Calling - Issue 08 - (15 march 2012)

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Tomorrow we celebrate St Patrick’s Day Mass in the Callan Centre at 8:50am.

Transcript of Calling - Issue 08 - (15 march 2012)

Dear Members of the St Patrick’s Family, Tomorrow we celebrate St Patrick’s Day Mass in the Callan Centre at 8:50am. This is an important celebration as we acknowledge the work of our College Patron, Saint Patrick. All members of the St Patrick’s College community are welcome to attend. The Mass will be followed by the Great Morven Race—another signature event in the College calendar. Congratulations to all CIC and AIC swimmers last week on their good performances. It has been a long season and the swimmers worked very hard to achieve 4th place in CIC and 6th place in AIC. A special thanks to all coaches for their hard work and dedication. In particular, my thanks to Mr Bowden for his coordination of the swimming season. This week is the last round of CIC and AIC cricket and volleyball. I thank all players coaches and parents for the effort and support during the season. As a season finishes, another quickly begins with cross country, rugby and soccer training now underway. I encourage students to be involved in the College’s co-curricular program. I also remind parents that it is my expectation that the College commitments take precedence over club commitments. It is important that St Patrick’s College fields its strongest teams with all players available. The Year 11 and 12 students are currently on block exams and the other students will also be preparing for their upcoming exams. It is again very important that all students are well prepared for their exams and that they are achieving to their potential. Reports will be sent home at the end of this term. The Shindig is on this Saturday night with a record number of people attending. It should be another great night with music, raffles and lots of fun. Thank you to all those people who have assisted in the preparations. Finally this week, a reminder that Shore to Gate is on Friday 30 March. This is a fantastic way to finish the term. Students are asked to get sponsorship. With the money raised half will go to your son’s House charity whilst the other half will go towards additional tables and seating around the College and a House Championship scoreboard. This should certainly benefit all of our students and help to promote House spirit. Your support of this event will ensure its success.

Have a great week.

God Bless

Dr Michael Carroll College Principal

15 March 2012 No. 08

Dr Carroll with past Principals at the recent 60 Year Anniversary Captain’s Reception 

Back Row ‐ Mr David Carroll, Mr Chris Mayes, Mr Dan McMahon 

Front Row  ‐ Br Kevin McDade, Br Michael Ryan, Br Fergus Gagen  







In trying to describe my time in India, I could explain our itinerary and nearly four weeks of the amazing activities and sites. However, on reflection, I think a more effective way of explaining my true experience of India might be by sharing this simple story ….. There is no singular story as a whole that I believe I could write about and do justice to. Nor do I believe that any one experi-ence I’ve had here in India should be valued above any other as they are all priceless, and far too unique to compare. In-stead I shall try to convey simple emotions, even revelations that I believe are worthy of note. Firstly, on one of our more relaxed days we played a game of cricket in a rural, agricultural village against St Xavier’s school. During this game I met a boy who was also 17 years of age to whom I talked to for quite some time. Afterwards I wondered, and was quite unsettled (which is an unusual thing as I am usually very sure of myself). I thought who has determined that he should be born here in this, poor, dusty village, and I in Australia? What would it be like had our positions been changed? I felt uncomfortable that one human should be in a position of power (for want of a better word) over another. Whilst in Puri on the east coast, we visited a Leper colony, where we saw a man, so ridden with disease and illness, he was virtually in death’s embrace. The next day whilst visiting the Missionaries of Charity we received news that he had passed on. So when asked I agreed to go to his funeral, the details of which I shall not describe with the exception of two things: 1. I felt pleased that this man – a Leper, a victim of disease that has plagued humanity since before the time of Christ, and was outcast by his own family - had some presence at his funeral. 2. I have never felt so unclean in my entire life, the cremators had chant-ed “we take no responsibility for this man’s death”. It was impure, afterwards I returned to our accommodation, a place of great reverence for Father Liam, and I stood under a freezing cold shower and scrubbed myself. It was unpleasant but as I reflect on this I feel considered and cleansed by the fact the outcast had someone there for him, and not just one person but a whole group of us. Lastly, on the lighter side, whilst in India I was witness to such incredible love, humanity and respect from all we met. Again there is no example of this that I could select above another, nor could I embellish words with the passion to which I have been witness to and been a part of. So instead I would simply like to thank all who I shared this with, in particular Father Liam, who is one of the greatest and humblest examples of character I have had the honor and privilege of knowing. Thank you Father Liam. Secondly, I’d like to thank my parents for their patience and unconditional love. I would not be the person I am without them, so thanks Mum and Dad.



