Experience of Rural Development Policies delivered through a bottom-up approach Northern Ireland...

Experience of Rural Development Policies delivered through a “bottom-up approach” Northern Ireland Michael McGuigan LEADER+ Deputy Programme Manager EC Rural Development Seminar BRUSSELS October 2007

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Experience of Rural Development Policiesdelivered through a “bottom-up approach” Northern Ireland

Michael McGuiganLEADER+ Deputy Programme Manager

EC Rural Development SeminarBRUSSELSOctober 2007

Characteristics of a “Bottom Up Approach”

• Managing Authority maintaining an ‘Arms Length’ approach

• Local partnerships developing their own local development strategy

• Local solutions being applied to local problems within the context of a national rural policy framework

Building the Approach

• Animation – to increase awareness

• Capacity Building – to increase skills

– to increase knowledge

– to increase involvement

• Empowerment – local funding

– local decision making

– local accountability

Northern Ireland Context

• 1990-93 The Beginning - £6.5m

• 1994-99 Rapid Growth - £55m

• 2000-06 Maturing - £80m


• 1991 - Launch of Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme - £6.5m

• Establishment of a Rural Development Council

-Representative of Rural Stakeholder

-Advice on Rural Issues

-Assistance with bottom up development

-Delivery of LEADER I Funding

-Flagship Projects

-Capacity Building

Rapid Growth - 1994-99 - £55m Programme

• 33 Delivery Bodies

• 7 Funds

• 3 Themes

Maturity – 2000-06 - £80m Programme

Five Separate Strands

– Building Capacity of Rural Communities – Local Regeneration Projects / Programmes

– Sectoral and Area Regeneration Projects

– Natural Resource Rural Tourism

– Micro Business Development

Key Experiences of the “Bottom Up” Approach

•greater stakeholder participation

•high levels of “customer satisfaction”

•harnessing expertise at local level

•wider access to EU funds

•creates a synergy / complementarity at local development level

Key for Cross Border “Bottom Up” Approach

Key Experiences

– Border rural areas have shared needs

– Issues can arise with the different bureaucracies in each Member State

– Different focuses led to difficulties in finding common projects


– Agreed application form

– Joint panel

– Agreed messages

Lessons Learned

• A crowded Market place

• Conflict between local groups and state authorities

• Risk that “bottom up” delivery can become “funding led” rather than “delivery led”

• Volunteer fatigue

• Time dilutes delivery


17 years on the bottom up approach has;-

• Matured;

• Energised and empowered communities;

• Improved quality of life; and

• Become a good Rural Development economic development tool

The Way Forward 2007-2013

• LEADER “bottom up” approach for all of Axis 3 - £100m

• Rationalisation of number of Local Action Groups

• Groups delivering a wider range measures must deliver all Axis 3 measures

For further information:-
