t·. · · .. · · · .· ..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... ·...

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"·_ ..... --, •··•·. ::·:· __ -·- ,,;:·- .- ._·-.· _ ... _._" '':'_. .• ..... ._ .,-·•" . .. ]. ).,-,: ___ .,t,{..if!_ ..... _:_:s __ q i , ,¥( j1, 4? It .. , · . ·til!}"lCO.li'R.lDAY. .ao. 1984 1.. · •. PRlQE YEAR· . . . - _ _ , - · t. . . ·: , . _ ' _ , • . -, - , _ . . . __ I . · , , · . - · ' - ,_- • · .. ·· VOL ... "Xl 7 . ' . ' .. ' ' .. · .. · ... PERSONALS · LYRIC. THEATRE · .. . ' . . Br ,, .·· r J . I . . . . . •• •.. R. If.. Witlk.er.. Owner· 1 "''1 '·' t. .. I . . Zimn.terman o t . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . ·· The Tl.ck't p• 1 er•' · \ . . . . .·· . . . . ·Horne.- · 4.ridtaw · left . Monday . ' tos Js he:re tlli• week: 1eeroe · tq. in. blgb · · · ·. ·· · • . Friday .. Saturday-••'L ad f ea Ids in Texas; . 1. '.having arriveds·;the 'part'of JPirite tbe·anow: 'cat- For Mayor:.G. T; Mc:Qqillen ' li"'. a. .. Mayor Must Love. H featuring. J un e ' Mrs. c. Belknap 't"' f l!lst ,week. . ·he remaip tlemen and farmers wete gettlna For Trustees: Albert Ziegler, Knight, Neil ·Hamilton, Sally bome Monday after attendhur . · here lnd.tlidte time, diaeourar.e·d on acc:ount · F. L. T. E.l{ellt;y, · 'Ji'or 0' a-n«J Dorothy 8u.rge.ss. the Grand C.har:>ter meetin'a held tendins to .atime mat ... of ,the continued dry weather. and C. Snow... F. E. R.ichard· . SentJmeQt "'d gold at last week. ters :Mie · and White. Qak11, . •'l'h.e. · W. K. H. Club · ""!e a For OleJ:k;- Fra-n}( J. Saaer Shirley Phipps · .. blend.ed into the moat pedeet Mr. and. Mra. J p, E. arneat.J .. r., Mrs. Zimmerman ._, a . naece of party at tho s,choolhouae Tuesday.' AprU, s. rhas. J·. tfrrihb . '. of laughs, draJDB, of' Sudan, Te-xas, *ere visitors the late Mra, Su$an Barbe.r. · night.. Ice crean,J, coffee · and . l984, a t · the CQmtnUilitY · 1 u•n ar nez ' .. muaJc! songs and seneral. enter- at' tbe· Poole Earnest rancb . this W .· L B · t , 1 · · ·. .. cake was served. A. titne. H •11. Polio open frOm !J ' For Clerk: tainment:you've seen-in months. · ------. • . • . urne t was . n town ·. . . . · a. -m, · 6 p, m.. Moraran Lovehace. "'Strange ·aa it Seems" and ·a M. L P t h · t ·,1 fro· m ·· · · rs. · . e ers ns re urn- ,, . . · · · Jesse May bas set .out a · yourlg or.=bard on biB place. · COURT MATTERS 1 fORT STANTON NEWS. Sunday- MonW.Y- .Mr. •nd Mre. ·penney. business in meatt Billy .McDonald ot the Vera . · · · · · ·· Meet tbe (Mu.neb•usen bave returned to their home line at Alamoaordo excellent. Cruz.mlne ia doing. considerable In the Dan Lowden ea1e, · MtJ. Lucta Chalin. the )flsaes & Sharlie) wtth Zaau Ptttl, Ted Lawrence, Karisaa. · · work on hie mine. He ha1 a charsred with the killina of John . Squier and Alice l>lxon Healey •nd his Edn!l . Mrs. Geo. Dillard of Manhat- force of men ainklnsr a 60-foot Solomon, the jury wfll enteftlin at an lnaeter May Oliver and tile ; T. 'J. "'Straley was ruahed tan, "Nevada, Ja, b.ere for a ahadt at the present tim.e, with ver"dict ·of rnanalausrhter aftti' Qridge ·Party tomorro• even wyn. Comedy: 'Bedtime :o Ia at day with her aunt, Mri. o.o. Davis, f:,eandro V.ega 1upervfainsr the deliberatins fo'r .avera)· 1\our•. A lovely Easter motif will be Worries. lead 1 en 1 onl. . srebpotr e 8 1 e 1 ·· h · · k Tb · rdi t tr' · ttw of J d t l lJ · d 1 k · • 8 0 ng n ce Y now, u ow JlK -and wll remain ere for· 1ever•l wor · • e ve c ca a penaf.n, ... &. •. · cRarfr e hou · n Ye 1 ani · · P n • S. choo. 1 No tea to t11e high altitude here it is not week•, Mn. Frank fa m with from one to ten wfi e rf!a mente w II cons at of a · k - ju t wl h ill 11 .. . · · · Ola 0, Jone1, Co. Supt. - ·· now.n • · . aen 8 e w . e Misa Roma of Gladney Zumwalt left the flrat until Aprll 2 when the Hunnl ... eourae. . R. H. Grleaom. . T.he Woman's Club met llt the Secretary - Treasurer of part of tbe week for ATizon• to cult robbery by torture e .. Me.adames. Maude Moorman, 8 d A . d. lll b I C - home of Mrs. lfirney Willson Jaet the -Sarita Metal• C?orporation, do tome mining work. comee up for trial. Suaan Berry, the Misses Char- u ge_t u .ator, w e n ar wu a pleasant caller at ·thla of- · . impoled . th• lotte Rice and Charlotte Smith rizozo on May 11. At this time, Saturday. On .account of the ftc:e Jast Saturday. Hra. Martin and daugh- followinrr aeutencea on the fol- were Carrizozo visitora Wednea- budgets forth e Lincoln County anowstorm the attendance w • s . t•r J(ary Dell returned lowing prlaonera: Dan Lowden, · · . schools wlU be made. . I would email, eo thore was no bualne111 . ' ' . . , . . _. .. . Misa Ba7!el Melau· was boat home after • week visit with 9 to 10 yeare; Romero boya of . like for any bxpayera, patrons of meeting., Mrs. Harvey F a m- esa to tbe Giiofila 'Club WednM"" friends . .and relatives. .on .. idllinK 'coW, l to Hra. J. E. entertained or _anY. to be was a JtUelt _o_t the day· · evenmn Creek.. h T b . · h 1 -.a--' the Fort Stanton Brlclge present if they dealre rhe study laour was a liomew - · . •• . mont •· o 1 e w o p tauvu thil ... . · · • · • , The play aiven by loeal talent guilty: George Clement•. Sr., , . • The state wlll its making and thia time It :Mrs.. J. A. Patridge t.nd litUe Saturday nlibt was well attend- assault with deadly weapOn, Hra. Lucia Cballn, and t h e own text atartlng wit\! was on how to care fer a acwlnK daughter Mildred here frot;n ed. The proceed• went to buy fine and eoate: Martin Ver., Misses Allee Dlxon,.4na Wright, 1. There Wlll probabfy. be machine. Many help Cui ano iu, !crt a viait wJtb book• for tb• community diecharaing pistol in city llmltl, Bertha Smith, a d Madeline I tiona to the free lilt of aratb·. teresting facta were brought out !lr. and .Hra •. E. Wilaon. alngina. ·. .. $50 fine and costs; G. D. Lath ... Squier were Carr1zozo visitors metlcs and geugraphiee. Ray concerning the machine and in Mta. Patrldie Ia Mrt, Wilaop's Ht. and Krl. Ed Lonr of Por- am.· petty larceny, $Z5 and tbJ Tuesday afternoon. m on d Huft ..chai!man of thr cqnclus[on a true an<J false teat ; .motb-.r. · , . .: tate 1 , viJlttd ·tht J e a 1 e Jlay coati. board of. edueatton, and Mrs. was l'l i v on. During the soelal · . . · . family Friday of latf week. . .. Capitan Note• • Georgia Lusk. state superintend, ho?r a pencil (l&mo on treea wns &J =l4iJ*Xalhtrlne.Ke1tllthenew TheCWAboysare 'buay tbia 'ComiqSoon; .... , · ·"'·· , e lnJtruclion, made eDJoyedby-U,witb.Mra. Hiah-; r student _at telephone week in fixing up the school- "ttart. Otho Lowe and llontfc tbeae announcement•. winning a pot as 1 office. We thought recogniz- houae. "THESE THIRTY YEARS.. Gardenhire were Santa Fe villt- The IJ(eld Company of Albu prize. At the cloee of meet- ' . ed tht voice, Katb. Good luck I .. • , 0 . o Romance_ Fun_ Tbrllls ora,tbil week. querque, hna been the state de lng, jello custa,rd,cake and cocoa ' · Complimentary tickets wJll be J. F. Northrup entertain· poaltory for bookl, for years un· was served. The few who were Frenger wu Ill a,t bla D I A M 0 N D D U S T diatrlbuted by t h e Carrizozo •d •t a bridge party and baby der Now, the atatc ptesent reported an · enjoyablo home 1n Laa Cruces for a few Auto Co. Watch for the date or thower·ln honur of will over the. function, sup a!ternoon, which, wa know they daya and Owe.n act· The Carriz!lzo Ba•eball Team showing. alanovlcb Saturday afternoon. plylnK tll• book• at co1t, plup had, for the ineeUnge with Wn. ed until Judge Frenger returned held well attended meetin,a IJridle waa played at five tables. only the actual of handling, WUaon are alwayalooked for- on Wedneldaf, in thde Sbetdfff 8 Jack Walk•r and hta "Rhythm The gueata were Mroes. Kmdan- Mr. Huff aaid. ·urs. Luak aatd, ward to by all. owce 11111 ur era ma e ou ot · .. 1 t.h f · t f d d · · D . F .. 8 .,. h b 1 _ ba . ... t 1 .d th· Klngstt · ov cb, Pay,man, Hebl'!rt, r e e tex • un appeare The dance and box aupper.stlv· , r. ... o nson wu a ua tt, ual.• an. o tt neee11ary Lambert Moore Ch•lln w Jaht l(tre)y now to be large enough to th h lh .:r ... neaa visitor at El Puo Wedn .. - tl:)lnga w1tb whfcb to start the r · .' . en a., e ac oo OUI!e \lryay d . t f 1 th . 