Herget James Carol 1962 Jamaica

a./rn FITBRU.-.RY l%'2^ 2*£U-Box-'5'" - Half Way "Pree Jainaica, W.I, Dear Friends, After much Prayerful consideration^ we have decided to discontinue our printed Jamaica ^VoJigel for one year and get our news before you a little r;iore regularly by means of this news letter. Pleaso/do pray i^th us-about it, that this might prove even more interesting Mu home. The IS^.ngel, being published infrequently, could not get our regular homey nev/s to you as often as v;e iiK)uld have liked and we hope this new method xvill. , Pictures on our KdJiiQDgraph riio.y not cd^^ays be good but \d.ll do our best iri.th them. Juiuor friends of ours ho.ve missed the monthly.' "Jamaican Junior" since ive discontinued it and wo vail now try and give it back to them. ^ ^ the meantijjio, there is a way in which you can help. The Jamaica Christian Boys' Mome 13 a Lunited Liability Company, or corporation. This is a non-profit corporation haying ticmbers'^' instead of share-holders. These Members are people like yourselves, just ^rienus deeply interested in the i-rark of the Home. YOU can be a Member. Your dues are or if live in Jarmica, 5 shillings. This money goes entirely tomrd t .e publishing of news of the Home such as this paper and there is no obligation. We urge you then to become a .member. Enclosed you will find zi blank form which ive ope ^u in Uoe fill in, and return to us. Can ive now be encouraged by your shoiirins -ohis interest in us? ^3ay .the Lord bless youl ^ 6 SHOMS 0? BLSSSBIGS - . Yes, showers of blessings have been falling on tivo of Jamaica's precious little ones. Rescued from cruel fate, Da\'id and Roy are novr happily enjoying life in Faster Hall. Our lovely new donuitory l:ias been blessed v/ith the coifiing of these boys, David came to us quite ill and has been under.the constant caro of our f..ithful Dr. :larch. Gradually he has been gaining strength and in another month or two should be quite healthy, for his cxrays and blood tests vrare good. David was an unwanted child - the sores'that covered his body bore mute testi mony to this. He was t^^o years old last October. David -rrtmWAMTED! \\ NOW SOl^EONE CARE^^ Roy ms a year and ten months x-zhen ive found him and is a healthy child whd'showa signs of loving caro. This car© \-rcis snatched from him a few weeks ago when his mother'. died, God blessed hini when he iras united id.th seven- teen^brothers who quickly took him into their hearts, Roy is ,.fi" happy baby, bubbling over mth personality. GOD TAKES AV;AY AilD GIVES I This issue of the Evangel is . " brought to you vdtr: compliKiGnts of Go';rge Kalpnat, Grace Keiliiedy and Co. Ltd., and A.A'guilar Ltd y- Our Chapel life was exciting in January. Mr. and from.America to hold a meeting for us and it a real success. Over t;vD hundred people attended, most of theru regularly, and nine i^ere baptized. We broke our Sunday School record id-th 152 present and the church ivas strengthened. Yes, showe] of blessings fell on our Chapel this past month. has used them in Jainaica. Also visiting us in January i/ere Mr. and MrV. Les- Mr. Lumsden'is an'elder of the FiTst " " ^«piristian Church in Elizabethton, Tenn. and a member of the board of East Tenn. Christian Home. We were happy to have jbeen able to compare notes to^vard the better running of pur Home and Xv'e appreciated their visit. have increased ,Ath the ZJ sincerely that you remember us in your prayers. Tho.nk ^u ever^so_Buch for your generous and loving gift tl.is :.onth. May God b^e^yo; for It. At; tmes is a temptation to toll you all that we need, but ive-are determined to Heaven^ Father and daily put our trust in Hijru So" pray .^us . urust "ivith us for the mooting of. the needs of this ivork. Christian love from all the fa


missionary newsletters

Transcript of Herget James Carol 1962 Jamaica

  • a./rn FITBRU.-.RYl%'2^

    2*U-Box-'5'" -Half Way "PreeJainaica, W.I,Dear Friends,

    After much Prayerful consideration^ we have decided to discontinue our printed Jamaica^VoJigel for one year and get our news before you a little r;iore regularly by means of thisnews letter. Pleaso/do pray i^th us-about it, that this might prove even more interestingMu home. The IS^.ngel, being published infrequently, could not get our regularhomey nev/s to you as often as v;e iiK)uld have liked and we hope this new method xvill.

    , Pictures on our KdJiiQDgraph riio.y not cd^^ays be good but \d.ll do our best iri.th them.Juiuor friends of ours ho.ve missed the monthly.' "Jamaican Junior" since ive discontinued itand wo vail now try and give it back to them.

    ^ ^ the meantijjio, there is a way in which you can help. The Jamaica Christian Boys'Mome 13 a Lunited Liability Company, or corporation. This is a non-profit corporationhaying ticmbers'^ ' instead of share-holders. These Members are people like yourselves, just^rienus deeply interested in the i-rark of the Home. YOU can be a Member. Your dues are

    or if live in Jarmica, 5 shillings. This money goes entirely tomrdt .e publishing of news of the Home such as this paper and there is no obligation.

    We urge you then to become a .member. Enclosed you will find zi blank form which iveope ^u in Uoe fill in, and return to us. Can ive now be encouraged by your shoiirins

    -ohis interest in us? ^3ay .the Lord bless youl ^ 6SHOMS 0? BLSSSBIGS - .

    Yes, showers of blessings have been falling on tivoof Jamaica's precious little ones. Rescued from cruelfate, Da\'id and Roy are novr happily enjoying life inFaster Hall.

    Our lovely new donuitory l:ias been blessed v/ith thecoifiing of these boys, David came to us quite ill andhas been under.the constant caro of our f..ithful Dr.:larch. Gradually he has been gaining strength and inanother month or two should be quite healthy, for hiscxrays and blood tests vrare good. David was an unwantedchild - the sores'that covered his body bore mute testimony to this. He was t^^o years old last October.


