Evaluation Question 3 - Audience Feedback

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation Question 3 - Audience Feedback

Audience FeedbackAidan Smith & Grace Eccles

FeedbackWe were able to collect our feedback in a variety

of different ways, we received verbal feedback from our teachers, focus groups with our peers and we also used Twitter to get feedback from our chief examiner. We found that using focus groups and social media to receive a lot of our feedback was extremely helpful as it allowed us to reach out to our target audience and see what they liked and wanted from our products. 

Rough Cut Feedback When we had completed a Rough Cut we set up focus groups to receive our feedback on our three products but we also received feedback from our teachers and Pete Fraser, the chief examiner. From the feedback we received we reflected on them and ended up amending our products to improve them.

Teacher Feedback

Teacher Feedback


- The editing was good and well paced.

- A good variety of shots and angles.

- Genre is consistent and apparent in all products.

- A good range of interactive features on the website.

To Improve:

- Include more close-ups of the singer.

- Add more tracks to the Digipak and make the font slightly smaller.

- Delete the Forum Page.

- Make a twitter account and Instagram for the live social feed.

Peer Feedback

Peer Feedback


- Thought it looked very professional with the use of different camera angles

- Consistent colour scheme throughout all three products


- The video was too bright and did not suit the genre at some points

- The digipak needed more tracks on the back and change some of the names

- Add more pictures to the website

Rough Cut Amendments

After receiving a variety of different feedback on our Rough Cuts we made the following amendments to our products:

Video- Make the video look

more grungy and darker - using the de-saturate and the brightness and contrast tool.

- Decrease the brightness of the cutaways

- Make some of the cuts quicker, build up the tension towards the end of the video

Digipak- Add more tracks

to the back of the digipak and make the text smaller

- Make the text a bit bigger on the lyrics page.

Website- Possibly add

an 'Enter Page' before the homepage

- Remove the 'FORUM’ and ‘ABOUT’ page

Final FeedbackWhen we had finally completed our three products we arranged focus groups with people that fit our target audience specifications, to review and comment on our products. We held a screening of all three products and gained the feedback from questionnaires we had created.

Final Products - Digipak

Final Products - Websitehttp://loyalbloodband.wix.com/loyalbloodband

Final Products – Music Videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo8jKZpQ9Sw