Dockwise Coporate Brochure 2012



Discover the Dockwise Difference!

Transcript of Dockwise Coporate Brochure 2012

DiscoverThe Dockwise Difference

Heavy Marine TransporT ■ TransporT & insTallaTion ■ logisTical ManageMenT ■ engineering services ■ offsHore insTallaTion equipMenT

aT Dockwise, passion inspires

our innovaTion fueling our quesT

To realize THe inconceivable

every Day. Dockwise Has been

proviDing excepTional ocean

TransporT soluTions for More

THan 30 years anD we are prouD

To operaTe THe worlD’s largesT

anD MosT versaTile fleeT of seMi-

subMersible Heavy-lifT vessels

anD serve THe MarkeT as leaDer

in proviDing excepTional ocean

TransporTaTion anD offsHore

insTallaTion services worlDwiDe.

THaT’s wHy our aMbiTion is To be

your conTracTor of cHoice for

THe execuTion of ocean TransporT,

logisTical ManageMenT anD

insTallaTion of exTreMely large

anD Heavy sTrucTures.

Dockwise’s strategy is designed to offer services for exceptional ocean transportation, offshore installation and logistical management. Diverse engineering disciplines are strategically positioned throughout our organization to support our core services. in addition, our in-house project management, risk management and procurement professionals contribute to seamlessly deliver total package solutions. we provide reliable services our clients trust. in doing so, we deliver solutions contributing to our client’s success.

in september 1993, two renowned companies, wijsmuller Transport and Dock express shipping agreed to combine their interests to become the world’s largest heavy marine transport company. Today, with more than 1,200 employees worldwide, Dockwise is a publicly traded company listed in oslo and amsterdam with a global presence headquartered in breda, the netherlands and operating offices spanned throughout established and growing markets.

Heavy Marine TransportDockwise is the global market leader in the ocean transportation of extremely large and heavy structures such as offshore drilling rigs, jackets, production facilities, modules for onshore industrial projects, military equipment, renewable energy platforms, port and marine equipment, e.g., dredging equipment, lift boats, cranes, barges, vessels, and other heavy floating and non-floating cargoes.

Transport & installationDockwise offers a total marine scope for offshore platform installations supported by its in-house engineering, procurement and dedicated project management capabilities. This scope includes load-out from fabrication site, transport to the field, launching, and installation of jackets and topsides.

logistical Managementoffering turn-key logistical management solutions to the onshore industry, Dockwise is able to manage multiple heavy transports in a single contract. our specialized fleet combined with in-house capabilities such as project management, procurement, land transportation and robust interface management enables us to improve total scope efficiency and reduce interface risks resulting in significant schedule optimization and project savings for our clients.

engineering servicesengineering services is a multidisciplinary engineering excellence center offering an optimal balance of innovation and proven offshore industry experience incorporating unparalleled services in engineering, operations and project management. engineering services specializes in deepwater fixed structures, floating system design and offshore installation for projects demanding structural, marine and offshore engineering services.

offshore installation equipmentoffshore kinematics is the world’s innovative leader in the development and supply of float-over installation systems. we manufacture leg Mating units, Dock support units and specialty impact load Damping equipment. in addition, we conduct comprehensive finite element analysis and physical testing on all products and components delivered to customers. we deliver customized design and construction expertise from concept Development and front-end engineering & Design (feeD) through offshore installation services.

Welcometo Dockwise

our vision is our DreaM, our aspiraTion for

THe fuTure. Dockwise sTrives To becoMe THe

conTracTor of cHoice for THe execuTion

of excepTional Heavy Marine TransporT,

logisTical ManageMenT anD offsHore

insTallaTion projecTs. eacH projecT, eacH

operaTion, eacH acHieveMenT is unique anD

realizes soMeTHing THaT is ofTen seen as

iMpossible To THe ouTsiDe worlD anD our

clienTs. THis is wHy our Mission is ‘creaTing

superior value by realizing THe inconceivable’.

working to realize

The Inconceivable

The Dockwise Differenceour Mission is our fundamental purpose, our reason for existence. it is our

guideline for our organization and a promise to our clients.

we manage exceptional projects so clients can focus on what really matters

we lead the industry in safety and environmentally friendly project execution

we find the optimum solutions for our clients

we employ and work with the best professionals


Dockwise sets the standard in the markets we operate. To that

end, a focus on the latest state-of-the-art technology ensures that

we remain in the forefront of our industry. innovation is central in

finding the optimal solution for challenges our clients face.