In last week’s Calling article and again at Assembly this week I spoke to the students regarding effective study hab-its. One of the points I made was to do with a strong reliance in some instance on end of term revision sheets. The comment raised an amount of discussion amongst staff as well as some of the students. Like many things, the compilation of a series of revision questions is a genuine attempt to draw together a term’s work and assist students in becoming focussed for an upcoming exam. In isolation it is a reasonable teaching tool. My concern, is when students either become dependant on revision sheets or in a worse case scenario, become compla-cent during the term because all that is required to be covered will be the revision paper. In my view, the most effective way to develop the knowledge, skills and in depth understanding required for success in a subject is through a consistent application to classwork and homework. Coasting from week to week with a view to “switching on” in the week leading up to the exam is limited. The same argument can be used regarding an over reliance on feedback provided on essay drafts. Once again, presenting a rough copy of a piece of extended writing is a worthwhile process. However, to maximise the benefits in doing this, the drafts should be the culmination of weeks of work. Writing a below par rough copy in the hope that a teacher will provide extensive feedback, which can then be used to structure the final copy is taking a short cut which in the long run may prove detrimental. The rough copy should come after weeks of completing shorter, focussed writing tasks. Parents will note that in the middle school years, lot of units are now asking students to complete smaller sections of a task on a week by week basis. The aim is to develop knowledge and skills in a gradual way rather than overwhelm-ing students with what can seem like an enormous culminating activity. I am reminded of an incident in my second year of university. Faced with the task of writing 2,000 words as an as-signment task, I approached my lecturer for some guidance on what to do and how to begin. At this initial stage I was rather overwhelmed by the job at hand and felt that if my lecturer could give me an outline I would benefit in two ways. Firstly I would be clear on exactly what was required and secondly it would save me hours of researching material that may ultimately prove irrelevant to the topic. Dr Ryan listened patiently but declined to give me an outline. Her suggestion was that I go back over the course con-tent with a view to formulating a series of questions in response. She encouraged me to challenge the assumptions made by the writers of our articles. Ask why. Try to find out more about the issue go and read a viewpoint from someone with a different perspective and ask what are the flaws, if any, in this alternative way of thinking. At first, I had difficulty coming up with any questions at all. Eventually, I became better at doing this and have found this ap-proach was not only valuable when studying, but has assisted me in the many years since then.




