International-Bali post. Thursday, August 12, 2010

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International-Bali post. Thursday, August 12, 2010

Transcript of International-Bali post. Thursday, August 12, 2010

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

16 Pages Number 1532st Year

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Taint of war-crimestrial won’t stick onCampbell

Tourist visit toSangeh drops by50 percent

One of those programs is the floodmanagement. The statement was saidby Bali’s Governor, Made MangkuPastika, during the inauguration cer-emony of I.B.Rai DharmawijayaMantra and IGN Jaya Negara as theMayor and vice mayor of Denpasar

Agence France Presse

SRINAGAR, India – Indiansearch teams tried to locate for-eign tourists in the remote Hima-layan region of Ladakh onWednesday after five Europeanswere declared to be among the 185people killed in floods. Suddenrain storms on Friday triggeredflash floods that swept away build-ings, roads and power cables in thetown of Leh, and stranded manytourists in the mountains.

Thousands of visitors from In-

AFP/Manan Vatsyayana

Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) personnel return after takingpart in rescue operations at Choglamsar village in Leh on August10. Indian search teams tried to locate foreign tourists in the re-mote Himalayan region of Ladakh on Wednesday after five Euro-peans were declared to be among the 185 people killed in floods.Continued on page 6

Search for foreigners afterIndian Himalayan floods

dia and elsewhere travel to Ladakheach year during July and Augustfor trekking and rafting expeditionsand to experience the area’s ancientBuddhist culture. About 400 localpeople are still missing after riversof mud and rock poured down val-leys and swamped villages.

Among the dead were threeFrench nationals, a Spaniard and anItalian, Indian officials told AFP.Other foreigners who died included16 Nepali labourers and a Tibetanrefugee.

The re-elected mayor of Denpasar inaugurated on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 by Bali’s Governor Made Mangku Pastika.

Denpasar Mayor mustserious in handling flood

Continued on page 6

Denpasar (Bali Post) –

If in the previous inauguration, Denpasar’s elected Mayor I.B.Rai Dharmawijaya Mantrawas asked to solve eight major problems in Denpasar, in the second inauguration which washeld on Wednesday, August 11th 2010, he was asked to finish the unfinished programs.

for 2010 – 2015 period.Denpasar as the center of gov-

erning and economy in Bali hasspecial characteristics that can notbe found in other regencies. Theurbanization is very high and itcould give complex problems. The

economics condition which is sup-ported by tourism, commerce andservice must be developed simulta-neously. However, the problemssuch as flood, garbage, and inhab-itants administration must be handleproperly and using the correct pro-

gram,” the governor said.He also ordered the mayor to carry

out the promises that they give dur-ing the campaign. The vision andmission given to their supporters mustbecome the priority in making thework program in the next five years.

The mayor must realize that thejob is a duty which has great re-sponsibility to the people. Themayor must act based on the rulesand regulation of the state.

Little hope formore survivors ofChina floods

InternationalThursday, August 12, 20102

Founder : K.Nadha, General Manager :Palgunadi Chief Editor: Diah Dewi Juniarti Editors: Gugiek Savindra,Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Daniel Fajry, Mawa, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Wirya, Yudi

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Bali News

This matter was disclosed by theHead of Denpasar EducationAgency, I Gusti Lanang Jelantik,when met in Denpasar, last Tues-day (Aug 10). According to him,Denpasar had some 20 schools re-quiring immediate repair at the mo-ment. Those schools spreadthroughout the city of Denpasar.

Lanang said the damage toschools was only categorized intolight damage. The repairs were stillwaiting for the special allocationfund (DAK) that would be issuedin the upcoming 2011. “Based onour data, these schools only gothrough minor damage and we can

Denpasar (Bali Post)—The route of Jalan Raya Sempidi,

Mengwi, Badung, last Tuesday (Aug10) afternoon, went through conges-tion. It was caused by a Padang foodstall owned by Mrs. Rini burneddown. Fortunately, the incident didnot kill any life. Allegedly, thesource of fire was caused by electri-cal short circuit.

Information on the scene told thatthe fire began to blaze at 5:30 pmLocal Time. Previously, the food stallserving the Padangese food specialtyopened as usual. Well, suddenly theelectricity in the place went out. A fewseconds after the power failure, ownerof the food stall saw a puff of smoke.The smokes accompanied with aspark were seen on the roof of thestall. Surrounding residents began topanic and called out for help. Imme-diately, many local residents in thevicinity were made to flock to thescene. They also provided first aid.On that occasion, a number of itemswere removed to be saved.

Denpasar (Bali Post)—Appearance of the landscaping gar-

den located at the frontier of Denpasar-Badung at Suwung Kauh is still con-sidered barren. Therefore, DenpasarLandscaping and Sanitation Services(DKP) have designed the landscapingarrangement for the frontier gardenequipped with Dwarapala and Kayonanstatue. Implementation of this arrange-ment will be carried out at the end ofthis year. It was revealed by DivisionHead of Landscaping Services, AgusPrihantara, accompanied by SectionHead of Landscaping IB Ekajayanawhen met on the sidelines of the inau-guration rehearsal of Denpasar Mayorat Denpasar Art Centre, last Tuesday(Aug 10). The arrangement had beenallocated with a fund amounting to IDR300 million.

Arrangement of the frontier land-scaping garden would carried out toprovide a beautiful impression whenentering the Denpasar area. All thistime, the frontier area was not well or-ganized yet so that it gave impressionthere was no specific signs at the fron-tier. “Other than performing rejuvena-tion to the existing plants, variety of theplants will also be adjusted,” saidEkajayana last Tuesday.

It was said the arrangement of the

Beauty can stop everyone’s eyesflickering. Beauty of the kid songcan lullaby a baby. Similarly, beautyalso can toss the imagination, soothethe mind and draw people to getnear. Bali has many sources of thatbeauty offering the charm of nature,culture or adventure.

By maintaining traditions in-spired by Hinduism, Balinesepeople go on running in harmonywith the time. In other words, theydo not feel inferior because of in-heriting those traditions. Beauty inthe form of various dance move-ments has been introduced sinceearly ages. On seeing a dancestaged, a toddler may watch it at-tentively or its fingers move andmove as if imitating the movementof the dance.

Virtually all customary villagesin Bali have gamelan troupe. Thistroupe plays important role in ex-pressing their entertainment arts andaccompanying every ritual activity.This existence gives opportunity tovillagers from child to adult to ex-press their artistic talent especiallyin dance, drama and gamelan arts.Young girls under twelve or elemen-tary school age have a chance to par-ticipate in performing RejangDance. By wearing white and yel-low costumes and floral decoration

Twenty damaged schoolsTwenty damaged schoolsTwenty damaged schoolsTwenty damaged schoolsTwenty damaged schoolsstill wait for repairstill wait for repairstill wait for repairstill wait for repairstill wait for repairDenpasar (Bali Post)—

Damages to school in Denpasar are in fact still quite a lot. Such condition was revealed by theDenpasar Education Agency (Disdikpora) where it recorded there were 20 schools waiting forrepairs. Unfortunately, due to limited funds, the Denpasar Municipality could not have reno-vated those damaged school buildings.

not fix them right now because thereis no allocation of funds to repairthem,” he explained.

In addition to damaged schools,Lanang said many schools alsolacked for class rooms and conse-quently had an impact on the learn-ing activities. “There are manyschools lacking for classroom, butwe can not provide the data on theexact number of those schools,” hesaid.

Furthermore, he explained that forthe addition of new classroom theEducation Agency also encounteredsome constraints. Among them, therewas problem related to school land

that was relatively narrow. Today,the existence of land in Denpasarwas increasingly difficult. There-fore, additional classrooms becamean obstacle, because they should bebuilt vertically. “To build new class-rooms, schools must be made in sto-ried buildings because the land isdifficult,” he said.

However, not all schools could bebuilt in multi-story because of clas-sical reason namely the funding.“For the construction of new class-rooms, schools having narrow landshould build their classroom inmulti-story, but this solution iscostly,” he explained. (kmb12)

Balinese women:In devotional services through the arts

on head, they dance beautifully ac-companied by gamelan music.Rejang Dance is one of the sacreddances performed in relation to theorganization of temple anniversaryor odalan. Other than putting a basiclove to their tradition, they also showdevotional service or ngatur ayahthrough the arts.

When they grow older, right onentering secondary school, they joincustomary village youth club orSekaa Taruna. Here, with their malefriends and their brothers and sistersstart to learn about organization.Many things can be learned throughthis organization. Since it has affili-ation to customary village, they canlearn about the making of somesimple oblation under guidance ofsenior oblation maker and varioustraditional arts. In Bali, this youthclub actually play important role inpreparing young generation to main-tain their valuable cultural heritagesor to prepare themselves for inherit-ing customary responsibility.

With their male counterpart, herethe young girls also learn to playdrama or more complex traditionalarts. Popular genres of performanceshowed are pure entertainment andthe one in combination with sacreddance. The latter usually featuresCalonarang. This magical drama in-

volves a combination of male and fe-male players. In essence, thisCalonarang drama highlights the end-less fight between truth and untruthsymbolizing by sanctified effigies ortapakan like Rangda and Barong. Byand large, it is also associated withritual events at local temple.

In the following stage, whenwoman gets married she will enterthe new organization, namely cus-tomary village. Having learnedmuch about ritual works, it is nowthe time to practice them in widersocial life. They should attend somesocio-religious activities when theevents engage the members of cus-tomary village. At this stage, house-hold mother can remain to show herdevotional service through the artsother than social works. Through thearts, they may join the drama or in-dividual psalmodic singing orpasantian.

How is about their private life? Itis normal as others. They also haveopportunity to build career in theirprofession. In modern life with het-erogeneous professions as today,woman also works as men do. Tra-ditions do not impede them to reachoutstanding achievement in self-em-ployee or office job. If they work atdaytime, some social works will beheld at the evening. (BTN/punia)

A Padang food stallburns down at Sempidi

Among them, there were fridge,cigarettes, Honda Vario motorcycleand other items. In the midst of lo-cal residents removing a number ofgoods, the flames kept on rampag-ing. Then, the flames were gettingbigger and bigger. “The fire waspromptly reported to Fire Depart-ment,” said one of the residents atthe scene last Tuesday.

Not long after, four units of firevehicles arrived on the scene. Theofficers of Fire Department imme-diately sprayed water to the fires.Half an hour later, the fire managedto be extinguished. “Four units offire vehicles involved consisted oftwo units from the Denpasar Munici-pality and two others from theBadung Regency,” he said.

Police officers are now still investi-gating the cause of fire. However, ini-tial allegation led to electrical short cir-cuiting as the cause. Meanwhile, dueto the incident the victim claimed toexperience material losses amountingto tens of million of rupiahs. (kmb21)

Arranging frontier landscaping garden:DKP prepares a budgetworth IDR 300 million

frontier landscaping garden was notonly carried out by the circle of DKP.His party would also make coordina-tion with the Spatial Layout and Hous-ing Services (DTRP) so the result ofarrangement would be much more per-fect. “Related to the installation ofsculpture at the entrance from the southof Denpasar City had been coordinatedwith DTRP,” explained Ekajayana.

Meanwhile, regarding to the choiceof plants, Ekajayana admitted to havenot determined yet. According to him,quite a lot of options could be used toprovide other vibrant ambience at thefrontier area. “Obviously, we will ap-ply tropical plants because the area isrelatively little hot. This tropical vari-ety can moderately survive in such acondition,” he said.

Agus Prihantara also added, asidefrom the arrangement of the frontierlandscaping garden, a number of land-scaping within the city of Denpasarwould also be repaired. Not only gar-dens, garden equipment such aschildren’s playground, would also beprepared. One of the locations thatwould be provided with children play-ground was the vacant land belongingto Bali Provincial Government right infront of the Bank BI Building on JalanTantular. (kmb12)

3International Bali News Thursday, August 12, 2010

In details, said Artadana, thenumber of unemployment of SMAgraduates was 21,482 people andSMK graduates amounted to17,032 people. If converted intopercentage, the unemployment ofhigh school/vocational high schoolgraduates reached 50.92 percent oftotal unemployment in Bali. Mean-while, unemployment belonging tothe university graduates reached11,718 people (15.49 percent), col-lege/diploma graduates 7,079 (9.36percent), junior high school gradu-ates 9,080 (12 percent) and elemen-tary school graduates under 9,244people (12.22 percent). “Based onthe latest data available, the mapof unemployment in Bali is stilldominated by the graduate of se-nior high/vocational high school,”said Artadana in the midst of a dis-cussion on Poverty and Unemploy-ment Reduction Efforts held byBali Post, last Tuesday (Aug 10).

