SNS- POS System RFP Response Template

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Transcript of SNS- POS System RFP Response Template



RFP No. 09302013


August 22, 2008 - 1:00 to 3:00 P.M.

Student Nutrition Services / Information Technology601 McAllister Street, 1st Floor Conference Room

San Francisco, California 94102


September 03, 2008 - 5:00 P.M.

Purchasing Department / Information Technology601 McAllister Street, Room 207San Francisco, California 94102


September 10, 2008 to September 17, 2008

Student Nutrition Services / Information Technology 601 McAllister Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room

San Francisco, California 94102

Due to the temporary relocation of the SFUSD Purchasing Department, correspondence and traffic will be directed to the Student Nutrition Services /Information Technology Department, 601 McAllister Street, San Francisco, California 94102

1/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

San Francisco Unified School District Purchasing Department


PROPOSALS WILL BE OPENED AT 2:00 P. M. , September 03, 2008



TEL: (415) 241-6468 DATE: August 06, 2008FAX: (415) 241-6487

DELIVER PROPOSAL, properly executed, to Purchaser, prior to opening time, in sealed envelope with Purchase Agreement Proposal Number and Commodity inscribed hereon.(Include one (1) signed copy of Page 2; retain Supplier’s Duplicate copy for your file).

DO NOT INCLUDE SALES OR EXCISE TAXES IN PROPOSAL PRICES (Section 49 of the General Terms, Conditions, Instructions And Information For Bidders)

Upon receipt of Purchase Agreement Acceptance, the undersigned hereby promises and agrees to furnish, subject to provisions of Sections 37 and 45 of the General Terms, Conditions, Instructions And Information For Bidders, all articles or services within the dates specified, in the manner and form and at the prices herein stated in strict accordance with the advertisement, specifications, proposals and general conditions all which are made a part of the purchase agreement, when authorized by Purchase Orders, Revolving Fund Orders, or Encumbrance Requests.

Name under which business is conducted

Business Street Address Tel:

City State Zip Code

IF SOLE OWNER, sign here:I sign as sole owner of the business named above.

IF PARTNERSHIP, sign here:The undersigned certify that we are partners in the business named above and that we sign this purchase agreement with full authority so to do. (One or more partners sign)

IF CORPORATION, execute here:

The undersigned certify that they sign this purchase agreement with full and proper authorization so to do.

Corporate Name

Signed Title

Signed Title

2/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Incorporated under the laws of the State of

Do you have an affirmative Action Policy? (Yes) (No)

3/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

RFP Response Template

Note: All information in italics is provided for the purpose of definition and may be deleted by the vendor in the submitted response to the RFP.

1 Proposal Identification Statement

The Vendor should provide the organization name, mailing address, and primary contact person information.

Organization Name: Address:

Primary Contact Person:

Master Copy: Y/N

Date Submitted:

2 Volume I - Response to Requirements

2.1 Table of Contents

2.2 Exceptions - This section of the Proposal will note any exceptions to the requirements and conditions taken by the Vendor. Identify, with explanation, any requirements and/or conditions of this RFP with which you cannot or will not comply. If exceptions are not noted, the District will assume that a Vendor’s Proposal meets those requirements and conditions.

4/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

2.3 Vendor Project Approach Response (RFP Section 7, Pages 18-21)

2.3.1 Response to Requirements

Item No.


M - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor ResponseY= YesN = No

7.1 Project Plan1 Each Vendor shall submit a Proposed

Project/Implementation Plan, which reflects the knowledge, experience, recommended scope of work (including 178 serving lines), and understanding of the complexities of implementing the Proposed Product into an environment similar to that of the District and County.


2 The Proposed Project Plan shall describe and indicate the sequence and dependencies of major tasks and milestones to be undertaken by the District, the Vendor, and other parties, as appropriate and necessary to implement the Proposed Products.


3 The Proposed Project Plan shall clearly indicate whether the SFUSD or the vendor has primary responsibility for the task.


4 The Proposed Project Plan shall include the following activities and deliverables:


4.1 a. Project planning & organization Work plan Communication plan Project status reports Project issue tracking


4.2 b. Infrastructure Hardware specification and

procurement System configuration document Installation/Configuration tasks for

both a training/testing environment and production


4.3 c. Business Requirements Procedure/Requirements Review

Period Gap Analysis Recommendations for System

Configuration, and, if necessary, customization


4.4 d. Configuration and Development Timeline for configuration Timeline for



5/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.


M - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor ResponseY= YesN = No

4.5 e. Interface Development Steps required to build interfaces to

populate student information, financial information, and user accounts.


f. System and User Testing Interface and System Testing Power User Testing Defect/Issue Resolution Acceptance


g. Training and Transition Recommended deployment model

(i.e., pilot sites, phased approach, or District-wide rollout)

Training proposal (three options)o Vendor coordinates all

training o Vendor trains a lead worker

for each site (approximately 100). District coordinates all other training

o Vendor trains team of 10 SFUSD users who will coordinate training for SFUSD.

Provision of training materials and database for ongoing training and assistance.


7.2 Project Roles/Responsibilities1 The vendor shall outline proposed staffing

levels (FTE), roles, and responsibilities for a successful implementation for the vendor and the SFUSD.


2.3.2 Project Plan and Supplementary Information

Please reference or insert project plan and any additional information necessary to substantiate or explain response to Vendor Project Approach section.

Please be sure that the following minimum information is included in the response to this section:

District and vendor responsibilities/expectations

Recommended implementation model

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Recommended training model

7/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

2.4 Application Requirements Response (RFP Section 8, Pages 21-28)

2.4.1 Response to Requirements


8/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Column Values/Instructions

Vendor Response Y= Yes. Functionality is available in the current release.

N= No. Functionality is not available and is not planned for a future release.

P= Planned. Functionality is planned for a future release.

Software Status If functionality will be provided in a future release, please include the expected date of release and current status (evaluation/requirements gathering, development, testing, completed).

Comments Please describe how the software meets the requirement requested and provide any additional information necessary to substantiate the response.

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


8.1General System Functionality

1 The system meets Federal and California State government requirements for the National School Lunch Program.


2 System was designed specifically for school food service


3 System is capable of interfacing with MicroSoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005 database platforms. System can import student demographic, attendance, and enrollment information. System can import staff and financials information.


4 System has extensive role-based permission functionality. Designated system administrators shall have the ability to:.


4.1 a. to permit or deny access by user, or defined groups of users


4.2 b. to permit read and/or write access, or deny access by menu/functionality, page, field.


4.3 c. To restrict users to read/edit only rows of data they have access to (e.g., only their school)


4.4 d. To define the user interface/menus by user groups.


5 System provides a comprehensive database of both current and historical information and allows access to a minimum of three years of data.


6 System is capable of printing to local and network printers in a Windows Active Directory environment.


9/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


7 System meets reporting requirements for compliance with federal and state programs. System will provide data exports that are formatted to exactly meet CA State and Federal data submission requirements. Vendor will update reports/extracts when State/Federal requirements change for no additional charge to the District..


8 Food Services Management System, including Point of Sale systems, can be demonstrated to the district at time of bid opening and are installed in at least 1 school districts of similar or larger size.


9 Back Office, Point of Sale and Parent Portal interface seamlessly to share updates on student information, account balances, sales information, menu items, and other relevant data changes. System must offer both real-time and deferred processing for data exchange over the SFUSD network.


10 System has the ability to perform data transfers via network, USB Key or other storage device.


11 The vendor and vendor software must provide electronic direct certification that accepts data in any common file format, with any field order.


8.2 General Ledger  1 The system will support

Standardized Account Structure (SACs) format.


10/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


2 The system will import account strings, revenues, expenditures, and current balances from the District’s Financial Information System (PeopleSoft, v8.4, MS SQL backend)


3 The system will export account strings, balances, expenses to the Districts Financial Information System.


4 The system shall provide functionality to enter and track accounts payables, accounts receivables.


5 The system shall allow large volumes of transactions to be stored in a spreadsheet and uploaded to the system.


6 Reports6.1 The system shall

provide a reporting interface that allows the user to report on accounts payable, accounts receivable, current balances (by account code).


6.2 The system shall allow the user to create custom reports.


6.3 The system will allow reports to be displayed, saved as a PDF document and exported to Excel.


8.3 Sales Information  1 The system will allow entry of

the type of patron meal, type of payment, meal period (breakfast/lunch).


2 For point of sale system users, sales information will automatically be populated from the Point of Sale system terminal.


3 The system will track total sales for pre-paid accounts.


4 The system will allow entry of the total cash collected for each site/meal period.


11/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


5 For point of sale system users, the system will collect the cash count at the local POS terminal and update the back of house system.


