Fo:r Boara Many Projects -...

Post on 17-Jan-2020

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Transcript of Fo:r Boara Many Projects -...

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VOuUME i9 .

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' . : "" . . ' . White Oaks; ~embtfs· ·shortage ot Wool Fo:r

cences or the Old Uijys Knitting, Temporacy .NOW ~' ~ .........

Editor~ewa."-ltttbec:Ourse o( ,. "Al~present we .can sbtp nq

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. ... ~ Meeting of Boara ··.of County:Commissloners

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Unskilled l.,..Abor Needed : For Many New Projects

I' ·-ri~g!!b~t'=llti~~~ ·· . County CommlslJIQn· statctnent .thl\t comes trom the

es83ry 11s well ·a~ .convenient 'to circ11mstancea, as resu.Jt ~fa telf!<! Th~tn ~b~. to · ers held ip the <;,ourt Uouse at oited Stutes Departmetat of L11· :Segregate pJyselt from ,

1t1ie t~.usi- gram received from WashJ~gtou ll.e .. w~n•t. . • his cou.utry Carrt~o~:o Augu~t 6th, 1918, bor, t-hrough th!Sauta Fe oflice of

uess a tid social tie!l which have late last week, instructing tis ~'o li!Hil b.ardl.f' ·a damu; · Pr<!sent, Hon. Melvin Franks, Jonathan.~· Wagner, ~tate .fedr -·~tta~bccl me to While' Oa~ .for s~.i(, uo yarn until further notice. And uothin$'- . . nuisance chairman; A. J. GHfuore, rucln· eral director. The statement con\. lo, tbe:~e y~an!. 'rhis being l This Is for the reason that tho I? lbe «:l.fC$ ?' :p'tc;le Sal!J. ber; J. L. Bryao.-.mcmber; C. W .. tiuues: so, a decent respect for the opin- Go~ernn~ent bas taken. over tbc From ~ig-htc!ellJ:hrs to forty liyde, sheriff; 0. ·r. )::lye, clerk. · This is the alarmine- situatlot\ itJos ¢ib.ose who arc compelled e~1hre mall output or thas commu• He is suppt:lst:!l t(),vobmte~:r, floard met at 9 a. m. . that is today confronting the ,me~ to remain leads me· jUJ:It before go· naty, and a temporary em \largo And buckle otrl\f$..Qrmor' Hoard met ·t't the request of the who are directing lbt: ·War work ing ro give the old town some bas been decll)red to aU ow the With little ail(tti 'or fear; Secretary of tlae State Tax Co an· or the 'u.nite~ States. Tlier~ ar~

' kirad.of a send·off. · offi'"ials to make a survey of the Blltyou'UthJ(\biluc:basiogdollaro, mission to consider the Budget shortages in other elanscs and Haviag be~ a denizen of i'be wool sit11ntlon .throughout Playiog\gcuu;e$· pr at. the dance; for the year 1919 for Lincoln I grades of lnbor, but tbc sbortag~

place .. ever s1nee its bornin' early country. Once tb1s has been com·, Fot he'd tatb~r go to hell · eo.._nty. or 1,000,000 men Ia In unskille~ in the mornin'" of a spriug day pleted wt- asruune Red· Cross will Than take (~is·Ulp to France. 1'he same \vas prepared and' labor. . . I

.Jn 1880, llia vc: been \Vtsc lo most be allowed its propOrtion of yarn. W • nOt u prjs ~ t bl submitted to the Tax Commi11Sion A picric acid plant, cos tin; of its ups nod d~wns, which have at which time another allotment n ct re ..... 8 .,P.. e: h

0 grun.t e, for apptoval. $8,000,000, is now in ·cqursc oJ

bun many c... nl~ug with other will probC.bly be made." (SIJ{ned) TuQb twe •~lb~~~~<ut'a"·~·~-ktythqueer t 'l'be following Boards of Reg• conntru.ctlon nt. Hrunswick, Geodo F W S d D. t B•· a we s C>. . , .. rw c wa cr,· 1 I· f . l • :