1 t .. , t f, th. b 1 1 Last Saturday ntgbt, in 1plte Halley, MalJory, McKneotey, s u P P I Y free arithm!'tlca and nlgbt for the benefit of the ay, re urn nsr_ n enn eam ou or 8 . eg nn ng. of the rain and anow in the Dickey, Gould, Moorman, tht These books were team, wae well attended. T h • Jdn.. F. H. Jobnton entertain· Manager Reynold• announced mountains and tb• mea.,, Fagan, Moyer, Smith. adopte!d )lit week at . the board weather did not binder the 1»11 ed the WednHdaY' Bridge Club that he bad been talking with the American Legaon danee at Da.xon and Squier. all of b'orl meeting a Ion g with a apeller. from bavlns a good crowd por at the Carrizozo Eating Houle mansgera of otberteamaln tht Wingfield Hall in Ruidoso, Stanton. .. Tbb apeJier will not be IIUpplled, the crowd from having a gj)Od thb week. · by town• and bad. rea110n to be with the .. Rhythm Kina•" fur- The LRU met with Mise Arne• but Mra. L u • k said, the cost time. , lieve a lear;tue In the near niablng the mu•ic. there wu a Ua rtftz laat Thursday at her would probably be about 30 cents Methodiat Church Mr. and Jlra. F. J. Sager re- future11 a 1tronsr l)robability. good attendance. Tbla rtotl to ranch home. The Euter theme per apeller. turned th• latter part of Jut . LaFleur atated that abow that where there fa good wu carried out in detail at thf !I any •choola are repair· week from Santa Fe where tbeu he woutd have the team out for dance mulde. p)ua an excellent party In talliu place cards fa· ed under the new CW A set-up. thEuter mornfnai at Q:42 ' " · · next Sunday afternoon f1 d · t, the . • . ' It 1 h . d that b 1 1 e secon .c.aater aunr ee lit'"' hnd been \i!itrng at the bom_e.of w··tt· r G b . f th• toor, goo oodmantiareml'ebn Rb trbe 'fOri, napklnt and refreabmenta. th opte Ill beverky ac ou nf vice will be held for the Carri%o- .Mr. and Chu. and . • e . age, mem er o . . a way a ag . me. . • Y . lin. Joe Evan• won high acore_ coun Y w e ta en care o zo community. acroaa the !Cal- their daughter, Mass Lorena team, wu here Kings "?llplayagain nut Sat . The next meetina will be at the by May. . i . t ... t th .. bill , h . i . Sager. da1 1n .. of b a s e- ur:day ntte .at the ume. hall with home of ll,... Yon tie Gardenhire. pa 1 .Oil' op 0 . • w er• t · . balr. especutlly h•• .. home t,earn. mu11c at an 1pecaal Ealter With tbt L. R. u. girls ntlatlnr Attentton, Maaona wu held latt year. . Tbere will Mr. and E. 'Reeder. who W alte,r Ia h .. lnlf .earda. 1>nnted Donee, .Uld a bu!"per crowd Ia lho hotUia, There Will be a ftf.. . :t 1 : had been viluting .Hra. Reeder'• . . a Une up tbe. score in expe.cted •. ,• YOU are in'llted to courtt dfnnet urved to the bull- All Ma1on1 and. tbefr wives are k d t b th H 'tho4i .. _ mother, Kra. T. E. Armatron the center. while on the bord:r:- help ewell the cro'!d join i,n blndl and boy friend•. after cordially invited to attend •. 10' at m. I .:en .• &tld brother RaJ for .about ten ground adl tor the the good time. . lou JUit un t whicb,the playing of bridge will e i a I even in« at the l(asonic church will be warm li hr!t ·, came through here Satur- ferent . •bualneil .. ftrmll. afford to mial the fun! .,. the means or entertainment Terrtple . Or) Saturday evenlnft. The procestdon will atirt' t day. a-nd after a abort ata 1 .went Among oth•r tbantt. ha.uid the . · . ror tbt remainder of the even· llarch 31. btiiginrting at 8 p. m. . . . . . . on to their benne in Tucumcari. team Will g(Ye. a, dane. at an · Through an error in the fnr. The number of gueata at There wUJ be cardl, danclntr .. · be . . . .. . . . . . • • date . for . the purpose of of . the notei. of the Woman'• thla •ntertainment wiU be 36. a plea•ant evenlna'• entertain- h or ose not . Hra.·E. H. Sweet witt be bOlt ... 't&lllng fundi for the team. Club tad. weeJc, the date of the .lh· &nd Krl· Leo 'of ment for, an. . Cbfl. h t .. .tu ·th• to the Bridge Club Dfatrlct meet . at Ruid.oso_ was · · • . •pent laat Sunday at Committee, ;.::until . the Carrb:ozo Eatlna Houie OSCURA .NOTES licheduled for Hay the home ot lit. and Mr•.fl.ontfe ·.. .. . . RoJ Sliafer.Chalrman. aunrlie and than i'a.v: afternoon. . it ahould have read •. Allril Zl 28. Gardenhire - . · Weddinr The dln· 1. · k. f ·· .... · t'' ·.. ·hll'l · · __ .............. · Member• pleate not•. _. · . ..,,.a ou · ou "'"' An Kra. Va-nee ·P. Smith thd lliu The rain I.Dd 1now of late will llra. V ernnn Koafer, who ner- "" a•ven at the· home of egg hunt for thJ' chUdren wh(_ be. Dorothy A.rnotd of Oaettta wen quite a Jot. of rcood. It · our old ,friend. Bert Holland been •nereJy. m and ·under rf:• eovflte e fun. too. Everyone must brln$r oarrizdzo vWtora · • li'l«' tht true and weeda a aood ha• been adnticed to the llOti'"' treatment in El Pa•o for t b e ' or 1 · 1 d . bi• •uppllel. One·bqndred · . . - · atlrt. ' tton of .Cie·rk for th• Motor · two -weeke, ratutned 10 emn te w t Beall people attended tht aunrfmr , lltl. J. v. Ta;Jor ot tiM I- Sam Dillard 't 1 . gathering the Tranal)(lrtation Department o I . . u the bride, Jimmy vice• on tht hllllaat·Jtat _liijt It X raneh near itttnded LOwden horue thfa week S t a t e Corporatfon Cotnmilaion ¥111 Thelma Cbappel,. teacher ..- tht ltt'OOm while_ Lon Mer fa _expect tid . that m.any tnore Will the Wedtle.day_ afternoon meet... . · · . . _' . . and biUI hi• hilldquarter. at in 1M Capitan acbootr, I• ill at chant om elated ••, the 01inl•ter. tbi11 yeat.· wh_en w• thall lnJ of the l&i$1kmlfJ _Kr .and Ira. Rob.lnaon.Mr. Santa Fe. Hi• advancel'];lent Mt boml bert wlt.h tonallltla• ·ln marrfW lives were rt!JOice together in the -rtturrec• ,. _ the t.letb-odfi' Church;- · Mra.. Robtnaon ·and euits us jullt at well a• If we'd lin. WUJ Shaw fa •ub•tltutlog told and offered Uon o.t ?Ur .L.<mt · . Jack Robf.n&On went fo made the appolnttnent ourelYel. fot her durinr her llhieas. _ the honor . ln•lde of a The Sunk.Y and .. even- There wilt he a. Church SuP"" Thunda1 to hear tbt LOwdtm . . . . . · ._ . . . . _ Tht Ca ltan P. T.A. . cardbo•rd -cake. tht honor h:ur tetYJCea . will .. not bt ptt at tomorrow · .. J(r. 111d Kra. c. o. Garrf•on A .• 1 2 tb . 0 . 1 .. . t found a love1t glft ot_ ell-ver ... · .. · held next Sunday_. Tbe morratnw ' . . pr1 a um, I. Thoat pr"&ttt Wtrt: -and · · Will bo at 1'0 to tbt Iliad fot' the ntw ·. wtte0arritot0¥1aitottfutwetk. o'clock dlnntt . efliiht#·· •. . ·. · .. . . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . 'bo()kt tot .U.. Cb.urcb.. · . . ·· .. · ·· · · . _ . . . ... · • 1'hetlwf u their · · .. 111'. and Mu.K&rl . . ......... · . ·. Karl Oul'ltdnaha,rn· and . ·· 'tetnooo church aerY win be . .. . · .. S..l!l· .rot _on• ot . h•_• . Mn. Cad Jon•, llt. ·. 11 d hid u UMir dinner aue,att .la•t G•ll•,Ht. and tlrt.l,4ert P'tovine 1 held ·at at thf utual bout. ·· · Do .mn prtftr 'bload• . ltnatl bld 1 '. tprainecl JfC)JldaT, •. Zfertu. ·)b. n d FridllY evenJn.a, . Kt .. · l1'ld Mr.. J«t •. end. Jlrt. Obttnt! Ftrau•on, J:JtOple'• le•ttutatrtlee at , . b'm•ttnt 1lGt at tt. .··· """ &. ;::t ''t'lld,. 1uJrll _br . Jlorran Loffftcf 1 A4 l(tl. .111. .. _ ... , . . · . . ·Hr. ud. · J. Ti. Northrup, ·· Pw m •• In Cartf7.0jtf.. ' . · .mtcdPt_. toltOttoW . · ..... ·.· h . r*laerkildhlm n.,ttt. . . 4t•'la cfock Weclr;••· .. . . ,,,-;,, .... ._, ..... , .. ,, ... r . f •.· .. · ·- -t·. · · .. · · · .. ·.a ..... ·.lfll.· .. - .. ···· .!1.··•·· .... · 1 .. ..... ·o·. f.·. · .... t ·it· .. · ...... · ..... 1 · t;bii""Q4 .ad taD an7 Witll. · '"' ·• 1 " · · c1a1 .vntat.ll ... !1* tb• ·· · · · · and.· LeROy · M•tchant. Mt.. · G•-.,.fd'on Wi:i hett·ltom •• w""' t';f(i,.,..··-·- .. .. · .. · ·ift.;;:t.·<Lt .... ··.·f .. fj··· ......... · M"t.i:wC.fttb· - • ..,...,. •... .>.-.ao_ · · · .. tllilJ·J,,c.u .... w .. ·. · ·-· .. .. , ..... .. ..Uaw :I.WU ,.. " "., · A•·""' ·- .,.a . - ..... ...W . ff"l_ r;::ru•-- f .-.a"'•- -.: ••· •· --· "# . .. · • wu a baflQ• tidtor fQ f(l(l:l llt'Uotaalcl tluw 11 Sbttlft ..S Jll'J. · •utprf•td .Mt. and Mr... W, 't,.'f:,uiilpk,int; ud ·Mtt. attendfnJ to tol:ll·• bu•htNI *t• · ·tJUI · •• till Wti JloallaJ. ., . · . flu .. · ill up .. · l.iUID»lda• 41i ... tla.tli 40tb d®t Bob.,.. a au••t. club:. tttr. ·· -- .. . •· ;:--· ' '

Transcript of t·. · · .. · · · .· ..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... ·...

