Customer Decision Journey in a Parisian Palace

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of Customer Decision Journey in a Parisian Palace

Customer Decision Journey in a Parisian Palace

Located just steps from the Champs-Elysées, with private terraces that command all of Paris, lovingly restored 18th-century tapestries, and a defining spirit of elegance and charm, Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris redefines luxury in the City of Light.  

Upper class Customer looking for the best hotel in the town for business and/or Leisure located in the heart of Paris. Their customer are looking for detent and the best service you can possibly have in a hotel.They want a Palace experience and moreover the y want the best hotel experience worldwide

Target Customer

Why have I selected this journey

I have selected this journey because the George V is one of the most extraordinary hotel worldwide and because it represent the French luxury from the past, the present and the future.Moreover, the George V offers a unique experience that has to be lived at least once in a life time

OTA’s doesn’t fit anywhere in George V’s journey

OTA’s doesn’t fit with the George V image. Their customer will never try to book via OTA. This establishment is simply to exclusive to be bookable online. Nevertheless you van book a journey on their own website…