for Career Success Soft Skills Task Cards

Task Cards Soft Skills for Career Success

Transcript of for Career Success Soft Skills Task Cards

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Task CardsSoft Skills

for Career Success

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Resume: My Soft Skills List

You may want to include a list of personal attributes or soft skills on a job

application or resume. Along with the list of personal traits, you could

provide supporting examples or a description for each. See the following

examples of a soft skills list with an example or explanation.

❏ Trustworthy: Worked as a babysitter for 3 years during my summer

vacations from school.

❏ Strong Work Ethic: Hard-working, determined, and focused on

completing any task.

For Task Card 1: List one of your soft skills and provide

an example or explanation.

Task Card #1

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Resume: My Soft Skills List

For Task Card 2: List a second example of a soft skill and provide

an example or explanation.

Examples of soft skills include effective verbal communication, positive attitude, emotional intelligence or maturity, strong sense of teamwork, time management skills, leadership skills, problem-solving skills, motivated, creative, and dependable.

Task Card #2

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Verbal Communication

Congratulations! You scored a job interview! Practice effective communication skills by preparing a response

to the following question.

Why are you interested in working for this company?

Task Card 3: Respond to this interview question. You can pretend the interview is for any company of interest.


Task Card #3

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Nonverbal Communication

List 2 examples of positive nonverbal communication that you can show during a

job interview.

Task Card #4

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Task Card #5

Written Communication

Display your effective written communication skills by writing an email thanking the employer (Mr. Whitmire) for the job interview and express again your interest in working

for this company.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Dear Mr. Whitmire:

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Task Card #6


What did you say???

Janet asks the man at her counter if he needs help with anything. The man is upset about the new headphones he had purchased last week - stating that they are already broken. He angrily asks Janet what “she was going to do about it.”

How should Janet respond?

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Task Card #7


Provide an example of how you have shown leadership at home or at school.

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Task Card #8

Your manager at Petco Pet Supplies is interested in advertising the store’s services by using social media.

Show your leadership skills by selecting a type of social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc) and providing 1-2 ideas for future social media posts.

Leadership Skills

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Task Card #9

How to Cope

A person you really liked said something very hurtful to you. You feel upset and let down.

To make matters even worse, you have to go to work in a few hours!

Should you call in sick? Call and explain why you need to stay home? Go to work regardless?

Explain your response.

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Task Card #10


You’ve been chosen to present information about the company you work for at a highly attended state job fair!

The company you work for expects employees to wear business attire. Locate an image of an outfit that would be appropriate to wear at this event. Insert the image or copy/paste it into your task card response sheet!

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Task Card #11


Your teacher has placed you in groups for the final video project. All of your group members are pitching in except for

Paul. Paul texts on his phone constantly, isn’t paying attention when others are speaking, and often asks, “What did you say?

What are we supposed to be doing?”

This is obviously slowing the progress of your group down. How will you handle this?

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Task Card #12

Work Ethic/Professionalism

Being 5 or 10 minutes late a few times a week is not a big deal.

True or False? Explain

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Task Card #13

Problem-Solving Skills

As a business owner, you’ve noticed that many of your employees are often returning late from their lunch breaks. After bringing up this issue during a meeting, one employee immediately apologizes and

states that it’s the heavy lunchtime traffic that always causes the delay.

After seeing others nod in agreement, you decide to come up with ideas that would help address this problem.

What changes will you make? What ideas do you have?

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Task Card #14

Resilience and Emotional Intelligence

Asking questions or for help at work makes you look weak. Is this statement true or false? Explain.

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Task Card #15

Positive Attitude

Your manager asks to meet with you and to discuss your job performance. She first compliments you on your positive attitude and enthusiasm.

She then talks about a responsibility that you need to improve - specifically on the Fridays when you are working until store closure.

Your manager notes that on 2 of the past 3 Fridays the store window display had not been changed. As a result, employees working on Monday had to quickly set up a new display prior to opening.