6 The system will calculate the difference (over/short) between the cash count and reported sales.


7 The system will allow an administrator to add a comment on the sales or cash count for that meal period and site.


8 The system will allow Point of Sale terminal users to include a comment on the daily sales report that will be transmitted to the back of house system.


9 The system shall provide access for a system administrator to update/override cash counts and sales reporting for a meal period/site. These transactions will be logged by the system.


10 The system shall provide functionality to “close” a sales period (month, day, etc) so that no additional edits can be made, except by a designated system administrator.


11 The system shall transmit all daily sales information to the General Ledger.


12 Reports12.1 Cash


12.2 Verification that claimed meals do not exceed eligible counts


12.3 Unsubmitted sales data, cash counts


12.4 Price list M12.5 Reimbursement


12.6 Reimbursement Claim (by school)


12.7 Sales information (detail and summary)


12/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


12.8 CA State Claim Form M12.9 The system shall

allow all reports to be displayed in a PDF document format or exported to Excel


12.10 The system shall allow the user to create custom reports.


8.4 Accounts Payable1 The system will provide

functionality to create purchase orders and requisitions.


2 The system will be provide export/interface functionality to synch with the Financials Information System.


3 The system will import data from the District’s Financials Information System to identify when purchase orders and requisitions have been processed.


4 Reports4.1 Accounts Payable Detail

(All purchase orders/requisitions/expenses with payment status) in PDF and Excel


8.5 Student Information

13/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


1 The system will provide scannable applications that match State Requirements and include the following information: student name, birthdate, grade, school, student income, Federal and State Assistance program, other household members, household members’ earnings and deductions (separated by employment income, child support payments, welfare payments, alimony payments, social security income, pension income, disability income, other temporary income), adult’s social security number, adult’s name, address and date signed.


2 The system shall import scanned meal application data and automate eligibility determination based on the application.


3 The system shall import student ID, Student name, birthdate, current school, grade, homeroom room number, enrollment history, address, and contact information, parents names and contact information, home language (for letter generation) from the SFUSD’s Student Information System. This import shall occur at least once per day.


4 For Point of Sale System users, the system will maintain a sales/transaction history for each student, including items sold and student account balance.


5 The system will automatically designate and track temporary (45 day) eligibility for applications submitted where no income is reported.


6 The system will allow an administrator to update student account balance.


14/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


7 The system shall provide reports including:

7.1 Applications received by date with status


7.2 Student status changes (free to paid, etc.) for a given time period


7.3 Replacement swipe cards issued


7.4 Student balances M7.5 Student eligibility by

school siteM

7.6 Students directly certified


7.7 Student alert messages (report of allergy alerts and parent notifications)


7.8 All reports will be available by site.


7.9 Reports shall be automatically emailed to the site administrator and employee in charge at the site on an interval defined by the SFUSD Central Office Team.


8 The system will provide the ability to generate ID cards for reading in the Point of Sale lines


9 The system will generate letters for students, including

9.1 Letters regarding applications not received


9.2 Low/negative account balance letter


9.3 Direct certification letter M9.4 Temporary authorization


9.5 Expiration of eligibility M9.6 All letters will be

available in multiple languages including at least Chinese and Spanish (translation can be provided by SFUSD).


15/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


9.7 For students where Home Language is designated as other than English, the system will automatically print letters in both the Home Language and English.


10 The system will allow student pictures to be imported and displayed on student records and point of sale system terminals.


8.6 Year End Activities1 System will automatically

drop/add students based on enrollment information maintained in the SIS system.


2 The system will automatically update school and grade level of students based on the Student Information System.


3 Applications will be automatically expired upon a date designated by the SFUSD.


4 The system will allow balances to be rolled over for returning students.


5 For students who have left the SFUSD, the system will allow the generation of a refund check.


6 Describe the archiving, maintenance, and retrieval of prior year POS data.


7 Vendor must provide a complete year-end checklist.


8.7 Verification1 The system will provide a

function for randomly selecting households for verification of meal application information.


2 The system shall provide functionality for tracking verification status.


3 The list for verification will be exportable to excel.


8.8 Scanning

16/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


1 The system will integrate with a meal application scanning solution.


2 The scanning solution will scan over 1,000 applications per hour.


3 The scanning solution will read handwritten applications.


4 The scanning solution will look up and tie data to the student ID number.


5 The scanning solution will track all non-compliant applications.


6 The scanning solution will flag food stamp/TANF applications with inconsistent entries.


7 The solution will identify and automatically display previous applications for the same student.


8 The solution will separate each student on the application.


9 The solution will export application data and images to CD.


10 The solution will archive data and images from previous years.


11 The solution will recognize and process valid meal application forms.


12 The system will record processing comments and/or errors for each application.


13 The system will provide a user-friendly interface for Student Nutrition Services personnel to quickly access and view scanned applications.