• minin1 towns intbe Sout~west- • . tao art, tree or ~reau While tlte sl~ckcr (lets the beer! otrat on or the varaou.s Precincts ll tt. Labor bo.s not been hJ!lbt &iuce the first grand rush of the of .Supplies, Denver. 15, w l 1 b . t were appointed to re-giatcr tbe GODling to C%pedito tbc COUiltruJ. JUioer~l·mad crowd down to the 1918. R ~:"~ Ill W~,f~l e

1 ~ q~;r ers voters for tbc election to be held tlon, and Washington bas notified Jatt:st flasr:o pulled off here by a All branches having any yarn Aad

1C:!ar Y.~.0,b 1e 0

g f' hi November, 1918: the State of Georgia that unlellt\ , h d kl dl fi ' b "' u uJ.,. up J,." ~ morn ng . p • l N i . New York oyudicate Lwlth the on- au , u y ans up anu Witl f • 1 db . ht rcc uct o. l, L neola: 5,000 laborcrn are furnished at

.._ • j Ji lbt 1 our acc•~•elln an .rig - lT' 8 ll lb t . • • • . llCI;CUt OD tbe.,.''sio") badly wis• .Send lD at eur est poss C mo- . , • • U er once the fllJrCDtlC industry will be

managed by a woman in overalls meat. Mrs. H. S. Fairbank. But the nlac;kcr,is n piker; JF;riM. 1Pent1

0eld rettloved from tbcstnte The Mid·

A d i b " 1 · 1 • anc sco omez · and with wbeelaiu.her head, wbo August 19, 1.918. n w t no 011.1! c se toP easJ!, 1 N S p . 1 vale f.lteel(>lllnt nt Coatsville oa

S b . •· .~ 1 d Prec net o 2, an ntrac o: • t ,, 1 caQl~ west m1ncral-woo1·gntber• Denver Red Cross Tabve t cone anu orty pouo er · w. ~.-Ros~ flnrl11 labor tJo ncarce it is ~ble to

ing and found-notoriety. · at he atms around at ease; Candido Cha vca keep only a part of the plabt in ... From Ute first town election, Acknowledges Shipment He ia all for gain aod pleasu~e- Jim Gonzale!l. operation .. Other inst11U~es could wbeJi ToJb O'Follard, 'Billy the 'Tb b S -:-ta M 1 · E. Fen his country tnkes no c-Jlance- Precinct No. 3, Arabela: be cited to a bow how badly war Kicl's right band mao, was elect· II rohug fecrtel ryJ iam eR d Bu& he ougbt to go to bell Eu~:enio Garcia inchuitriea production (9 crippletl

. ump rey o JC un or e J( '·e ~~~ oli 0 to France C. R. Hamilton . c4 tOd!ltable by n m~jorlty vote Cross word comes from the Denver . ": . t1 •. g . Leopoldo Pacheco by tbe.llcnrc&Ly of labor. . • and. never knew be was counted · ~ -P.tlvate Fred U. Steward. 1 w bl l • 1 J 11 b beadqunrh:H that tbe shipment -· - 1 Precinct No. 4. Picacho:

1 aa ng on a e egram ca t,

out. down to the present uncvc.nt· Junior Red Crosa articlca bnd •Coddlitrgf Soldiers, As D. B. Oarucr Nc.w Muko i!l for the atate to · · fad dayd when no one carea; to been received, nutl that the work Viewed From This Side Frau,k Santana I practicnlly double ib quota 'or ' t!lke the office for tlfc was found to be very satisfactory. , . • W. & Kimbrell. 1 Jlnskillecl Iabore~. to be enrolh:4

i'lllri}Ui•lt~m attached ; and Onrina ..... pn"t~wcek ,.22 45 and f':~.Hl •Over Pl'~lnct No. 5, Raben ton: I and atnrtcd. to wor" with tbci J .. alit •· · li ·· ,., t 1 v ,, """" ""' ~,., "" • _ iQ ... - • •• Aoruatin Chavea- ·, . " """ -~

