Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919...

University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-22-1909 Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909 J.A. Haley Follow this and additional works at: hps:// is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Haley, J.A.. "Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909." (1909). hps://

Transcript of Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919...

Page 1: Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-22-1909 Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909 J.A. Haley

University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909J.A. Haley

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please [email protected].

Recommended CitationHaley, J.A.. "Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909." (1909).

Page 2: Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-22-1909 Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909 J.A. Haley

A Journal Devoted to the Interests of Lincoln County.


Frank W. Gwbcjt Dead.

A wire wai received Saturdayafternoon by Mrs, Gurncy, of theCarrizozo Eating' House, that herhusband, Frank W. Gurncy, haddropped dead on the streets ofEl Paso that afternoon at 4o'clock, the result of heart fail-

ure. Mr. Gurncy had gone downthe day before to witness the cer-

emonies uttendaut upon the meeting of the presidents, and was ina cheerful mood and seemed to bein perfect health; and the an-

nouncement of his death came asa shock from a clear sky.

The deceased was walkingalong the street in company withhis Bon, Frank, and Frank M.

dough, enjoying life and greet-ing friends, when, without a wordof warning he fell, his son andfriend supporting him to thepavement, A doctor was imme-diately summoned, but the vitalspark of life had been extinguish-ed, his inanimate body prostrateamong thousands, his spirit hadsought itb Maker.

The weeping wife went on thefirst train, and was present at the

'funeral which took place in theNaglcy & Kastcr chapel, underthe auspices of the Elks, assistedby the Knights of Pythias, inboth of which orders he was araspectcd member. The remainswere interred in the Evergreencemetery, El Paso, and the manyand beautiful floral wreaths thatwere laid on the casket attestedthe esteem of a large circle offriends.

Mrs. Gurncy, accompanied byher sou, returned Tuesday, andwill continue the hotel businessand take up the thread that hadropped from the nerveless fingers. The heart-broke- n wife andihc'sorrowiug sou have the sym-

pathy of the entire community.

Frank W. Gurney was born inthe city of New York 59 yearsago last March, and was a dis-

tant relative of Abram S. Hew-

itt, former mayor of that city.In early life he came west, andwas married in 1874, at JunctionCity, Kansas, to Miss Julia E.Carra, who with a sou survivehim.

Thirty years ago Mr. Gurncyonine to this territory, and mostof that time had been engaged inthe hotel business. He was withthe Santa Fe, the Missousl Pa.ctHit) and established the hotels

along the line of the El Paso &Northeastern. He came to Carrizozo in April 1908, took chargeof the Carrizozo Eating House,and by his industry, attentionand courtesy made it one of themost popular places on the road.

He was more than a businessman he was a good citizen, anupright and enterprising memberof the community. His hand wasever extended in charity, and noappeal in a just cause was everby him disregarded. He was thefriend of all; his genial smile, hiswarm clasp of the hand, his broadconception of life made it a pleas"urc to know him. We shall misshim, and long

. . "for Hi touch of ths Tuolnlictl hD(l,AmlthiiiKiunilof HToir that U till."

Judge Meckem to PreiUe Here.

We are informed, unofficially,that Judge Medium, of the Sev-

enth District, will preside at theNovember term of court here.Judge Coolcy opened court atTucumcari this week, and if hecame here on the first the termof court in Quay county colud, ofnecessity, lust only two weeks.The probabilities arc that twoweeks will not" be sufficient toclear the Quay county docktt.

Then, too, the regular Oterocounty term convenes the 22nd ofNovcmbci, and if Judge Coolcypresided here the term could notlant bcyoud three weeks, and itis not believed that our lengthydocket can be disposed of in thattime. So that, if the present undcrstanding is consummated itwill give us a longer term, if jus-tified by business. In other words,with an abundance of money andsufficient time the Lincoln countydocket promises to be wiped outfor the first time since the mem-

ory of mun runneth not to thecontrary.

When this is accomplished wccan start ou a new sheet, und wcmay be reasonably certain of twoterms a year, and keep rightalong with the procession. Ourfinances warrant the belief thatwe will not again be troubledwith a shortage of funds. Wchave a large amount of money inthe court fuud, our valuations areincreasing and wc arc in good f-

inancial condition.

For Salic: Two large coalstoves for sale, cheap.

C. D. Mavhh,White Oaks, N.M,

or itif ml Season

Our New Stock of High GradeMerchandise for FALL andWINTER will be on Displayat an early date

Wc solicit your patronageon the broad platform of

Better Goods lor the Same Money.

Better goods cost more.

but they arc cheaper in the long run.

Cheapness is not always measured by the purchaseprice. Vulucs have something to do in ascertainingif you are getting the most for your money. . Com-

pare the values we arc ottering. They will standthe stand the test of close comparison.

(AMMO TRADING (0."Tfee Store wfiere Qwllty and Price Meet."


A lodge of the Alianza HispanoAmericana has been organized inLincoln by Supreme SecretaryJ. C. Merino, of Tucson, Arizona.The new lodge starts out underthe best of conditions, and prom-ises to become a strong factor inthis community, atj it numbersamong its charter members theand most prominent citizens ofthe community. The officers arc:

Octaviano Pcrea, president; R.A. Duran, vice president; PorfirioChavez, secretary; J. J. Aragon,treasurer; Robt. A. Brady, L. A.Dow and P. Pachcco, trustees,

Aragon Bros, have lately sold4,000 head of sheep to W. S, Pra-gc- r

&. Co., of Roswcll, at a goodprice.

Genevieve Rigglc, daughter ofProbate Clerk Riggle, left lastMondaj for White. Oakst where

she will spend two or three weekswith the family of E. H. B. Chewout ou the ranch.

Win. F. A. Gierke left Thurs-day morning for Carrizozo, andfrom there went to El Paso totake in the meeting of the presi-dents, from which point he wentto Albuquerque to attend the Ma-sonic grand lodge as a delegatefrom the Carrizozo lodge, lie isexpected back the latter part ofthe week.

J. M. Miller, of Roswcll, hassold to Fritz & Lutz, of Lincoln,0,135 head of stock sheep lor agood brice.

Attorney Geo. B. Barber leftMonday for Tucumcari to attendcourt.

Mrs. J. M. Penficld left Mou-da- y

for El Paso to visit friends.J. J. Aragon has returned from

El Paso, and he can tell you tellyou all that you want to knowabout the presidents.


Page 3: Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-22-1909 Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909 J.A. Haley



May wo look forwnrd and upwardto n strlko of llylng-mnchln- opera-tor- s


According to llio womnn'B pago ft

llttlo cold cream will bo good for theBiinbtirn,

Blnco It wnH not ablo to keep tboWright brothers Franco Ib satisfiedwith lllcrlot.

Aoroplanlng ovor tho Kngllsh chnn-no- l

Is n safer Job than soaring abovestumpy Virginia farms.

Howovor, tho English channel puz-

zled Julius Caesar a lot nnd Napoleonnever could mnnaga to cross It.

Victims of tho week-en- hnblt donot dcslro tn bo cured whllo thogrand nnd lovely weather hnngsu rou nil.

Judging from tho way Irrlgntlanprojects nro being Bttnppcd up thepcoplo of this country are still landhungry.

With one squint of tho prescientcyo wo foreseo pcoplo giving tholrfriends sure cures for airsicknesswithin a year.

Only n llttlo bit tnoro nnd tho aero-plane will bo useful for blowing tiptho enemy's fleet or pllforlng n henroost, as you please.

nccauso ii womnn refused to gotsupper for her husbnnd at midnighta couple Is In the dlvorco court, Whycould thoy not have compromised andcalled It breakfast?

A sad nccompnnlment to tho hotporlod Is tho lengthening list of drown-ings. This Is n time when special enroagainst tho dangers of tho watershould be enjoined.

It Is strongly suspected that tho re-

volts In Spain hava been stirred up byn mob olomcnt which has used thenntl-wn- r sentiment as an oxcubo to Indulgo In tooting nnd crlmo.

Flvo foot of books will muko somemen renl scholars. And then, ngaln,thoro nro othor men upon whoso notlvo Ignornnco II vo cords of bookswouldn't mnko an Impression.

Tho cznr of Hussla Is said to lookmuch older than ho Is. Any man thatdidn't, holding his Job, would bo In uposition to snnp his fingers nt nil thoUslors on earth, for a hundred yearsor so.

A womnn In Now York lino obtainedn dlvorco from her husband who hasbeen missing for 1G years. Blio prob-ably Intends to simplify uuy EnochAnion renppearunco tnuglo at thestnrt.

At least half n dozen different pat-terns of flying machines ran beat halfof tho more common birds at dis-tances ranging from 20 miles up toCO, nnd that Is tho real thing In tho(light Hue.

Tho young eluplng Pittsburg brideswho cried bocauso on their returntheir fathers wero placid nnd handedthorn $5,000 cheeks will soon realizethat tho real romance of the uftalrwas In tho eheaks.

Ollvo drab cotton cloth Is to bo sub-stituted for khaki, as tho tropical uni-form for tho United States army. Inlooks, at least It must be an Improve-ment. No uniform could look worsothan tho dull brown khaki.

A government laud scandal hasIn Cuba with alarming prompt-

ness for so now a republic. It will nolho n pleasant experience for tho Unit-ed Stntor, after alt Its troublo to havetho head of tho European nationswagging with n chorus of "I toldyou sol"






Man, Arretted on Serious Charge andSentenced Long Term In Prison,

Finishes Incarceration, Satis-

fies Grudge, Kills Hlmielf.

Mlddlotown, N. Y. Daniel A.ono of tho best known hotol s

In this nnrt of tho sluto, wns(hot and wounded mortally on thostreet tho othor nftcmoon by nn

discharged recently from BlngSing, nnmcd McBorley. Kenton wob a

member of tho Jury which convictedMcBorley of tho crlmo for which howns sent to prison, Iloth nro ucnu.

Ponton was CO years old on August8 and entertained n party of friends ntluncheon. At that tlmo ho told thostory of his llfo. Among tho Incidentsho mentioned that ho had sat upontho Jury which had convicted a mannamed McBorley, for which McSorloywns sentenced to n long term In thoetnto prison.