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·.IJO Mff ·.pAP E'R'' . .

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•• I ' . . · ... ·. 6 PAGES . ~ '. • ·. . ' ' . . . . . Publiibed- w ~'?kl! i~ 'th" •• ter•t '·of CJtniZGZQ net LincGlD. Ccu~l.lty

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.. , · . O~RR.lZOZO, }4lNCQL~· QO'UN'J.'t~. ~~'W. ·til!}"lCO.li'R.lDAY. ~ARCH .ao. 1984 1 .. · •. PRlQE $~~ooTaE YEAR· . . . - _ _ , - · t. . . ·: , . _ ' _ , • . -, - , _ . • . . __ I . · , , · . - · ' • -,_-• · .. ·· VOL ... "Xl ~NO, 7 . ~ ' . ' ..

' ' .. · .. · ... PERSONALS · LYRIC. THEATRE · .. . ' . . .· Br ·~Til) ,, .·· r J . I • . . . . . • •• ,· •.. R. If.. Witlk.er.. Owner· 1

"''1 '·' t. .. I

. . M~. Minnl~ Zimn.terman o t . . . . .· .. . . . . . . . . . · · The Ciil~tn•' Tl.ck't ~-~ p•1er•' Tiek~t · \ . . . . .·· . . . '"~ . ·Horne.- · 4.ridtaw · left . Monday

. '

tos Angele~ Js he:re tlli• week: ~veryone 1eeroe · tq. b~ in. blgb · · · ·. · · · • . Friday .. Saturday-••'L ad f ea ~o~ Ids ho~J~e in tubboc~, Texas; . • 1. '.having arriveds·;the latt~r 'part'of JPirite -~Qee tbe·anow: T~e 'cat- For Mayor:.G. T; Mc:Qqillen ' li"'. a. Jobnato~ .. Mayor • Must Love. H featuring. J un e ' Mrs. c. c~ Belknap retu~ned 't"' f l!lst ,week. . ·he w~ll remaip tlemen and farmers wete gettlna For Trustees: Albert Ziegler, Knight, Neil ·Hamilton, Sally bome Monday after attendhur

. · here ~Ol"·an lnd.tlidte time, at~ mit~b~)' diaeourar.e·d on acc:ount · F. L. 8ou~hner~ T. E.l{ellt;y, · 'Ji'or Truatee~J: 0' N~il a-n«J Dorothy 8u.rge.ss. the Grand C.har:>ter meetin'a held tendins to .atime busin~s~ mat ... of ,the continued dry weather. and C. ~. Snow... F. E. R.ichard· . SentJmeQt "'d gold ~ dUZ~lllg at ~lbuquetque last week. ters :Mie · and ~t. White. Qak11, . •'l'h.e. · W. K. H. Club · ""!e a For OleJ:k;- Fra-n}( J. Saaer Shirley Phipps · .. blend.ed into the moat pedeet Mr. and. Mra. J p, E. arneat.J .. r., Mrs. Zimmerman ._, a . naece of party at tho s,choolhouae Frid~ Elec~ion, Tuesday.' AprU, s. rhas. J·. tfrrihb . '. CQm~anation of laughs, draJDB, of' Sudan, Te-xas, *ere visitors the late Mra, Su$an Barbe.r. · night.. Ice crean,J, coffee · and . l984, a t · the CQmtnUilitY ·

1 u•n ar nez ' .. muaJc! songs and seneral. enter- at' tbe· Poole Earnest rancb . this

W. · L B · t ,

1· · ·. .. cake was served. A. ~ood titne. H •11. Polio open frOm !J ' For Clerk: tainment:you've seen-in months. w~k. ·

------. • . • . urne t was . n town ·. . . . · a. -m, · 6 p, m.. Moraran Lovehace. "'Strange ·aa it Seems" and ·a M. L P t h · t ·,1 fro· m ·· · · rs. · . e ers ns re urn-

,, . . · · · Jesse May bas set .out a · 7r~~~edly cal~!ld~~~ o!;~rt~ yourlg or.=bard on biB place. · COURT MATTERS 1 ~ • fORT STANTON NEWS. Sunday- MonW.Y- 'l'ueedu~ .Mr. •nd Mre. ~J:~rl' ·penney. business in th~urrocery ~m.d meatt Billy .McDonald ot the Vera . · · · · · ·· Meet tbe B~ron'' (Mu.neb•usen bave returned to their home ~t. line at Alamoaordo excellent. Cruz.mlne ia doing. considerable In the Dan Lowden ea1e, · MtJ. Lucta Chalin. the )flsaes & Sharlie) wtth Zaau Ptttl, Ted Lawrence, Karisaa. ·

· work on hie mine. He ha1 a charsred with the killina of John . Squier and Alice l>lxon Healey •nd his ~toogea, Edn!l • . Mrs. Geo. Dillard of Manhat- force of men ainklnsr a 60-foot Solomon, the jury ~returned • wfll enteftlin at an lnaeter May Oliver and tile M~tro·Gold· ; ~rs. T. 'J. "'Straley was ruahed

tan, "Nevada, Ja, b.ere for a viS~t ahadt at the present tim.e, with ver"dict ·of rnanalausrhter aftti' Qridge ·Party tomorro• even In~. wyn. girt~;.· Comedy: 'Bedtime :o ~!~~8:1 Ia at ~to~ day fo~ :~~-with her aunt, Mri. o.o. Davis, f:,eandro V.ega 1upervfainsr the deliberatins fo'r .avera)· 1\our•. A lovely Easter motif will be Worries. lead 1 en 1 onl. . srebpotr e


1 e

1 ·· h · · k Tb · rdi t tr' · ttw of J d t l lJ · d 1 k · • 8 0 ng n ce Y now, u ow JlK

-and wll remain ere for· 1ever•l wor · • e ve c ca 1~ a penaf.n, ... &. •. · cRarfr e hou · n Ye1 °~ ani · · P n • S. choo. 1 No tea to t11e high altitude here it is not

week•, • Mn. Frank P~aeoek fa m with from one to ten wfi e rf!a mente w II cons at of a · k - ju t wl h ill 11 .. . · · · - · Ola 0, Jone1, Co. Supt. - ·· now.n • · . aen 8 e w . e

Misa Roma Je~ords of W~l~e Gladney Zumwalt left the flrat until Aprll 2• when the Hunnl ... eourae. . R. H. Grleaom. Edu~•tion . T.he Woman's Club met llt the 0ak~, Secretary - Treasurer of part of tbe week for ATizon• to cult robbery by torture e .. ~ Me.adames. Maude Moorman, 8 d A . d. lll b I C - home of Mrs. lfirney Willson Jaet the -Sarita Metal• C?orporation, do tome mining work. comee up for trial. Suaan Berry, the Misses Char- u ge_t u .ator, w e n ar wu a pleasant caller at ·thla of- · . Judg~ Fr~nsrer impoled . th• lotte Rice and Charlotte Smith rizozo on May 11. At this time, Saturday. On .account of the ftc:e Jast Saturday. Hra. Dl~k Martin and daugh- followinrr aeutencea on the fol- were Carrizozo visitora Wednea- budgets forth e Lincoln County anowstorm the attendance w • s

. t•r J(ary Dell h~ve returned lowing prlaonera: Dan Lowden, • · · . schools wlU be made. . I would email, eo thore was no bualne111

. ' ' . . ,

. .

_. . . . Misa Ba7!el Melau· was boat home after • week • visit with 9 to 10 yeare; Romero boya of . like for any bxpayera, patrons of meeting., Mrs. Harvey F a m-esa to tbe Giiofila 'Club WednM"" friends . .and relatives. .on the.~.Bo- .. idllinK 'coW, l ~eu to Hra. J. E. ~-eb!~t entertained ~he ·~h()()l or _anY. (:i_Uzt!~a to be ~r~UK~ was a JtUelt _o_t the -~luh.• day· · evenmn Creek.. h T b . · h 1 -.a--' the Fort Stanton Brlclge present if they dealre rhe study laour was a liomew - ·

. •• . mont •· o 1 e w o p tauvu thil w~k ... . · · • • · • , The play aiven by loeal talent guilty: George Clement•. Sr., , . • The state wlll dlstribu~e its making proJe~t and thia time It

:Mrs.. J. A. Patridge t.nd litUe Saturday nlibt was well attend- assault with deadly weapOn, Hra. Lucia Cballn, and t h e own text books~ atartlng wit\! was on how to care fer a acwlnK daughter Mildred ~ here frot;n ed. The proceed• went to buy ~OO fine and eoate: Martin Ver., Misses Allee Dlxon,.4na Wright, 1. There Wlll probabfy. be machine. Many help Cui ano iu, F•b~nl, Te~.. !crt a viait wJtb aon~ book• for tb• community diecharaing pistol in city llmltl, Bertha Smith, a ~ d Madeline I tiona to the free lilt of aratb·. teresting facta were brought out !lr. and .Hra •. G_~· E. Wilaon. alngina. ·. .. $50 fine and costs; G. D. Lath ... Squier were Carr1zozo visitors metlcs and geugraphiee. Ray concerning the machine and in Mta. Patrldie Ia Mrt, Wilaop's Ht. and Krl. Ed Lonr of Por- am.· petty larceny, $Z5 and tbJ Tuesday afternoon. m on d Huft • ..chai!man of thr cqnclus[on a true an<J false teat

; .motb-.r. · , . .: tate1, viJlttd ·tht J e a

1 e Jlay coati. board of. edueatton, and Mrs. was l'l i v on. During the soelal

• · . . · . family Friday of latf week. . .. Capitan Note• • Georgia Lusk. state superintend, ho?r a pencil (l&mo on treea wns &J =l4iJ*Xalhtrlne.Ke1tllthenew TheCWAboysare 'buay tbia 'ComiqSoon;...., · ·"'·· , e entblpubll~ lnJtruclion, made eDJoyedby-U,witb.Mra. Hiah-; ~~ r student _at tbt~local telephone week in fixing up the school- "ttart. Otho Lowe and llontfc tbeae announcement•. tow~r winning a pot plan~ as 1

office. We thought "~ recogniz- houae. "THESE THIRTY YEARS.. Gardenhire were Santa Fe villt- The IJ(eld Company of Albu prize. At the cloee of t~e meet-

' .

ed tht voice, Katb. Good luck I .. • , 0

. o Romance_ Fun_ Tbrllls ora,tbil week. querque, hna been the state de lng, jello custa,rd,cake and cocoa ' · Complimentary tickets wJll be ~. J. F. Northrup entertain· poaltory for bookl, for years un· was served. The few who were

