin Clark Atlanta University (CAU) alumnus, Rhonda Bellamy Hodge on Saturday, April 11 (10AM-2PM) where she and dozens of African American owned businesses will be showcased at the 2015 Community Market Festival, Harold W. Lang Sr. Middle School, 1678 Chenault in Dallas. Ms. Bellamy Hodge is the owner of Rbella, handcrafted natural soap, nature inspired beauty and wellness.

Rhonda was one of several CAU alumni showcased in 2014 by The Tom Joyner Foundation when the Atlanta HBCU was highlighted as the August 2014 School of the Month. You can learn more about her business at http://www.rbellah.com/. Her products are also sold at Whole Food Markets. The Community Market Festival is part of an inaugural event sponsored by The Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. The theme for the Expo is This is Your Life: Healthy, Wealthy & Wise.

The expo will include our two signature programs: Teen Town Hall Summit will offer educational seminars for children and parents, and Community Market Festival will allow business owners to offer a wide array of products and services to the community.

This year we are expanding our scope to include a health fair. In addition, a Health Fair will include health care vendors who will offer resource information or services to help improve the community health from head to toe.

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  Dear Alma,  My 59-year-old father may

have conceived a child with his 28-year-old girlfriend. I say “may” because his girlfriend sleeps around, and everybody in town knows it. My father is raising this child as his own. He asked my siblings and me to accept this baby and his girlfriend in our lives. He wants them invited to family parties, holidays, birthdays, cookouts, etc. I believe that before we welcome this conniving duo into our family, he needs to take a DNA test. How do I suggest this without getting him mad at my sister and me? My brother says it’s not our business.  

Ok, pull up a seat, let’s you and I have a semi-confidential conversation. I’ve read your email, perused and pondered it and I’ve got to say, I remain

planted at the same conclusion. I understand the circumstance don’t sit well with you, so scoot close. Lean in, are you ready? Watch my lips – listen to your brother. Paadow! This ain’t your red wagon to pull. I know that’s your daddy and I get the feeling you guys have a close relationship, which is fantastic and more than likely the reason why you’re so upset with the big, white 28-year-old elephant in the room. Yes, I agree, she’s too young for your daddy and yes, I agree, he’s too old to have a baby, but you know what – it is what it is and neither one of them is required to ask for your

permission. Frankly, this is not your state of affairs; you have no control here. Why in the world are you trying to make decisions for a 60-year-old man? Whether he’s living long or living wrong, 60 years is enough time for him to follow his own map of directions. Your father can and will decide with whom he wants to share his life.   Newsflash: he was making decisions about women and finding his way before you were born, LOL. Stay in your lane, sweetie. He’s a grown man handling his business.  If he is raising the baby as his own, then it’s his – period. Like my mama use to say, “If you

feed ‘em long enough, they’ll favor you.” LOL! He has accepted this responsibility, and so should you. If the tables were turned, would you want your father all up in your business? Probably not. Should you date only the guys he approves and accepts for you? Ahhh, I think not. Your daddy has enough love for all his children. This new baby is not taking your place. For the last time Missy; mind your business. Truth be told, we all have enough drama going on in our own backyards to keep us busy. Focus on the weeds in your own garden and let your father tend to his. Seems to me, what looks like an overcast cloud to you is bringing much joy and sunshine to your father. Motivate yourself on being a great big sister. Now wouldn’t that be the most decent move you could make out of this madness?

Ask Alma… My Daddy is Having a Baby with a Young Thang

Ask Alma

Alma Gill’s newsroom experience spans over 25 years, including various roles at USA Today, Ne wsday and the Washington Post. Email questions to: [email protected]. Follow her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and twitter @almaaskalma.

As believers we think we have a lot on our plates. From our perspective however, that shouldn’t mean we’re challenged beyond our capacity to fulfill God’s destiny for us. It just means we have a purpose; God’s.

The more we understand and internalize this, the more we see and appreciate the individual blessings in our lives.

What I’d like to call your attention to now is a statement from Jesus’ mouth to your reality. Now make a note. I am hanging out in that forgiveness thing.

