Post on 24-Jan-2022

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Transcript of SHABBAT SALOM -


Shalom! I hope this email finds all of you healthy and well!

As the snow melts and the temperatures warm up it seems like spring is on the way!

Happy Purim

Purim is Tonight Feb. 25th. Join us in person or

on Zoom for Megillah reading at 6:30 pm!!

Please join us in costumes with your graggers on

live stream to help celebrate the


Megillat Esther text (on


The Maccabeats - Purim Song - YouTube

The Maccabeats - Purim Song

For more awesome videos on Purim:

1 Based on "Raise Your Glass" by P!nk Filmed, Directed

and Edited by Uri Westrich

Produced by Immanuel Shalev Production assistant -

Rivie Shalev Follow us

on Facebook:

Maccabeats ...

School this Sunday: Aleph - Dalet 10:00 am

Kindergarten - 9:30 am - 10:15 am (on your Meet account - see below)

P1 & P2 - 10:15 am - 11:00 am (on your Meet account - see below)

Rabbi Candidate Ben Freed will be teaching the Aleph - Dalet students on the school zoom 10:30 am- 10:55 am.

All welcome to join the school zoom link at that time!! (Please try to make some of the teachings and services that will be given)

11:00 am - 12:00 pm - Magician Chad Juros Meeting ID: 873 9101 0996 Passcode: 9504423

*****Please try to come on zoom 550 999 2020 passcode 309875 at 6:30 pm Saturday night for Havdalah to meet the Rabbi Candidate Ben Freed. Your child will be given shabbat credit if they attend and you will be able to voice your opinion on this candidate.

The Board of Education is conducting a few fundraisers for Passover which begins on March

27th. Passover cookies - we will be kashering the kitchen for Passover -

so get your orders in, wine, and candy. I hope you support some of

these fundraisers. See attached Flyers.

Mark’s Bakery is now accepting orders for made-to-order cakes and cookies

through the Religious School’s fundraising cake sale. To place an order,

or for more information, contact Ann Gabel or Mark Leveene. We are glad Mark is feeling better!! This is not for


We collected $210.00 for the Israeli Soldiers for Purim! Thank you to all who donated!




School News

Hamantaschen Baking Thank you to all the parents

that helped their children bake them! I hope you all

enjoyed the baking lesson! Next year hopefully we

can be all together in the synagogue baking them!!

I showed the Gimel class this video about Purim last night

Purim Animated - YouTube

Purim Animated

Watch the Purim story come alive. Created \u0026 Produced by Text based on Rabbi David Fohrman's article Understand

Purim in 5 Minutes or Less -

Voiceover by Rabbi Ken Spiro

Here are the links for school on Sundays - Please

put this some where you will have access to it.

ID and Passcode for Aleph - Dalet classes

Sundays- 10:00 am - Aleph - Dalet will meet on the New Religious School Zoom ID # 931-9492-9256 passcode - 252833)

for Morning services. At 10:45 am they will them be broken out into their perspective classrooms. Aleph will meet with Morah Bea first at 10:45 - 11:25 am and then will meet with Morah Hana at 11:35 am - 12:15 am , Bet and Gimel will meet with Morah Hana at 10:45 am - 11:25 am and then with Morah Bea at 11:35 am - 12:15 pm. They will all have a

ten-minute break between classes.

Dalet will meet with Morah Shari 10:45 - 12:00. This will all be on the above Zoom link in different breakout rooms which I will control.

Morah Mati's Class will meet on GOOGLE MEET

Kindergarten will meet at 10:00 am - 10:50 am

Primary 1 and Primary will meet at 11:00 am - 11:50 am

On Wednesday's Morah Nurit's Dalet class is on MEET -



USY and Kadima EVENTS

Shabbat Shalom, Hagalil!

Hagalil USY is teaming up with Ramah Berkshires & METNY USY for a Megillah Reading and Purim Festivities!

Thursday, February 25th, 7:30pm

Hello Hagalil, With four months left in our programming year, the process of electing a new Regional Executive Board begins. Serving on REB is one of the most rewarding, challenging, and transformative experiences a USYer can have. You’ll spend 12 months training fellow leaders, recruiting members for our region, and planning regional programming. In the process, you’ll develop skills that will benefit you for the rest of your life and you will become part of an international network of counterparts and peers working to better the movement that we all cherish. The first step in making this commitment is attending this meeting. The meeting will be held Wednesday, February 24th at 7pm via Zoom. Register here.

Please let us know if you are interested in running for the Hagalil USY Regional Executive Board 2021-2022 but cannot attend this meeting.