Furthermore, Artadana added, itwas something impossible to elimi-nate the unemployment. The rea-

Singaraja (Bali Post) -

Buleleng distr ict policeranks still seem confused un-cover a robbery that occurred inthe Office of Public Corpora-tion in the area Hardys whole-sale at Ngurah Rai street,Singaraja. Although already ex-amined seven witnesses, policehave yet to find a bright spot touncover the perpetrators ofthese robberies.

Buleleng Police AKBP YudiHartanto, Tuesday (10 / 8) yes-terday, explaining the party isstill doing the investigation byexamining a number of wit-nesses to uncover the perpetra-tors of the robbery case. Untilyesterday it was examiningseven witnesses, but no one wit-ness who gave any clear indi-cation about the perpetrators ofthese robberies. Yet, we stillcheck the witnesses, he said.

In addition to examining thewitness, continued police chief,it also still waiting for test re-sults and the results of medicalexaminations labfor againstMirza Resti Nirmala (24), a rob-bery victim who is now her con-dition is still critical in SanglahHospital. Because, the policedoubted the existence of suchshootings in the event of a rob-bery. Who says the shootings,he said.

Police confirmed the twoholes in victim’s head Mirzathat had allegedly because shewas shot with a firearm. How-ever, the results of further in-vestigation, police doubted theexistence of these shots. Policeestimate that there are woundson the victim’s head was a re-sult of blunt. Allegedly beatenwith a blunt object. There wasbleeding in the head sectionright and left which is predictedto hit a projectile. But until nowwe’ve got to find a projectile orbullet marks on the wall, he ex-plained.

Besides the difficulty the po-lice find the perpetrators of therobbery because the CCTV wasin Hardys Wholesale, particu-larly at the front was not work-ing. So that none of the perpe-trators actions were recorded onsophisticated equipment. Toknow the robber’s face-men-

Unemployment inUnemployment inUnemployment inUnemployment inUnemployment inBali dominated byBali dominated byBali dominated byBali dominated byBali dominated bySMA/SMK graduatesSMA/SMK graduatesSMA/SMK graduatesSMA/SMK graduatesSMA/SMK graduatesDenpasar (Bali Post)—

Head of Department of Manpower, Transmigration and Demography of Bali Province, I MadeArtadana, asserted that government was impossible to cut off the rate of unemployment in Balito the position of zero percent. Based on latest data available (as of February 2010) Bali remainedto have around 75,635 unemployed people where the majority belongs to open unemploymentfrom high school/vocational high school (SMA/SMK) graduates.

son was the growth rate of job seek-ers always exceeded the vacancyformation available. Each year,there were thousands of prospectiveworkers finishing their education atall levels. Some of them would cer-tainly be eliminated in the compe-tition for the existing job opportu-nities.

Nevertheless, his party claimedto persistently suppress the percent-age of unemployment to as low aspossible through three strategicmeasures. Firstly, it was resolvedthrough training program where theprospective workers were givenspecial skills according to their in-terests, talents and abilities so theyhad the spirit of entrepreneurship.As a result, they were expected toopen a job opportunity, at least forhim. The second strategy was bysending the well-educated workersoverseas. Meanwhile, the thirdstrategy was taken by organizing anannual Job Fair in order to confrontthe job seekers to employment user/company. “It is the solution we can

offer to cut off the number of un-employment in Bali,” he explained.

According to Artadana, therewere at least six fundamental is-sues faced by Bali Provincial Gov-ernment to alleviate the unemploy-ment. The problems included theavailability of workforce havinginappropriate competencies withthe requirement expected by thebusiness world, low competitive-ness of human resources and thelow interest of prospective workersto enter the informal job opportuni-ties. In addition, the low interestamong the younger generation towork in the agricultural sector andthe tendency to look for the posi-tion as civil servant also denoted aclassical problem needing an imme-diate solution. “No less importantare the problem on the low entre-preneurial ability among theyounger generations and the limit-edness of ability to access informa-tion on the employment opportuni-ties that should also immediately beresolved,” he added. (kmb13)

Tabanan (Bali Post) -Many tasks must be done to

monitor and ensure Siong Foresttiger truth, after combing the twolocations attack tigers in the vi-cinity of protected forests inBanjar Dauh Siong and BanjarNagasari, Nagasari IndigenousVillage, Lumbung kauh village,west Selemadeg District. For that,two officers of Natural ResourcesConservation Board (NRCB) inBali, Made Sudarma and NyomanRaka, had to close boarding Siongforests, especially in the village.

“We were assigned to monitorthe surrounding hamlet DauhSiong. On early stage, any re-search we’ve done, especiallyagainst

possibility of the tiger trailaround this place, “said NyomanRaka when found at the scene,Tuesday (10 / 8) yesterday. Thepresence of officers from theNRCA and Forestry to the sur-rounding protected forest sincethe week (8 / 8) and then it was

Monitor the Tigers, Two OfficersBKSDA hall in the Forest Siong

justified Kelihan Dinas BanjarDauhSiong, Ketut Suciadi. It issaid, officers had photographedevidence of

trail of an alleged tiger tracksin the Banjar Dauh Siong. “In ad-dition trace it around the site alsohas been fitted with a sign woodensticks, “he said.

Suciadi any convincing if theexistence of tigers in the regionduring this has several times seencitizens. So far, the beast not todisrupt or attack farm animalsowned by residents, as happenedrecently. “Initially we believed thetiger

previously often visits resi-dents of this village is a tiger duwePura Pucak maintain Rangda. Butthe tiger that appears in this weekattacking cattle instead of people,so we suspect It is true tiger, “hesaid.

There is also a suspect if the ti-ger appeared and was attackedcattle owned by local residents be-cause they felt disturbed habitat,

and the possibility of starvationand had to be hunted of prey ani-mals in the forest - proved

experience some t ime agocould have come out and the deerforest into the local forest near thetownship residents.

While members of the forestrypolice, IGA Sukariawan, revealedpresence in the area of protectedforests Banjar Dauh Siong andBanjarNagasari is resot region ofTabanan in western forestsSelemadeg. The extent of 1860.30hectares. “As long served in theregion around these forests, I’venever seen a tiger in protected for-ests . What I know about the Balitiger becameextinct around 1937ago, whereas I know in this for-est there are only monkeys, deer,and animals struggling, “he ex-plained. (Gap) - there’s a picture:A residents, Tuesday (10 / 8) yes-terday, when it shows signs ofsuspected as a trace of a tiger thathad appeared in the Forest Siong,west Selemadeg .

Office Pawnshop Robbery Case

Check SevenWitnesses,Police StillPuzzled

tioned amount to two people,men and women, it relies on theresults of departure policeCCTV footage in the BranchOffice Pawnshop in Jalan AYani. Because prior to its actionin the office in Hardys Pawn-shop, robbery perpetrators hadalso entered the office Pawn-shop in Jalan A Yani that CCTVcameras had recorded.

According to the police chief,to find the robber’s face, hisside also looking for artists tosketch faces. Later sketchesshown to face the possibility ofthe witnesses who saw the rob-bers enter to the Hardys area .westill sketching faces, hope-fully can help uncover the per-petrators, ? police chief said.

On the other side of theBuleleng district police ranksare also investigating the pos-sibility of a motive other thanrobbery in the case. Because,when the robbers did not takeall the money and gold jewelrythat was in the office Pawnshop.From the explanation of theBranch Head PawnshopSingaraja Dewa Made Wiramentioned that the robbers onlytook the money Rp 16.35 mil-lion. Though there is money inthe safe Rp 21.35 million. Thismeans robber still leaves RP 15million. In addition, in the of-fice there are also 109 bags con-taining the gold. But the robbersonly took one bag containingtwo rings of gold plates weigh-ing 2.4 grams carving, flowercarving two heavy bracelets25.4 growled and four assortedbracelets carved with a weightof 102 grams.

Regarding the possibility ofanother motive, police chief ad-mitted Yudi Hartanto also willlook into it. Yes, chances arewe investigate the possibility ofother motives in the case, hesaid.

As reported, Pawnshop BranchOffice located at an area HardysWholesale at Ngurah Rai Street, Singaraja, a victim of a robberyin broad daylight, Monday (9 / 8)yesterday. In that event, an em-ployee of the Office of PawnShops, Mirza Resti Nirmala (24),the resident Street Orchid Gar-dens, suffered a gunshot woundin the head. (Kmb15)

International4 Thursday, August 12, 2010 News

Zardari has faced the brunt ofpublic anger as the administrationstruggles to help an estimated 14million people hit by the floods,compounding the misery of a na-tion tackling a deadly Islamist mili-tancy and a failing economy.

But in an opinion piece for theWall Street Journal, the embattledwidower of former prime ministerBenazir Bhutto said he had used histrip to France and Britain to mobi-lize foreign assistance, money andfood for the flood victims.

“Some have criticized my deci-sion, saying it represented aloof-ness, but I felt that I had to choose

Agence France Presse

BANGKOK – Thailand’s Su-preme Court on Wednesday rejectedan appeal by fugitive former primeminister Thaksin Shinawatra and hisfamily against the seizure of 1.4 bil-lion dollars of their assets.

Thaksin, who was stripped ofmore than half his fortune in Febru-ary for abuse of power, did not pro-vide any new evidence to support hiscase, the court found after almosttwo hours of deliberation by nofewer than 119 judges. “The legalprocess is over. There is nothing we

Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD – Gunmen burstinto a house north of Baghdadearly Wednesday, killing threepeople and sending the survivingchildren to an Iraqi army check-point to lure soldiers to the resi-dence. As the troops arrived at thebooby-trapped house, it blew up,leaving eight soldiers dead.

The pre-dawn incident in thevolatile Diyala province under-lines the unrelenting dangers thatmembers of Iraq’s security forcesstill face as American forces pre-pare to reduce their numbers bythe end of the month and end allcombat operations.

It also highlights the constantlyevolving and sophisticated tacticsof insurgents that American andIraqi officials say have been seri-ously debilitated since the deathsof their top leaders last spring.Wednesday’s incident occurredabout 1 a.m. in the town ofSadiyah, 60 miles (95 kilometers)north of Baghdad.

A top town official, SheikAhmed Al-Zarqushi, told The As-sociated Press that gunmen brokeinto the house, and killed a man andtwo women inside. Then they sentthe two children in the house to the

(FILES) In a file picture taken onApril 26, 2010 former Thai

premier Thaksin Shinawatra, onthe run from corruption charges,leaves a bank in the Montenegrin

capital Podgorica.


A demonstrator holds a shoe up to to a manipulated photograph of President Zardari of Pakistan outsideof the International Convention Centre in central Birmingham on August 7, 2010 as the Zardari speaks tosupporters during a visit to England.

Pakistan’s Zardari rejectsPakistan’s Zardari rejectsPakistan’s Zardari rejectsPakistan’s Zardari rejectsPakistan’s Zardari rejectscriticism of foreign tripcriticism of foreign tripcriticism of foreign tripcriticism of foreign tripcriticism of foreign tripReuters

SINGAPORE – Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari has defendedhis decision to travel abroad while the country battled the worst floodsin decades, saying he had helped focus international attention on theplight of the victims.

substance over symbolism,” he said.The British government had

pledged $24 million in aid, follow-ing his meeting with Prime MinisterDavid Cameron, the Pakistani leadersaid. He had also been in touch withthe U.S. government, which hadpromised $35 million in relief funds.

The floods triggered by heavymonsoon rain over the upper reachesof the Indus river basin have ploweda swathe of destruction more than1,000 km (600 miles) long fromnorthern Pakistan to the southernprovince of Sindh. More than 1,600people have died.

The United Nations says the di-

saster is the biggest the country hasever faced and it would cost billionsof dollars to rehabilitate the victimsand rebuild ruined infrastructure.

“As I return to Pakistan, I bringback tangible results that will help theflood victims in the short run and laythe foundations for national recoveryin the long run,” Zardari said. “I mighthave benefited personally from thepolitical symbolism of being in thecountry at the time of natural disaster.But hungry people can’t eat symbols.The situation demanded action, and Iacted to mobilize the world.”

