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Latent Fault Detection in Large Scale ServicesMoshe Gabel, Assaf SchusterDepartment of Computer Science

Technion – Israel Institute of TechnologyHaifa, Israel


Ran-Gilad Bachrach, Nikolaj BjørnerMicrosoft Research

MicrosoftRedmond, WA, USA


Abstract—Unexpected machine failures, with their resultingservice outages and data loss, pose challenges to datacenter man-agement. Existing failure detection techniques rely on domainknowledge, precious (often unavailable) training data, textualconsole logs, or intrusive service modifications.

We hypothesize that many machine failures are not a result ofabrupt changes but rather a result of a long period of degradedperformance. This is confirmed in our experiments, in which over20% of machine failures were preceded by such latent faults.

We propose a proactive approach for failure prevention. Wepresent a novel framework for statistical latent fault detectionusing only ordinary machine counters collected as standardpractice. We demonstrate three detection methods within thisframework. Derived tests are domain-independent and unsuper-vised, require neither background information nor tuning, andscale to very large services. We prove strong guarantees on thefalse positive rates of our tests.

Index Terms—fault detection; web services; statistical analysis;distributed computing; statistical learning


For large scale services comprising thousands of computers,it is unreasonable to assume that so many machines areworking properly and are well configured [1], [2]. Unnoticedfaults might accumulate to the point where redundancy andfail-over mechanisms break. Therefore, early detection andhandling of latent faults is essential for preventing failuresand increasing the reliability of these services.

A latent fault is machine behavior that is indicative of afault, or could eventually result in a fault. This work providesevidence that latent faults are common. We show that thesefaults can be detected using domain independent techniques,and with high precision. This enables a proactive approach [3]:machine failures can be predicted and handled effectively andautomatically without service outages or data loss.

Machines are usually monitored by collecting and analyzingperformance counters [4], [5], [6], [7]. Hundreds of countersper machine are reported by the various service layers, fromservice-specific information (such as the number of queries fora database) to general information (such as CPU usage). Thelarge number of machines and counters in datacenters makesmanual monitoring impractical.

Existing automated techniques for detecting failures aremostly rule-based. A set of watchdogs [6], [3] is defined.In most cases, a watchdog monitors a single counter on asingle machine or service: the temperature of the CPU orfree disk space, for example. Whenever a predefined threshold

is crossed, an action is triggered. These actions range fromnotifying the system operator to automatic recovery attempts.

Rule-based failure detection suffers from several key prob-lems. Thresholds must be made low enough that faults willnot go unnoticed. At the same time they should be sethigh enough to avoid spurious detections. However, since theworkload changes over time, no fixed threshold is adequate.Moreover, different services, or even different versions of thesame service, may have different operating points. Therefore,maintaining the rules requires constant, manual adjustments,often done only after a “postmortem” examination.

Others have noticed the shortcomings of these rule-basedapproaches. [8], [9] proposed training a detector on historicannotated data. However, such approaches fall short due tothe difficulty in obtaining this data, as well as the sensitivityof these approaches to deviations in workloads and changesin the service itself. Others proposed injecting code into themonitored service to periodically examine it [1]. This approachis intrusive and hence prohibitive in many cases.

More flexible, unsupervised approaches to failure detectionhave been proposed for high performance computing (HPC).[10], [11], [12] analyze textual console logs to detect system ormachine failures by examining occurrence of log messages. Inthis work, we focus on large scale online services. This settingdiffers from HPC in several key aspects. Console logs areimpractical in high-volume services for bandwidth and perfor-mance reasons: transactions are very short, time-sensitive, andrapid. Thus, in many environments, nodes periodically reportaggregates in numerical counters. Console log analysis failsin this setting: console logs are non-existent (or very limited),and periodically-reported aggregates exhibit no difference inrate for faulty, slow or misconfigured machines. Rather, itis their values that matter. Moreover, console logs originateat application code and hence expose software bugs. We areinterested in counters collected from all layers to reveal bothsoftware and hardware problems.

The challenge in designing a latent fault detection mecha-nism is to make it agile enough to handle the variations in aservice and the differences between services. It should also benon-intrusive yet correctly detect as many faults as possiblewith only a few false alarms. As far as we know, we arethe first to propose a framework and methods that addressall these issues simultaneously using aggregated numericalcounters normally collected by datacenters.


We focus on machine behavior that is indicative of a fault,or could eventually result in a fault. We call this behaviora latent fault. Not all machine failures are the outcome oflatent faults. Power outages and malicious attacks, for instance,can occur instantaneously, with no visible machine-relatedwarning. However, even our most conservative estimates showthat at least 20% of machine failures have a long incubationperiod during which the machine is already deviating in itsbehavior but is not yet failing (Sec. IV-E).

We develop a domain independent framework for identi-fying latent faults (Sec. II). Our framework is unsupervisedand non-intrusive, and requires no background information.Typically, a scalable service will use (a small number of) largecollections of machines of similar hardware, configuration,and load. Consequently, the main idea in this work is touse standard numerical counter readings in order to comparesimilar machines performing similar tasks in the same timeframes, similar to [13], [10]. A machine whose performancedeviates from the others is flagged as suspicious.

To compare machines’ behavior, the framework uses teststhat take the counter readings as input. Any reasonable test canbe plugged in, including non-statistical tests. We demonstratethree tests within the framework and provide strong theoret-ical guarantees on their false detection rates (Sec. III). Weuse those tests to demonstrate the merits of the frameworkon several production services of various sizes and natures,including large scale services, as well as a service that usesvirtual machines (Sec .IV).