Abi Cohen Hagalil USY Regional President



Sisterhood, Men's Club and

Synagogue News The Magic of Jerusalem—The Old City Sunday March 7, 2021, 12:30 PM Moshe Gold will walk us through the markets and alleyways of the Old City. We will visit the Temple Mount, the Ramparts, the City of David, and more!

Living on the Northern Borders Sunday March 21, 2021, 12:30 PM Anat Harrel will help us experience life on the northern borders of Israel. We will visit the

villages/communities of the Upper Galilee and the Golan Heights, and meet the people who live there.

Registrations required for Zoom links to each tour • The Magic of Jerusalem—The Old City: • Living on the Northern Border: Sponsorships available: Silver: $36 Gold: $54 Please make checks payable to “TBA Men’s Club” and send to the temple office at Temple Beth Ahm Men’s Club, 550 Lloyd Road, Aberdeen NJ 07746 Any questions, please contact Karen Pollock at or Ken

Philmus at


Temple Beth Ahm is excited to launch an amazing product just in time for your Passover Seder. These disposable coasters have been

exclusively designed by Temple Beth Ahm and feature the 10 Plagues on one side and a Seder Plate on the other. Kids will have a great time learning about Passover with these coasters as they have

the English, Hebrew and picture of each plague and Seder item. They are fun, colorful and will be a great addition to your Passover

celebration. Also make cleanup from wine dripping during the reading of the 10 plagues easier.

Preorder yours now.

All coasters will ship mid March in time for Passover.

Pack of 12 for only $18

Coasters - Temple Beth Ahm of Aberdeen Coasters - Temple Beth Ahm of Aberdeen

Temple Beth Ahm is excited to launch an amazing product just in time for your Passover Seder. These

disposable coasters have been exclusively designed by Temple Beth Ahm and feature the 10 Plagues on

one side and a Seder Plate on the other.



MEMOIR “MANAGING BUBBIE” Thursday, April 22nd at 7 PM

I hope you are all doing well during these trying times!! Please keep safe!! My prayers and blessings are with you all at this time.


The Story of Purim || Mayim Bialik - YouTube

Parashat Tezaveh - You Tube Video - Please have your children

watch this video

Parshat Tetzaveh with Randi


Parshat Tetzaveh goes into great detail describing the

proper attire for the high Priests, from materials and

color to craftsmanship and jewels. But why shou...

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l

20 Tetzaveh - UK Chief - Rabbi

Jonathan Sacks (Exodus 27:20 - 30:10


UK Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks - Covenant and

ConversationIn this Video you will find out

aboutThank you for watching this video on everything

related to Juda...


Shabbat begins Friday evening 2/26/21 at 5:26 pm

Shabbat ends 2/27/21 at 6:31 pm

15 Adar 5781

Kabbalat Shabbat service 2/26/21 on Zoom 4:45


550 999 2020 passcode 309875

Maariv and Havdalah 2/27/21 on Zoom 6:45 pm

550 999 2020 passcode 309875

With Rabbi candidate Ben Freed

Eight Parasha in the second book of the Torah, Shemot

Parashat Tetzaveh

Annual: Exodus 27:20-30:10 (Etz Hayim p. 503 )

Haftarah: Ezekiel 43:10 - 43:27 (Etz Hayim, p. 520)

Shushan Purim - ן פורים Shushan Purim (Purim celebrated in - שושJerusalem and walled cities) for Hebrew Year 5781 begins at

sundown on Saturday, 27 February 2021 and ends at nightfall on Sunday, 28 February 2021. Purim celebrated in Jerusalem and

walled cities. Hebcal

The battles fought between the Jews and their enemies throughout the Persian empire took place on 13 Adar. Around the world, the Jews rested and celebrated on the

following day—14 Adar. In the capital city of Shushan, however, where there were a greater number of Jew-haters, the fighting continued for two days, 13 and 14 Adar. The

victory celebrations in Shushan were thus held on the 15th.When the holiday of Purim was set for the 14th of Adar, the sages instituted that Shushan residents

perpetually observe Purim on the 15th of Adar—the day when the Shushanite Jews celebrated. The 15th of Adar is hence known as “Shushan Purim. "Along with Shushan

(which is located in modern-day southwestern Iran), all cities that were walled at the time when the Israelites, under the leadership of Joshua, entered Canaan, observe Purim on the

15th. Today, the only city that we are certain had walls in Joshua’s times is Jerusalem. By Naftali Silberberg