A stranger of hnndsomo nppenrancoentered tho enfo of Ponton's hotel nndafter taking a drink of whisky asked

Fired Another Bullet Into Body.

If Mr. Pcnton was around. The olurksaid he had JuhI stepped out. Thostranger said ho would enll again.

Ho wont down tho street. Later thostranger retraced his steps to thoHotol Elberton. Just before horeached tho hotel Ponton stopped outof thu door anil walked up thu street,'l'lio straugur followed him.

Pentou turned Into Wost Mainetreol. Thero were hundreds of per-sona In sight when thu strangerwalked up to him and tapped him onthu shoulder. Pentou turned aroundand uttered an exclamation. Then hornn down tho street. Tho strangerpursued hliu, darling In nnd out amongtho RhoppoiB.

After running about .'100 foot thostrangor pulled n revolver nndbegun shooting at Ponton. Tho(list shut went wild, but tho sec-ond entered Kenton's buuk nnd hofell to the Bldewnlk. Tho strangorthen walked up to Ills victim and,looking down nt him, llrod an-

other shot. TIiIb entered Mr. Fun- -

ton's head back of tho left car andpanned out through his neck.

Tho strangor thon stopped back acotiplo of paces nnd placing tho re-

volver to his loft templo being d

pulled tho trigger, sending abullet through his brain. Ho fell totho sldewnlk within live foot of whoiohis victim lay.

Iloth men woro taken to a hospitalnnd placed on adjoining beds. Tenminutes nfter their arrival at tho hos-pital Ponton's nssnllant died withoutregaining consciousness. Ponton wnsplaced upon the operating tnbto Im-

mediately. Drs. MIIIh, PosvcIboii nndPurdy probed for bullets. Ho diedsoon after coming out from under tholufluouco of tho ether.

Itiformntlou regarding McSorhyIs meager, but It Ib known ho oncorun n saloon nt Coney Island.

McBorley, nrrcsted on n seriouscharge, was Bent to prison for a longterm.

On being sontenced McSorloyseemed to tuko cpcclul offense bo-

cnuso his nelghb m Daniel Ponton,wns on tho Jury .vhleh convicted him,and then madu n threat, as ha was bo-In-

led away, Hint when ho got out howould kill Pcnton tho firs thing hodid.


Oregon Boy's Ingenious Device ProvesSuccessful In Capturing Fear-som- e


Ilnokonsnck, N. J. Tho other dayMrs. I. S. Oeer In passing around theirhouse on tho farm southwest of townenmo very near stepping on n lingorattlesunko that had eomo out fromunder the house to get u drink nnd wnHreturning to his choson lair, where hewns an unwelcome visitor. Mrs. (leerwns scared and called her two nonsnnd tho hired man, nnd thu Intter,armed with n hoo, nailed Mr. Kattleron tho tnll with tho blade of tho gar-den tool, but Instcnd of pulling hissnnkoshlp bnck ho surcecded only ingetting the tall, rnttfoB and all.

And now the dilemma was worsothan over. Relieved of his alarmclock the Biinko under tho house wnumore Bectl" Ui

before. How to get him out fromthere wns tho but tho firstthing done wns to seal him up nndtnlto time to concoct a scheme, so thehouso wns tightly banked nt tho onlyoncnlni: under It. Later n bov'H witsmet the for It's u cold daywhen a snako or any other serpentcan get the host of a live Oregon boy.

Henry, the young son of Mr. nndMrs. (ieer, took a box, covered thetop of 11 with wlru netting and out nhole In tho bottom. Inside lie placeda chunk of hoof fastened on a Htouthook tied securely to thu box. Thenhe made u hole In the bunking undertho house, placing tho "holey" Bideof the box tight up against Ithided his time. nearly two dayshis vigil around the box wns

and then ua ho had almnatlost faith In his plan ho heard nnoise In bin "llshlng trap" and therewns thu detailed rattler with the beeland hook stowed Inside of his Jaws,safely lnnded nnd unable to help him-self. Henry quickly despatched hla"IIhIi" with u rllle mid found It mensurod 3 Mi feet long, being ns largearound as a man's wrist. Tho familyhas Hlupt with loss nervousness since.

Sued for Kicking Cat.

New York. EmoRt W. Smelllo, nwealthy nmniigcr of a glovo mnnufncluring llrm, has been sued for 100,000by Emily Jones, his cook, ItIb charged, ho kicked hor cut throughu window screen. Ills smallhad complained that tho cathor. Tho cook Bays her eyes worofilled with a Bhowor of particles otrusty Iron wlro as tho cat forcibly dis-appeared, and sho ustlmntca tho dam-ng- o

to hor sight and her lossouoddilutees fur matrimony at 100,000,


Farmer Had Nothing But Contemptfor the Moderation of the Street


A patent medlclno snlcsmnn upnttho streets of n small Maine villagewas giving a frco alolght uMinnd

In ordor to collect a crowd.Presently ho took a handkerchief fromhis pocket, held It by ono extroma cor-ner, shook It, tossed It Into tho air,caught It In his hand and took fromIt n ploco.

"Thoro," ho remarked, "you sco I

toko this quarter from tho handker-chief, nlthough you saw for yourselfthat tho hnndkorchlcf was empty. I

can got nnothcr HiIb wny,' ho added,and apparently plucked ono from thoair.

"(losh!" nn old farmer In tho llttlonudlcncn muttered; "that feller mustnot kcer much for money. If I coulddo n thing llko that, you bet I

wouldn't stick nt quarters I'd tako ahalt dollar ovory timet" Exchange.


By Boiling Grease Skin All Came OffOne Side of Face and Head

Hot' Disfigured for Life.

Used Cutlcura: No Scar Left.

"My baby was ilttlng bosldo thefonder nnd wo woro preparing thobreakfast whon tho full ofboiling groaso was upset and It went allovor ono sldo of her faco nnd head.Somo ono wiped tho scald with atowol, pulling tho entlro skin off. Wotook her to a doctor. Ho tended liora wock and gnvo mo nonio stuff to puton. Hut It all fostered and I thoughttho baby was disfigured for llfo. Iused about thrco boxes of CutlcuraOintment and It wob wonderful howit healed. In about flvo weeks It wasbottor and thero wasn't a mark to tollwhoro tho scald hnd boon. Hor BklnIb Just llko volvot. Mrs. Haro, 1,

Henry SL, South ShloldB,March 22, 1908."

foliar Drug & Cbctn. Corp., Sola I'ropi, Bottoa.

Consumptives Need Not Leave Home.Consumption can bo cured, or ur- -

unwelcome nnd dangerous than "8l1,,(l' ln,'V!y ot U.n,t?d


I situation,


unro-warded- ,




frying-pa- n


States, and the percentage of curesthe cast and tho west la nearly thesame. Any physician, therefore, whesends n person to tho southwest with-out sufficient funds, or In an advancedor dying stngo of tho dlseaso, Ib guilt;of cruolty to his patient, ltenowodefforts nro holng nuulu to stop thlipractice, and to encourngo tho build-ing of Binnll local hospitals In over;city and town In tho country. Attempts nro also being made In South-ern California nnd In Toxns to oxcludo Indigent consumptives or tcsond them back to tho east.

Important to Mothers.Examine cnrofully ovary bottle of

CASTOIHA n safe and suro remedy forInfants nnd children, and sco that it

t1nnt-- 1 1m

Slgnaturo ofgIn Ubo For Ovor JJO Years.Tho Kind You Havo Always D ought

I have lived to know that tho secretof happiness Is never to allow yoittenergies to stugnato Adam Clarke.

y 1

Page 4: Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-22-1909 Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909 J.A. Haley



Cauliflower Served In Thft 8tyle WillBe Appreciated by All Who Care

for the Good Thing ofthe Table.

Cauliflower Crcnmcd Doll n cnullflower In salted water fur half mihour, drnln dry nud act In n linedsnuccpun with ono pint of milk, samequantity of hot water, and Dimmerfor half an hour longer. Tnko up thevegotnblo very carefully, drnln It,plnco on n Itot dish and pour over Itthe following snucu. Place onc-hnl- f

pint of milk In a double miuccpnn andlet It JiiRt como to boiling point. Wotu tnblcapoonful of Hour with coldmilk, Reason It with pepper, Bait anda little vlnegnr (tarragon preferred),then mix gradually with tho hot milknnd boll for n fow minutes, adding nlittle butter. Dent an egg till It Is nlight color, stir It by degrees Into thenance, and pour over tliu cauliflower,which Is ready to servo.

Crcnmcd Cnbbogo Tnko a fresh,nolld head of cabbngo, shred rathorflno nnd soak for one hour In cold Haltwater. Drnln thoroughly nnd plnco Inn kettle with ono pint of boiling wntcrto which n tcnspoonful of sodn hasbeen ndded. Cook for 20 minutes nnddrain. Hnvo ready n thin creamBanco In which hnrd-bolle- eggs,chopped, hnvo been mixed. Turn overtho cubbngo nnd let hent In douhloboiler for u couplo of minutes nndservo.

Crcnmcd Swcot Potntoos Washthoroughly six or olght smnll sweetpotatoes of uniform slzo nud boll onlyuntil tho skins enn bo easily removed.Cool slightly nnd quarter. Plnco Inbnklng dish, season with salt nnd pep-per, sprinkle well with sugar, spreadthickly with butter, nnd cover with nciipfiil and n half of milk, Into whicha woll-bcntc- eggg hns been stirred,llnko until creamy. TIicbo nro deli-cious served with duck. From ThoHousekeeper.

Lyonnalse Tripe.Cut tho trlpo Into unrrow Mrlps,

boll 25 minutes, then drnln. Put afrying pan over tho lire with twotublcspooufiils of butter, nnd when hotfry In It two tnhlespoonfuls of finelychopped onion until yellow. Add thotrlpo, a tahlespnonful vinegar, n table-spoonf-

lino chopped pnrsley and saltnnd pepper to Reason. Stir lightlyuntil tho trlpo Is n dclicnto brown,turn on to tho center of n hot plnttornud gnrnlsh with toast polntB nndsliced lemon.

