Jeopardy Review Game Jeopardy Extravaganza By: Your Talented HHYC Team.

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Transcript of Jeopardy Review Game Jeopardy Extravaganza By: Your Talented HHYC Team.

Jeopardy Review Game

Jeopardy Extravaganza

By: Your Talented HHYC Team































Mountains Rivers Holy PlacesHoly BooksGreat LadiesGreat MenNoble Souls







This mountain range stretches across five nations: Bhutan, China, India, Nepal,


What is the Himalayan Mountain Range?

This mountain is located in East Central India. 

What is Mahendra Moutain?

When Sri Ram, Sita &Lakshman were coming back from their exile, Sita

became really thirst on this mountain. Since there was no

water around Lakshman pierced an arrow into the

ground a fountain of water came out.

What is Vindhyachal mountain?

This mountain range divides Rajasthan into two

halves. [[eastern & western]]

What is Aravali mountain?

This mountain range separates the coastal plains of Konkan from the high plateau of Deccan, by forming a “crest” along the line.

What is Sayadhri mountain range?

This river flows eastward & empties in to the Bay

of Bengal.

What is Ganga River?

This mysterious river dried up thousands of

years ago.   

What is Saraswati River?

The cities Delhi, Mathura, and Agra lie on the banks

of this river.

What is the Yamuna River?

This river is adjacent to the city of Kovvur.

What is Godavari River?

This is rivers course was changed after the earthquake and

devastating flood in 1787.

What is Brahmaputra River?

This was the birth place of Rama.

What is Ayodhya?

This city is more commonly known as


What is Kashi?

This city was Shri Krishan’s golden capital during his


What is Dwaarika?

In this city the cave of

monkey king Sugriva is.

What is Vijayanagara?

In this holy book, the conversation of Krishna &

Arjun is written.

In this epic one of the ten avatar of Vishnu is sent to Earth and kills demon king


What is Ramayana?

This is one of the worlds longest epic poems.

What is Mahabharata?

This scripture mainly discusses meditation and


What are the Upanishads?

These scriptures weren’t written by any one person, they were

translated by a group of Rishis who had

supernatural powers.

What are the Vedas?

This woman was so devoted to her husband that she tricked Lord Yama into giving her husbands life back to him.

Who was Savitri?

She was born out of a sacrificial fire along with

her brother Dhristadyumna, at the

time of her birth a divine voice said that she would

be the reason for the death of the Kauravas.

Who was Draupadi?

She was the queen of the state of Jhansi in central India, she was one of the

nationalist heros of the War of Independence of 1857.

Who was Jhansi Rani?

She was one of the many warrior women of India and she ruled from her palace which was in a fort called Ahilya Fort

Who was Ahalya Bai Holkar?

Formly known as Margaret Elizabeth Noble she was an Anglo-Irish social worker,

author, and disciple of Swami Vivekananda.

Who was Sister Nivedita?

He is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu and the one

who destroyed the demon Ravan.

Who is Lord Rama?

The loyal servent of Lord Rama who is also the son

of the Wind [Vayu].

Who is Hanuman?

He was the eldest son of Kunti and Pandu.

Who was Dharmaraja Yudhishthir?

He was the charioteer for Arjun in the Kurukshetra war.

Who is Lord Krishna?

Before becoming a Sage he was known as

Ratnakar and after his meeting second meeting with Narad Muni he got a name, which means “ant


Who was Sage Valmiki?

This monk was formaly known as Siddhartha


Who was Lord Buddha?

This noble soul is considered the Prophet of Hinduism and

has written the Ramacharitamanas as

dictated by God.

Who was Goswami Tulsidas?

He was the tenth and the last guru of Sikhism.

Who was Guru Gobind Singh?

The valiant monk who proclaimed in America the

greatness of Hinduism and of Indian culture at a time when the West regarded India as a

land of barbarians. The beloved disciple of Sri Ramakrishna


Who was Swami Vivekananda?

He was well known as ' Guruji' throughout Bharat, and was the

second Sarsanghchalak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. His life was wholly dedicated tot

he service of the motherland.

Who was Sri Guruji Golwalkar?



The eternal symbol of Hindu culture and

Dharma(also used in Shakha). It stands

for Dharma, wealth, advancement, glory,

knowledge and detachment.

What is Bhagwa Dwaj?


Vishwa Dharma Ki Jai!