Curriculo Profissional Ingles Completo (1)

1 Arnaldo Freire


Curriculo Profissional Ingles Completo (1)

Transcript of Curriculo Profissional Ingles Completo (1)

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Arnaldo Freire

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1. COMPOSERRecently wrote new works for Dúo Villalobos from Colombia and

Samuel Mok, from China. He currently writes a concerto for Two Guitars and

Chamber Orchestra, at the request of Kupiński Guitar Duo, from Poland. See

more on pg. 3.

2. TEACHINGSpoke at the opening of the "6th International scientific and

practical conference Classical Guitar: Contemporary Performance and

Instruction" on Rachmaninov Institute in Tambov, Russia. His article:

"Opus 50-12 Etudes for Guitar" was published at this conference.

Recently been teaching at Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar in Malaysia and the

Institute Lizardi on Mexico. See more on pg. 5.

3. PRODUCERWith the support of the Brazilian government he coordinated a team of

ten teachers trained in his method, to travel to Zihuatanejo, Mexico. Rhythms

of Brazil it was a musical marathon with 20 hours of duration, for 107

children. See more on pg. 5.

4. CONCERTSOn September 23, 2013 make the opening concert of the "I Hong Kong

International Guitar Festival". Recently played in the concert halls in

Moskow U-Kamina and Zapastnik. Also participated in the Zihuatanejo

International Guitar Festival in Mexico in 2012 and 2013. Presented on "II

KTJ Intenational Youth Guitar Festival" in Kuala Lumpur and this confirmed

for the 2014 edition .. See more on pg. 6.

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Arnaldo Freire is a graduate of the Consevatório Musical

Guarulhos. He also studied at the Conservatory of Music and the

Instituto Souza Lima on Booklyn paulista. He is currently majoring in

Composition at the Federal University of Goias - UFG. His composition

"Apocalypse," for solo guitar was awarded by the Culture Secretariat of


The award-winning short film by Roxanne Torres, “Catadores

de Papel, " has an original score by Arnaldo Freire.

He Also has pieces in the soundtracks to: “Entre Memórias e

Conquistas,” “Umas e Outras,” and “Maria da Gruta,” all directed by

Lázaro Ribeiro .

In his compositions, you see a refined Brazilian-ness:

modinhas, frevos, sambas, valsas and other colors are mixed with post-

tonal techniques, refined counterpoints and unusual instrumentation.

Arnaldo Freire´s compositions are published in the guide, Guia

de Música Contemporânea Brasileira, edited by CDMC - Brasil /

Unicamp, a subsidiary of Centre de Documentation de la Musique

Contemporaine, based in Cité de la Musique, Parc de la Vilette, Paris.

The following is a brief catalog of works by Arnaldo Freire:


OP. 01 – “RITUAL DA ALMA”, Prelude No. 01 for guitar.OP. 02 – “SAUDADE”, Prelude Nº02, for guitar.OP. 03 – “AR E MAR”, Prelude Nº03, for guitar.OP. 04 – “GLEISSON & LEYBER”, for 2 guitars. OP. 05 – “ENCONTRO DE RIOS”, Prelude Nº04, for guitar.OP. 06 – “CORREDEIRAS”, for 4 guitars.OP. 07 – “A BRUXA TIBETANA”, Prelude Nº05, for guitar.OP. 08 – “APOCALYPSE”, for guitar.