Eqq Shells for Jelly,Thoso who find tho putting up of

lunches n part of tho dally routinemay tnko comfort In tho suggestion orono resourceful woman. When usingeggs, sho sccb to It thnt only n smnllplcco of thn shell Is broken off rrointho end of ono egg. Tho egg shell fromwhich tho piece tins been taken hthen washed nnd kept ns a reeoptin tefor Jelly or jam for tho noon lumiibasket, tho open end being proieiie.iby n plcco or pnpor dipped lu pnranin

' To Clean Gilt Frames.When elennlng gilt frame the lm

pprtnnt thing to koep In mind l toglean only n smnll piece ut a ilnx-Tnk-

a tencupful of good vlnegnr ton pint of cold water; nfteir removingnil dtiBl from tho fmme brush It quirkly up nnd down with u oft nhuvliKbriifih dipped Into this squeeze nnclitime 11 Is dipped: dually wlpo with asoft Oloth nud tho result will bo in outgmtlrj'Ing. From tho Circle

To Peal Oranrje.P5ilr senldlng water oer tho

oranges lot them stnnd Dvo uilmitos.Voil wltl Bnve tlmo lu pooling them.Tho thlok whlto sklr thnt Is so htmlio get off will come iff with tho out-sld-

peeling nnd o fruit will boready in slice.


Tho most Interesting announce-mon- t

ever mmlo In connection withtho automobile Industry wns un-

doubtedly thnt mndo n month or twongo to tho effect thnt tho now mndolsof tho White Steam Cars could bo runon koronono, or coal nil, Instead ofgosollno. Kvcrynno nt onco recog-Hire- d

thnt tho uxn of tho new fuelwould mid materially to tho advan-tages which tho Whlto nlrcmly pos-sessed over other typos of enrs.There woro soino jieoplo, howovor,who woro scoptlcnl ns to whether ornot tho now fuel could bo used withcomplete hiicccss, nud, therefore, thomakers of tho Whlto Car, tho WhltoCompany, of Clevolnnd, Ohio, deter-mined to make n public demonstra-tion of tho now fuel In tho 1000 (Hid-den Tour.

From tho standpoint of tho public,no test tuoro satisfactory could hnvobeen selected. First of nil, tho dls-tnnc- o

covered on tho ftllddon Tour,from Detroit to Denver nnd thenco toKuusns City. wnH 2G50 miles. Thiswas certainly nioro than mifllclcnt tobring out any weaknesses, If such badexisted. Still nioro Important wnsthe fact thnt tho cur was nt nil timeswhllo on tho road under tho supervi-sion of observers named by thosowho entered othor contesting1 enrs.Therefore, It would hnvo been Impos-slhl- o

for tho driver of tho Whlto tohnvo even tightened n bolt withoutthe fact boliiK noted nnd n ponnlty In-

dicted. At night the cnrH woroguarded by l'lnkortmi detect Ives nndcould not he npproaeheil by nny one




cured Little I'llls.TlifT i lcvo

1 i It'll mm 1 .) It. lirly

I utiiitf A i i if. t .

fur III 'iiu sH, Null-um, 1 iron iii! II ailTil. ti- - Int In- - 51. mil, font-r- l

Tuiitriti. l'.iin n IliaMlilf. Tiiltl'll) t.lVlUt.

Ttnj renn'nto !, Iliiwrla. Pim-l-





Ooiiulno Must HearFnc-Slmi- lo Slgnnturo

California Fruitsnt JhiIii- - Ikhii- - lit wlmli-siil-e

Mpiri ini iiiini inn) fiiniK.i fruiit, uuih nii.lI'lll-lli- ,, ki ll Ijl fll ll.ll v llnni.rllUI-l.i- lfur ii .e Wi' h.'U run. itim-r-- . nulj. aveiii mom j Wi lie u fur irli-e- .

CALIFORNIA FRUIT iiUITI.Y CO.Mnrtlllr, Cullfurnla


Tho complcto success of tho newrue) whllo on tho 2C50-mll- publictest nud tho ndvnntnges gainedthrough lij nso woro well describedIn tho following dispatch which thocorrespondent of tho Now York 8unsent to his paper nt tho conclusion ofthe tour:

"A fenturo of tho tour which wnHwatched with special Interest wnsthnt tho Whlto Steamer used kero-sene, or 'coal oil,' ns fuel Instead ofgasoline. Tho now fuel workedsplendidly throughout tho 2CG0-mll-

Journey, nnd nil claims mndo In Itsbohnlf wcro fully proven. First oftill, ns regards chenpuess, tho Whltodriver secured kerosene nil nlong thornutu from 0 cents to 10 cents cheap-er per gallon than wns paid for gaso-line. Secondly, tho now faicl wnshandled without nny precautions, nndIt wns not unusual to seo korosenobeing poured Into tho fuel tnnk whllotho erow of tho enr nnd nn Interestedcrowd ntood by with lighted clgnrHnnd cigarettes. At tho finish of thotour, tho Whlto wns tho only car per-mitted by tho authorities to enterConvention Hull, where tho technicalexamination took plnco, withoutdraining Its fuel tnnk. Thirdly, thonow fuel proved to bo nbsolutolywithout sinoko or ninell. Fourthly,Iteroseno could bo purchased nt whnt-ove- r

part of tho routo was most con-venient, nud not onco during tho tripthrough tho ten Htntos of tho MtddloWost wns thero found n grocery storowhero koroHono was not rondlly andehenply obtnlnnblo. Flnnlly. thn

term-- .


This Trntlc-mnr- k

Eliminuies AllUncertainly

in Hie purcliMr ofi). ilnt tnntrrl.ili.It Is nn absoluteI'u.iraiitrc of pur-ity ami quality.For your ownprotection, iro

t it is mi tli? tide ofrv k g ol w bite lead



lllniir Bu'ldlnj, Nl Toil

nmount of fuol used on tho tripshowed thnt keroscno 1b nt lenstfifteen per cent, moro ofllclcnt, gnllonfor gnllon, than gnsallnc. Tho car Inother respects mndo n most creditableshowing, nnd thero wns tho usual riv-alry nmong tho observers to bo as-

signed to tho Whlto bo thnt theycould rldo with tho maximum of com-fort. Tho only ndJiiBtmontB or

charged against tho enr duringtho long trip wcro tightening n lubri-cator pipo nnd wiring n damaged mudgunrd. Thcso ponnltlcn wcro not

until moro tbnn 2000 mileshad been completed with an absolute-ly perfect scoro."

A particularly Interesting featuroof tho now Whlto Steamer Is thnteither keroscno or gnsollno mny boused ns fuol. Tho necessnry adjust-ments so thnt tho fuel mny be changedfrom keroscno to gnsollno, or vlcoversa, mny bo mndo In n couple ofminutes; but so completely successfulhns keroscno proved to be, thnt It Isnot believed thnt any purchasers willenro to uso gnsollno.

Tho Whlto Company report thatthe demand for their now steam enrs

both tho $2000-modo- l nnd thoJlOOO-modo- l exceed their most snn-guln- e

expectations. It Is evident thnttho combination ot stenm tho pow-er which overyono undcrfltnuds nndhns conlldenco In with korosonotho fuel which overyono has on hnndnnd can bnndlo without nny danger

Is thoroughly appreciated bypurchasers of

W. N. U., DRIVER, NO. 37-19-09.

Sticky SweatingPalms

nfter taking-- snlti or cathartic,wnters did yen ovor notlco thatweury all our foolltur tho palmsof your hand swont and rottentnsto In your mouth Catharticsonly movo liyswontlnKyouruowols

Do a lot of hurt Try a CASCA-HE- T

nnd seo l ow much onslor thojob Is dono how much betteryou fool, ws

CARCARKTS IK i box for t wtek'itreatment, nil djiiKBliti. lilgRttl ellcrin the world, tllllon boxee n tnonth.

GRAZING LANDSN'HAIt ltlt ACIO Fllx itiillHru nn nerc thlijpiironlri nlfnlfii nml rlnvcr ur croi,mi lu'llrr Inml fur itrnrnil fiirmlna nndfruit Hplriiillil I'llinntn purr wntrr. Uneliluht from Clllcuuii tiy rail or IniiiI, Knjr

fur nnip uml llluntralt-i- l liooklrt3. I. MEHUITT. Mnnlatee, Mich,


-r-illmr itarchii rjnlr 11 ounrn umg price tn4"DtFIANCB" l 8UPKHIOR QUALITY

Page 5: Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-22-1909 Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909 J.A. Haley

THE.CARRIZOZO NEWSt'nblUhedarirj Prldar

Cakrizozo Nkw Mkxico.

Kntnrod Mneiiml cliuw mnttor Jnnn 13, KOH.nttlm iHwliillIrn nt, Now Mlcn, underttia Act uf Mnreli 3, IMP.


Due ar M.W

ill Month M-0-

INO, A. IIAI.KV, Ktlllnr.


President Tuft spoke at Albuquerque Friday, and, of coursebis subject was statehood. Whilebe promised, in a perfunctoryway, to do what be could to advance the cause of statehood, beintimated very broadly that weshould not be in too muni of ahurry, and bis spech, as a whole,must have been a distinct disappointment to all earnest advocatesof statehood. The following ex

cerpts arc taken from the address:"1 am glad to sec you. l am

glad to be here to say what I amgoing to say about that thingwhich is uppermost in your minds.You seem to be able to guesswhat it is. Every baby in thisterritory seems to be trained tospeak the first word: 'Statehood.'

"Now, in as far as lies in meas the chief executive, rccommending legislation to congressand exercising a legitimate itifluence in that regard, the constitutioual function being to rccom.mend and veto, I first will saythat I will not veto a bill lettingNew Mexico in.

"And second, that I shall rccomtnend that the promise of therepublican platform, upon whichI had the honor of being electedas president, should be carriedout in good faith, and that theterritories of Arizona and NewMexico shall be admitted to theunion so that we shall have notliing but states between the Atlantic and the Pad lie.

"Now my friends, with respectto New Mexico. You have herein a sense, the oldest communityin the United States; you havebeen struggling since the 15thor 16th centuries for statehood,but you were promised statehood,if I recollect it, in the treaty ofGuadalupe Hidalgo; at least therewas a provision there looking totaking this country and makingit a part of the United States, as,a state. You have a populationlarge enough, but, my friends,when you think of statehood itis like the asjiiralion of a boyto become a man, and to becomethe head of a family, and all theindependence that it gives.

