Wk4 Assign Assess n Eval (2)

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  • 7/30/2019 Wk4 Assign Assess n Eval (2)



    Assessment and Evaluation Using Technology

    Dana Borowiec

    EDU697: Capstone: A Project Approach

    Dr. Keith Pressey

    May 6, 2013

  • 7/30/2019 Wk4 Assign Assess n Eval (2)



    Assessment and Evaluation Using Technology

    Select a prior MATLT activity that demonstrates attainment of Program LearningOutcome 6 to technology resources to facilitate effective assessment and evaluation and

    Program Learning Outcome 7 Utilize technology to collectand analyze data, interpret results,

    and communicate findings. Redesign the activity using instructional design principles andtheory. Using learning in prior courses and the Week Four Discussion, be sure to include anexplanation of which principles and theory you chose and why. Additionally, include a

    discussion of any design and implementation challenges experienced during the redesign processand how they were overcome.

    Emergency situations, unfortunately, prevail in the world. The United States, alone, has

    experienced emergency situations, which include the Boston Marathon bombings, school and

    mall shootings, and natural disasters. One MATLT activity which demonstrates Program

    Learning Outcome 6, Technology resources to facilitate effective assessment and evaluation,

    can reflect through the JIT training class, EDU 656. A practice drill that utilizes technology,

    such as cell phones and social networking, can include fire drills. The second activity to

    exemplify Program Learning outcome 7, Utilize technology to collect and analyze data,

    interpret results, and communicate findings, can collect data obtained through a survey.

    Fire drills are periodically conducted in schools and many businesses, with intent to

    instill a course of action in the event of an emergency. In terms of the workplace, knowing how

    to act in the event of an emergency could be crucial to saving time as well as lives. Integrating

    alerts through technological means would reflect a drill about to be executed, which departments

    are involved, and a specific plan of action in the event of an evacuation.

    Using email, text messages, and social networking could serve as a reminder of the drill

    or event, and reinforce the necessity of this type of activity by using previous emergency-

    scenarios as examples. The second activity demonstrates Program Learning outcome 7, Utilize

    technology to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings, can collect

    data obtained through a survey. The participants willingly become a part of the process when

  • 7/30/2019 Wk4 Assign Assess n Eval (2)



    they provide information designed to educate both learner and instructor. In addition, surveys of

    this type provide knowledge that can ultimately benefit the masses.

    Surveymonkey.com provides a service where questions posed to a certain demographic

    can provide information when considering the design of a program. Using instructional design

    principles and theory, I chose a survey created for the purpose of utilizing text alerts, email, and

    social networking to notify stakeholders of impending emergency situations. As a result of

    findings, assessments and evaluations of programs provide information with regard to needed

    changes and ways to improve performance.

    The findings of my survey were varied and interesting, though, initially, my topic was not

    on-point for the sake of the original assignment. I created two surveys because I did not include

    the potential for internet tools in the events of emergencies. I discovered that creating the

    questions is only the beginning of conducting an effective survey. My revised survey was based

    on communications and the potential need for using social media as a means for communication

    in the event of an emergency. Though the template was one I edited, the questions were organic,

    in my own words, and designed to discover the frequency of social media usage; the intent is to

    show how social media is an effective, time-saving, efficient, and speedy method of


    The Instructional Design Knowledge Base (2006) describes several learning theories. The

    repeats of such drills exemplify the Cognitivism/Pragmatism theory which states: Emphasis on

    structuring, organizing and sequencing information to facilitate optimal processing (2006).

    Meaningful learning takes place through the structured organization. The survey allows the

    participantseither past, present, or futureto become part of the process through the

    Constructivism/Interpretivism theory (2006). This theory can, Create novel and situation-

  • 7/30/2019 Wk4 Assign Assess n Eval (2)



    specific understandings by "assembling" knowledge from diverse sources appropriate to the

    problem at hand (flexible use of knowledge) (2006). Cognitive goals efficiently transfer the

    knowledge to the learner and Constructive goals, Encourage reflective thinking, higher-order

    learning skills (2006).

    One MATLT activity which demonstrates Program Learning Outcome 6, Technology

    resources to facilitate effective assessment and evaluation, can reflect through the JIT training

    class, EDU 656. A practice drill that utilizes technology, such as cell phones and social

    networking, can include fire drills. The second activity to exemplify Program Learning outcome

    7, Utilize technology to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings,

    can collect data obtained through a survey. The utilization of technology for emergency

    notification results in a safer, broader outreach. Periodic surveys help provide and gain

    knowledge to everyone involved.

  • 7/30/2019 Wk4 Assign Assess n Eval (2)




    Dabbagh, N. (2006). Instructional design knowledge base. Retrieved from


    Borowiec, D. (2012). Social networking to communicate during an emergency. Survey

    Monkey. Retrieved fromhttp://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5D53JQQ


    Borowiec, D. (2013). Emergency communication. Survey Monkey. Retrieved from