Highly motivated and passionate employees are our most valuable

asset and the key to our success. Therefore, we aim to attract and

retain the most highly skilled and motivated employees.


we respect the laws and regulations in all countries in which we

operate. in doing so, we respect the environment and are committed

to being a good corporate citizen.

our corporaTe culTure is builT upon a sTrong

founDaTion of corporaTe governance. aT

Dockwise, we place a HigH value on creaTing

a safe, eTHical, anD responsible work

aTMospHere THrougHouT our global workplace.

four key values cHaracTerize our coMpany’s

corporaTe culTure:


Dockwise is a customer focused organization, offering reliable world-class

services. This means we take our commitment to excellence seriously and

deliver solutions to the highest standards.

our core values

safeTy is More THan jusT a

DeparTMenT aT Dockwise – iT’s a MinD-

seT anD a goal THaT is iMporTanT

anD presenT in our every Day work.

Dockwise works To THe HigHesT

qualiTy, safeTy, anD risk ManageMenT

sTanDarDs, wiTH iso 9001, oHsas

18001, anD iso 14001 cerTificaTions.

in aDDiTion, Dockwise unDerTakes

nuMerous inTernal qualiTy, safeTy,

anD risk ManageMenT Measures,

incluDing exTensive quanTiTaTive risk

MoDeling for all Major projecTs.

our commitment toHealth, Quality, safety, environment and security

Dockwise is committed to ensuring the optimum health, safety, and

well-being of all employees, both on and offshore. Dockwise is also

fully aware of the environmental risks associated with our industry

and is committed to continuously improve our environmental

performance through the implementation of our company’s annual

environmental improvement plan.

The safety of our crew, cargo, and vessels has always been a top

priority. However, dealing with the danger of piracy is a reality that

we must all face. although it is impossible to entirely prevent piracy,

at Dockwise, we never hesitate to make the investments necessary

to provide our crew with the skills and training, and vessels with

the equipment required to minimize risks. we also work closely

with our clients and international organizations to carefully assess

and address potential security issues for each voyage. by investing

in effective and proactive anti-piracy protection measures, we are

continuously working to ensure that we reduce the risk of falling

victim to piracy as much as possible.

propelled by


offsHore Dry-Docking with the significant presence of fpsos in remote areas often lacking support infrastructure, offshore dry-docking services becomes increasingly interesting. The vessel’s dry-docking capabilities enable inspection, maintenance and repair service opportunities, amongst others. as a unique feature of offshore dry-docking service, the fpso remains connected to its mooring and turret system while keeping the flow risers connected. The fpso, when resting on the Dockwise vanguard’s deck, is still capable to freely weathervane around the turret mooring.

The Dockwise vanguard, is the largest and most innovative semi-submersible vessel ever built. This new addition to the Dockwise fleet is redefining the limits of heavy marine transport. Most remarkable of all, the ship lacks a bow, which virtually maximizes cargo space. This game changing bowless design invites oil and gas majors, amongst others, to rethink offshore floating units design opportunities which were once considered impossible.

The vessel has been designed by Dockwise for the next generation of exceptional heavy marine transport. additionally, the vessel’s technical innovation surfaces a completely new offshore service: offshore fpso dry-docking.

The Dockwise vanguard allows for heavy marine transport of large fpso, seMi, Tlp and integrated offshore structures up to a weight of 110,000 MT resulting in improved schedule flexibility, risk mitigation and interface optimization. These are key business drivers in considering exceptionally large dry-transportation solutions over traditional wet tow.

Fleet OverviewTrusted. flexible. reliable.

The Dockwise fleet of semi-submersible heavy-lift vessels is the most

trusted, reliable and flexible of this specialist industry. Dockwise has

earned the trust of its clients through long standing relationships

established by delivering proven solutions. Dockwise understands the

significant importance flexibility provides to our client’s needs. That is

why we offer the most versatile fleet available which meets our client’s

schedule commitments. we work closely with our clients to allocate the

right vessel at the right time and at the desired location.

clients can rest assured and focus on managing their core business

when choosing the world’s largest semi-submersible heavy-lift fleet.