"Hut it also entails some bur-

dens. When you become a manyou have got to support yourwifUj your children, if you arelUOky enough to have them. So

got to select your own ofiicinls.You think that is easy, and youdo not like to have them selectedby somebody else, but perhapsthe time will come when you willget some oflicials selected bysomebody' that differs with you.

'The majority might be suchthat you won't like the majority.That sometimes happens. Thenyou will have to stand it. Youcannot then put it on to Wash- -

ngton. You cannot say if theyonly understood what the needsof New Mexico were then wewould have good oflicials all thetime, you have got to do the seeding yourself. You have got

to pass a constitution that shallserve as a lundamcntal law, lora hundred years, it may be, because constitutions arc not casilvamended.

"And you arc going to haveintroduced into that conventiona great many men who arc goingto try to make people good andjust by statute; that arc going toaccomplish everything by lawmd who intend to put so manylimitations on your legislaturethat it cannot movcat all.

"And now you have got tomeet that issue, and if you wantto get in with a constitution thatbucks and gags you, and ties youin every way, that is the kind ofa responsibility you have got toassume, but I hope you won't.

"The trouble is when you arcmaking a constitution you willtake any old thing if you canonly j5t statehood. I know that.Well, there ought to be a provis-ion by which you should first voteon your constitution, and thenvote on your officers, and J. hopeyou have the strength of charac-ter enough to vote down a poorconstitution and wail until youcan get a good one by a new con-- 1

stitution."Anxious for that I ask you

to be most careful when you makeup your constitution and whenyou select your first state officers.

"Now my friends, you have gota great state here. I would notguess it by passing through it asI have today it looks to be verymuch like a descst with a fewscrubby growths on it.

"How statehood will conic, itwould be unwise for me to proph-esy. Of want it tomorrow morning. I sincerelyhope that you will get an cuabling act, and I intend to use allthe influence I can to secure thepassage of an enabling act at thenext session of congress.

"I am in favor of deliberationwith respect to the process bywhich you come into the union.1 am so convinced that it is betterfor you to take a little lime ingetting up your constitution antdetermining among yourselves

It is as to statehood; you havei whether it is what you want,

El Paso Fair andExposition

November 1st to 7th, '09

EDUCATIONAL FEATURESWill show a grand display of the vast resources of the Great

Southwest, viz.:

Mineral Live Stock PoultryAgriculture Horticulture

Art and Merchant & Manufacture Exhibits



Air Ship, Daily Flights$15,000 Harness and Running Purses

Indian Village Five BandsSanta Fe Trail

16 Shows and Three Free ActsBase Ball Tournament

(Southwestern Championship)

The Great Os-Ap- le Parade and CarnivalTheaters, Etc.

Very Low Railway Rates on your Line.

J. C. ROUS, Jr., Secretary.

rw. rw. '"" " fWW M MMM- -rStoves and Katies. Builders' Hardwaic. t

. N. B. TAYLOR & SONSBlacksmithing and Hardware


Tinware, Paints, Glass, Oils of all kinds,Harness, Ammunition, Etc.

that you can well afford to delaysix mouths or a year in the courseof coming into the union,- - betterthan to be hustled in and findyourselves hampered by ill-d- i

gested fundamental law."Now, you do not like that, but

I am just telling you the truth,and it it turns out mat you archustled in and do not have u fundamental law such as you oughtto have you cannot say that I didnot warn you against that Ironhie. But tlia, in the course ofthis administration you will comein as a full-Hedg- ed state, andconic in with a good constitution

I sincerely and profoundly hopeand I mean to bend every effort

that I can to bring it about."


Fine Wines, Liquors and (igars.


An Itiuiirt wlmro (leullomeu ciiuntoii'l n M let Imlt hour.

A Heading Koom and BilliardParlor in connection.

JOHN LEE, Haster.Main street, Garrizozo.

Page 6: Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-22-1909 Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909 J.A. Haley


Punfe ns.

Wo have on exhibition in our 9Hit window a fruit that is com- - $

to a great manv countries, )

t this one is uncommon in that, (J1110(1


il wna grown on the sky-lin- e,

7,000 foul above sea level, and on

a (Ifv land farm. Tills is not theonly uncommon feature aboutthis fruit popularly known as a

ptsukin -- but it also lias size toruaoiuuiutit it. It is 2 feet lone;

noil measures 4 feet anil 2 inchesin circttmfuruur.u. It was grownby IL IS. Keller, on the mesa be-

yond Nogal. Mr. Keller alsobrought a sample of his polocs,a sight of which makes an Irish-

man's mouth water, and excel oruttiul thu fatuous Oreelcy potato.

Notice of Publication.

N. It'll.lilLLIUA.-llllMIIUOlu-


Al.LIK JIIIIII1M!.TtmHtil ilnfoixlitut. AlllHJdruMUfitD. Ilinnli

IHiMwl llint a null In ijiriirro tut Iwuii ruin..lipiiii! (tin in iuh iimirici i nun iiiriimT l.mniln. Torrlluri f Now Mrxlru, lijrIt A. J,iriHii(ii. HilMrlhir iiniitiiiiHirt i

fWlkmiliaw. nnl ntklfiK (of tlm ciiMihIj oftwo nbutlrwn, & JiinpMiiHiii, iwr Mrm:

Mill ftbnrlcn jnnranwin, nn four: Hihi milOHI tllftf or rutin. In IwMitorwl )()iiriiinrain'n

mi iir Ijuf'Hu lli- - lllli ilii) of Diwvin- -

LmrJ(V. II. limu, ilirwi I'lHJl u.M'iaw lliori'lliulllfld reliili'tetl iumIiui xiil.


('II I'. DllWNH.Ulrk.

II) I'm li M. Hokm vs.Iiriiuu'

HvwiU ,V llmUpolli. I4i. Wlilttf l)uk. Nbw VWMnx

"Nifty" that's tlie expression i m

(youugmau uses when he in-- J j)our Hue of fall suits audi (4spcuts

overcoats. Ziegler Uros.

Take care of your stomach.Let Kodol digest all the food you (oat. for that is what Ivodol does.lOvory tablespoon ful of Kodol di-- igustB 2 '4 pounds of food. Try ittoday. H is garrautued to relieveyou or your money back. Soldat Padutt's drug store and HollandUros.

Koh Salh One modern liveroom residence, three porches;throe lots included. Oood wellOl water; yard inclosed. Willsalt for part cash, balance inmonthly payments. Ilargaiti foranyone desiring a comfortableiioiuu, if taken soon. See

J am us IIujiuukt.Carrixozo, N, M.

Pastukh to Hunt Anyonedesiring to pasture stock duringuottr.t good pasture and plentyof water call on

1 022-- 2 1. HvuruvKv Bkoh.

Kottec SSigler Broa. ad. in thmjitem. Thy invite yem to attcudtliotr QptutUf . Are jrou iruiuft (

Wc ha two Hn demon witi-ottf- tt

tilM t in. which we willcUst9 Mi tik a tMrvain. Atao onemi&li WfM, awe 2h KoiligehGu Ctrriaaao Tradiug Co.

PtM 1mA, oUMtra follow, inUm mm WHlfa for tail wear.

Fa &AMI A Jach. Apply taQ. 1. Ommt, ParaMia. N. M.


Swinging RoundCircle.

JA OMJUK Nil? JITS and Crisp Morning arc gmitlo

tf) w reminders that IS IIKK15. anil thatti means New Cloth8 for of us.

We are showing the new tiling for leall

in Men's Toggery.

Captivating SuitsNilty Ovoi'coats

Correct MiliincryDainty Shirts

Richest Neckwear

Our Fashionable Fabrics are on Display

better and larger than ever.

Every shade and weave that's correctarc shown at


The musical talent of all nationsia at vour diapoial if

Own an Edison

PhonographStay wc show you the new "Fire-- 1

aide Model" retailing at $22.1)0.and eyjtlaiu bow euay tt ia to owneue? uet's talk it over.

Visit the

Pioneer Jewelry StoreSouth of Eichaife Btali

J. k. IIUMPRtY. Prop.

rr.a- -



Call upI'lioue 5fi




bv and dob



W. t WINFIEID -Staple and Fancy Groceries

Orders tilled Phono, promptly vcrcd.


: rr; --r, rr: rn nr.rv,

' E. S. LONGManufacturer of

Galvanized Tanks, Guttering.STOVE PIPE, UOOF1NG, &c.

Repairing of all kinds,

Special Facilities for Roofing anil Guttering.

Page 7: Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-22-1909 Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909 J.A. Haley


for! ATTORN IIV AT LAWThe following inxirumciiKroconl with the Probata Clerk, Carrizozohnvo been filed the pat week atJinieoln: o j. WOODLAND

1 1 ill of Sale J. M. Miller,' WNTKACTCiK ft IIUILIMKWo,woU in I'ritzand Henry

bill bill or Millu of f., 15 llU.ul or OUtmArn PuniM.3tuek uliccp. Carrii!Oj!o, Now Mexico.

Quntrnci and Lease John MeQuiiflglty to Absalom N. Price,boinl ami lone of thu uudividul

illtertut of thi' Coinrty Lodemining clnim in thu Jicarilhi ,Wi)W ,IH.iirt.i.f iiuii,iu..Mining Dinlnct, for 512,000.00. fnn.ui.i..ii i.i.ri ni.iif...

Contrnct and lloml The CoIo-C!irri!(m- ,( ow Mexico.Tfldo Telephone Co. wtih H. II. j

Morrill, contract anil bond toon-stru- ct

a telephone line from So-ir- m

to Oscuro; from Oscuro toto Tnlaroha, and' from Osctiro toRoswell, N. M., thu same to beemiplcled not later than January31 1U10.

Daod Carriscoxo Townsito Co.

tp 13. H. Walker, lot 3, block 12,

'tuwuslte Carrizozo, considerationS3U0 on.

Night of Way S. T. Gray to'Colorado Telephone' Co., all landsin sac 10, tp. 'J, rge. 14; consid-

eration 515.01).

Of Interest to Masons.

