Spanish grammar book

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Transcript of Spanish grammar book

Spanish Grammar Book

2010-2011Emilia Goodreau

Table of Contents


ExpressionsVerbs Like


Trigger Words Car, Gar, Zar




Snakies Se Impersonal

Table of Contents

Past Participles as Adjectives

El Futuro & Ir+a+Infinitive

Demonstrative Adjectives

Demonstrative Pronouns

Imperfect Tense + Irregulars

Commands: Formal and Informal

+ DOP and IOP Placement

Modal VerbsReflexivesSaber vs. Conocer

Ser:to be

DescriptionsOrigin deCharacteristi



Possession de


•Yo soy •Tú eres •Él es •Ella es •Nosotros somos •Vosotros sois •Ellos son

Jose es alto.Yo soy de Honduras.Ustedes es doctor. Ella es mi mama.Tú eres bonita. Que es? Un gato.

Doctor Ped

Estar:to be

HealthEmotionsLocation enPresent conditionING

Present Participles (-ing):Ar-andoEr/Ir-endo-yendo

•Yo estoy•Tu estás•Ella/El/Ust. Está•Nos estamos•Vos estáis•Ellas/ Ellos/ Ustds están

Yo estoy mal. Bella esta enfermo. El libros estan en la casa.Nos estamos enojadoYo estoy roto.

Hacer ExpressionsHacer Time Que Verb

Present Tense Verb Since and For

Preterite Tense Verb Ago

Hacer Expressions tell how long ago something happened.

I took the test two hours ago. Hace dos horas que tomé el


I have had the cat for two days.Hace dos dias que tengo el gato.

Verbs Like GustarVerbs Conjugated like


Doler To hurt

Fascinar To fascinate

Molestar To bother

Encantar To love

Faltar To lack, to be in need of

Importar To be important to

Disgustar To disgust

Abburer To be bored

•Verbs like gustar use indirect object pronouns: • Me • Te • Le• Nos• Os • Les

•The word order is backward 1. The indirect comes first2. Then the verb3. Then the subject of the

verb. • Add a no to the beginning to make it negative •“Gusta”= singular nouns and infinitives•“Gustan”= plural nouns

Singular Noun-Me gusta la playaPlural Nouns-Diego le encanta música y películasInfinitives -Te gusta cantar.

Preterite• A definite time in the past with a beginning and/or ending.

Regular –ar Verbs

-é -amos

-aste -asteis

- ó -aron

Regular –er/-ir Verbs

-í -imos

-iste -isteis

- ió -ieron

-É, -Í, -Aste, -Iste, -Ó, -Ió, -Amos, -Imos, -Aron, -Ieron, Esto es el pretérito!

•I talked to Patti yesterday. • Yo hablé con Pandora ayer.

•Kevin wrote the paper for Literture. • Kevin escribió de papel de la

literatura.•We ate salad.• Nos comimos ensalada.

•You slept in your house.• Tú dormiste en su casa.

•Eva and Ana sang “Feliz Navidad”• Eva y Ana cantaron “Feliz


Preterite Trigger Words• Ayer- Yesterday• Anteayer- Day before Yesterday • A las ocho- At eight o’clock• El ‘martes’- On Tuesday• El día anterior- The day before• El ‘lunas’ pasado- Last Monday• El fin de semana pasado- Last weekend• Ayer por la mañana - Yesterday morning• El otro día - The other day• En ese momento- In that moment• Hace dos dias- Two days ago• Esta tarde- This afternoon • Esta noche- Tonight • Entonces- Then• Durante dos siglos- During two centuries• Desde el primer momento- From the first moment

Signal upcoming use of a preterite tense verb

Car, Gar, Zar• Irregular preterite verb form• Only irregular in the yo form• Everything else stays the same as a regular preterite.

-Car Verbs-qué -amos

-aste -asties

- ó -aron

-Zar Verbs-encé -amos

-aste -asties

- ó -aron

-Gar Verbs-gué -amos

-aste -asties

- ó -aron

•I touched the pen• Yo toqué la pluma.

•I played the game.• Yo jugué el juego.

•I began my homework. • Yo comencé mi


Spock Verbs

• Another group of irregular preterite verbs.





Ir/SerYo fui Tu fuisteUd. fueNos fuimosUds. fueronHacer

Yo hice.Tu hicisteUd. hizoNos hicimos.Uds. hicieron.

VerYo vi.Tu viste.Ud. vio.Nos vimos.Uds. Vieron.

DarYo di.Tu diste.Ud. dio.Nos dimos.Uds. dieron.

