ENBE - The Future Town : Mangrove Town

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of ENBE - The Future Town : Mangrove Town



Student Name : Chin Vin Yan

Student ID : 0320311

FNBE August intake

Content :

1. Introduction ………………………………………………. 3

2. Town …………………………………………………….. 4-5

3. Investigation and Data Collection : Ancient City .. 6-7

4. Investigation and Data Collection : Present City .. 8-13

6. The X-Town ……………………………………………14-22

7. The Conclusion …………………………………………. 23

8. References Link ………………………………………… 24


1. Introduction

In this projects , our task is to design a better town for the future due to the environment changed . To design a better town we need to imagine our self as a mayor of the city and design a better city by using the investigation of the ancient and the present city to implement the element into the town . In this investigation we need look at how was the ancient and the present city growth and become a place are liveable . Element likes the history background , significant of the city could help us to design and apply in our future town . In order to design a new town , we need give a solution due to the problem faced today .


2. Town 2.1 Definition of Town Town is a thickly populated area , usually smaller than a city and larger than a village , having fixed boundaries and certain local power of government . A town is also known as an urban area which surrounded by the countryside . In a town , we got townspeople and also we called citizenry 2.2 History Brief of City or Town First phase - Began between 5 to 6 thousand years ago with settlement that grew into what we call the river valley civilisations of Mesopotamia Egypt , Babylonian , India and China . Early on, the settlements depended largely on agriculture and domesticated animals. However, as the civilisations grew in size and trade routes grew in number, these settlements became centers for merchants, craftspeople, traders and government officials. The division between "town" and "country", "urban" and "rural" had begun. A similar path was taken by later civilisations such as the Greek, Iranian,  Roman  and the  Great Zimbabwe. �Second phase -   in the development of cities came much later with the industrial revolution in Europe around the middle of the 18th century. Factories needed a large labour force and a rise in commercial activity created new opportunities in cities. Looking for employment and a better life, people moved from rural areas into cities in greater numbers than ever before.�Third phase  - began after the Second World War. The largest and fastest growth in the world's urban population has taken place in the decades since 1950. As the world economy became more international and grew in size, cities all over the world began to grow larger at a very fast pace. Most of this growth has been concentrated in Asia, Latin America and Africa, although some U.S. cities such as Phoenix and Los Angeles have been growing at the same pace.

2.3 What Make a City or Town A basic requirement for city or a town to make it liveable is the essential things to survive likes shelter ( housing ) , water and food . Life in the city or town is more require than that . A city or a town also need to have the electricity supply , safe way to dealing with the garbage , transportation and etc. In order to make human more intelligence and healthy , a city or a town also need a school , place to recreation , museum , sport arena , concert hall , parks , shop and etc. All of this called infrastructure and handle by the government but some of it handle by the private sector .


2.4 What Make a Better Town

Population Density - To make a town more liveable , population density should not be too overcrowd . To control the population , a better town should have too much high density building but more mid or low density building .

Money - Many people will moved to the urban area for the high salary jobs . Its make people drive all the way from suburban area to city just for work . The overcome it , its need have a small business area in the town .

Crime - Nowadays crime was increasing and safety is concerns from all the resident . To decrease the issue , police service to be strong enough to overcome the crime , the street view should not be too narrow and education also need to be provide

Medical Care - A good town always start we the healthy resident . Medical care likes clinic , hospital and specialist need to be provide .

Entertainment - Compare with the city , entertainment is much more than a town . But a small entertainment really will bring up the atmosphere of the town .

Air quality - Air quality was being one of the biggest that faced in the big city like Shanghai . In order to make a better town , we need to have a better air quality .

2.5 What is Future Town

Nowadays many of the places was facing lack of resources problem . Natural resources like gas , oil , and coal use to generate the power for our daily usage . For me , a future should have a clean and reusable power supply and reduce the usage of un-reusable recourse . Next , it need to have a good solution on pollution issue . Its need to provide green space for people recreation and enjoy the nature as well . Other issue likes traffic jam also need be love in the future town . In order to fixed the problem , a future town need to have a well public transportation plan and conveniency to every resident live in the town . Last but not least , a future town should provide a solution to overcome the natural disaster for example tsunami , earthquake and etc.