Annniir the new chartered lodirCS of thu Masonic fraternity at'lliu recent session of the (irandLodge iu Albumicrque is the Ma-son- ic

lodge at Carnscofto. Theofficers ami members have causeto be proud of thu high compli-ment paid the local lodge for its

work and records by the?.vculleitt The new char-tered lodge will be instituted assoon as arrangements can be per-fected with the new district of-

ficer for its institution, whichwill take the latlur part

inoutii. j ad in the line- " j of

win. A. who at- -: :

louded theiu Hie of the

'local lodge, this mom- - 1 1

and exiectn to go Lincolntaiiiorrow.



Notary I'uhllc.

OilltM In ItaahanNa Itoak Oarrteuau.



W- -

ianiMmi tmd Uinlaa Imm a aHwelalty.Notary la (Mb.

Bftttk lutiiittf ,


tmo m Itaak nntWIna



flfKll) A


New Pool HallOppoiile Depot

Courteous TreatmentFsvir Dealing &.rtd

a. Warm Welcome



DRUGSArticles, Etc.

l:ns tut nu'.4 Kodaks.

Indian CuriosCnrrizozo. New Mexico.

Foxwoilli-Galtail- l


Shingles, Doors, Sash, MouldingsHmldtng Paper,

place jsCweir 1'aiut, Audio Cement,01 everything

llmlding Material.i. uiorice, Cnrrteoxo New Mexico

(Jrand Lodge at Albu- -

qiittque interestreturund




White New Mexico

($. HALL








An Abstract of


Is u HeceHary as a Deed

to hov that you have a

good title to your laud

IUve you got one? Ifnot order now.


TITLE & TRUST (0.I M'.. II I'll!! I rf.ui


rHMie best jjrnde ot whinkey for

medicinal pnrinmes only, at l'a- -

Kew Mexico deu's Drug Bture. o-- ltf

liftcttttcttf tittle

The Burrell House.

Clean Beds

J. W. CRAIG, Lessee.

Comfortable RoomsSubstantial Heals


44 4 444 444 444 444 444 444-a- 44-3'-

Mcdonald addition130

When you buy a lot here it is 130 feet long, facing on a nlruet80 fuel widu, whether for a or for a business location.

Investigate before buy.Square Den I Munrantecd,

W. C. MCDONALD. Office In Hunk HulldliiK.

If in the

market for

Teams or


Call on 11 b.

Cm I'uonk No. :K

We lUiy



Lots 25 and 50 x Feet.



Illnu :tt wlii'ii oil niml n Itltf

Livery feed and Sale


W. M. H.EILY, I'rop.

Good Kl, Fait Teami. Careful Driver.



Wc carry a select line ol

Staple and fancy Groceries

Hardware, Tinware

Rancnmen's Supplies, Etc.


A swell line of ladies' hats andsuits are on dinplny at ZinglerItnitliers.



Givun all



litilm DUlnnee Itiuiirt






We Sell


Small Profit



DeWitts Little Early Risers,the safe, sure, easy, gentle littloliver pills. The original Carbol-ize- d

Witch llajiel salveis DuWiti'sIok Saui good cord The name is plainly stamped on

wood. Sou H. S. CASii'ltiti.i.. 2. every box. It is good for cuts,.. . burtift, hruinea, sores, boils and

Are you going? I am, and go-- l uuburn-b- ut it is opacialiyiug to tako on a fow or thu great ipoil for pilus. Sold by Piidunftbargul"' Wotrlcr nro. ture. ""'K lor"J- - Kollaml llros.

Page 8: Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-22-1909 Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909 J.A. Haley










Welch 6fc Titsworth


Clark Hust was down from hisranch yesterday.

Mrs. J. W. Craig went to Cap-

ital! yesterday, and will returntoday.

Milton Read, a substantial cit-

izen of the Capitan country, wasin Carrizozo yesterday.

The big crowd that went to 121

Paso last week has returned fullof joy, hope and inspi-

ration.Paul Mayer was in Carrizozo a

short time Monday, on his returnto White Oaks from the uppercountry.

Dr. Walker's office building' onTularosa avenue is just aboutcompleted. It is quite a neat,comfortable building.

Ucmctrio Pcrea is making prep-arations to open up an eatinghouse across the track. He wilthe ready for business next Mon-

day week.K. II. 13. Chew was down from

White Oaks a short time Satur-day, Mr. Chew informed us thatthe White Oaks public schoolwould begin next month.

A number of our citizens wentto Osouro Saturday to attend jus-Ut- s

anitrt, Judge Seoggin, of thisliroaiuot btimr disqualified, as he.

Win a party to the aotiou. ThefiBUi we millers land, was

Wholesale and Retail

General Merchandise


A. J. Holland made a business Hons for a temporary jail, and,visit to Alamogordo yesterday, for a time, merrymakers will steerreturning last night.

W. 13. Schci, representing theDenver Post, is here in the inter-

est of his publication.If mi. .fnhtl Y. Ilnwflt rillirtlpd

from night, county district court,

went White Oaks follow- - .cxtra tMa

ing morning.13. Dobbins and family re-

turned last week their homenear Capitan. They have beenat Lampasas, Texas, the pastsix mouths.


the will be

clear of its precincts.Attorney Geo. 13. of

Lincoln, came over on Monday'sCapitan train, and left even-

ing for Tucumcari to attend the131 Paso Sunday and Quay

T' for theto the




Paded store and hospitalhave arrsved, the walls arcalmost finished. It will have oneof the beautiful ofany building in town.

K. Irmiugct and daughter, Mrs.13oonc. who have ranch near

Judge Coolcy passed through Capitan, delivered two car loadsSunday night, ou his way to Tu- - 0f stock cattle to J. II. Charlcsscumcari, where he opened the hcrc week They sol,i lhelrregular term of court for Quay slccr8 to Mr charlcss also, butcomity Monday. instead of shipping them they

W. L. Cumin has contracted to wcrc ,,rivcn to lhc v V pastures,deliver the Capital! coal slack to CharM McMastcr Gor(,onh Paso ies. He has securedpar Q u R Wa(, vic J(jnMa rate rom the railroad company nMll Wnu Kal,,cr ,cft Tuc8(,that will justify its shipment. m)rn for t,Je Capitan mouu-Th- e

amount on he dumps a the a, , scarch of rccrcnUon amlwormngs is ciiimaicu ai

4.U00 tons.Skaters and dancers arc notified

that Kink at theirdisposal for only three nights




most fronts



sport. The quintette containsbo mi' good marksmen, and theyshould not return empty handed.

The hunting party, that wentout above the head of the mat

before court. Tomorrow niirht ! iI10 .00t,. ,nr.i...i Tu,!..and Tuesday night will be given with the carcasses of three deer,to skating, while next Thursday There wcrc four in the party andnight the last dance in the Rink not enough deer to go round; thebefore court will take place. The claims of Grav and Goff to onebuilding is undergoing altera- - each not being questioned, but


Little and Adams could not agreeas to who slew the third. At anyrate, they and a number of theirfriends had venison.

Messrs. Campbell, Anderson,Hell, Graham, Jones and anothersportsman left Monday morningfor a week's outing in the Capi-tau- s.

They went loaded forbear, and if they return withoutbruin's pelt their standards assportsmen lowered.

The celebrated Jap Coe fruitfarm on the Ruidoso has beensold to George Poole, of William-son, county, Texas; consideration$7,000.00. This farm does notembrace a large acreage, but isrecognized as a most valuablepiece of property.

J. Johnson, of Salt Lake City,and son, S. M. Johnson, of Char-lotte, North! Carolina, arrivedlast night. The younger John-son came hcrc seven years ago,and was at that time so favorablyimpressed with our healthful cli-mate and undeveloped resourcesthat the idea of establishing uschool in the mountains of thiscounty took root. He developedand disposed of some property inCharlotte, thus securing meanswhereby the present project maybe consummated. He left todayfor the cast side of the mountainaud, if successful in securing adesirable location, will be fol-

lowed later by a number of fami-lies from the cast.

&&ir 'v " litStokfei X Mme, - -... - M' . ,. .V...;. . v



Page 9: Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-22-1909 Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909 J.A. Haley

And All with Company Thero."Now, children," wild tlio mother,

ltd n whole roomful of company hadcomo In, "supposo you run off and playby yourselves."

"All right, mother." replied Kdlth."Can wo go up and play Hamlet andOphelia?"

"Certainly," mulled tho mother,whllo hor guosts looked on at thotableau.

"Ooodyl" replied Kdlth; then, turn-ing to hor sinter, bIio said: "Now,Maude, you run up to mnmma'H roomand get all her falno hair that you canund." Judge.

EnouQh Till Eternity.Tho hlggcHt tnnrblo nunrry In opera-

tion In tho world lies nlmoHt withinn stono's throw of tho heart of WestRutland, Vt. Around Its mouth Is aHtock of 12,000 pieces of finished nmr-hie- .

Thero In a gront gnp In tho hill-side- .

Tho marble crops out as baroor noil or vegetation an a bllllnrd ball.You can walk over that hill and neverstep on anything but marble, and aft-er two Bcoro years of blasting anddrilling thoy don't know how deepthodeposlt lies. It seems there's enoughinarblo In that ouo hill for nn eternity.

Not Ambiguous at All.Tho donkey Is or hns been asao

elated with party politics In othorcountries besides our own.

In ono of Hnglnnd's elections a can-dldat- o

for parliament, tho lato Imlllnth. rolled attention to himself bymeniiH of u donkey over whoso backtwo pnnnlors were slung, bcnrlng nribbon band on which wns printed:"Vote for Papa."

It must bo ndded, howovor, that Ineach pannlnr stood ono of Lord llnth'sdaughters. Youth's Compnnlon.

SENSE ABOUT FOODPacts About Food Worth Knowing.

It Is n serious question nomotlmcs to:uow just whnt to cat when n per-

son's stomach Is out of order and mostfoods cnttso trouble,

drape-Nut- s food can bo taken at anytlmo with tho certainty thnt It willdigest. Actual oxperleuco of people Isvaluables to anyone Interested In foods.

A Torro Hnuto womnn writes: "1had suffered with Indigestion for nboutfour years, over since nn attack of ty-

phoid fovor, and at times could cutnothing but the very lightest food,and then suffer such ngony with mystomach I would wish 1 never had tocat anything.

