GD X2 Semi automatic foil splice group...GD X2 Semi automatic foil splice group Reduce down time and...

Post on 06-Mar-2021

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Transcript of GD X2 Semi automatic foil splice group...GD X2 Semi automatic foil splice group Reduce down time and...

Semi automatic foil splice group


Automatic operation of the foil splice knives during short stoppage and automatic restart

Contact Making / Packing Semi automatic foil splice groupGD Machinery GD X2

GD X2 Semi automatic foil splice group

Reduce down time and loss of production with a semi automatic foil splice group

Issue • WaitingtimeformanualoperationConsequences • Lossofproduction • IncreaseddowntimeSolution • Integrationofdevicestooperatethespliceknives • Automaticmachinestoppageinthephasewhenthereelrunsout • Automaticspliceknifecut • Automaticrestart • SpliceguardsAdvantages • ReduceddowntimeScope • IntegrationofdevicestooperatethespliceknivesTimerequired • Approx.machinedowntime:24hours(3workingdays) • Totalmechanicalhours:32hours • Totalelectricalhours:32hoursGuarantee • Oneyearguarantee Suitable for all GD X2

Product No. 1216-34A05 Revision 1.00

Contact Making / Packing Semi automatic foil splice groupGD Machinery GD X2