,tbis "" 0 · 1ft ncr& 4fi"' was added to tbeJunsor Red Cros.n. rtbtJ aneddlesome nri!i'.l, the mus- 1u~u Martinu pos-tbJe delay. Tb~ original quo· · f~nd,ffree~"'"' pd~ci.{laUy the fnt· fund-through the tlale of "carry• 11.1 rpau, and tbe muddle·mioded F. P. Cleghorn. , .. ta for the nlate Wan 5851lteJ?. Tbp

ter:-011 tbe :<hsc~very of gold all" bags. Any \'l,bo were so un· matron all get' n abakeup in a Precinct No.6, ~icbardson: quota bas been btc~ascd lp l,HO .· l;~Baxt,r mqunlatdt cat;ie id.n() fortunate tl!l to mass a purchase freete-for•them from 0¥er There - Sa~ I' armer I mt'u, Wtusbfn~ton sayu tfJfle ~en . 1}J.<! bad !,»an (rom no~ltere. ht 1iave nn opportunity to secure by the 'uau who's doing the ~· A. Durpn are to b~ P.ut Joto rJervlco witb tbe

• "}'i;ttt£:u1ar, one of whom stoppe4 one in 'the near future, as the "bloody bustiu'll in this crime of , J lm ~ood~and. 'least posruble delay, no matte.r ~ llliol:lbllg'nptbe town lbdg- ettoug& Junior& will give everybody n call a"es. but- Precmct N~. 7, JtcJan,l!a ~ h what mtly hnpptu to private bun-~ f •J1S9ist Jn JotatfrJtt the grave- 6 ' George . nels ar ,, · . . •

: , .. · 0 .. · .· .. • "" • · as quickly as lbe members ~au Just to sharpen any niasy senti• A. H. Norton ! IOesn. • ..~1'4 •• and b:d\·1t:~pt very CJUiet ever make tire ro~ds. Like_ in nlmenta oue may have, first read John Montoya. I ln recruittog mep for govern• suta:. _while .4tt6t1n:.t went • military camp, the your~g home· the "ahe-man's"'nny from Pitts• Precinct No. 8, White Oaks: I ~~nt service It must ~e borne in <:amp. lor rcp:urs ou. his !)labber soldiers will seek to give every·' bu.rg; then, to appreciate the dull Paul ! mand that they are n~t to be to~· gaster, or whatever It wtls. oue the opportunity to respond. thud of contrasting fact, n•ad the R. H. Taylor . en from farms, . railroads and

Then there was the fellow who .... n t H It I J't t t Hen .,Telles.; mineD, Meu eogaied in getting



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• taught tb¢ first public ncltool in h Uberty Loan ca 0

1 a

00 garru 1 .1• q.a Predact No, 9, Capitan: out supplies 'bud materia , the place. and who afterwards Rate of Interest comes. rom the man who'! C. 'C. Merc~b~a~u~t--f1iH'11HtoftJthttlidlf'lilfiJ'Wifile~afire~o~n~---

•• : ' . ' " '

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"a· work eqbolly as Important.· And Precinct Nu. 10, O'ppet Ruidoro: the J~rm "farms" Is consil!et~d tp

J. V. Tolly include stru:k, cattle~ sheep. and Proapero Gonzales bog raisftJg. ... · • J. U. JackSon. The new quotas for countien iu

Pteci.uet No. U', N'dgtd: New M.c.zdco ue. aa. followar · ... · • · ·· · · · Joe·Co.:bttttt

0. C. Davi• ncmaUUo 77 Otero 29 f1• R. Lamay. C&ave,. 43 Quay , 49

Pretiiiet NO'. t:t. lfotti'ia: Colf!JJ ·' .69 l~io Arriba 54 W. I. Broockn Curry" • · 37 Rooseve1t 33

· · · Jlctt Sobitison 0~ B'a~ri" 16 S~udpval, 28 .. . • M. C. West. Doua Ana 51 Sa a Juna 28 ?f'e~iuct N~. n. C(}totial · Eddy· ~c, sn·n Mfgql!l 1'1 ~ 4 " w. Vauzcy Gran.t 58 Santa Fe 49 · M• C. Pbtter