"I wns urged to try drape-Nut- s andBlnco using It I do not hnvo to starvemyself any more, but I enn ent It ntnny tlmo nnd fuel nourished and satis-fied, dyspepsia Is a thing of tho past,nnd I mn now strong nnd well.

"My husband also had nn expcrloncowith drnpo-Nuts- . Ho wiib very weaknnd sickly In tho spring. Could notattend to his work. Ho was undortho doctor's rnro but modlclne did notseem to do him nny good until ho bo-gn- u

to lonvo off ordinary food and usodrnpo-Nuts- . It wns positively surpris-ing to soo tho chnngo In him. He growbetter right off, nnd naturally ho hadnone but words of prnlso fur drape-Nut- s.

"Our boy thinks ho cnunot ent nluonl without Orupe-Nii-t, nnd holenrni so fust at school thnt bin lonoh-o- r

nnd other scholars comment on It.1 nut satisfied thnt It It hroauio orthu gront nourishing elements In(irae-Nuls.-"

"There's a Hensaii."11 contains the plum pi in to of pntnsli

from wheat and barley which rnmhlnowtUi albumen to make the gray mat-ter to dally refill tho brain nnd norvuamttera.

II Ib u pity that pcnplo do not knowwlml to food their children. Thoro aromany mothers who glvo their young-sters almost any kind or ood nndttlieu they become sick begin to pourtlto medicine down them. Tho ioiiIvVny Is to stick to proper food nndlie healthy und get along without mod-iolus ami expense.

tjvrr rnul llic utintr IrHrrf A nrnon npjtjjnrn frnm llmr to tliur. Titernri trur, nnd full of humanInterest.


Orange Layers with Icing of tlie 8tmeFlavor Is a Popular Confection


Cream four ounces of butter withfour ounceB or sugnr, then add gradu-ally four woll-beute- n eggs, sift In hnlfa pound or flour and ono tenspoonfulor bnklng powder, then add tho gratedrind or ono orange and two table-spoonfu-

or milk. Mix well nnd dlrldoInto buttered nnd (loured layer tins,spread evenly and quickly nnd bnko Ina hot oven for about fifteen minutes.Turn out to cool.

Now tnko tho strained Julco of halfnn orange nnd half a lemon, put themInto a small snucepnn, ndd a lovol

of cornstarch, moistenedwith ono gill or cold water, add thograted rind or hnir an ornngo nnd rourheaping tnblesponruls or sugnr. Stirover tho flro till th eyhtlckon. Whoncool spread between tho two pieces ofcake.

Then Ico with ornngo Icing. Tomnke tho ornngo frosting, paro thorind very thinly from ono orango andsoak It In tho julco for ono hour and nhair. 81ft eight ounces ot confoctlon-ers- '

sugnr Into n basin, ndd thostrained Julco. Dent for a few minutesnnd spread on tho enko. Cut Into neatsquares or triangles.


Rice, with Flavoring Ingredients, QoeiWell with Any of the Season's

Light Dlihet.

Wnsh thoroughly threo ounces ofrice, then put It Into a saucepan, coverIt generously with water nnd bring toboiling point; then strnln off tho wa-

ter, wash tho rlco well In wator,return It to tho pan with ono pint ormilk, add n bay tear, an onion stuckwith two cloves, salt and red popporto tatc.

Cook very gently till tho rice Is ten-der nnd tho liquid Is reduced to onegill, then lirt out tho buy leaf nnd thoonion nnd dlssolvo In tho rlco half atcnspoonrul of powdorcd gelatine.

When this Is perfectly dissolvedturn tho wholo Into a basin nnd whencoot mix In lightly halt a cupful ot8tlllly whipped cream.

Havo ready n plain bordor ring moldlined with nsplc Jelly and garnishedwith tiny sprigs or pnrsley nnd pap-rika; then pour tho rlco Into this, letIt sot, thon turn out on to a daintydish and servo with nny dollcato saladand chopped nsplc jelly.

Excellent Barley Water.Wlpo very clean, by rolling It In a

soft cloth, two tablespoonfuls or pearlbarley; put It Into n quart Jug, witha lump or two or sugnr, a grain or twoor snlt nnd n strip or lemon peel, cutthin; till up tho Jug with boiling watorand keep tho mixture gently stirredror sumo minutes, then cover It nndlet It stand until perfectly cold. In 12hours, or less. It will ho tit for use, butIt Is better when mndo over night. Ifthese directions be followed, tho bar-lu-

water will bo comparatively clear,nnd very soft and pleasant to drink.After tho barley water has boonpoured off onco, tho Jug mny bo tilledwith boiling water a second tlmo, Ifdesired.

Recipe for Wedding Cake.Threo and ono-hul-f pounds butter,

four pounds sugar, pounds (lour,nine pounds eurrnnts. 214 pound?raisins, threo dozen eggs, 2 poundsollron, thrvo ounces brandy, threeounces rose wnter, ono-hul- f ounceelovos, ono-hul- f ounco mneo. one hnliounce cinnamon, ono-hni- r ounce nutmeg, two-third- cup mnlnsses; wnshcurrants nnd raisins thoroughly bfore making.

Pea Salad.Ono can of smnll peas, drained; ona-fourt-

of 11 pound of cronm choose,on dozen smnll pickles, ouo tali'e-spoonfu- l

or finely chopped onions.Tho cheese nnd pinkies should be cutfine. Add mnyounalse dressing. Willservo 12.


Many Women Think They Aro Doomedto Backache.

It Is not right for women to bo al-

ways ailing with bnckncho, urinaryIlls, hondacho and oth-er symptoms of kid-ney dlsenso. Thero Isn way to end thesotroubles quickly. Mrs.John II. Wright, COG

Kast First St., Mitch-ell, S. D., says: "Isuffored ton yoarswith kidney complaint

and n doctor told mo I would novorgot moro than temporary relief. Adragging pnln nnd lnmoncss In myback almost dlsnblcd mo. Dizzyspells como nnd went nnd tho kldnoysecrotlons woro Irregular. Doan'sKidney Pills rid mo or theso troublesan I reel bettor thnn ror ycarB past."

Sold by all dqalcrn. fiOc. a box.Fostor-Mllbur- n Co., Buffalo, N. Y.


Ho I'd kiss you If I dared.She Well, don't you dnro to It

that's tho way you fool nbout It.

Care In Preparing Food.

In recent years scientists haveproved that tho vnluo of rood Is meas-ured largely by Its purity; tho ronun is mo inosi Binngeni pure ioouInws that have ever been known.

Ono road thnt has stood out pi emi-nently ns a perfectly clean and purefood nnd which wns as puro beforetho enactment of these Inws as It couldpossibly be Is Quaker Scotch Oatsconceded by tho experts to bo the Idealfood for making strength or musclennd brnln. The best nnd cheapest otall foods. Tho Quaker Oats CompanyIs the only manufacturer of oatmealthat has satisfactorily solved tho prnblorn of removing tho husks and blackspecks which nro so annoying whenothor brands nro enten. If you nreconvenient to tho storo buy tho rojular slzo packages; If not near tinstoro, buy tho largo slzo fnmlly packages. 1

Brooklyn Flag Factory.Ono or tho biggest ulllelnl Hag fac

toiies In tho world In In tho Itrooklynnavy yard. Iletween eighty und ouohundred women work thero all U10year round making Hags ror tho usoor Undo Hnm'B lighting ships. Thoyuso up 120.000 yards or bunting 11 yearand fashion 418 different kinds or iilll-ria- l

Hags. Tho Hugs cost $90,000 nyonr.



Union Faclflc Passenger Departmont announces that Colonist Fareswill bo In effect from Sept. 15 to Oct.IG, 1009, to nil points In the West andNorthwest.

This year tho West loo';s moropromising thnn ever, Now Is the tlmoto securo lnnd at low prices, and, attho snmo tlmo, to visit tho many Inter-esting points In the West nnd North-west, at which liberal stopover ar-rangements may bo made.

A bettor cstlmnto of raw lands canbo mndo now thnn formerly, becausetheso lnnds are In proximity to nowfarms thnt aro producing wonderfulcrops.

For descriptive lltcrnturc, writeto 13. L. Lomax, O. P. A., U. P. It. II.,Omnhn, Neh.

"There's ouo good thing nbout hus-bands, nuywny," says Mrs. PcstiiB,"and tlint'H that most of thorn bolongto somebody else."



FAILEDLydiaE.PinkhanVs Vegeta-ble Compound Cured Her.

Wllllmnntlc, Conn. "For flvo yearsI suffered untold agony from femaletroubles, causing bnckncho, lr regulari-ties, dizziness nnd nervous prostra-tion, It was ImpoBBlblo for mo to

mhi'' ' 'lJU


upstairswithout stopping

tho way.tried threo differ-ent doctors

.dtkm each Roino-- 1thintr


IHH luruiuiu, jnuuiSfcnoth- -

taking Lydla E. linklinm's VegetableCompound sco whnt it would do.nnd nm restored my naturalhealth." Mrs. Etta Donovan, Uox201), IVlllimantlc, Conn.

Tho success of Lydla E. rinklmm'sVopotublo Compound, nintlo from rootsnuil herbs, Is unparalleled. mny beused witli perfect conlldcnco by womenwho suffer from displacements, lnilnm-nuitlo- n,

ulceration, tumors, ir-regularities, periodic pains, bnckncho,bonrlng-dowi- i fooling, llntulcncy, Indi-gestion, dizziness, nervous prostra-tion.

For thirty years Lydin 32. 1'lnklinm'aVegotablo Compound been thoutaudard remedy for fomalo Ills, nndsuffering women owo thoinsolvea

least give this mcdlclno trial.Proof is abundant that curedthousands others, and why Bliould


No Man is StrongerThan His Stomach

A strong man la all aver. No manttronjl who li suffering from weak stomach withconsequent indlficitlon, or from lime other disease

tho itoniaoh pnd associated organs, whichpairs uiKCMioti nutrition. I'or when the stomach

weak or diseased thero is a loss the nutritioncontained food, which Is the source alt physicalStrength. When a man "doesn't feel Just right, "When llO doesn't sleen well. lull linnnmfnrtnl.l,


on 1

andtold 1110

different. Ireceived no

nny of them,x uut Rcenicu 10 sur- -


k doctor saidItiff would restore

toI to





It toto nt n

It liasof lb

not euro V

can beIts

ot its Imanu

ofIn of

nnfeeling In the stomach after eating, Is languid, nervous, irritable and despondeat, he Is losing the nutrition needed to mako strength.