Our technique is agile: we demonstrate its ability to workefficiently on different services with no need for tuning, yetstill guaranteeing false positive rate. Moreover, changes in theworkload or even changes to the service itself do not affectits performance: in our experiments, suspicious machines thatswitched services and workloads remained suspicious.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: We firstdescribe the problem and out general framework in Sec. II.In Sec. III we use the framework to develop three specifictests. In Sec. IV we discuss our empirical evaluation on severalproduction services. We survey related work in Sec. V, andfinally summarize our results and their implication in Sec. VI.


Large-scale services are often made reliable and scalableby means of replication. That is, the service is replicated onmultiple machines with a load balancing process that splitsthe workload. Therefore, similar to [13], [10], we expect allmachines that perform the same role, using similar hardwareand configuration, to exhibit similar behavior. Whenever wesee a machine that consistently differs from the rest, we flag itas suspicious for a latent fault. As we show in our experiments,this procedure flags latent faults weeks before the actual failureoccurs.

A. Framework Overview

To compare machine operation, we use performance coun-ters. Machines in datacenters often periodically report andlog a wide range of performance counters. These countersare collected from the hardware (e.g., temperature), the op-erating system (e.g., number of threads), the runtime system(e.g., garbage collected), and from application layers (e.g.,transactions completed). Hundreds of counters are collectedat each machine. More counters can be specified by thesystem administrator, or the application developer, at will. Ourframework is intentionally agnostic: it assumes no domainknowledge, and treats all counters equally. Figure 5 showsseveral examples of such counters from several machinesacross a single day.

We model the problem as follows: there are M machineseach reporting C performance counters at every time unit. Wedenote the vector of counter values for machine m at timet as x(m, t). The hypothesis is that the inspected machineis working properly and hence the statistical process thatgenerated this vector for machine m is the same statisticalprocess that generated the vector for any other machine m′.However, if we see that the vector x(m, t) for machine m isnotably different from the vectors of other machines, we rejectthe hypothesis and flag the machine m as suspicious for alatent fault. (Below we simply say the machine is suspicious.)

After some common preprocessing (see Section II-D), theframework incorporates pluggable tests (aka outlier detectionmethods) to compare machine operation. At any point t, theinput x(t) to the test S consists of the vectors x(m, t) forall machines m. The test S(m,x(t)) analyzes the data andassigns a score (either a scalar or a vector) to machine m attime t. x and x′ denote sets of inputs x(m, t) and x′(m, t),respectively, for all m and t.

The framework generates a wrapper around the test, whichguarantees its statistical performance. Essentially, the scoresfor machine m are aggregated over time, so that eventuallythe norm of the aggregated scores converges, and is used tocompute a p-value for m. The longer the allowed time periodfor aggregating the scores is, the more sensitive the test willbe. At the same time, aggregating over long periods of timecreates latencies in the detection process. Therefore, in ourexperiments, we have aggregated data over 24 hour intervals,as a compromise between sensitivity and latency.

The p-value for a machine m is a bound on the probabilitythat a random healthy machine would exhibit such aberrantcounter values. If the p-value falls below a predefined signifi-cance level α, the null hypothesis is rejected, and the machineis flagged as suspicious. In Section II-E we present the generalanalysis used to compute the p-value from aggregated testscores.

Given a test S, and a significance level α > 0, we canpresent the framework as follows:

1) Preprocess the data as described in Section II-D (can bedone once, after collecting some data; see below);

2) Compute for every machine m the vector vm =


∑t S(m,x(t)) (integration phase);

3) Using the vectors vm, compute p-values p(m);4) Report every machine with p(m) < α as suspicious.To demonstrate the power of the framework, we describe

three test implementations in Sec. III.

B. Notation

The cardinality of a set G is denoted by |G|, while fora scalar s, we use |s| as the absolute value of s. The L2

norm of a vector y is ‖y‖, and y · y′ is the inner productof y and y′. M denotes the set of all machines in a test,m,m′,m∗ denote specific machines, and M = |M| denotesthe number of machines. C is the set of all counters selected bythe preprocessing algorithm, c denotes a specific counter, andC = |C|. T are the time points where counters are sampledduring preprocessing (for instance, every 5 minutes for 24hours in our experiments), t, t′ denote specific time points,and T = |T |.

C. Framework Assumptions

In modeling the problem we make several reasonable as-sumptions (see, e.g., [13], [10]) that we will now make explicit.While these assumptions might not hold in every environment,they do hold in many cases, including the setups consideredin Section IV.• The majority of machines are working properly at any

given point in time.• Machines are homogeneous, meaning they perform a

similar task and use similar hardware and software. (Ifthis is not the case, then we can often split the collectionof machines to a few large homogeneous clusters.)

• On average, workload is balanced across all machines.• Counters are ordinal and are reported at the same rate.• Counter values are memoryless in the sense that they de-

pend only on the current time period (and are independentof the identity of the machine).

Formally, we assume that x(m, t) is a realization of arandom variable X(t) whenever machine m is working prop-erly. Since all machines perform the same task, and sincethe load balancer attempts to split the load evenly betweenthe machines, the homogeneous assumption implies that weshould expect x(m, t) to show similar behavior. We do expectto see changes over time, due to changes in the workload, forexample. However, we expect these changes to be similarlyreflected in all machines.

