Simple Day-to-Day Tips for Healthy Smiles

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Simple Day-to-Day Tips for Healthy Smiles

Simple Day-to-Day

Tips for Healthy Smiles

A healthy smile is the

secret to breaking your

social and professional

glass ceilings.

If you can find a way to

smile more authentically

throughout the day no

matter what you are

feeling, the results of

your day will naturally

get much more positive.

Here are some of the

most effective and

simple day-to-day tips

for healthy smiles.

– First of all, carry

floss in your pocket

along with an apple.

Most have problems with

their yearly dental

checkups because they

forget to floss.

If you carry floss around

with you as a habit, this

becomes a much less

difficult task.

Carrying an apple gives you

a twofold advantage when it

comes to your smile:

Snacking on an apple will

keep you from snacking on

potato chips and candy

bars, improving your dental

health overall.

The second reason is that if

you really hate flossing,

eating an apple is the next

best alternative.

– Second, make your

lunch at home.

The problem with many on-

the-go foods is that they

are meals overloaded with

butter, salt and sugar.

All of these things are

detrimental to your smile

in the short term and in

the long-term.

When you make your lunch

at home, you will not

succumb to the temptation

to go out for lunch

during the workday.

You will be able to

monitor your diet much

more effectively and keep

salty and sugary foods

out of your mouth too.

– Third, wear protective

gear at night.

Many of the problems that

people have with their teeth

come from uncomfortable

sleeping positions.

If you have any pain when

you wake up in the

morning, you may want to

try a plastic mouth guard

geared towards making sure

that you do not grind your

teeth during sleep.

Grinding your teeth can

create many problems in

your neck, head and back

because your mouth is

connected intricately to

all three.

However, grinding your

teeth also causes problems

with your teeth themselves.

Less tooth means less

protective enamel.

Many cosmetic dentists and

family dentists as well

recommend that everyone

wear a protective mouth

guard, especially for the

people who work at a

stressful job or are going

through an especially

stressful time.

- Fourth, stay away

from coffee and drink

tea and fruit drinks in

the appropriate manner.

Contrary to popular

belief, even healthy

beverages such as tea

and fruit drinks can

cause problems with

your teeth.

In addition, the acid

in many fruit drinks

can wear away your

teeth’s enamel, and

often have chemicals

in them that causes

staining just as

deeply as coffee does.

It is recommended that

you always monitor

what goes in your

mouth. Moderate intake

of coffee is enough to

preserve those pearly

whites’ appearance.

If at all possible,

all fruit juices

should be taken using

a straw. Although,

many find this a ‘not-

so-common’ practice,

but you have to ask

yourself if looking

"normal" is worth your

smile when it comes

down to it.

If you are seeking

professional dental

advice, it's time to call

Shumway Dental Care.

Their Chandler dentists will

ask you questions, examine

you, and determine exactly

what needs to be done to get

you back to normal.

Call today for an

appointment. Visit


3150 S Gilbert Rd Suite 1

Chandler, AZ 85286

(480) 659-7800