3. Investigation and Data Collection

Ancient city - Babylon

3.1 History

Babylon is the most famous city from Mesopotamia and it’s also known as one of the oldest city in the world . City of Babylon lie on the modern-day Iraq 94 kilometre southwest of Baghdad . The word of babylon "babilani" which means "the Gate of God(s)” and its become the capital of the land of Babylonian . There is evidence that man has lived in this area of Mesopotamia since the beginning of civilization. The first records indicate that Babylon was established as a city around the 23rd century BC.

The Babylon city estimably populated 10000-15000 people in the city . The city street were narrow , winding and quite irregular with high , windowless wall of house on the both side . the street of the city were unpaved and undrained . The average of the house was a small one story , mud-birck structure , consisting of several roos grouped around a court . The city also consist Palace , temple , tower , city wall and gate .

3.2 Significant of the City

The Babylon city consist of some very unique artefact that been left over by the babylonian which is the Ishtar Gate , The tower of Bable , and The Hanging Garden .

Ishtar Gate - which is current at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Vorderasiatisches Museum in Germany . The gate is serve as the ceremonial entrance to the inner wall of Babylon . The Gate has reconstructed and giving the original look of glazed blue and yellow birck with alternating images og dragons and bulls carved in relief .


The Tower of Bable - is also known as Ziggurate of etemenanki which mean Temple foundation of heaven and earth . its located just to the north of the Esgil Shrine . As the Bible written down the babylonian built the tower to connect them with the God . In 2011 , an ancient stele with am image of Nebuchadnezzar II standing beside the ziggurat was formally published .

The Hanging Garden - its called so because it has plants cultivated at a height above the ground level . The whole mass is supported on stone column so that the underlying space is occupied by carved column bases .

3.3 What ancient City Concentrate

Ancient people is more concentrate on the religion which can be proof by the The Tower of Bable . During that time , the city does not have any city planning . They built the street narrowly , unpaved and undrained and they built the houses without any design .

3.4 Conclusion

In conclusion , babylon is a very concentrate on religion city and many unique building had been built for example Ishtar Gate , Tower of Bable and The Hanging garden .

3.5 Element That Can Use In The Future City

Element that I investigate from the babylon city can be put in the future city is The Hanging Garden , Nowadays , cities had lake of trees and land to plant tree . For what we can do is to built a rooftop garden just like the hanging garden on every building in the city . Next , the religion faith that we should applicate into the future city . the reason is to built a the moral that been learn from the the religion to apply in our daily life . By this , crime could be decrease in the future .


4. Investigation and Data Collection

4.1Present City - Chicago

4.1.1 History

From the very first beginning of Chicago is discovered by Louis Jolliet , a Canadian explorer and the French-born Jesuit Jacques Marquette in 1673 . The very first permanent resident was founded in 1781 was a trader named Jean Baptiste Point du Sable , from Santo Domingo . The location at the mouth of the Chicago river was chosen for its strategic value for a trading post as the river connected the Lake with the Mississippi river. Later the area at the mouth of the Chicago river was occupied by a military base, Fort Dearborn. The Fort was regularly attacked by Native Americans, until Chief Black Hawk was defeated in 1832. One year later, Chicago was officially incorporated as a town and four years later, when the population reached 4170, as a city. Its name was derived from the native indian's word describing

the area.

With the arrival of the railroads, the city of Chicago really started to boom reaching a population of 300,000 in 1870. One year later, disaster struck with the Great Chicago Fire laying the city in ashes. The fire destroyed about 17450 buildings, but the Chicagoans quickly started to rebuild the city. Just 6 weeks after the fire, construction of more than 300 buildings had already begun. And in 1893 Chicago had recovered well enough to host the 1893 World Columbian Exposition, commemorating the discovery by Columbus of America 400 years ago.

The foundations of todays Chicago were laid out by some of the leading architects reconstructing the city after the Great Fire.Daniel Burnham designed the first visionary


urban plan for a city, the 1909 Chicago plan. It was nicknamed 'Paris on the Prairie' and included wide boulevards and parks.At the end of the 19th century the land prices had risen dramatically, which lead to the construction of higher buildings. In 1885, William Le Baron Jenney built what is known as the first skyscraper in the world : the Home Insurance Building. Demolished in 1931, it was 55 meters tall and included 9 stories, later extended to 11. It was built with a load-carrying structural frame, which would be the basic structure for all later skyscrapers. This building marks the start of Chicago as a pioneering architectural city. Many famous architects like

Louis Sullivan and later Mies van der Rohe would set new s t a n d a r d s f o r u r b a n architecture in Chicago.

