Rock Solid Projects With Atlassian Dev Tools

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Rock Solid Projects With Atlassian Dev Tools

Rock solid projects on top of Atlasssian DevTools


Upgrade fromMy story

Upgrade fromMy Goals

Transparency Automation


“A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.”


How to increase transparency?

Team Collaboration

Assign Tasks

Powerful Editor

Search Capabilities



Confluence Installation

Meeting about structure

Migrate existing documentation

Communicate to teams

“Quality is everyone’s responsibility”W. EDWARDS DEMING

How can we achieve a certain level quality?

Switch to …

Distributed VCS

Speed, Speed, Speed!

Branching and Merging

Context Switching

Now that we have Git, what else can we do

to improve our code quality?

Start using…



Develop and Master branch


Feature branches


Release branches


Hot fix branches

So we have Git and Git Flow, anything else we can do to improve?

Introduce Code Reviews

Why Code Reviews?

Code review

Everybody reviews and gets reviewed

Code review

Learning by reading

Code review

Team responsibility

Code review

Knowledge sharing

Ok cool, but when should we do the code review?

Code review

Pull Request

We have Git, Git Flow, and Pull Requests.

What’s next?

Quality Assurance

Functional test performed by an analyst at the end of a user story.

Pull requests

Branch permissions

Jira integration Add-ons

Bitbucket Installation

Split SVN trunk in separate git repositories

Documentation and collaboration on Confluence

Presentation for the teams and proposed a roadmap

Migrated all the projects

In the industrial age, processes got automated to lower the risk

and avoid mistakes

In the internet age, we automate to have the ability to continually deliver great products.

So what should we automate?


Build all branches after a commit to one of those branches.


A Pull Request can only be merged after a successful build!


Deployment to staging, test, preview,… should only be one click away.

Continuous integration

Bitbucket & Jira integration

Easy configurationDeploy artefacts

Build agents

Install Bamboo and integrate with Bitbucket

Configure branch builds and artefacts

Setup deployments

Documentation and communication

Setup Bamboo agents

“Collaboration divides the task and multiplies the success.”

Ok, so we send mails…?


Use project and team rooms to communicate.

Deployment notifications

File sharing

Server statusPersisted rooms

Build notifications

Available clients

Transparency Automation