Judg~ Frenger wu Ill a,t bla D I A M 0 N D D U S T diatrlbuted by t h e Carrizozo •d •t a bridge party and baby der cQn~ract. Now, the atatc ptesent reported an · enjoyablo home 1n Laa Cruces for a few Auto Co. Watch for the date or thower·ln honur of J4ra.Dan~Ku· will t~ke over the. function, sup a!ternoon, which, wa know they daya and Judg~Harry Owe.n act· The Carriz!lzo Ba•eball Team showing. alanovlcb Saturday afternoon. plylnK tll• book• at co1t, plup had, for the ineeUnge with Wn. ed until Judge Frenger returned held • well attended meetin,a IJridle waa played at five tables. only the actual ~oa~. of handling, WUaon are alwayalooked for-on Wedneldaf, S~day_~o._rndin~ in thde Sbetdfff 8 Jack Walk•r and hta "Rhythm The gueata were Mroes. Kmdan- Mr. Huff aaid. ·urs. Luak aatd, ward to by all.

owce 11111 ur era ma e ou ot · .. 1 t.h f · t f d d · · D

. F .. 8

.,. h b 1_ ba . ~. ... t

1 .d th· Klngstt · ov cb, Pay,man, Kin~r, Hebl'!rt, • r e e tex • un appeare The dance and box aupper.stlv·

, r. • ... o nson wu a ua tt, ual.• an. o tt neee11ary Lambert Moore Ch•lln w Jaht l(tre)y now to be large enough to • th h lh s~.ot .:r ... neaa visitor at El Puo Wedn .. - tl:)lnga w1tb whfcb to start the • • • r ~ • ~ · .' . en a., e ac oo OUI!e • \lryay d . t f

1 th .

1 t .. , t f, th. b

1 1 Last Saturday ntgbt, in 1plte Halley, MalJory, McKneotey, s u P P I Y free arithm!'tlca and nlgbt for the benefit of the ~tl

ay, re urn nsr_ n • enn ng~ eam ou or 8 . eg nn ng. of the rain and anow in the Dickey, Gould, Moorman, tht ~reograpbfea. These books were team, wae well attended. T h • Jdn.. F. H. Jobnton entertain· Manager Reynold• announced mountains and ov~r tb• mea.,, M'~1101 Fagan, Moyer, Smith. adopte!d )lit week at . the board weather did not binder the 1»11

ed the WednHdaY' Bridge Club that he bad been talking with the American Legaon danee at Da.xon and Squier. all of b'orl meeting a Ion g with a apeller. from bavlns a good crowd por at the Carrizozo Eating Houle mansgera of otberteamaln near~ tht Wingfield Hall in Ruidoso, Stanton. .. Tbb apeJier will not be IIUpplled, the crowd from having a gj)Od thb week. · by town• and bad. rea110n to be with the .. Rhythm Kina•" fur- The LRU met with Mise Arne• but Mra. L u • k said, the cost time.

, lieve t~t a lear;tue In the near niablng the mu•ic. there wu a Ua rtftz laat Thursday at her would probably be about 30 cents Methodiat Church Mr. and Jlra. F. J. Sager re- future11 a 1tronsr l)robability. good attendance. Tbla rtotl to ranch home. The Euter theme per apeller.

turned th• latter part of Jut . Ca~Jtala LaFleur atated that abow that where there fa good wu carried out in detail at thf !I any •choola are bein~r repair· week from Santa Fe where tbeu he woutd have the team out for dance mulde. p)ua an excellent party In talliu place cards fa· ed under the new CW A set-up. thEuter Sdun~~Y mornfnai at Q:42

' " · · next Sunday afternoon f1 d · t, the • • . • . ' It 1 h . d that b 1 1 e secon .c.aater aunr ee lit'"' hnd been \i!itrng at the bom_e.of w··tt· r G b . f th• toor, goo oodmantiareml'ebn Rb trbe • 'fOri, napklnt and refreabmenta. th • opte Ill beverky ac ou nf vice will be held for the Carri%o-

.Mr. and M~ Chu. ~penee and . • e . age, mem er o . . ~ a way a ag . me. . • Y . ~ lin. Joe Evan• won high acore_ • coun Y w e ta en care o zo community. acroaa the !Cal-their daughter, Mass Lorena Coro~l team, wu here Wedne~~ Kings "?llplayagain nut Sat . The next meetina will be at the by May. . i . t ... t th .. bill , h . i

. Sager. da1 1n .. tll~ inte~e1t of b a s e- ur:day ntte .at the ume. hall with home of ll,... Yon tie Gardenhire. • pa 1

.Oil' op 0

. • w er• t · . balr. especutlly h•• .. home t,earn. ~PPY mu11c at an 1pecaal Ealter With tbt L. R. u. girls ntlatlnr Attentton, Maaona wu held latt year. . Tbere will

Mr. and ~ft;s-R. E. 'Reeder. who W alte,r Ia h .. lnlf . earda. 1>nnted Donee, .Uld a bu!"per crowd Ia lho hotUia, There Will be a ftf.. . :t ~ ~~g :::~::. to~~:do:: 1: had been viluting .Hra. Reeder'• . . a Une up ~or tbe. score in expe.cted •. , • YOU are in'llted to courtt dfnnet urved to the bull- All Ma1on1 and. tbefr wives are k d t b th H 'tho4i .. _ mother, Kra. T. E. Armatron the center. while on the bord:r:- help ewell the cro'!d ~d join i,n blndl and boy friend•. after cordially invited to attend •. 10' c:urc~ at ~:1~ :~ m. I .:en .• ~ &tld brother RaJ for . about ten ground aJ)~tara adl tor the d~r- the good time. . lou JUit un t whicb,the playing of bridge will e i a I even in« at the l(asonic church will be warm ~nd li hr!t ·, dar~t, came through here Satur- ferent . Coron~ • bualneil .. ftrmll. afford to mial the fun! .,. the means or entertainment Terrtple . Or) Saturday evenlnft. The procestdon will atirt' t ~ day. a-nd after a abort ata

1.went Among oth•r tbantt. ha.uid the . · . ror tbt remainder of the even· llarch 31. btiiginrting at 8 p. m. . . . . . . ~

on to their benne in Tucumcari. team Will g(Ye. a, dane. at an · Through an error in the eo~)' fnr. The number of gueata at There wUJ be cardl, danclntr ~~r~d Jr:n•w.:t•!~on .. vt~ll · be . . . .. . . . . . • • date . for . the purpose of of . the notei. of the Woman'• thla •ntertainment wiU be 36. a plea•ant evenlna'• entertain- p~ov.•i,e h or 1~1 ose not . ~vine

Hra.·E. H. Sweet witt be bOlt ... 't&lllng fundi for the team. Club tad. weeJc, the date of the .lh· &nd Krl· Leo W~aver 'of ment for, an. . Cbfl. h t ~r .. 1"~:: .tu ·th• ~u to the Catti~otO' Bridge Club Dfatrlct meet . at Ruid.oso_ was · · • . •pent laat Sunday at ~nNrtafnm~!!_t Committee, !n~r:b~erve ;.::until . a~t:'4::" ~t the Carrb:ozo Eatlna Houie OSCURA .NOTES licheduled for Hay ~ ~· w~en the home ot lit. and Mr•.fl.ontfe ·.. .. . . RoJ Sliafer.Chalrman. aunrlie nrvie~ and than i'a.v: Satut~J afternoon. . it ahould have read •. Allril Zl 28. Gardenhire - . · Weddinr annivera~ary. The dln· 1. · k. f ·· .... · t'' ·.. ~"- ·hll'l · ·

__.............. · Member• pleate not•. • _. · . ..,,.a ••~~ ou · ou "'"' • An Kra. Va-nee ·P. Smith thd lliu The rain I.Dd 1now of late will • ~ • llra. V ernnn Koafer, who ner-"" a•ven at the· home of egg hunt for thJ' chUdren wh(_ be.

Dorothy A.rnotd of Oaettta wen quite a Jot. of rcood. It · our old ,friend. Bert Holland been •nereJy. m and ·under rf:• ror~up:A eovflte wa~f e fun. too. Everyone must brln$r oarrizdzo vWtora · • li'l«' tht true and weeda a aood ha• been adnticed to the llOti'"' treatment in El Pa•o for t b e ' or1 ·1 d m1 obc:~ ~: . n~ bi• ~wn •uppllel. One·bqndred

· . . - · atlrt. ' tton of .Cie·rk for th• Motor · two -weeke, ratutned ho~e ~u 10 emn te w t ~ Beall people attended tht aunrfmr ~tet-, lltl. J. v. Ta;Jor ot tiM I- Sam Dillard 't

1. gathering the Tranal)(lrtation Department o I . • ~ . u the bride, Jimmy Nor.thru~ vice• on tht hllllaat·Jtat _liijt It

X raneh near O~ura itttnded LOwden horue thfa week S t a t e Corporatfon Cotnmilaion ¥111 Thelma Cbappel,. teacher ..- tht ltt'OOm while_ Lon Mer fa _expect tid . that m.any tnore Will the Wedtle.day_ afternoon meet... . · · . . _' . . and biUI hi• hilldquarter. at in 1M Capitan acbootr, I• ill at chant om elated ••, the 01inl•ter. at~nd tbi11 yeat.· wh_en w• thall lnJ of the l&i$1kmlfJ ~retJ _Kr • .and 11~. Ira. Rob.lnaon.Mr. Santa Fe. Hi• advancel'];lent Mt boml bert wlt.h tonallltla• lnclden~ ·ln marrfW lives were rt!JOice together in the -rtturrec• ,. _ the t.letb-odfi' Church;- · ~- Mra.. Ne~t Robtnaon ·and euits us jullt at well a• If we'd lin. WUJ Shaw fa •ub•tltutlog told and ~onrratulatlont offered Uon o.t ?Ur .L.<mt ·

. Jack Robf.n&On went fo Carri~o%0 made the appolnttnent ourelYel. fot her durinr her llhieas. _ the honor rue~~. . ln•lde of a The Sunk.Y 1J~b()o1 and .. even-There wilt he a. Church SuP"" Thunda1 to hear tbt LOwdtm . . . . . · . _ . . . . _ Tht Ca ltan P. T.A. . cardbo•rd -cake. tht honor g.~eatt h:ur ehu~~h tetYJCea . will .. not bt

ptt at ttn~olu tomorrow · e~efi" .. J(r. 111d Kra. c. o. Garrf•on A .• 1 2 ~· tb . 0. ~ 1 .. . t found a love1t glft ot_ ell-ver ... · .· .. · held next Sunday_. Tbe morratnw ~---..~- ' . . pr1 a • Jm~al um, I. Thoat pr"&ttt Wtrt: -and · · tervic~ Will bo h~el:d at •

