Brand You!

Brand You! Presented by Tyler Kushmaul


Personal Brand

Transcript of Brand You!

  • 1. Brand You! Presented by Tyler Kushmaul

2. Personal Branding Presence has increased due to technology and social media Purpose Who you are What you stand for What you want to be know for 3. My Current Brand Traits and Characteristics1. Hard Work2. Leadership Skills 4. Current Brand 3. Forward Thinker4. Flexibility 5. Future Brand Anticipated Skills and Traits Following Competition of Franklin MCM Program 1. Become an Expert1. Establish a presence 6. Future Brand 3. Be Distinctive4. Influence Others 7. References AICPA. (n.d.). Five tips to branding yourself . Retrieved from ndingYourself.aspxBonigala, M. (2010). Top 10 forward thinking logos. Retrieved from (2013). Blessed are the flexible for they shall see money: 5 tips on remaining flexible in business. Retrieved from, D. (2013). The merits of hard work in the 21st century . Retrieved from , J. (2011). 8 traits of remarkably successful brands. Retrieved from 8-traits-ofremarkably-successful-brandsReynolds, G. (n.d.). Brand you. Retrieved from (2012). Leader [Print Photo]. Retrieved from