More information about our fleet composition is available in our fleet

brochure, or by visiting our website at

Heavy M


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Dockwise servicescreating superior value



T & In


Dockwise services TO achieve Our missiOn, we sTrive TO prOvide cOnsisTenT, high qualiTy, creaTive,

reliable, and saFe execuTiOn OF unique prOjecTs all Over The wOrld. we OperaTe

ThrOughOuT a diverse range OF indusTries, including The Oil & gas, mining, pOwer,

renewable energy, miliTary, and pOrT & marine. Our Five service areas include:


IsTIcal M






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Heavy M


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Heavy MarineTransport leader

as The wOrld’s leader in heavy marine TranspOrT, dOckwise OperaTes

The indusTry’s largesT and mOsT versaTile FleeT OF semi-submersible

heavy-liFT vessels. The newesT addiTiOn TO Our FleeT, The dOckwise

vanguard, is TOTally unique: an innOvaTive, One-OF-a-kind vessel wiTh

117,000 dwT carrying capaciTy. iTs revOluTiOnary bOwless design

will enable us TO deliver The mOsT specialized wOrldwide TranspOrT

sOluTiOns Our clienTs need.

Dockwise is the global market leader in the ocean transportation of extremely large and heavy structures. when it comes to transporting valuable cargo, Dockwise has your customized transportation solution.

DockWIse Heavy MaRIne TRansPoRT PRovIDes seRvIces foR THe folloWIng caRgo:

• offshore drilling rigs

• offshore production structures: e.g., Tlps, seMis, spars, fpsos

• Modules for onshore industrial projects: e.g., lng, Mining, power, Desalination

• Military equipment & vessels

• port & Marine equipment: e.g., dredging equipment, lift boats, cranes, barges

our unique in-house marine and transportation engineering capabilities coupled with full range of logistical, procurement and project management services contribute towards our clients’ success. The sheer size and versatility of our fleet means we are able to serve clients on short notice and to transport valuable cargoes anywhere in the world. creating superior value for our clients is essential in our commitment to excellence.

Achieving the impossible is what we do

The Dockwise DifferenceThe benefits of using dockwise as your contractor of choice for

heavy marine Transport are:

expertise and proven track record of over 30 years

carrying capacity up to 117,000 dwT

Flexibility due to a versatile fleet

On-time delivery

execution in line with high safety standards

in-house engineering, procurement and project management



T & In


Transport & Installationcomprehensive


The Dockwise DifferenceThe benefits of using dockwise for jacket launching operations

and float-over installations include:

One-stop-shop solutions for offshore platform transportation

and installation needs

strategic partnerships to realize clients’ unmet needs

significant cost and time reduction using the float-over


best-in-class float-over installation hardware

capability to install topsides of more than 60,000 metric tons

On-time and safe project execution

in-house engineering, procurement, risk and project


more than ten years performing float-over installations

From conceptualizing to executing comprehensive solutions for

offshore floating and fixed production structures, our clients

realize significant value by integrating the transportation and

installation project scope.

offshore topside installations are executed lowering fully-integrated topside units onto pre-installed jackets by means of float-over operations with semi-submersible heavy-lift vessels or dual barges both of which are proven to generate substantial cost and time savings for our clients in offshore hook-up and commissioning.

in developing total package solutions, Dockwise forms strategic partnerships with leading companies to augment its service scope. These partnerships are designed to collectively enhance efficiencies and manage risk at a higher, integrated level. in doing so, we are able to provide comprehensive ‘one-stop-shop’ solutions our clients demand.

offshore kinematics, part of Dockwise, is the world’s innovative leader in the development and supply of float-over installation systems. Having set the industry quality standard for float-over installation hardware, offshore kinematics offers superior reliability for critical float-over operations by complying with strict quality control standards applied to fabrication and manufacturing processes that customers have come to expect.

dOckwise OFFers a TOTal marine scOpe

FOr OFFshOre plaTFOrm insTallaTiOns

suppOrTed by iTs in-hOuse engineering,

prOcuremenT and dedicaTed prOjecT

managemenT capabiliTies. This scOpe

includes lOad-OuT FrOm FabricaTiOn siTe,

TranspOrT TO The Field, launching, and

insTallaTiOn OF jackeTs and TOpsides.