1'0 to tbt Iliad fot' the ntw ·. wtte0arritot0¥1aitottfutwetk. o'clock dlnntt . efliiht#·· •. . ·. · .. . . . . . . . .. .... .· . . . . . 'bo()kt tot .U.. Cb.urcb.. · . .· . ·· .. · ·· · · . _ . . . ... · • 1'hetlwf u their au~tt• · · .. 111'. and Mu.K&rl . . ......... · . ·. Karl Oul'ltdnaha,rn· and . ·· 'tetnooo church aerY I~ win be . . . . · .. S..l!l· DUI~rcl .rot _on• ot . h•_• . Mn. Cad Jon•, llt. ·. • 11 d hid u UMir dinner aue,att . la•t G•ll•,Ht. and tlrt.l,4ert P'tovine1 held ·at An~eus at thf utual bout. · · · Do .mn prtftr 'bload• . ltnatl bld1'. tprainecl JfC)JldaT, • . Al~rt Zfertu. ·)b. • n d FridllY evenJn.a, . Kt .. · l1'ld Mr.. J«t •. end. Jlrt. Obttnt! Ftrau•on, Y~,JUnr J:JtOple'• le•ttutatrtlee at

, . b'm•ttnt ~'bid 1lGt at tt. .··· """ &. ;::t ''t'lld,. 1uJrll _br .· . Jlorran Loffftcf1 A4 l(tl. .111. Haw~rcJ, .. _ ... , . . · . . ·Hr. ud. Mtf~ · J. Ti. Northrup, ·· Pw m •• In Cartf7.0jtf.. .· • ' . · .mtcdPt_. toltOttoW . · ..... ·.· h . • r*laerkildhlm n.,ttt. . . 4t•'la cfock di~n•r Weclr;••· lft.·~llrt.~trar.. .. . . ,,,-;,, .... ._, ..... , .. ,, ... r . f •.· .. · ·--t·. · · .. · · · .· .. ·.a ..... ·.lfll.· .· .. -.. ···· .!1.··•·· .... ·

1 .. -· ..... ·o·. f.·. · .... t ·it· .. · ...... · .....

1 a· · t;bii""Q4 .ad taD an7 Witll. · '"' ·• 1

" · · c1a1 .vntat.ll ... ~ !1* tb• ·· · · · · and.· Ur~. LeROy · M•tchant. Mt.. · G•-.,.fd'on Wi:i hett·ltom •• w""' t';f(i,.,..··-·- -· ·~. .. .. · .. · ·ift.;;:t.·<Lt .... ··.·f .. fj··· n~J· ......... ~-.·.· · M"t.i:wC.fttb· - • ..,...,. •... .>.-.ao_ · · · .. tllilJ·J,,c.u • .,...,.._.U•.~ .... w .. d· ·. · ·-· .. t· .. , ..... ~o .. ..Uaw :I.WU ~ ,.. " "., · A•·""' ·- .,.a . - ..... ~~: ...W . ff"l_ r;::ru•-- f .-.a"'•- -.: ••· ~ •· --· "# . .,..Jll~~---·"'~·- .. · •

wu a baflQ• tidtor fQ f(l(l:l llt'Uotaalcl tluw 11 Sbttlft ..S Jll'J. · •utprf•td .Mt. and Mr... llr•:~ W, 't,.'f:,uiilpk,int; ud ·Mtt. attendfnJ to tol:ll·• bu•htNI *t• · ·tJUI · •• till Wti JloallaJ. ., . · . flu .. · ill up .. · l.iUID»lda• 41i ... tla.tli 40tb d®t Bob.,.. a au••t. of~ club:. tttr. ··


.. . •· ;:--· _;~

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Page 2: t·. · · .. · · · .· ..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · Carrizozo .~ . --. ---... -' . . • • . . . ' . • • under • • • ' •

I . I . ;

. ' . - ' ", .. . ' ' il ·. I

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" 1

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·. ,. (, ' ~ ~

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• ' '

0. ac:. .... ' . ' ---

.. 1.i1 • t.JUabnnll wlrf.'d me from ParJ.t on my blrthdny lf~,kjnr: whether he. llhoold buy me a' Rembran-dt Qr a TJtlnn. Sow, whl<'l1 would you have?"

"\\;'ell. 111 tnr oa that goe~~, moat ot tbote F'rf!nt'b cnra are ver7 &ood.'' ------

He K-w The doctor I!Urrcyed bls pntlent

with n t'rltknl ll)'e. .. ll'm," he muttered, w.fOU Conteu

that . rou of() bad lf!mpcrcd, • eb? I auppow I need not tell you that a flod tem1wr Ia t'IJ uncd by an ugl1 Uttle mtcrob(' ?"

Too pntl .. nt gnnp~>d. "'Hr1t1 ! .. 11c t'lclnlmPd. "1..-or IJetl'l'·

en'• ankfl. •r•enll qul(•tly, doctor. 8be'o ullllog In thP room next door ...

LacJ,. FIJ, .... Mr11. F. (', )f. wrll1•11: "Aibnrt, nr:e«J

tllr~e flllfl fi ttatl, wu• dllllbcdlfnt. nnd J "llld to him, 'It you don't be­bnvo, you'll ""' llflllnlu•d. roo woulc! not llltc thnt. IVOtllll your

.. 'J "·oultln't lll!c dndlly to apnnlr: me,' tyo• tho rNJPOhlw.

"'Why not'r' " 'll1• dorm'! Jcnmy how. Jll' lmrtiJ.'" U~>alon '1 rnmwrlpt. •

True Eaourb •

An lrlnl1 amoll tnruwr was nllkcd by hla In ndlnrll II tho ·report of bla lntrndr•d of'rorul rnorrloao .. vna true, nnd ••

r--~--._..., .rour t'l'lt(l hnll only bcon

' '

' I

, I '

: I

H ; '



I i ;j

!! .


' '


r \

' . ·- ~- '

drad n Wf'tlh, f'nl.'' 11nld U1o landlord. N AI•' llhUrt•," r••tortod l'clf. ~uho'a aa

llrnd now 011 ohn """' will b('l, 7cr twnor ·•- llorcll'r C'ltll'a fltor.


"II otT • nn I ,.,.,.,, my l•nlr from folllrJ!l (IIJ('·"

PHuu t do Dll)tldllcr thai onnora U.,.

C.ttlnr Enn "J '" J~>U DJ•I•r••<~• uf tlw r.-~trlt•tloo

or , roru• ~· hl''"'· plr.~ nnou,~nl Former ('orn·

lttltlllll. •· Wall mroot hna modo ua I rotllliP l•ntt!JJ'o:ll nod Uat> only way tor u• to an ""'''• Ia to ol'llnnil!fl wmo tmola nnd rurrll•ra end trJQngq ou our l>IHI Dl l'l.l!ltll '

Ad .. aand Leuona l our•a \\ Ill' Hnlnc «lui oan!u' Tu-o

J•·nra ceo. »o~ ~1>1 I una yo!lt \l'bo!Q "rrrld

lluah:md l r-.:t; II Lo src:rt~r1111na ,,,,go UJ!Uh lt~lj:FllfillV you COil 1.-nm I o tuo Jl'lll"'- l!t>rlln l.uollgt' Ul::u•t· lvr.

Dead Leller Darltone '"i C'ruUh, Ah'a Q arr.:11 lll()r;;Oh,'" "\\'broh dliJ JnU all lr-:~rn tu alngl" .. All lltodnolt>d rrurn a corrcq,ol'ld·

• tnn> lll'hllfi! u

- ....

"lluy, ynu 1hu' l<1:al IHI11 ot '10 ID:lll " • lnrlt!o 'fimc::;Tottm,

Not Wiau but More Wart "(m l/'Otl l:f'U\Y "'Ccf'r Qll yo~ sro~•

o~~tar .,No,.. ar.ll~fff'd RC'C:llllt' O~r.

11htlrn, .. , n:.tt II h.:mkr C.:lch Jror to m!lkll J~ro.-tlmJ tlliO of ti!O tnfo:rn&• Hull I bavo cln>::Jdy ncc-omulnl~l ..

-==o-- .. =c;;. ==--=-~~

ffm·ml 'ITndlf'r no a.-o;:rnpby ·~~n)­

~0\7 nm nn,. ootJ)' tell t:!Cl trtlrro •• flod t:'.:Ul~UOI?

Rr.owlna l.lttto Uo.v~ Ttt. rnla. u tl•roYer wom..1o co<?a. ~ &il'i.in Tran• lt'flPL


... -. •


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r, r.t1·. *"nJ'..,iVmco ID.wntd the~ ... ~·~e..

\VAiillll ·~ JC ~ cf d.;o. . T e~ die • w~t tlw c:itr,

Thm, ,.. J..ce w ~itt ..,.,~ ' . .


Slw. ~Birth ""'~its~. J3mit,c d..ah ""' ~f, co hrin&

F'.&i7t rtc:ciwd dwr ~ ~~~­Th.t 'from O..th fi!MYfd thi ~

FJowen in Jwc holy~. Min&Jed ·~ Lr~ .Low.,

A¥ t1w yew,Nna ~wiN. etf 'WOIMn

Pcwed the [,..,.nc. cf t!llir kvt. • w. of Cod lll'f uuJ, honortd..

~cf.M•~t~J*t: Let ,. on our ~ ~CC«d Him

lnc4Ne etf • ~~ul h.art.

at .

easter 'Time

• Ttt. Modern £Utll' Lily,


,.,.... : -

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·' I .

.. '

e . - . - . ~ ' . .



• ' ~- .. - .-..:.--

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~IMPROVED . · · · ... · UNIFORM fNTERAATIO,N"L ·s· UNDAYL . · .. .· ·_ · .···· ·.. · ··. sson . CHOOL I ... . . .

-~ -·- ---~ ·---~


' p . •

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' '

' .

.. ' ' outu COLF IN ~ R .. ,4J. , " - I , , •

. They wer~ ~hattibl ~~- the· c:lpb. lou~ ~t~r a ,trenuQni'l8 .Jl()l~

; "Tllll Pit!.~ ot ~uU(lln~t . til•. "OUrs«) JJI a lot ot ro}lbl•." •tUd 0~~· ~e questtoQ ot·.~~~~~ry 21loul1J pn enter Into IQJt."· · · · ·

. · ·. •·eertalnli not{' ap-eed . tll~ 'qtb~ •'ne blg· q!l(!.stlan Is bow to kee, 101t !fo,m ent~~ lnto the ~e~eq.•

· ~()ur lo~ d!1alel-' ~~Ies J!'~'• Pure Bred · Veg~\)le ·.~we..· Nw onlyli centa ~..-Pil~le. Adv. · '

. '

Why a

Need laxative

An approved fifJ!.lld laxative ~ne­tbat. i1 Wid~y meil for chilclml it Dr. CWdwell's SyruP. Pepaln. c. mUd laxntk·c action of thii excdlent. preparation is the bent form of help for children-and er<!WD-UP.~ toO. 'The dose can be niufated lor any tBC or need.

