Abby Scott Independent Practice 3B: Summation & Production Unit: EGRD3015


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Abby ScottIndependent Practice 3B: Summation & Production

Unit: EGRD3015

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Final Major Project Proposal: Make do and craft.Reflecting on my past and current practice, my work has taken a handmade andtangible approach. I enjoy working on materials with different textures and qualities. I find the make do and mend ethos interesting and fitting for todays recession. Creating tangible and sustainable work in todays climate is definitely something to be considered. My dissertation is examining the craft culture, I am researching the debate between handmade versus machine made and how do the two coexist in the twenty-first century. Investigating this subject matter further within my practice will help me reflect across my studies. I propose to design and make work along the theme of ‘make do and mend’, not only do I want to produce work to express a recyclable message but to use sustainable and recycled materials and processes to create my outcomes. I will practice what I preach. The re-emergence in the craft ethos within today’s recession can be compared to that of World War Two times. With the consumer culture of today buying into quantity over quality, the technique, knowledge and understanding needed to perform a craft are not being taught as the consumer culture doesn’t require it to survive as they would have done pre-industrialisation. Although the origins of craft are pre-industrial, it’s meaning and focus has been reinvented numerous times and has a new attention within the 21st century.

Its time to throw out societies current thinking and revert back to our old ways.

Frugal living during the current recession is the modern 'make do and mend' (Ministry of Information, 1943) of the World War Two outbreak. While todays recession does not compare to the War time economic crisis there is a similar desire to make the most of what people have and what can be afforded. The resurgence in craft skills has become a trend even in todays throw away society. During the War and on into the fifties there was a shortage of materials and people survived on the ethos of 'waste-not, want-not' due to rationed food and materials.The Ministry of Information released a publication in 1943, which intended to help people through the World War Two time rationing with practical advice, tips and encouragements to actively exercise techniques of saving resources.The concept was for the the British citizen to use less in order to conserve more. I will produce sustainable art considering the wider impact of the work and its reception in relation to its environment. Manifestations of sustainable design require renewable resources, to impact the environment minimally, and to relate people with the natural environment. Looking at ways in which to make at home rather than buying consumables and how to promote this. People who are financially being affected by the current economical climate have imitated the notion of making do by avoiding buying consumables they can make themselves. However without the knowledge and understanding of a skilled craft, society is limited within the art of craft. Due to the government and educational institutions not academically teaching essential making skills like home economics and trades, the next generation are lacking the understanding, knowledge and causing a bigger distance between the maker and user.

Art and crafts don’t need to be expensive, in fact is can be made from waste; creating tangible and sustainable work in todays climate is definitely something to be considered. One person’s rubbish is another’s keepsake. Looking at a way forward I would like to further experiment with making my own recycled paper. Then to use this as a base to create and promote the art of craft like the world war twosministry of information publications and flyers. I will explore using natural materials using handmade pro cesses and techniques. I would also like to explore

externalizing this practice and creating crafted goods using recyclable household items such as plastic bags and cardboard. With increasing environmental concerns, exploring an economical friendly alternative to packaging and other such materials is fitting with current concerns for the environment as well as the economy in this recession. I plan to make items that are useful in todays society that shows a clear handmade message.

Looking at the Make do and mend publication and a more recent republication John Lewis created, I have begun to replicate some of the ideas and techniques used.

Visiting the Imperial war Museum has also

given me suggestions in ways to move forward with my research and exploration. However the homefront section at the Museum was small I have also found craft website and magazines to be benifical.

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An aspect in which id like to further investigate is the reuse of throw away items within the household. To identity how society live, how they consume and how they dispose. I created a survey to help refine my focus to specific credit crunch crafts that could change these points.

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Recycled paper.This is the outcomes and process of making paper. This technique uses recovered waste paper and remaking it into new paper product. The paper is soaked down untill it starts to seperate and the blended into mulch. Using a handmade sieve from some old stockings, ive submerged the sieve into the mulch and used a rolling pin to plattern. Once

dried ive removed the paper from the sieve and ironed flat in preperation to use.I would like to further explore this technique by making a press to flattern the paper and fusing it tighter to make a more smooth and usable surface area.

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Making and baking buttons.Something that always is needed in the home is spare buttons. Alot of households will replace clothing garments when buttons go missing as they done always have spare buttons or the sewing equipment to replace them. Using polymer clay I have experiemented with making and baking my own buttons. After conditioning the clay I rolled it out and used objects to cut out circular shape and patterned objects to imprint on the buttons. Using a needle to poke holes in i have baked them in the oven and once cooled added acrylic paint to some to enhance the patterns in them.

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Tote bag.Reusable bags are becoming more popular because they are more sturdier, eco-friendly and convenient than the common house hold disposable plastic bag. Here I have used a tea towel and cut to a template and sewed into a tote bag. By sewing a pocket onto the bag I have been able to fold the bag into itself for easystorage.

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Plarn- Plastic yarn.To repurpose plastic bags already around the house I have cut and connected strips of plastic bags to make yarn. From there I

used the plarn to knit.

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Plarn tote bag.Here I made a reusable shopping tote out of the plarn I made form the plastic shopping bags. crafting from recycled materials can improve the overall health of the environment and utilizes creative skills at the same time. Id like to further this experiement by recording the processes used to make the bag as a step by step guide.

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Fusing plastic bags.Further exploring the concept of reusing plastic bags I have fused bags together by ironing them between grease proof paper, producing a thick and hard wearing plastic material that can be cut and sewn together.Being the first time I have attempted this getting the temperature on the iron right was a task. I found that if not applying the heat evenly over the plastics it can leave bubbles under the layers causing the bags not to fuse in places. I pulled away the unfused parts creating a camouflaged appearance. This was created by trial and error.

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I want to convey a message so Ive started looking at fusing images and text in the plastic. Ive experimented with the recycling logo. i propose to create my own make do and mend message fitting for the current economical climate.

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Reflection.Looking at a way forward I would like to experiment further with fusing plastic bags and making my own slogans with an economical approach.I will further explore making with plastic bags to convey a recycling message, I wish to continue my development in making from the plastic material such as purses and bags with a credit crunch message. I feel having refined my craft with in plastic bags has allowed me to pursue different techniques in manipulating them. This doesn’t necessarily mean this is my final idea but a means in which I am exploring and developing the materials and processes.

I feel the images I’ve created of the plarn and knitting are really effective yet the process and outcome of a knitted bag isn’t

a new concept and I need to be more original in what I craft. The Knitted bag and tea towel tote don’t convey a message, where I feel the fused plastic material has potential to demonstrate a clear concept of recycling household items and consumables.

As part of my development I would like to create a publication to mimic the ministry of informations ‘Make do and mend’ for todays recession, including some of my processes to recycle and reuse household items and to make crafting accessible to the majority. This wouldn’t be my final piece but a submission to support and demonstrate the processes and techniques I have used.