Presentation of the Lord - Saint John the Evangelist Church · 2020. 2. 2. · Presentation of the...

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Transcript of Presentation of the Lord - Saint John the Evangelist Church · 2020. 2. 2. · Presentation of the...

  • Presentation of the Lord

    1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118

    Saint John School : 760 944-8227

    Pastor Father James Bahash Associate Pastor Father Kibaki Robert, AJ, Deacon Bob Beiner School Principal Dan Schuh

    Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm Daily Monday - Saturday 8:00am Rosary Daily, after morning Mass Novena Tuesday, after morning Mass Perpetual Adoration 24 hours Sacrament of Penance Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm Vocation Holy Hour 1st Friday, 8:00am Mass

    Marriage Please call Parish Office Baptism Information on

    February 2, 2020

  • Page 2 Saint John the Evangelist February 2, 2020

    Saint John Music Ministry Come, join the Music Ministry. Come and join us leading people to worship through music, Come and praise God united with the Angels and Archan-gels in one voice. For more info call: Lino G. 619-512-6442 or email:

    First Reading Malachi 3:1–4 The Lord you seek will come to the temple. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 24:7,8,9,10 The Lord is the king of glory. Second Reading Hebrews 2:14–18 Jesus became like us in order to save us. Gospel Reading Luke 2:22–40 (Shorter Form: Luke 2:22–32) Simeon recognizes the infant Jesus as the promised Messiah. Background on the Gospel Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the temple. The Presenta-tion, which is celebrated 40 days after Christmas, is not mentioned in the other Gospels. Only Luke tells the story, most likely because he writes for Gentile Christians who are not familiar with the Jewish rite of presentation and purification. In addition, the intent of Luke’s Gospel is to show that God’s promise to Israel, fulfilled in Jesus, extends to Gentiles. Luke recognizes Joseph and Mary as faithful Jews who bring Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem. Here they present their firstborn son to the Lord. Jesus is thus consecrated as required by the Law of Moses. Present in the temple at this time are Simeon and Anna. Both are awaiting the restora-tion of God’s rule in Israel. Simeon had been promised by the Holy Spirit that he would see Christ the Lord, the Messiah, be-fore he died. The holy man immediately recognized the infant Jesus as the promised Savior, a “light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.” Anna also recognized Jesus as the fulfillment of the promise of redemption and spoke about Him to all.

    Seasons of Hope Grief Support Group Our Season's of Hope Support Group for the bereaved will start it's third session Sunday February 26th . This will go for 6 consecutive Sunday nights, ending March 29th. To enroll and reserve a space call or stop in the Parish office, 760-753-6254; or email Book donation is $10 and will be collected during our time together. Our meeting place will be in the San Dieguito room off of the Parish Hall, from 3:00pm-4:45pm, Sunday afternoons. We look forward to continuing our journey together.... Many Blessings, Gwyn & Toni

    $3.5M GOAL 1/20/2020 FAMILIES 425 13.7% TOTAL $ 2,285,878.95 65.3%

    RECEIVED $ 1,856,688.62 81.2%

    OUTSTANDING $ 429,190.33 18.8% AVG FAMILY PLEDGE $5,379

    Capital Campaign Update

  • Page 3 Saint John the Evangelist February 2, 2020


    Monday: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday: 2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30 — 19:3; Ps 86:1-6; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31, 47, 50, 51; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Is 58:7-10; Ps 112:4-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16

    SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: The Presentation of the Lord; Blessing of Candles; World Day for Consecrated Life; Boy Scouting Sunday Monday: Fourth Week in Ordinary Time; St. Blaise; St. Ansgar Wednesday: St. Agatha Thursday: St. Paul Miki and Companions Friday: First Friday Saturday: St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita; International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking; Blessed Virgin Mary

    Amount Received Total Identified Contributing Households

    Mail In/Office Drop -0- -0-

    Plate/Loose Collections $3,955 -0-

    Envelope/Identified Collections $9,563 288

    Online Giving Collections $6,762 140

    Total Collections & % of Registered

    Families $20,280


    Variance - / + $ -

    Stewardship of Treasure Weekly Parish Finance Report

    Jan 20— Jan 26 Total Registered Families: 3,219

    Total weekly cost (based on Fiscal Yr 2018-2019) of salaries and benefits, liturgies, utilities, sacraments, repairs and on-

    going maintenance: $25,451

    MASS INTENTIONS Saturday Feb 1 8:00am Norma Connors † 8:00am For the Protection and Sanctity of Life 5:00pm Susan Reginato † Sunday Feb 2 7:30am Norma Connors † 9:00am Clare Swanson † 10:30am Vincent Lauricella † 12:00pm Parishioners 5:00pm Michael Harnett † Monday Feb 3 8:00am Nancy Rothman † Tuesday Feb 4 8:00am Monica Martin † Wednesday Feb 5 9:00am Jesus Escalante † Thursday Feb 6 8:00am Michael Harnett † Friday Feb 7 8:00am James F. Mollo †

    Saturday Feb 8 8:00am Ben Cruz † 5:00pm Marie Brazier † Sunday Feb 9 7:30am Parishioners 9:00am Dominic Poncia † 10:30am John Finneran (SI) 12:00pm Nicolas Montealegre (SI) 5:00pm Olivia Gibbons †

  • Please patronize the sponsors who appear in this bulle-tin. It is through their support that make this bulletin is made possible.