How do you respond to your manager?

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Task Card #16


Your manager asks all employees to work together in groups. Your group will be creating an advertisement slogan for a new product line featuring athletic clothing and shoes.

During your first meeting with your group, Kate tells everyone she already has everything worked out! She typed a proposal the night before.

How should you respond?

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Task Card #17


Camden is a lot of fun to work with. He keeps you laughing throughout the day. When you walk up to your shared register, you see Camden open the register drawer, take out a $10.00 bill, and place it in his pocket.

What should you do next?

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Task Card #18

It’s Time for a Vacay!

Christy is feeling so burned out and tired! Her best friend has a beach house and asks if Christy wants to come for the weekend.

Christy was supposed to work on Saturday. Since she has 2 sick days left this year, she decides to call in sick on Saturday morning.

Do you agree with her decision? Why or why not?

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Task Card #19


Your company has an opening for a technology position. The job includes creating and maintaining the company’s website.

You love working with technology, have experience creating webpages, and would love to hold this position. Since you already work for this company, should you apply for this job?

What steps will you take to show your interest AND to prove that you are qualified for this new job role?

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Task Card #20

Use of Social Media

What sort of social media rules, if any, should you follow in order to make sure that your posts do not compromise your professionalism or interfere with your job?

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Task Card #21

Work Ethic

“I’d rather quit a job than do something I don’t think I

should have to do.”

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Explain your answer.

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Task Card #22

Nonverbal Communication

What I wear is an expression of who I am. My appearance does not impact my chances of getting a job.

True or False? Explain your response.

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Task Card #23

Time Management

The school supply store that you work for has a back to school sale this Friday! The store manager leaves you a note asking you to help get the store ready for the big sale that will be held at the end of the week. Rank your weekly to-do list in the order of priority. Explain which task is your top priority and why.

My Weekly Task List

● Put up sales signs and prices.● Organize store shelves and restock supplies.

● Create an eye-catching store display.● Create a survey for new customers to complete in order to receive

a discount for online orders.● Email Mike and ask if he can help train the new hire next week.

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Task Card #24

Critical Thinking Skills

Two people have interviewed for a marketing position. Candidate 1 has extensive experience and an impressive portfolio of examples. Her prior boss said she was talented and creative

but “did not like being told what to do and could be argumentative.”

Candidate 2 recently completed a course in marketing and has experience working as an intern with a local company. The company’s

manager said she was to a “joy to be around,” and he wished he had an opening to offer her.

He also stated that she learned things very quickly and was dependable.

Make a list or pros and cons for each

candidate. Who would you hire? Explain why.

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Task Card #25

Verbal Communication

You are working at the hostess desk at a restaurant when an irate customer calls. He is angry that his pick-up order is all wrong. He yells at you that this is the third time that “your restaurant has screwed things up.”

How would you respond?

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Task Card #26

Emotional Intelligence and Resilience

This has not been your week! Everything that could go wrong seemed to happen - including getting up late one morning, losing important paperwork, working with arguing coworkers, and feeling stressed about an upcoming deadline - although you have already completed all of the work!

How will you re-charge over the weekend? What will you do in order to bounce back from this crazy week in order to be ready for work again on Monday?

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Task Card #27

Applying Soft Skills

Are soft skills important in any of the activities you are involved in now? What can you do in the future that will help you use and to improve one or more soft skills?

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Task Card #28

Conflict Resolution

One of your coworkers has suddenly become very quiet around you. When you try to start a conversation, she is very short in her answers. How should you handle this change in her personality or attitude?

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Task Card #29

Emotional Intelligence

One of your coworkers is sad over losing his pet over the weekend due to an extended illness.

What, if anything, would you do?

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Task Card #30

Verbal Communication

Your friend asks you for some advice regarding his job as an Applebee’s waiter. He said that a customer left a negative review on Yelp and complained about his “attitude” when he waited on her table.

What advice can you offer your friend about using positive verbal communication when speaking to customers?

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