4.1.2 Significant of the City

The rapid grow of the Chicago city make it become the third most populated city in United States , after New York City and Los Angeles which consist 2.7 million residents . Chicago is also a well known international bud for finance , commerce , industry , technology , telecommunication and transportation , with O’Hare International Airport being the most busiest airport in the world ; it also has the largest number of U.S. highways and railways freight entering the region . in 2012 , Chicago was listed as an alpha global city by Globalisation and World Cities Research Network, and ranks seventh in the world in the 2014 Global Cities Index .

Chicago was also a most visited tourisms destination . In 2012 , Chicago hosted 46.37 million international and domestic visitor . Chicago’s culture includes contribution to the visual art , novels , films , theatre , and music , particularly jazz, blue , soul and the creation house of music . The city has many nickname which reflect the impressions and opinion about historical and contemporary Chicago . The best well - known include the ‘Windy City’ and ‘Second City’

Chicago also exist some of the most significant architecture in the world . The famous Millennium Park which serve to the public community . Another example is The Willis Tower which stand 108 story high , 442 m skyscraper During 1973 , it was the tallest building in the world .




4.2 Present city II - Kuala Lumpur

4.2.1 History

Kuala Lumpur was discovered during 1857 , 87 Chinese prospectors in search tin landed at the meeting point of Klang and Gombak river and set up camp , naming the spot Kuala Lumpur which meaning of muddy confluence . The tin they discovered in Ampang attracted more miners and KL quickly become a brawling , noisy and violent boomtown cause of the ruled over by the Chinese criminal gangs . After a few years later , sultan from other part of malay peninsula appointed a proxy names Yap Ah Loy to administrate Kuala Lumpur .

Loy had only just established control when local sultans went to war over the throne of Perak and its tin mines, marking the start of the Malay Civil War. KL was swept up in the

conflict and burnt to the ground in 1881. This allowed the British government representative, Frank Swettenham, to push through a radical new town plan which transferred the central government from Klang to KL. By 1886 a railway line linked KL to Klang. A year later a new city was constructed in fire-resistant brick, and in 1896 KL became the capital of the newly formed Federated Malay States.

During the world war II , British had surrender to the Japanese forces. Many Chinese were tortured and killed,

and many Indians and British prisoners of war were sent to work on Burma’s notorious ‘Death Railway’. The British temporarily returned after WWII, only to be ousted when Malaysia finally declared its independence in 1957 at Merdeka Square (Independence Square). KL continued to thrive, but its confidence took a knock in 1969 when race riots between Chinese and Malays claimed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of lives. In the aftermath of the riots, thousands of Chinese were dispossessed of their homes and the Muslim Malay community consolidated its control over the army, police and political administration.


The city officially became the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur when it was ceded by the sultan of Selangor in 1974. Its mayor and councillors are appointed on the recommendation of the government, which is dominated by Malay politicians. There’s little accountability and a job on the council is largely seen by locals as license to print money, not least because KL is  Malaysia’s most prosperous and populous city.In 1996, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed approved the construction of a new political capital 20km south of KL at Putrajaya. Although only 50,000 of the 330,000 residents planned for Putrajaya have moved into their new homes, the budget for the project has already exceeded US$5 billion. Putrajaya was made the official seat of the Malaysian government in 1999. Since the turn of the millennium, Kuala Lumpur has been in the news more for demonstrations than innovation – city police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse antidiscrimination protests by thousands of ethnic Indians in 2007 and 2008, arresting many protesters under Malaysia’s draconian security laws.

4.2.2 Significant of The City

The Most significant of Kuala Lumpur is the multi culture in the city . Kuala Lumper is a combination of modern and cosmopolitan capital with three dominant ethnicities _ Malays , Chinese , and Indian . Although these races and sundry ethnic groups have distinctly different cultures and traditions , Malaysia’s populace gets along swimmingly. This made the city full of unique heritage building for example Kuala Lumpur Railway Station , Sultan Abdul Samad Building , Masjid Jamek , etc.