Even before the floods struck,Zardari’s approval ratings had beenfalling. Only one in five Pakistanisviewed him positively, a poll by theU.S.-based Pew Research Center re-leased late last month showed. Hisprime rival, ex-prime minister NawazSharif, had a 71 percent favorabilityrating, according to the poll.

Thai Supreme Court rejects Thaksin’s asset appealcan do,” said Thaksin’s lawyer,Chatthip Tantaprasart.

Thai courts have issued a seriesof warrants for Thaksin for chargesincluding terrorism — an accusationlinked to violent street protests inApril and May by his supporterswithin the anti-government “RedShirt” movement. The formertelecoms tycoon was ousted in abloodless military coup in 2006 andlives in self-imposed exile to avoida prison jail imposed in absentia forcorruption.

The decision in February to con-fiscate 60 percent of Thaksin’s 2.3

billion dollars of frozen assets an-gered his red-shirted supporters,who staged two months of opposi-tion rallies in the heart of Bangkokfrom mid-March. The protests de-scended into several bouts of blood-shed that left at least 90 people deadand some 1,900 injured in a seriesof clashes between armed troopsand demonstrators.

The Red Shirts, largely fromThailand’s impoverished north andnortheast, love Thaksin for hispopulist policies, and accuse thecurrent government of Prime Min-ister Abhisit Vejjajiva of being an

unelected elite.The tycoon’s opponents in the

Bangkok-based circles around thepalace, military and bureaucracy ac-cuse Thaksin of being corrupt, dic-tatorial and a threat to Thailand’swidely revered monarchy.


REUTERS/Saad Shalash

A policeman directs traffic in central Baghdad August 9, 2010. Iraqis arming some of its traffic police in the capital with AK-47 assaultrifles after two dozen of the “easy targets” have been killed andwounded recently in militant assaults, authorities said.

Explosions,gunmen kill 11 peoplenorth of Baghdad

Iraqi army checkpoint to get help.“When the Iraqi army forces arrivedand broke into the house, the houseblew up and killed eight soldiers andwounded four others,” he said.

He did not say if the gunmenhad gotten away before the troopsarrived. Al-Zarqushi added thatgroups linked to al-Qaida are veryactive in the area. Earlier reportsindicated that gunmen in the househad opened fire on the checkpoint,but the sheik said that was incor-rect. The checkpoint was about 380yards (300 meters) from the house,he said. The death toll and accountwas confirmed by Capt. QaisAhmed, from the Iraqi army inSadiyah.

Meanwhile in Baghdad, gun-men broke into the house of a se-nior female doctor and killed her,Iraq’s health minister and a policeofficial said. The minister, Saleh al-Hasnawi, said the gunmen brokeinto the house of Dr. Intissar al-Tuwaijri at about 6:00 a.m., tied upher husband and killed her.

Al-Hasnawi said he believed thekilling of the physician he de-scribed as one of the best doctorsin the country was a criminal inci-dent, and that his ministry waswaiting for the results of a policeinvestigation.

Hotel Activities Thursday, August 12, 2010 5International

Australian Consulate GeneralJalan Tantular 32 Renon DenpasarPhone: +62 361 241118Fax: +62 361 221195 (General) +62 361 241120 (Immigration)

Royal Danish & NorwegianMimpi Resort Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 070

The Czech RepublicJalan Pengembak No. 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.286 465

France Consulate AgencyJalan Merta Sari Gang II No. 8 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.285 485

The Federal Republic of GermanyJalan Pantai Karang No 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.288 535

The Republic of HungaryJalan By Pass No 219 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.287 701

Italian ConsulateJalan By Pass Ngurah Rai Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 005

Honorary Consulate of MexicoJalan Mohamad Yamin 1 A, Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.223 266

Honorary Consulate of The NetherlandsJalan Raya Kuta 127, BaliPhone +62.361.761 506

Praja Taxi : (0361) 289090Bali Taxi : (0361) 701111Ngurah Rai Taxi : (0361) 724724Pan Wirthi Taxi : (0361) 723366Komotra Taxi : (0361) 758855




There are 4 major hospitals usually used by foreigners -Denpasar General Hospital(RSUP Sanglah), Kasih Ibu Hospital, Rumah SakitWongaya and Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada.

RSUP Sanglah is the main provincial public hospital. Itsfacilities have improved since the emergency ward had beenbuilt in 1991. Difficult/critical cases would not become aproblem anymore since it has complete equipments. It islocated on Jl. KesehatanSelatan 1 Sanglah Denpasar with :Phone : 227 911 – 15Fax : 226 363

Kasih Ibu Hospital is a private hospital which caters forless serious cases such as diarrhea, intestinal disorders, ane-mia, asthma and minor accidents. Kasih Ibu is also equippedto care for pregnant women. This hospital is located on Jl.Teuku Umar 120 Denpasar.Phone : 223 036Fax : 268 690.

Rumah Sakit Wongaya (Public Hospital; Psychiatric Unit)Jl. Kartini, Denpasar.Phone : 222 142.

HOSPITALHonorary Consulate of SpainKomplek Istana Kuta Galleria Blok Vallet 2 No 11. JalanPatih Jelantik Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.769 286

USA Consulate AgencyJalan Hayam Wuruk No. 188 Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.222 426

Consulate General of JapanJalan Raya Puputan No. 170 Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.227 628

Honorary Consulate of BritishJalan Tirta Nadi No. 20 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.270 601

Swiss and Austria ConsulateJalan Patih Jelantik, Komplek Pertokoan IstanaGalleriaPhone +62.361.751 735

Honorary Consulate of BrazilJalan Legian No. 186, BaliPhone +62.361.757 775

Honorary Consulate of ThailandJalan Raya Puputan Renon 81, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.263 310

Embassy of IndiaJalan Raya Puputan Renon 42-44, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.241 978

Honorary Consulate of Sweden anf FinlandSegara Village Hotel, Jalan Segara Ayu, Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.282 223

Honorary Consulate of MalaysiaAlam Kulkul Boutique Resort, Jalan Pantai Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.752 520


JIMBARAN - Ayana Resort and Spa Bali has launched an exten-sion of the successful Rock Bar, to meet demand both from guestsstaying at the resort and those visiting from outside to experiencethe iconic venue’s breathtaking views and world-class entertainment.

The launch coincided with the Rock Bar’s 1st Anniversary partyon 5 August, when American alternative rock band Third Eye Blindheadlined a night of jamming on the rocks.

The extension includes new ocean-front viewing platforms whichadd another 75 seats to the venue, alongside a second service barand expanded kitchen and bathroom facilities. The resort is alsoupgrading the inclinator, to enable increased capacity for the shorttrip down the cliff-face to the bar and nearby Kisik seafood restau-rant.

It has also added a new Rock Bar Merchandise Boutique to meetdemand for signature Rock Bar branded attire and accessories.

‘’We are very grateful for the support of our guests and partners,which has seen the Rock Bar achieve such success since it openedone year ago,’’ said Ayana’s General Manager Charles de Foucault.

‘’We were lucky soon after the bar’s opening in August 2009 towelcome Third Eye Blind to AYANA, and have Stephan Jenkinsgive an impromptu performance ‘on the rocks’, so it was very fit-ting that they headlined the event this year. It is this highest caliberof world-class entertainment that sets the Rock Bar apart, andcomplements the stunning design and picture-perfect views.’’

According to Foucault the extension reflects the same minimalistdesign as the original bar, created by Japan ’s Yasuhiro Koichi toemphasize the natural beauty and layout of the rocky outcrop onAyana’s Kisik Beach.

All seats and day-beds provide uninterrupted views of the oceanand coastline, while a new DJ booth provides an elevated positionfor performances from international and local artists. Regular per-formers include DJ Martin East, Flamenco guitarist Tah RiQ, andDJ Yuki. *Courtesy of Ayana Resort and Spa Bali

Ayana launchesextension of Rock Bar

Thursday, August 12, 20106 News

With the chances of findingmore survivors falling by the hour,troops and rescue teams joined bytraumatized survivors turned to re-covering bodies and seeing to theneeds of the living. Clean drinkingwater was a primary concern, withmost local sources destroyed or toopolluted to use.

Rain was expected to grow heavierin coming days, with up to 3 1/2 inches(90 millimeters) forecast for Friday,the National Meteorological Centerreported. The chance of more land-slides was “relatively large,” it said.

Entire communities in Gansuprovince’s Zhouqu district were swal-lowed up when the debris-chokedBailong River jumped its banks Sun-day, releasing wave after wave of mudand rubble-strewn water. While tor-rential rains were the direct cause, treecutting that left the dry hills exposedand the weakening of cliff faces by amassive 2008 earthquake were seenas contributing factors.

Buildings were torn from theirfoundations, their lower floors blownout by the force of the debris-ladenwater. Three villages comprising hun-

Agence France Presse

MOSCOW – Russian emergencyworkers have increased forest patrolsin a western region previously contami-nated by the 1986 Chernobyl nucleardisaster, trying to prevent wildfires fromspreading harmful radiation, officialssaid Wednesday.

At least six wildfires were spottedin the Bryansk region this week — thepart of Russia that suffered the mostfrom the Chernobyl catastrophe inwhat was then Soviet Ukraine — andfire crews quickly extinguished all ofthem, Emergency Situations Ministryspokesman Irina Yegorushkina said.Her agency also had reported sporadicwildfires last week, saying all had beenput out. Radiation experts from Mos-cow conducted a thorough check ofthe Bryansk area, which bordersBelarus and Ukraine, and concludedthere has been no increase in radia-tion levels, she said.

Large forested areas in Bryanskwere contaminated when theChernobyl nuclear power plant’s Re-actor No. 4 exploded during a pre-dawntest on April 26, 1986, spewing radio-active clouds over much of the west-ern Soviet Union and northern Europe.Radioactive particles settled into thesoil, and environmentalists havewarned that they could be thrown upinto the air once again by wildfires and

(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

An elderly Chinese man stands on the debris while rescue operation go on after a mudslideswept into the town of Zhouqu in Gannan prefecture of northwestern China’s Gansu province,Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2010.

Little hope forLittle hope forLittle hope forLittle hope forLittle hope formore survivors ofmore survivors ofmore survivors ofmore survivors ofmore survivors ofChina floodsChina floodsChina floodsChina floodsChina floodsAgence France Presse

ZHOUQU, China – Heavy rains Wednesday lashed a remote section of northwestern Chinawhere weekend flooding killed at least 702 people, as hopes of finding more survivors faded andcrews worked to stave off outbreaks of disease. More than 1,000 people were still listed as missingin the disaster, with mud, stones and debris covering many houses.

dreds of households were entirely bur-ied and much of the county seat leftsubmerged.

Crews using explosives and exca-vators rushed Wednesday to drain anunstable lake on the Bailong upriverof Zhouqu, fearing more rain couldcause a massive breach bringing moremisery to the town.

Disinfectant crews in protectivesuits sprayed chemicals across theground and over machinery, the smellof death heavy in the air. State mediareported numerous cases of dysentery,while infected injuries, a lack of sani-tation, clean drinking water and accu-mulating garbage increased the risk oftyphoid, cholera and other diseases.

Rescue crews have been largely re-liant on hand tools, with heavy equip-ment either unable to traverse the dif-ficult terrain or mired in mud up to sev-eral yards (meters) deep. But roads re-opened Wednesday, allowing heavyearth-moving equipment and suppliesto flow in.

At least 45,000 people have evacu-ated their homes, and the Civil AffairsMinistry reported the delivery of 7,000tents and 21,400 blankets to the area,

with thousands more on the way.Zhouqu has a population of 134,000,but it wasn’t clear how many neededemergency shelter.

Shen Si, a member of the Tibetanethnic group native to the area,watched forlornly as troops dug toreach the bodies of her relatives insidetheir buried home. “My mother andfather in their 60s and my youngerbrother, all three of them, are buriedhere in our house still,” she said.

Throughout the area, bodies wereseen wrapped in blankets and tied tosticks or placed on planks and left onthe shattered streets for pickup.

China’s leadership has orderedteams to continue the search for sur-vivors, and the ruling CommunistParty’s all-powerful Politburo Stand-ing Committee met Tuesday to discussrescue and relief work.

“It is now a critical time ... we mustgive the highest prominence to the pro-tection of people’s lives and proper-ties,” it said in a statement.

Flooding in China has killed about1,800 people this year and caused tensof billions of dollars in damage across28 provinces and regions.

Russian wildfires raiseChernobyl radiation fears

blown into other areas by the wind.Russia’s Emergency Situations Min-

ister Sergei Shoigu acknowledged thedanger last week, and his departmentsays they are taking all precautions.

