1924-04-04archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · ' I ! . v...


Transcript of 1924-04-04archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · ' I ! . v...

Page 1: 1924-04-04archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · ' I ! . v • • • • • . • . .. ' ~ ~ ..,.. ' ' ~ I ' • r . ,... . : 'YOUR • ..
Page 2: 1924-04-04archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · ' I ! . v • • • • • . • . .. ' ~ ~ ..,.. ' ' ~ I ' • r . ,... . : 'YOUR • ..
Page 3: 1924-04-04archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · ' I ! . v • • • • • . • . .. ' ~ ~ ..,.. ' ' ~ I ' • r . ,... . : 'YOUR • ..
Page 4: 1924-04-04archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · ' I ! . v • • • • • . • . .. ' ~ ~ ..,.. ' ' ~ I ' • r . ,... . : 'YOUR • ..
Page 5: 1924-04-04archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · ' I ! . v • • • • • . • . .. ' ~ ~ ..,.. ' ' ~ I ' • r . ,... . : 'YOUR • ..
Page 6: 1924-04-04archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · ' I ! . v • • • • • . • . .. ' ~ ~ ..,.. ' ' ~ I ' • r . ,... . : 'YOUR • ..
Page 7: 1924-04-04archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · ' I ! . v • • • • • . • . .. ' ~ ~ ..,.. ' ' ~ I ' • r . ,... . : 'YOUR • ..
Page 8: 1924-04-04archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · ' I ! . v • • • • • . • . .. ' ~ ~ ..,.. ' ' ~ I ' • r . ,... . : 'YOUR • ..

. . ..

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' I


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.. cE· For_/ . . . .

-NeW Frocks· ' .

• • •• . . . . .. ..;.... . . . "'*tb' . . . ·Q:Iea.. . i -. ' . .

··· · · aa4 .......,.r. Mr. , .. _ . 'fba MoeM ltlt the Oeeuf!ll-. .y R 11 .f!a~an · Oaptah.1 -1ctiv•· wqqea ..

~ ,, . ' . ' ' . , ' ·. ,, ·, •' ~ ' '

, tJ • I( "'

d~id Tb,rapJ De~»Jrtment on . . 1'& • d j c' . Mftebelnum.~ ~· Uar~~· Ja.t Mondf.Y pJght wa _a .~om.. · e..a.~ i:' an. .. y' M ·ti A , '· 1l11t

I y




Jf~f4 $Ueeeu iKcever.v ~e~~ct . .wer~t•r.v of, t~~. ,: • · .. . · Tb_e funml . •nd Pttjqnnel : JOtned . ·.. ·· . . · . · · . · tlil! ¥ttthodilt cbur:eJII oa ·

· n aivlng *e delightful . p l a y,. ·. A: new K. ,g(_ .C'. di bu dtly a:fternoon le ~~ •nd · · 'l'he MYite.t:r. of t .h: e · Ho~ae. . been appointed lU , tQ:e tart~lt ~ttendod ·

. - fOr: Dresil l ":', '

. ' ' .

• • . ,

. ' • •

·· · · ·· · · ·. · .. ~ext Voofk t'. wbien w~ ,tf.eU en.. Bessey ·W~Q' · bistor1 Qf tbf• ~it¥ . . ·. Sou~rti'y' ' d~signed ftoek$ . ·. tit~ «>llllflllDJfab)HriV '; ot m," l>lfQtlUJ" ~bnp11 . . . . . btOUJbt P~lll$e: to th;~ . o; lh~Ul6W .. Jrfra.,Stimmf!t . .. . . ·. ·. . : in a Wii:lli . 'vari~ty of 'Ill~~ <,; .. w •• "' ,!1 d· 1114n&~pleuPt.... T.:lll'l'bo an~· . . . . . . • n ~ •• : . . ., .· . !.1!1• . .