This time it’s not forgiving yourself I’m talking I’m talking about. It is God’s forgiveness and grace about the sins we commit.

Nowhere in the bible can I find an expectation by God that you won’t sin after you are saved. To the contrary, the expectation is that you will. God’s grace and Christ’s blood have taken care of that for you and me.

We just need to keep the appropriate perspective regarding sin and prayer and let God know our confession is genuine. The point I want to bring to your attention is when Jesus says your forgiveness ain’t happening. Luke 17:1 says, “Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to the person through whom they come.” This one stunned me and I thought I’d pass it along to you. ‘…but woe to the person through whom they come.’ This kind of redefines friendship and fellowship, don’t you think?

This statement doesn’t absolve the sinner from the sin, but it does

put a huge burden on the one bringing the sin trying to convince his or her Christian family member that it’s okay to partake.

The consequences of this act appear to be catastrophic. You guys know I believe for anyone to truly hurt you, they have to be close enough to you to kiss you. Can you say Judas?

My point is you cannot plead ignorance on this one. God won’t let you. Woe is waiting. This verse continues to illustrate how you should respond to one who sins against you. You forgive. Period!

The verse is also clear as to your role in the body of Christ. Don’t bring sin to the party and try to convince others it really is okay to engage in it. Eve did that and we all know how that turned out.

So remember this. You are forgiven and you are to forgive. I don’t believe I follow a God of confusion.

This is pretty simple. But let’s not get it twisted. This can be a trap as in entrapment.

Don’t fall for it. Do not ask your friends and family to wallow in your ‘oh woe is me.’ That’s an indication of a lack of faith or, a lack of belief that Jesus has indeed fulfilled scripture.

The alternative is His ‘oh woe is you.’ As always it’s your choice. It always has been and always will be.

May God bless and keep you always.

Spiritual SpeakingBy

James Washington

WASHINGTON: Bringing Sin to the Party? Woe!


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DHS Choirs win Sweepstakes at UIL

Congratulations to the Duncanville High School Choral Department for outstanding performances at the 2015 UIL Concert and Sight Reading competition. The A Cappella Choir and A Cappella Men’s Choirs received the Sweepstakes Award - superior ratings on both performance and sight reading. The A Cappella Women’s Choir and Varsity Women’s Choir received a 1 (Superior Rating) on their performance and a 2 (Excellent Rating) in sight reading. 

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Tune in to Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio, or call 646-200-0459 to hear informative, entertaining, enlightening and thought-provoking commentary and news with veteran

journalist Cheryl Smith on Sundays at 8a.m. , and Mondays at 6p.m., Felicia Shepherd on Tuesdays at 6p.m., Love A Natural Me with Yvette and Amy on Wednesdays at 6p.m., Inside the

234 with Dareia Tolbert on Thursdays at 6p.m., and open lines at noon on Saturday

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"I want Dr. King to know that I didn't come to Selma to make his job difficult. I really did come thinking I could make it easier. If the white people realize what the alternative is, perhaps they will be more willing to hear Dr. King." Malcolm X

Page 18: I Messenger 4 32

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April 10Dallas Black Dance Theatre IICelebrates 15th Anniversary

Dallas Black Dance Theatre II (DBDT II) will open their 15th anniversary season in the Dallas City Performance

Hall, April 10-11, at 7:30p.m with new works from emerging choreographer Nicholas Villeneuve, a Dallas

Black Dance Theatre company member, and the DBDT II Director. 

Performances for the general public are scheduled April 10th and April 11th at 7:00 p.m. To purchase tickets, call

the ATTPAC Box Office at 214-881-0202 or visit www.dbdt.com.

The South Dallas Cultural Center wraps up it's BLACK PAIN/BLACK POWER theater season with "The Burnin" by Cristal Chanelle Truscott on Friday, April 10th and 11th. 

The South Dallas Cultural Center is located at 3400 Fitzhugh Ave. Dallas, Texas 75210. 

General admission tickets are $20 at the box office. Earlybird and discounted tickets are available via 


For more information call 214-939-2787. 