    -rrtmWAMTED! \\NOW SOl^EONE CARE^^

    Roy ms a year and ten months x-zhen ive found him and is a healthy child whd'showasigns of loving caro. This car \-rcis snatched from him a few weeks ago when his mother'.

    died, God blessed hini when he iras united id.th seven-teen^brothers who quickly took him into their hearts,Roy is ,.fi" happy baby, bubbling over mth personality.


    This issue of the Evangel is . "brought to you vdtr: compliKiGntsof Go';rge Kalpnat, Grace Keiliiedy

    and Co. Ltd., and A.A'guilar Ltd

    y- Our Chapel life was exciting in January. Mr. andfrom.America to hold a meetingfor us and it a real success. Over t;vD hundred

    people attended, most of theru regularly, and nine i^erebaptized. We broke our Sunday School record id-th 152present and the church ivas strengthened. Yes, showe]of blessings fell on our Chapel this past month.has used them in Jainaica.

    Also visiting us in January i/ere Mr. and MrV. Les-Mr. Lumsden'is an'elder of the FiTst " "

    ^piristian Church in Elizabethton, Tenn. and a member ofthe board of East Tenn. Christian Home. We were happyto have jbeen able to compare notes to^vard the betterrunning of pur Home and Xv'e appreciated their visit.

    have increased ,Ath theZ J sincerely that you remember us in your prayers.Tho.nk ^u ever^so_Buch for your generous and loving gift tl.is :.onth. May God b^e^yo; forIt. At; tmes is a temptation to toll you all that we need, but ive-are determined to

    Heaven^ Father and daily put our trust in Hijru So" pray .^us .urust "ivith us for the mooting of. the needs of this ivork.

    Christian love from all the fa

  • # d lu tt I o d ii Jiiiiiui

    Vol. 12 ^ FEBRUARY 1962 No. 1

    " A NEW mR "

    For nicgo th^__ley0n. we havebeen missionaries in Taiiiaica, teaching boysand girls about Jesus. Just a few weeks agowe went to the Tvedding of a boy whom Jim Baptized as .1 little fellow years ago. Perhapssome of you might rWiember the children whovfere left alone mth only a ten year old sis-tor Pauline. The children have grom but havenot forgotten the Lord Jesus.

    It has been a happy v)rk here in Jamaicaand thank God for the many opportunities wehave had to serve Him here. Boys and girlsstill need Josus and every day now i^e findthem flocking around us - 1$ boys are. in ourhome, 70 boys and girls in our school, anddaily many others come in and out for Chapel,Bible Classes,and Youth meetings. Our Homeis bubbling day and night \d.th children, andv;e all enjoy it. Remember us in your prayers.


    We. are beginning again to list the giftsof our. boys and girls as we used to do, andhope that you ^-rill enjoy hearing i#iat othersare doing. Here is the list for January:

    Beginners Dep't, Heyivorth, Hi. $3.98Edna Arneys Boys and Girls, Comland,Ill, 4.52Folloirers of Jesus C.E., Fairfield, 111. 7.UkJr. Girls, Conyers, Ga. 5.00(lour gifts are a great help to our boys)


    Enclosed in our letter you iidll find tinycalendars that have been kindly given by Mr.Eai'l Stedman and Mr, L. Lehto of N.Carolina.We are grateful for this nice gift.

    " ko?j.i::g chvi z time "

    One of the nicest things about Uncle Vanand Aunt Doris Hanna who came to Jamaica tohold an evangelistic meeting, was that theyloved our boys and girls. Every morning theyhj^ a new s.irrprise for the school at Chapeltime. The singing could be Beard a block ai\rciyfor the boys and girls loved the tricky choruses. Everyone agreed that they ivant the Han-nas to come back another year.


    Foster Hall is anL shaped building attached to the oldhouse. Its halls nowrings \ith happy voiceswhile busy feet hurryup and dnxm froTa rnnmto room.

    Mbving-in time x^aslots of fun and now weare quite settled. Afriend the boys alllove is our new matronMrs. Erion who camefrom England. We will

    tell you more about her next month.

    " "iT "

    Andy and Peter have enjoyed their firstvreeks at Wolmers Boys School where they haveentered upon winning a scholarship. School isstrangely different than it had been and theyare gro^d.ng up in their new experiences. Oneof the things they like most is the Canteen!

    The school places a very lo\^ price on foodso that children are able to have enough toeat. The first iveek of school they returnedeach day to tll of three or four differentthings they were,able to bi^ Td.th a shillingand six pence. (120^) jlndy beamed a^ he' said,"I bought a hot dog, pop corn,, peanitts, and adrink today." Daddy smiled as he looked doimat his little son and said, "Andy, could I goto lunch school tomorrow?"


    Here is a picture of our t^ro new babies,Roy and David. They have become fast friendsand they keep the Nursery in gay spirits. Oneday we heard them singing over and over, "Hap-py, Happy, Happy," thinking all ^vas well. Butwhen we went into the nursery we found theyhad completely taken one of the cribs apart I


    Here is a ivay in ^vhich you can help I Weare constantly in ^eed of shoe strings. Nexttime you ivrite to us, you could enclose apair of brown or black shoe strings in yourletter. Please write to us and tell us howyou like our now Evangel.

  • 4I hta/caTV i/or^

    Vol. 12 MARCH 1962 No. 2EARTHQUAKES

    Have you ever felt an earthquake? Well,havel Jxi fact, during the last week in MarchiTO had a total of eight earthquakes. The houseshook, idjidoiira rattled, floors heaved, and thenrolled, and people prayed. Yes, it i^as veryexciting and also a tiine for people to remember the God who had made them. Our boysthought it \-fCxs fun but MoionQr and Daddy didn't 1


    Saturday is vrark day at the Home andfind it a rich and reivarding day. Last i^eekfrom early morning until supper time, labored diligently in the vegetable garden,\^ood-ing, planting, and watering. It was not untili-ro reached the supper table that vio realizedthat we all had a good sunburn.