· .. ·.•


: .·J. .. et' .. t~~a .. )·S··. ·· ·.Ott. ... e._·r· .• ·~··b.·o .. tL ...• .,. m· .. -. ·a.:d, . .·.·. . O•n Qqnnby.' .'J:P,E: WflQ~ P. J~ McQ~rtf• . l>~ . . · 'f<*t\,~~·rl . WP. . · ·. •· . • IJ· .. ·

0 . .• in•IUilt<!.th• l&ls!l~• Xm· IC. C., of (l.nalll,, •1!11 A. _AI, · · b4 · . $

·· .l · · · · · .~.· · t•• · ·' ·· ··aowdfS,JJ[~pstein';. Mea-. 01 a: :luup,; D. ~· at Qklflh~ma. · . .. . . . · w.a 4

. . . . . ' apa 'blatron :an oppo.r .. Jl,• ~ I ll.itu~auib;. N~bl~i· "~"' II OIQ tor $OV_OI'lll do..Y·~ low.!>t' It!<. !lind:· Mr-. :tH. ~IIi•· . . i!y: to be -dresSed well:and s~~ll!'er, Ultlnt.... . • . . " ...... ..... • • · • melOt\lils Pl-ei ~' i. ·

. •

• •

.(1. t·· hl w· . orjJa}Jv . M~~k and .Oap~in :Se~~o. . t~er$})ayis'SO%\l~One•sJurtb~ .·. ·' .. :'t I<~:~:·:.: 1:"'. T' .... ' . ·•• y IS . Y • > · . . -~ : -~- . ll • . <be .play, Mr. W~<terboW!il' ~avb dm·$0<1 :!b!l' ~Arc!~ , al !h~ 0~1· ; .\\', ~ 0 Rfttlai:d; Wb'o-~I$ it..en ' invite , you . :to $ee .J~ese· ~n fnte~estJns . mr6 n~l~f!:~~ -~mt • . Art_& ~·t~ .stt~P·. , . - . . . .. ain!Ji&r\g'i~ ,Ofllf'<>Ft)t~ gataif!l. •

• · ·F · k · · · · · P.aul .Sehreibel',.•.P 3Y~.- ~n . . . . . . . .· . . . ,. . , . . . . .. . J:i!.. ·-s.~ . ,., . roc !; ' . . · ' . • . · · • • · ·. ' ' · ' • • ;,.li• to: rePeAled ••&:O•O$ wllll: · . ·. · · . . . . · ·• · · · . m: L~ !ll'!l ~•& . ...,, ·~" .I'JI•• • l!l v_,

· · '' · · · · · · · · . · Andmwa of Capita~ -•t tho 1\frn. II. 1!, Clarka ll!ld !II!>M . ,_ monlb$, "'"'" ntur~4 111d · ----·----------~~-~··~-·~·~·-··-·-·-~···-.·~··-·-·~~---·~~-~.:~··-··~:=~~-~-··~~~·~··~··~ ~~•jn~Bla~~~nd, M!Mnn~~~et~~-~·~~h~~~~-~ ~hite otcbQstr~ 'ful'mslied. the. ,:)Ut!Qft~ wi~b: trJerrdli In R~sweU. 1t•char4, ~~ tb~ 'Oardzo~o l'.r-.na• muarc nq~ m:ad~·A bit.. ' . " 1~ • . . . & §t<Jrpse Cor,..... . • ,, · · · · Mr. nnd 1\trs. F. L. Sherman . ' .... · • .. · ~,. n~,,· ~J~· A In) DONS, Well' Ma Ae·, a·. t J··. u·t .a ... -bo' ......... th. ·e· '*'. o· •t. o' f 'AndQUn~etnen,t -~ I W~l'ein tro~'theltran,~hMonday, HTbe White Si$ter~t gi~en un. ~t . "' •· •• "!'


. ... " " • . . • - • • ol. go<ld, heavy, · •••~l•,r ruiu fer the """~ieee ot'thC.rilzo)'.O the Mate.·rJ·aJ•.· The flenrYKin~ produetio~ of tell tu ~heir· Jocnlf.ty ~trridP.l' Entqrtalncl's, .nt t Jl·e .'Ct)istal

. .

o . , the ·~While Sister;•. otarrmt ••4 Suturauy, Tlielr ~Wok ialo ·l'hen.tto, .Aprli,IJ.9, fo one ot the , · , , ·-· .,, .. · ~·-· --··-"':-·-·-· _, ____ "_ .. _,_._., -· -· .... ...,.,,.., _, -·-·,-· ·-· •w-• .. ·•r.....,~ • LiiU;m Gish pluye'd n half YCI:\t good condtt.ion and runge· grns& best sere~n produeUoXJs' <>t' the p '


_J s·· - , s •t ' ·SPECJA·L· ... ' ' - in New York OJcy nt an ndmis· lS co'muttr nicely. Yl3!ll,", . •. - ; ' ! :; ;; <;;;h] $.ana oys Ul s slon eharrre of $2.20, in 1>11 P ... o . . .. . •.