Another significant of Kuala Lumpur is the tourism attraction . Kuala Lumpur is the most visited destination in Malaysia due to the multi culture , shopping attraction and tropical weather . Tourist come to the city to experience the different culture of different races and give a sense of the unique heritage building in the city . Tourist rapidly come to the visit Kuala Lumpur is also caused by the best shopping destination serve in the city and it also known as the top 4 shopping destination in the world . In Kuala Lumpur , tourist also experiencing the tropicana weather and give a sense of the natural environment .


Next , the Petronas Twin tower makes the city become the iconic of the city . It is known as the world tallest building in the world from 1998 to 2004 and remain the tallest twin tower in the world replacing World Trade Center in New York. The building are a landmark of Kuala Lumper .

4.2 Comparison

The biggest different between Chicago and Kuala Lumpur is the culture . For Kuala Lumpur , its got a very colourful culture which form by the different races and culture . But Chicago its have a very western culture which make it no very unique compare with the Kuala Lumpur . Next is the history background of the city . Both cities start out with a very different background . For Chicago , it is a very famous trading city during late 1780s until today which cause by the strategic location . While Kuala Lumpur is start out from the mining town and become the capital city of Malaysia . The weather in this two city also have a very big different . Chicago is a four seasons city while Kuala Lumpur is a tropicana weather .

4.3 Similarity

One of the biggest similarity between Chicago and Kuala Lumper is the Location . Both of this city lies at the river side and the river become the biggest resource for the people that live in the city . Next , is the city full of skyscraper . Chicago had a very unique skyscraper since 1885 from the first skyscraper in the world until today The Willis Tower . Kuala Lumpur also got a very unique skyscraper which is the Petronas Twins Tower which is the tallest twins tower in the world and become the landmark of Kuala Lumpur .

4.4 What Present City Concentrate

Present city is more concentrate on the wealth and planing for the future . Since the Industry revolution begin in England during 1960s , factory had been built all around the world without systematic . This cause our environment lack of green and resources . Today , many places had come out some of the planning to conserve the environment and this show the human now is more concentrate on saving the environment .

4.5 Conclusion

Present city was facing many problem , and to love the problem we need to come out some of the solution to safe our environment . To plan a new city we need face many challenge for example , worker shortage , lack of resources , safety and etc.


4.6 Element That Can Use In The Future City

First of all , the element that I can use in my future town is the well planing system . Chicago city is a very good example , planning was stated since 1909 and the city was continuously grow until today . Next is the colourful culture in Kuala Lumpur that can be put in my future city . Element like deferent culture architecture design can be put in the town to make it more unique and colourful . Last but not least is the amazing skyscraper like The Willis Tower and Petronas Twin Tower can bring out the skyline of my town .


5. The X-Town ( Mangrove Town )

5.1 Introduction The Mangrove Town is a new green town which located Sabah , Malaysia . Its strategically located at the riverside which full of mangrove threes along the river and a few kilometre from the Kota Kinabalu International which is the second busiest airport in Malaysia . The Mangrove Town is 20 km square big . Due to the economy crisis and issue been faced by the cities nowadays , i came out a brand new plan to overcome the issue which is the Green Tourism Town . This Green Tourism Town will serve more than 10,000 tourist a years . The Mangrove town will populate around 200,000 resident for living , working and entertain . The main focus of this town is eco-friendly , and less energy used city .

5.2 Why Mangrove ?Mangrove trees is a very unique plant which is only found along sheltered coasts in the tropicana area . Mangrove tree bring out some of the benefit to the coastal committee . First its protect the coastline from the strong wave or disaster likes tsunami . Secondly , its prevent salt water from intruding into the river . Last but not least , its retain, concentrate and recycle nutrients and remove toxicants through a natural filtering process.


5.3 Zoning

The Mangrove Town had divided into two part which is south area and north area . The south area is the the centre business district which is most of commercial area , mix use and the administration centre . While the north area is serve more on tourism attraction . The north side of the Mangrove Town will cover more residential area than the south area and the it also have the wind mill farm and rainwater harvesting tower to supply the utility requirement to the town .


5.3.1 Residential Area

The Residential Area will be high density building the most . The reason is to not blocking the river view of the town .

5.3.2 Commercial Area

The commercial area will located more on the riverside . The commercial will having a lower density when it come closer to the river . This cause commercial area only have low and mid density building .

