Our school bg

Post on 13-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Our school bg

That’s our school. It is one of the most prestigious ones in Bulgaria and is

located in Plovdiv – the second biggest city in Bulgaria and the European culture

capital for 2019.

Our schoolOur school is quite old.

A lot of its graduates now have important

positions in the Bulgarian political

stage and other top branches of medicine

economics, etc. Virtually 100 % of its

students continue further their

education in top universities worldwide.

To be acceptedIn order to be accepted, one has to sit for

two exams – the first one testing your ability to analyze and deal successfully

with texts and charts as well as Bulgarian authors’ masterpieces, and the other one

including 30 math problems to solve.

Flying marks

On condition you pass them

with flying marks /you’d better have two excellent exam marks/ you can apply.

Ivan Vazov Language High


The languagesThe application forms vary depending on

your wish what language you would like to study most. The languages you may

choose out of are the following English German French Italian Spanish

A second languageAs a second language

all students mandatorily start learning Russian.

For the most ambitious ones, the school has a

wider range of languages, including Japanese, which every student may take

up should the need arise.

Annual festivalsTo show how intelligent and full of creativity our school’s students are

we organize annual festivals dedicated to promoting the culture

of each language we study.  

As you already know, Ivan Vazov Language High School has a

habit of celebrating languages on specific days. But that does not mean that

we don’t celebrate other subjects.

The Library CouncilThe school library is a perfect representation of the principle quality

over quantity. It is relatively small in size but it has many books

in different languages – from Russian to French.

The Library Council

But the best thing about is the Library Council which was created several

months ago.It is something like a book club really: several students gather regularly, they are all avid readers and regulars at the


The library group

Hopefully, those meetings will turn into a tradition, a

celebration of writing and reading.

The special thing about their group is that they organize

meetings with contemporary Bulgarian writers. More than five meetings have been held for the past several months.

The clubsThe clubs at our school throw parties for history, photography and literature lovers

every week. There are also additional drawing classes for all the talented young


Citizens of the worldWe also celebrate the fact that the global world

we live in lets us be not just citizens of Bulgaria, not just citizens of the European

Union but true citizens of the world.

‘Success’Most of those clubs

mentioned are united by a common name – ‘Success’ and they successfully help

adolescents reach their full academic potential

and come closer to becoming responsible

adults capable of improving their home

the world.

AchievementsMany ambitious and talented students gather under the roof of our school every

day. Not only are they regular participants in

various competitions but they are also regular winners.


We have awards from many national and international


Different projects

And we, students, are not only good at languages: the high results at Olympiads in different subjects

– from Philosophy to Maths prove this. We also work on different projects.

The projectFor example, a team of classmates from 11th grade took the

challenge and devoted almost all of their time to a Biology project called ‘Plants in Space’ and they managed to become

number one not only in our country but also at the international student conference ‘Express Yourself’ in Sheffield, England.

And this is really just a drop in the sea of examples of challenges took and victories won our school has to offer.

Thank you for your attention