How to get social media working with email and how to get email working with social

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of How to get social media working with email and how to get email working with social

How to get social media working with email and how to get email working with


It’s all about the top lip

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It isn’t about Pure360

Cue splash of relevant logos

And it isn’t about me


CM of @pure360

Talks a lot about:• email • digital marketing

Occasionally dresses up as smurf.

Social and email together

Driving social interactions through email

Driving email interactions through social


Social in email was AMAZING

Insert these simple logos ===

And you’ll increase traffic to these sites by 1000%*

*according to a 2009 Marketing Sherpa report.

Driving social interactions

People try and do too much

Not so great

Textbook example

Simple LinkedIn Example

The principle is the same


Email is FANTASTIC at driving social interactions


Just sticking a logo on your standard email will not work

As with any aspect of marketing – focus on one thing at a time.

Social and email together

Driving social interactions through email

Driving email interactions through social


Driving email interactions via Twitter

Driving social interactions via FB

UKF Drum & Bass – affective sign up

• 51.5% open rate from contacts who signed up via Facebook

• 38% click through

innocent drinks


Email Signup is ok……

But the future is the register button:

Social and email together

Driving social interactions through email

Driving email interactions through social


The mashup

There are some general rules we can follow:


• Keep it short


• Make it sharable


• Relevancy is king

What to do with all that data?

Personalised campaigns using what you know:

Instead of “share this”

Try “click to share with your 540 friends”

Campaigns based on:

Go one step further

Quick note on video in email

Ok so the email is too long

& doesn’t have an external view link


Excellent use of video without the drawbacks.

So what did we cover

• Focus on driving social interactions

• Use social to draw people into email

• Email and Social work really really well!

Thanks for listening...

...I can’t wait to hear all your questions!
