How to measure facebook ads


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Measuring Facebook Ads is different than Pay-per-click. Here is how I effectively measure Facebook ads using persona marketing.

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Successful Management & Measurement

Kevin Spidel - @kspidel – [email protected]

*Facebook Advertising

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*Persona Targeting

*Facebook gives us the ability to target behavior more than any other advertising campaign. Because many users create “like patterns” that we can group into consumer behaviors, the best approach to Facebook marketing is through Facebook ads and persona targeting campaigns.

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*Consumer Habits & Timing

*A Facebook persona, is a profile of a consumer with “Like” patters that are predictable based their habits.

* Examples: Marketing for a Charter School that emphasis a strong music program. We targeted mothers who are Glee fans in a specific geography.

* I have also targeted a persona I called “pretty princess mothers.” Which has tendencies to “Like” many accessorizing name brands like Prada, Coach, Sephora, and that also like various brands of wine.

* The wine part is key for timing. I would target them specifically when it is most likely they have wine and surfing (late weekend nights or Sunday nights) and we would send them low cost, but high quality accessories from ecommerce sites. The guilt free purchases ramp up! Images of women enjoying themselves while wearing great accessories and drinking win, usually yield best results.

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*Maximizing Your Budget

*I would identify the segment and de-incentivize the click by sending them simply branded content. I would have Facebook charge us CPC on this branded type marketing.

*If they click on a simple branded ad, which no compelling content… then they are a highly qualified lead and convert over 75% of these clicks. But because we are charging CPC and de-incentivizing the click, we are getting free impressions to this universe.

*I would then throw a compelling image and copy to this same universe after the branded content as ran 4 – 5 impressions to this segment. With this compelling ad, I would incentivize the click and charge CPM so the cost per click is less.

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*Measure Differently

*With this methodology, we can stretch out small budgets for maximum impact. However, as you can expect, the traditional PPC metrics of CPM, CPC, and impressions will be skewed significantly.

*So my measurements of success are based on conversions by segment and budget. For Facebook, I use a cost-per-like and/or a cost-per-acquisition model.

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*Phased Measurement

Facebook Ads Like GrowthCommunity

Management Conversion Purchase

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*Remember Facebook is Social

Facebook Ad

*Facebook ecosystems invokes Like’s. It is natural to Like within Facebook… so ask for it.

*Conversion from a Facebook ad to anything other than a Like gets expensive.

*Measure Cost Per Like’s when it comes to Facebook Ads.

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*Why would they click-thru?

Ask for the Like

*Click-thru promise. (Invoke intent with the add, but fulfill on the landing page within your Fan Page)

*Don’t just send them to they page, ask for the Like

*Ways to ask: Like-Gate, Custom Landing page within your Fan Page

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*Invoke exchange. Build trust.

*Once a new fan is found, engage with Page Management

*The 60:20:20 Page Management role. (60% Fan Engagement, 20% Self Promotion, 20% Vertical Discussion)

*Lead them to custom conversion pages w/ incentives.

*Measure # of Likes versus # of emails collected as success.


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* Social Commerce

*Track purchases from Facebook via Lead-Source.

*Lead nurture via email (remember they came from Facebook!)

*Measure success through leads from Facebook converted into customers.

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*@kspidel | [email protected]

*For additional Facebook advertising solutions contact Kevin Spidel |