Such a man should uso Dr. Pierce's Golden MedicalDiscovery. It cures diseases ot the stomach and otherorgans ot digestion and nutrition, it enriches tho blood,Invigorates tlio liver, strengthens tho Sidneys, nourishesthe nerves, and so GIVES IwnLTIf SIKD STUBNGTII TOTUB WHOLE BODY.

You cin't afford to accept e ittrtt nostrum as a substitute tor this non-alcoholic mcdlclno or known coiirosmoN, not even though the urgent dealermay thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper.

Page 10: Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-22-1909 Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909 J.A. Haley




Crocheted on 8mall Celluloid Ringsand Placed on a Square of 811k

or Satin, Loosely Puffedat Each Corner.

Pretty pincushions far tlio tollot-tabl-

nro always acceptable, niul herowo hIiow n novel and decidedly pret-ty ono. Tlio snmo Idea might bo car-

ried out In n larger bIzu for n sofacimhldn.

For tho crochet rings, which formtlio ornamentation, use those of celluloid that can bo bought In varioussizes frum most dealers In fancy work.Thoso used for tho model wore covered closoly over with doublo stitchesIn crochot worked with cream crochetcotton, tho number to bo regulated bysize of ring. For the smnll rings forpincushion, 32 stitches should boworked, then draw through the first,for tho scallops, pass over tho firsttwo doubles, , Into tho next workthrco trebles, threo doublo trebles, andthrco trebles; pass over two stitches,ono doublo Into tho next, pass overtwo doubles, and repent from seventimed more; draw through tho firststitch and fasten off tho cotton.

The pattorns may bo Joined bynccdlo nnd cotton, or mny bo con-

nected by drawing through tho edgeof ono pnttorn. when working tho cor-responding pnrt of next. Work thospun stitches In center of ring with nnocdlo nnd cotton, as you would Inpoint laco; that Is, tho threads arccrossed from sldo to sldo, and nro thoudarned through In n circle; tho endof tho cotton must bo carried down


Made Up In Butcher Blue Linen andHat Panel Up Center

of Front.

A dainty llttlu dress Is mndo up Inbutcher blue linen, tho gathered skirt

Is trimmed nt tho toot by a ploco ofinsertion embroidery, and has n panel

ono strnnd and fastened oft at backor ring.

Tho rings nro connected to forma square, six rings In each lino. Asquaro pincushion Is covered with silkor sntln, loosely puffed out nt eachcorner.

Tho crochet squnro Is then laid onso thnt tho cornorB como In tho con-to- r

of each sldo, whoro thoy nro fixedtightly down undor n bow of ribbonmntchlng tho silk that, covers thocushion.


A becoming model In navy bluechip, with dnrk red puppies and navybluo wheatcars.

up tho center of front, continued totho neck of dress and cut out of plozoembroidery. Tho collar Is edged withlosurtlon, which also forms tho cuffs

lint of embroidery with a coloredribbon taken round tho crown nndtied In a bow nt tho hIiIo.

Materials required: Threo yards 30

Inches wide, ono yard piece umbroldcry, four ynrdB Insertion embroidery

New Coiffures Coming.A chnugo of colffuro lluus Ib stir

rliiK French women of fashion nndwill dauhtlcHH make Itself felt hero In

the autumn. Tho hair Is dressed Antly nt the sides Instead of being puffedout In tho fashion which tins becomono distressing n cnrlcnturo. and thohair Is colled or braided round thohoad or dresBcd low In looso nhlguoufashion. A tiny fringe may or mayuot appear across tho middle of thoforehead. It "111 bu hard for womento accustom themselves to tho lintsldo lines, and millinery will have toIto adapted to tho change, but uftcr alltho mode Is merely tentative.

The Recamler Coiffure.Tim fanhlonablu hair nrrntiiininnnt.

with Us center pnrtlng nnd very wldsums ami u.'ick, is cuucu tnu rocain-dir- .

Tim llttlu curls ili'oiiiilnii lYmntho back and pinned to tho hair arcgrowing mora in mbiiioii each week

Silks for Autumn,RUk sorgo and boiho of the heavy

Ottoman wenves In silk nro to boimulo up into dressy street costumesfor autumn wear,


Well painted Is valuo added whether tho houso bo built for ono thousanddollars or ten thousand. Well paintedmoans higher soiling valuo, and high-er occupying valuo ior there's nnnddltlonnl plcaBuro In living In thoIioubo that Is woll dressed.

National Lead Company assist Inmnklng tho right uso of tho rightpaint by sending freo upon request toall who ask for It, tholr "Housoown-er- a'

Painting Outfit No. 49." Thisoutfit Includes n book of color schemesfor cither oxtcrlor or interior painting, a book of specifications and nnInstrument for detecting adulterationIn paint materials. Address NationalLead Company, 1002 Trinity llulld-Ing- ,

Now York City, and tho outfitwill be promptly sent to you.


rn-rf- t JBices Walter, this steak Is too

tough to cut. Take It back.waltor Sorry. Blr. but I can't:

you've bent It.

A Question of Grammar.Hetty's uncle, who was n bcIiooI

teacher, mot her on tho streot onobeautiful May day and asked her ifbIio was going out with tho Mayingparty.

"No, I ain't going.""Oh, my llttlo dear," said her undo,

"you must not say 'I ain't going,' " nndho proceeded toglvohern llttlo lcBnonIn grammar. "You nro not going. IIuIs not going. Wo aro not going. Younro not going. They nro not going.Now, can you Bay nil that, Hetty?"

"Sure I can," bIio replied, making ncourtesy. "There nln't nobody going."


Adjustable.Aunt Anne, nn old family darky,

was Bitting with knees crossed In thekitchen, when tho young daughter oftho houso entered nnd, Impressed withthe hugcncBB of tho old woman's feet,naked what slzo shoo sho woro.

"Well, honoy," replied Aunt Anne,"I kin wear eights; 1 gluernlly wearnines; but deso ycr 1'bo got on amtwolvcB, nn' do good Luwd knows deyhu'tB mot" Hvorybody'B Mngnzlno.

Languaoe of Eden.Ho (looking ut tho catalogue of

women's styles) Thoy Btlll iiho thelanguage of tho llrst fuHhlou plat?,don't thoy?

His Wife What do you mean?Ho Fig. 1, Fig. '.', and bo o.Judge.

Strictly Butlnetsllke.Ho American girls who marry tor

elgn tltloB don't deservo nny credit.She They don't ask nny; thoy pay


Do your feet ever feel tired, nchy nndoro nt nloht? Hull them with n llttlu

jrnmllnit Wlrnrd Oil. They'll bo glad inthe morning and to will you,

Tho man who Iiob it tnlkatlvo wifemay have it whole lot to say, but hoseldom gets a chance to say It.

in tiii: HitMMint mkahonf run Willi tnmnrli

Iiitliikiiftiii'iiiiu-iiiim'iiiiulliiriiliuii-littviMMi tuinU

lwl ). V.; UJoaml Wio buttlvt.

Her string. In soon worn out If a girlIkim too many beaux.

Dr. Plrn-K'- IVlli'K. unmll. luInkit nn I'ttmlf, ami Inrlgurulu ktuiuucli,llvuruiiJ Uowulfc lxjnutiirliu.

It's too much to expect cross-bre-

dogs to bo nmlable.

Mm. Wlnilnw'ii Boothlnir ran,For children tsetblna, toltrnt the iiiitn, rediicei

wlndtollu. Uetbottlg.

A guilty coiiBclcnco Is apt to bo Itsown oxcuuor.

How England Qot New Zealand.TTnttr Mnuf 'nn In II it tinr-nln- II HMtlfltl

poBSCBBlon is ono of tho romnnccs ofcolonization, seventy years ngo nwas a sort of no man's land, but Itt,.nln.t mil Hint l.'rnllpn rnlltlMlllllntCllnnnoxntlon. There was a ruco fromSydnoy between x liritisn ani aFrench innn-of-wn- tho former win- -

..In.. Iiv n fmv limirn unit Hcctirllll! NOW

Zealand for tho llrltlsh crown. A fewyenrs provloimly n French adventurer,Huron do i merry, ni mo nenu oi iuufollnumra wlmm tin luiil recruited III

Sydney, had proclaimed himself "kingor now zeniniui, ' nut ma imrou uunot sufficient funds to maintain ainnnnrrliv. 1 tin Hlllllcrts itcBOrtcd UtldIiIb reign collapsed. London Chronicle.

Not So Wide of the Mark, Either.Tho chiBS hnd tnkon up the Buhject

of tho rulers of tho world. Tho prcRl-den- t

or tho United Stntcs, tho king otHnglnnd nnd their powers nnd tunctlous hnd been discussed.

Suddenly tho teacher Bald, "Now,Willie, what's a knlBer?"

"A kaiser." replied tlio absent-minde-

Willie, whoso long suit was geog-

raphy lnstend of political history,"Is a Btream o' hot water Bprlnghi' upand dlBturhln' tho earth." I.lppln- -



nnll I I nni In nil Ulniln of Ml'.lluun II LUUft riiAnnlair nmlli-i- l frre

MmnmntliHill IlfU. Invr.

BROWN PALACE HOTELi:uniwnn riim, SI, SO nnil 1'imnnl,

THE AMERICAN HOUSE W "",uAinvrlriui Plan fJ.ui mm utmiirtl.