14 The system will work with RocketScan (the SFUSD’s existing equipment/vendor)


8.9 Inventory

17/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


1 The system shall allow entry of ordered/delivered food items and supplies as inventory.


2 The system shall allow import of delivered food items and supplies from a standard spreadsheet.


3 The system will automatically remove sold food items from inventory (information retrieved from POS terminals).


4 The system will allow damaged, lost, or unusable supplies to be removed from inventory through the POS terminal or through the back office interface.


5 The system will provide functionality for physical counts to be conducted at the sites, input at the POS terminal, and automatically loaded to the back office system.


6 For bar-coded items, the system will allow the items to be scanned for physical counts and electronically update the POS terminal and back office system.


7 The system administrator will be able to adjust inventory counts in the back office interface.


8 The system will generate alerts/reports based on “low” thresholds of available inventory. The threshold can be set by item and by site.


9 The system will deliver reports, including

9.1 Current Inventory by site and item


9.2 Low Inventory items M9.3 Reorder forms M9.4 Transaction tracking


9.5 Non-usable items (removed from inventory without being sold)


18/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


9.6 Inventory/Physical Count Comparison Report


8.10 Purchasing1 The system shall allow for

creation of purchase orders and receipt confirmation.


2 The system shall provide functionality for importing/exporting Purchase Order information from/to the SFUSD Financials Information Systems.


3 The system shall provide reports, including

3.1 Current Purchase Orders with status


3.2 Annual Purchase Orders by vendor


8.11 Menu Setup1 The system shall allow setup

of menu items, prices by type of patron. Prices vary by student/adult, meal eligibility, and grade level of the student.


2 The system will allow the administrator to set up different menus for each school site and meal period.


3 In the back office system, the administrator will be able to define the POS interface menu, including the position and color of buttons for meal items.


8.12 Point of Sale System1 The system allows for any

number of serving lines per site.


2 The system accommodates the use of touch screen computers, serial connection point of sale terminals, or any combination of those devices.


3 All point of sale devices have the ability to run wireless. Please specify (Example – 802.11B/G WEP, WPA, WPA2, PEAP)


19/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


4 The Point of Sale terminal must support multiple lines (2 or more student identification devices running simultaneously)


5 All point of sale units must allow the following student identification methods (next 5 items):


5.1 Slot-Type Bar Code Reader


5.2 Laser-Type Bar Code Reader


5.3 Numeric PIN Pad M5.4 Combo Unit (Slot-type

bar code reader and numeric PIN pad in a single unit)


6 POS system must continue to function when no connection to the manager computer, site server, or network is available.


7 In the case of a server or network failure, the system includes a disaster recovery system. The system will acknowledge that the server or network was down, and once restored it will re-synchronize the data between the POS device and the server.


8 Even when a site has multiple serving lines, the system shall prevent students who go through the line more than once from purchasing more than one reimbursable meal per program (breakfast, lunch).


9 If a student is pre-paid, the pre-pay information must be available at all serving lines.


10 System has ability to complete all meal service functions with mouse, touch screen, or keyboard.


11 System must allow serving by on-screen rosters. Rosters must be available with, or without student photos.


20/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


12 Multiple roster formats must be available, including (next 3 items):

12.1 Roster sorted by homeroom


12.2 Roster sorted by grade. M12.3 User defined rosters

which may be determined by the district. User defined rosters may be: alphabetical by students who normally eat breakfast; by bus number as students arrive in the morning and come to the cafeteria for breakfast; or any other roster as determined by the district. System must accommodate unlimited user defined rosters.


13 The system must be capable of serving each student with a single screen touch, for a reimbursable meal, if no money is required. That is, the student is either free or pre-paid.


14 System allows searching for a student from the roster screen by student name or student ID number.


15 Once a student is served, the system displays an indicator that shows the student has received a meal.


16 Employee at Point of Sale can access student information, including account balance and allergy information.


17 Prepayments may be entered at the serving line during meal service.


21/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


18 To speed entry of cash transactions, either for pre-pays, or cash payments, the system must provide standard denomination keys of $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 and $20.00 on the cash receipt screen.