D. Preprocessing

Clearly, our model is simplified, and in practice not all ofits assumptions about counters hold. Thus the importance ofthe preprocessing algorithm: it eliminates artifacts, normalizesthe data, and automatically discards counters that violateassumptions and hinder comparison. Since we do not assumeany domain knowledge, preprocessing treats all counters sim-ilarly, regardless of type. Furthermore, preprocessing is fullyautomatic and is not tuned to the specific nature of the serviceanalyzed.

Not all counters are reported at a fixed rate, and evenperiodic counters might have different periods. Non-periodicand infrequent counters hinder comparison because at anygiven time their values are usually unknown for most ma-chines. They may also bias statistical tests. Such counters aretypically event-driven, and have a different number of reportson different machines; hence they are automatically detectedby looking at the variability of the reporting rate and areremoved by the preprocessing.

Additionally, some counters violate the assumption of beingmemoryless. For example, a counter that reports the time sincethe last machine reboot cannot be considered memoryless.Such counters usually provide no insight into the correct ornormal behavior because they exhibit different behavior ondifferent machines. Consequently, preprocessing drops thosecounters. Automatic detection of such counters is performedsimilarly to the detection of event-driven counters, by lookingat the variability of counter means across different machines.

The process of dropping counters is particularly importantwhen monitoring virtual machines. It eliminates countersreflecting cross-talk between machines running in the samephysical host. In our experiments, after the above filteringoperations, we were typically left with more than one hundreduseful counters (over two hundred in some systems); see TableIV.

Preprocessing also samples counters at equal time intervals(5 minutes in our implementation), so that machines canbe compared at those time points. Finally, the counters arenormalized to have a zero mean and a unit variance in orderto eliminate artifacts of scaling and numerical instabilities.

There are many possible ways to measure variability. Ourimplementation is based on normalized median absolute de-viation. The particulars are not critical to the framework, andwere omitted for lack of space.

E. Framework Analysis

In this section we show how the p-values (step 3 in theframework) are computed. We use two methods to computethese values. The first method assumes the expected valueof the scoring function is known when all machines workproperly. In this case, we compare vm to its expected valueand flag machines that have significant deviations (recall thatvm = 1


∑t∈T S(m,x(t)); see framework Step 2). The

second method for computing the p-value is used when theexpected value of the scoring function is not known. In thiscase, we use the empirical mean of ‖vm‖ and compare thevalues obtained for each of the machines to this value. Bothmethods take the number of machines M into account. Theresulting p-values are the probability of one false positive ormore across T , regardless of the number of machines.

In order to prove the convergence of vm, we use the L1, L2-bounded property of the test S, as follows:

Definition 1: A test S is L1, L2-bounded if the followingtwo properties hold for any two input vector sets x and x′,and for any m and t:

1) ‖S (m,x(t))− S (m,x′(t))‖ ≤ L1.

2) Let x be x where x(m, t) is replaced with x′(m′, t).Then for any m′ 6= m, ‖S (m,x(t))− S (m, x(t))‖ ≤L2.

The above definition requires that the test is bounded in twoaspects. First, even if we change all the inputs, a machine scorecannot change by more than L1. Moreover, if we change thecounter values for a single machine, the score for any othermachine cannot change by more than L2.

The following lemmas define the two methods. Proofs areomitted due to lack of space.

Lemma 1: Consider a test S which is L1, L2- bounded.Assume that ∀m, t, x (m, t) ∼ X (t). Then for every γ > 0,

Pr [∃m s.t. ‖vm‖ ≥ E [‖vm‖] + γ] ≤M exp




The lemma follows by applying the bounded differencesinequality [14] and the union bound.

The next lemma applies to the case where the expectedvalue of vm is not known. In this case, we use the empiricalmean as a proxy for the true expected value.

Lemma 2: Consider a test S that is L1, L2- bounded.Assume that ∀m, t x (m, t) ∼ X (t), and that ∀m,m′,E [‖vm‖] = E [‖vm′‖]. Denote by v = 1/M

∑m ‖vm‖. Then

for every γ > 0,

Pr [∃m s.t. ‖vm‖ ≥ v + γ]

≤ (M + 1) exp

(− 2TMγ2




In the proof we show that the random variable v is a Lip-schitz function and apply the bounded differences inequality[14] to v. Finally, we obtain the stated result by combiningwith Lemma 1.


Using the general framework described in Sec. II, wedescribe three test implementations: the sign test (Sec. III-A),the Tukey test (Sec. III-B), and the LOF test (Sec. III-C).Their analyses provide examples of the use of the machinerydeveloped in Section II-E. Other tests can be easily incorpo-rated into our framework. Such tests could make use of moreinformation, or be even more sensitive to the signals generatedby latent faults. For many well-known statistical tests, theadvantages of the framework will still hold: no tuning, nodomain knowledge, no training, and no need for tagged data.

A. The Sign Test

The sign test [15] is a classic statistical test. It verifies thehypothesis that two samples share a common median. It hasbeen extended to the multivariate case [16]. We extend it toallow the simultaneous comparison of multiple machines.

Let m and m′ be two machines and let x(m, t) and x(m′, t)be the vectors of their reported counters at time t. We use thetest

S (m,x(t)) =1

M − 1

∑m′ 6=m

x(m, t)− x (m′, t)

‖x(m, t)− x (m′, t)‖

as a multivariate version of the sign function. If all themachines are working properly, we expect this value to bezero. Therefore, the sum of several samples over time is alsoexpected not to grow far from zero.

