Achieving SharePoint Success

The SharePoint Story for Success How To: Manage and Implement SharePoint Projects Successfully Presented By: Richard Harbridge @rharbridge That’s Me!


This presentation covers everything non technical required in a successful SharePoint implementation. From achieving successful buy in to actually supporting and dealing with the new work that comes from such an implementation and everything in between (user adoption, governance, etc) This presentation has gone through minor revisions and as of March 2010 this is the latest version.

Transcript of Achieving SharePoint Success

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The SharePoint Story for SuccessHow To: Manage and Implement SharePoint Projects Successfully Presented By: Richard Harbridge


That’s Me!

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Richard Harbridgeis a Business Analystis a Project Manageris a Technology Specialistis a Blogger/Tweeter

Loves SharePointLoves CommunitiesLoves TechnologyLoves Speaking

Who am I?

Blah blah blah blah blah


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What I am going to talk about…1. The Idea2. The Decision3. Buy In and Expectations4. Governance5. Approach, Communications, and Support6. User Adoption7. New Work and Growth

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On With Our Story…

From Here To Here

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Chapter 1

The Idea

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Meet Joe


SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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Joe Works in IT

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At Joe’s Workplace…

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Decision Makers don’t have Enough Information

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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The CFO needs to Reduce Costs

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IT Services Struggles to Keep Up

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People Must Do More With Less

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People Are Having Trouble Finding What They Need

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Don’t Worry Though…

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Joe is Really Smart…

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And works in IT

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So Joe has an Idea!

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We can help solve our problems with technology!

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The OutcomeJoe believes with effective application

of technology he can improve his organization.

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What to watch out for…We need to know the background and reasoning for why technology is being

looked at.

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Chapter 2

The Decision

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The Research

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So Joe does lots of good research…

Awesome! Not as awesome.SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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He even performs in depth product comparisons…

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Like this one…

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Excerpt of Product Comparison written by Richard Harbridge courtesy of Concept Interactive

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Mapping the needs of his organization to the right


SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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This is important as Microsoft alone has a quite a few…

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

• Dynamics AX• Dynamics CRM• Dynamics GP• Dynamics NAV• Dynamics POS• Dynamics RMS• Dynamics SL

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Even SharePoint has multiple options

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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After many hours of tireless research Joe decides…

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Since Everyone in Joe’s Company uses Microsoft Office…

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SharePoint is the Perfect Fit!

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The Outcome

Joe has made a decision.

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What to watch out for…We have to define our needs carefully if

we want to pick the right technology.

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Chapter 3

Buy In and Expectations

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Before we begin…

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Let’s Talk About Perceptions

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People See Different Things

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Perceptions Impact Motivation

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• Acceptance• Curiosity• Hunger• Family• Honor• Idealism• Independence• Order

• Physical Activity• Power• Attractiveness• Saving• Social Contact• Status• Security• Vengeance

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Joe is on a mission.

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Joe has to convince the IT Services, CFO and Decision Makers

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We are going to help Joe out!


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So what is the most important thing to IT Services?

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What are some ways we can convince IT Services?

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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The Biggest Point to Share is:

SharePoint eventually allows Business Users to develop and implement business solutions that use technology without IT’s involvement.

The Reality:

IT doesn’t want to learn/support a new technology.

SharePoint’s integration is invaluable to IT.

A unified application delivery platform like SharePoint can greatly reduce costs, time and effort for new work.

Cost of Ownership (IT)

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IT Services gets it and is on board!

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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So what is the most important thing to the CFO?

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What are some ways we can convince the CFO?

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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Lets Talk Numbers (CFO/Finance)

The Biggest Point to Share is:

SharePoint is worth the initial investment and ongoing costs.

The Reality:

It is a costly investment and costly on going expense.

Money can be invested to always generate a return.

You need to have measurement, account for risk, and have some expectation of return (quantifiable) that makes it worth the initial investment/on going costs.

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Your Goal

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What you don’t want.