    Divine Mercy Chaplet Join us every Friday at 3:30 pm in Church, Singing and Praying the Divine Mercy Chap-let. Our Music minister Lino Gambino will lead you in singing this beautiful and power-ful prayer.

    Perpetual Adoration

    We are looking for more nighttime substi-tutes and need regular volunteers for the following hours:

    Thu: 12 AM ( midnight) & 5 PM Sat: 11AM Why not commit to spend more time in the presence of our Eucharistic Lord in 2020? We are in need of a new Day Captain for Wednesday. A Day Captain assists with arranging for subs when the regular person needs one. Until we find another volun-teer, Ken Poggenburg, 760-635-2573, will fill that spot. Please contact Ken if you can help with this. Perpetual Adoration is prayer in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament ...24 hours, day and night, seven days a week.

    Please Keep in Your Prayers Steve Allen, Mary Allegretti, Bob Behler, Charlotte Behler,

    Tom Bussjaeger, Michael Verla Carney, Carla Chicas, Greg Fix, Earl Flores, Rosalind Jackson, Maria Johnson, Meghan Lenehan, Larry Morgan, Sandra Naidenoff, Toni Naidenoff, Mary Piersol, Vince Pompo, Bob O’Donnell,

    Dave Rechsteiner, Toni Rechsteiner, Lynda Tracy, Michal Tuzinkiewicz, Steve Wert

    We pray for our sick and deceased at daily Mass. We list names for prayer requests for one month. If someone

    wishes to have a name remembered again, the name will need to be resubmitted to the office.

    Mark Your Calendars Sunday Feb 2 After All Morn-ing Masses Donuts and Coffee After All Morn-ing Masses Wednesday Feb 5 After Morning Mass Parents in Prayer Group 7pm-9pm Eucharistic Minister Training Saturday Feb 8 8:30am-11am

    Sunday Feb 9 After All Morn-

    ing Masses

    6:00pm Young Adult Group Meeting

    Eucharistic Minister Training Donuts and Coffee

    After All Morn-ing Masses Marian Ministry Shop

    Taco Sunday

    Page 4 Saint John the Evangelist February 2, 2020


    This is training for everyone who is a current EM or would like to be an EM at Saint John. Training is specifically on the requirements for EM ministry at Saint John the Evangelist Parish. The 2020 Instructions for Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at Saint John the Evangelist will be presented. Training will take place in the Parish Hall as follows:

    ∗ Wednesday, February 5 from 7PM to 9PM ∗ Saturday, February 8 from 9AM to 11AM (8:30AM

    for hospitality session) Please RSVP to and indicate which session you will be attending. If you are new to this ministry, please also include your phone num-ber. We will assume the email used to reply is the email we can use to contact you.


    "THE QUEEN'S LUNCHEON" Monday, February 17, 2020 Crowne Plaza Hotel 2270 Hotel Circle North, San Diego 92108 (Mission Valley)

    10:45 AM ----Silent Auction, Preview & Social Hour 12:05 PM ----Entertainment, Luncheon & Drawing/Silent Auction

    $60 per person. Proceeds benefit the children at Father Joe's Villages.

    Reservations, donations, & information:

    Citizenship Classes Tuesdays or Saturdays

    We will prepare you for the ques ons and interview you will have to become a Ci zen. We also provide legal help in conjunc on with Catholic Chari es. For more informa on, please call (619) 721-0600 or email us at: The classes and legal counsel are free. Tell others about this opportunity! Thanks!

  • Página 5 Saint John the Evangelist Febrero 2, 2020 Primera Lectura Malaquías 3:1–4 El Señor que buscan entrara al templo. Salmo Responsorial Salmo 24:7,8,9,10 El Señor es el Rey de la gloria. Segunda Lectura Hebreos 2:14–18 Jesús se hizo uno como nosotros para salvarnos. Lectura del Evangelio Lucas 2:22–40 (Forma Corta: Lucas 2:22–32) Simeón reconoce al niño Jesús como el Mesías prometido. Antecedentes sobre el Evangelio Hoy la Iglesia celebra la Fiesta de la Presentación de Jesús en el templo. La Presentación, la cuál es celebrada 40 días después de Navidad, no es mencionada en los otros Evangelios. Sólo Lucas narra la historia, seguramente porque él escribe para los Cristianos Gentiles que no están familiarizados con el rito judío de la presentación y la purificación. Además, la intención del Evangelio de Lucas es mostrar como la promesa de Dios para Israel, cumplida en Jesús, se extiende a los Gentiles. Lucas reconoce a José y a María como fieles judíos que traen a Jesús al Templo en Jerusalén. Aquí ellos presentan a su primogénito varón al Señor. Jesús es así consagrado como era requerido por la Ley de Moisés. En este tiempo, Simeón y Ana están presentes en el templo. Los dos están esperando la restauración de la ley de Dios en Israel. El Espíritu Santo ha prometido a Simeón que verá a Cristo el Señor, el Mesías, antes de morir. El hom-bre santo inmediatamente reconoció al niño Jesús como el Salvador prometido, una “luz para revelación a los Gentiles, y Gloria para tu gente Israel. “Ana también reconoció a Jesús como el cumplimiento de la promesa de redención y habló a todos de él.