Parasha Summary

Rabbi Joseph H. Prouser

Much of parashat Tetzaveh describes the golden menorah that was placed in the Tabernacle, along with the procedure for lighting it. It is a precursor to the ner tamid, the eternal

light that is displayed and kept illumined in our own sanctuaries. The priests, including Aaron, the first of their

line, are outfitted with sacral vestments and equipped with a gem-encrusted breastplate and the oracular urim and

tummim. The names of the vestments have been adopted for the appurtenances of the Torah scroll: me’il, choshen, and so on. The bells often attached to Torah crowns and the fringes on Torah mantles also find their origin and inspiration in the priestly vestments described in our chapter. The significance

of the vestments may be summarized by the inscription on the gold “tzitz” worn on the priest’s headdress: “Holy to the Lord.” The priests’ consecration and ordination is described in graphic and dramatic detail. The occasion is marked with

an elaborate sacrificial offering, and the new priests undergo a ritual washing. The priests are anointed with oil. Sacrificial blood is dashed on the altar and placed on the priests’ ears, thumbs, big toes, and vestments. The priests eat the flesh of

the sacrificial ram, as well as the bread that accompanies the offering. The ordination rites are protracted, conducted over the course of seven days. An expiatory bull is sacrificed each day, and the altar undergoes a daily purification. The daily

sacrificial regimen is prescribed and God offers a consequent assurance that He will dwell among the Israelites. The

parashah concludes with instructions about burning incense on the altar.

D'var Torah: A Symbol of Inclusion Rabbi Shoshana Cohen, Conservative Yeshiva Faculty In this week’s parasha the children of Israel are commanded to make clothing for the priests who will serve in the Mishkan (Tabernacle). Several times we are reminded that the priest is a representative of the people of Israel when he does his holy work. To make sure the priest keeps this in mind when he is doing his work, the tribes of Israel are represented on two separate pieces of his clothing: the hoshen mishpat (breastplate) who’s 12 precious inlaid stones were each inscribed with a tribe’s name, and the ephod, the apron-like garment the priest wears as an outer layer, which was held together at the shoulders by two precious shoham stones, each inscribed with the names of six tribes. The Torah describes in verses 28:9-10 how the names are written on these two stones, and the language is a bit odd. Rather than stating explicitly which tribes appear on which stone, it says that six go on one, and the six “leftovers” (hanotarim) go on the other. One might infer from the word “leftover” a kind of binary hierarchy, with the best six appearing in one group and the worst six appearing in the other. After all, Abraham and Isaac each had one good son and one bad one, and only the good ones truly walked in their father’s footsteps, worshiped God, and inherited the blessing and birthright.

In fact, according to the Midrash in Sifrei Devarim on Parashat Ve’etchanan Yaakov spent his whole life anxious about which of his sons would continue his path, and which would not. Based on their behavior, Yaakov had good reason to discriminate between them. His first son, Reuven, slept with Bilha, Yaakov’s concubine, and his second and third sons, Shimon and Levi, massacred the men of Shechem. And, of course, all of his sons apart from Binyamin were guilty of plotting to murder Yosef, and selling him into slavery. Of the sinning sons, the only one explicitly vindicated within the story is Yehuda, when he puts himself on the line in Egypt. But according to the midrash, it isn’t clear at all that the others have been forgiven, even after everything is resolved with Yosef and the family is resettled in Goshen. Some argue that it is only when Yaakov blesses them in Parashat Vayehi that we know they have been welcomed back, and others argue that Reuven’s status remained questionable until Moshe, in Vezot HaBracha affirmed “Reuven will live and not die” (Dev. 33:6). The great medieval commentator, Rashi, seems to be bothered by the idea that the Tabernacle, both an agent and symbol of inclusion and unity, would establish a hierarchy among the tribes of Israel. Rejecting the implied hierarchy of “hanotarim” (the leftovers) as well as other hierarchies suggested in the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sotah 31a-b, Rashi interprets the verse according to the simple meaning of its last word, “k’toldotam” (according to their birth). He writes that tribes will be inscribed on the two stones “in the order in which they were born: Reuven, Shimon, Levi, Yehuda, Dan, Naphtali on one, and upon the

other Gad, Asher, Yissachar, Zevulun, Yosef and Binyamin.” In Rashi’s view, the most problematic sons - Reuven, Shimon, Levi - are even represented first! The message is clear: everyone, no matter who they are or what they have done, will be equally represented in the Mishkan. And so the stones, whose explicit function is to remind the priest that he is a representative of the people of Israel, ALSO communicate the imperative for inclusion and equal representation. Shabbat Shalom, Ann Gabel

Principal Temple Beth Ahm Religious School 550 Lloyd Road

Aberdeen, NJ 7747
