Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response Multan...

Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response Multan (Punjab) 13 - 15 Nov 2018 Asian DISASTER Preparedness Center (adpc) www.adpc.net/igo

Transcript of Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response Multan...


Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response

Multan (Punjab)

13 - 15 Nov 2018

Asian DISASTER Preparedness Center (adpc) www.adpc.net/igo



Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Course Objective ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Participants -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Training Schedule/Activities----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Facilitators/Resource Persons/Specialization ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Logistical Arrangements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Proceedings of the Course ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Day 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Inaugural Session ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Training Sessions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Day 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Training Session --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Day 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

Training Session --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

Course Evaluation/Feedback ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

Closing Ceremony and Certificates Distribution ---------------------------------------------------------- 8

Picture Gallery ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

List of Participants (Annex A) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17



Pakistan has been hit by a number of natural disasters since its independence. Some of these disasters have

caused severe losses to national economy in various sectors. In a developing country like Pakistan, the

losses due to these disasters are much higher than in a developed country. Embedding preparedness factor

into plans and policy has been government’s top priority because of the increase in the occurrence of

disasters. Focus on disaster preparedness for effective response to improve the response capacity of all

stakeholders has been government’s top priority. Emphases is also being laid on coordination and

information management, as the experience of previous years highlighted the underlying gaps in the

capacities of government departments and civil society organizations.

In continuation to government’s policy in circumventing disaster damages, National Disaster Management

Authority (NDMA) and National Humanitarian Network (NHN) with support of Asian Disaster Preparedness

Centre (ADPC), as part of Pakistan Resilience Partnership (PRP)/ Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) are

making an endeavor to build the capacity of government officials, members from civil society organizations

and other stakeholders through series of training. The training for the Punjab Province was organized from

13-15 Nov 2018 at Multan. The training event was conducted as part of PRP/APP being funded by Bill and

Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).

Course Objective

The objective of training course was to impart training and develop necessary skills of participants with

regards to disaster preparedness and response for saving lives and properties of people from natural and

human-induced disasters. Training also aimed at enabling professionals to implement given knowledge to

ensure effective response. Participants were also encouraged to develop key skills and adopt proactive

attitudes through participation in lectures and reflection on a range of key issues raised during discussions.


Nominations from the different government departments, humanitarian partners and other organizations

were requested and coordinated by Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA), Punjab,

Commissioner Multan Division and NHN, to ensure maximum participation. The course attended by 24

individuals. List of participants is attached at Annex "A". Following is the summary of individuals who

attended the training: -

Department/Organization Participants Total

Male Female

Government 13 - 13

LNGOs 9 2 11

Total 22 2 24


Training Schedule/Activities

Following was the schedule of the training activities: -

Topics Timing

Day 1 - Tuesday, 13th Nov

Registration 0830 - 0900

Pre-training evaluation 0900 - 0915

Inaugural session and group photo 0915 - 1000

Course overview and introduction of participants 1000 - 1030

Refreshments 1030 - 1100

DRM terms and concepts 1100 - 1200

Punjab hazard profile and prioritization 1200 - 1330

Lunch and prayer break 1330 - 1430

Disaster management spectrum, its components and action taken in each phase 1430 - 1530

Humanitarian coordination architecture 1530 - 1645

Day 2 - Wednesday, 14th Nov

Recap of the first day 0900 - 0930

Contingency planning process 0930 - 1030

Refreshments 1030 - 1100

DRR mainstreaming - Concept and process 1100 - 1300

Lunch and prayers break 1300 - 1400

Disaster need assessment (Initial and detailed) 1400 - 1500

Information management in emergency and introduction to digital resource center (DRC) 1500 - 1700

Day 3 - Thursday, 15th Nov

Recap of the first day 0900 - 0930

Emergency response management: An overview and concept & process and group work (including refreshment)

0930 - 1100

Gender mainstreaming and inclusive approach 1100 - 1300

Lunch and prayers break 1300 - 1400

Recovery after disaster 1400 - 1500

Course evaluation 1500 - 1530

Closing ceremony and certificate distribution 1530 - 1630

Facilitators/Resource Persons and Specialization

Following resource persons took the sessions during the training: -

Resource Persons Organization

Mr. Amjad Iqbal NDMA

Mr. Nasir Sultan PDMA (Punjab)

Mr. Ihsan Qadir HelpAge, Pakistan


Ms. Sana Zulfiqar NHN

Mr. Sajid Naeem ADPC

Logistical Arrangements

Logistical arrangements for all the training were done by NHN. The preparation for the training, request for

funding support from SPO, invitation to resource persons/ facilitators and participants was also undertaken

by NHN team.

Proceedings of the Course

Day 1

Inaugural Session

The proceedings of the course commenced with the recitation of Holy Quran followed by the welcome

remarks by Mr. Sajid Naeem. He welcomed the participants and thanked NDMA, PDMA (Punjab) and

NHN (Punjab Provincial Chapter) for their support in organizing and conducting the training. Ms.