As part of our St Patrick’s Day celebrations this Friday, we will be holding the annual Great Morven Race. Over 200 boys will participate in a flying dash around the school property and past the historic Morven House in the centre of the College grounds. GREEN AND GOLD DAY - will be held tomorrow Friday, 16 March. Students are allowed to wear clothes to school that are predominantly green and gold. The aim of the day is to provide students with a chance to wear something different to school but also to show their pride in their school. Students can wear blue denim shorts or jeans but all other pieces of clothing must be predominately green and/or gold. Closed shoes are compulsory and black school shoes are required for shop classes. We also ask all students to bring a gold coin donation. THE SHORE TO GATE - Walkathon will be held on the last day of this term- Friday 30 March. The day will involve a 10km walk/run, and House BBQs to finish the term. It is designed for students and staff to re-lax and enjoy a day together as well as raising some money for the College. Every student has been given a sponsor card for the Shore to Gate. We are asking every student to raise a minimum of $25. Last year the community raised over $40,000 and a similar strong effort by all will benefit the students greatly. COMMUNICATION – The College Diary is a significant means of communication between staff and families. Please continue to use the Student Diary on a daily basis. If you have an urgent message that needs to be communicated to your son, please contact the Student Office and at an appropriate time during the day the message will be passed on to your son. If your son has an appointment during the day, please write a note in his diary so he can show his Group Tutor and his classroom teacher. This will ensure your son leaves class at the appropriate time to meet you at the Student Office to sign out. MOBILE PHONES - We understand the need for many students to have a phone, particularly for communication purposes. St Patrick’s has a policy of taking a student’s phone if it is seen or heard during school hours. This aims to minimize the inappropriate use of mobile phones at school. The Mobile Phone Policy is clearly outlined in the College diary. I encourage all parents to read the policy and to support the College in maintaining a good teaching and learning environment. BLAZER - A reminder that all boys in Years 10, 11 and 12 will be required to wear long trousers and their blazers to and from school during Term 2 and 3. In preparation for this I ask that if dry cleaning of blazers is required, that this is done over the next couple of weeks for the commencement of Term 2 long trousers are available at the Uniform Shop LOST PROPERTY - There is an abundance of lost property in the Student Office from lunch boxes to uni-forms and particularly shoes (black leather and sporting). It is disappointing that these items are not labelled. It is important that all items are labelled so that it can be returned to its rightful owner. At the end of this term we will be doing our usual donation to St Vincent de Paul and the Uniform Shop of any lost property which has not been claimed before then. Please come in and check it out.

Please pick up your lost property


It has been a mixed term at the start of 2012 for Ryan House. The spirit of the House is as strong as ever and this was evident from the first day back in January when the 2012 Ryan House Seniors welcomed the new students into the Ryan community. All Seniors have little brothers in Years 5 and 8 (and other year levels) and the way in which they are leading these young Ryan boys is commendable. In the Inter-House competition Ryan has enjoyed a lot of success in the past but this year has not been the best start. However, it is pleasing to see on both days of the Swimming carnival everyone’s willingness to be involved. In Chess once again we stood tall with boys sacrificing their lunch breaks to do us proud. Volunteers from Year 11 also contributed well at the Year 8 Retreat and I was very impressed with the Ryan House Year 8’s on camp. Congratulations to the 2011 Seniors who did so well academically last year. Once, again the proud tradition of our House motto “With unity comes success” is very apparent. As exams commence and the term is finishing up, one of our Year 11 Ryan House boys, Tom Vickary had an unfortunate accident and was placed in hospital last week. At the present time, Tom is currently in intensive care. We ask that you keep Tom and his family in your prayers. On another sad note, you may have noted in previous Calling articles that Mark Ellison (our resident tree-hugger) is leaving to take up a position at Nudgee. Mark has been a vital cog in the running of Ryan House with his enthusiasm and passion for social justice and our charity ‘Kiva’. He is also a great sport when it comes to House activities always willing to have a go and challenge the students. We sincerely wish Mark and his family all the best with his new endeavour.