“We had several fires, but the situa-tion here is not as difficult as in the areasaround Moscow,” Yegorushkina toldThe Associated Press on Wednesday.

The chief of the Bryansk forest pro-tection service said his agency had in-creased patrols around the forests, par-ticularly in the southwest section af-fected by Chernobyl. “There is a dan-ger, but we are controlling the situa-tion,” agency chief VladimirRozinkevich told the AP.

Wildfires have engulfed about 3,900hectares (9,633 acres) in Bryansk andseveral other regions of Russia hit bythe Chernobyl fallout, the Interfax newsagency quoted the state forest protec-tion service as saying. Greenpeace andother environmental groups say radio-active dust from the Chernobyl disas-ter could be harmful even though doseswill likely be small.

In Vienna, the International AtomicEnergy Agency said it had no commenton the radioactive dangers posed by thewildfires. Hundreds of wildfires sparkedby the hottest summer ever recorded inRussia have engulfed large areas aroundMoscow and other parts of western Rus-sia, cloaking the Russian capital in suf-focating smog for a week.

“Today our helicopters evacuatedaround 35 tourists including two chil-dren stranded near a Buddhist monas-tery situated at an altitude of 14,000 feet(4,240 metres),” Indian Air Forcespokeswoman Priya Joshi told AFP.“Most of them were Europeans. Wecarried out more than 40 helicopter sor-ties today to bring out these people andoperations are continuing.”

Naseema Lanker, the senior civil-ian administrator in Indian Kashmir,told AFP that 185 people were con-firmed dead and around 400 peoplewere missing.

“There are roads where people arestranded and on Monday we rescued81 trapped foreigners,” she told AFP inSrinagar, the summer capital of IndianKashmir. Lanker said a major militaryeffort was under way to clear roads intoLeh from Srinagar and Manali.

“Ladakh has many trekking routesand some tourists are continuing withtheir trekking in groups,” she added.The Kashmir government said it wasstill trying to establish the exact num-ber and location of tourists via embas-sies and travel agencies.

Among those feared dead are 26

In response to those problems, RaiMantra said that the problems inDenpasar can not be solved only by thegovernment. There is a need to coordi-nate with other area such as to solvethe flood problem. Denpasar govern-

Denpasar...From page 1 ment is planning to create retarding

basin with Badung government to solvethe flood problem. Denpasar Govern-ment will make e-id program startingnext year.

There is great hope that the programswill solve most of the problems faceby the capital city of Bali. (kmb12)

Search...From page 1 Indian soldiers stationed at a small army

post on the de facto border with Paki-stan. Many people are feared buried inthe village of Choglamsar on the out-skirts of Leh. Sniffer dogs have beentrying to locate bodies, but progress hasbeen slow.

Telephone networks have been se-verely affected, while Leh has sufferedmajor electrical supply problems.Heavy overnight rain caused panic inthe town as residents fled their housesfor higher ground fearing further floods,but little extra damage was reported.

The United States embassy in NewDelhi said it had sent a team to Ladakhto check on its nationals. “Roughly ahundred Americans have been affectedby the floods in India,” US state de-partment spokesmen P.J. Crowley saidin a statement. “We have no reporteddeaths or injuries at this time.”

Ladakh is a highly militarised areabecause of sensitive border disputeswith both Pakistan and China. The areais often described as an arid mountaindesert as it receives virtually no rain-fall all year.

The floods came as neighbouringPakistan suffered the worst flooding inits history with at least 1,600 peopledead.

Thursday, August 12, 2010 7Indonesia TodayInternational


An Indonesian woman reads a copy of the Koran next to a young boy on the first day of the holy Islamicmonth of Ramadan in Jakarta on August 11, 2010. Muslims observe Ramadan, the ninth month of the lunarIslamic calendar and one of the five pillars of Islam, by abstaining from food, drink and sex from dawn untilsunset. Indonesia has the world’s largest Muslim population.


JAKARTA - Economic ob-server Fauzi Ichsan said that BankIndonesia (BI/the central bank)should not necessarily use itsminimum reserves requirement(GWM) and load to deposit ratio(LDR) instruments to force banksto expand their credits.

“BI has no need to link its LDRwith GWM because credit growthis already high (about 19 percent)and the LDR already reached 75 per-cent,” Ichsan said here on Tuesday.

Bank Indonesia director of re-search and banking regulationsWimboh Santoso said last weekthat Bank Indonesia was still pre-paring a regulation linking theGWM and LDR to push banks toextend loans. The regulation willrequire banks to keep their LDRat 75 to 105 percent and those whofail to meet it will get a penaltyand have to add more GWM con-

Bashir, who was arrested onMonday, is accused of funding andtraining extremists who were plan-ning a wave of attacks in Jakarta.

“Our investigators found evi-dence that Abu Bakar Bashir hadbeen actively involved in terrorplots and activities including thetraining,” National police spokes-man Edward Aritonang said.

Police have arrested 102 terrorsuspects, of whom 66 were detained,in a series of raids nationwide sincediscovering the training facility inAceh, northern Sumatra island.

Aritonang said they found thatseveral Islamic groups from re-gional terror network JemaahIslamiyah (JI) to Jamaah AnsharutTauhid (JAT) had also chosenBashir as the leader for a new ter-ror cell dubbed “Al-Qaeda inAceh”.

The cell had planned a series ofattacks, including using car bombs,on at least two embassies, severalinternational hotels and the policeheadquarters in the capital.

The police discovered “Al-Qaeda in Aceh” in February andkilled its leader Dulmatin, a JI mili-tant, in March.

President Susilo BambangYudhoyono ordered the police and


JAKARTA - The United Nations(UN) and Indonesia agreed to de-velop a strategic cooperation in sup-porting a plan of the Indonesian gov-ernment to attain the millenniumdevelopment goals.

According to the National Devel-opment Plan Ministry’s press releasereceived here Tuesday, the agreementwas reached in Jakarta and witnessedby Minister Armida S. Alisyahbana,and her deputy Lukita DinarsyahTuwa, and the UN Resident Coordi-nator to Indonesia El Mostafa B.

The offcial document of theUnited Nations Partnership Devel-opment Framework 2010-2014 wasstrategically made in line with the


JAKARTA - President SusiloBambang Yudhoyono said the statewould never bow or give in to crimi-nals, including terrorists.

“I have indeed heard that somepeople are planning to attack uswhile we are commemorating the in-dependence anniversary. It is notimpossible that some people mighthave such an intention of conduct-ing an inappropriate activity likethat,” he said at a cabinet meetinghere on Tuesday.

He said he hoped the threat wouldnot reduce the spirit to commemo-rate the independence anniversary

No need for BI to forcebank credit expansion

tributions to Bank Indonesia.Ichsan said that with the BI rate

had begun to go down the centralbank did not need to force banks toexpand loans by linking it to banks’SWM. After all, he said, there werefactors which posed difficulties tobanks to lower their interest rates,namely the upward trend of infla-tion and the increasing interest ratesin neighboring nations.

“BI’s flexibility to lower inter-est is increasingly difficult. It hassince the beginning promised tolower bank’s interest rates,” he said.

Ichsan, who is Standard Char-tered Bank economist, said thatthere were two factors that shouldfirst be improved, namely the in-frastructure and legal certainties.

“If the infrastructure is good for-eign investors would come so thatcredits would expand. The same istrue to the legal certainties whichwould boost corporate credits andinvestments,” he said.

Radical IndonesiaRadical IndonesiaRadical IndonesiaRadical IndonesiaRadical Indonesiapreacher couldpreacher couldpreacher couldpreacher couldpreacher couldface death penaltyface death penaltyface death penaltyface death penaltyface death penaltyAgence France-Presse

JAKARTA - Indonesian police said Tuesday top radical Islamistpreacher Abu Bakar Bashir could face the death penalty over hisalleged role in terror plots with Al-Qaeda-linked militants.

military to increase security over anapparent plot against the presidentand officials at the August 17 inde-pendence day ceremony.

“I heard that this is not the firsttime that there is a threat when weare celebrating our independence,”said Yudhoyono.

He said “the police, with the as-sistance of the military, must in-crease security because our principleis we must not be defeated bycrime”.

In raids in West Java on Saturday,police arrested five suspects, seizedexplosive materials at a bomb factoryas well as a vehicle belonging to aFrench national which they suspectedcould be used as a car bomb.

Bashir, who is known for hishardline rhetoric, founded JAT in2008 as a legitimate — althoughradical — group with which to con-tinue agitating for Islamic law andmilitant jihad.

He served almost 26 months forconspiracy over the 2002 attacks byJI on Bali nightspots that killed 202people, before being cleared and re-leased in 2006. The cleric was jailedby the Suharto regime from 1978 to1982 for inciting people to reject thesecular national ideology in favourof an Islamic state.

RI, UN build strategicdevelopment cooperation

national development’s main prior-ity which listed in the 2010-2014Medium Term Development Planand for the Millennium Develop-ment Goals (MDGs) attainment.

Its main focus was to strengthenequality in accessing resources, pub-lic services and economic opportu-nities that promote effective partici-pation and protection of the rightsof the poor, and strengthen nationaland local resilience to climatechange, crises and disasters.

A new framework was madejointly by the Indonesian Govern-ment and the UN has accommodatedIndonesia’s status as a middle-in-come country with national owner-ship and leadership in multilateraldevelopment programs in accor-

dance with the advantages and spe-cific expertise of each UN agency.

The cooperation also delivers theUN system shift in Indonesia whichwas previously a development assis-tance model and by this strategic part-nership reduces national disparity,pro-poor strengthening policies andmeasurable pro MDGs results to thepublic. The United Nations has beeneager to improve the effectiveness offunding in line with the Paris Dec-laration and the Jakarta Commit-ment through increased coordinationamong agencies and programsfunded under the United Nations,with this strategy.

“Our main strength is to be betterin everything that we do,” said UNResident Coordinator, El Mustafa.

State never bow to criminal, terrorists: Presidenton August 17.

“What is important is the police(and) the TNI (military) increase se-curity measures and we raise ouralertness. After that let everythingrun as usual because the state mustnot give in to criminals,” he said.

President Yudhoyono said terror-ism is a sensitive issue in Indonesia.“We know in our country this is asensitive issue because some of usoften misunderstand with regard tolaw enforcers’ action about it,” hesaid.

In view of that, he said, efforts todeal with terrorism must be taken ina correct and professional way andclarified to the public.

President Yudhoyono in the meet-ing asked the National Police chiefto explain about the recent terrorismcase. Ahead of his visit to Bandung,West Java, over the weekend Presi-dent Yudhoyono disclosed about cer-tain parties having bad intention.However he said that terrorismwould never prevail.

The police on Saturday arrestedsome terrorist suspects in severalplaces in West Java includingBandung.

Early on Monday morning theyalso arrested Islamic cleric AbubakarBaasyir in Banjar, Ciamis, WestJava, for his alleged involvement interrorism.

8 InternationaThursday, August 12, 2010

Bali Today

Manager of the Sangehecotourism object , MadeSumohon, said that within thepast few weeks the arrival of do-mestic tourists from several re-gions such as Central Java,Yogyakarta, Semarang and someother regions dropped drastically.

“By and large, the num-ber of domestic tourists domi-nated the arrivals. Now, the situ-ation has reversed where out of50 visitors coming to Sangehonly five people belonged to do-mestic tourists, while the restconsists of foreigners from Eu-rope such as Spain and Russia,”explained Sumohon, last Tuesday(Aug 10).

Lacking of visitor toSangeh ecotourism object situ-ated on Jalan Raya Sangeh,Abiansemal subdistrict, Badung,was recognized by Sumohon tohave declined more than 50 per-cent from an average of 400 visi-tors per day.

“Every day the number oftravelers continues to decline, butwe estimate the visit will soonturn normal by three days after


DENPASAR - As many as 60people consisting of students, re-searchers and participants from theUnited States will conduct a studyon bio diversity in Indonesia, saidan Udayana University Rector ProfDr Made Bakta.

“The study will be held at theIndonesian Biodiversity ResearchCenter (IBRC), the Udayana Uni-versity veterinary medicine facultyLaboratory,” he said here Tuesday.

On the Biodiversity ResearchCenter launching in Bali, he saidthat the research center was builtunder cooperation between theUnited Sates and Indonesia.

