Self confidence

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Self confidence

Self confidence

2. Successful person

3. Generating Energy with you

4. Develop Direct Eye Contact

5.Love & Accept Yourself

6.Pamper Yourself

7.Model successful people

8.Do your Swot analysis

Sumo wrestling



9.Focus on our Feeling& Emotions

10.Have an Attitude of Gratitude

11.To practice positive aspirations

12.Practice visualization

13.Mind your negative thought

14.Make a decision today to change

Start with the first step


• Decide today which person people situation, circumstance task you will changes

Shift your focus

What right v/s what is wrong?

What you do have v/s what don’t?

Solution room

Solution them on problem

15.Take action now

Write down for the next 7 days are action plan

Balloon seller

The color of the balloon doest not matter. What! matters is what is

inside the balloon

Presented by Chef.Bharathan