With unity comes success Sam John and Ben Jones Ryan House Leaders



Mr Mark Ellison ‐ Ash Wednesday   Big Brother /Little Brother  Brother Ryan 



The recent Year 6 camp was a blast. We left on Monday at 9.00am and arrived at 11.00am. As soon as we got out of the bus we went to the dining hall and got told all the safety precaution and where to go if there is a fire. After that we got escorted to our cabins and introduced to our instructors. FIRST DAY The instructors were really cool. They told us all of our activities and made us tell them what we liked to be called and what we did on the holidays. We also got to meet who was in our dorms. We went to the deck to have morning tea and we had chocolate sponge cake. After that we did two activities grotto and then we went to tree climb and that was really cool. We had to climb ten metres in the air and then fell back while the other people pulled us. SECOND DAY Our night sleep was not good; some of the dorm would not go to sleep so we were mainly up all night. Dorms were knocking on the wall and talking but some of them were just sleeping. When we woke up we went to have breakfast we had scrambled eggs with toast and bacon. Then we went off and did the fly possum. It was awesome we got attached to a rope and then the rest of the people would pull the rope and you would go so high in the air. After that we went and found the animals you would have to answer these questions and then try and look for the animal that matches the question. After that this guy came in with some animals he showed us snakes, crocodiles, kookaburra, owls, wombats and lizards. When we finished with that we got ready to go camping for the night. When we got down we went down to the camp sites we had to set up our own tents with a buddy. As soon as we finished making our tents we started putting dinner on, we had burritos after that we made a campfire and sang some campfire songs. After we went to bed and that was way better than the first night. THIRD DAY When we woke up in the morning we had to pack up our tents and bag and head back to the dorms. When we got up to the campsite we made our own breakfast. We had cereal most of us had coco pops and the rest had nutri grain. After that we went to tidy up our dorms. After that we had to tidy up all of the pots that we used at the camp out. For morning tea we had carrot cake, it was really delicious. As soon as we finished we went to problem solving. We had to play games and try and figure them out as a team. When we finished that we went to have lunch we had fish burgers with cheese and salads they were delicious. But sadly we had to leave it was really sad that we had to leave because it really fun. THE BUS TRIP HOME The bus trip home was way better than the one on the way there because this time we got to watch a movie, the movie was Red Dog. The thing that was even better the drive was much quicker than the one on the way there. CONCLUSION From all the Year Sixers I’d like to thank all the teachers for preparing us for this exciting camp and I hope Year Seven camp will be just as great. By William Sanders and Ewan Smith 6A









On Friday, the 9th of March the Year 5 group attended the “Edmund Rice” retreat. This is an important part of the Year 5’s school-ing year as it is the first of what will be many retreats for them throughout their St Patrick’s College schooling life. On the day the Year 5’s participated in a range of different activities including the making of their own Prayer Mat, a session about what it means to be a Paddies boy and a wonderful session in the Emmaus chapel run by Brother Chris Pritchard about Mass. We hope the day was a rewarding one for all those boys involved. A main focus of this retreat is about why retreats are an important part of our school community. Having been part of running many of the retreats including the Kairos retreats one can see how rewarding these retreats can actually be. On one level it gives the boys a brilliant opportunity to withdraw from the stresses of day to day life such as schooling, study and other commitments. Because of this it gives the boys and opportunity to take time out with themselves and to think of the importance of God and spir-ituality in their life. Often times all of us become so busy that we forget to focus on our own spiritual development. Our spiritual development is something important that can guide us to an inner peace and better understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe. Faith is an important thing in everyone lives and we always should try to acknowledge that our lives are sometimes guided by a power higher than us. Kerry Neill came and visited our school as part of our Year 8 Cultural day and he spoke to the boys about the importance of listening to life. I found this to be a simple but profound message. We must find a time in our busy schedules to find a quiet space where we can take the time to focus on where we are in our own lives and the people and values that are most important to us. Many surfers have often spoken about that “God moment” on their early morning Surfs when they see the sun rise over the waves and cannot help be struck by the fact there is something very powerful in this universe that has created such beauty. We always hope that retreats become a very special experience for the young men of this school and that it gives them their own personal “time out with God”. Many of you may have over the last week along with you children most likely viewed the Kony video that has appeared on Face-book and YouTube. I think it is always important that we have an open dialogue with our students when we see such a powerful video. Many of our students would have already been familiar with child soldiers in Uganda through past student Mathew Makot, who recently spoke about his story to a group of barristers on behalf of Edmund Rice International. Advocacy is a wonderful thing and we love the fact the students have been stirred into action. However, we always must take the time to discuss these things with our kids on the right course of action. One of the most important things is that men like Kony are brought to justice all over the world. We want to see justice prevail for all people of the world affected by horrible people like Kony. Below is something that was sent out from Advocacy group Caritas Australia which might help in guiding discussions with your sons: Jack de Groot – Caritas Australia’s CEO says that the most important issue right now is that the people of these nations need our support immediately. They need food, they need clean water, they need shelter, they need medical assistance, they need psychologi-cal support and they need to be protected from these terrible acts of violence. They have no idea from where their next meal will come. They are constantly on the move which makes it almost impossible to develop livelihoods, achieve food security, get an educa-tion and keep their children safe – all of the things we are able to take for granted.