• · 0 ,within the last sixty days ll Miss Velma Davis apent Sun- FOR SAI,E- Plano, OO.(l{i:~ftl!, ~ tf"'ii"i'l' Easter This ·week . . nly played • week at prlees from Joy With ber Parents, Mr ..... piC!uroa. oldebo&rd, dlnlnlf:, Ia· n- ""u 76e to $1,65. the pletur<> brok< ~Irs. 0. c. llavls •• Nogal, .... ble, bedroom 1U1Pituro, klt<:hen GRANITE · WARE recorda at theatres. in Chicago. .orning in time. !Dr bigb BChool cabinet. steel range witht balh·

• - -~"' ,.. ____ _ f

Underwear ""'""' 'i'="------------

Sll]nrt~ and Collars

IEo & W. and Aratex

Boston. PhiJadelphta, and Sar . .m Mon.(Jay ·morning. . room equipment if desired. All .. Francisco. ·· · . of tbc nbpve wJU be sold cheap. your Choice·· of Pans T h ~ C.rtliozo i!:ntertoinen Mrs. T. J; Ro•vden, mother ol • M .... Rolen Ronnlger,

have bought Uio right to. sho\' Mrs. Wm. J. L.nnsat.on, arrived • Qseuro, N~w Mexico. Kettles an. d other tbe pictut:e at the Crystal The?· nero trom Albuquerque_ the lnt- . . . . • , · • tt-e AprilS and 9, 1024. and wll1 -,., nart of !nat week -nod will Stotlonory or all kiJJds for U •1 19 · 29 'lot tht' Lincoln County peot>lf re~;~idc witb Itex daughter's fnm .. salo at the Outlook Office. tens1 s, • . C.,- C. ... it forl!G ond 50 cents. You ty tor .,. tndcllnite period oJ

· are invited .to see one of thf dmo. Notice for PuhUuttoa. 49c. each a Rare Bargain greotent,lt not the greotent, pic· . - '" E. J. Shuldo, ... -

~---------------~---~.~=-.-----~~·~·--~ •onablcprl~othan~ucMs~ ~~POdN~t~t~int~ ·&8• . lADlES' SILK HOSE, NEW LINE

tures ot the day, at n'more ren- uh • v.. ~>'1"" ""•

it anywhere in t b 0 United locality the. I a t t e r part of rant m Paso &~"a~l~~~ Comp~y, · States. •veclc will pdd gr;~tlr ti) the In th(1JlJ$tl~o Cour•• p"cJr.ot llo. ~ ( ~-=,=--=------------....... -----------~-•

Trading Co. •

'J'Ite Storo ofCIUJJ •

• Carrizozo Entertainero. already fntr I!OUdttion of t b e Lincoln Count~. 'New Ma~leq.

• ~ange 0t1d stocltmen are To R. Burt, l)otcndent:- . C.:.~. ·t· Choral ful Yotlllf'O llCJ'flby notified )hat • Writ ummunt y . • . .. baa bceb lnued AJ'Inst you and JLitlf

• • "' ~' property In tho ~ovo otytcd atd num.


r:::li'd' 1:1; "'i;#.i3> -·-="\=-;;=.,= ....... ---....... - -----... ---------------

A good sized cr:owd of citizens> Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnlt COe bored cllllac.-and that the aald gl Paao

. :

! WFANY A / lli! eeds a New

• MAN tomorrow and get

gntbcrcd at Lutz Bnll ln.st Sun. ·Jiencoo and snn, Wilbur, of San- • Sout4~cctern Company bu\ ~en day afternoon nnd after rehca~e- Patricio were hero on Saturday nnmeti u GAm!shco In aa!d etu!ltl atJd • b f t tio s or ' \ ect~d wiUt • writ of 0a1'nlll~ml!nt mg anum er o ~l! ec

0 • · '" md returned Ute oomo otter- resucdinlhonbove etyrcd•nrlnunjhered

gnntzed n llommumty e 1.1 or uP~ noon accompanied by Mrs •. Lou- taueo; and, tbnl \lnle$8 srcu 1(ppear

Wlth,.Jamos R DfnwJdd1p na itJ sa H. Coe, who spent Stmda)' bctoro B. W •. hulbert, Ju•ttce~ fJ! ~e PresidtJnt.. :lt Iter home in Snn PottJcio, re- Poa~o ot' tho above ~einct tt bll

. · 1 • •• d · omco a' tba Ccttrt House at. Carrhcn:). ·Tho que,stion of wJtnt urn ng on •uon ay. l'tceioet NQ. 14, Lln®tJt C<lunU'l New ;

. Sui :.,.,)}u~s the money

~o !Guy R~ :w·ith, too. .-

btn~ ~t\eeps putting it

off. Don't delay

.t\lnlf Honger .... cc:»me in ·

. -~ - -

that new suit you've "' --

b ~ • · e e n promuttng




, . ••



HAVE bigger as-. aortments to pick from.