19 In addition to standard denomination keys, a 10-key pad must be available on the cash receipt screen to record non-standard amounts.


20 The cash receipt screen must allow for the entry of check numbers in the case of payments by check.


21 Check numbers for payments are retained for various reports and for inclusion in a system-generated, optional deposit slip.


22 System must be capable of processing students from multiple locations simultaneously with sales totals and meal counts for each location (for example, students from an adjoining middle school and elementary school may share a cafeteria and use one point of sale system, POS can access all students in the District)


23 POS system must be able to supress the student's eligibility on the POS display. Only the amount owed at the end of the transaction with prices already adjusted for the student’s eligibility level should be displayed.


24 System must have the option of hiding meal prices so that free or reduced price students are not identified


22/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


25 POS system must have the ability to fully integrate with a back office system. Back office system is defined as a software system consisting of the following modules: Student Free/Reduced Scanned Applications, Daily Cash Sales, and Inventory. Back Office system must conform to state accounting guidelines. Integration includes automatic transfers of student eligibility/school changes and pricing changes to each POS school and retrieval of daily cash sales information from each school. Must be able to demonstrate this integration to be considered.


26 Menu items programmed to POS devices must be able to be customized by site (to display only menu items that pertain to that cafeteria)


27 POS system has ability to generate barcodes for student identification cards and/or bar coded student lists.


28 System has ability to display student’s photograph for visual identification at point of sale.


29 Meal service lines utilize a buffering system so that students may use the identification device prior to arriving at the cashier.


30 Operator must have the ability select students from the buffer in a different sequence than they were entered.


31 If two student input devices are used, the operator may chose either line for the next transaction.


32 POS devices must easily transported.


23/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


33 System must allow for different student id devices to be used simultaneously on different terminals in the same cafeteria (keypad(s) on one terminal, card reader(s) on another terminal).


34 System must allow for user-defined auto-serve option setup by terminal (The system defaults a menu item into the student’s purchase, minimizing clicks/touches at the point of sale terminal) System must allow a different auto-serve item to be specified at each terminal.


35 System must have the capability of combining a la carte items into a reimbursable meal and recalculating the price to the reimbursable meal price in compliance with USDA regulations for both food-based and nutrient based menu planning (example, must recognize that an entree plus a side dish can be claimed as a reimbursable meal under nutrient-based menu planning).


36 System must have the capability for differential pricing. (1) Each menu item may be associated with different prices based on the person who is purchasing the item (Free-eligible, reduced-eligible, student, grade level, staff). (2) Pricing for a combination of items may be different than the price of purchasing each item a la carte).


37 System accommodates student ID numbers up to ten digits.


24/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


38 POS system must require an operator login number and password. Please include if Active Directory user accounts can be utilized for this purpose.


39 POS system must allow but not require separate login for breakfast and lunch.


40 System must not prevent a student who is returning through the line after being served a reimbursable meal from purchasing additional meals or a la carte items at non-reimbursable prices.


41 System must allow receipt of monies in advance of actually purchasing a meal (prepay). Money should be held on account for the student and automatically applied to meals and/or a la carte items purchased.


42 On an individual student basis and/or as a site-wide option the system must have the ability to allow prepay money to be used or restricted from use by the student for (next 4 items):

42.1 Breakfast meals M42.2 Lunch meals M43.3 A la carte items M43.4 A la carte items, up to a

specified limit per dayM

44 POS system must debit prepaid monies from the student's balance as the items/meals are purchased at point of service.


45 POS system must notify cashier when prepaid money on account for the student has fallen to a low balance as the student comes through the line.


46 POS system allows definition of low balance amounts for free, reduced, and paid students.


25/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


47 System must print a report and letter, or send an email/phone message for students whose prepay accounts have reached a user-defined low or negative balance to advise that more money should be placed on account. Letters must be available in multiple languages.


48 System must produce a report showing all prepayment transactions by student: payments received, meals and a la carte items purchased by date, etc.


49 System must have the ability to maintain a negative account balance if a student is unable to pay for a meal.


50 The system must be able to limit the menu items that can be provided to a student when their account balance will go negative/ they are unable to pay.


51 Must have the capability of placing a dollar amount limitation on the amount a student can accumulate in charges (negative balance). Must be able to specify different negative balance limits for free, reduced, and paid students by student or by group.


