DMS Entertainment Planning Brief

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  • 7/28/2019 DMS Entertainment Planning Brief


    DMS Entertainment Planning Brief

    Project Name: Behind Closed Doors

    Length: 5 minutesDeadline: January 2013

    Group Members & Roles

    Group Member Role

    Margaret Ansu Cinematographer

    Sunraj Bolina Director

    Daniel DaCosta Brewster Editor

    Brief Overview of Content

    For our project we are creating a 5 minute short film. Genre wise our film can be categorized into

    the Drama sector, as we believe it follows the general codes and conventions of a typical drama

    film which are stated within our genre research. To state briefly, our films story line is the

    unravelling of a fathers grieving process for his recently deceased wife. The father is revealed as an

    emotionally and psychologically unstable person throughout the duration of the film, as different

    aspects of his character are gradually revealed to the audience. The second character is his

    daughter; shes shown to be a happy and jolly child. However, due to turn of events her character is

    later shown to also be emotionally unstable and damaged as a result ofher mothers death.

    Target Audience (Age Grouping, Socio Economic Grouping, Gender & Lifestyle Profiling

    Our film can be watched by anyone who has an interest in it we wouldnt say its really restricted to

    just one sort of audience; however we do believe that people of certain ages and lifestyles would be

    able to identify more with our film and understand the key concept more.

    Target Audience Reasoning

    Age Grouping 15 years and above

    From the concept of our film we believe its not suitable for

    those under the ages of 15 to watch as the content is very

    sensitive and inappropriate for those below this age limit.

    Furthermore, audiences from the age 15 will be able tounderstand what were truly trying to convey within our

    product as we believe theyll be old enough to understand the

    meaning behind the storyline not just what is portrayed upon

    the screen.

    In addition weve also taken into consideration that those aged

    55 year and above may not enjoy our product as they may fail

    to understand what were trying to convey and just take the

    literal content.

    Socio Economic Grouping Groups E-C1 As our film is aimed at people ranging from the ages of 15 - 55,most of those who will probably have time to watch it will be at

  • 7/28/2019 DMS Entertainment Planning Brief


    the bottom of the working ladder and probably dependent on

    state income as theyre most likely to be students.

    Furthermore, as our chosen age range also falls within the

    adults & middle aged group we decided to extend our socio-

    economic groups from E C1 as around the ages of 44-55

    people would have a better income and a solid job such asteaching. Therefore, they can identify the task of balancing

    work life and being professional with home life.

    Gender No specific gender Our film has no specific gender its aimed at males and females.

    Lifestyle Profiling

    Comparable Researched Projects

    Rationale behind Text & Incorporated Overt Message

    The basis behind Behind Closed Doors is to cause the audience to take a minute to ponder upon

    how as human beings we can be so deceitful in the way we display our emotional and mental status

    to those who surround us. Hopefully the storyline would cause the audiences to realise that

    someone may look okay and as if theyve got it all together but really and truly theyre slowly

    crumbling and can snap at any moment.

    We also hope to convey the idea that, as humans when in turmoil we are capable of doing things

    that can be far out of our character, making rash decisions and doing things that we would later

    regret after. This message would be received by all our audience as everyone at some point of their

    lives goes through times that are seen as tough and of utter disorder however we hope to convey

    that just because those times can be extremely testing it doesnt justify all your actions so think

    before you act upon impulse when in a difficult situation.

    Testing Whether Product Is a Success

    Once our product is completed we aim to test whether it is a success in terms of what we wanted to

    do, by using a post-questionnaires and open discussions. We aim to reach those who fall under our

    target audience to see whether we aimed it at the right people and if they lived up to our

    expectations of how they will receive our film. Furthermore, by using these methods we will be able

    to gather rich in-depth qualitative data that can help us know for future references how we couldveimproved the film and if the film met the Directors vision of the film.

    Identifying any Resource Constraints (time, money, equipment, human resources) that might affect

    your production and your hopes for our product

    Time Management: Time is an important aspect of the whole filming process. From Planning and

    Research to Post Production , we must be time cautious as slipping up a little bit on time

    management, would lead to a lot of stress due to disorganisation. Therefore time is a restraint and

    we have put in place certain measures to make sure it doesnt have a great effect on our product,

    such as:

    Weekly Updates

  • 7/28/2019 DMS Entertainment Planning Brief


    Meeting Minutes Time to be taken for a task Who will carry out the task Deadline at which task must be completed and uploaded onto blog

    Money: Money can become a resource constraint but I dont think itll be much of a problem as our

    product is quite simple in the terms of what we need for it to be produced to a good standard.

    Another reason why were not that worried about money is that most of our props and costumes

    can be easily accessed from other means such as our own resources.

    Equipment: As we dont have access to a camera outside of school we are restricted to film within

    school term dates. Therefore we shall be filming within September which could be problematic as

    the daylight time is much less than that of the summer months.

    Human Resources: We as a team are reliability to one another; if one person fails to complete a task

    or perform to a high standard it affects all of us and our final product. Furthermore our actors are a

    constraint, reason being that if theyre late to filming they would delay filming, if theyre being