Algorithm 1: The sign test. Output a list of suspiciousmachines with p-value below significance level α.

foreach machine m ∈M do

S (m,x(t))← 1M−1

∑m′ 6=m

x(m,t)−x(m′,t)‖x(m,t)−x(m′,t)‖ ;

vm ← 1T

∑t S (m,x(t));

endv ← 1


∑m ‖vm‖;

foreach machine m ∈M doγ ← max (0, ‖vm‖ − v);

p(m)← (M + 1) exp

(− TMγ2




if p(m) ≤ α thenReport machine m as suspicious;


The following theorem shows that if all machines areworking properly, the norm of vm should not be much largerthan its empirical mean.

Theorem 1: Assume that ∀m ∈ M and ∀t ∈ T , x(m, t)is sampled independently from X(t). Let vm and v be as inAlgorithm 1. Then for every γ > 0,

Pr [∃m ∈M s.t. ‖vm‖ ≥ v + γ]

≤ (M + 1) exp





Proof: The sign test is 2, 2M−1 -bounded. Applying

Lemma 2, we obtain the stated result.Theorem 1 proves the correctness of the p-values computed

by the sign test. For an appropriate significance level α,Theorem 1 guarantees a small number of false detections.

A beneficial property of the sign test is that it also providesa fingerprint for the failure in suspicious machines. The vectorvm scores every counter. The test assigns high positive scoresto counters on which the machine m has higher values thanthe rest of the population and negative scores to counters onwhich m’s values are lower. This fingerprint can be used toidentify recurring types of failures [4]. It can also be used asa starting point for root cause analysis, which is a subject forfuture research.

B. The Tukey Test

The Tukey test is based on a different statistical tool, theTukey depth function [17]. Given a sample of points Z,the Tukey depth function gives high scores to points nearthe center of the sample and low scores to points near theperimeter. For a point z, it examines all possible half-spacesthat contain the point z and counts the number of points ofZ inside the half-space. The depth is defined as the minimum

number of points over all possible half-spaces. Formally, letZ be a set of points in the vector space Rd and z ∈ Rd; thenthe Tukey depth of z in Z is:

Depth(z|Z) = infw∈Rd

(|{z′ ∈ Z s.t. z · w ≤ z′ · w}|) .

Algorithm 2: The Tukey test. Output a list of suspiciousmachines with p-value below significance level α.

Let I = 5;for i← 1, . . . , I do

πi ← random projection RC → R2;foreach time t ∈ T do

foreach machine m ∈M dod(i,m, t)← Depth (πi(x(m, t))|x(t));


endforeach machine m ∈M do

S(m,x(t))← 2I(M−1)

∑i d (i,m, t);

vm ← 1T

∑t S (m,x(t));

endv ← 1


∑m vm;

foreach machine m ∈M doγ ← max(0, v − ‖vm‖);

p(m)← (M + 1) exp

(− 2TMγ2




if p(m) ≤ α thenReport machine m as suspicious


In our setting, we say that if the vectors x(m, t) for afixed machine m consistently have low depths at different timepoints t, then m is likely to be behaving differently than therest of the machines.

However, there are two main obstacles in using the Tukeytest. First, for each point in time, the size of the sample isexactly the number of machines M and the dimension is thenumber of available counters C. The dimension C can belarger than the number of points M and it is thus likely thatall the points will be in a general position and have a depthof 1. Moreover, computing the Tukey depth in high dimensionis computationally prohibitive [18]. Therefore, similarly to[19], we select a few random projections of the data to lowdimension (R2) and compute depths in the lower dimension.

We randomly select a projection from RC to R2 by creatinga matrix C×2 such that each entry in the matrix is selected atrandom from a normal distribution. For each time t, we projectx(m, t) for all the machines m ∈ M to R2 several times,using the selected projections, and compute depths in R2

with a complexity of only O (M log(M)), to obtain the depthd(i,m, t) for machine m at time t with the i’th projection.The score used in the Tukey test is the sum of the depths

computed on the random projections:

S(m,x(t)) =2

I (M − 1)


d (i,m, t) .

If all machines behave correctly, vm should be concentratedaround its mean. However, if a machine m has a much lowerscore than the empirical mean, this machine is flagged assuspicious. The following theorem shows how to compute p-values for the Tukey test.

Theorem 2: Assume that ∀m ∈ M and ∀t ∈ T , x(m, t)is sampled independently from X(t). Let vm and v be as inAlgorithm 2. Then for every γ > 0,

Pr [∃m ∈M s.t. vm ≤ v − γ]

≤ (M + 1) exp

−2TMγ2(√M + 3

)2 .

Proof: The Tukey test is 1, 2M−1 -bounded since 0 ≤

d (i,m, t) ≤ M − 1. Applying Lemma 2 with −vm and −v,we obtain the stated result.

C. The LOF Test

The LOF test is based on the Local Outlier Factor (LOF)algorithm [20], which is a popular outlier detection algorithm.The LOF test attempts to find outliers by looking at the densityin local neighborhoods. Since the density of the sample maydiffer in different areas, isolated points in less populated areasare not necessarily outliers. The greater the LOF score is,the more suspicious the point is, but the precise value ofthe score has no particular meaning. Therefore, in the LOFtest the scores are converted to ranks. The rank r(m,x(t))is such that the machine with the lowest LOF score willhave rank 0, the second lowest will have rank 1, and soon. If all machines are working properly, the rank r(m,x(t))is distributed uniformly on 0, 1, . . . ,M − 1. Therefore, forhealthy machines, the scoring function

S(m,x(t)) =2r(m,x(t))

M − 1(1)

has an expected value of 1. If the score is much higher,the machine is flagged as suspicious. The correctness of thisapproach is proven in the next theorem.