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OP. 09 – “O MONTE CINCO”, for string orchestra, inspired by the book by Paulo Coelho.OP. 10 – “SUÍTE EXPERIMENTAL”, quartet woods.OP. 11 – “IMPROVISO”, Prelude Nº06, for flute.OP. 12 – “SAÍDA PELA ESQUERDA”, country concertante for violin and cello.OP. 13 – “FUNK”, for flute.OP. 14 – “CONCERTO FESTIVO”, for guitar and orchestra.OP. 15 – “SUÍTE BRASILEIRA Nº01”, for flute and clarinet.OP. 16 – “FANTASIA CONCERTANTE”, for bass and piano.OP. 17 – “KALONI”, Prelude Nº07, for solo guitar.OP. 18 – “O LIVRO DE AMORES MODAIS”, for two voices, with poetry by Cristiano Siqueira.OP.19 – “PROCISSÃO”, for oboe and strings.OP. 20 – “TRITONAL”, for 3 guitars.OP. 21 – “SUÍTE BRASILEIRA Nº2”, for piccolo and bass.OP. 22 – “A FLORESTA MÁGICA”, for bass and piano.OP. 23 – “PROSAS BÁRBARAS”, for symphony orchestra, based on the homonymous work by Eça de Queiroz.OP. 24 – “CAIXINHA DE MÚSICA”, for piano.OP. 25 – “SUÍTE BREVE”, for guitar.OP. 26 – “CANÇÕES SIMPLES”, for flute and guitar.OP. 27 – “BRIGA DE PÁSSAROS”, for guitar. OP. 28 – “O LIVRO DOS INSETOS”, for guitar.OP. 29 – “SUÍTE MÍSTICA” for flute.OP. 30 – “SUITE BRASILEIRA Nº3”, guitar quartet and wood.OP. 31 – “CONCERTINO”, for guitar, strings and percussion.OP. 32 – “O LIVRO DE SENTIMENTOS”, for 2 flutes.OP. 34 – “TRANSCENDÊNCIA” for mezzo-soprano and chamber orchestra, poetry Alexandra MachadoOP. 35 – “SUÍTE”, for solo trumpet.OP. 36 – “O LIVRO DE VIAGENS Nº1”, for 2 basses.OP. 37 – “O LIVRO DE ADRIANA”, didactic series for solo bass (33 pieces).OP. 38 – “A HISTÓRIA DO CHORO”, for Flute and Guitar.OP. 39 – “CANTO”, for Soprano, Flute and Guitar. SOP. 43 – “SUÌTE”, for Bassoon Solo.

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OP. 44 – “AS PAISAGENS QUE TROUXEMOS”, for soprano and string quartet, with the poetry of Fernando Cruz.OP. 45 – “SUÍTE PARA CLARINETA”.OP. 50 – “OS DOZE ESTUDOS”, for guitar.OP. 52 – “SUÍTE BRASILEIRA Nº4, for flute and string trio.OP. 54 – “SETE LEMBRANÇAS DE UM FLAUTIM”, for solo piccolo.OP. 58 – “CENAS BRASILEIRAS”, Duo for clarinet.OP. 59 – “PRELÚDIO, VALSA & FREVO”, for Oboe solo.OP. 67 – “CONCERTINO”, for trombone and strings.OP. 68 – “A FLORESTA DE BEATRIZ”, for harpsichord solo.OP. 70 – “O DERRADEIRO”, to band.OP.72 – “Três Melodias Marianas”, for flute solo.

2. TEACHINGArnaldo Freire's work as a teacher has been very varied. He is the author of

several methods for the guitar, he also teaches drums and bass.

Freire received honorable mention several times by the Municipal Sports,

Culture and Recreation for their participation in the show “Violão e Violonistas


In 1996 he wrote, produced and designed the video curriculum, “Ritmos,”

setting a new standard in guitar group lessons. Through the collective work and

practice with the video lesson, students learn the rhythms of popular music, which

are organized into 48 lessons divided into three progressive stages.

Even the repertoire, the most important part of work, can be made available

to students via Internet to develop learning and save time.

For guitar lessons, classes of 1st and 2nd grades and classes of 3rd and 4th

grades, can be taught at the same time. For the other series is recommended for a

limited number of students. For presentations, students can join the classes and the

first presentation may be scheduled in the second month of school.

Arnaldo Freire has taught for fifteen years in Goiania, founded choral and

guitar classes in colleges: Marista, Dinâmico, Disciplina, Maria Betânia,

Agostiniano, COC e Olimpo. He was also professor of the Preparatory Course

“PAS – Programa de Avaliação Seriada,” at the University of Brasília-UNB.

For group classes, Arnaldo works with his own material and multimedia

resources. Group lessons with video, audio, handouts, summaries and tests. Some

materials may be placed online for use by students and for online training.

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3. PRODUCERAs a cultural producer, Arnaldo Freire created the “Orquestra Planalto

Central,” sponsored by the College Dinâmico. In the first half of 1999, when

private schools enjoyed a “boom market,” Arnaldo had a one hundred thousand

dollar project. During this time 12 concerts were performed in four months, one

sponsored by the Swedish Embassy. The composer Acchille Picchi wrote a piece

for chorus and orchestra especially for us: Pascha Nostrum.Also during this year, a CD was recorded, “Cenas da Floresta,” with the

orchestra's woodwind quintet. The CD was mastered and ready, but remains


His instructional video “Ritmos & Estilos” distributed by Distribuidora

Garden was for sale at newsstands and sold out after two thousand copies. His CD

“O Violão em Goiás” was launched in 2002 and also sold out.