5.3.3 Tourism Area


The Mangrove Town will allow the tourist to have different experience when they visit the town . First , this town giving a very tropicana sense which is planted full of mangrove trees along the river . Next is multi activities to do in this town . Tourist can visit the wetland park , The Eye of Mangrove , cultural village and museum . This town also a very good shopping destination , tourist can buy any thing from here . Tourist also can find some great hotel and resort in this town . Last but not least , transportation in here is very convenient to every visiter .

5.3.4 Open Space

The Centre Park

The centre park is also known as the great green space in this town will serve to people in this town with a huge free space , well facility and high safety concern .people can do their daily activities in here for example jogging , recreation , walk and etc. The Centre Park is located just

beside the the Town hall and giving the a great view of the amphitheater , mosque and the other part of north area .

The Riverside Park

The riverside park is a linear park which is along the river of The Mangrove Town . The Riverside P a r k w i l l p l a n t t h e mangrove trees along the riverside .


5.4 Transportation

For the main transportation to access The Mangrove Town is using the Speed boat , Train and Cars . In the town , its serve with cable car , pod , rapid bus , and bicycle for the town people to work , study and others activities .

5.4.1 Speed boatThe speed boat can access to the Town Centre from the west and east part . The Town Centre Port is the main port of the town it’s serve for the residents and the tourist daily .

5.4.2 Train

The train will goes at the underground from the inter-cities to the south of the city . The main reason the train goes underground is because to save up the land use for propose other development and to decrease accident happen .


5.4.3 Cars

By car it will access by using the main highways . One form the south and north point of the town and another will be west and east point of the town . From the south and north point highway , it will pass through the main bridge which is the main bridge to access to the both side of the town . For the east and west point highway it’s goes by underground and intercept with the other highway . The underground highway will also serve as the Stormwater Management And Road Tunnel (SMART) to overcome the flash flood .

Stormwater Management And Road Tunnel (SMART)

5.4.4 Cable Cars

The cable car will connect the both side of the town to the hill to make it easy to access to the hill resort . The cable car will also give a panoramic view of the town .


5.4.5 Pods

The pods is a vehicles will offer an environmentally friendly, clean energy alternative for urban transportation . Pod Cars are automated driverless vehicles that will operate on elevated/underground shuttle networks or traditional roadways in the near future using personal rapid transit systems.Personal rapid transit (PRT)  is a new public transportation system designed for swift travel in congested areas . The PRT will cover all the area of the town , connect the both side of the town .



5.4.6 Bus

Bus rapid transit (BRT) will serve at this town to cover the area of the town . The brand new BRT system will operate by the computer and using the driverless technology to serve the people . This system will decrease the accident and giving a accurate arrive and depart time to all the passenger .

5.4.7 Bicycle

Bicycle is also one of the the main transport in town . Its can cover some of the narrow street of the town . The Mangrove town wi l l a lso provide bicycle lane one every open space .


5.5 Utility System

5.5.1 Power Supply

Windmill Farm

Windmill farm will be located at the lop of the will which is a very windy location . The windmill will generate a clean and unpolluted energy to the town .

The windmill also will apply on the building in every each floor . The building will rotating it self following the the wind .

Solar Panel

Solar panel is the secondary power supply . It will install on the roof top of the building to generate this power .


5.6 Water

Rainwater Harvesting Tower

The Rainwater Harvesting Tower will located at the north area of the town . It collect the rainwater and flitter it into distilled water to supply to the town.



6. Conclusion In conclusion , nowadays Malaysia had facing many of challenge due to economy crisis and Malaysian main focus is on the wealth . People forget about the important of the nature and polluted the environment . To give our new generation a better future , Malaysia really need this kind of town to solve all the problem . The Mangrove Town will bring out the wealth but at the same time is also appreciating the nature . This town has a very good transportation system to attract visitor to the town . To make this town come true , as a Malaysia we need to cooperate and appreciate the nature instead destroy it . In order to fulfil it , different kind of organisation need to work out together to solve all the problem been faced .To have a better living for the future , we need to balance between the human and the environment .


7. References Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoiWCDoSjq4&list=WL&index=4


http://www.l ivescience.com/28701-ancient-babylon-center-of-mesopotamian-civilization.html