Theorem 3: Assume that ∀m ∈ M and ∀t ∈ T , x(m, t) issampled independently from X(t). Let vm be as defined inAlgorithm 3. Then for every γ > 0,

Pr [∃m ∈M s.t. vm ≥ 1 + γ] ≤M exp





Proof: The LOF test is 2, 2M−1 -bounded since 0 ≤

r (m,x(t)) ≤ M − 1. Moreover, under the assumption ofthis theorem, the expected value of the score is 1. ApplyingLemma 1, we obtain the stated result.

Algorithm 3: The LOF test. Output a list of suspiciousmachines with p-value below significance level α.

foreach time t ∈ T dol(m, t)← LOF of x(m, t) in x(t);foreach machine m ∈M do

r(m,x(t))← rank of l(m, t) in {l(m′, t)}m′∈M ;S(m,x(t))← 2r(m,x(t))

M−1 ;end

endforeach machine m ∈M do

vm ← 1T

∑t S (m,x(t));

γ ← max(0, vm − 1);

p(m)←M exp(−Tγ




if p(m) ≤ α thenReport machine m as suspicious



Term DescriptionSuspicious machine flagged as having a latent faultFailing machine failed according to health signalHealthy machine healthy according to health signalPrecision fraction of failing machines out of all suspicious =

Pr(failing | suspicious)Recall (TPR) fraction of suspicious out of all failing machines =

Pr(suspicious | failing)False PositiveRate (FPR)

fraction of healthy machines out of all suspicious= Pr(suspicious | healthy)


We conducted experiments on live, real-world, distributedservices with different characteristics. The LG (“large”) ser-vice consists of a large cluster (∼ 4500 machines) that is apart of the index service of a large search engine (Bing). ThePR (“primary”) service runs on a mid-sized cluster (∼ 300machines) and provides information about previous user inter-actions for Bing. It holds a large key-value table and supportsreading and writing to this table. The SE (“secondary”) serviceis a hot backup for the PR service and is of similar size. Itstores the same table as the PR service but supports only writerequests. Its main goal is to provide hot swap for machinesin the PR service in cases of failures. The VM (“virtualmachine”) service provides a mechanism to collect data aboutusers’ interactions with advertisements in a large portal. Itstores this information for billing purposes. This service uses15 virtual machines which share the same physical machinewith other virtual machines. We tracked the LG, PR and SEservices for 60 days and the VM service for 30 days. We choseperiods in which these services did not experience any outage.

These services run on top of a data center management in-frastructure for deployment of services, monitoring, automaticrepair, and the like [6]. We use the automatic repair log to

deduce information concerning the machines’ health signals.This infrastructure also collects different performance countersfrom both the hardware and the running software, and handlesstorage, a common practice in such datacenters. Therefore ouranalysis incurs no overheard nor any changes to the monitoredservice.

Collected counters fall into a wide range of types: commonOS counters such as the number of threads, memory and CPUusage, and paging; hardware counters such as disk write rateand network interface errors; and unique service applicationcounters such as transaction latency, database merges, andquery rate.

A. Protocol Used in the Experiments

We applied our methods to each service independentlyand in a daily cycle. That is, we collected counter valuesevery 5 minutes during a 24-hour period and used them toflag suspicious machines using each of the tests. To avoidoverfitting, parameters were tuned using the historical data ofthe SE service. In order to reduce the false alarm rate to aminimum, the significance level α was fixed at 0.01.

To evaluate test performance, we compared detected latentfaults to machine health signals as reported by the infrastruc-ture at a later date. Health alerts are raised according to rulesfor detecting software and hardware failures. Our hypothesisis that some latent faults will evolve over time into hardfaults, which will be detected by this rule-based mechanism.Therefore, we checked the health signal of each machine ina follow-up period (horizon) of up to 14 days immediatelyfollowing the day in which the machine was tested for a latentfault. We used existing health systems to verify the results ofour latent fault detection framework. In some cases we usedmanual inspection of counters and audit logs.

Unfortunately, because of limited sensitivity and missinglogs, health information is incomplete. Failing or malfunc-tioning machines that the current watchdog based implemen-tation did not detect are considered by default to be healthy.Similarly, machines with unreported repair actions or withouthealth logs are considered by default to be healthy. Whenflagged as suspicious by our tests, such machines would beconsidered false positives. Finally, not all machine failureshave preceding latent faults, but to avoid any bias we includeall logged health alerts in our evaluation, severely impactingrecall, defined below (Section IV-E estimates the amountof latent faults). Therefore, the numbers we provide in ourexperiments are underestimations, or lower bounds on the trueprevalence of latent faults.

In our evaluation, we refer to machines that were reportedhealthy during the follow-up horizon as healthy; other ma-chines are referred to as failing. Machines that were flaggedby a test are referred to as suspicious. Borrowing fromthe information retrieval literature [21], we use precision tomeasure the fraction of failing machines out of all suspiciousmachines and recall (also called true positive rate, or TPR)to measure the fraction of suspicious machines out of allfailing machines. We also use the false positive rate (FPR) to

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

1 da


2 or


3 or


4 or


5 or


6 or


7 or


8 or


9 or


10 o

r les


11 o

r les


12 o

r les


13 o

r les


14 o

r les


15 o

r les






Days after test

Tukey sign LOF Total

Fig. 1. Cumulative failures on LG service. Most of the faults detected bythe sign test and the Tukey test become failures several days after detection.

denote the fraction of healthy machines out of all suspiciousmachines. Table I summarizes the terms used.