The cooperation involved theDepartment of Ecology and Evo-lutionary Biology of the Universityof California in Los Angeles(UCLA), Old Dominion UniversityVirginia, USA, University ofPapua, Manokwari (UNIPA),Diponegoro University, Semarang(UNDIP) and Udayana University(UNUD).

“The research center is alsosupported by the Smithsonian In-stitute of Natural Museum, andfunded by the United States Agencyfor International Development(USAID) in 2012,” Prof. Baktasaid.

The center’s establishment inIndonesia was strategic because thecountry is known to have a mega-biodiversity, but lack of research-ers and publications on marine col-lections.

“The marine biodiversity isvery abundant since Indonesia is aCoral Triangle which is a center ofworld marine biodiversity,” he said.

Tourist visit to Sangehdrops by 50 percentBali Post

MANGUPURA - Atmosphere at some tourist destinations in Bali on entering the Ramadhanholy month look so deserted. The area of Sangeh ecotourism object, for instance, goes throughthis condition. Thousands of visitors, especially domestic tourists that usually dominated the visitto the area have now dropped by 50 percent.

Idul Fitri celebration until the fol-lowing two weeks,” he said. Simi-lar conditions were also observ-able in the area of Kuta Beach.When entering the Ramadhanmonth, the activity of domestictourists tended to be deserted.

“More foreign touristssuch as those from Australia, Ja-pan and Europe are seen to throngthe area of tourist object than tour-ists from Java Island,” said KetutIpel, a local lifeguard officer(Balawista).

According to him, thenumber of foreign tourist visits toKuta Beach continued to increaseif compared to the previous days.They had been seen to crowd KutaBeach area from early morning.

In the meantime, the slow-ing down of domestic arrivals toBali also affected a variety oftransactions on souvenir productsat Kuta Art Market. Many vendorsof souvenir, clothing or otherproducts occupying dozens ofshops looked deserted from do-mestic visitors.

Wayan Jun, one of thosetraders, also observed that his art

kiosk opened from the morningwas only visited by five to nineguests. “Ordinarily, our turnoverreached IDR 500 thousand to onemillion more per day, but nowsuch amount of turnover may notbe achieved if this conditions per-sist,” he said.

Jun also recognized thatthe price of the art products of-fered in the Kuta Art Market wasmore expensive. Actually the lo-cal traders had tried to reduce theprices of goods from the previousprices.

“Mushrooming numbers ofsouvenir markets also make ourbusiness sluggish. Many touristsprefer to shop there rather than tothe art markets. Because, otherthan being cheaper, those shopsare more convenient,” he com-plained.

Meanwhile, dozens ofbuses with initial license plate B,H, AD and L originating in out-side Bali were previously seen tofill the Central Parking Lot and anumber of tourism areas in Kuta,Badung and Denpasar are nowsuddenly turning quiet. (par)

Photo shows monkeys at Sangeh. Atmosphere at some tourist destinations in Bali on enteringthe Ramadhan holy month look so deserted. The area of Sangeh ecotourism object, for instance,goes through this condition.

FOTO ANTARA/Nyoman Budhiana

Two researchers from Indonesia and America doing somet testat Indonesian Biodiversity Research Center (IBRC) on Denpasar,Bali on Wednesday, August 11. As many as 60 people consist-ing of students, researchers and participants from the UnitedStates will conduct a study on bio diversity in Indonesia, saidan Udayana University Rector Prof Dr Made Bakta.

Bio diversity researchcenter built in Bali

According to professor Bakta,IBRC is using molecular geneticstechnology to understand howbiodiversity is created, because theinformation is very important as asolid foundation for more effectiveconservation. Therefore, the eco-system of the center of the worldmarine biodiversity can be con-served.

“Biodiversity related agen-cies cooperation is considered to bevery productive in the future, andalso in line with the University’smission as a world class university,”he said.

IBRC collaborator and initia-tor Prof. Dr. I Gusti NgurahMahardika said that this institutionis a magnet to attract Indonesianand international researchers toconduct studies on biodiversity.

“The center will accommo-date research, training, specimentesting services and collection ofspecies,” said Prof. Mahardika.

A joint research is also veryimportant in saving biodiversity,said Dr Paul H Barber of the De-partment of Ecology and Evolution-ary Biology, University of Califor-nia in Los Angeles, as the principalinvestigator in the project.

Indonesian capacity to studyits biodiversity is extraordinary,Paul said.

The signing of a cooperationcharter between the Rector of theUniversity of Papua, Rector of theUniversity Diponegoro, representa-tive from UCLA, and Rector ofUdayana University markedlaunching of the IBRC.

A 2009 marine biodiversity re-search was also presented by the In-donesian and American researchers

Balinese Culture

Thursday, August 12, 2010 9al

C.045 ibp

OVERVIEW:If there’s just one dish that people remember after a

visit to Bali, it’s this famous delicacy, usually known byits Indonesian name, Babi Guling.

INGREDIENTS:1 suckling pig, weighing about 6-8kg1½ tbsp salt200 shallots, peeled and sliced100 gr cloves garlic, peeled and sliced50 gr ginger, peeled & chopped300 gr candlenuts, chopped350 gr fresh turmeric, peeled &chopped3 tbsp coriander seeds, crushed80 gr laos, finely chopped120 gr bird’s-eye chilies, sliced10 stalks lemon grass, finely sliced1 tbsp black peppercorns, crushed1 tsp dried shrimp paste, roasted5 fragrant lime leaves, finely shredded2 salam leaves2½ tbsp oil4 tbsp turmeric water

PREPARATION:Ensure inside of suckling pig is completely cleaned

out. Season inside and outside with salt. Combine allother ingredients, except turmeric water, and mixthoroughly. Fill inside of suckling with mixture, closebelly with string or thin satay skewer. Rub the outside ofthe pig with turmeric water until the skin is shiny yellow.

Place suckling pig on roasting rack and roast in hotoven (220°C / 425°F) for approximately 1 hour. Rest for10 minutes in warm place before serving. When serving,first remove the crisp skin with a strong carving knife,then loosen meat from the bones and cut into even diceor slices. Place a heaped tablespoon of stuffing on eachserving plate, and then top with meat and skin.Traditionally this dish is eaten with Jukut NangkaMekuah and steamed rice.

Helpful hint: If you have a large barbeque withrotisserie or constantly turning spit, you can cook the pigover charcoal for an authentic Balinese flavor.(

In this August Bali will en-ters into a season of celebration,namely that of Independence Day.Many social and cultural activi-ties are held and its pinnacle is de-votional visit to Pancaka Tirta me-morial graveyard and MargaranaMemorial Monument equally lo-cated in Tabanan.

Various colorful flowers aresprinkled onto the graveyard’spedestal. As if the flowers repre-sented the sincere respect andwholehearted appreciation ofyoung generation to the nationalheroes. Scenting fragrance of col-orful flowers and fighting spirithave coalesced into the ambienceof heroism. Flying flags on thecelebration may also be attendedby the soul of Indonesian great he-roes.

Almost everyone knowsabout the bitter struggle of theyoung hero Ngurah Rai and col-leagues in maintaining the free-dom of Bali in the past. However,maybe few people know if thereare so many veterans living closeto their home. Celebration ismerely related to ceremonialnorms, while the real ones shouldalso be reflected through appre-ciation to the living veterans.

Government has providedbenefits and free medical care tothem. At least, they could live theirlife end peacefully and happilywith family. It is a sweet fruit oftheir bitter fight in seizing andmaintaining the independence of

Independence Day:Heroism Dissolvesin Scenting Colorful Flowers

Indonesia. What they have doneeven by risking their life should bemade into a paragon. And now, it istime for us to pay attention as well.

Young generation should ap-preciate their fight by taking posi-tive values they had extended tothis beloved nation. Those valueswere willingness to sacrifice, lov-ing the fatherland, and spirit of theunity or nationalism. Other thanlearning through the subject of his-tory at school, the heroic spiritsabove had also been inherited toveteran’s children coalesced intoPanca Marga Youth (PPM). Thisorganization was intended to con-tinue the aspiration of proclama-tion and maintain the patriotism.Besides, local government alsoestablishes a regular activity forthe elders. By doing so, they canshare with others about their ex-perience and problem. At least,they can remain active by the endof their life.

With the motto tan hanadharma mangrwa meaning ‘singledevotion to the nation’ PPM keepson devoting their body and soul forthe nation together with otheryouths. Meanwhile, the veteransthemselves live together harmoni-ously with families and commu-nity. Some of them also took partin devotion services within thecommunity like by serving astemple priest or traditional healersstriving to lend a hand.

No matter what role they takein day-to-day life, they should re-

main to get attention and be treatedas other members of community. Ingeneral, young generation may lessget in touch with them because theyconsider old generations do notknow about the trends of youngpeople. As a matter of fact, keepingin touch with old generation is oneof the keys to give spirit to them.Simply ask them about their tragicor pleasant experience during thestruggles. Sometimes, they had toleave their family for days in un-dertaking the nation’s tasks or tookrefuge to distant place from home.

When talked to, they will bevery glad to tell the ‘true story’ vi-vaciously on a small sequel of theIndonesian struggle for reachingthe independence. Even, theywould keep on talking as if therewere abundant story to tell. Listen-ing patiently and enthusiasticallyis the key to get more stories. Moreimportantly, it poses a simple wayto forward the history of paststruggle to younger generations.

In essence, the celebration ofIndependence Day should not onlybe marked with lively celebrationor solemn flying flags. Most im-portantly, momentous attentionshould also be paid to veterans dur-ing the rest of their life and con-tinue their heroism and patriotism.Then, fill the independence accord-ingly by keeping away from prac-tice of corruption. As a result, theycould also feel the yield of theirstruggle. Long live Indonesia, Au-gust 17, 2010! (BTN/punia)

Guling Celeng(Suckling Pig)

Thursday, August 12, 201010 InternationalDestinations

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Nusa Dua Area is start built in year 1974,as a result from studyof French consultant, SCETO ( Societe Centrale pour l’equpeentTouristique Ouetre-Mer) in the year 1970 and also feasibilitystudy conducted by PCI (Pacific Consultants International) year1971-1973 for financing of World Bank aid. The IndonesianGovernment has delivered this area management to PT. BTDC(Bali Tourism Development Corporation) which existing underthe law and regulation of Republic Indonesia Government no.27year 1972, on 12 November 1972.

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Nusa Dua Bali

Thursday, August 12, 2010 11


China is poised to overtake Ja-pan as the world’s second-largesteconomy, underlining its growingglobal clout but also highlightingthe pressing need for a profoundstructural overhaul, experts say.

Japan has been number twobehind the US economy for morethan 40 years but China looks oncourse to supplant it as early as2010, after claiming the titles ofworld’s biggest exporter, auto mar-ket and steelmaker in recent years.

“China is approaching acrossroads,” Patrick Chovanec, aprofessor at Tsinghua University’sSchool of Economics and Man-agement in Beijing, told AFP.

“It has reached a stagewhere the growth model that tookit to here is no longer sustainableand it faces the same question thatJapan did in the 1980s — will itadapt or will it persist with theexport-driven model.”

In just three decades sinceopening its doors to foreign invest-ment, China has leapfrogged Brit-ain, France and Germany to be-come the world’s third largesteconomy and, along the way, wondeveloping countries a bigger sayin the World Bank and Interna-tional Monetary Fund.

But China’s climb up theeconomic rankings has producedstark contradictions, most notablythe widening wealth gap betweenthe rich minority who can affordluxury cars and the hundreds ofmillions of poor, some of whomlive on less than 50 cents a day.

So the export-reliant coun-try urgently needs to find new av-enues of growth by boosting itsdomestic demand, and help rebal-ance a dangerously skewed worldeconomy, analysts said.

China came close to over-taking Japan in 2009 when itsgross domestic product reached4.98 trillion dollars — just behindJapan’s 5.07 trillion dollars.

Japan is due to release itsfirst-half GDP figures on Monday.But according to one official inBeijing, China has alreadyachieved the economic milestone.

“China is actually now al-ready the world’s second-largesteconomy,” Yi Gang, a vice-gov-ernor of the central bank and headof the foreign exchange regulator,said recently without elaborating.

However, the yen’s recentstrength against a dollar beset bydoubts about the US economy mayhave helped Japan stay aboveChina in the first half of 2010 on anominal basis, say some analysts.

Takahide Kiuchi, chiefeconomist at Nomura Securities

The jobless total sank by 49,000 inthe three months to June to reach 2.457million people, the Office for NationalStatistics (ONS) said in a statement.That was the biggest quarterly dropsince June 2007.