. " I

than at any 'other time. . . .

· :Every size tn aU~.ih~.pop,u• · .

lar . pattert.Ja,·. color ~ombi*' . . ' ' " . . " . . . . . ' . . . ,, . ' ' '~' .

· natit.tnt.~bttd fabric;. ·._ · Why.· • . . - . 4- ~ . 1 • • ' ·, \ t . . ·.

nOt bttf YOur iea~~on••. suP• ·•

. . ·'

ply NOW?· ? . ,_ ' .

. 0: -.t: _, -~ ~


the uinging should be. was die- ·· " ..a Mexico. on tba ltltb dJy of Mar,4. n., eusso.d rmd It wtts decided thnt 0. C. Davis, L. M, Stone m d Wl24, at 10 a.m., f>f aalil da.f. mioeeUnneous ainirinrt would b1 ~arl McDabh!l were down from·. . ha rendered ogaJn•t Yoa.

t 1

·1 It a 1 S d TL atld, n wlll be rooderl!d the mont oceen nu e. w F 'Joga on atur ny. nene ge.n- . oofd Gat'nlilbcQ. Et Pul> a~d also decided to hn ve rPhenrsa}:; :Iemen who mn!to treqU{!tlt VtS· . . Compnny. t

0 r t b,

e\'ery Sunday n£ternoon u n t t I 1ts to our town are m o r e wt'J. nmotttlt. rouoddue and owlng to ya,a furthel" flOtiee 1 c1m() the oftcnet' they come. from sa!d Cam!sbco lleeofdil;g ttt "'tttt

• • " anawei" of tho Garmab~ Sl~d !tt • • •

2 ZL T ,

• • ..

We Suggest _. . .

' .


• \

" ,. .

PUBLIC· AUCT10,. ·· APIUL .14, 1&24 .. ~ ··

ANXIJtJ'Y H£REF"Oll~S., 'S<>me real &erd•btdl l>M!peeti

adnpted tot range · UMe. :H~r~ . fed~tal n~ett~itE~d for tttfiet~utc:. .. . . ~

• V.s. MAIUNE HOSPITAL N(). !h :FQRTS'r~'l'ON, ~ .. 11•

I •



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. ' . . · Wo ufier )'ou Rear Service._ . · · •· Rcnl 'Stl.fety. . W 11 pey .

. ~o.tt to.sa.~e. , 0

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/ .. · • . ·Tq First_Naa.tion~1-~~~dc*!_ . · . . .•

;; . ' . ;- t .

.Firlt Natioual.· Bank . . .

. ' ... ·. r.arriao~V, . . . [• '

• ' ' ~- j '

..... .. . ' . . . • .N .. ,Jlcieo,, }: ·· . · ..

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- .. Z;fv$''""1:'"'rt·i"t e··-~·. r ....

~ ftUI\h\N OAI ....... :u.· Gilt . ~ -- ' ' I ~' - ~- ,··r_, _,...« • -

· ~~ ttib.~~ t!tt tid ot pip:;~ Utlr~ ' uieU~ {,Jf which ate- !C~\lha ••fl¥J·

· • in fliU')II•~ it tolUttetdtll;!" ritet1'14' .. . l<J n~thc 11dd~tlltt ~m. lJ1hi pibk• . f

i.h -~ · Ytfiety 'i• t4U#cl 1Ji C.jloti r . ' · '' ... 'f.ni! th& . Jar'k · b~w.ni,li. · kibcl. i* .. · . . · Siw •. &~ g(!Q(f •Pic'~• • .. .,. .· · ,.P• . l)efn. di46)Vtttd blliott!t · CitOl~ · · lto1tettr. · ·· · ... . . · · · ." .

~ lMk,¥rt'P'fil pq" fQ6t[~. ?'! 'fJi/ I

"rift OHIAPIJl WAtt · · · ,

.;·'·itt 'hi~ -~) J \ .

. w l!i ~. 1<!trt . ' .



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. · •ny Ud drivw · ·-·-.·,.~ ":.>--~~-.-.J:::_·•c,._,

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