We applied the same techniques to all services, using thesame choice of parameters. Yet, due to their different nature,we discuss the results for each service separately.

B. The LG Service

Table II shows a summary of the results (failure predic-tion) for the LG service. The low false positive rate (FPR)reflects our design choice to minimize false positives. Track-ing the precision results proves that latent faults abound inthe services. For example, the Tukey method has precisionof 0.135, 0.497 and 0.653 when failures are considered inhorizons of 1, 7 and 14 days ahead, respectively. Therefore,most of the machines flagged as suspicious by this methodwill indeed fail during the next two weeks. Moreover, most ofthese failures happen on the second day or later.

The recall numbers in Table II indicate that approximately20% of the failures in the service were already manifested inthe environment for about a week before they were detected.

The cumulative failure graph (Figure 1) depicts the fractionacross all days of suspicious machines which failed up to ndays after the detection of the latent fault. In other words, itshows the precision vs. prediction horizon. The “total” lineis the fraction of all machines that failed, demonstrating thenormal state of affairs in the LG service. This column isequivalent to a guessing “test” that randomly selects suspiciousmachines on the basis of the failure probability in the LGservice. Once again, these graphs demonstrate the existenceand prevalence of latent faults.

To explore the tradeoffs between recall, false positive rate,and precision, and to compare the different methods, wepresent receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves andprecision-recall (P-R) curves. The curves, shown in Figure 2,were generated by varying the significance level: for eachvalue of α we plot the resulting false positive rate and truepositive rate (recall) as a point on the ROC curve. The closerto the top-left corner (no false positives with perfect recall),the better the performance. A random guess would yield a


Period Test Recall FPR Precision

1 dayTukey 0.240 0.023 0.135sign 0.306 0.037 0.109LOF 0.248 0.095 0.038

7 daysTukey 0.151 0.014 0.497sign 0.196 0.026 0.411LOF 0.203 0.087 0.180

14 daysTukey 0.093 0.011 0.653sign 0.126 0.022 0.563LOF 0.162 0.082 0.306

diagonal line from (0, 0) to (1, 1). The P-R curve is similarlygenerated from recall and precision.

Both the Tukey and sign tests successfully predict failuresup to 14 days in advance with a high degree of precision,with sign having a slight advantage. Both perform significantlybetter than the LOF test, which is still somewhat successful.The results reflect our design tradeoff: at significance levelof 0.01, false positive rates are very low (around 2− 3% forTukey and sign), and precision is relatively high (especiallyfor longer horizons).

The dips in the beginning of the P-R curves reflect machinesthat consistently get low p-values, but do not fail. Our manualinvestigation of some of these machines shows that they canbe divided into (1) undocumented failures (incomplete orunavailable logs), and (2) machines that are misconfigured orunderperforming, but not failing outright since the services donot monitor for these conditions. Such machines are consid-ered false positives, even though they are actually correctlyflagged by our framework as suspicious. This is additionalevidence that the numbers reported in our experiments areunderestimates, and that latent faults go unnoticed in theenvironment. This is also why false positive rates are slightlyhigher than the significance level of 0.01.

Finally, we investigate the sensitivity of the different meth-ods to temporal changes in the workload. Since this service isuser facing, the workload changes significantly between week-days and weekends. We plot Tukey prediction performancewith a 14-day horizon for each calendar day (Figure 3). Notethat the weekly cycle does not affect the test. The visible dipsat around days 22, 35, and towards the end of the period,are due to service upgrades during these times. Since themachines are not upgraded simultaneously, the test detects anyperformance divergence of the different versions and reportsthese as failures. However, once the upgrade was completed,no tuning was necessary for the test to regain its performance.

C. PR and SE Services

The SE service mirrors data written to PR, but serves noread requests. Its machines are thus less loaded than PRmachines, which serve both read and write requests. Hence,traditional rule-based monitoring systems are less likely todetect failures on these machines. The existence of latentfaults on these machines is likely to be detected by the healthmechanisms only when there is a failure in a primary machine,







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





rand. guess1 day

7 days14 days

at cutoff 0.01







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





(a) Tukey test







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





rand. guess1 day

7 days14 days

at cutoff 0.01







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





(b) Sign test







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





rand. guess1 day

7 days14 days

at cutoff 0.01







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





(c) LOF test

Fig. 2. ROC and P-R curves on LG service. Highlighted points are for significance level α = 0.01.







0 10 20 30 40 50 60Calendar day




log gaps

Fig. 3. Tukey performance on LG across 60 days, with 14-day horizon. Itshows the test is not affected by changes in the workload, quickly recoveringfrom service updates on days 22 and 35. Lower performance on days 45–55is an artifact of gaps in counter logs and updates on later days.

followed by the faulty SE machine being converted to theprimary (PR) role.

Unfortunately, the health monitors for the PR and SEservices are not as comprehensive as the ones for the LGservice. Since we use the health monitors as the objectivesignal against which we measure the performance of our tests,these measurements are less reliable. To compensate for that,we manually investigated some of the flagged machines. Weare able to provide objective measurements for the SE service,as there are enough real failures which can be successfullypredicted, despite at least 30% spurious failures in health logs(verified manually).