AIC CHESS Chess training has commenced on Monday and Friday afternoons for players from Years 8 to 12. This season we have the support of 2 expert coaches who will work with Mr Arcodia in preparing for the upcoming AIC season. After an impressive second place finish last year we are keen to maintain our standard of excellence. All keen players should register your interest with Mr Arcodia in the library, 3:10 pm on Monday or Friday next week. DEBATING Our Firsts began their season last night with a victory against Kedron State High School. The young men leading our debating in 2012 were in excellent form, with Tom Huth shining as first speaker. Our Seconds are made up of a number of novice debaters and whilst losing narrowly last night, there were more than a few hints that they will be a force to reckoned with. Some incredibly disarming ‘points of information’ during the debate more than proved why these young men deserve their place in a senior debating team. Congratulations to Mr Watts’s Year 10 team who notched up an incredible 6 point victory over their oppo-nents. 6 points is a bit of a white-wash in debating, so the boys should be congratulated on their impressive de-bate. Ms Hewitt’s Year 10 team unfortunately went down in their first debate, but we are sure that they will be back to their winning best next round. Next week – our Year 8 teams make their QDU Debating debut. We’d encourage everyone to get along and support them. Year 8 Team 1 (Ms Georgakis and Mr Seers) – 7.45pm at St Paul’s School (84 Strathpine Rd, Strathpine) Year 8 Team 2 (Ms Gibb) – 7.00pm at St Paul’s INTER - HOUSE THEATRESPORTS COMPETITION - During Term 2 we will conduct an informal Theatresport Competition during lunch hours. This competition will not count towards points for the overall House Shield but is simply a way to promote the Theatresport Program and to provide some light hearted entertainment during lunch hours. Each house will provide a team comprising mem-bers drawn from Years 9 to 12 who will compete in a variety of drama based games. Please register your inter-est with your House Dean if you feel you have ‘the right stuff’ to perform. INSTRUMENTAL LESSONS There are a limited number of places available in our instrumental tuition program for Term 2. Lessons are 30 minutes in duration in either private (one student with a tutor) of small group (3 students per tutor) format. Boys in Years 5 to 7 may choose to have an extra lesson on their classroom instrument or any other instrument of their choosing. Boys from Years 5 to 12 can choose any of the following; BRASS – trumpet, trombone, euphonium, French horn, tuba WOODWIND – flute, sax, clarinet, oboe, bassoon STRINGS – violin, viola, cello, upright bass PERCUSSION – drum kit, tuned percussion GUITAR – classical, contemporary (acoustic/electric), electric bass PIANO – classical, contemporary VOCALS Lessons are charged at just $16:50 (group) or $27:50 (private) which is much less than recommended music tuition rates and are charged to your school fees on a term by term basis. If you would like to enrol in the program please complete a form available from the Student Office, download a form from the Cultural Page from Student Café or Parent Lounge on the College Website. Or email to register your interest. STRINGS ORCHESTRA – Wednesday afternoon, 3:05pm in the Rodgers Centre. All string players are invited to audition for this group. Mr Sirsom leads this program.