---·- - •• - ••• -· ---- - # - ,___ •

· S Your druggitJt has Dr. Caldwen"t yrup PcV'J.n. Member N. R. A.


Severe Hching · Eruptioa on Baby's Face and Scalp

Cutlcura He~lecl "'Wbl'll b:lby was Wtw('('n two nncl

t1Jrro months old on crupU{ln apo _pmrcd on hrr toco and l<'lllp fn

· amnu, roi plmp!c.s wlltrh beco.rn.o ln­&tcd \7Uh fluid tulll Inter :formc11 & t>mst gi!vlnt: tho !ltto n yrry dltflg· nrlng oppromne<>. Duo to tho ~('ro lkhlDC b::tbJ' ~otlld a.aokb. c:nwh:lgo bloollilt:. Not untll a!lo wa.t ft\'o :montbs old d!d Jwlr grow on top or her h~d.

u A trlenil retO!illtt(>!;dctl Ca!Ucura. t${)ap and Oltltn::C'Dt ~I bought thbn. Arter two tr«b Were wu a lfon­dtttal !mJl:o.-cmenf'. ltild '!tlth theo mtt c;t tno roko ot Soap nr:tl on& box of Olntml'nt rmo Will hroYed." (f!J~M) 'Mnl. W. n. Orott!!,l.!ncotn­ton; G~ Au;:. IO, W33.

Sc!lp 25e. Omtmrnt z Md roe. Talem!l Ze Solll e.-e:swhe.:~. On& Rt::!p!o ettcll ~ Ai!drcss: ••eatr­cou Lalxmltort(;!J. Dfr;t. n, ltn!dep. lfou."-Adv. .

-P-·.~ ---··

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Page 3: t·. · · .. · · · .· ..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · Carrizozo .~ . --. ---... -' . . • • . . . ' . • • under • • • ' •

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-· ' ~ ' '



f. f '

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... , ' ' -

- ' .\> - .. - ' ' '-, • ..

'' ·* . ' .. ,.

. ' . . ' ' . .

-~•·BirthdayCards -FOR-

a "

F'•th• M·ot&w;. st.w I . . I - I

Btothtt, Son,Davghter, H~b:a,nd; Wife and

· ., SwetthHrt.. . ·nut&ook An a-,'GittSlioll

. ' ' .--.

. . ,. .' ' ' -- -· - ' ' ' •' •.. -

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Wm.GaUacber, W. 14. R. E.Lemon.Secy.

_. ' -


. ', . ' - ' .·

' ' . - . ' '


Carrizozo, New Kexlco, R•uvua llaftaNo

f!lr•t '1'1t~, of nett cnoaU...

AU Vf1itlng Star• Cordlallyln ilted. .

Gus•ie r. Titnrortb. W. ll., -. Maude L. BlaneY: Sec'y

• I\_ ' .

- ' ' - '

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' ' _ ... •

. .



·'' -

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' ,_ ., r ,,

·. Meats- of aU .Kinds~ · - ' ' - . ' - . . '

Fancy and Staple Groceries. ' ' '

. ' • -'


• ' ,J ' - , I

< . ' .'. ' • ' . .

', .. . . ' -

' .

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• . . •

• •

. . ~ -

.And lt wJU b' a Jot. of fun. ·, ., Fer LarkwoQd hMB made it · eaey for to Kfit juet the

Announcen'lent • l1 -

L 'E. HUNT l wi1.b to announce. myself at County Surveyor a candidate tor the- office of ·

-- - -Carrizozo .~ . New Mexico - . - -. --- ... - '

Civil Enghteerlng Clerk of the Board of Tru1teea . . ..Whlto.~Oakt, NtW Mexico. . of.tha.YJIIaga ot-Carrlzozo •. --- .

"Try Fint National Service" • t

. . .

' .

• •

Deposits Insured under U.S. Government Plan D

. S. B. Bo•tian •

Y earlin.r Hereford· Bulls, at Reasonable Prices. · The Tirswoa·TH- Co., Inc.

Capitan, N. M~


Notlee of Forecloeure Sale Notice of Hearing of Final Report and Account

' ' •

. .

Page 4: t·. · · .. · · · .· ..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · Carrizozo .~ . --. ---... -' . . • • . . . ' . • • under • • • ' •

! ~


' ' -. ' I ' 10

. . . .

' . ' '

!. PROF~SSl-ONs· 0

~. •/F!i!'l : a.a/rpn~ .. ,..,., Ill' A-- r rn; t • ....,. ••

JOHN £. HALL . ' Attornsy & Counsellor At ~w ' Lutz Building '

Carrizozo - New Mexico ·a F T -·= eq -~·!!~' 7! ... 4 f I i77MOt ••

'1'. l!i. KELLEY . ll'uneral IJirect.or & Ueen~teu Emb .. lrn•r

,. fte•Wilnce J>bonu 88

• New ·Mu:lco

li Dll. R. E. BLANEY. Oent.i1t

- Lutz UulldlnfC-i Carrh.uto N ""' Y81lleo I 1

-~ ....

A. L. 8 U RK E Notary Public ·

nt Carrizo~o Ovtlouk Office Cnrriznzo, Nt'w Mexico

l<:ntri~IJ made of an ~gal 'rru.nsactions.

. , __ , ___ .,._ -~ ... ··- ...... -~,..__..._,_


lnromo Tax Consultant & . Pul,lir Accountant.

iOOKOUT1. euow ..

!Y' K'

I :

' J


I 4 _

- ' ~ -

' , : ' '

l • ' . ~ ·,

' .. p l .

. ' -~- '

I ..

9':RRIZOZO BAK.E~Y.1 • ••

& Supply. CompanY, ·.· •

• - ' " It

· -Ask Your 'Groc::er. f'or-. .

GOLDEN KRUST BREAD "Birtrer and .Bett.,r" . I

. .

Fresh Every Sunrise· ... • • c~rrizozo, N. M. .

T · ~t' ry 1 •

; '· '-·. ' . ' ' ''

' ' ',

' •' q " ' ' - ' . . -

' ' ' ' . ., ' ' . .

.,_ ' ' ,'' .. .

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- ~ ~i .. ···=· . : . _, j _, :1 __ _ I . . I . -

- . . . . iii~;;;~·;;;;;.

' . •

. No m,-.ttar wh•t th• . • . blll'tl~•'.l l9r PJJ.~tfonal publi¢ltJ ff~l!d ba~ ~tevet :rt.orted to at~nt teat urea to ••U ·hi a c:arJ, F.r.l'~f•h :body de,.. .afan• on an •~tl)'mol)Jl• ·~• j~Jai ••. . IIIMCPlaUv• a·l frea\iiP deJip• , Oil tmu.... .

l,{llllona of ~llatt w•tup.llnt t(l ··•n Arntrlc~JJ M~torittlf Qn freJ wh,llllnr. ·Font .d•clrl)ej) ·to put· l$ em b!a ear1 •.

111• J'o~cl

' " t ' . - . ' ' ' . I - . ..

cARRiiQZO AUTO, co .. . . . ' ~- . ' . . ···-.-~ - .

. . .

. Sales ••

. '

' . •. •.. . '

. . . .

·service .,

,, ' • • • ' '< • ..,

Before you buy:AIVY·Car at ANY

' . .

· I) ' t I

If., . ' .

" .. . '· ··-;' ' .

• I

' . . . I

.. ~ - -. ~

.. ·; '- -

:, ' -

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' . . '•

" ' I ' . ' .

•. ,... ~

. ' ' l .

1--r- __ .... _~- -· - . --- .. --- ------· . Cotton I<;xehan~~c Building

~~.-~-----+--ce, .. v-e · ·

' ·'

: )

l I I l


Las Cruces, New Mexico.

l~nrollt-d to praetlae before TreaRury Dept. '

"'" " - -

Carrizozo eleaners. Dry Cloapin& That W.ill Pie•• You

Tailorln& and AlteHtlou ' Mall Orders Given P..Ompt Attention

or No v .. ,~~-

·L.A. Jolly

There are no ~adget.a t4 ~teb :\ll .. 1ar~ey J,n4 la~J on prove ~o bo llll•blc••~ . ' .•

• . 1h• Fotd poUq of. ~onllnuou1 . lrnprov•U.ltnt tj w•ll thQwn ln tl'llt 11111r'•·c1r: lt J1 tll• btllt nr tht F~n·d M~tor Co~pa~f ~•• over bu.Ut. .

. · Ia the Ptohte Court

Count1 ot Uneoln ) ••· Ill tbe. Wat.ttr ot t.he; ) £a1t Will and 'l'e•t•- >



' •

Expert f4ecba~ical Work AT •

, G.reatly Reduced ·Prices I I . .

Gaaolino, Kero•r:ne, Lubri .. . . • ••

c•li»a Oil a11d Grea.tet I

' .

============.===========:: ~elit of DaltJ A • .Oat'-) .-.=.,~·· ~~----==~·=~=--,.,....- nett, Dt~uo(!, J

• • No. 8$t

·For Sale ~~----~-----11! NOl'lOE tTn• 'W. 14. ntroou. 11nd llrt. A. J).

Novelties Magazines -


Ciaau of All Kindt

Prefterlpttone Cart~tully Compounded.

MaJratlc Rldlo1

RoUand•a Drug Store

Garrht«lZ<J. N. M.

. M!llpais _ Dairy

Whole Milk - Cream Butler - Cottage Cheese


Mn. M•rlfe Espy. Prop.

rn JJC'&Jltb_.._ Tll-·1 1 ·-n ., ''''_I_M± ._.. ... • - 4

Show an adual profit o·n , year'• , ... dintl ••• Your homa Mws­paper and the pick of this choi(•ltst of ~··All for the •masint1 1ow tH"ice sivctt

ltttlt "•'"• . ~Gti-J.l • 0 Otlifttlht """"'''n'"''""'l Yt.. C tf~•• MoTk Mq,,l'Yr. CMcc.Wt MltfJte• ... -,.1Yr. 0 Mttit ~ ... ,.:. ........... 1 Yt. .. Jt~thAfttltr .tWtt\t,L ... 1 c ~it~· kttiW .... ., .... ,. .. t y,. co,. .. itu l'ltfjl), ... ,.,,.2 ... ~"--0.$c.tt,lfJ I~Hit n4hi-U\"4t.-~u.utr Yt •.