52 POS system must have the ability to lock out lost or stolen cards to prevent duplicate use.


53 POS system must allow search of database, from POS terminal, for a student who lost or has forgotten their meal card, by ID number and/or name.


26/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


54 System allows for the recording of lost cards on the POS terminal, which flags system to reprint the student’s card at the school, or send the information to the district office for reprinting.


55 System must warn the cashier when processing students with food allergies or relevant medical conditions. Optionally, the cashier must acknowledge the warning before a student may be processed.


56 System must allow for entry of sales to adults


57 System must be capable of processing meals served to student and adult workers in the same manner as regular student meals


58 System must allow meal and a la carte items to be purchased in the same transaction


59 POS system must compile daily cash sales information on the screen, in the manger's office.


60 POS system must calculate actual sales per terminal and/or operator per day.


61 POS system must calculate cash over/short amounts for the day by terminal and/or operator and by cafeteria.


62 POS system must have the optional ability to account for cash at the back office without the cashier knowing the amount of cash which should have been reported.


63 POS system must have the ability to make adjustments to sales reported, however a transaction report must detail all transactions showing all sales as well as any adjustments made.


27/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


64 POS system must calculate actual participation of free/reduced meals served against students qualified to receive free/reduced meals for that meal/day.


65 POS system must calculate sales tax from adult meals.


66 POS system must not purge daily detail of transactions when monthly totals are calculated.


67 Must have the ability to track and report items sold either separately or combined by meal service, such as breakfast, lunch


8.13 POS: Query and Reporting1 System has a fully

integrated report generator that includes both canned reports and the ability to create ad hoc reports.


2 All reports have the ability to be previewed on the computer screen.


3 POS system generates a daily cash sales report designating: school name, date, quantity sold by item, price charged, and extended total sales for each item, with grand total at the bottom of the page.


4 POS system generates monthly sales reports with the following groupings:

By school name, line number and date

By food item By category (al a

carte, meal) By meal



28/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


5 POS system generates a transaction journal by terminal/operator, showing the time of each transaction, students id number, type and price of transaction. The transaction journal will have a summary including totals of types of meals (i.e. free, reduced, paid, prepaid, adult, etc.), login-logout time and number of students served and cash collected at the terminal.


6 POS system generates a terminal operator summary designating totals of each type of meal served and cash collected by terminal/operator and totals at the bottom of the report.


7 POS system generates a student participation report showing participation by designated individual student over a user determined time period.


8 POS System generates a report showing students who have not participated in the child nutrition program during a user-defined period, or who have participated only a user specified number of times.


9 POS system generates non-participation letters to parents to encourage participation by child.


10 POS system generates a student credit availability report showing by student, showing all account balances.


11 System must have a setup feature to select desired reports to be printed at school sites daily. Once selected, all reports may be printed in a single step.


29/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status


12 System will provide functionality so that administrators can create ad hoc reports.


13 System will allow report data to be exported to excel or saved as a PDF document.


14 System will allow administrators to schedule recurring reports and receive the report by email


15 Vendor will provide select only direct database access for the purpose of creating an interface between the Point of Sale back office system and SFUSD databases, including SharePoint Portal and SIS.


8.14 On-Line Payment Portal

1The vendor shall provide and host an on-line prepayment system/parent portal.



The system shall allow parents to register for access through the website and shall validate their access based on student information (example: ID number and birthdate)



The system shall allow parents to view the purchase/meal history of their student(s) on-line.



Access to student meal history and account balance on-line shall be available to all parents, regardless of their student’s eligibility for free or reduced price meals and without requiring that the parent supply credit card or bank account information.



The system shall allow a parent to view data for all of the students in their care under a single login.


30/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response

Software Status



The system shall allow parents to set up an automated transaction to charge their credit card or bank account when the student’s account reaches a low balance or at a regular time interval.



The vendor will guarantee the security of information within the on-line payment portal. Please describe.



The on-line payment portal shall provide functionality for paying fees and making donations beyond the food service program (e.g., library fees, field trip costs, school/program donations).


8.15Integration with Back

Office1 The point of sale system at

school sites must integrate seamlessly with the existing back office applications (SchoolHouse) OR include a back-office solution in the response to this RFP.


2 Licensing and maintenance costs proposed in response to this RFP must include all future upgrades and any revisions required to the system to maintain the back office and point of sales systems.