April 11Garland Heritage Celebration Celebrate Garland’s rich history at the second annual Garland Heritage Celebration from 10 a.m. to 5p.m. Saturday, April 11.  Enjoy a day of events in honor of the refurbished Train Car at the Santa Fe Depot, and all of Garland’s historical assets that contribute to the city’s heritage. The event will feature live bands including the Quibble Brothers, Gypsy Playboys, Full House, and Garland’s very own Square Pickers. There also will be cowboy shootouts, food trucks, a face painter, bounce houses, a tour of historic homes, and a trackless train for the kids to ride!  The Central Library will have a train exhibit in the lobby, as well as special guest speaker, Rosemary Rumbley. For details, call 972-205-2993****************State Representative Yvonne Davis will hold a Legislative Town Hall Meeting for constituents of District 111 to discuss pending legislation currently before the Texas House of Representatives as well as other community concerns.

The Legislative Town Hall meeting will be held at the following location and date:

Methodist Charlton Medical Center - (Auditorium)3500 W. Wheatland Road Dallas, Texas 752379:00AM - 11:00AM*Parking is available in parking Lot A or the garage.For more information contact Representative Davis' District office at (214)


Street Name Change Honors Freedom Fighter Al


We're having an old fashion Block Party to celebrate

changing Grand Avenue to


There will be blues from  R.L's Blues

Palace... Food...Storytelling and testifying from

those who knew and loved him...

  Street dancing...Poetry...African drumming and ritual.

2015 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.- Dallas Alumnae Chapter - Community

Market Festival, Harold W. Lang Sr. Middle School, 1678 Chenault in Dallas.

April 16Oak Cliff Chamber's Annual Education

SummitThis year's honored

speaker is: Dr. Joe May

Chancellor, Dallas County Community

College District 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM CDT

Dallas Baptist University, Sadler Hall

3000 Mountain Creek Pkwy, Dallas,

April 17Music is in the air yet again when more than 300

budding singers from Dallas Independent School District's W.H. Atwell Law Academy, Fred F. Florence,

John B. Hood, Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy, Irma L. Rangel Young Women's Leadership Academy,

Sarah Zumwalt, T.W. Browne, Seagoville middle schools and Umphrey Lee Elementary School combine their

voices as one rose performing classical, pop, Broadway, spirituals and gospel in this spring concert. Special

Lobby music by Rangel Hand Bell Choir.                          Coordinated by Stevon Harris  

Promising Young Artist Series4th Annual Budding Rose Concert

  Student Morning Performance | $5

Friday, April 17, 2015 @ 10 AM

Public Performance | $10 Saturday, April 18, 2015 @ 8 PM

  Naomi Bruton Main StageDallas Convention Center Theater Complex

Physical Address: 1309 Canton Street Dallas, TX  75201

Mailing Address: 650 South Griffin StreetDallas, TX 75202

April 182015 African American Education Hall of Fame Program, Luncheon &   Induction Ceremony at 12:00 Noon at the Hilton Garden Inn-Duncanville.  The cost of tickets is $50.  

******UNT-Dallas Campus, Dallas, Texas will host the Cutting Edge Youth Summit on April 18, 2015, from 9am-2pm, at the University Center, 7300 University Hills Blvd, Dallas, TX 75241.. Register for the Cutting Edge Youth Summit today: www.cuttingedgeyouthsummit.com The summit workshops will focus on academic, mental and physical health, civic responsibility, and leadership skills. Once again, each organization and student will be recognized for their involvement. Many sessions will cover a variety of topics: Financial Aid: Money Talks, College Application Process, The Importance of Being A Global Scholar, and many more sessions. In addition, sessions are also available for parents and community leaders. For example, a grant workshop will also be available for local community members. This year’s theme is “Mastering the Keys to Success”

The Cutting Edge Youth Summit is designed to do two things: recognize organizations/students for their hard work, and educate students on how to become effective student leaders. The summit will have great speakers and session leaders!!!

