Do Now! Hacer Ahora 1. Write homework down in your planner. Escribe la preparación en su...

Post on 31-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Do Now! Hacer Ahora 1. Write homework down in your planner. Escribe la preparación en su...

Greek Heritage Month presentation

Do Now! Hacer Ahora1. Write homework down in your planner.Escribe la preparacin en su planificador.

2. SILENTLY complete the Do Now in your Weekly Work.SILENCIOSAMENTE completar el do ahora en su trabajo semanal.

3. Turn in your homework, PDE: Myths TODAY!A su vez en su tarea, PDE: Myths HOY!

(Office hours are available if you need help)(Horario de oficina estn disponibles si usted necesita ayuda)FINISH IN:TERMINAR EN:

1Using this PowerPoint break timer

This PowerPoint slide uses images, custom animation, and timing to provide a countdown timer that you can use in any presentation. When you open the template, youll notice that the timer is set at 00:00. However, when you start the slide show, the timer will start at the correct time and count down by 1-minute intervals until it gets to 1 minute. At that point, it will count down in two 30-seconds intervals to 00:00.

To insert this slide into your presentation

Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the timer. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the timer. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the timer presentation, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the timer slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.The Palace of OlympusThe Highest Mountain in GreeceHome to the 12 Olympians, &other minor Greek Gods & Goddesses

Zeus5. Hephaestus9. ApolloHera6. Athene10. ArtemisPoseidon7. Aphrodite11. HermesDemeter8. Ares12. Hestia(Dionysus)Mount Olympus

12 OlympiansKing Zeus (Jupiter)God of the skyChild of Cronus & Rhea; Married to Hera (& others)Traits: Strong, brave, loud, violent, selfish, unfaithfulAnimal: Eagle & WoodpeckerSymbol: Thunderbolt

Dios del cielo Nio de Cronos y Rea; Casado con Hera (y otros)Rasgos: fuertes, valientes, violentos, egostas, infiel Animal: Eagle y Carpintero Smbolo: Thunderbolt

12 OlympiansQueen Hera (Juno)Goddess of marriageChild of Cronus & Rhea; (Unhappily) Married to ZeusTraits: Beautiful, selfishAnimals: Cow & LionSymbol: Peacock Feather, ring

Diosa del matrimonio Nio de Cronos y Rea;(Lamentablemente) Casado con Zeus Rasgos: Hermoso, egostasAnimales: Vaca y Len Smbolo: Pluma del pavo real, anillo

12 OlympiansPoseidon (Neptune)God of seas and riversChild of Cronus & Rhea;Married to Amphitrite (NOT Aphrodite)Traits: Moody, strongAnimals: Horses and dolphinsSymbol: Trident

Dios de los mares y los ros Nio de Cronos y Rea;Casado con Anfitrite (NO Afrodita)Rasgos: Moody, fuerte Animales: Los caballos y delfinesSmbolo: Trident

12 OlympiansDemeter (Ceres)*Goddess of fruits & grainsChild of Cronus & Rhea;Daughter named PersephoneTraits: Vengeful, protectiveEmblem: PoppySymbol: Corn or Grain

Diosa de frutas y granos Nio de Cronos y Rea;Hija llamada PersfoneRasgos: vengativos, de proteccinEmblema: Poppy Smbolo: El maz o grano

12 OlympiansHephaestus (Vulcan)God of blacksmiths & forgersChild of Zeus & Hera;Married to AphroditeTraits: Deformed (leg), jealousAnimal: QuailSymbols: Axe, hammer & fire

Dios de los herreros y forjadoresNio de Zeus y Hera; Casado con Afrodita Rasgos: deformado (pierna), celosos Animal: Quail Smbolos: Axe, martillo y fuego

12 OlympiansAthene (Minerva)Goddess of Wisdom & artsFamily: Unknown Traits: Sensible, strongAnimal: Wise owlSymbols: Olive tree, loomBattle-goddess

Diosa de la sabidura y las artes Familia: Desconocido Rasgos: Sensible, fuertes Animal: Buho sabio Smbolos: Olivo, Telar Batalla diosa

12 OlympiansAphrodite (Venus)Goddess of love and beautyFamily: Unknown(Unhappily) Married to HephaestusFlirts with AresTraits: Beautiful, vain, selfishAnimals: Dove, swanSymbols: Magic girdle, seashell

