E P M Assignment 2 Chapter 5 The Staff Of Direction

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Transcript of E P M Assignment 2 Chapter 5 The Staff Of Direction

1. Know where you’re going, get out in front, and keep your flock on the move.

2. When directing, use persuasion rather than coercion.

3. Give your people freedom of movement, but make sure they know where the fence line is. Don’t confuse boundaries with bridles.

4. When your people get in trouble, go and get them out.

5. Remind your people that failure isn’t fatal.

Know where you’re going, get out in Know where you’re going, get out in front, and keep your flock on the front, and keep your flock on the move.move.› soon after he became Dean of the Wharton soon after he became Dean of the Wharton

School developed program called Plan for School developed program called Plan for Pre-eminencePre-eminence

› getting students to support the plan was not getting students to support the plan was not as easy as it might soundas easy as it might sound

› had to convince the students as to why the had to convince the students as to why the plan mattered, and how it served their plan mattered, and how it served their present and future interests. present and future interests.

› By Russell E. PalmerBy Russell E. Palmer

Prevoyance› (Forecast and Plan) Examining the future

and drawing up a plan of action

› “Shepherd” needs to know and plan where he is going so that he can lead his “flock” to greener grass

When directing, use persuasion rather than coercion.› best examples are the nurses in the

hospital. everyday, they have to persuade the

patients to take the treatment in order to have a better recovery for all the patients.

Nurse managers persuade their co-workers to work together rather than forcing them.

Leading by persuasion› Making decision and solving by convincing

› Make requests, offer suggestions and ideasMake requests, offer suggestions and ideas› Don’t demand; instead, recommendDon’t demand; instead, recommend

Give your people freedom of movement, but make sure they know where the fence line is. Don’t confuse boundaries with bridles.› how parents manage their children› Doing school projects (group leaders and

group members)

To control› Seeing that everything occurs in

conformity with established rule and expressed command

› Make sure all your people know where the fence line is

› Do not micromanage your people

When your people get in trouble, go and get them out.› subordinate went over the boundaries and

did something wrong› superior have to step out and try to solve

the problem and minimise the damage done

Healing (making whole) › healing one’s self and one’s relationship with

others› helping others overcome broken spirits from

emotional hurts good “shepherds” don’t forget to show care

and concern to their “sheep”

Remind your people that failure isn’t fatal.› Failure is inevitable› As the Chinese saying goes, failure is the As the Chinese saying goes, failure is the

mother of success. (mother of success. ( 失败乃成功之母失败乃成功之母 ))

Nothing reassures the “sheep” more than the presence of the trusted “shepherd”

Encourage now and then. Best leadership one can provide is to

pull a scratched-up employee next to you and let him feel your support.




Done by:› Su Hnin Lynn› Tan Jia Horng Jack› Michelle Foo Shi Ling› Evan Ong Kah Tien› Chan Jiaying