Af J-. Atkln!iolf. - Lee 1& Slcua 12 Preeiuet No. H. Catri'ww: Guatlaflipe 33 Socorro · 49 ' . . Breut Padett 1 . . I.U~CO.LN. ~5 T.a~ • · . 42

.. · W. H. Osbota Luua . 3S 'torrance 33 Andrea Lueras. M ·

'Preduet No. Jl. Oscuro! cKiute}'_ ::~} • . tJ'fd~rl: • 31. .; ' tJt .. D;.~ttittget ' ~~<OJ'll' .•· . ',4, ....... ,wlf,,.,a, .... te.~d.a •· 44

· • · ·~ ... ·.c.·. F .. u&'e• · - ·-· • ' • .'i'JJ~tntou. , .Metlt()dlst Ch~tcb.,. Ptf:!dtteH•fo. i6'< i\tiche>: . •· . ::-- • . " . · ~t • '

J. ~.. ·· . (lof;~. u. ·"""·· ellltJt1 i'Mtot,· I . . •~·e . . Job it Dale · · Stnnf;t)' stboilt; 9;45,. A ctau ·

, ·" •• • 1 1'. l'~ .Str~tey. ·. aJt; OlhJI~. . · ·· ·· · . '" ·

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L<!dge! ,, , All Rev,. Mtt L~welUi;iJr ;, awly --~~

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8ynopal._.,red b7 the elokiDI of tbo LuaUanla. wtt.b the lou ot Arucrlcao lives. Arthur Ou.r BlupeJ, All American llvlnr In Jerse1 OltJ, cooa to &niland and enllat. u a prlnto In the Drttlab armJ. Atttl I lillort uperte~~ce at a retruiUnr olltcec' In London, be Jt Je~~t to ~In­loa ouarten In ll'raoco, wteere bo drat boara tbe aouad or bt1 IQ~ and tnnka U1o acquaintance of "cooties." After a brief pertod ot (QllnlDI ~·lfCI'• f:OIUPIP.J l•aoot. Into tt~e.:tront·Uno ~ch-. wllero hi! take,w

• lda «Nt tul"D o..-tlle.:f!rd~ ~til& bulle.- Wtlta overbid. EmptJ · • lcarn.1. u ('omrado talll, tJJal doatb lurlul atwb• ln the trench.., Chaplain dtatl1111lli!IM blDiaelf b7 reacu1n1 wounded men under bot nro. Wllb plr~ and IJbOYcl Rmpo:r b1U exporlet\Ce •• 8 trtneb dlper ln No Nan'• Land. EuiUnr I'IJ)erleneo on llateolar poet detaiL lk-. t'llln& work on obae"atton .pOet cfut;r. Back In rert blllete EnlptJ write• and atacn a aucce.utul pla;r. Once more tn tile front trencbll, lllnlveJ 1ooa "onr I be lop" In o 11Uccoutu1 but coatJ:r attack on ·tile Oel"Dlan 11oM. Boon afterward• Bmpo7 and bit comradee repulN • dctel'lllla~ ca• attadc launcllf!CI bJ tllo Oermau.

'- '"" ·f.

•. •


" bablt o.( t}le geo· e.ral tQ . the trencbea on to~. u~~nded b1 IDJ ot lrliW~O. bellll

I 01"' lb l'fllm~nt. ba!l neYer teen the (eJJe,_l ~rr. 110 when be came acrou IUJ;p.atoat,Jn a eommunl,:atlon U'Qch. he ·~ui pnl him un<Jer .ar­re~t. n~p.Uet pncrall wear • n4 bancl aro11D4 th.rr caps.

Zfat 4aJ n paned tbl Irllbman tJed to OW wbeel of a Umber, the- bo­

ot bJl ft;lteDCO Of Geld puDllluDent No. L ban I ~ ltlcll a .

espreu!on \lD I ll)an'l face, J'or H1'ttal 4aja. AtweU aD4 I made

OllrH1YI!II I5Ciree around brlpde hHd­q'QQ'ten. We iU4 not want to meet tJlfcecetal.

'tbt IP1 wu ritter c:au(ht.