Diosa del amor y la belleza Familia: Desconocido (Lamentablemente) Casada con Hefesto Coquetea con Ares Rasgos: Hermosa, vanidoso, egosta Animales: Dove, cisne Smbolos: faja mgica, seashell

12 OlympiansAres (Mars)God of warChild of Zeus & HeraFlirts with AphroditeTraits: Tall, handsome, boastful, cruel, violent and cowardlyAnimal: Wild boar & vulturesSymbol: Bloodstained spear

Dios de la guerra Nio de Zeus y Hera Coquetea con Afrodita Rasgos: alto, guapo, jactanciosos, crueles, violentos y cobardes Animal: Jabal y buitres Smbolo: lanza Bloodstained

12 OlympiansApolloGod of music, poetry, medicine & young unmarried men (Sun god)Child of Zeus & LetoTwin of ArtemisMany mortal lovers, ex. DaphneTraits: Artistic, maturedAnimal: MouseSymbol: Lyre, Laurel tree

Dios de la msica, la poesa, la medicina y jvenes solteros (dios Sol) Nio de Zeus y de Leto, Doble de Artemisa Muchos amantes mortales, ex. Dafne Rasgos: Artstico, maduradas Animal: Ratn Smbolo: Lyre, rbol de Laurel

12 OlympiansArtemis (Diana)Goddess of hunting and unmarried girls (Moon goddess)Child of Zeus & LetoTwin of ArtemisTraits: Vengeful, feminist, athleticAnimals: She-bear, deerSymbols: Silver bow & arrow, moon

Diosa de la caza y nias solteras (diosa de la luna) Nio de Zeus y de Leto, Doble de Artemisa Rasgos: vengativo, feminista, deportivo Animales: She-oso, ciervos Smbolos: arco de plata y flecha, luna

12 OlympiansHermes (Mercury)God of merchants, bankers, thieves & fortune-tellersChild of Zeus & MaiaTraits: Trickster, clever, swiftAnimal: Crane (V shape)Symbol: Winged sandals & staff

Dios de los comerciantes, los banqueros, los ladrones y los adivinos Nio de Zeus y Maia Rasgos: Trickster, inteligente, veloz Animal: Gra (forma de V) Smbolo: sandalias y personal con alas

12 OlympiansDionysus (Bacchus)Goddess of the homeChild of Cronus & RheaTraits: Kind, peacefulAnimal: NoneSymbol: Hearth (fireplace)

Diosa del hogar Nio de Cronos y Rea Rasgos: La clase, apacible Animal: Ninguno Smbolo: Hearth (chimenea)

Hestia (Vesta)God of the wine & theaterChild of Zeus & SemeleTraits: SocialAnimal: TigerSymbols: Wine bottle/goblet and grapes

Dios del vino y teatro Nio de Zeus y Smele Rasgos: Sociales Animal: Tigre Smbolos: Botella de vino/cubilete y uvas

Other GodsHades (Pluto)*God of the underworldChild of Cronus & RheaMarried to PersephoneTraits: Bitter, dark, gloomyAnimal: Cerberus (3 headed dog)Symbol: Invisibility helmet, pomegranate

Dios del inframundo Nio de Cronos y Rea Casado con Persfone Rasgos: Bitter, oscuro, sombro Animal: Cerberus (3 perro dirigido) Smbolo: casco de invisibilidad, granada

Exit Slip: How are the Greek Gods, Goddesses and Heroes described as? Why do you think? Salir de deslizamiento16

HW Reminder: HW Recordatorio:Read Pages 1-16 Leer las pginas 1-16& complete Greek y completa rbol god family tree genealgico de dios17Periods 4 & 6

More books will be ordered so all classes will get copies. As a temporary fix, some classes will have Xerox copies until all books arrive.

If youd like to buy the book or borrow it from the library, heres some helpful infoTitle: Greek Gods and Heroes Author: Robert GravesPublisher: (Laurel-Leaf Books) Mass Market Paperback (1960s)ISBN-13: 978-0440932215 ISBN-10: 0440932211

The average price on Amazon is $5.99If you order it and donate it for the school by this week you will get extra credit (talk to Ms. Peraza if you are interested).