Performance on SE service for a significance level of 0.01 issummarized in Table III. ROC and P-R curves are in Figure 4.Our methods were able to detect and predict machine failures;


Test Recall FPR PrecisionTukey 0.010 0.007 0.075sign 0.023 0.029 0.044LOF 0.089 0.087 0.054

therefore, latent faults do exist in this service as well, albeitto a lesser extent. As explained above, since this is a backupservice, some of the failures go unreported to the serviceplatform. Therefore, the true performance is likely to be betterthan shown.

The case of the PR service is similar to the SE service buteven more acute. The number of reported failures is so low(0.26% machine failures per day) that it would be impossibleto verify positive prediction. Nevertheless, all tests show verylow FPR (about 1% for sign and Tukey, 7% for LOF), and inover 99% of healthy cases there were no latent faults accordingto all tests.

D. VM Service

The VM service presents a greater challenge, due to theuse of virtual machines and the small machine population. Inprinciple, a test may flag machines as suspicious because ofsome artifacts related to other virtual machines sharing thesame host. Due to the small size of this cluster, we resortto manually examining warning logs, and examining the twomachines with latent faults found by the sign test. One of themachines had high CPU usage, thread count, disk queue lengthand other counters that indicate a large workload, causing ourtest to flag it as suspicious. Indeed, two days after detectionthere was a watchdog warning indicating that the machine is







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





rand. guess1 day

7 days14 days

at cutoff 0.01







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





(a) Tukey







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





rand. guess1 day

7 days14 days

at cutoff 0.01







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





(b) sign







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





rand. guess1 day

7 days14 days

at cutoff 0.01







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





(c) LOF

Fig. 4. ROC and P-R curves on the SE service. Highlighted points are for significance level α = 0.01.






er v


Time Time

(a) Detection day






er v


Time Time

(b) Warning day

Fig. 5. Aberrant counters for suspicious VM machine (black) compared tothe counters of 14 other machines (gray).

overloaded. The relevant counters for this machine are plottedin Figure 5. The second machine for which a latent fault wasdetected appears to have had no relevant warning, but our testsdid indicate that it had low memory usage, compared to othermachines performing the same role.

E. Estimating the Number of Latent Faults

Some failures do not have a period in which they live unde-tected in the system. Examples include failures due to softwareupgrades and failures due to network service interruption. Weconducted an experiment on the LG environment with the goalof estimating the percentage of failures which do have a latentperiod.

We selected 80 failure events at random and checkedwhether our methods detect them 24 hours before they arefirst reported by the existing failure detection mechanism. As







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





Random guessTukey


at cutoff 0.01

Fig. 6. Detection performance on LG service. At least 20-25% of failureshave preceding latent faults. Highlighted points are for α = 0.01.

a control, we also selected a random set of 73 machines knownto be healthy. For both sets we require that events come fromdifferent machines, and from a range of times and dates.

For this experiment we define a failing machine to be amachine that is reported to be failing but did not have anyfailure report in the preceding 48 hours. We define a machineto be healthy if it did not have any failure during the 60day period of our investigation. Figure 6 shows the ROCcurves for this experiment. Failing machines where latentfaults are detected are true positives. Healthy machines flaggedas suspicious are counted as false positives. Both sign andTukey manage to detect 20% − 25% of the failing machineswith very few false positives. Therefore, we conclude that atleast 20% − 25% of the failures are latent for a long period.Assuming our estimation is accurate, the recall achieved inSection IV-B is close to the maximum possible.



Counters LG VM PR SEEvent-driven 85 39 100 112Slow 68 12 19 24Constant 87 29 52 40Varied means 103 30 57 79Remaining 211 106 313 89Total 554 216 541 344

F. Comparison of Tests

The three tests proposed in this work are based on differentprinciples. Nevertheless, they tend to flag the same machines.For instance, more than 80% of the machines that were flaggedby Tukey are also flagged by the sign test. All tests achievea low false positive rate on all services, with the Tukey andsign tests matching the very low user-specified rate parameter.

To better characterize the sensitivities of the different tests,we evaluated them on artificially generated data to whichwe injected three types of “faults”: counter location (offset),counter scale, or both. The strength of the difference variesacross the failing machines, and we compare the sensitivity ofeach test to different kinds of faults. The resulting curves areshown in Figure 7. This experiment shows that the sign test isvery sensitive to changes in offsets. LOF has some sensitivityto offset changes while the Tukey test has little sensitivity, ifany, to this kind of change. When scale is changed, LOF ismore sensitive in the range of low false positive rates but doesnot do well later on. Tukey is more sensitive than sign to scalechanges.

G. Filtering Counters in Preprocessing

As described in Section II-D, the preprocessing stage re-moves some counters. Table IV reports the average number ofcounters removed in each service.

When removing counters violating the memoryless as-sumption, we measure the mean variability of each counteracross all machines, leaving only counters with low variability.Our choice of a low fixed threshold value stems from ourconservative design choice to avoid false positives, even atthe price of removing potentially informative counters. Fig-ure 8 justifies this choice: the majority of counters that werenot filtered have relatively low variability on most services,whereas the higher variability range (2–10) typically containsfew counters. Beyond 10 counters are not usable: most of themare effectively a unique constant value for this counter for eachmachine. Thus, tuning is not needed in preprocessing.

To further explore the effect of different thresholds, wemeasured the performance of the tests on a single day of theLG service with different mean variability thresholds. Withstrict significance level, higher thresholds result in slightlybetter recall but slightly lower precision, confirming our ex-pectations.




0 - 2 2 - 3 3 - 4 4 - 5 5 - 6 6 - 10 10 - infVariability range




s in


h se



Fig. 8. Histogram of counter mean variability for all services. The majorityof counters have variability below 2.


