Unax Ugalde

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Unax Ugalde

Nationality: He is Basque, now he live in Madrid but when he are children he live in Gasteiz

Age: He’s 30 years old

Profession: actor

He’s got small brown eyes.

He’s got oval face

He’s got arched eyebrows and long eyelashes.

He’s got wide mouth and square chin

He’s got wavy brown hair and clean – shaved skin.

He isn’t got any special features

He’s got broad-shouldered and medium height and build.

He looks like a interesting boy

He looks like a happy boy

He looks like a romantic boy

He seems tense and relaxed boy

He seems sociable and enthusiastic boy

He looks like a serious boy

When the paparazzi take her pictures, he’s usually passive and he didn’t aggressive

He hardly ever gets bad tempered when people spoke ill of him

He has made a lot of films.

His most important film is Frío sol de invierno and her most important TV series is Periodistas.

He didn’t win any award but he was nominated by Goya prize, union actors and in silvers frames.