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2.4.2 Application Requirements Supplementary Information

Please reference or insert any additional information necessary to substantiate or explain response to Application Requirements.

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2.5 Technical Requirements (RFP Section 9, Pages 28-30)

2.5.1 Response to Requirements

See Application Requirements section for response instructions.

Item No. Requirement M – MandD - Desir


Software Status


9.1 System Architecture  1 The Vendor shall provide a diagram and

specifications for the proposed system, including hardware required support the Back Office Application, Point of Sale System terminals and (if necessary) the On-line payment system.


2 The Proposed Products shall be designed to support future growth in processing, transaction rate, data storage, and number of users accessing the system.


3 The Proposed Products shall be designed with database backup, system recovery, and failover capabilities to minimize the system downtime and risk of data loss.


9.2 Point of Sale System  1 The Vendor shall provide specifications and

per-unit costs for the point of sale system terminals.


2 The Vendor shall provide specifications and per-unit costs for the identification devices listed in the Application Requirements section of this RFP.


3 The SFUSD may be able to obtain hardware from another vendor if the software’s specifications are met.


4 The vendor shall supply specifications for the network environment required to ensure system availability and performance.


9.3 Database System  1 The system shall be built upon a robust

relational database management system. Please specify.


9.4 Software Extendibility and Access  1 Please describe the capability to allow

modifications by the District of menus, screens, or reports by the customer.


2 Please describe the method for allowing District IT staff direct access (select only) to the database for the purposes of creating custom reports and interfaces.


9.6 Technical Documentation  

33/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No. Requirement M – MandD - Desir


Software Status


1 The Proposed Products shall include technical documentation for the following technical areas:


1.1 Business analysts and programmers M1.2 Database designers and implementers M1.3 System and table setup M1.4 Methodology for implementing patches

and enhancementsM

2.5.2 Supplementary Information

Please provide architecture diagrams, hardware specifications, and any other information required to substantiate the response to the technical requirements.

34/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

2.6 Vendor Support Response (RFP Section 10, Pages 30-31)

2.6.1 Requirements Response

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response


10.1 Term of Support  1 The Vendor shall provide Vendor

Support for an initial five (5) year term upon receiving written acceptance of the Proposed Products by the District.


2 Upon expiration of the initial term, Vendor Support shall provide the District an option to renew for five (5) one year periods.


3 The vendor shall provide detailed support and maintenance information for each level of services available.


10.2 Vendor Support Fees1 The Vendor shall have a prescribed

schedule that governs revisions to Vendor Support Fees. Please provide a schedule of vendor support fees to the District.


2 The Vendor shall not revise Vendor Support Fees during the initial five (5) year Vendor Support Period.


3 The Vendor shall not revise Vendor Support Fees more frequently than once during any single Vendor Support Period.


10.3 Vendor Technical Support1 Vendor Technical Support shall include

toll-free telephone numbers for a manned call center to assist in resolving problems with the Proposed Products. Please describe your normal call center operational days and hours.


2 Vendor Technical Support shall provide a problem resolution process that includes an escalation schedule for resolving problems with the Proposed Products.


3 Vendor shall provide a copy of typical technical support contract to the District.


10.4 Vendor Maintenance Support

35/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response


1 Vendor Maintenance Support shall furnish Software Releases under a systematic release schedule. Provide information regarding release frequency.


2 Vendor shall provide a copy of typical maintenance support contract to the District.


10.5 Web-Based Support1 Vendor shall provide access to the

Vendor's web site for customer support information including Software Releases status, reported problem resolution status, current documentation, training schedule, etc.


2 Vendor shall provide the capability to download fixes, upgrades, and releases via access to the Vendor's web site.


2.6.2 Sample Support Contract and Additional Information

Please reference or insert sample technical support agreement and any additional information necessary to substantiate or explain response to Vendor Support section.

36/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

2.7 Vendor Ability to Perform Response (RFP Section 11, Pages 31-33)

2.7.1 Requirements Response

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response


11.1 In-Use History1 Back Office Application, Point of Sale

System, and Payment Portal proposed by the Vendor shall have been installed and in productive use at a minimum of five (5) K-12 district customers within the United States for a period of no less than two (2) years prior to the Proposal Submission Deadline specified in Section 6.0, Projected Calendar of Events. Provide detailed information concerning the install base of your student information system.