    After supper the whole family i^jent out onthe lawn to rest and to sing. iVe enjoyed agood half hour of songs before the sun slippeddovm behind the clouds to rest until anotherday. Night falls quickly in Jannica and theevening breeze is lovely as it sings throughthe boughs of the coconut trees. Yes, it singsa song that lulls all Jamaican children tosleep and then fans them gently through thenight,


    The palm trees sivr.yed in the cool nightbreeze while a lovely moon looked doivn on the

    hillside where great numbers of people gathered.There were no seats. The"little church could notbegin to hold the cro^^who had gathered to hearthe Word of God and to seethe lovely fiLii by theernon Brothers of U.S.A.

    For tvro hours they stood, grasping every ifordthat they could get, hungry to hear.

    The boys have been going to bhe country\rith Daddy quite often for preaching and theyenjoy this missionary life. Daddy always gives

    _thenL_an opportunity to speak and tell people-how good it is to be a Christian. Wouldn'tyou boys and girls like to have such a greatopportunity of being little missionaries?


    Young People, Comland, 111.Mrs. Ameys Cl. Boys and Girls

    Comland, 111,We Need You Class, Comland, 111,Boys and Girls, Comland, 111,




    Comland, Illinois, is like a city that isset upon a hill, that cannot be hid. Theirboys and girls have done a real work in Jarfiai-ca for a long tirne and we know the Lord isproud of them, God bless youi


    One day some friends came and showed ourboys a very ironderful filia about differentniissions all over the i-rorld and how Comunismcan only be stopped through God's help.They were very impressed T-d.th the story andpictures they saw of starving boys and girls inother lands and how they worshipped gods ofwood and stone. In the picture it sho^^d someschool boys idio gave up their milk and foodtmce a i^eek to help children who were, hun:ry.

    That night our boys i^re very concerned.They ^vanted to help others, too. We told themthat we did not have enough monjy to send axvayto other lands, and that the only \^y they coioldhelp \>rould be to give up something of their oi\in,

    Kenneth volunteered iiranediately and asked ifhe could give his supper. Others folloived. After much discussion 'ire set aside Tuesday nightsfor missions. On that night the family eatsonly bread and milk and ive divide evenly amongall the money that we would have spent for soup

    or sand^d.ch meat.When the meal.is over

    v/e have our missionarymarch ^diile we sing,"Jesusloves the little children,red and yellow, black andivhite," and \ge march

    around our sacrifice bonk and drop the moneyinto it. Now it is almost full of small coinsand we be able soon to send it ax\sxy tomissionaries in Brazil whom the boys have chosen to help.

    You boys and girls have been helpers, too,and v/e thank God for you and-for your help tous. We are your missionaries in Jamaica and weare glad that you are helping the hungry littleones here. Eighteen of them are ,in this Homeand it's because you have helped!


    Nursie Tait has been irorking \ri.th the bojrsas mother's helper for over three years. Shehas been excellent ivith the boys and now thatthey are older, she is eharge of the Nursei^and the new younger ones. They love her!

    Mrs. Erion flew out from England becauseshe felt the Lord x-janted her in Jamaica. Shedidn't know us then, but two iiroeks later met usand moved into the Home. God sent her to usjust as He had Nursie Tait. Mrs. Erion is nowin charge of the older boys. But Mommy and Daddy are still right at handI The boys do muchof their own work both in the house and in theyard. We ^'/ant them to be busy beavers.


    This issue of the Evangel is brought toyou iidth the compliments of Grace Kennedyand Co. Ltd., Mr, Bancroft Hylton, andWrights Jewelry Store.

    THANKS to all of you for your constant help.

  • 7 /) ela / c (Z cinge. 'SS?

    JojriT.ica Christian Boys' HomeP.O. Box 5Half Way Tree^ Jcmiaica, W.I.


    liARCH 11962

    ^ On Ilirch 11th at the Meuorial Chapel Christian Churchy a KGmorial service ivas held for Lt.C.V. Hall. (1882-1945) Mr. Hall established "the work of the churches of Christ in Jaiinica.Of the eleven churches of Christ that were ro-

    personally established by1 least six of~the churches that he

    established are active., Richmond, I^Iandevillebeing the strongest, ministered by E.A. Woodstock.

    Messages were brought by Bro. V/oodstock andBro. Levy,^minister of the Mountain Viev7 churchof Christ in Kingston, and by several of theelders ^iho had worked id.th Bro. Hall and hadbeen led to Christ by him.

    After the opening of the service in the Chapel, and messages there, the guests numbering ,more than_a hundred, moved to the Home's FOSTSrIHALL where its new library ivc.s then dedicatedto the memory of Bro. Hall, Alovely plaqueivas placed on the door of the library statingthis dedication, ^d.th the prayer that it \d.llbe used in training the boys for Christianl^dershj.p In churohP^ nf Christ hog^,-laany books have been donated and it is hopedmore will be given as the boys grov; older andcan read and study scriptural vrorks.

    J-:unes and Carol HsrgetCO worker, Guy IVhitley

    WHY H.flVB A KCMS ?

    It has been said that small children cancatch" f^ear and ho.tred from people around them

    more quickly than they can catch measles orchicken pox. The virus of fear wiay burrowdeeply into their sub-conscious and remainthere for a 3.ifetime, But, fortunately, ciiild-_ron can catch love and faith and goodness andso grow up to become normal happy adults.

    Recently our dentist. Dr. Henry Lope?., v/hohas cared for our boys' teeth since the beginning of the Home as a charitable gift, told usthat our boys' teeth are ajiiong the finest inchildren that he has seen. This, he said,proves that their diet is good and free fromtoo many sweets.

    Good diet is the answer for physical health.Our children oat plain foods vrlth almost nocandies and rich desserts. Funds do not per-jiiit indulgence of any kind, arid consequentlythey feast on vegetables and tropical fruits.

    But good food is not enough, for it caresonly for the physical. Mental health being-oj:-isqualr-j_nyjui-Luucu, is~iiiaintainecrirTouf"Moniethrough hours and hours of devoted attentionto love and training.