Cucaracha Verbs

-e -imos

-iste -isteis

-o -ieron

Another grouping of irregular preterite

verbs. Andar- anduv…Estar- estuv…Poder- pud…Poner- pus..Querer- quis…Saber- sup…Tener- tuv…Venir- vin…Conducir- conduj…Producir- produj….Traducir- traduj…Decir- dij…Traer- traj…

Snakes• Yo dormí. • Tú dormiste• Él durmió.• Nos

dormimos.• Vos

dormisteis.• Ellos


• Yo pedí. • Tú pediste• Él pidió.• Nos pedimos.• Vos pedisteis.• Ellos


Another irregular preterite. The 3rd person form has a stem change.

Snakeys• An irregular preterite verb.• Verbs like leer, creer, and oir change the I to Y in the 3rd


Yo leí.Tú leísteÉl leyo.Nos leímos.Vos leístesEllos leyeron.

Yo creí.Tú creísteÉl creyo.Nos creimos.Vos crísteisEllos creyeron.

DOP• DOP’s are: me, te, le, nos, os, and los. • They answer the question of what is

receiving the direct action of the verb. • You ate an apple.

– Comiste una manzana. (Manzana=La)• La comiste (You ate it)

• I eat bread.– Como pan.

• Lo como. (Pan=Lo) • She eats the bananas.

– Ella come las bananas.• Ella las come.

• Command-– Senor Presidente como el pan.

• Sr. Presidente lo como.• Sr.Presidente cómolo. (the DOP

hooks on)

The DOP can only hook on when:

1. It’s used with an infinitive-Voy a comerlo.

2. It’s used in an affirmative command-Bébala!

3. It’s used with a gerund/ present progressive-Estoy comiéndolo.

IOP• Answers the

question “to whom” or “for whom”

• There cannot be an IOP without a DOP.

• The IOPs are: me, te, *le, nos, os, *les– An IOP and DOP

cannot both begin with l, so if it does , the IOP le and les goes to se.

• The IOP comes before the DOP in the sentence.

• The same rules of connecting them to the verb apply to IOP like the DOP.

• I gave it to her.• I gave- verb, it- DOP (lo)

, her- IOP (le)• Le lo di. (WRONG)• Se lo di. (no double L,

lese) •She gave it to me. • She gave- verb, it- DOP

(lo), me- IOP (me)• Me lo dio.

•Give it to him. • Se lo de.• Déselo. (can connect

together because it is an affirmative command)


• Affirmative:– Tu- drop the ‘s’

• Eat- Come! – Irregulars-

TVDISHES• Negative-

– put in ‘yo’form and change to opposite vowel and add ‘s’. • Don’t Eat-

No Comas!– Irregulares- di,

haz, pon, sal, se, ten, ven

Formales• Affirmative:

– Ud./Uds- put in yo form and change to opposite vowel– ar e– er/ir a– Hablar-

Hable! – Viver- Viva!

– Irregulars- TVDISHES

• Negative- – Same as above

and add No– Irregulars-


DOP + IOP can attach to an affirmative command. They must go before the negative command.

Irregular Commands

• Tener- tenga

• Venir- vengo

• Dar-de

• Ir- vaya

• Ser- seya

• Hacer- haga

• Estar- este

• Saber- sepa

Se Impersonal • Use se to avoid specifying a person who

is doing the action of the verb.– Se vende fruta en la tienda.

• When using se, the verb is always in the 3rd person.– Aquí se habla español.

• Se can be used in all renses.– Se hizo mucho.– Se hará mucho.– Se hapía mucho.

Past Participles as Adjectives

• They agree with the nouns they modify in gender and number.• For -ar verbs, -ado is added • For -ir and -er verbs, -ido is added• Examples:

– The beaten eggs - Los huevos batidos– The cooked chicken – El pollo cocinado– The grated cheese- El queso rallado – The combined mix- La mezcle combinada

Gender Singular Plural

M El pollo comido

Los pollos comidos

F La manzana comida

Las manzanas comidas

Irregulars •abrir- abierto•cubrir- cubierto•decir- dicho•escribir- escrito•hacer- hecho•morir- muerto•poner- puesto•resolver- resuelto•romper- roto•ver- visto•volver- vuelto•ir- ido

El Futuro • Pronoun + infinitive form of verb + ending

– Yo + infinitivo + é• -ar, -er, and –ir verbs all have the same ending

• Yo estudiaré• Tú estudiarás• Ella estudiará

• Nos estudiaremos• Vos estudiaréis• Ellos estudiarán

-é -emos

-ás -éis

-á -án

El Futuro Irregulars • decir- dir• hacer- har• poner- pondre• salir- saldr• tener- tend• valer- valdr• venir- vendr• poder- podr• querer- quer• saber- sabr• caber- cabr• haber- habr

Yo diréTú sabrásEl tendrá

Nos valdremos

Ellos podrán

Ir + a + Infinitive • Going to do something in the near

future• Included in the future.