April 23R. Kelly Live at the Music Hall at Fair Park Irving International Women’s Consortium invited you to “In$uence of The Purse” - Purse AuctionThursday, April 30, 2015 from 05:30 PM - 08:00 PM Las Colinas Country Club

April 25Sankofa Global 

presents.......The Afrikan Communiversity w/Dr. Leonard Jeffries  & Prof. James Small  

6 PMVendor booths available

Call today for vending opportunities!469.297.6404

The Black Academy Of Arts and LettersTIES & TUX GALA

Saturday, April 25, 2015 @ 6:00pmat the Hilton Anatole Hotel Dallas

2201 N. Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75207 Individual tickets are $135 and $500Tables of 10 are $1,350 and $5,000

To purchase tickets/tables or for more information,  call the TBAAL Box Office at 214-743-2400 


Congresswoman Johnson presents: 

“A World of Women for World Peace”Saturday April 25th

10am-12 noonCity Performance Hall

2520 Flora StreetRSVP 214-922-8885



Page 19: I Messenger 4 32

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Friday Thursday








Cheryl’s World on Blogtalkradio.com at 6p.m.

Call in to 646-200-0459

Donna P. Charles

5/20/1958 - 3/23/2012Elusive Lady #22

Spring 1978Beta Alpha Chapter

of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.,



Congresswoman Johnson presents: 

District 30 Youth Crime and Prevention SummitMonday April 27th

9 am-11.30 amUniversity of North Texas at Dallas

7300 University Hills Blvd.RSVP 214-922-8885

May 1

 Mike Epps: The Real Deal TourStarts: 8:00 PM

@ Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie

1001 Performance PlaceGrand Prairie, TX 75050

(972) 854-5050

Send in your calendar items today.



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DFWMSDC  2013  Supplier  of  the  Year  -­  Category  1Small  Business  Administration  (E-­200)  Emerging  Leaders  Class  2014

TUCK  Executive  Education  at  Dartmouth  Class  2014  Goldman  Sachs  10,000  Small  Business  Program  (Dallas)  Class  of  2014

Quest  for  Success  2013  -­  Dallas  Black  Chamber  of  Commerce

Page 20: I Messenger 4 32

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Available at newstands in Garland, Plano, Balch Springs, Seagoville, Rowlett, Mesquite,

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FAMU Rattlers victorious



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New Voices









Martin named NABJ !Journalist of the Year

See Martin, page 11

Roland S. Martin


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See Baisden, page 6 Michael Baisden

Michael Baisden leaves airwaves -- Skip Murphy moves to slot


D’LYTE & EBONYMusic Happenings

VALDER BEEBEThat Celebrity Interview

MISS RAYGoing Deep in the Roots

YVETTE BROOKSYour Curlfriend!

KENNY JAYMaking Women Happy!

Single Mom Chronicles


Say NO to any ASSAULTBy Cheryl Smith - Texas Metro News

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Tamecka Grate Frazier

Debra Mars

See Sexual Assault, page 18

Welcome Home Ambassador

Ron Kirk!p.7




Joyce Ann Brown lost

Nine Years,

Five Months

and 24 Days

of her life



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No. 1 serving the African American Community

November 6 - 12, 2008 Volume No. 55 Issue No. 44www.DallasWeekly.com


Page 10

Recycle thisnewspaperwhenfinishedreading

City of Dallas

Sanitation Dept.

CHANGE!Obama wins election and makes ...

Page 5

The election is overnowwe can beginElection night coverage onKKDA focuses on issues

Page 6

Obama’s winmayface limitationsGeorge Curry looks at thefuture with President Obama




Nation elects first AfricanAmerican president ,as Barack wins handidly

See PAGE 7





Democrat RepublicanNOVEMBER 4, 2008 ELECTION






: Jose







Lifestyle Is gospel music dying?Management blamed for issues

Page 8

Business Food for thoughtCongresswoman addresses

Oak Cliff Chamber Page 12

Health Prevent heart attacksHeart disease remains high on

list of illnesses Page 15

No. 1 serving the African American Community

April 30-May 6, 2009 Volume No. 56 Issue No. 18www.DallasWeekly.com


Page 13

Recycle thisnewspaperwhenfinishedreading

City of Dallas



Page 2

Speaking of PeopleRon Price elected to nationalorganization post

Page 4

NationalWhy Democracyhangs in the balance

Page 9


SPIRITUALRemebering Joe Hudson Jr.