    Agift of $60.00 by E.G. Putnam, of Eldorado^1, and friend of Bro. Halls, began the fundfor the library equipment. It is fourteen bytx^enty-one feet vn.th bookshelves surroundingstudy tables. Fluorescent lamps in the ceilings give ample light and one side of the roomopens in aluirdnum jalousies. It is a part ofFOSTER for boys, xvhich ^^^Cts opened in December 1961. This building now houses 18 boysv/ith room for 26 as the Home is able to increase its nuiabers.

    The ministers all expressed earnest hope forthe future of the church in Jamaica.through thdboys of the Home and pledged their support inthe project. It is our prayer that our boys

    gi'oy to be true Christian citizens, helping Jtimaica in its struggle to be Christian,

    Encyclopedias have been donated from bookcompanies in America and many library books forc>mall children froia the Methodist church in Depevf Nev; York through the interest of Jim Her-,^ots^ cousin ^Marvin Herget. Broxmsburg Church(Christian) in Indiana gave leany study books.

    JUST A CHRISTIANHyacinth, a beautiful Jeio.sh mother made

    friends vath us in her youth and. at that timealmost became a Christian. Recently she cameback to the church and renewed her interest.Last week^Jim baptized her and she began hernow life in Christ gloriously happy.

    Pray that God will give us vasdom in thisgreat task, and that we Kiight bo able to rescue other precious little lives from the unfortunate fate that is theirs.

    8 YEkPS AGO

    God answered prayer eight years ago andsent a new heavy duty station ^^fagon for ourgrowing family. Now Brother Guy Whitley saysthat on Saturday nights he has to pray extrahard^that it vri.ll start so that he can pickup his list of Sunday School children. Thecar has all but fallen apart vjith its manyjourneys for Home, Cai/ip, School, and Church.

    The floor has rusted through, theengine biims oiland generally speaking, it has seenits last days. Wouldyou like to add this need to your prayer list?


    ycju are interested in borromng a sot ofslides about the vrork in Janiaica for your Sunday School Class or group meeting, you mayivrite to: Mrs. Leslie Lumsden

    . 101 K St,Elisabethton, Tennessee

    Good uead boys' clothing and shoes are helpfuland may be sent to the Home duty free.

  • drrLa/cciJamaica Christian Boys' HomeP.O. Box 5Half Way Tree^ Jamaica, V/.I.

    James and Carol Hergetco-worker, Guy "Whitley

    Dear Ropeholdors,V

    Friendly relations arc being made through a new project between the U.S.A. andJamaica. Its name - "Operation Friendship." Its purpose - to help the needy, notthrough a government to govemirient channel, but from people to people. The expenseof offices, coiui/dttees, and promoters is unnecessary. Gifts from Auiericans arefloim directly to Jamaica and given directly to workers ^vith the needy.

    Very noticable ivhen the American planes left, \^ras the tremendous contributionmade, not only in setting up a center ^d.th medical supplies in Jamaica's poorestarea, "Back Of V7all," but in creating good-\d.ll. When look at the good that wasdone, realize how similar this proceedure is to that of the early church and itsmissionary program. It ms a real Christian to Christian program, a program ofdirect support.

    \ Our work, or should say, "Your work" in Jamaica, is carried on by this sameisiri5)le plan.. .Christian to Christian.- Direct support means no in-between over-head.4YGur-_gift_goes 100^ into life and labor on the field; life to deserted, destitute

    L/boys and labor among the people. Jamaica needs assistance more than ever before,// I'/ith the threat of Coinriiunism at our doors. This need is not just for hand-outs, but

    for Christian schools, Christian homes, Christian Service Camps, and most of all/yf the preaching of the Gospel to the Spiritual hungry.

    Thank you for seeing our need as we labor night and day, many times beyond ourstrength, to help Jamaica at this time of Independance. NEV3R BEFORE IN THE HIS- ^TORI OF OUR WORK HAVE WE REALIZED AS GREAT A NEED. Being parents to 18 of Jamaica'sfinest boys has spurred us on in the fight for preserving Jamaica. We need your

    -pray-ers-^and we-4:.haiik HnSiy fn-p ymir Yonr* jT-i-tnnj? hn.R sl-ightlythis month and \fO see a ray of hope tomrd being able to accomplish the things Godhas laid upon our hearts. May God bless you for helping!




    The Adult Class vrith Mrs, Walke^^eacher,had 38. Our Sunday School is growingl


    During April \iq held six meetings outsidethe Chapel here at the Home. The country people need help and love and understanding, and

    are now ready to help them as the Lord provides. Eagerly thoy gather to listen as theyhoar strains of music, and give rapt attentionto the story of Christ and to the films weshow them.

    We are anxious now to add another film toour collection, or even two. A new "VemonBrothers"film v;ould be helpful as ivell as an"inti-coiimunistic film id.th a Christian message.These films cost around $75.00 each. You canhelpi


    Mr. and Mrs, Harold DeBar traveled aroundthe ^vorld visiting mission stations. Theirlast stop vjas Jamaica and \^ro happy tohive them in our Home overnight.

    On a blackboard in our dining room iswitten the follo^djig wrds of a song i5llknoivn in our family circle.

    Our mortgage is high as a mountainIt can disappear in God^s fountain.With prayer and hard \jorkIf no one ^d.11 shirk,God surely \dJ.l take it aivay, ai^yWith prayer and hardIf no one mil shirk,God surely idJJ. take it aivay.

    . June .30th is a very important day for us,for this date has been set for -a payment-onour mortgage for. the new dormitory. This debtis holding us back and o\'r financial workability CAN BE BETTER.

    Won't you begin to pray ^vith us now, thatGod tdJLl help us pay off a tremendous amountof this indebtedness? All things are possible.We oi'fe apj3roximately .^7000,00.WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE


  • fL ea rn a L unioT

    Vol. 12 APRIL 1962 No. 3


    At lastl The loaded cars pulled out ofthe yard and after a prayer, ^ve ifore off forour annual Easter Cainp. After the first hourof our t\ifo hour trip, Gordon said, "MoMiiy,sitting so long reminds me of being in punishment x^hen you put me on a chair I" We allsmiled as tve reminded hirn of the fun to comeand then the whole car-load broke out mthsinging.