- - r -

OScttt• .fl&t ... ,,.,,_, ..... ..,.."t Yr. Clfr•· c..r...-. .. :....~ .. l .·· o-aw•.t- t'~1'1'~'-ht.'\,:::;--t<~lt$:d''\'t~1


Camp Malpai$ · Store= Filli•t Statlft

Caltias · --Beat of Se,rvie~-

Ott• &t ... tiij)t; ft"" '


• Palmn. and

'bom lt lhyCom:mn · .. - SOm& Used COAL STOVES at LOW PJllCES~ · ---· ~ · · . ·· •

Tbe TITSWORTH CO., Inc., · Capit•n, N. Jl.

. ' ':"' - ,,

Notte. til hertby tlvell that an ln­•tl'timtnt purport .. lrll co tl lbt l.ut. WIU ana 'r••umtnt of Dahl)' A. Bar­nett. Dteuud, hu b11n filed for prl>-bat•ln 1h~ l'rob•t• Court ot Lincoln ,.... .. ______ ._._. ___________ _ Ccunty, N•w Meilcn. and by or4er, ~h• 'ltb d~f ot lola,y; IH D. ·15134, at the

. ··~ ' . . ., ~...,.........,..,..,..,.._,_.,I.(W ___ t:rl._,........._....._.._...,-.-JJ .. 'i::W;W,hb (t ___ _, ....

· hour uf 10 A. M.., •t th• ~ourt room t>f Uid co1nt in.lbe vUlag$- M Cj&.tti ~oto. New 1loaico, I• tht d•Yt time Jl'ld vtatf Cor ·bet.rtng l!tOOf of lllld t.ait. \'·iU and '1't~larnent.

........... /1•=0 ...................

Lt. tbt Unit!lkl Statft Diatricl Court for th• l>i•ttict of


Unt~d .St•l4• •t AmorJt. M tb• .lbl•t.lo• •""a !or- t.b• Us~t of G. a B. "&tlllptJttnt C()mpat~y.

... C<lt'~f·t~ · tl•mmt

...... Auu1tan Ea~olojtB" IMvrane• • C.mpqf, • CorporatitJ~J,

~ .r.w.nct.nt.. N<trtCr!

NoUee J• httabt xil'tn thlt' \tl a.hn• •tttltlf<f a.ua. w•• ftW in th.

I a\'lo'f• -~~ ~\itt. Oil t.lit 11th of JiGtlllllbt. ttt 1ha J;KtJfkfjtJM)

· •! ~ t'IO. 'title -10. u. . a. A,, 1•~..- • ._baatUnt•rt<l tatb bttwh'n tu~· Ualttclltat .. ~~ A•ttea au lJSl. •••

J .. J«ai'•u••Y for the· ~ttvctft.tt .


·~ .


F,or ~u:r ttl'e <~f .clin-drr, oUr ;!

ot not mal- f()t ~nrr co#lll'le:tiott.

J,ftutU F11U Powk si•~ the lln.l, lin .. i•Lin,s touth to tttJk~•up 'Wbiclt ia tht

~~ of HC:If 'WOil'liLU• n~lishtfullt .. oft, tnJ:r inri.tibl~, •e» du.e-; it •b:tJ crt lot houu. l'here~ can Lc 110 puret

powdu. Of 'Course it

tz •• th• tkdllins . M A V 1 S M.,.,;. h2$WSt:e •


• ,,

kltJl'O'fltMl\t of ,Ptojtclt at A•f. B·l ........., II' ···' ·- .... . .. . . ' ' ' . - . . 1• .,.. <ME4JEt ;:a ••-r• n · =••• ..... ....._ _... ...... :e ....

. Uti· C•rrt.sH~lltli1fl ~ ~&ti.aal.ftt«KKt 1 1 I 1 , • 1 • :-r (lUt hwlif -.tt• lcJ~itH ltltbtn o tf_,r-_...., ...... ..,._....,._...,. __ ....,_......., _ _.._.. ____ ...,~t""'i'o h•iLirtlt wlt.\irt 4t tJnec>ln N~tkllt•l te~P~t. ~tl\1 ill Uncoln. St.att ol

Mtrlto. and" 11on! de~tt-4 J. M•tottt:t and. tfa dtt•tldant

t,.1i.4 ·· n'IM l•t \l• t•tU:&t•l Pttl•tJ ..... t aM• •t takt e1>•nP\l -eondal' t lu

· · "••trvtU.f• of. Mitt 1't0ltct an tl ttartll1rt ee!MllUot'IM lot tbt ai.'fi t~til~l •tilt ........ f(W lilUtt.l ~ &.Wli'l .-tnt. I•• ~- •.W --~.

. . iwHlkH MYI .. ·~ .W•'*'C to· fDw• , • .__ . .,. · ....-\ t "'• *'4 ~·1 -.. 1tffjlrtl

tt>•t't.* t~~M~r••M w•puy., tlf.. MIO .. ·..W ••• f.r••«t•rr..l •t .

ln•rr~ blta$111t4l• ••••ti• 1ttdr 4k . . · fata·tk-f. d ••nM~tt .. "Wklct

~-::~::1· .. t!W t~l :tt.•lt rl,tllt te) . · f f1: .-ld ~ ~ h Ml\t. t.at:rt tW.il t • r ·WJ~ ~ ·u.. Jr*'flol- ~t' 11M1

. . ' '

Start Spring with a - - - - - ' ' · ..

. . ~. . .· . . . ' ; - ' ' ' . ' ' S.. ..A. c··c· .E·· ·.R··· ·.

• - ' • ,.... - • - > ~ -- - - ' - -

·suiT· • •

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Th~y're ta~in' th6 · · . . 1tyle" world by ttotm


StJlt. Qtalltt·"·:.··: •I:Qcl Low Pri•t 'ttU11 a¥itl · · . •xtt~Dnltnat'f coltlbln~Jott S•t at ~ •e•"" . ~b'f •tir&l 'htete da.hlnl t'•eed Catr


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.-Kn~l~.-··wtt~t ••• .-IM,&t~ Mft

---- ~ ...... ~t . ,' . . -tt.ilomt- "--~_.___·---~--·~_.

. " to ipgltl~i~fi-1 kt t.Ytf1 cltt.,tf, · ' · .,.., ._, Mlftif*M.M.,_, M•d-.r ·t h ... _. . ~ 18hi. ,...,, .. .,., .... -~ ..

CIMtllhi!II!Wollt•MI•• t...,,,,,~""; ''"'" .. _,.._.,,,;""_"1'1Wilit """""'•• . •• II,IIQIJIM•III\I•6*t,_..l'lit_, .... ,..M .......

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lftiflff.' ......

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.N•w•t ••••• eo.~ · · · · · Bn\7 oo. ~ftt)t·lbud, t<M>(

Very Rf:uonably Priced . ... ~ ... ~. ~Nt··

' - ..:__) .


' --· "'- -

. ; .. · .......

Page 5: t·. · · .. · · · .· ..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · Carrizozo .~ . --. ---... -' . . • • . . . ' . • • under • • • ' •

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.BY fiAR.ol.·D. TITUS -. -· . . ' .

' . -ClOml~t :1t7 ~o14 ~t•

_ · · 'WNUBIM'I~" ; .

CHAPTER .U--Gtmthiuea . ' - . .. '

' ~--'"Don jour-I" tbe IJ~Iln c~Uecl. "lJuUo, ~ufel ':rbla ~lm Fl)'nn'J," "-OulJ Oul t .:ree!ll JI'J.ynn. Yllb.

8uJ"et'' · ~~ fal" to heMquamn,f'

f'Oh, man aay Plll!!-t'lfo

lae. Hea.d lac IJ~Ue-two rnore from her. b)' rock dun. noc:t da1n, . •lie ,nlle-two by heril lt co T.•rt last. Oull''· S~ve vlnnecl. •'Let'• .ee, :now. Iou put toc~ther

· eno\l~h mUc-two'• a11d lt'll m.-e • lonr draa. 'rt'l thtc: Bow tonc•u 1t take J!le, J...oule 1'' ·

"A.h I 'ow long b7 he~. -&h! · Da.•i bettalt, IUrt!l lfu,lc from JUe better 1alk. •ow Ionr. t'll7 I tel11.ou, ;tnlatalr 'f01DI Dllt.U; [( •he (0 bJ li'OOcflt Jhl ·pot ao te.r1 dam' tf aha bJ . . .

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tide. If J'lJnn ll brolc.e. ju~ .o lllU.cll ~()x-. roUQ~ for•· thei~ m•n ~o l3t <ii-'1'- _ t.Jn ot jobl at a tall' wage elth&:- hera -or •o.newhere ~a. U other eop:~pllntea lll'fl paylnc mol'e Ulan Flnm Ill you can't e:q,~t & worldn~r mao to 1et Jott hetrte4 ~d 10 on wortlnr: tor cbmtr.

.. And. Mc:NAll1, 7011 keen atalUnr llnd ulduc •em tQ walt untU :roun1 ;Jllll ~Olf'f Up, !'OUUJ J'tm FlflUl ,,._ 'Vlth a Jra~: _ "kn1 one ~f Jou ever

. . ---

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Artists''-''Painted ·Comments~· -, ' • • • " ' - I ' , . '

one ot tbat arUtit's. pletures as • ~lng Jlllglttler thnn thl.l nen.-Lon. mi$Cr llltUnr in -ludgrocnt on a do& don Anawerr. tor robbinS ltle kltCh\lll. On tll!J · · ------ · eomlng to tb~ eara ot' Sbeurd's 11011; For Wide Diseunion tile lll.tter rcptllr~:cl to thll palntul"a • llouse In Ills ubscnco n~d destroyed of Eeonomse Probl"'m' tb!.' callvluJ, A new experiment In rurnl mlult

O.u •notller occ:aalon a portrait or <!ducatlon Ja under wa1 h.l Now :fer­n nobleman whleb Rognrtlt bnd p!llnt· II.())' wltll spenknrs dn1w11 trom vnrl· e4 wu returned to tho artll!t All blr ou& unl\'Cri!lUes nnd Rti\tQ. nnd tedl.'rnl sn: nothln~ better than il cross carJ. Q~nnl:.:lltlon!J. 1nelu\1ln~; tho Unttell cature, .and .. l)lyment tdUJ~ ~be Stntc!! Pcv;r.rtnumt of , next (Jny tl1c poer re~l'icd tbls let· Tho UnlvcrtJltY In.11Ututc of J\~~~~ tcr: us Is ls 111



Of Bayer Manuractute

\ ' . -. '



J'~mj• ~-,.~.Old opl,yl1l ~. il•tt(l »at~stt -Wbeli ro~ bW. ~ _ t?'tt f;'l!'ll:lla "J'ClU A~ fl\}.l'e ·qf -~1;\ flllllilt qual.llf •vl\lU\blt>. M1~ _ _

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. . -Thiale: lt <n•r .'r!w~ $,P~Il~ lJl gettlm; eYilll wolllil ~ .,etter 1>Ptllt ln ceW~; ~tleq.ll.