    El Ministerio de Matrimonios y Vida Familiar te invita a cele-brar el Día del Amor y la Amistad con una Cena-Baile de gala. Será el 14 de febrero en

    el salón parroquial de 5:00 a 10:00 pm. Para información llamar a Francisco y Lucila Camarena (760) 726-7108 o a David y Ludi Guizar (760) 310-8893

    Ministry of Marriage and Family Life invites you to come to celebrate Valentine’s Day with a Dinner-Dance. It will be on Friday, February 14 in the Parish Hall from 5:00 to 10:00 pm. For more information call Fran-cisco and Lucila Camarena (760) 726-7108 or David and Ludi Guizar (760) 310-8893

  • Remember to patronize our adver sers for mak-ing the bulle n possible.

    Página 6 Saint John the Evangelist Febrero 2, 2020

    Religious Education Saint John School Dan Schuh 760 944-8227 Religious Education Ann McGinnis 760 753-6254 ‘Faithways’ Junior-High Abel and Gloria Castellanos 760 753-6254 Youth Ministry-High School Abel, Gloria & Pat 760 753-6254 Hispanic Ministry Raquel Ayala 760 753-6254 Music Ministry Lino Gambino 760 753-6254

    Adult Faith R.C.I.A Allen Stone/Al Schmid 760 753-6254 Perpetual Adoration Ken Poggenburg 760 753-6254 Perpetual Adoration (Sp) Lupe Cardona 760 753-6254 Young Adult Ministry Parish Office 760-753-6254

    Organizations Altar Society Karen Sawchenko 760 753-6254 Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts Blane Adessa 760 753-6254 Catholic Men’s Fellowship David Pavnic / Freddy Picciano 760 753-6254 Culture of Life Keith & Natalie Garcia 760 753-6254 Guadalupanos Olivia Reynaga 760 753-6254 Holy Name Rick Decker 760 753-6254 Knights of Columbus Pat Connors III 760 753-6254 Marriage Encounter Mike and Nancy Reisinger 760 753-6254 Saint Vincent de Paul Tracy Ferchaw 760 753-3056 Seniors Nettie March 760 753-6254

    INTENCION DE MISAS Domingo, Febrero 2, 2020

    7:30am Norma Connors † 9:00am Clare Swanson † 10:30am Vincent Lauricella † 12:00pm Parishioners 5:00pm Michael Harnett †

    Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia Únase a nosotros todos los Viernes a las 3:30 p. M. En la Iglesia, cantando y rezando la Divina Misericordia. Nuestro ministro de Música, Lino Gambino, lo guiará a cantar esta hermosa y poderosa oración.

    LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Sal 3:2-7; Mc 5:1-20 Martes: 2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30 — 19:3; Sal 86 (85):1-6; Mc 5:21-43 Miércoles: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Sal 32 (31):1-2, 5-7; Mc 6:1-6 Jueves: 1 Re 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Cr 29:10-12; Mc 6:7-13 Viernes: Eclo 47:2-11; Sal 18 (17):31, 47, 50, 51; Mc 6:14-29 Sábado: 1 Re 3:4-13; Sal 119 (118):9-14; Mc 6:30-34 Domingo: Is 58:7-10; Sal 112 (111):4-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16

    LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: La Presentación del Señor; Bendición de las velas; Día Mundial de la Vida Consagrada; Domingo de los Niños Exploradores; Lunes: Cuarta Semana del Tiempo Ordinario; San Blas; San Óscar Miércoles: Santa Agueda Jueves: San Pablo Miki y compañeros Viernes: Primer viernes Sábado: San Jerónimo Emiliano; Santa Josefina Bakhita; Jornada Internacional de Oración y Reflexión Contra la Trata de Personas; Bienaventurada María Virgen

    Clases de Ciudadanía y de Inglés martes -o sábados miércoles Nosotros te preparamos para las preguntas y entrevista al obtener tu ciudadanía. También damos ayuda legal en combi-nación con Cariades Católicas. Por favor llama al: (619) 721-0600 o escríbenos a: Las clases de ciudadania y de inglés y la ayuda legal son gratis. Invita a quienes necesiten este servicio tan necesario. Gracias!

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