Monaza Hashmi, NHN Provincial Chair in her opening remarks thanked NDMA, PDMA, NHN National

Chapter and ADPC for organizing the training. The training overview was given by Ms. Sana Zulfiqar. She

explained to the participants the purpose of the training and the expected outputs. She also gave a

rundown of the scheduled activities for the three days training.

Training Sessions

Disaster Risk Management Terms and Concepts. The session on "DRM Terms and Concept" was

conducted by Mr. Sajid Naeem. The session was conducted in the form of group work at the end of

which the terms and concepts used in DRM were discussed and where essential, terms were

explained to the participants.

Punjab Risk Profile and Hazard Prioritization. The session was taken by Mr. Nasir Sultan, PDMA.

He apprised the participants about the hazard risk profile of Punjab particular risk prevailing in each

district. Mr. Nasir also briefed the participants about on-going DRR activities and various initiatives

being taken by with PDMA, especially the on-going multi hazard vulnerability and risk assessment

being conducted in the Province.

Disaster Management Spectrum, Its Components and Action Taken in each Phase. The third

session on the day was conducted by Mr. Amjad Iqbal, NDMA. While discussing "DRM Cycle, its

Components and Action Taken in each Phase" he elaborated the difference between DRM and DRR,

DRM cycle and the components of the DRM cycle. He highlighted the evolution of concept and the

steps taken by NDMA with regards to various activities of DRM cycle. He also discussed, in length,

the important characteristics and requirements of effective response.


Humanitarian Coordination Architecture. Last session of the day was facilitated by Ms. Sana

Zulfiqar. While discussing the topic, she briefed the participants about the importance of

coordination both in normal time and disaster situation. She discussed about the existing

coordination forums at national/provincial level and government and civil society coordination

structure in Pakistan. She also explained humanitarian coordination requirements during all the

phases of disasters.

Day 2

Training Sessions

Contingency Planning Process. First session of the day was conducted by Mr. Amjad Iqbal, NDMA.

During the session he elaborated the Government contingency planning process, its time line and

action to be taken at various levels. He explained the outline of the contingency plan and

elucidated the process of contingency plan prepared by national, provincial and district

management authorities/units. He also discussed, in length, the importance of the planning process

and utilization of the plan at the time of disaster.

DRR mainstreaming - Concept and Process. Second session of the day was conducted by Mr.

Sajid Naeem. During the session, he gave an overview of DRR mainstreaming by explaining the

concept of mainstreaming DRR, its historical perspective, responsibility of departments with

regards to DRR mainstreaming, barriers to mainstreaming DRR and steps to be taken for successful

mainstreaming. He also familiarized the participants about major mitigation components,

formulation and implementation of mitigation program and guiding principles of mitigation. After

the presentation, participants were given practice regarding DRR mainstreaming in various sectors.

Disaster Need Assessment. The session was utilized for acquainting the participants with

disaster need assessment and the session was conducted by Mr. Sajid Naeem. He briefed the

participant about types of assessment, their objectives & timeframe and methodology to carry out

assessment. He also explained the roles of all stakeholders monitoring framework prepared by

NDMA for all types of assessments.

Information Management in Emergency. The last session was taken by Ms. Sana Zulfiqar,

who briefed the course participants about importance of information management, information

management cycle and the basic principles of information management. She also talked about

information needs by different audience during the emergency response. At the end, through a

group work, the participants were apprised about information needs in all the phase of disaster

management cycle.


Day 3

Training Sessions

Emergency Response Management: Overview, Concept & Process of Emergency Relief and Group

Work on Relief Requirements. The sessions were conducted by Mr. Sajid Naeem. He explained the

participants about disaster response, response activities, tiers of response and responder in case of

various response activities. He also discussed in length, important characteristics and requirements

of effective response. While talking about relief process, he explained the focus of relief activities

during initial stages of response and various sources which contribute towards relief operation. He

also discussed the important features of relief operation and its linkages with early recovery. After

the presentation the participants were divided into groups to work out the shelter, food, health

and WASH requirement for affected population based on the given scenario.

Gender Mainstreaming and Inclusive Approach. The session was conducted by Mr. Ihsan

Qadir, HelpAge, Pakistan. During the session, he discussed about concept of gender, aging and

disability. He explained about how aging vulnerability makes persons more vulnerable to disasters.

He discussed about the inclusive approach and explained the basic terms used in inclusion

approach, barriers to inclusion and facilitators to inclusion. He also discussed in length the inclusion

consideration in various DRR activities which must be ensured.

Recovery after Disaster. The last session of the day was also conducted by Mr. Amjad Iqbal,

NDMA. He briefed the course participants about the purposes of recovery, essential sectors which

are focused during recovery and ideally when the recovery should begin. He explained how

recovery needs are determined through post disaster need assessment and planning parameters of

successful recovery. He also apprised the participants about the linkages between recovery and

NDMA policy/plan.

Course Evaluation/Feedback. The participants were asked to fill-in the evaluation form and give

their feedback on various aspects of the training/exercise. The table below shows the overall rating

of the training, provided by the 17 participants who filled in the evaluation forms.