- --CHAPTift XXIV. -•

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Mit' Nattrfala. "'117 c'leu ~ do .rou 4o JOur

Wllhln• wttb pnda1on,.. "'No'm 1 I IPt4 a IQOd homemade

eo.p.• -.....;..· ...;;."' ... ·· -· ... ·=.-·· - .

l.t i teocfeso AP Ute loflroatH" c:aa tUtlaU7 llJe up a .. ehlekaa-bllrte4"


MORI CHICKI~· AND &QQ~ Doo't meuure ~ b1a~

tloa. tor thla meuuht .. faiN.

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n aoec't take m1kb to coame. • matl thllt he IUiedl I rest.

;A c111 th&t lim t. itke a eounterttlt ~ ,.-rer pta UaJ ~· rfnr.

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.nty ,,ostUo~t ht r:cgtml- to h. .. J sllm•l fot 1milittchiug, lltt~.

curnpromlaing Atucti~;ahiatn. · • · ca o ilt thin -tiUUl t~C.Q}ttil~C? ~~ I . Atncrtenu. .Uac tn!ltt'. Whii

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· , The First· ·,National Bank .. .

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of Carrizozo - • "' J>

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·BUY .YOUR.'J~ORD NQW~ ' .. . ~ ...

.,. ' , r - . 'Cats ·'tlr~ hatd to obtain at pret>~nt, so come in artd

. ... ··.tigure with til~ while we lu~ve tflem on ]wnd . .. ' ~

Bring your repa1r work. to us: We ate. better eqidJ>ped · than evet to da your -~ork. No· delays,. prornpt scnric~.

• .,

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· It l!i impor!Attt Wh~ll )'Oil.r lrotd chi' t~ ·. quhclf tuniug up Qt:r~alriti~Utttt~ou place_:'

' .

•···-·- ' H:iii charge or an aUUlorizcd Ford (1eo.1cr. 'l'hett you ar~ i'lUtd ~r buiu" rt~airs aM "eplae~m(!nt$lt1adc:wttb gen,utne t•ortl•m11Ue ,;ual~d!lls by meu who kllOW all ~:bout J.t"ord ears. nriug .yvur Fora eatto us. · Sans- · faction ts ~ure uttd 3'ou will receive proruvt

, atte.tttlotl!~nd tight prices. , . '"

· · J>~ro'/,W!!PliJlllmNr:sEitVle& , ·~ ttitlrfJ ~~;1 · . .

• HEAbQUARtgltSFOl '· Carrkou·R••wel( :Witife lildsSllte Lt.. C. ..



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·· Fina11cial Reserve· · • 'tl;e~e l!J hnt'QJ~ n duy p~ss~ hut htol\t f.'lf'tjg ;{t4t e~lfett ut~n fo dhw .

IA1ftfili Utn• .tt:l!Ct\'c-;-.eUbt:t tJftS'siOlJr lil~ntrd Oi' 11ntmcttil · · · ; · · . · fUrvev· . nU: ~ont"' i" .s·t· .r.~<;J · • · · • -f!r. ~ . _ . , 'P .. ~ •• . o..~ .. --\ii.lf •

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tilt!! h•utt ia jj. gooo plttt:c to l!taft: i\. llttailtihi .reiuve. 1\nd· n ~nti(>f. -· · \.lelphnt bt!:()ffealamlcUo: )'6u. · · ·· .. · · · · •·. · ··: .

. . . · .. · , . · Wat savtu~ ~ttunps for .$ar4 · ··· · .. · ~ · • : .•. ;<

.· Stockmena.State Bank . ·. .· . · ·CORONA.- NEW MEXI:CO : . .. ··- ··

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~·· ''· • ' . . . . •• • • · · ·~ . . · . " . . '' . ~Bj P~tZOZQ NEWS. " · .. . . .. . , .,

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. . oerayut,n'y ·ttas 1,-<~st. . . . From •over .. Th~re1'. •·

· · . . Monopoly of Po~ash . . . . . ~ . . · · ' .. . . · ~ . . . h ~ .... A ~on of Mr. <tn'l~lrs: .· n, .. J.., .