Ex.Yo voy a viajar a Chile.

Yo voy a comer una manzana.

Demonstrative Adjectives

• Adjectives whose function is to point at something. • English- this, that, these, those• Spanish- three sets• They are typically placed before the noun they modify.

Singular Masculine

• este (this)• ese (that)• aquel (that)

Plural Masculine

• estos (these)

• esos (those)• aquellos (th


Singular Feminine

• esta (these)• esa (that)• aquella (tha


Plural Feminine

• estas (those)

• esas (that)• aquellas (th


Me gusto este perro. (I like this dog)Voy a comprar ese coche. (I’m going to buy that car)

Me gustan aquellas casas. (I like those houses)Prefiero estas computadoras. (I prefer those computers)

Demonstrative Pronouns • Acts as the equivalent of ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’, and ‘those’• They stand for nouns rather than modifying them

Singular Masculine•éste (this)•ése (that)

•aquél (that)

Plural Masculine•éstos (these)•ésos (those)

•aquéllos (those)

Singular Feminine•ésta (this)•ésa (that)

•aquélla (that)

Plural Feminine•éstas (these)•ésas (those)

•aquéllas (those)

Imperfect Tense • Describes past activities which are seen by the speaker that are

incomplete or continuing • Describes repeated actions that occur daily, events that are in progress,

physical characteristics, emotional states, time telling, and age.

-aba -ábamos

-abas -abais

-aba -aban

-ía -íamos

-ías -íais

-ía -ían

-ar verbs

-er & -ir verbs

•I wrote everyday. • Yo escribía todos los

dias. •She always sings.• Ella siempre cantaba.

Trigger Words•todos los dias•los lunes/martes/etc.•mientras•siempre•muchas veces

Imperfect Irregulars Ir

Iba Ibamos

Iba Ibais

Iba Iban


Era Éramos

Eras Erais

Era eran


Veía Veíamos

Veías Veíais

Veía Veían

Commands Los Mandatos Informales



• simply drop the “s” in tú form• Eat- Come!

Negative• put in yo form• change to opposite vowel• add ‘s’• ar es• er/ir as • Don’t Eat- No Comas!

Informal Irregular Commands


•Decir- Di•Hacer- Haz•Ir- Ve•Ponder- Pon•Salir- Sal•Ser- Sé•Tener- Ten•Venir- Ven


•Decir- Digas•Hacer- Hagas•Ir- Vayas•Ser- Seas•Ponder- Pongas•Venir- Vengas•Tener- Tengas•Salir- Salgas

Commands Los Mandatos Formales

(Ud) -ar verbs

put in yo form

change ending to -


-er verbs put in yo form

change ending to -


-ir verbs put in yo form

change ending to -

aNegative- add “No” in front

Tener- tengaVenir- vengoDar-deIr- vayaSer- seyaHacer- hagaEstar- esteSaber- sepa


DOP and IOP Placement

DOP and IOPs can only hook on to the verb when…..

• They’re used with an infinitive – Voy a comerlo.

• They’re used as an affirmative command.– Cómala!

• They’re used with a gerund/present progressive – Estory comiéndolo.

Modal Verbs• Used with other verbs to help them

change their meaning. • Verb + Infinitive

Ir + a + infinitive going to do something

Poder + Infinitive able to do something

Querer + Infinitive want to do something

Deber + Infinitive should do something

Tener que + Infinitive to have to do something

Reflexive Verbs • Describe people doing something

to themselves.– He bathes himself.

• They reflex back to the subject. • Reflexive pronouns can be…

– In front of the verb– Attached to the infinitive– Attached to a present

participle– Attached to an affirmative


Me (myself) Nos (ourselves)

Te (yourself) Os

Se (his/herself)

Se (themselves)

Reflexive Pronouns

Examples•He sees himself. • Se ve.

•I am hitting myself. • Estoy pegándome

•I put myself to bed.• Me acueso.

Verbs with pronoun already attached:

banarse, acostarse, despertarse, dormirse, ducharse, lavarse, levantarse, maquillarse, peinarse, ponserse, secarse

Saber vs. Conocer

• Expresses knowledge or awareness of a fact

• Sé donde vivas. Saber

• To know or be familiar with people, places, or things.

• Conozco Senora Smith.