    It \

  • t1i dajncL/ccL i/ix7ige /James and Carol Hergetco-irarker, Guy Whitley

    Jantiica Christian Boys' HoiaoP.O. Box 5Half Way Tree, Jartic.ica3 W. I

    mr 19620

    Dear Friends,

    More than 75 children are r.eoeiviris Christian training and spiritual-guidancedaily in the Jojriaica Christian Boys' Home ojid its Christian Day School and programfor youth. On three days of the vreek the number is doubled. Dare anyone underestimate the possibilities in the lives of children who by the time they reach twelvehave already bccoine veritable power houses for God? The teen-ager a^o has- faith inGod has a tov/er of strength to lean upon* The adult \>;ho has found the peace of Godcan face, any problem, and be victorious. "

    Temptation staggers the Jaijiaican youth * resultt over 75^ of Jamaica's childrenare born out of wedlock, Within the .gates of the Jauiaica Christian Boys' Home, \fQpray for guidance for our ov-ti hearts, that v^e might .help youth to grow happily andkeep hearts and ndnds steady and clean and full of faith.

    Our two and a half acres are bursting xd.th. activity at all times i/ith many projects here in one place* We need more space.,,hot nov;, but in the very near future.The oldest boys in the Home are reaching tv/elve; Teen-age p2X)jects ;\dll help. Wewant to help others in a multitude of i^ays and this means xve ^vill need space*

    That is v;hy \^q are asking God to help us to-pay off the mortgage on the Dormitory.When the time finally comes that are able to acquire land adjoining the Home, GodTri.ll provide. But right now we do believe that by prayer in faith believing, ttatthat God can and vdll help us to clean the Dormitory slate and thus prepare in evena small way, for greater things.

    JUNE 30th is set as our day for .paying a special amount against the mortgage.

    JURE 3Qth" is the day we have asked God to make victory day,JUNE 30th is the day i^re are asking you to pray about, believing all things are



    A pound of udschief,An ounce of care - .

    A bushel of love,.And gold spun hair

    The scales add it, upAs the v/eights move along,

    But even scales. .,Are soriietiiaes wrong!

    For the precious x^eight:"0f his tiny soul,

    That links him to God. And points him a goal.Is most important

    In weighing him \jell.And that groat ivorth

    No scale can tellI

    Boys are great little creatures and in ourhouse ttiore are eighteen completely differentpersonalities, temperaments, colors, nationalities, Giaos, and shapes of oars mth dirtbehind them. Tricks are cheaper by the dozenand the latest one w

  • mai can. unior^Vol. 12 MAY 1962 No. 4


    It ti^elve o'clock midnight and we wereabout finished ;d.th our \^ork when Daddy said,"I am going to bed, please come along soon."He \TOnt out of the room and as he \>rent throughthe living room, heard a tiny cry on the verandah. Thinking it was a kitten, he openedthe door and then as he gasped for his breath,cairie running back for me, v/hispering, "Comequickly.,.there is a basket on the porchl"

    Together hurried out and found there, asweet little native made basket with a dearlittle six month old baby tucked inside I Thebaby i^as a GIRL I ^Tr'nri.np_[ A habj theporch of a Boysj" ,Home 1 We picke'd' her up ten-"derly, Soot^i'ed her crying and in a few ndnuteshad her happily sndJ.ing and cooing. Lying inbed betiiraen us, she soon laughed herself tosleep, a little iirfiite skinned bundle of joy.

    As the s\m came up the real excitement be-gan, for the boys were id.de aivake and poppingwith questions. They had rocallcd hearing ababy cry in the night. It ito.s great fun, forthree days, but a s.ad wh^n t,he_new

    ..parents came to take their little darling a-^y. They loved the little -girl and \ranted to keep hereven though MoHsny and addytold them it woiid not bepossible, ^w their . babygirl has -a lovely Christianmorriniy and daddy who didn'thave any children of their oim io ''care' for. Soall three of them" are happy and'l^'"are too.


    C.Y.F.,.Anaheim, Gal. 5.00Lamplighters, First Ch. Waukegan, 111. 25.00Sunday School, Heyvjorth, 111, 15.00Carol Arkilander, Kingston, Jamaica ,2.00

    Thanks for your letters boys and girls, andalso for your shoestrings that continue to comein, Ronnie Bagby from Bumpass, Va. is veryyoung, but did his part for missions. We also

    -approoiate the nice boys shirts sent from ourfriends in Elizabethton, Term,(First Church).Large boys socks and bed sheets arc the mainneeds for this month and nextl Would you liketo help? Used boys' clothes are very helpful,


    One of the Homo's very dear friends, Mn>-.Alberga learned to love the boys deeply. Shedecided that she \\ranted to do something to helptake in another little boy, No\\r there standsa siinpet little red and white building near theHome that is packed \Tith the most adorable dolldresses of every size and color. Little girlsof the neighborhood can come in and fit theirdolls with a new outfit. Each dress is carefully and lovingly seim, for its maker loveslittle boys.


    This month xrant you to meet Carol Arkilander, a nine year old Canadian girl, livingin Jamaica. Carol went to carrip last year andfound Christ as her Saviour. She has been amost active young Christian ever since, attending services regularly, bringing others mthher, and doing every helpful deed she can findto do. Her mother says that she has grown alovely halo since camp last summer. One dayCarol brought a little package of money i\rith anote, which said, "Please use this money I havesaved, to help keep the Chapel clean,"

    Last \feek igas Carol's ninth birthday and shearrived at Sunday School bubbling over with aspecial excitement. Quickly she i^ispered thatshe had 3?eceived a.-^2,00 bill from her grandfather in Canada for her birthday. We agreedthat it i>7as a lovely gift.

    Aftvir the3r tne service,came and said, "Do you know\^hat I did xvith i^y money? Igave it to the Lord," Thislittle girl loves the Lordand is a keen ivriter of poetry, We believe she id.ll re^dly keop^her wordv/hen she says she is going to be a missionarysome day. Won't you pray for her?