. The bppning of a: g·r·e~t. ·~ti~m~·l, now serving in· )J'~ait~e~. ·. ti~ll.\ ,at Sea.rl¢s r .. ake; O.ah!Pnna, lias wntten. to .the Chppcr,.

·1'wlnm~:H i~ esthna te~lft\v.enty mil~ a. v,ape.r .publ,il;hed ·at llenncsst!y, 1. • · lion tons.QFpotaslt ;ne a v~ill!,ble 0~1a)!oin,a;·· the StiUi(tleiS.i

alone n:"'H]L•d, 'l'he fat ··Atff~ri¢all answer to (~ermany':> h claittl',. ?f tjwnopuly on this es· •nHl.we til!'e pleast.fre in .wiving it

. senti'aT pro:llu.ct-p. nci~essity itt space: · · · •. · · · · time of w11r, · . •Paililloc, .France, J\\IY 7, l9i. .. . '1'1Ie Kai!)qr is ciiH~tcd as tiQa$l· ·.. a few lines 'tQ tO's .frlelt. . ·

• •


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· .the~-.TitsWorth · ConlP~•n:y ••• • ·' .l ' ' . . • . * ' . . ,.;·.'

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• i~g tQc· hi~ A,lucricl\ti.: deitli-stt !Je• in and ilnmiul }:Iem1e$s~y, ·where . tween the la't~er' ~t .no. im" I rcsic}l::(l fur . .ilbO\lUS ycl\rsl .;uHl

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Katisas · .... ack)eg_ S~~urii • '• .. -'lt'~"'

·Dynamite.. . · Steel R.o·onn·g·· · Bf.lrbed Wlre H·og Pence

1'.~. ¢·. ' ,

John De.ere Plows •

Cotton Waste . Blacklea;f 40, Etc •.

.,6. •

• •

. . .

• • . "

• • •

• •

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• , .

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T·he TitsWorth · ~om·pany ' . . ..

.CAPITAN, NEW MEXICO; l, ' • ' -

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HAY AND OR.AIN 1N CAR LO'fS · Ali Competition • M(!~ in Prices .on 1'hcse Commodities

, /loomy Yard .. < Stall• · ~ Water u . •

_, ••• ;>;..-~- -,_ I , . .;;. _- :::;-- I ~--,

Coal and Wood

: ·wm~ · Barnett· eL I,ASO AVENUe . • Plaone 86 •


CarrlzozQ. Eating ~ouse F. W. OURNHY1 Manager •

•• .$ . . ••

·:Bu~.Jd;i.rig )\'\aterial • •


Table Supplied with tlle Uest tbe warkct..affords:

• . -

• ' .-.. '

We pa;{ tbe bighe!lt tfrit:t!'l fot · . 'ItEGUt.Alt:VlSl10RS . . bi(tes atul pelt!'!. · 2!egl_er1lros. . · · .,. ·· · . . · ..... ·= •.... c ••• ....:..$ •• ~- .-~~ ...... ~· to out recei\'hrw tetter's wiudt>~

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~ are ,tl1osc who are. Stlfe to pros .. i•'ortltcrc is ttO. • pro~p~'(lty

iwiitlout. sa vi~~ a~~il the QC~t 'to· ~av.e is to. wnkrt lf deposlt. e,vc_r.y­

. p~,r d:ts~ Atiy re;tsott. w11r y'O~·

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IDfAl MA<HINf ~shottldn:t begiu? . r { 1 ~

.. . • •

~ bC!pi! Htt!iYtt'(:<'n tJliUit · {,Bear Otni'ls}·lttlo- excel· ·· . ..

• • • • lent cttnle fl.!e1l. .. . . . :: J. .• • - . . 4 ...

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BANK W.ItH ,tJS,. GROW· WitH· ll~ .. ~. . ' .. . . ~ ' .

·c.frAS,. "F• <.\RE'V· 'sot e. · ·· . tor .tincoltl Col.i.nlY · - • ·. . . .

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.· · • -c PlU~SCRlt:>TlONS CAR~FULLY ~ · . . COMPOUNDED

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. Kodaks. Kodik supplies ana· :srati~ry·· .. ' . . ..

l£e Cieim· ilnd an· Kt' tltfsor Ued D 1··li! . ... . . . . C Dn5 •

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Rolland ·sro .s. • ,. .