MUSIC ENSEMBLES TERM 2 SENIOR VOCAL GROUP - It was great to see our Senior Vocal Group perform on assembly last week. This group meets each Friday lunch time in the Rogers Centre under the direction of Mr Zac Bradford. The quality of the work they presented was particularly impressive given that the group is still very much in its early days. We have a number of big events coming up (Easter, ANZAC Day etc), so it would be great to see this group to continue to grow in numbers. Please complete the form below and return it to Mr Samuels (or the Student Office) if you would like more information about this program. JUNIOR VOCAL GROUP – This new program will commence in Term 2. The group is open to all students in years 5 to 8 and will meet in the Rodgers Centre in Junior Lunch each Monday. We have a large number of boys who have ex-pressed interest in this program. Please complete the form below and return it to Mr Samuels (or the Student Office) to register your interest. All boys who have vocal lessons with Mr Bradford should sign up but there is no experience re-quired for potential members. All are welcome to attend. GUITAR ENSEMBLE - We are fortunate to have Mr Andre Reginato as one of our guitar tutors. Andre is a guitar virtu-oso who is adept at many different styles of music. Commencing in Term 2, Andre will be bringing some of our talented guitarists together to play in GUITAR ENSEMBLES. These groups will develop a wide repertoire of material to perform on assemblies, competitions and many college functions. We are hoping to develop Junior (Year 5 – 8) and Senior (Years 9 – 12) Guitar Ensembles which will each meet once weekly before school to rehearse in the Rodgers Centre. Guitars will be provided. Please complete the form below to express your interest in this activity. PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE – Mr Fischer will be conducting a Percussion Ensemble which will allow talented drummers / percussionist to perform together using a wide range of ‘tuned’ and ‘untuned’ percussion instruments ranging from con-cert glockenspiels, acoustic and digital kits to brooms and bins!! If you have been learning drums for a year or more and are interested in this group please complete the expression of interest form below! From Term 2 all Concert Band, Jazz Band AND Strings Ensemble rehearsals will be conducted on Wednesday after-noons which is officially a ‘sports free’ afternoon. This will ensure that there are no clashes with football training etc. CONCERT BANDS – Concert Bands will rehearse upstairs in the Callan Centre , Juniors 3:05 – 4:00pm, Seniors 4:00 – 5:00pm lead by Mr Will. All Year 5 – 9 music students are invited to audition for this program. JAZZ BAND – The Jazz Band will rehearse on the Callan Centre Stage, Wednesday 3:05 – 4:00 lead by Mr Fischer. This is a smaller band playing upbeat, modern arrangements. Boys from years 6 – 12 are invited to audition for this group.

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST – MUSIC ENSEMBLES If you would like to receive information about any of the following music groups please complete this tear off form and return it to the STUDENT OFFICE before the end of Term 1. All groups will be commencing or continuing early in Term 2 and details regarding rehearsal times/venues etc will be sent to you during week 1. NAME: _________________________________ GRADE: ____________ TUTOR GROUP: ____________ I am interested in: (please tick all appropriate boxes;

SENIOR VOCAL GROUP Years 9 – 12, Friday Lunch

SENIOR GUITAR ENSEMBLE Years 9 – 12,Wednesday , 7:30am


SENIOR CONCERT BAND Mr Will, Wednesday 4:00pm

STRINGS ORCHESTRA  Mr Sirsom, Wednesday 3:05pm  

JUNIOR VOCAL GROUP Years 5 – 8, Monday Lunch

JUNIOR GUITAR ENSEMBLE Years 5 – 8,Tuesday 7:30am


JUNIOR CONCERT BAND  Mr Will, Wednesday 3:05pm  

SENIOR JAZZ ENSEMBLE Mr Fisher, Wednesday 3:05pm




SPORTS INFORMATION LINE (WET WEATHER) The telephone number for St Patrick’s College Sports Information Line/Wet Weather Update is 3631 9080.

Please be reminded that in the event of Wet Weather, any changes to the published schedule for sporting fixtures will be made just before 7.00am on the day of the fixtures.

Like our younger swimmers last Tuesday 6 March at the CIC Swimming Championships, the St Patrick’s AIC swimming squad also represented their College proudly both in and out of the pool on Thursday 8th March at Chandler.

Not only were we impressed with the way in which our swimmers performed and conducted themselves, we were equally as impressed with our supporters who really offered great support for our athletes in the pool.