The ONS added that the country’sunemployment rate stood at 7.8 percentin the three months to the end of June,

Agence France-Presse

PARIS - Economic recovery ispushing up estimates of oil demand thisyear and next, but dangers to growth inadvanced and some emerging countriesare on the prowl, the International En-ergy Agency (IEA) said on Wednesday.

There is a “significant” risk to thelatest upgraded forecast for oil demand,which in any case means that the newestimate of demand in advanced coun-tries points to a slight net fall in 2011,the IEA said.

It raised its estimate for demandfor oil around the world this year by80,000 barrels per day, and for next year

British unemployment showsBritish unemployment showsBritish unemployment showsBritish unemployment showsBritish unemployment showsbiggest drop for three yearsbiggest drop for three yearsbiggest drop for three yearsbiggest drop for three yearsbiggest drop for three years

A woman isseen waiting toenter ajobcentreplusin Westminster,central Londonon August 11,2010. Thenumber ofunemployedpeople inBritain hasfallen by thelargest amountfor three years,official datashowed onWednesday, ina sign that thenation’s eco-nomic recov-ery isstrengthening.

Agence France-Presse

LONDON - The number of unemployed people in Britain has fallen by the largest amountfor three years, official data showed on Wednesday, in a sign that the nation’s economic recoveryis strengthening.

unchanged from 7.8 percent in the threemonths to May.

“For now at least, unemploymentcontinues to fall in reaction to theeconomy’s ongoing growth since thefourth quarter of last year,” said IHSGlobal Insight economist Howard Ar-cher.

Britain’s economy expanded by

1.1 percent in the second quarter of thisyear, the strongest pace since 2006 asthe recovery took hold, recent officialdata showed.

The GDP figure was almostdouble forecasts for 0.6-percent growthin the April-June period, and built onthe economy’s modest emergence froma record-length recession in late 2009.

EA raises oil demand outlook,but warns of growth doubts

by 50,000 barrels per day. This was on the basis that the glo-

bal economy would grow by 4.5 per-cent this year but by 4.3 percent in 2011.

Total demand for oil this yearwould rise by 1.8 million barrels perday from demand last year or by 2.2percent to 86.6 mbd. It would then riseby 1.3 mbd or 1.5 percent to 87.9 mbdnext year

“However, concerns that the glo-bal economic recovery may falter fromthe second half of 2010 pose a signifi-cant downward risk to the forecast.”

The agency also edged up de-mand for oil in advanced countries inthe OECD by 30,000 bd for this year

and next. This would mean an 80,000-bpd

or 0.2-percent increase this year to 45.5mbd, but followed by a 200,000-bpdor 0.4-percent fall next year to 45.3mbd.

For both global, and OECD de-mand, if global growth were one-thirdlower than expected, oil consumptionwould be curtailed significantly and thefall in OECD countries in 2011 wouldbe “steeper.”

The outlook for oil prices wasalso therefore “uncertain,” the IEA, theoil strategy and monitoring arm of the31-member Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development, said.


China’s economic rise overJapan brings challenges

Co. in Tokyo, estimates Japan’snominal first-half GDP to stand at2.647 trillion dollars, using an av-erage dollar exchange rate thatsaw the yen appreciate stronglytowards the end of the January-June period.

This compares to China’sfirst-half GDP of 2.53 trillion dol-lars, calculated from governmentdata and average monthly ex-change rates given by the People’sBank of China.

The passing of the baton toChina is inevitable, said ArthurKroeber, managing director of theDragonomics consultancy inBeijing — but the far more impor-tant issue is the quality of its eco-nomic growth.

Policymakers need to take astand against a growth-at-any-costmentality that, according toKroeber, “is still very alivethroughout the government bu-reaucracy”.

“In fact, insisting on thathigh growth rate (above eight per-cent) may introduce more distor-tions into the economy and we re-ally need to focus on how we im-prove the quality of growth,” saidKroeber.

China has recorded double-digit growth rates for the past threequarters, but most economists ex-pect a slowdown in the second halfof the year.

Its resilience during the glo-bal financial crisis was under-pinned by a four-trillion-yuan(586-billion-dollar) stimuluspackage and a record 9.6 trillionyuan in bank lending, whichpolicymakers have been windingback this year amid fears of over-heating.

While claiming the title ofnumber two economy may liftChina’s stature, the role also en-tails greater responsibility on theglobal stage, said Chovanec, not-ing its enormous trade surplusesover the United States and Europe.

“Once you become the sec-ond-largest economy in the world,those imbalances start to be verylarge in the global economy andcan’t be absorbed year after year,”he said.

But the political will tomake potentially painful decisions— such as letting the yuan appre-ciate against the dollar — has sofar been wanting in Beijing,Chovanec said.

“China has succeeded sowell that it may not recognisethe need to change and adapt tothe new circumstances createdby its own success.” (AgenceFrance-Presse)

Entertainment InternationalThursday, August 12, 201012

She has shaken off arrests, badpress, phone-throwing and airporttantrums — and continues to work,most recently as the face of social-ite designer Dennis Basso. In fact,at age 40, she’s still very much indemand.

That’s because no one rocks arunway like Campbell. When shesteps on a catwalk, the audience ismesmerized, not only by her strik-ing beauty but also a confidencewithout chink. People can’t taketheir eyes off the woman, who hasposed on the cover of Vogue seventimes, represented Ralph Lauren andLouis Vuitton, and donned Victoria’sSecret wings.

But can the industry that propsup her supermodel status turn a blindeye to the “blood diamond” allega-tion made at the former Liberianpresident’s Hague trial, where he’saccused of trading in tainted gemsused to finance wars in exchange for

Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK – Fantasia is in stable condi-tion at a North Carolina hospital after takingan overdose of “aspirin and a sleep aid,” ac-cording to the manager for the former “Ameri-can Idol” champ. The overdose came days af-ter the singer was named in court documentsby Paula Cook, who accused Fantasia of hav-ing an affair with her husband, Antwaun Cook.

Brian Dickens, Fantasia’s manager, said in astatement Tuesday that winner was “over-whelmed by the lawsuit and the media attention.”

“Last night, Fantasiawas hospitalized. She tookan overdose of aspirin anda sleep aid. Her injuries arenot life threatening. Shewas dehydrated and ex-hausted at the time,” hesaid. His statement did notspecify where she wastaken and he did not imme-diately return a call seekingcomment

In the statement, Dickensacknowledged that Fantasiahad a relationship withCook for 11 months, butsaid that Fantasia believedCook when he said “he wasnot happy in his marriageand his heart was not in it.She believed him when hetold her he and Mrs. Cookwere separated late in thesummer of 2009.”

Associated PressWriter

NEW YORK – PinkFloyd founder RogerWaters has no qualmsabout giving a Cana-dian band permission totinker with his band’sclassic “Another Brickin the Wall” for use asan anthem for youngIranians.

Toronto-based bandBlurred Vision, frontedby two exiled Iranianbrothers, has reworkedthe lyrics to express theresentment felt byyoung people towardthe government of Iran,where it’s illegal to playrock music. One well-known verse waschanged to “Hey, Aya-tollah, leave those kidsalone!”

Waters said he en-courages artists to usethe song to resist allforms of oppression. Hesaid in a statement thathe sees the band as playing a vital part in“the resistance to a regime that is both re-pressive and brutal.” Waters took time fromrehearsing for his upcoming world tour toaddress the issue.

“I applauded and supported the resis-

Taint of war-crimes trialTaint of war-crimes trialTaint of war-crimes trialTaint of war-crimes trialTaint of war-crimes trialwon’t stick on Campbellwon’t stick on Campbellwon’t stick on Campbellwon’t stick on Campbellwon’t stick on Campbell

Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK – Naomi Campbell’s swagger is what powers her runwaystrut, and it’s unlikely another few uncomfortable days of attention overher testimony in the Charles Taylor war-crimes trial will change that.

supporting rebels in Sierra Leone ina bloody 11-year civil war that endedin 2002.

Both Campbell’s former agent,Carole White, who is separately su-ing Campbell for breach of contract,and actress and activist Mia Farrowclaimed in court that Taylor gave atleast one diamond to the model.

Reluctantly, Campbell appearedlast week as a witness under sub-poena. She said she did receive apackage of “very small, dirty-look-ing stones” after a dinner at NelsonMandela’s presidential mansion in1997, but that she didn’t know thenature or value of the stones, nor whowas sending her the gift. Ultimately,the diamonds were donated toMandela’s children’s charity.

Campbell issued a statement Tues-day: “I’ve no motive here. Nothingto gain. I am a black woman who hasand will always support good causesespecially relating to Africa. I’ve

never taken any of the jobs offeredto me, over my 25 years as a model,from companies that were for apart-heid in South Africa.”

Campbell also stressed that theincident happened 13 years ago andthat her version of events varied onlyslightly from Farrow.

“She (Campbell) was not on trialin the Hague and was as helpful to-wards the court as she could be,”added the statement released by herpublic relations agency.

Whether the allegations provetrue or not, the mere suggestion thatCampbell handled a conflict dia-mond likely makes her poison to thefine jewelry industry, said SallyMorrison, the director of the Dia-mond Information Center, an um-brella trade organization.

“I think this time it’s different be-cause whatever controversy NaomiCampbell has had — allegedly throw-ing a cell phone at an assistants’ heador whatever — have been `misde-meanors.’ ... The allegations aroundCharles Taylor involve such abuse ofhuman rights, cruelty, violence andelicit war, it’s just another level, an-other magnitude,” Morrison said.

AP Photo/Matt Sayles, File

FILE - In this May 20, 2010 file photo, British model Naomi Campbellarrives for the amfAR Cinema Against AIDS benefit, during the 63rdCannes international film festival, in Cap d’Antibes, France.

Manager says Fantasiahospitalized after overdose

After reading the filing from Paula Cook,Dickens said “there is plenty (Fantasia) doesnot know” and added that she’s heartbrokenover “any pain she may have caused.”

Fantasia, who won the “American Idol”crown in 2004, is due to release her third al-bum, “Back to Me,” on Aug. 24. She was sup-posed to do promotion for the album this week;a Wednesday interview with The AssociatedPress was canceled earlier Tuesday.

Dickens noted the album release in his state-ment and also referred to one of the album’ssongs “I’m Here,” which talks about being thank-

ful for easy and hard times.“Fantasia sends her praise toGod and her eternal gratitudeto her fans, friends, and fam-ily,” Dickens said.

Since winning “Idol,” theNorth Carolina resident hasendured success as well asdifficult times. While she’shad both platinum and goldalbums and starred onBroadway in “The ColorPurple,” she fell into legaltroubles that almost forcedher to lose her home in 2008.

A VH1 reality show,“Fantasia For Real,” debutedearlier this year, chroniclingher struggles as a singlemother trying to support herfamily, as well as her at-tempts to jump-start her ca-reer, which has sagged in re-cent years.

AP Photo/Jeff Christensen, file

FILE - In this Jan. 6, 2010 file photo,recording artist Fantasia Barrinoposes for a portrait in New York.

Waters: Band can rewritePink Floyd song as anthem

tance of schoolchildrenin South Africa to thatrepressive and brutalregime,” he said, “andalso applaud and sup-port the resistance ofPalestinian children inGaza and the WestBank to the repressiveand brutal occupationthey endure.”

The Blurred Visionbrothers — 28-year-old Sepp and 35-year-old Sohl — hope thesong will show solidar-ity for Iranians fightingfor freedom. The broth-ers do not make theirlast name public be-cause of concern forthe well-being of fam-ily members in Iran.

The video for thesong includes footagefrom the 2009 Iranianpresidential election.Many Iranians feel thefootage was altered fortelevision by thegovernment’s clericleadership. The video,

directed by acclaimed filmmaker BabakPayami, has been seen by more than235,000 viewers on YouTube. Waters be-gins his tour of “The Wall” in Toronto onSept. 15. “Another Brick in the Wall” isfrom that classic 1979 album.

AP Photo/Matt Dunham, File

FILE - In this May 27, 2010 file photo,British musician Roger Waters, whois one of the founding members of‘Pink Floyd’, poses for photographsbackdropped by Hyde Park beforespeaking about his forthcoming‘The Wall’ European tour at a newsconference in London.

International Thursday, August 12, 2010 13Life Style

Time and neglect have left theancient caves in a dangerous stateof disrepair that now threatens themas a place of pilgrimage for India’sfire-worshipping Parsi community.