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durlnK 11117·18 · tho llhiJIIll<llll> ·llii!'Jt dnrlnll llll7·l8 . . '!'be. to.tnl value ot nil food lihlp. rncliiJI \l1 AJIIrd dt>Ktluutlbllll llfiJ!lUilt('f) to $1,400,000,000, ull tlliN fmiU hl'l!lg

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. ' • • :.I .. . . . · Tft.B DAIUII.ZQ.W tfiW~. · ~

"' ' ., :f' .•

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Packers' · Profits -targeror Small


,,..,Packers' profits.l6ok big­when the Federnl , Trade C9m.rni$Sion reports that,four of them o


wnr ye~

·l'ackers' profi~ .look •mall­When it is explained tlm.t this profit was ·earned on

• ••

• ,' .

~- · " totnt:Csales 'Of "Over:: lOlll"" a;rd·-·-· -""--·--·~·

. '

a hall billion dollar•-or *

only about. three centi on ·· each dollar of sate$. . i• tLe relation between and sales~ ... ..

• ' .

Profitt. I , ~ • . ,...


' ,, \ •

. It no pttcker profits~bad been . earned,'jrou could have ~ught., your meat at only a ftadtionl:>r a c~nt ,per ]lOtind·· r? • -·' ·

- - . ~ ' . · · Paekem' profits onuneats ·and

· animal ~ucts IU'lve~beeti Iitn• -itt.d 'bY,tbc PJ'Od Adruinistt.atlon, . . %

siQco Ncwembet- X, 191l7. · . · ·. ·

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.. -S~ft & Compa:ny,\U. Sl! A . l · . . . . . .

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A1."rOitNnY· A'l' l.AW

·Will practice in I~edcr;al •. t , State Courts •

().SOUl~O •• • · N1CW Mm •· • • FRAN« J .. SAGI~R •


Ulllw It\ f{xchl!l'!fll.lll\t!ll:• t'.url.,,,.1 • •

1)J!~'l'JST ' Oilice in

:Exclmugc ;U_ank Bldg,· '() . Cnrri~o~o • • .... NC\'1 ''· • , • ..::...... .~ '· l:'. ·' ' •• • '"""""~;--

T. 1~. l(lU~LEY . "' .

• l"lmcral Director aml I .. iccnscd I~mbalmc.r-~ .

. •r>Jume 96

•• Nnw .M

Heruth About"\ Gone • ..


· The Woman's Tonic •

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' . ' .. "

Eat More Chicken Utilize Put of the P~" Laaeue 1o ~1_ Meal

for the Home Table "'-

.lttllft . . ••Y

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a car lOll lllld wlu:r~ • brought fu, ' "'

AU repair wade t~lratilt~ it w~,tern G~tra .

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'· · · Amo111i the newcae Georg~tfe Orep!! Wda~~ • • · · 'tu'lhiol\ {1\vo.-s· tlte 't~lllul 4:ol1Arll t~ra $utptisin&i · ~ ··· • ·: ""dl.'g-ree.l' Uere Me the new ropud ~~liars, u- · .. ·_ .


· rau~ect ht pin tuckirltU olhcrll of rrllJ~-. · Too; \ · · the .. taUorc:'t: 1$t~Jc~ i!:'lt. v~rt 'PQ~ttHar. aqd qtdte . ~-

.If pUmber '()f t4e$~:,.qre. a.howtt ·with tbe··new: , comc:r4,. . ~ · . : , . • -.-..., \ -~.r,,,.,. ., -· , ,, ,

, ,

· · Also,•somtNerr preU.t11td~s hi Silk. Wc$h.; · -~· . Waists, 011 display JiOWt' and ·offedng !ipleiJ4ld. · 1

. ~ ... . va1pe~. " · • . . ' • \, . .. ,

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.·ztEOLER BROS .. • • , ,

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Sua;~ .._not;iot Ut~- · · · Am" ia ,about :half . ·what· .... Twa to &nde :silore · · fairlt. SAW Surar ..

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