The life cycle of a cell

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The life cycle of a cell

The life cycle of a cell

By Ryan Clark

The interphace

This is the stage where the cell preforemes its normal functions and gets ready to split. It get ready by making 2 sets of DNA

Early prophase

This is the stage when the DNA become chromosomes and the nucleolus disperses also spindle fibbers form


The spindle fibbers attached to the center of the chromosomes witch is called centromeres


The chromasomes alighn down the equater of the cell with the spindle fibbers still atached

AnaphaceThe spindle fibbers pull the sister chromades to

opposite sides of the cell


spindle fibers dissiper and the nuculermembrane formes around the sets of chromsones


spindle fibbers are broken down exsept for the overlapping part the cell makes an cytoscelliton and goes back to the interphase

Back to the interface

After that the 2 cells go back into the interface stage and repeat the whole procedure all over again.