Terminal Happiness

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Terminal Happiness

Terminal HappinessCommand Line Zero to Command Line Hero


Brad ParbsWeb Dev Studios Leading Worndpress Developer


Every I learned from …

Simple comparisons

•  bashprofile ≅ functions.php in a WordPress theme

•  Bash is just a development language, like PHP or javascript

•  Various programs and apps use Bash to perform certain tasks

•  It’s not scary!

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

1.  Command line is ugly2.  Command line requires reading3.  Command line does stuff super fast4.  Command line does stuff behind closed

doors5.  Command line is almighty powerful

The problems

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

•  Use iTerm 2•  Install zsh to apply themes

Address the ugly

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

A Beginner’s Guide to the Best Command Line Tools

The required reading

•  Clearly structured •  Well-organized •  Broken down into step-by-step approach •  Not overly technical •  Lots of code samples and snippets

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Command lines performs tasks quickly – and that will save us time.

Take advantage of the speed

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Learn what command line can do and the unknown becomes less daunting.

Study the unknown

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

The power of the command line was meant to be harnessed by mere mortals. Learn to wield its power and you will be glad you did.

Embrace the power

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

What does A DESIGER do with the command line?

Sets up project folders

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Jump to local installs

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Jump to local cloud server

@liamdempsey | #burbswp

Play nicer with WP-CLI

•  https://webdevstudios.com/2015/02/10/a-beginners-guide-to-the-best-command-line-tools/

•  https://github.com/bradp/dotfiles •  https://github.com/liamdempsey/dotfiles •  http://iterm2.com/ •  http://explainshell.com/ •  http://www.shellcheck.net/ •  http://wp-cli.org/


@liamdempsey | #burbswp