11.2 Release Schedule1 The Vendor should have upgraded and

maintained the Proposed Products for a period of at least two (2 years prior to the Proposal Submission Deadline specified in Section 6.0, Projected Calendar of Events. Please provide history of releases, including:


1.1 Release level  D1.2 Date of general availability  D1.3 Description of features and

corrections D

1.4 Timeline for next scheduled release.


2 The Vendor should provide information concerning the Vendor's vision and strategy for innovating and improving the Proposed Products to take advantage of technological changes in the future (i.e. 5 to 7 years).


11.3 Vendor Financials and Viability1 A Vendor should exhibit fiscal stability

for the business entity. Please provide one or more of the following written financial documents.


 1.1 A copy of the Vendor’s most recent corporate annual report, including audited financial statements.


 1.2 A copy of the Vendor’s latest financial statements for the current fiscal year, prepared by a certified public accountant, if no annual report is available. These financial


37/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Item No.

RequirementM - MandatoryD - Desirable

Vendor Response


statements shall be a CPA review or an audit

 1.3 If audited financial statements are not available, a copy of a verifiable statement from a bank or similar bona fide lending institution demonstrating a line of credit available to the Vendor if audited financial statements are not available.


11.4 Customer References1 The Vendor should have at least five

(5) paying K-12 customers who have successfully installed and are operating the proposed system. Please provide customer reference information.


2 At least two (2) of the five (5) customer references should have made productive use of the proposed system for a period of at least one (1) year prior to the Proposal Submission Deadline specified in Section 6.0, Projected Calendar of Events in California.


3 At least two (2) of the five (5) customer references should have a deployment size comparable to the SFUSD (56,000 ADA, 100 sites or greater).


4 At least two (2) of the five (5) customer references should be located in California.


2.7.2 Supporting Documents and Additional Information

Please include reference information with length of deployment and financials information necessary to substantiate the responses to the Vendor Ability to Perform Section.

38/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

2.8 Cost Data Response (RFP Section 12, Pages 33-34)

This section must itemize all costs chargeable to the District, as described in the Cost Data section.

One Time Costs Description Cost

Base Product LicenseThird-Party Software Products LicenseImplementationData ConversionCustomization and SetupTraining (Train the Trainer model)Training (All Staff)


Recurring Costs

Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Five-Year Cost

Technical SupportMaintenance Other

Total Five-Year Recurring Costs:

Total Bid Costs

Total One-Time CostsTotal Five-Year Recurring Costs

Total Bid Costs:

If you can also provide the Application Software Approach please submit an additional bid cost summary detailing the cost of this approach.

One-Time License Costs - Detail

39/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Description Quantity Unit Cost Taxes Extended Cost

Base Products1

Less Discount:


License includes cost of Vendor Support until the Final Acceptance Date of the Proposed Products.

Third-Party Software Products

Less Discount:


Total License Costs:

Recommended Hardware Cost

POS TerminalPlease Describe

Identification DevicesScanner

40/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

Combination Scanner and KeypadBiometric DeviceOther: Please Describe

Servers and Other Required Hardware

41/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

2.9 Vendor Availability for Presentation (RFP Section 13, Pages 34-35)

Vendors may be asked to give a three-hour presentation including product demonstration, implementation overview, and questions and answers. List all available dates within the period specified in section 6.0, Projected Calendar of Events for your presentation.

42/43SFUSD – Response to Student Nutrition System Point of Sale RFP

3.0 Volume II – Literature

This volume must contain all technical literature and attachments required to substantiate the Vendor’s response to the requirements of this RFP. The Vendor shall submit at least one (1)“Master Copy” of Volume II under separate binder(s) in hard copy and electronic form, and five (5) additional copies either in hard copy or electronic form (e.g. CD) at Vendor’s choice. The Vendor will clearly label according to the sections and titles provided therein, with content as follows:

3.1 Technical Literature - Literature required to substantiate the Vendor’s response to the requirements listed in Application Requirements, Vendor Support and Vendor Ability To Perform, must be provided.

3.2 Vendor Contract - The Vendor must submit a copy of their standard contract.

3.3 License Agreement - The Vendor must submit a software license agreement for the Proposed Products with the bid response.

3.4 Annual Report - The Vendor’s annual report or other financial documents must be enclosed.

3.5 Reports - Sample reports that are provided with the Proposed Products should be provided wherever possible.

3.6 Optional Exhibits and Attachments - Any other information submitted beyond that required by this RFP, which the Vendor deems applicable to their Proposal, should be placed in this section.

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