    Names are veiy important in life and Jamaicans, like all other peoples in the world liketo choose interesting names for places andthings. Most people narae their homes in Jamaica. Our home's original name ivas "NonTOod."

    But let us tell you about Hc^f Way Tree, Ithas now become only the name for" the sec^on ofthe big city of Kin^crston 1^re live in. At onetime, Kingston Wis a very small torn in what isnow just the "dovm Tom" section. At the outskirts of to\-m there \\jas a huge tree. Countrypeople coming to Kingston to sell their gardenfoods, would rest beneath this tree. It ivas ahalf i;ay marker from the foot of the hills totoivn, and so it became knoivn as Half VfayLater on when the city grew, a post office wasput there i^hich is now our post office.

    When we first came to Jaiiaica the old treehad been cut but half of it was still standing.Finally they cut doivn the' old half-ivay tree andsadly hauled it aivay.

    " EXAM TH^E "

    This is e:cim tirrie in Jamaica. -First theboys took their musi'; exams and passed nicely.Peter and Andy are ahead and playing very difficult music on the piano. Three boys took thescholarship e3

  • -neZ T/ia I. can a 71/o

    Vol. 12 JUNE 1962 No. 5


    Our bojrs had never seen Montego Bay, thesrnall tourist toivn at the opposite end of theIsland from i^fhere we live. "When the invitation came for all of the boys to visit theChathem Hotel for three days, there i\ras greatexcitement in every corner of the house.

    After a five hour trip across mountains andbeside the sea, our ti^ro overloaded cars pulledi)ar^y into the beautiful grounds of Chathem.At supper time, a long banquet table ivas setfor the entire family. Can you guess how veryhappy \tfere that night?

    After supper the boys flexor into their sidjnsiaits and spent the folloiving tivo hours in thesea, shouting and splashing and laughing and .ST\rimming. The folloxdjig tvto days brought allkinds of fun - a trip on a beautiful boatcalled the "Moby Dick",hours of s-tdjnming,XTatching Jets land and ^ ^takeoff at the air- port, and eating all ^manner of TTOnderfulfoods. Truly, they ^never had had a more wonderful treat in allof their lives I They xvere quite aiiiazed at the"big house-nd.th allr^he rooms and bathrobrns,"and ivrere thrilled at themselves to see howmuch improved their sivimming had become. Allfour big boys learned to spring dive and tenof them now stma in deep xvater, ivhile the others do v/ell in more shallow xvater.

    We are indeed happy for our boys to havehad such a trip and ive thank God for it. Weare also proud of them, for not one boy misbehaved the v/hole time they ivere ai^ay. This isa real'testimony that Jesus lives in theirhearts, isn't it?


    Kenneth looked up thoughtfully from hisdinner. He had been using his best Englishmanners, eating his food from the back of his

    it-hadbeen a struggle learning to do it ^^^ell andKenneth hadn't liked the learning.

    Noiv his thoughtful look turned into a question, "Moumy, do I still have to eat from theback of my fork after get independence fromEngland?"

    This issue of the Jamaica Evangel is publishedTTith the compliments of The Times Store on KingStreet and at the Plaza.

    JULY IS CAMP MONTH THIS YEAR, .rememberoLir boys and girls in youi' prayers.There are to be five different cairns thisyear and almost sixty are already registered. This is our fifth year of camping.


    Many long years ago America gained her Independence from England, Now Jamaica, a verysmall island here in the Caribbean Sea, hasbeen promised Independence from England on thesixth of August. It is a great time in thehistory of this land and plans are being madefor exciting celebrations.

    Our boys idJJ. receive special gifts of sov-eniers from the Government, a -small flag each^a pretty drinking mug, siveets, and other littlethings. The Home is to receive a big new flagof Jamaica, This new flag for a new nation isgreen, yellow, and black,A nev; national anthem hasbeen ;\rritten and peopleiTill no longer sing "GodSave The Queen" as theyhave done for the past three hundred years. Wepray that Jamaica as a new nation will beginand almys remain a Christian nation.


    Primary Dep't, Heyi^orth, 111, 8.30We Need You Class, Cornland, 111, " 12.21V.B.S., Washington, N.Carolina 22.59Primary II, Saybrook, 111. 10.00y.B.S., Louisville, 111. 92.57S.S., Heyworth, 111. - - 35.75Edna Amey's Class, Cornland, 111, 12.21

    Thanks boys and girls for your help againthis month and for your love for Jamaica. Youare helping us in July to make Camp possiblefor many boys and girls. May God bless you allfor your interest in the mission field here.


    Carl and Grace Fish, missionaries to Japan,came to visit us in Jamaica, Grace Fish is JimHerget's sister. Betty and Ed Hamilton, Carol'ssister and husband, gave them gifts of planetickets to visit us in Jamaica before going toJapan for five years. We had a vronderful visitTvith them and were happy to see their childrenand have them in our home. Our boys enjoyed

    Tiearing nine yxo.r old Monica Fish sing Jesusloves me, in Japenese.


    We are much in need of clothing for the boys.This can be used clothing. We can also usevarious kinds of used clothing for needy peoplein the church.

    Our boys need socks, too. Perhaps your classndght like to have a sock shoi\rer, and if so,iTOuld be most grateful. We need large sizes -size 9j and 10, for suddenly the boys' feet seemto be grooving very fast. They can be xyashed androlled and sent with used clothing or separately,just mark them, "For free distribution, not tobe sold.-^ Thanks a lot I

  • -rr^e. dcanciLCCL (SrangelJamaica Christian Boys' HomeP.O. Box 5Half Way Tree, Jamaica, W.I.