IsTIcal M







dOckwise lOgisTical managemenT OFFers signiFicanT value by

cOllecTively realizing The lOwesT Overall cOsT, managing risk,

cOOrdinaTing lOgisTics and OpTimizing schedules amOngsT yards,

subcOnTracTOrs and clienTs. This Turn-key lOgisTical sOluTiOn

cOvers all FaceTs OF mOdular prOjecT TranspOrTaTiOn and OFFers

unrivalled cOsT and schedule cerTainTy, cargO securiTy, and

TranspOrTaTiOn FlexibiliTy Our clienTs demand.

Dockwise plans, manages, and executes the logistics chain from multiple

fabrication facilities all over the world to ensure timely delivery of modules

all in a single contract. our specialized fleet coupled with in-house

capabilities enables us to improve total project efficiency and reduce

interface associated risks, resulting in schedule optimization and project

savings for our clients.

Dockwise works with clients and partners to define the best-fit

transportation solution for onshore modularized projects. by establishing

strategic relationships with land transporters and complementary third

party vessel owners, we are able to augment our service capabilities by

securing assets required for successful turn-key logistical management


The Dockwise turn-key solution effectively redesigns relationships

among project parties to increase overall project value for our clients.

The Dockwise logistical Management concept enables the mitigation

of significant project risks and provides our clients with flexibility. early

project involvement allows us to ensure that a client’s requirements for

interchangeability and flexibility are met.

The Dockwise DifferenceThe benefits of using dockwise’s turn-key approach for modular

transportation include:

reduction of overall schedule risk

The certainty of dedicated project vessels

no future project cost increase thanks to lump sum contracting

One single partner for all aspects of modular transportation

in-house engineering, procurement, risk, project and interface

management capabilities





expertise inengineering services

engineering services is a mulTidisciplinary engineering excellence

cenTer OFFering an OpTimal balance OF innOvaTiOn and prOven

OFFshOre indusTry experience incOrpOraTing unparalleled services

in engineering, OperaTiOns and prOjecT managemenT. Thanks TO This

dynamic breadTh and depTh OF experTise, we are able TO prOvide

cusTOmized, high-qualiTy services TO meeT yOur prOjecT demands.

The Dockwise DifferenceThe benefits of using dockwise for deepwater fixed structures,

floating designs and offshore transportation & installation


structural, marine and transportation engineering services for

projects ranging from concept to installation

proven track record of innovative offshore solutions

neutral approach to concept evaluation and selection

in-house project and operations management

global engineering excellence center with offices in houston

(us), shanghai (cn) and breda (nl) offering around the clock

execution capabilities

engineering services specializes in deepwater fixed structures, floating system design, and offshore transportation and installation for projects demanding structural, marine and transportation engineering services for the following offshore niche areas:

DeePWaTeR fIxeD sTRucTuResengineering services specializes in the analysis and design of fixed offshore structures, using finite element analysis (fea). The compliant pile Tower (cpT) engineering team leads the industry in design and development of these structures.

floaTIng sysTeM DesIgnour team of experts has more than 20 years of experience in floating systems Designs. our multidisciplinary engineering capabilities position Dockwise as a highly qualified contractor for floating structures, including Tlp, spar, seMi, and fpso units.

offsHoRe TRansPoRT & InsTallaTIonengineering services provides extensive offshore and deepwater jacket transportation, launching and installation expertise. in addition to traditional float-over installations, we also offer twin barge float-over solutions. in fact, we pioneered the twin barge float-over. at Dockwise, we are able to offer our clients expertise in all areas of offshore design and engineering.



e InsTallaTIo

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innovative offshore Installation equipment

OFFshOre kinemaTics is The wOrld’s innOvaTive leader in

develOpmenT and supply OF FlOaT-Over insTallaTiOn sysTems.