• . •


Your Advertising


•• U11e4•a1 Pf•lrlh"Ut~a Rul 'fthtetaiu

It there 11J too l:llnr.h -rioo _ tn ttic.l ThP tmmt diOJ'IJWitatmt'nt )(ltt tun ; hltcl•en. ttletc ore smrdllg Ji~-o~l~ on ('S-pl!:~"n;,c(l 1.!1 ~t~;:lppoilltc:Ult In )'lltll'·1· t!i.c tG!d.-.M~dus. Jelr. ..

• u .....,.......,.....,.._.,~~zu::o'-'ea'rata' ab ,,....,_,. f ,..,...,.._. 1· M ••'l:...._.~....,,.l.:l'~•t"•LP ),,_;r.a' ·=




CINT'I -loll

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buya wxnething mur~ than. •pace nnd cli't!U•

lation tn the columru; ot thilt netr4papu~ lt buts apdCil and dtcula­tl()tl plus tbe favor-

-able coi1$ldetatlon or oUi" readers tot tltis

-ttewapaper., and Ita adf'erUstng pllt-ronll.

ltt us t~• you more lbtiUt it

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At REASON. AB·L~ P· . .·tnhust.Fr•d~Ytr;ol)l tb•~rspc1bbt. Ut~t nom••· ... · .· .··. . . .. · .. : · · ·. . ... · . . ,. . . . / ... r ... · .. Lf races .S!lnAndresmllUJlt~UlJ,· .. r.A. · .. ·.· •..... · .. "' """ .. ·.· .. : · · .. ·· ·· .·· .. · ..... · · ....... .

. ___ _.· -· ·- . . bis11on Fr.ed to. "El ruo !~seve It Too \Vila. fqt Soci~l-- •.. _··. •p._ .· · .... r• .. ·_·e·.·_.··· ... ·.·.·.•···. · .. ·1 ..•.... ··.~ .. -.. ·a.·.· .. · ... : ... · ·S· .... ·._· .. ···.t.· ... · ... e·.:. · · ... ·.:f· .. · .• ·.···.·.E .. ·· X· .. ·· .. ·LII·. •b ... ;_·t·1•·0. ·.·· .. ·· .n· .•. · . · · · ·· ·· · • . i ... · · treatment (Qr- •Jrn.i$ . t~olibl~ i•ts-.N~w.• Headline, .. Aint that · u ,.. . . ... . · · .. · .· · ·· .. ·· ·retu.rn.et1 to tltcs r•nf!b ni,c~• .t<J t•tl< •bput ()Ur •l)reeid~nt . . . . . . .

. y.~lterdllY wbll~ Fr:ed muif t~ thtt_ watT>.· And. t)l; .paper I$·~ · Phtln lo El PA$o tor • nerlod . ot · .· · · . . · Jn poUti~s, ·.-.t tb•t· ·· .

. . . ~~ dar• pefore h~ will b~ pt~.. . · ; · . ·. · · · : . ·. · ·~ nQunc:ed . r~pdy t 0 ~~turn ~. Q . . f,f?rern~at il) the PubUe.Uma I' . ' . . . . . ·' ·· .. · .. . • .. . . . . . '

Alfalfa Seed · · Dynamit~ ~ .... •

Cement . . . . '

Sheet Roclt Dmg;s &: Medicine Vaocine Toilet Articles Chicken Startena Razor Blades


Lubricating Oils Greases Gaaolln~

Caps · · Fuse BJ$ck$initfa, Coal Auto Batteries Flashlight JJatteries . Radio Batteries Pipe Fittings Axes Picks Handles, etc.

.. ...

We solicit 'your patronage. Mail. orders, small or large,. re·

ceive our prompt and careful attention.· ·

•ellool he~(!. · · .: · ior?~hoi;!~:~:c~:;:> to vote ·vatu.~,-- that Urge you to· ·suy.:No.w . d~~::-~ttoc~r:m~an~:;·~.-11 · to· xr rott bir~ 1 poo~; rajrer. you ···New. Silk Dre·•aea, ·as. ·you •. desire. ·•

m .. or_ row ~liht, March SJ •. Good lose ~ou. r·~--·.~· ·~ i.f Y.PU bb~e.. . \' 't' h ' · .. f' . r ·s. . . . .. · . roats y' ou. must .. music ....,.; Good order.- Delicloue I o ~ d e>Pe, eVtiry bod)' ·· . ·· . em O · pr1ng • ,_., · .· ·· · ·. · . ; · • · ·· refreabmentiJ - And . the 'East~ )'QU J.'e auUty. Afut tt the t,.-uth have for I)Q, wand Ia ter •... Suit s-... to Siden wlll apprecd~te your: •up· What i• •o rara as • windl~ss : be in style .. you must be Suited. . port. da:J in M•reb around tbia vicin- 'M.:.JJi. ·.ne, r.Y·· ·to .... head' th. e Sp· .. ring Fa ...

Mls• Mary . Romero, who hu. iJy? .. . . . . /&

been' visiting her parent•. Mr. . . . . . .. . . . . shion ·Parade~ . Shoes •• step . into' ~d Mra. Joe Romero and Jtiate.r• . T~e Republican . Pro~tl'eaaive~ . . . . . Juli-a and Beatrice tor sever~) •nd Old Guardera got t~gethe.r . ·th~ New Season. in New foot,wearfl nurte at the Hotel DJeu ·in El · · Journal Wil!elfi pute

. Palo · · it"";" ''It is time tor the RepubU-' · · . cant t o atop fia-htinsr amon~r

Do men like. blonde• or brun._ them•elve1 • .., So. aoea tbe old ettea? FJnd out at the Lyric to· uylna-, "A bundle of aUcka.- Men, too, must. 'Dress up for nl;ht m4 tomorrow nlaM. •oparated,th• 1trenath of a child S • . y · . f• .

. . . - may destroy them; while united, pnng.· GU can out Jt Y~pr .. Mr. and y;.. Andre• Luera• it takea thet •trenath ot a aiant self Smartly and lnexpensJve-

Jr:·. and children returned th; to bre-.k them." .

. .

shades for spring •. . ' . . .\ •

. f .




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. .


••tiet-.part or· l•.•t week troin .. wouldn't 1~ b~ nice · · 1, • •· ly tlt·;.· .... · _. . . ..

--------------~====~--------~----~~vb~l~te~d~w~.J~tb~~r~e~l~at~lvet:~~~r~~~e1w~~~iila~~~~atss~·~mt~--~----.~~---------------.----------.~ -T~c...:~ \ '" .... two weeks. . · •• a !:andld.-te tor ofliceJ. . . . .:.',

Titsworth Co., Inc. .w. ".H •.. nroaddllt, OP.jll••.l .~.~~~:·· f~11:~.w:!:~.;·~= . . Zieg.ler Bros.. . . Speclalllt, wm be in Ctrr ~ozo whfch we difJrraced the beautf- . . ~-

Honday,April 16, at the office ot tul weddln.rrlalt week. Tbrou,rh T~e Leading Dry Goods, Clothinl! Dr. Shaver. 9:80 A. H. to 5:80 .- t •h ... tt ana Gro" Stor Capitan, N. M. P. ,M. · -GJalttl fttt.ed. · ~~:!rt~r .i~ .. u,:: '~~::ewe~ ;: ~- ~- ~--- -· ~~IY. e .. _

--~--~------~----------. lr!rt. E m m a Ban!)l, former punk~, Wha~, we wanted to

• . . ... .. '

Quality Service · . Como to

Branum's ,.

Cash Grocery & M~rket · To get Your Vegetables and Meats.

' .

We Uave a Complete Line of F•ncy Vege­tables, Meata,_

o Oyatera and Fish.

We sell Luckey's Milk,. Butter· · milk and Cheese.

Fresh Daily at our Grocery.


proprletretll of the Busy .B e e aay wu that the noaea were Cafe, wu hero for a iew -day, pink." thl~ week,. vialtlng friend• and relatlvea. · Hra Bano• reafdea In General Jobn•_on I,IYI · t b a t Alamogordo. . · wagea mutt .ro up; hQura mpat . , down: fwmera muat have

Many O~eur• people were beret more moner. And th._ way . tb·t latter part of Jaat week to do ft i• for the etnplo,J.er w h o boar tht tettimony at the Low- hu ·no money to pay the In­den trJa1, among whom we no· crea1ed wagea, which fncreue tfced Mr. and Mrt. Sam ·omard, h fa to get from the (armer,wbo . Mr. and Mrt. Marton Buat, Mr. ft broke. and lfr1. Sam Ware). and other~ whoae name• we failed to aet. ~ayor L. A. Whitaker o f

Oacura ·wantJ to know whit baa Eatanfalao (Smilea) Bello wu become of t)lat 3 2 per cent

here trorn the Claunch country beor that wu ao· popular J11t . on bualneu the flrat part of tht' iummer? tretk.

· Bualne11 man'• advfee to hie . . Eddie Long of the popular ton-Be a good boy and IIYf!

Tltawortb Co, 1tore of Capitan, your money: when you grow up waaa bu1lne .. villtor in town rou. can aive it to the gov· th• ·ftrat of th• week. · · ernment to be turned over to the

l. · · · teller who wun•t a good little John~. Brady wu here from boy-and who Didn•t Save Hie

Hondo tht latter part of Jut Money. ~ week, aervln.r aa a character · witness In tl!.t Pan Lowden .mur· dtr Cllea Lincoln· County . - ActiYitJ Day


. '


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MRS. E. B. SWEET, Mgr.o · . '

' . /"-· .

·Very Best of Accommodati'ons.

Dinner Parties Our Specialty


A . . . L . EASTER mer1can eg1on DANcE!


' .

Saturday Nigltt, Mar. 31 At Wingfield's Ballroom

... Rtddoao. N. M. Muai-c by the

RHYTHM- KINGS Jack Walker, Director

. Everybo-dy Welcome!

"The Place to· Eat" . . Miner&' Headquarter•

· Leave your .~ample~ here • •


··· · ·· '- We Patroncize · Home lndultries.

• • ;

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' -- - -- - --- - . -~' ' .. ~ :- -- . - .

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. , · , Proprietor . , · I' .

.NewMexico·········· ·

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