    JUNE 1962 James and Carol Hergetco-worker, Guy Whitley

    Dear Friends,

    To tell you which month this year has been the busiest or happiest, Tvould be an aljoostimpossible task. June brought some interesting changes as far as personel is concerned andMB are thrilled. Three Lincoln Christian College girls arrived to help in our summer programand v/onder now just \diat we did before they came ~ or \4hat lire tvill do when they go home I

    JUDY LEE HAFER, of Kenosha, Wisconsin, brings the morning Chapel lesson for ChristianDay School, assists in the Home office in the mornings, sings in the Choir, and takes care ofthe all day care children afternoons in the school.-

    MARY KINNEY, of Greenville, Illinois, teaches each day in the Christian Day School,assists in the Home in the afternoons, sings in the Choir, and helps Td.th youth wrk,

    ELLM STCX)PS, of Brazil, Indiana, supervises the Home dormitory from 6:30 a.m. throughthe day, sews for the boys, and sings in the Choir,

    //^ > All three girls are making a remarkable contribution to the work herethis summer, and we thank God for each of them. In two more weeks,they idJLl be going with us, the Lord mlling, to assist in summer con^,all of them teaching. Miss Audrey Lazarus, our ovm student at Lincoln ,1^0 has returned for the^sunmier lyith the other girls, will also assist

    at ca5). Carltoh MuUings,oiir ministerial student at Alberta Bible College is r.etum-ing after ti;o years to be ourCanp ?esper speaker. Our burden has tmaly been liftedI


    Have your considered the real value of the Christian DaySchool in a country like Jamaica? Most of the Grade and HighSchools are church-run schools. Anq^le opportunity is availablefor teaching children about God and the doors are iTide open toNew Testament Christianity turnong our children.

    At the present time, over half of our school children aremembers of our Sunday School. Several families have been ivon to Christbecause of the school. Children living in homes i^ere parents are totally^un-ihtorested in the things of God, are receiving daily teaching from God'sWord. This effort is a 1^forth^1rflile one and deserves yoiir prayers. We needSunday School papers, crayons, bogj^sg:^^sa^s,-^s^id colored pictures. You can help^GOVERNMENT GRANTS ONE YEAR



    For the past tv/o yea3:%we^v^,..e9aaa:^djir-^omxig need for helpers in the Home. One ofour friends recently tvrote, ^^^Hcerrtr^omd so easy - just as though it ivere no trouble atall raising those boys." Well, mg are glad that vre can smile and make it sound easy, for thatis C-od's vjay. But behind the scenes, ive all know that there are hours of exhaustion whereini^e must keep right on, times of momentary discouragement \d.th one boy that is quickly dispelledby the good behaviour of another - long hours in the night, of planning and preparation for thenow day's wrk. The buzz of the poi\rer saw keeps tune ivith the typewritter and somehow ive getthrough.

    God hears our every prayer and this fall is providing help. Mr. and Mrs. Hartzell Essexof Boise, Idaho, are planning to come to assist us, being alloived by the government to spenda year mth the Home. They.are coming T^ell recommended. MrsEssex %vorked in the Boise Homefor children for eight years, and Mr. Essex is a cabinet-maker, plumber,aand electrician, andablG to teach the boys these trades as they grow. We pray and trust that their coming \dJJLbe a great blessing to the ivork here.

  • jiXTnoiLcfZ '' /OJdmicci Christian Boys' HomeP.O. Box 5Half Way Tree, Jamaica, W,I>

    ^yaJuly - August 1962 James and Carol Herget

    cO-^TOrker, Guy Whitley


    the ibdst

    1q?cij: I 335.IwRUCOhE PEHt) r^CC

    Huge banners, thousands of colorful lights, flags flying in Jamaicanssummer breeze, children munching holiday siveets, people dancing in thestreets, ships gayly lighted in the harbor, planes in beautiful formationconstantly roaring overhead, International games in Jamaica's new stadium,happy, friendly greetings in market places, xvarm hand-shaking and words ofencouragement spoken in the dialect of the land, "wrk we must work" be-t}ireen^farmer, busi^ss rn^ butcher, and professional all thes_^m^ted_.jronderfial time Jamaica's history has ever knom - - INDEPENDENCES

    nevr flag is not only colorful in its bright green, gold, and black, but meaningful.Black is for the darkness of sorrow and trial from xvhich the country has emerged, green is forthe fruitfial future of the land, and gold is for the sun that shines so radiently on Jamaica.

    OUT OF MANY ONE PEOPIjE" is Jamaica's national motto on its Coat of Anns, In this, the'Jamaica Christian Boys' Home plays its part. Representative of the land, our boys of African, 'Indian, Chinese, German, Jexd.sh, and Dutch descent, are one - one in spirit, in love, in purpose,and greatest of all, one in Christ, Our most earnest prayer is that our family and our countiymay cleave to this oneness and grow to be a great poiirer - a great Christian nation,

    Jamaica is a grown up people, ready to be a groxTn up nation. This wxs proved in the pef*-fect orderliness and behaviour of Lidependence. Man, XToman, and child displayed the manners, 'friendliness, and generosity that is knoivn of "Old Jamaica". We are proud of our adopted landI

    WELL JAMAICA REMAIN A CHRISTIAN NATION? Through constant observation in..the past sSvefalmonths, in city, torn, and country, ive have come to believe that it is possible. Communism, at

    f. work in eveiy country of the iirorld, has been at wrk here. Our peo-

    Jamaica can remain a Christian nation. Will you Join in our prayers? Will you join in our service? You can help I


    ;A CHRISTIAN NATION ? Opercliiori S^rienclsk/pOne'July 10th Captain A.J. Schultz, Commander of Grosse lie Naval Air Station, Detroit,

    Michigan, came to Jamaica xvith Commander Rock and several other Navy pilots to bring good ivill toour- needy. The huge cargo transport plane landed id.th thousands of pounds of medical suppliesand equipment for a clinic in ivestem Kingston and for the Jamaica Christian Boys' Home and its .projects.

    The folloxmig evening, the men'in their trim, dress uniforms represented the U.S.A. WorldMedical Relief, doners of the gifts, at the formal opening of the clinic and then at the Hojne.Arriving at about six p.m., the men first renex^ed their friendship ivith us and with our boys.Dressed in their white shirts, bow ties, and dress pants, they wer radiently happy for they 1^4learned to love their friends on their previous visit in the spring.