Page 1 0

HEALTHHow to avoid the Swine flu

Page 15

BUSINESSHow to brand you

Page 16

MetroMavericks surpassesSpurs in playoffs

By Patrice J. [email protected]

Studies by theUniversity of Texas atDallas Institute of UrbanPolicy, United Way andTexas A&M are takingplace now to assess thequality of life in the SouthDallas community beforebillion dollar projectsinvolving the new DARTLight Rail and the Trinity

Toll Road are brought tothe area. Some construc-tion has begun with thedemolition of homes tofollow later this year.At a meeting held by the

three institutions, a focusgroup of sorts dished ideasand findings on the surveysthat have told the story of theresidents of South Dallas.“We are measuring con-

ditions that may vary fromstreet to street,” said Dr.

Timothy Bray, director ofthe Institute of UrbanPolicy Research. He helps

oversee the The FieldResearch Team whichunderwent 80 hours of

training in administeringthe anonymous surveys.“Over three to four yearsthere are changes in condi-tions and we want to knowhow it affects the area.”

In having the conversa-tion about building withinSouth Dallas, many issuesarise with respect toeducation and business in

See ROAD, page 19

The Long andWinding RoadLight rail, Trinity River road highlyscrutinized in South Dallas








Political analysts, both mainstream and Black news

media and intellectuals around the country have given their

grade evaluation on President Barack Obama’s first 100

days in office, marked on April 30. Here’s how several

people from the local front graded the new president.

Congresswoman EddieBernice Johnson

Grade:A“I am deeply impressed with the progress that

President Barack Obama has made during the first 100days of his administration. Already we are seeingevidence of the administration’s plan to dig our countryout of recession and develop long-term, sustainable pros-perity. President Obama has made two trips abroad,proving to us and to the world that he intends to

repair our frayed alliances and restore ourinternational leadership.

Finally, the Obama adminis-tration’s code of ethicshas broughtmuch-neededtransparency andaccountability to theWhite House.

President Obamais delivering on thechange that hepromised.”

Senator Kay

Bailey HutchisonGrade: C

“In just 100 days, we’ve seen an alarming accel-

eration of policies that will take America down the

wrong track. The administration has proposed

trillions of dollars in new spending, which will

result in higher taxes on Americans, while sharply

raising our indebtedness to foreign creditors.On the national security front, I am

very concerned aboutthe President’s intention toclose Guantanamo without aworkable plan to relocatedetainees. It is mysincere hope that,movingforward,


tration willadopt the productive,

responsible approach to ournation’s challenges thatAmericansdeserve.”(The office of John Cornyn of

Texas was contacted but did


1 AND 2

Dallas is abuzz at theelection issues beforethem on May 9 whencitizens are asked tovote on the controver-sial ConventionCenter Hotel that isbeing backed byMayor

Leppert. But what doesvoting “no” and voting“yes” mean?It is important to

remember that thepropositions are toamend the Dallas CityCharter which, amongother things, gives thecity the power to acquireproperty for any publicpurpose. The propositionsare worded to prohibit thecity from acting on thesebefore stated powers.Therefore, if a citizen wouldlike the city to maintainthose powers, they are tovote NO and vice versa.

Evaluating President Obama’s First 100 Days


WhyYES means no

and NOmeans yes

See VOTE, page 38See 100 DAYS, page 19

Find out all th


lowdown on M


weirdest mut

antsPG. 12





Movie Tidbits

Pg. 12



celebrates 56 years

of serving the Black




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A guy who hits a womancan be called lots of things.

“Man” is not one of them.


Join Mayor Mike Rawlings for The Ten Thousand Man Ral l y Against Domestic Abuse at 10am on March 23rd at Dal las Cit y Hal l . (DART exit at Convention Center Station.) I t ’s t ime for the men of Dal las to say, enough is enough.

Join the ral ly, 3.23.13

39946_MOROCH_MAA_NP_Ad_BW.indd 1 2/28/13 1:41 PM

Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE?

POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care?We know he has attacked members of

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers.

If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers


Also, if you want extra protection,

check out Street Safe at


“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


SILENTJoin I Messenger in the call for justice. Turn Pookie in today!