Don’t lose perspective.

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How do we get here?

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ROIReturn on Investment

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Evaluating Return on InvestmentMoney Matters:

Always show expected cost and return over multiple years.

Use discount rate to help account for risk and competitive investment rate.

Internal Rate of Return will help find the ‘break even point’.

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

The Simplest ROI Formula Ever

Estimated Value

Estimated Difficulty

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Examples I have a difficult requirement. It’s an 8 in difficulty (out of 10).

I have an easy requirement. It’s a 2 in difficulty (out of 10).

The expected value of the difficult requirement is 4 (out of 10).

The expected value of the easy requirement is 6 (out of 10).

SharePoint Camp

Estimated Value

Estimated Difficulty

Richard Harbridge

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ROI (traditionally) Measures Financial Impact

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ROI doesn’t cover ‘non-financial impact’ or ‘increased potential’

Website/Intranet Visitors

Increased Connections

User Complaints Improved Morale Improved Skills

Improved Know-How


Better Reputation

Employment ApplicationsClick-throughs


Positive Word of Mouth

Negative Word of Mouth

Improved Relationships

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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The CFO is on board!

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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So what is the most important thing to Decision Makers?

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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Add Value

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What are some ways we can convince Decision Makers?

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Add Value (Decision Makers)

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

The Biggest Point to Share is:

SharePoint improves productivity, reduces waste, and improves visibility to help drive better decision making.

The Reality:

It takes time and investment to reach the point all managers and executives want.

Productivity gain can be difficult to measure, as can reduction in waste.

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Tips for getting Decision Makers to understand the value.

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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Mapping Solutions to ObjectivesCentralize Knowledge and Resources

Enhance Collaboration

Automate and Improve Business Processes

Enhance Governance Model

Reduce Redundancy and Improve Efficiency

Adjust Site Structure and Taxonomy

Generate Templates Migrate File Shares Create Dashboards Implement Workflow Solutions

Configure Search Services


Direct Relationship Indirect Relationship

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Information Overload

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Scalable Architecture

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SharePoint Solutions (Evolution)

*Super Simplified

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Use them.

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SharePoint Deployment Planning Services (SDPS)

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Typical workers produce 3+ GB of data per year.

30% of a typical workers day is spent searching for information.

In a 1,000 employee company lost productivity costs approximately $5 million a year.

Public Statistics can help…

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Source: “The Enterprise Workplace,” IDC, 2005

Source: IDC, 2003

Source: “Hidden Costs of Information Work,” IDC, 2006

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Statistics within the Organization are better.

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20% of our IT Support people who travel do not have access to our IT policies and support documents when travelling..

4 out of 5 of our workers do not know that we have an employee disaster relief fund.

Currently we pay for full licensing on 7 different enterprise document management solutions.

Source: “Support Review Q4,” IT, 2010

Source: “HR Employee Benefits Survey,” HR, 2010

Source: “Financial Audit of Licensing Costs,” Finance, 2010

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Decision Makers are on board!

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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The Outcome

Joe has achieved momentum and buy in.

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What to watch out for…Joe must carefully manage expectations

and maintain the momentum.

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Chapter 4


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What is Governance?

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Without effective governanceorganization, performance, and

capability are significantly reduced.

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What does that mean?

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Without Governance

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So how do we do it?

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Teamwork is KeyThere are typically 5 teams for SharePoint Governance:

Business Strategy TeamTechnical Strategy TeamTactical Teams:

Tactical Operations Team

Tactical Development Team

Tactical Support Team

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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Identify patterns.Plan for patterns.

Execute patterns.

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I think I see a Pattern.