In the 14th century, their ances-tors fled to the caves with the sa-cred fire of their Zoroastrian religionto escape a Mughal invasion. Ac-cording to legend, the “Iranshah” —the first fire to be consecrated inIndia — stayed lit throughout the 12long years they were there.

So far, 3,000 people have signeda petition on portal —where Dhalla’s video is shown —

Agence France Presse

MACAU - A Macau casino ismaking a splash with a watery newentertainment spectacle — but the juryis still out on whether punters cometo the betting-mad Chinese territoryfor anything other than gambling.

A media preview Wednesday of anew aquatic acrobatics show at theCity of Dreams casino featured a diz-zying mix of gymnastics, martial arts,dance, swordplay and stunts. Withgambling all but banned in China,visitors from the mainland and HongKong spend most of their time inMacau at its myriad casinos, enablingthe former Portuguese colony to out-pace Las Vegas in gambling revenues.

But Macau has bigger ambitions,aiming to join the Nevada city andSingapore to the south as a hub forall-round entertainment with gam-bling thrown in. In one of manystunts in the vast “House of DancingWater” show, men plunge from thetop of a purpose-built arena intopools holding 3.7 million gallons (14million litres) of water, enough to fillfive Olympic swimming pools.

Billed as the world’s largestwater-based show, it features evilqueens, a heroine wearing a soak-ing white negligee, beefy body-guards, and a hunchback with

Associated Press Writer

PATERSON, N.J. – The most an-cient traditions of Islam are goinghigh-tech, with a slew of modern of-ferings for those observing the holymonth of Ramadan, which begins thisweek. Cell phone applications suchas “iPray” or “iQuran” offer a beep-ing reminder of requisite prayertimes, while the “Find Mecca” and“mosque finder” programs help theMuslim traveler in an unfamiliar cityfind the nearest place to pray.

“When I saw these applications forthe first time, I thought: this is amaz-ing,” said James Otun, who has sev-eral Islamic applications on his AppleiPhone and iPad. “Whoever came up

AP Photo/Rich Schultz

Jim Otun of Fairfield, N.J. uses his IPad to read the Quran at Zinnur Booksin Paterson, N.J., Thursday, Aug. 5, 2010. Many Muslims across the countryare using new technologies to help them in their islamic beliefs.

Observing Ramadan? There’s an app for thatwith this idea: God bless him or her.”

The applications aren’t just forRamadan; there are Islamic-themedprograms that help users find the near-est Costco offering foods preparedaccording to Islamic dietary rules,learn the correct Arabic pronuncia-tions in a daily prayer, or count howmany pages of the Quran they’ve readthat day — all on a mobile phone.

There also are applications, orapps, for the holy books of severalother religions, from the CatholicHoly Bible to the Bhagavad Gita, asacred Hindu scripture.

The first time Sumeyye Kalyoncuheard the Adhan — or call to prayer— through surround-sound speakerson her iPhone dock, she was overcome

with nostalgia for her native Turkey.Such applications are especially popu-lar in the U.S., Kalyoncu said, as U.S.mosques do not broadcast daily callsto prayer from external loudspeakers,as they do in Muslim countries.

“These are traditions and thesehave been in our lives for ages, likealmost 15 centuries, so they seem veryold,” Kalyoncu said. “I think this islike combining together the technol-ogy and the things that we do daily.”

Kalyoncu uses an iPhone appcalled iPray Lite, keeping track of req-uisite daily prayers with a program thatsimulates the clicking sound of prayerbeads or the turning wheel of ahandheld metal counter Muslims useto keep count of prayer repetitions.


(FILES) In this photograph taken on August 19, 2009, an Indian Zoroastrian or Parsi woman walks byfigures of ‘knights’ at a fire temple after offering prayers on Parsi New Year ‘Navroze’ in Mumbai.

Racing against time toRacing against time toRacing against time toRacing against time toRacing against time topreserve India’s Parsi pastpreserve India’s Parsi pastpreserve India’s Parsi pastpreserve India’s Parsi pastpreserve India’s Parsi pastAgence France Presse

MUMBAI - High in the hills of western India, Homi Dhalla looks around the Bharot Caves complex,pointing out the cracked and crumbling stone in the roughly-hewn rocks. “If we wish to save these caves,the world community has to stand up and do something about it now before it’s too late,” he says, as theweb video fades to a still image of two Parsi priests worshipping in one of the stark grey vaults.

which will be sent to the Archaeo-logical Survey of India, urging it torepair the protected caves.

“If we have 7,000 to 8,000 (sig-natories) I will be happy,” Dhalla,the founder-president of the WorldZarathushti Cultural Foundation,told AFP at his home in Mumbai.“There is an urgent need to conservethe caves for posterity without de-lay or else this sacred heritage willbe lost forever.”

Whether the caves near Sanjan,close to the state border ofMaharashtra and Gujarat, survive orcollapse further into the hillside isnot just dependent on funding. The

project — and others like it — morethan anything depends on people.

Zoroastrians, who follow theprophet Zarathustra and worshipAhura Maza as the creator of theuniverse, fled persecution in ancientIran and arrived in India in the 10thcentury. They have risen to promi-nence over the centuries as industri-alists, philanthropists, teachers, mu-sicians, artists and writers in Indiaand abroad.

Famous Parsis include the Tatafamily, which owns one of India’smost successful business houses, theconductor Zubin Mehta and the lateQueen singer Freddie Mercury.


Performers take part in a press preview of The House of DancingWater, at the City of Dreams in Macau on August 11, 2010.

Macau casino makes a showysplash, but will punters come?

pointy shoes splashing around inmulti-tiered pools of water.

But past attempts to reinventMacau as a venue for somethingmore than gambling have madelittle impact, leaving questions asto whether this latest extravaganzacosting 260 million US dollars willalso find itself becalmed. Last year,Las Vegas Sands chairman SheldonAdelson complained that ticketsales for the Cirque de Soleil showZAIA at his Venetian hotel inMacau were “disappointing”.

The world-renowned act, whichusually plays to capacity crowds,was the linchpin in the attemptedreinvention of Macau. “Showbiz inMacau is in its infancy,” DavisFong, director of the University ofMacau’s Institute for the Study ofCommercial Gaming, told AFP.

A key hurdle is that Macau’s 23million annual visitors stay an aver-age of 1.5 days, less than the averagethree to four night stay in Las Vegas.

However, Fong said more recentdata suggest that visitors are begin-ning to stay longer, more like twodays. “One show — Cirque deSoleil — was not enough to arouseattention from customers. But withtwo shows, Macau is becoming amore significant entertainmenthub,” he said.

Thursday, August 12, 201014 InternationalSport

“Little Italy,” said La Gazzettadello Sport. “Prandelli beaten on hisdebut but there was a new spirit.“Italy needs to grow, from (Marcello)Lippi to Prandelli we’ve been beatenagain. “Still no wins in 2010 but thecoach asked for order and spirit fromthe team and he got it.”

Gazzetta was also kind to the twomen most in the spotlight, InterMilan’s Mario Balotelli, whom theydescribed as Italy’s best player, andAntonio Cassano of Sampdoria. Itpraised both for their efforts to createand score and claimed the rest of theteam was behind the two players con-sidered their country’s best talents,neither of which made Lippi’s squadto the World Cup in South Africa.

Corriere dello Sport was also sym-pathetic to the national team saying:“Courage, Italy. Prandelli lost on hisdebut, Cassano tried some things andBalotelli fought, but that wasn’tenough for the azzurri.”

And there was a sobering thought,echoed also by La Reppublica: “The


The Ivory Coast’s Gervinho (top) jumps over a tackle from Italy’s Marco Motta (bottom)during the international friendly football match against at the Boleyn Ground in Londonon August 10, 2010.

Mixed reaction to Prandelli’s new-look ItalyMixed reaction to Prandelli’s new-look ItalyMixed reaction to Prandelli’s new-look ItalyMixed reaction to Prandelli’s new-look ItalyMixed reaction to Prandelli’s new-look ItalyAgence France Presse

ROME - There was a mixed reaction from the Italian presson Wednesday to the new-look Italy of Cesare Prandelli themorning after the 2006 world champions lost 1-0 to Ivory Coastin London. Some newspapers were harsh but in general therewas an element of perspective towards the team Prandelli sentout onto the Upton Park field, with five debutants.

road is long,” although the left-wingpaper did describe Italy as fragile.

However, Il Giornale, La Stampaand Corriere della Sera were not sogentle in their assessment, each pro-claiming a theme along the lines of,nothing has changed. “Italy, every-thing is as it was before,” saidCorriere della Sera. “Prandelli startsbadly, Ivory Coast won in London.Good intentions don’t makemiracles.”

And Il Giornale added: “Every-thing about the Italy team haschanged, but the results haven’t.Prandelli’s debut didn’t transform thenational team, a seventh match in arow without a win and three defeatsin 2010.

“Cassano and Balotelli, the twomajor World Cup omissions, did wellbut the team still needs to be in-vented. The defence failed as ablock.” And from La Stampa:“Prandelli hit the wrong note on hisdebut despite the revolution in attack.“The new Italy lost like the old one.”

Associated Press Writer

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J.– Neymar scored in his nationalteam debut, Alexandre Pato addeda goal late in the first half andnew-look Brazil rolled over theUnited States 2-0 Tuesday nightin the first match for both nationssince a disappointing World Cup.

Neymar, the 18-year-oldSantos sensation, had justswitched with Robinho andmoved from the left flank to thecenter. Andre Santos came downthe left side and crossed, andNeymar beat Jonathan Bornsteinand sent a header inside TimHoward’s left post in the 29thminute.

Pato doubled the lead in first-half injury time when Ramires’through ball split Bornstein andCarlos Bocanegra, and the 20-year-old AC Milan forward camein alone on Howard for the easygoal, his second in nine appear-

Agence France Presse

MADRID - Chelsea’s Por-tuguese defender RicardoCarvalho is set to sign a two-year deal with Real Madrid,the Spanish club said onWednesday. The English Pre-mier League champions ear-l ier confirmed they haveagreed a fee with Real Madridfor the sale of the 32-year-oldPortuguese defender.

“The player will be boundto Real Madrid for the nexttwo seasons,” Real Madridsaid in a statement withoutgiving details of the transferfee which Spanish media havereported will be in the regionof eight million euros.

Carvalho will join compa-triot Jose Mourinho, his man-ager at both Porto and Chelsea,at Spanish giants Real, havingwon the Champions Leaguewith Porto in 2004 whenMourinho coached the club.

He joined Mourinho at Chelsea that year for a fee of around 20million euros but last year he fell down the pecking order at the westLondon club

In total he made 210 appearances for Chelsea, scoring 11 goals,and during his time at Stamford Bridge, helped the team win threePremier League titles, two FA Cups and two English League Cups. Aregular for most of his time at Chelsea, he made just 18 appearanceslast season - which he has called “the worst year of my life” - asinjuries caused him to fall out of the starting line-up.

Neymar, Pato lead new-look Brazil over US 2-0ances and first since his debutagainst Sweden in March 2008.

Both were overlooked byDunga for his World Cup rosterdespite public clamor for their se-lection in Brazil. Dunga was firedafter the 2-1 quarterfinal loss tothe Netherlands last month andreplaced by Mano Menezes, whopromised to restore “Jogo Bonito(Beautiful Game)” as Brazil pre-pares to host the World Cup in2014.

A near-sellout crowd of 77,223attended the high-profile home-coming for a U.S. team that drewrecord television ratings during theWorld Cup. With young, swiftplayers, Brazil showed glimpses ofthe renowned ball movement thatwas displaced in South Africa bya dour, defensive game. Brazilwon for the 15th time in 16matches against the U.S. and hasoutscored the Americans 31-10.

In a one-sided game that fea-tured little U.S. offense, Brazil’s

youngsters outclassed the Ameri-can veterans. Each team had agoal called off. Pato scored on aheader in the 32nd minute butplowed into Howard. MichaelBradley beat goalkeeper Victoron a short header in the 57th offa cross from Sacha Kljestan fol-lowing Landon Donovan’s shortcorner kick, but Bradley wasoffsides.