    Then came the formal presentation of the lists of items contained in the shipinent, ivords-^thanks from the Chairman of Directors of the Home, minister S. Levy, and flrom the Hergets, and a .imessage of encouragement from Cap't Schultz. Ties of friendship grew stronger that night as theNavy men once again \tent through the Home and shared in all-boy chatter. It ivas great fun and atime that x^nill be long remembered by o;ar xvhole family. The story in news and picture xvas carriedby our daily nex^paper, the Gleaner,

    l-ftiat are the gifts? World Medical Relief has obtained gifts from'hmdreds of AmericansSome of these doners gave in our shipment, vitimins, simple cold, pain,'and infection remedies,boxes of bandages and band-aids, linens for the Home, toys for the boys, mattresses for each,and countless other items of useful equipment.

    The Home is ready and eager to share these gifts vd.th needy children idLthin- the Home's projects. At the present time \te are helping in the building of a Christian Day School in the Mb.View area and in Mandeville. Both schools reach need|y children. Vfe hope to start ,a pne-day-axTeek clinic In the Mt, View area,. Deeply grateful are.we at this time of Independence to W.M.R.and to all of our friends \sihQ help in our iv6rk. Pray fbr usl

    Yours faithfully serving, Jija and Carol Herget

  • d di cctn 'Uu n.c 0 TVol. 12

    " INDEPENDENCE - AUGUST 6, 1962 "

    Great excitement shared by children allover Jamaica^ and as you can guess, our boyshad theirs at Independencei Sunday, August 5v;as the beginning of the fun. After eveningchurch service \fe prepared a feast of chocolate drink, sand\d.ches and patriotically colored cakes. Just before midnight the wholefandly, even the babies i^rtio une^qDectedly \7okeup, T/ent up on the roof of the dormitory,

    The radio guided the service ivith all Jamaica taking part. First there were prayers,vvith the English national anthem, "God savethe Queen foHovdng. Then there ;tfas completesilence and darkness for tivo minutes \vhile theEnglish flag x^as lowered. Finally the newJamaican flag was raised, lights came on andthe new national anthem x^as sung. On our rooftop our fandly vrent through the ceremony, oureldest son raising the flag. Firevroeks litthe sky everywhere and great cheering s\xL'ledover the city,

    Tivo public holidays folloived vdth fun forall. Our boys vrore invited aboard the LakeChanplain Aircraft Carrier inhere they spentsome two hours going through interesting partsof the ship. Henry xjas dressed in rescue e-quipruent, much too large for hijn, and Douglasoutfitted in the pilots heljaet and gear.

    Our celebrations notonly included seeingthe lovely lights oftoim and having fun,but it included prayerand thanksgiving toGod for His love to us,


    VJhen vro built ournev/ dormitory planned^^a large game room. At^--thc time we did not havethe funds for it, but arenow praying that it mHsoon be possible to build it. Our boys aregroiving to be teen-agers and feel it x/iUbe most helpful to them .to-have a place forclean fun aiaong their friends. It can be anopen-air btdlding \d.th screened x\k^11s' and agood roof. The cost i>uld be reasonable. Wi3J.you pray that God i\dll supply this need? Yourgifts, boys and girls, could help vdth this.Won't you i/rite and tell us ivhat you think ofour plans? We can also use it for Bible Clubsfor boys and girls and for youth meetings.

    " BAPTISMS "

    There have been fourteen baptisms this summer. We rejoice in seeing young and old follow Christ. Remember them in your prayers.

    MVS from Aunt Margaret and Uncle HartzellEssex \^ho plan to come to Jairaica, is good.They hope to arrive in late September,

    No. 6


    As t^e i*ite to you Me are at carap resting andenjoying country life after completing our firstt\fo camps. Almost 75 boys and girls and youngpeople have enjoyed camp so far. Both campswere the finest ever and novf that they are overwe are ready for our minister's proaching rallyand Adult Camp. During both of these camps ourboys vdll enjoy horse-back riding, hiking, andall kinds of country fun. We are thankful forour lovely carrp and for the help it is to ouryouth in Janiaica, Thanks Alumina Jamaica, forgiving us our campi


    Our College student help has proved a blessing this summer. Lee Hafer, Mary Kinney, andEllen Stoops i^ere excellent teachers at camp,Carlton Mullings from Alberta Bible College andBarry Wilbanks froxu Ozark shared in giving Vesper messages. The girls are from LincolnChristian College. We ifere happy ,also to'haveDouglas Berry from Alberta Canada \flth us.

    ". mm THE MAILBAG "

    Vit Em In Classj Ft, Pierce, Fla. 20;00Gold Band Class,'Ft, Pierce, Fla. 20,00Loyal Messengers, Ft, Pierce, Fla. 15.00V,B,S. Fainaount Church, Richmond, Va, 40.00V.B.S, Cumberland, Ky. ^ "*"41-28V,B.S. Engleivood, Jacksonville, Fla. 63.818th Grade Cl. Mt. Carmel, Decatur, Ga. 39.50

    (from pay for ivashing cars)Beginners, Heyi^orth, 111. 2.17S.S. Hey^rorth, 111. 15;00Jr. C.Y.H. Nevjport Nex^s, Va.Jr. S.S. Cl. Edison, Neb, 10,001st Primary Class, Neoga, 111. 10.00Edna Arneys Class, Cornland, 111, ^ ' 2,55V.B.S, Perry Christian Church,Canton,0, 169.32

    THANK YOU, EACH AND EVERY ONE IVHO HAS HAD APART IN THESE GENEROUS AND LOVING GIFTS FOR OURBOYS AND FOR OUR WORK IN JAMAICA. Young Peoplewith a love for ndssions are iidssionaries already through their giving.. God needs giversas ;^ell as those wiio go, God bless you all.


    Thanks for your help last month, for sheetsand shoe strings,' We are still in need of boys'socks, sizes 9s to 10^. Wash them and send them"for free distribution" to Jamaica ChristianBoys* Home, P.O. Box 5, Half Way Tree, Jamaica,W,I,