In 2000, Freire presented in the national network “Jornal Hoje” along with

the Choir of the College Dinâmico at the inauguration of “Relógio 500 anos” in the

Square Kalil Gibran.

In 2003, he branched into e-commerce and released an Internet-sponsored

recording, “Pura Viola” by Anacleto João de Deus. It sold over 1.000 copies. In

2005, when the site was still (now

he began distributing his teaching method, “Ritmos & Estilos,” also published by

the Distributor Jardim, and sold almost 3.000 copies.

Freire produced the world premiere of “Oviedo Impressions,” by Mary Ann

Joyce, at the International Meeting of Composers on Poços de Caldas.

4. CONCERTSAs a guitarist he has received several awards including the National Guitar

Competition at the Faculty Mozarteum (1988) and the Competition Nacional de

Violão Souza Lima (1996). In the years 1995, 1996 and 1997 Arnaldo Freire was

the first musician to perform unprecedented concert premieres for Guitar and

Orchestra in Goiás, conducted by Joaquim Jayme by the Symphony Orchestra of


Concerts from paulistas Achille Picchi and Eduardo Escalante and goiano

Estércio Marquez were written especially for Freire. In 1999, three more

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unpublished concertos for guitar and orchestra were written for Arnaldo: by

cariocas Odemar Brígido e Neder Nassaro and gaúcho Frederico Richter.

In 1999 and 2000, Arnaldo performed in Rio Grande do Sul with the

Symphony Orchestra Santa Maria conducted by Ricardo Tacuchian (Academia

Brasileira de Música) and the two concerts were dedicated to him by Frederico

Richter. In 2002, he performed premieres of Concerto em Sol, de Pedro Cameron,

with the the Goyazes Orchestra conducted by Eliseu Ferreira. His success as a

guitarist is now being recognized by foreign composers such as Danielle Baas

(Belgium), Harry Hewitt (USA), Naphtaly Lahav (Israel), Carlos Carmona

(Argentina), Paulo Galvão (Portugal) has also devoted plays and concerts.

His show “A Volta ao Mundo em Seis Cordas” is arguably the most

instrumental music show presented in Goiás (since 1995), being shown in Award

Jaime Câmara de Propaganda, Congressos do Pensar, Congresso Luso-brasileiro

de Morfologia and many others.

His contemporary musical repertoire is so large and significant that it is

listed separately.


Achille Picchi (SP)Three Poetic Moments *

Guitar & Symphony Orchestra

Achille PicchiThree Parts

Solo Guitar

Achille PicchiForest Scenes

Wind Quintet

Angélica Faria (RJ)The Three Faces of Love

Flute, Guitar & Breakfast. Orchestra

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Calimério Soares (MG)Concertino

Guitar, Brass & Percussion

Fernando Lewis de Mattos (RS)Concert

Guitar & Orchestra

Estércio Márquez (GO)Concert Camera *

Guitar & Breakfast. Orchestra

Music for Flute and Guitar No. 1Music for Flute and Guitar No. 2

Eduardo Escalante (SP)Concert *

Guitar & Small Orchestra

Concertante Nº3 **Flute, Guitar & Strings

Frederico Richter (RS)Concerto No. 1 ***

Guitar & Orchestra

Concerto No. 2 ***

Guitar & Orchestra

Neder Nassaro (RJ)Concert

Guitar & Strings

Nestor de Holanda Cavalcanti (RJ)Three Folk Songs

Guitar & String Quartet

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Odemar Brígido (RJ)Concert

Guitar & Symphony Orchestra

Pedro Cameron (SP)Concert

Guitar & Strings

Rodrigo Lima (SP)Variations

Guitar & Strings

Sérgio Vasconcelos-Corrêa (SP)Study No. 2

Solo Guitar

Wanderley Carlos Martins (SP)Quintet No. 1

Wind Quintet

* - Presented by the Symphony Orchestra Goiânia.

** - Presented by the Orchestra of Ancient Cultural Foundation BH.

*** - Presented by the Symphony Orchestra Santa Maria – RS

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