Evaluation Question 3 - Audience Feedback


Transcript of Evaluation Question 3 - Audience Feedback

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The majority of people answering our questionnaire were 16-20. This is good as we targeted teenagers as these were the people who were stereotypically associated with our genre of synthpop. Our questionnaire was also answered by more males than females. This is good as we deliberately targeted them by using male gaze theory and a male character so that males personally identified with our video.

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WHAT OUR FOCUS GROUP SAIDOur focus group gave us valuable feedback. We asked them ‘What Did You Like About Our Video?’ and gave them a list to pick from. This was the results. It is clear from this bar chart the points in the video that people liked. We can use this information to identify the elements of the video that we may want to add more of such as the characters (the most popular element according to our questionnaire). It also allowed us to see the elements that people didn’t like.

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WHAT OUR FOCUS GROUP SAIDWe asked our focus group ‘What Would You Improve About Our Video’. We left this question open to get people’s opinions in order to improve our video. The general theme that ran throughout was that people were not happy with the ending, and they thought it looked unprofessional. We changed this to make our video appeal to our audience so they would like to watch it again. We also had a few comments about the camerawork. To improve on this we applied image stabilisation on the video in an attempt to stabilise the video. These results also back up the results of the previous question.

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WHAT OUR FOCUS GROUP SAIDWe were uncertain about the ending to our video as there were mixed opinions within the group. We decided to ask our focus group their opinion, asking “Do you think the end scene was effective, and made a suitable conclusion”. Almost everyone said No

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WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE THE MOST TO BE ADDED IN TO THE VIDEO?In each of these questions We asked people to rate each thing as to how you much they would like to see things to be added on a scale of ‘Not At All’ to ’Definitely’ within the video. In this question we asked about lip syncing (a common convention in music videos) as we had not already done this in our video. We were not surprised by this, and included it in the re-edit of the video.

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WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE THE MOST TO BE ADDED IN TO THE VIDEO?In each of these questions We asked people to rate each thing as to how you much they would like to see things to be added on a scale of ‘Not At All’ to ’Definitely’ within the video. In this question we asked about found footage as we had not used the full 30 seconds we were allowed in the video. We looked at the result of this question and realised that the majority of the audience did not want more found footage, so we left it the same.

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WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE THE MOST TO BE ADDED IN TO THE VIDEO?In each of these questions We asked people to rate each thing as to how you much they would like to see things to be added on a scale of ‘Not At All’ to ’Definitely’ within the video. In this question we asked about the characters. We only established two clear characters and felt that this may not be enough to carry the narrative. The results of this question were mixed so we assumed that because the not really had the most votes, we were fine the way we were.

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WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE THE MOST TO BE ADDED IN TO THE VIDEO?In each of these questions We asked people to rate each thing as to how you much they would like to see things to be added on a scale of ‘Not At All’ to ’Definitely’ within the video. In this question we asked about adding some video of the artist to the video. The results were again not very conclusive, with a slight bias towards not adding any. We did look for some footage of the artist, however it did not fit in with the general theme that was our house style so we did not include any.

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COULD YOU UNDERSTAND THE NARRATIVE?We asked this because we were unsure about how clear we were with the story we were telling through the dream sequences. Although the results came out with yes as a majority, we felt that we could still improve to try and get no no’s so with the advice of a teacher we added a vignette to try and make it look like the dreams are clearer.

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It was important that we took into account our audience feedback as it helped us improve our video specifically to appeal more to our video. Also if you improve a product such as a music video before releasing the final video as there is more chance people will watch it more than once. Also there is more chance of it appealing to a wider mass audience as it will include an input from more people than just us. We feel this is important as although the synthpop genre isn’t particularly mainstream this artist is, so it needs to appeal to a larger audience.

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My first draft of my poster is on the left. The feedback that I got was that it was good. However someone pointed out that there were some key elements that were missing such as the copyright and rights information. I was also told that the whole thing seemed empty, and slightly clashes.

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MY PRINT PRODUCTS - DIGIPAKMy final edit of my poster is on the right. I took into account all of my feedback and added things in. Firstly I added the copyright and rights information that can be found on all CD’s. I also added a barcode and the logo of the record label as these are also seen on most CD’s. I used the colour overlay tool to ensure that they matched in with my colour scheme. I filled out the inside cover with the lyrics to fireflies. I used the colours that I use in the house style, and the effect that I use on the words on the poster to match them in with my theme. I also used a colour overlay on the image on the front cover (picking a colour from the inside cover) to make it blend in with the rest of the digipak making it less clashy.

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MY PRINT PRODUCTS - POSTERMy first draft of my poster is on the right. When I showed it to people the general feedback I got was that my poster was good, but the social media pictures were unusually large and that the picture was a bit too white. My final edit of my poster is on the left. The first edit I made was turning down the brightness, however this made most of the shadows and darker parts of the picture black, so I only managed to adjust it a little bit. I also tried adding a colour overlay, however this made the photo look too unnatural so this effect did not make the final edit. I then reduced the social icons on the poster so they all fitted in the corner of the poster. This was good however they still looked like they were in the way and clashed with my theme. To solve this I added a colour overlay using the blue colour I use throughout the products.

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KEANAN’S PRINT PRODUCTS – DIGIPAK 1The left picture was my first draft. My feedback was extremely surprising to me as many students really liked it. They said it was extremely close to a professional standard and was surprised I made it, thanks friends! There was a few conventions and little things I left out. My first change was to a say it was an EP instead of a single, as it is more of an industry standard for artist to release an EP. Audiences now want more for their money, this convention has grown from the typical 90’s style of releasing a single to now more tracks. This boosted the professional look of my Digipak.

As I had now changed my single in to a EP, I needed to add more tracks to the track list. I used the same house style and used thin sans-serif font, which mixes the convention of elegant and comical calligraphy. I thought of adding track times as well, but I subverted from this convention to follow my house style of minimalism.

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KEANAN’S PRINT PRODUCTS – DIGIPAK 2More feedback indicated that it was missing a key convention found on pretty much all professional digipaks, the copyright and legal information. I didn’t purposely subvert from this but the severity from not doing this in the professional world was high so I needed to kick myself in remembering this. I found a template online to se, but I changed the conglomerate names to the business that actually worked on the original album

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