End Note And End Note Web 2010

HSM Iowa State University EndNote & EndNote Web: Bibliographic Management Software H. Stephen McMinn Andrea Dinkelman

Transcript of End Note And End Note Web 2010

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Iowa State University

EndNote & EndNote Web: Bibliographic Management Software

H. Stephen McMinn

Andrea Dinkelman

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EndNote &/or EndNote Web? Both are a -- Reference Database Bibliography Manager

OR …..

Tools to help manage information Tools to aid in creation of publications

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EndNote & EndNote Web

Reference Database Helps gather, store, and organize

references/citations Bibliographic Management - Works in parallel

with MS Word to: Generate a bibliography in the correct style following the

'instructions to authors' you need to successfully submit your articles

Use the database to link to references in word-processed documents

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Why Cite?

They help you communicate in a consistent manner that is understood by a specific audience.

They help you communicate with your peers within a specific discipline.

They help you improve quality of writing. Good preparation for entering profession of your

choice. Help you write particular types of papers Acknowledge your sources properly and



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Why? Bibliographic Management Applications

Save Time & Be Better Organized!

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The EndNote Process

EndNote/EndNote Web


Manual Input




Connect --Search

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EndNote vs. EndNote Web

(Handout see LibGuide) EndNote and EndNote Web Basics Database Functionality Building the Database Using the Database Other Uses

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EndNote vs. EndNote Web

Main Differences Paid vs. Free PC based vs. Web Customization Full Text Storage Sharing References

See Handout / Table on the LibGuide

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EndNote Web -- Creating Account & Getting Plugins

Lots of Methods to Create Accounts Go to www.myendnoteweb.com Choose Sign-up for an Account

Need to set-up on campus Best done with ISU e-mail address

Plugin for Word Click on Options Tab Choose Download Installers – Install CWYW


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EndNote Basics

PC Based Need to Purchase Quick Links and Terms (See LibGuide) Starting EndNote and Creating a Library

(See LibGuide) Managing Libraries

Caution! Database! Caution! One vs. Many

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Database Functionality - EndNote Duplicates Moving between Libraries

Importing Copy/Past -- Cut/Past

Adding Notes and Searching Sorting

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EndNote Web - Structure/Tabs My References – Groups of References

(Libraries in EndNote terms) Collect – Getting References In! Organize – Manage Groups and

Find Duplicates Format – Getting information Out Options – Account Information

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Populating Libraries – Getting it in! Manually Adding Records Using Connection Files Importing Options – 3 Types

Direct Export Manual Import Indirect Export

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Manual Creation and Connection Files Manual – Choose Reference Type and Type

or Paste Information Connection Files – Remotely Connect to

Database to Search, and Import Records Not Recommended Due to Limited Searching Mostly for Free Databases – PubMed & Catalogs Good for Known Item Searching Need to Access from On Campus

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Importing Records

Direct Import Manual Import – Need to Know Import Filter,

and Saving/Downloading/Exporting Instructions for Database

InDirect Import – Need to Know Import Filter EndNote Only – EndNote Web Manual Import FirstSearch (OCLC Only)

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Direct Export -- Databases

All Ebsco Databases Academic Search Elite (Ebsco) Textile Index Food Science and Technology Index

All ISI Web of Knowledge Databases Web of Science

ABI/Inform (Proquest) Engineering Index (Ei)


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Direct Export – Tips

Import to Unfiled area in EndNote Web Choose export option from the database

depends on the vendor Recommend turning off “remove records from

set” until after 1st download Watch out for pop-up blockers preventing

results from being downloaded


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Direct Export – Basic Steps

Connect to Database and Search Mark Records/References of Interest Choose export option from the database

depends on the vendor Choose Destination

EndNote – Library EndNote Web – Unfiled Group, then move to



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CAB Abstracts Search:   (equine or horses) and laminitis and treatment


Live Demo

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Manual Import -- Databases

CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstract) Databases PsycInfo METADEX

PubMed SciFinder (CAS)


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Manual Import - 2 Steps

Step One – Getting Records Out of the Database Search Save in the Right Format

Step Two – Getting Records Into EndNote Locate File Locate Filter Clean-up (If Needed)

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Wayne State University

Importing – How To Save?

Link for instructions on formatting records from various database vendors:


Look at the Vendors or Databases Website Help File

See Library LibGuide for Help


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Wayne State University

Importing -- Basic Steps

Choose Import References EndNote Web - Collect TabEndNote – File Menu

Use the Browse option to locate the downloaded file of references Select the Filter corresponding to the database and platform (vendor) and EndNote Web select the Group to import the references into then click on the Import button.

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PubMed Search: equine laminitis AND treatment


Live Demo

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Getting Information Out

Copy/Past Method – Recommended for Footnotes and Endnotes

Export Bibliography – Static Bibliographies/Reading Lists (text, rich text, html, and xml formats)

Cite While You Write – Integrates with MS Word to Import Citations and Automatically Format Bibliography

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Basic CWYW Steps

1. Open your Word document. Place cursor where the citation needs to be inserted.

2. Select the citation you would like to insert

- Endnote Web: Use Search

- EndNote: 3 Methods

3. Click on Insert Selected Citation

4. When completed Format Bibliography

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Advanced Features – EndNote/EndNote Web Author, Journals, KeyWord Lists Subject Bibliography SFX Linking Full Text, Images and Tables Syncing between EndNote and EndNote

Web Full Text Retrieval Web Tool

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Thank You - Evaluation/Survey LibGuides

http://instr.iastate.libguides.com/endnoteweb http://instr.iastate.libguides.com/endnote

Blog -- http://citehelp.blogspot.com/ Instructor(s)

Andrea Dinkelman


H. Stephen McMinn

[email protected]