Our prOven Track recOrd includes successFul supply OF uniTs

TesTed FrOm as lOw as 300 mT TO Over 10,000 mT, which makes

Oki The TOp chOice Over any OTher cOmpany in The indusTry.

Having set the industry quality standard for float-over installation hardware, offshore kinematics offers superior reliability for critical float-over operations by complying to the strict quality control standards applied to fabrication and manufacturing processes that customers have come to expect. in addition, we conduct comprehensive finite element analysis and physical testing on all products and components delivered to customers, ensuring structural integrity requirements and performance standards are met.

in 2010, offshore kinematics commissioned the iMpress 18,000, ‘The world’s largest Test press’ developed to perform equipment testing services for all functional components and full assemblies to ensure optimal performance.

offshore kinematics provides innovative services and products in the following key areas:

• float-over hardware: leg Mating units, Deck support units, specialized load Damping systems

• engineering & Design (feeD)

• fabrication services

• complex elastomer Testing including ultra-high capacity and multi-axis compression

• custom elastomer systems

• elastomer system r&D

The Dockwise DifferenceThe benefits of using Offshore kinematics for float-over

installation equipment include:

isO 9001:2008 certification for the “design, development

and Fabrication activities for the supply of Offshore Float-

Over hardware”

engineering expertise in research, design and manufacturing

of innovative offshore installation equipment

impress 18,000, ‘The world’s largest Test press’ to assure

safe and reliable operations

a proven track record of delivering tested equipment for

more than 20 float-over operations

several projects described as ‘world’s First’ and ‘world’s


THe neTHeRlanDsDockwise The netherlandslage Mosten 214822 nj breDap.o. box 32084800 De breDaThe netherlandsT +31 (0)76 548 41 00f +31 (0)76 548 42 99e [email protected]

usaDockwise usaThe atrium at park Ten16340 park Ten placesuite 200HousTon, Tx 77084usaT +1 713 934 73 00f +1 713 934 73 33e [email protected]

offshore kinematics (okI)e [email protected]

cHInaDockwise china42f, soHo The exchange299 Tong ren roadjingansHangHai 200040chinaT +86 (21) 6157 05 00f +86 (21) 6157 05 99e [email protected]

global scopelocal presence

copyright in this folder including but not limited to text, photographs, graphics and software is owned by or licensed to the publishers, Dockwise ltd. all rights are hereby reserved by Dockwise ltd. The folder, or any part of it, may not otherwise be downloaded or copied, stored in any medium (including any websites), distributed, transmitted, re-transmitted, modified or shown in public without the prior written consent of Dockwise ltd.

if you wish to make inquiries about a license to reproduce material from the folders of Dockwise ltd., please contact: [email protected]

ausTRalIaT +61 (0)8 9322 4330f +61 (0)8 9322 3752e [email protected]

bRazIlT +55 21 2507 0070e [email protected]

koReaT +82 51 580 92 35f +82 51 580 92 40e [email protected]

MalaysIaT +60 3 5510 10 73f +60 3 5510 30 24e [email protected]

MexIcoT +1 713 934 73 00f +1 713 934 73 33e [email protected]

nIgeRIaT +31 (0)76 548 41 00f +31 (0)76 548 42 99e [email protected]

RussIaT +7 495 287 80 76f +7 495 287 80 77e [email protected]

sIngaPoReT +65 6884 5950f +65 6884 5951e [email protected]



aT dOckwise, The wOrld is Our wOrkplace. Our managemenT, engineering and sales

prOFessiOnals are lOcaTed ThrOughOuT The wOrld in grOwing and esTablished markeTs

TO ensure we are clOse TO Our clienTs. we are sTraTegically pOsiTiOned TO prOvide

unparalleled services FOr demanding prOjecTs ranging FrOm TranspOrTaTiOn TO

addiTiOnally cOmplex OFFshOre plaTFOrm insTallaTiOn and lOgisTical managemenT. we

welcOme The OppOrTuniTy TO becOme yOur cOnTracTOr OF chOice.

Heavy Marine TransporT ■ TransporT & insTallaTion ■ logisTical ManageMenT ■ engineering services ■ offsHore insTallaTion equipMenT