RUGS & LINULE.UM XiVli.Wo pay tlio frrlKlit lt cntulog In

iiiiillcil frro.Tho H0LC0MB& HAR1 Vi'V!?.'



rnlaCar nmt

DR.W.K, OAMERON'S SAI'Will tilmNi tnu. Itirilliftilf. ffmulwt nl Iwlli iintr IS, Iflli-rw- l 171, lt111. . unhl rrtmni mill lirliluu wurk

nnljrift (liiMmul ilHiiiilillliivtl iii. lur-lur-


AWNINGS, TENTStiii: ( "i.iiii t MM)"1 ll IlllHim I



TI'.NT rf AWNI.Ml.t'O.lurk UuniM lloll'n In lit tvril.r Ml DtliMT Ci'. Hub! H.

WINTER WHEATwheat w It linx liofii niiHi.t fur three

ciirH In hii'i'hmIiii ullliinit lirlKiitluti;lino lull Hr. Till: HUNCH .HHIJII

CO., Ill III I'lrii-pnll- i M..


RELIABLE : PROMPTflulil. 7tc: ii hd Blltar. II 00. Oolil. Kllkrr

nil Cuirr. It ia (Inlil ami Hllvrr mriiinliiriuullt

(HlllKN AHHAYUtile l'ir urn lllltllinH BUDKa.

1MU 'urt I'lucc, Utn- -

SPORTING GOODSrluapi-ii- l pint p to l.tiy ihp.....Ml, ,..,1 ITlBlllttV THrU . IIlluir llilll nni! Atlllotli U'.imIh,

grimr o in intin u. Tim

til-- llun,Mnll nrileranilillpil The II II Ilrlt Hinrlinif

I'ii. uppniiiit rum'mi nji rHuauo ni.

un iuu



"r ftrtf klml ot mnf,I .M.iitnim.j In 11,'iiriT lijr Til 11

ki:sri:itN .

Kit i i i: IKMM INIII II. Hit Wiultiihla lllilif.,I.lioim .Mum av7, llimiilMii-- r iIihm nut luinillo,

rim u,

E. E. BURLINGAME &. CO.,ICPlVnCCIOC ...CHEMICAl- -Hooni AND LABORATORYEliblUli(xlluCoU)rnio,IN3a.HiimiilonliTDiBllnf,.ilirrwlllririiltoiriiniitindritri'ulltmitl(mGold SiSiuerBuiiion m,TrVurphVp"'"

CONCENTRATION, AMALOAMAliON AND100 Un. to cnrloiui lota,

CYANIDE TESTS WrtB for t(lrmfc1730-173- 8 Lawrence St.. Denver. Colo,




If you I n 1 1' ml to liuv a i'lnni) thin fallnot IIiIh ulTcr mm. 8n 1100 to 1160.I.lhrriil l'lijmi-ii- l I'liin. Tllll KMdlli'-- I

A.MIMIIM.I, Ml Mil I'll., Ilrtivi-r- . lllilWl'Ht'H (lllllHt llll-- l IlllKl'Hl IIHIHlc llUUHUtKHtalillHhfil 18H


With Hie BestTlinre In MminUIn & l'laln Paint.

'rlliiiiilli'iillr i'ii r re el," lid fully uuar-nmiT- il.

It 1h innilu by Alut'heo &rn nciivwr, wlmia niulatluti

iHntuU lielilinl tlu-M- Ank yourtleitlor fur furtlior Infiiriiiiitlon or wrltoto un for Intent "KuhIiIiuih In l'lilntliiK."UelMlUK fc SIcOIN.MTY CO., HUNVUIU

Page 11: Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-22-1909 Carrizozo News, 10-22-1909 J.A. Haley

MB. MB ywii8Si!.'' ':'40epegmMiagm miriM iimmiw iiihiiim



County of Lincoln, New Mexico.

I, Jno. A. Haley, Superintendent of Schools for said County,do hereby certify that I have duty apportionment the school fund ofsaid county on this 16th day of October, l'JO'J. The amount ofmoney subject to such apportionment is seven hundred and threeand 60100 Dollars, ($703.60). The total number of persons ofschool age is 2275 The rate pcrscholar is $0.30, which is appor-tioned to the several school districts below, leaving a balancefor next apportionment of $21.10:

No, of No. of No. of General Precinct Liquor Toll Speciall'ret. Dlat. Bch'Ia. Komi Finn License Tuition Tax Larjr Amount.

1 1 218 65 40 87-1- 18 90 53 42 225 12

2 2 8!1 24 90 84 J010 3 42 12 60 12 60

4 4 J8 29 40 39 82 62 4210 5 25 7 50 7 50

6 - 6 58 17 40 15 00 9 67 42 0714 7 342 102 60 198 00 490 64 193 01 984 258 8 149 44 70 35 17 79 87

11 9 30 9 00 13 00 1 91 23 91

2 10 58 17 40 1 98 19 3811 11 61 18 30 13 50 31 8012 12 61 18 30 18 3013 13 200 60 00 10 00 61 33 133 68 205 01

5 14 64 19 20 4 12 23 3212 15 19 5 70 6 00 2 70 3 52 17 9212 16 25 7 50 2 96 10 463 17 88 26 40 8 25 34 651 18 27 8 10 10 85 18 95

15 19 52 15 60 31 DO 20 75 67 85'2 20 109 32 70 10 81 43 51

7 21 53 15 90 15 9012 25 20 6 00 6 009 28 163 48 90 61 33 13 50 119 07 242 803 32 52 15 60 61 33 7 50 16 77 101 202 33 64 19 20 3 85 23 05

10 35 27 8 10 16 10 24 2010 42 34 10 20 . 18 00 28 20t7 43 53 15 90 61 33 19 59 96 82

2275 682 50 3C6 25 735 96 6 00 133 60 694 46 2558 77Dal. next app. 21 10

Notice of Publication.Detmrtment of tli Interior.

U. B. Laud Olllrn nt Itoawell, N. U.,Ooti ' im- -

NotleA In hereby given that llnr It. Itogera, ofLincoln, N. M., who, October 11, IKK, madeHomestead Kntry No.UOll, Ber. No.fKKt, forthn W)i NWfy. Beet Ion I, and I'M NKU Bee-tlo- n

5. Townahlp Or), Itnnge 10 E, N. M.l'.meredlan, ha Hied notice of Intention tomake final (Ire-roa- r proof to establish claim tothn land nbove described, Ixfora Clementlllahtower, United Hiatal Commissioner, at lilaoHIee tn Capttan, N, M., on tlie 80th day ofNnrembor, lKlil.

Claimant nnmea aa witnesses iI), t). l'arker, of Anuos, N. M.J 0 N.Morris,

J. H. Hunt and A. J. Uunt, of Lincoln. N.M.HMS-- T. 0. Tillotron, Kegliter.

Do not be deceived by unscru-pulous imitators who would haveyou believe that the imitationpills are as good as UeWitt's Kid-ney and Bladder Pills. Thereis'nt anything just as good asthese wonderful pills for the re-

lief of backache, weak back, in-

flammation of the bladder, urin-ary disorders and all kidney com-plaints. Any one can take Dc-Wit- t's

Kidney and Madder Pillsas directed in perfect confidenceof good results. Sold at Paden'adrugstore and Holland Llros.

Fok Salk A few thorough-bred White and Brown Leghornchickens great egg producers.

J. T. DArhy,Ft, Staulon, N,M,

JOHN A. HALEY,Superintendent of Schools.

Notice for Publication.Serial No. 03)1 3.

Donartment of tha Inferior.U. 8. Land Olllca at Itoawell, N. M.

October 1, iww,Nollee U hereby ulron that William (3. Me.

Donald, of Ujrrlioxo, Oounty of Lincoln, Terri-tory of New Mexico, tiaa fllivl In thla olllce hieapplication, Herlal No, Willi, to enter, underBret lom 38O0-O- 7 It. H He N KM BUM of Bee Ion0, Township H, Itauga ID U, K M. P.M.

Any and all persons claiming adversely thalandi described, or deelrlna: to object because ofthn mineral character of the land, or for butother reaeon. to the disposal to applicant, shouldfile their allldarlt of protest In thla olllca on orttefora tha Mh day of Notamber, liutf.lKMt T. O. TiLLothom. lleirialcr

Notice (or Publication.Department of the Interior

U. B. Land Olllca at lloawoll, N.M ,Oct. n IWJ.

Notice la hereby niton that Itlchmond Hunt,of Nosal, N. M who, on October :lsl, Hurt,mm a llpraoatend, Kntry No. 01W6, for tha fol.lowing described land within tha Lincoln Na.tlonal Koreat In Beclloua one (1) and twelro (121In TownsMp nine (Wl tout h, ltaiige twelve (12)Kaat, New Mexico I'rln. Meredlan. to.wltilleglnnlng attVirnrr No. I, whence thn

11 K.barallS.t. Thence H

17 o IV W 1.1. W chains to Corner No. 2.rar 13e T K, HMo sf W ffl II ehalna to corne?No. 3. Thence N Mo uo; W 0.11 chain, to oornorNo. . Thence N !W' 2.V KX7 71 chains to cor-ner-

X Thence B 80 8 w a lO.Vt chalna to?Krr Nn l l,'co x'ltlnnlng, containing43A1 acre.

llaa filed notlee of Intention to maVa finalfire year proof to eatabllah elalin to thn landabore dencrllied, before A, II. HnrTer, Unitedmate t!ommlaalqner, nt hla olllca In Carriior.o,N. M on the 22nd ilar of November, 1PUU.

(jalmnnt namea na wltneeaeai'Hiiim.. W 1 1 ... I.. T I. 1 1 I 1 1

in 't '" n"ni. n. n1. 0. Tillotson, ltegltter.

Those sweaters have arrived atZieglcr Bros. We have them forladies, gentlemen and children,

The Excdine BanK, (.rrizoio, lew Mexico.

Transacts a General Banking BusinessIssues Drafts on all Principal Cities ofthe World. Accords to Borrowersevery accommodation consistent withsafety. Accounts solicitid.







The of






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and In

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Best Brands






Bonded per Quart,.50 per Quart..50 per Quart.

$4.00 per Gallon.

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JOHN Ii. SKINNERWholesale Hctalt Dealer

Flour, & Grain.'Queen Kansas," the finest grade ilour

Preston (Ml delivered Jtort iwtlce.

Photic Main street, Carrizozo.

J)R. F.

Office Bank Building

Carrizozo, New




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County SurveyorThe only bonded Barreror In Lincoln Connty

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Garrizozo New Mexico