Equipment Use in P.E

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Equipment Use in P.E

  • 7/29/2019 Equipment Use in P.E


    E Q U I P M E N T U S E

    Cotton balls or wisps Test the sense of touchCotton-tipped applicators Obtain specimens

    Culture media Obtain cultures of body fluids and drainage

    Dental mirror Visualize mouth and throat structures

    Doppler ultrasonic stethoscope Obtain readings of blood pressure, pulse, and fetal heart rate

    Flashlight Provide a direct source of light to view parts of the body

    Gauze squares Obtain specimens; collect drainage

    Gloves Protect the nurse and client from contamination

    Goggles Protect the nurses eyes from contamination by body fluidsLubricant Provide lubrication for vaginal or rectal examinations

    Nasal speculum Dilate nares for inspection of the nose

    Ophthalmoscope Inspect the interior structures of the eye

    Otoscope Inspect the tympanic membrane and external ear canal

    Penlight Provide a direct light source and test pupillary reaction

    Reflex hammer Test deep tendon reflexes

    Ruler, marked in centimeters Measure organs, masses, growths, and lesions

    Skin-marking pen Outline masses or enlarged organsSlides Make smears of body fluids or drainage

    Specimen containers Collect specimens of body fluids, drainage, or tissue

    Sphygmomanometer Measure systolic and diastolic blood pressure

    Sterile safety pin Test for sensory stimulation

    Stethoscope Auscultate body sounds

    Tape measure, flexible, marked Measure the circumference of the head, abdomen, and extremitiesin centimeters

    Test tubes Collect specimensThermometer Measure body temperature

    Tongue blade Depress tongue during assessment of the mouth and throat

    Tuning fork Test auditory function and vibratory sensation

    Vaginal speculum Dilate the vaginal canal for inspection of the cervix

    Vision chart Test near and far vision

    Equipment Used During the Physical AssessmentTable 6.1

  • 7/29/2019 Equipment Use in P.E


    S P E C I A L EQ U I P M E N T U S E /D E S CR I P T I ON

    Measures the degree of joint flexion and extension. Consists of two straight arms of clear plastic usuallymarked in both inches and centimeters. The arms intersect and can be angled and rotated around aprotractor marked with degrees. The nurse places the center of the protractor over a joint and aligns thestraight arms with the extremity. The degree of flexion or extension is indicated on the protractor.

    Measures the thickness of subcutaneous tissue. The nurse grasps a fold of skin, usually on the upper arm,waist,or thigh, keeping the sides of the skin parallel. The edges of the caliper are placed at the base of thefold and the calipers tightened until they grasp the fold without compressing it.

    Detects blood, fluid, or masses in body cavities. Instruments manufactured for transillumination are available,or a flashlight with a rubber adapter may be used. In either case, the light beam produced is strong butnarrow. When directed through a body cavity, the beam produces a red glow that reveals the presence ofair or fluid.

    Detects fungal infections of the skin. The Woods lamp produces a black light,which the nurse shines on theskin in a darkened room. If a fungal infection is present, a characteristic yellow-green fluorescence appearson the skin surface.

    Equipment Used During the Physical Assessment (continued)Table 6.1

    Skinfold calipers


    Woods lamp


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