The problem of automatic machine failure detection wasstudied by several researchers in recent years, and proposedtechniques have so far been mostly supervised, or reliant ontextual console logs.

Chen et al. [5] analyze the correlation between sets ofmeasurements and track them over time. This approach re-quires domain knowledge for choosing counters, and trainingto model baseline correlations. Chen et al. [8] presented asupervised approach based on learning decision trees. Thesystem requires labeled examples of failures and domainknowledge. Moreover, supervised approaches are less adaptiveto workload variations and to platform changes. Pelleg etal. [22] explore failure detection in virtual machines usingdecision trees. Though the basis is domain independent, thesystem is supervised, requiring training on labeled examplesand manually selected counters. Bronevetsky et al. [23] mon-itor state transitions in MPI applications, and observe timingand probabilities of state transitions to build a statistical model.Their method requires no domain knowledge, but is limitedto MPI-based applications and requires potentially intrusivemonitoring. It also requires training on sample runs of themonitored application to achieve high accuracy. Sahoo etal. [7] compare three approaches to failure event prediction:rule-based, Bayesian network, and time series analysis. Theysuccessfully apply their methods to a 350-node cluster fora period of one year. Their methods are supervised andfurthermore rely on substantial knowledge of the monitoredsystem. Bodık et al. [4] produce fingerprints from aggregatecounters that describe the state of the entire datacenter, anduse these fingerprints to identify system crises. As with othersupervised techniques, the approach requires labeled examples.The authors present quick detection of system failures thathave already occured, whereas we focus on detection of latentfaults ahead of machine failures. Cohen et al. [9] inducea tree-augmented Bayesian network classifier. Although thisapproach does not require domain knowledge other than alabeled training set, the classifier is sensitive to changingworkloads. Ensembles of models are used in [24] to reducethe sensitivity of the former approach to workload changes,







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





rand. guessTukey








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





(a) Location







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





rand. guessTukey








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





(b) Scale







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





rand. guessTukey








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





(c) Location+scale

Fig. 7. Performance on types of synthetic latent faults

at the cost of decreased accuracy when there are too manyfailure types ([25]).

Palatin et al. [1] propose sending benchmarks to serversin order to find execution outliers. Like our method, theirapproach is based on outlier detection, is unsupervised, andrequires no domain knowledge. However, through our interac-tion with system architects we have learned that they considerthis approach intrusive, because it requires sending jobs tobe run on the monitored hosts, thus essentially modifying therunning service. Kasick et al. [13] analyze selected countersusing unsupervised histogram and threshold-based techniques.Their assumptions of homogenous platforms and workloadsare also similar to ours. However they consider distributed filesystems exclusively, relying on expert insight and carefullyselected counters. Our technique requires no knowledge andworks for all domains.

There are several unsupervised textual console log analysismethods. Oliner et al. [10] present Nodeinfo: an unsuper-vised method that detects anomalies in system messages byassuming, as we do, that similar machines produce similarlogs. Xu et al. [12] analyze source code to parse console logmessages and use principal component analysis to identifyunusual message patterns. Lou et al. [11] represent code flowby identifying linear relationships in counts of console logmessages. Unlike [10], [11], our method has strong statisticalbasis that can guarantee performance, and it requires no tuning.All three techniques focus on the unusual occurrences of tex-tual messages, while our method focuses on numerical valuesof periodic events. Furthermore, we focus on early detectionof latent faults in either hardware or software. Finally, consolelogs analysis is infeasible in large-scale services with hightransaction volume.


While current approaches focus on the identification offailures that have already occurred, latent faults manifestthemselves as aberrations in some of the machines’ counters,aberrations that will eventually lead to actual failure. Althoughour experiments show that latent faults are common even inwell-managed datacenters, we are, as far as we know, the firstto address this issue.

We introduce a novel framework for detecting latent faultsthat is agile enough to be used across different systems and towithstand changes over time. We proved guarantees on thefalse detection rates and evaluated our methods on severaltypes of production services. Our methods were able to detectmany latent faults days and even weeks ahead of rule-basedwatchdogs. We have shown that our approach is versatile; thesame tests were able to detect faults in different environmentswithout having to retrain or retune them. Our tests handleworkload variations and service updates naturally and withoutintervention. Even services built on virtual machines aremonitored successfully without any modification. The scalablenature of our methods allows infrastructure administrators toadd as many counters of service-sensitive events as they wishto. Everything else in the monitoring process will be takencare of automatically with no need for further tuning.

In a larger context, the open question addressed in this paperis whether large infrastructures should be prepared to recoverfrom “unavoidable failures,” as is commonly suggested. Evenwhen advanced recovery mechanisms exist, they are often nottested due to the risk involved in testing live environments.Indeed, advanced recovery (beyond basic failover) testingof large-scale systems is extremely complicated and failureprone, and rarely covers all faulty scenarios. Consequently,

some outages of Amazon EC2 1, Google’s search engine, andFacebook, and even the Northeast power blackout of 2003,were attributed to the cascading recovery processes, whichwere interfering with each other during the handling of a localevent. It is conceivable that there exist large systems whoserecovery processes have never been tested properly.

Like [3], we propose an alternative: proactively treatinglatent faults could substantially reduce the need for recoveryprocesses. We therefore view this work as a step towards moresensitive monitoring machinery, which will lead to reliablelarge-scale services.


This work was conducted while Moshe Gabel and AssafSchuster were visiting Microsoft Research. The authors wishto thank the EU LIFT project, supported by the EU FP7program.


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