Question Asked Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor No Reply

Training met my expectations 41% 53% 6% 0% 0% 0%

Attainment of objectives 41% 54% 5% 0% 0% 0%

Methodologies used 52% 45% 3% 0% 0% 0%

Material and presentation used 52% 41% 7% 0% 0% 0%

Content of the training 53% 40% 7% 0% 0% 0%

Resource persons/facilitators knowledge 63% 32% 5% 0% 0% 0%

Group work/exercise 48% 37% 15% 0% 0% 0%

Balance between exercise and theory 25% 51% 24% 0% 0% 0%


Venue, facilities and services 34% 38% 22% 6% 0% 0%

Duration of the training 47% 34% 19% 0% 0% 0%

Closing Ceremony and Certificates Distribution. Mr. Irfan Mufti, Member Central Executive

Committee (CEC) NHN, was the chief guest for closing ceremony. Mr. Sajid Naeem thanked the

participants for their participation & their valuable contribution during the training. He also

thanked NDMA, PDMA, and NHN (National & Provincial Chapters) for their assistance in organizing

and conducting this important event. Speaking at the occasion, Mr. Irfan Mufti thanked NDMA,

PDMA and ADPC for conducting the training for Punjab officials. He also thanked ADPC for their

support and the participants for their whole hearted participation. He urged that more such

trainings should be organized. In the end certificate were distributed by Mr. Irfan Mufti.


Picture Gallery

Day 1 - Sessions

Inaugural Session

Session 1 - Disaster risk management terms and concepts

Session 2 - Punjab hazard profile and prioritization


Session 3 - Disaster management spectrum, its components

and action taken in each phase

Session 4 - Humanitarian coordination architecture

Day 1 - Group Activities

Disaster risk management terms and concepts


Humanitarian coordination architecture

Day 2 - Sessions

RE-cap of day 1

Session 1 - Contingency planning process


Session 2 - DRR mainstreaming - Concept and process

Session 3 - Disaster need assessment

Session 4 - Information management in emergency


Day 2 - Group Activities

DRR mainstreaming - Concept and process

Information management in emergency

Day 3 - Sessions

Re-cap of day 2


Session 1 - Emergency response management

Session 2 - Gender mainstreaming and inclusive approach


Session 3 - Recovery after disaster

Day 3 - Group Activities

Emergency relief requirements: Group work

Inclusive approach: Group work


Day 3 - Closing Session and Certificate Distribution


Annex A

Participants List

Ser Participant’s Name Gender Designation Organization/Department E-mail Phone

Government (13)

1. Riaz Hussain Male Head Clerk District Council, Multan [email protected] 0306-7437772

2. Farid-ud-Din Male Sub Engineer Municipal Corporation, Multan [email protected] 0300- 7183487

3. Farooq Ahmed Male Superintendent Municipal Committee, Multan - 0333-6126130

4. Faiz Rasool Male Superintendent Municipal Committee, Shujabad [email protected] 0304-7066146

5. Muhammad Riasat Male Head Clerk Municipal Committee, Shujabad - 0340-5457310

6. Ashiq Hussain Male Chief Instructor Civil Defence, Multan [email protected] 0300-7363064

7. Naeem Akhtar Male Rescue Incharge Rescue 1122, Multan [email protected] 0300-6976605

8. Mudassir Zia Male Control Room Incharge Rescue 1122, Multan [email protected] 0302-4799310

9. Abdul Rahim Male Coordinator Rescue 1122, Multan [email protected] 0300-7205067

10. Muhammad Amjad Male Station Coordinator Rescue 1122, Multan [email protected] 0333-7648848

11. Abdul Jabbar Male Media Coordinator Rescue 1122, Multan [email protected] 0305-6924471

12. Nasir Sultan Male District Coordinator PDMA (Punjab) [email protected] 0300-7920307

13. Amjad Iqbal Male Deputy director NDMA, Islamabad [email protected] 0331-3008267

Civil Society Organizations (11)

14. Nasim Jehan Female District Coordinator Pattan Development Organization, Multan [email protected] 0336-6596877

15. Yasir Hussain Male Social Organizer Pattan Development Organization, Multan [email protected] 0307-7869866

16. Sadia Nawaz Female Executive Manager HANDS, Muzaffargarh [email protected] 0346-8209597

17. Ali Raza Male Program Manager HANDS, Muzaffargarh [email protected] 0333-3033039

18. Farhat Parween Male Project Officer SPO, Multan [email protected] 0300-8823087

19. Muhammad Waris Male Executive Member Help For Needy, Muzaffargarh [email protected] 0321-4384451

20. Abdul Rehman Male M & E Coordinator Social Youth Council of Patriots, Muzaffargarh [email protected] 0345-5001815

21. Sajjad Haris Male Project Manager Sanjh Foundation, Muzaffargarh [email protected] 0345-9997877

22. Zahid Iqbal Male Community Mobilizer Participatory Welfare Services, Muzaffargarh [email protected] 0308-7703392

23. Kumail Hassan Male Program Officer Lodhran Pilot Project, Lodhran [email protected] 0340-2169746

24. Hammad Ahmad Male Project Coordinator Farmers Development Organization, Kot Addu [email protected] 0321-6981844