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Executing Governance

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The Result:

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Aggregate/Reference Document (Contains all SharePoint Info – Single Point of Reference)

Objectives/Priorities (Tech/Business)

Governance Documentation

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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Objectives/Priorities Disaster Recovery Plan Deployment Process, Policies, and Schedule Monitoring Plans Maintenance Plans Service Level Agreements Etc…

Operations Documentation

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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Objectives/Priorities Site Classification and Platform Classification Site Provisioning Process/Questionnaire User Expectations Agreement Roles and Responsibilities Support Agreement(s) Training and Communication Plans Etc…

Support Documentation

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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Branding Guide Workflow Policy SharePoint Designer Policy Development Standards Testing Requirements Etc…

Development Documentation

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Use them.

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Governance Checklist

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TechNet, Community and More..

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With Governance

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The OutcomeEveryone Achieves a Shared Understanding

of SharePoint Related Processes

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What to watch out for…Not just documents, policies, and

procedures. It is an active and ongoing process.

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Chapter 5


and Support

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What is the best approach for SharePoint Implementations?

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Why Iterative? SharePoint is a very large platform. It takes time to understand SharePoint. SharePoint is great for rapid prototyping,

and for proof of concept work. It ensures there is enough time to

review, adjust, and communicate.

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Communication Planning

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Will act as a binding agreement (forces you to carry through).Helps keep communication focused.Helps prevent unwanted surprises.

The Communication Plan

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Use pictures and more pictures. Explain as much as you can (Pros/Cons).

Solidifies decisions and allows them to explain to anyone who asks.

Ask every question three times in three different ways.

Communication Tips

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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Support Planning

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Don’t forget you aren’t superman.

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

(Sorry Joe)

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Multiple Tiers for Escalation

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(You can’t know everything)

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Measure Support

SharePoint CampRichard HarbridgeLearn and use data to be proactive.

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Diversify Support resources/mediums

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Books and Manuals Online




Cheat Sheets One on One Classroom Training




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Use them.

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Productivity Hub

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Stand Alone/Portal Edition Training

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SharePoint Learning Kit

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Support Tip…

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RESPONDYou never want to give the IT busy

signal, or support busy signal.

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The OutcomeSharePoint is supported effectively.

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What to watch out for…The training and support can be

costly in time and resources.

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Chapter 6

User Adoption

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User Adoption

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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How do we get successful User Adoption?

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Successful User Adoption Requires…

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Useful, digestible training sessions (less than an hour)

Training Excercises/Workshops

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Avoid too much too fast.Keep it simple.

It’s like learning to drive.

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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Do a video like this one…

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Use them.

SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

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The Kit is !


What used to be GearUp…

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High Availability and Accessibility also lead to better User Adoption!

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Cultivate and promote the right culture.

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Create an Identity and Brand

Branding should make it easier, and more effective.

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Focus on those on board/ready.

People who already want it.

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Use what they love.

If they love using outlook focus on using that as a leveraging point.

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Say Thank You

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Reward super users with achievements.

Then promote the desire to get rewards.

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Create a SharePoint Showcase

Where users submit and show off

their SharePoint “Solutions”

Good Idea!

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Make it Fun!

Hold Contests, Scavanger Hunts and Other Activities

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Walk your own talk.

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The OutcomeSharePoint is successfully adopted by a large

enough group of users to be deemed successful.

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What to watch out for…The build it they will come approach

will often not work alone.

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Chapter 7

New Work and Growth

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

What about New Work & Growth?

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Plan and build a system for managing New Work

Change Requests

Enhancement Requests

New Features

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Spend time in advance building a channel for new work.

Avoid the flood.

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Know your limits

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Grow your team

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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Know your team Developers(s)



Business Analyst(s)

Project Manager(s)

Site Administrator(s)

Super Users(s)


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SharePoint CampRichard Harbridge

Cultivate new work! It’s a good thing.

This boosts user adoption! (More functionality and dependency over time)

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The OutcomeThe SharePoint Implementation continues to grow, expand and provide more value.

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What to watch out for…You need to plan support for new

work/requests otherwise people will lose confidence.

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<3 and TYClipArt

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Thank You!Let’s talk, and/or tweet!

Twitter: @rharbridge



Send me your emails, and let me know your feedback!

Email me at: [email protected]