The five-time world champi-ons used a 4-3-3 attack-mindedformation. Robinho, one of fourholdovers from the World Cuproster, slid the ball past backupgoalkeeper Brad Guzan in the53rd minute but it clanked off thefar post. Guzan made a nice stopon Neymar’s angled shot in the61st and another diving stop onNeymar in the 70th, two minutesbefore the forward departed.Paulo Henrique Ganso hit a postfrom just outside the arc in the78th, and Guzan made a divingstop with his r ight hand onCarlos Eduardo in the 83rd.

Ganso, Victor and defenderDavid Luiz also made their in-ternational debuts for Brazil,along with subs Andre, Edersonand Jucilei.

For both nations, rebuildingbegan in the swamps of New Jer-sey, in a gleaming $1.6 billionstadium set for its first officialNFL games next month.

U.S. coach Bob Bradley mayhave been coaching his finale —his contract expires in December.

Alexandre Pato (L) ofBrazil runs pastgoalkeeper TimHoward (R) of the USfor Brazil’s secondgoal of the first halfduring a friendlymatch August 10,2010 at New Mead-owlands Stadium inEast Rutherford,New Jersey.

AFP PHOTO/Stan Honda

Carvalho set to signtwo-year Real deal


Ricardo Carvalho

Thursday, August 12, 2010 15International Sport

Women’s 2007 world championTherese Alshammar won the women’s50m butterfly for Sweden, seeing offDenmark’s Jeanette Ottesen andMelanie Henique of France whileAlexander Dale Oen bagged gold forNorway in the men’s 100m breast-stroke, touching just ahead of French-man Hugues Duboscq and Italy’sFabio Scozzoli.

Dale Oen’s time of 59.20sec was achampionship record whileAlshammer proved her ongoing classin winning in 25.63sec despite beingalmost twice the age of 17-year-oldrival Henique.

Her win bolstered a Swedish con-tingent whose own young bright hope,16-year-old Sarah Sjoestroem, ran outof steam having just competed in thefreestyle semis. There was more teen-age angst for naturalised Briton Ajulu-Bushell, the Kenyan-born 16-year-oldcoming last in her 100m breaststrokeheat - though her main target is the

Agence France Presse

NEW YORK - LeBron James, whose freeagency defection to Miami broke the hearts ofCavaliers fans, will return to Cleveland to facehis old club for the first time on December 2,the NBA announced Tuesday. The fixture wasannounced as the league unveiled its full sched-ule for the 2010-11 season.

Cleveland comes to Miami on December 15and January 31. The Heat also visit the Cava-liers on March 29. A few key dates had beenreleased last week. Miami’s first game will beon October 26 at Boston and the star-studdedHeat team will take on the defending championLos Angeles Lakers on Christmas Day.

The Lakers and Celtics will meet for the firsttime since game seven of the NBA finals onJanuary 30 in Los Angeles. The rematch in Bos-ton comes on February 10.

Chris Bosh, who like James went to Miamivia free agency to form a superstar trio withDwyane Wade, will face his old fans for the

More British, French gold as Alshammar proves classMore British, French gold as Alshammar proves classMore British, French gold as Alshammar proves classMore British, French gold as Alshammar proves classMore British, French gold as Alshammar proves class


A picture taken with an underwater camera shows Sweden’sTherese Alshammar competing during the women’s 50m but-terfly qualifications at the European Swimming Championshipsin Budapest on August, 9, 2010.

Agence France Presse

CINCINNATTI - Maria Sharapova survived asecond-set lapse and delivered a dominant third setto beat Svetlana Kuznetsova 6-4, 1-6, 6-2 Tuesdayin the first round of the Cincinnati Women’s Open.While Kuznetsova’s triumph in San Diego on Sun-day pushed her ranking to 14, one higher thanSharapova, her fellow Russian had a 31-11 edge inwinners to overcome 39 unforced errors to win inher Cincinnati debut.

Sharapova reached the second round, while topseed and defending champion Jelena Jankovic ofSerbia followed her on court and booked a third-round berth with a 6-4, 3-6, 6-1 victory over Rus-sian Vera Dushevina.

Kuznetsova received treatment from a traineron her back and left knee, and left the court brieflyafter three games of the third set for treatment. Shewas unable to convert eight of her 10 break pointopportunities.

“It’s definitely tough to have a night flight thencome and play the day after a final, but it’s just badluck, I cannot change it,” Kuznetsova said. “I justneed to get my ranking higher and then I can get abye. But I also have to give a lot of credit to Maria.She played really well in the third.”

Sharapova said she didn’t press hard enoughonce she had pocketed the opening set. “I let heroff the hook in the beginning of the second set, andshe went with it. Against a player with a lot of ex-perience, you can’t do that,” Sharapova said. “I hadto earn it. The only way I was going to win was bybeing aggressive.”

In other second-round action, AkgulAmanmuradova advanced 6-2, 6-0 win over BojanaJovanovski. Sixteenth-seeded Marion Bartoli alsoreached the third round, beating Alona Bondarenko7-6 (7/4), 6-1.

Fifteenth-seeded Nadia Petrova tumbled out ofthe two million-dollar event, retiring with heat-re-lated symptoms while trailing Christina McHale.America’s McHale had won the first set 7-6 (7/4)and was up 5-3 in the second when the 21st-ranked

Agence France Presse

BUDAPEST - Britain and France - landing their second titles - joined Norway, Spain andSweden in picking off gold medals on the second day of the European championships in Budapeston Tuesday. British world number one Elizabeth Simmonds landed the 200m backstroke title,edging out compatriot Gemma Spofforth and Spain’s Duane Da Rocha Marce as British fanscelebrated another win after Hannah Miley took Monday’s 400m individual medley.

Commonwealth Games later this yearin Delhi.

There was a French one-two in themen’s 100m backstroke won byCamille Lacourt in a European recordtime of 52.11 while Jeremy Straviustook the silver ahead of Briton LiamTancock.

Tancock initially did not evenqualify for the final but was moved upa place after the withdrawal of Austria’sMarkus Rogan, the 2004 Olympic sil-ver medalist and reigning continentalchampion. “Fate was on my side whenMarkus Rogan pulled out. I jumped atthe chance and sometimes you have to,even though I’m not fully prepared tobe racing fast here,” Tancock said.

Lacourt’s showing gave France theirsecond gold of the championships af-ter teen star Yannick Agnel triumphedin Monday’s 400m freestyle. RafaelMunoz, the Spanish world recordholder, won gold in the men’s 50m but-terfly in 23.17sec, seeing off Frederick

Bousquet of France and Russia’sYevgeny Korotyshkin.

Munoz was recently embroiled incontroversy as the InternationalSwimming Federation (FINA) cameclose to handing him a two-monthsuspension for not informing theworld body that he was taking a breakamid reports he was suffering fromdepression.

“After an anxious few weeks I amdelighted everything has turned outfine,” 22-year-old Munoz said. “Andabove all I have confirmed in a normalcostume my showings in last year’sbodysuits,” the ultra-fast suits bannedas from this year after a welter of re-cent world record.

Munoz had been in hot water for notbeing in touch with the sport’s authori-ties over a period of months. He didnot answer calls and did not fill in a‘whereabouts’ doping form in line withdoping regulations regarding availabil-ity for testing.

Heat will be on James on December 2

(AP Photo/Phil Long)

Miami Heat basketball plyaer LeBron James speaks to the crowd before thestart of the LeBron James Family Foundation, King for Kids Bike-a-thon, inAkron, Ohio, Saturday, Aug. 7, 2010.

first time when Miami visit Toronto on Febru-ary 16. The revamped Heat will play eight oftheir first 12 games at home, including a six-game homestand from November 6-19.

The longest road trip the Heat will have is afive-game swing against Milwaukee, Portland,the Los Angeles Clippers, Denver and Chicagoin January. That’s when a circus makes its yearlystop at Miami’s arena.

The Heat have two six-game homestands,the one in November followed by anotheragainst Chicago, Portland, the Lakers, Memphis,San Antonio and Oklahoma City in March.

League rules allow a team to be on nationaltelevision as many as 34 times. The schedulereleased Tuesday shows Miami on nationwidetelevision 29 times. All four of Miami’s gameswith Boston and Orlando are planned for na-tional TV broadcasts.

Cleveland, whose games were a nationaltelevision staple when James led the Cavs,has just three contests scheduled for nation-wide broadcast.

(AP Photo/Tony Tribble)

Maria Sharapova of Russia, reacts dur-ing a match against SvetlanaKuznetsova, also of Russia, at the Cin-cinnati Open tennis tournament in Ma-son, Ohio, Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2010.

Sharapova beats Kuznetsova in Cincy debut

Russian called it quits.She became the second player to retire because

of the steamy conditions. Olga Govortsova retiredagainst 13th-seeded Shahar Peer on Monday.

“I’m not really sure what happened,” saidMcHale, whose biggest career win came at Charles-ton in April when then-number nine VictoriaAzarenka retired from their match. “I know shecalled the trainer, but I wasn’t sure what she calledthe trainer for. I didn’t try to focus too much on that.I’m just excited to move on to the next round.”

Thursday, August 12, 201016 SportI N T E R N A T I O N A L

Ferrari has also been accused of running a flexing front wing in order togain an extra advantage, but Newey said he had no concerns that his teamwould be forced into changes following the summer shutdown.

“We don’t believe so,” he told ITV-F1 when asked if revisions would beneeded to pass scrutineering. “It was 50 kilos for 10mm deflection andnow the FIA are make sure that if you go to 100 kilos, it’s not more than20mm. In other words, they are going to ensure the wing is not linear inany way.”

Newey added that complaints from rival teams was simply an indicatorthat Red Bull has been doing a solid job during the season so far. “If every-thing is going well then people start having a pop at everything,” he said.“I guess it’s a compliment.”

Newey was speaking during the BTCC meeting at Snetterton where hewas hospitalised following an incident in a Ginetta G50 Championshiprace, although he was released from hospital with only bruising to his armafter precautionary checks.

Neweyexpects noRed Bullchange

Adrian Newey says he doesn’t expect Red Bull will be made tochange its front wing despite the fact that new load tests will beused from the Belgian Grand Prix onwards. Stricter loads testswill be used by the FIA at Spa following complaints from rivalteams into the legality of the front wing fitted to the RB6, withMcLaren team boss Martin Whitmarsh in particular voicing con-cern over what he feels is a flexing front wing in use on the car.

WHILE much of the attention on Valentino Rossi islikely to centre on his movements off the track, the Ital-ian remains focused on the job in hand as he resumesaction following the summer break.

Still recovering from the broken leg that effectivelyended his chances of challenging for the 2010 MotoGPtitle, while Rossi completed a remarkable run to thepodium last time out at Laguna Seca, he maintains thetime away has not left him feeling quite 100 per cent fityet.

Nonetheless, the reigning champion is well on theway to getting back to his best and is confident of an-other step forward at Brno.

“I’ve had a good break and it’s helped me a lot tohave this time to work on my physical condition. I’mfeeling good about my leg and my shoulder and I hopethat this weekend I’ll be feeling much stronger. Brno isa great track for me and it’s always special because it’sthe first place I ever won at.

“Last year I had a great race, this year will be harderbecause I’m not completely fit yet but I am looking for-ward to getting back on the bike. We have half the sea-son still to go and our aim is to have a good secondhalf!” Rossi is anticipated to announce a high-profileswitch from Yamaha to Ducati at the end of the raceweekend.

Rossi: A good break for the bad break

BRUNO Senna says he ishopeful that he will remain on theF1 grid for 2011 and not drop offthe radar after a single season.Senna has endured a difficult de-but campaign with the HispaniaRacing team, which was cappedby the British Grand Prix atSilverstone where he found him-self replaced by Sakon Yamamoto.

Having returned to action inGermany, the Brazilian remainsconfident of staying in his seat forthe remainder of the season and

Senna optimistic of staying in F1is also hopeful of ensuring he stayson the grid for 2011 – either withHispania or elsewhere. “I hope thechance that I will continue in F1 is100 per cent,” the Brazilian wasquoted by the press in his homecountry. “But unfortunately, it is im-possible to say.

“Before the 2009 season, Iseemed to have a good chance to racewith Honda, but of course it endedup not happening. In F1, foresightdoesn’t work - the only thing thatdoes is a signed contract. There are

always talks but nothing official.“We will have to see. Few teams

have guarantees that they will beon the grid. It is not an easy time inF1. It’s not so simple, but HRT aremaking plans. The best thing wouldbe if I could simply choose theteam, because my goal is to stayfor many years, not just now.

“But I do have to work to getassurances that I’ll be in F1 nextyear, either with this team or withanother. It will depend on manythings.”