Overall, St Patrick’s College placed 6th at the AIC championships. We would like to offer our congratulations to St Peter’s Lutheran College who won the day. Following are the places for 2012:

1st SPLC 2nd MCA 3rd IONA 4th SLC 5th SEC 6th SPC 7th PAD 8th VILL OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS Matthew Palmer (Year7) – recently competed in the 2012 Queensland Surf Life Saving Championships at Maroo-chydore. Matthew concluded the Championships with two firsts (gold medals), two seconds (silver medals), one third (bronze medal) and overall fifth in the ironman event. Connor Clark (Year 7), Matthew Palmer (Year 7), Jarred Megaw (Year 6), Callum Sanders (Year 6), Adam Palmer (Year 5) - all selected into the Metropolitan North Primary Swimming Team to compete at the 2012 Queensland 10-12 Years School Swimming Championships later this month. William Butterworth (Year 12), Angus Lane (Year 12), Ben Giuliano (Year10), Tyran Hartly-Wright (Year 9) – all selected into the Metropolitan North Secondary Swimming Team to compete at the 2012 Queensland 13-19 Years School Swimming Championships later this month. Christian Ramsay (Year 11) & Alex Bhugon (Year 11) – both selected into the Metropolitan North Secondary Hockey Team to compete at the Queensland Secondary Schools Hockey Championships in Gympie during May. SPC TRIMESTER TWO SPORTING COORDINATORS Following are the names of coordinators and contact details for next term’s sports.

Rugby – Mr Heath Mackintosh Football – Mr Josh McCloughan Cross Country – Mr Paul Toohey

METROPOLITAN NORTH REGIONAL SPORT INFORMATION All students and parents requesting information regarding any up and coming Met North Regional trials are asked to go to the Met North Website to find out such information - Metropolitan North Trial Information for Cluster Day 5 has now been posted on the Met North Website. Cluster Day 5 will be held on Tuesday 20th March 2012 (Rugby League U15 & U18) For further information regarding these trials please contact Ryan Schultz (College Coaching Administrator). BRAMBLE BAY DISTRICT SPORT INFORMATION Any student interested in the below sports are to register their interest with Mr Ryan Schultz at the SPC sports De-partment. Further information will then be given out once it is received by the College from Bramble Bay District. Hockey (12 Years and Under) Touch Football (12 Years and Under) Tennis (12 Years and Under) It is important to understand that only students who are actively participating within our College’s sporting program (in particular Cross Country, Rugby or Football) will be eligible to attend these trials.



AIC Cricket - Round 7 St Patrick’s College vs Villanova College

17 March 2012

St Patrick’s College Venues:

Curlew Park, Curlew Street, Sandgate St John Fisher College, John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge Villanova College Venues: Villanova Park, Manly Road Tingalpa Camp Hill State School, Wiles Street Camp Hill

Team Time Venue Location (entrance) 1st’ 9:30 - 5:15pm Andrew Slack Oval

(Turf) Villanova Park, Manly Rd Tingalpa

2nd’ 1:00 – 5:30pm Curlew Park Oval 1 (Turf)

Curlew Park, Sandgate

3rd’ 1:00 – 5:30pm Curlew Park Oval 2 (Turf)

Curlew Park, Sandgate

4th’ 1:00 – 5:30pm Curlew Park Oval 3 (Turf)

Curlew Park, Sandgate

15A 8:15am – 12:45pm Curlew Park Oval 1 (Turf)

Curlew Park, Sandgate

15B 8:15am – 12:45pm Curlew Park Oval 2 (Turf)

Curlew Park, Sandgate

15C T/20

11.00am – 2:00pm

St John Fisher College Oval 3 (Synthetic)

St John Fisher College John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge

14A 8:15am – 12:45pm Fr John Seary Oval (Turf)

Villanova Park Manly Rd Tingalpa

14B 8:15am – 12:45pm Villanova Park No.3 (Turf)

Villanova Park, Manly Rd Tingalpa

14C T/20

8.00am – 11.00am Villanova Park No.4 (Synthetic)

Villanova Park, Manly Rd Tingalpa

13A 1:00pm – 5:30pm Fr John Seary Oval (Turf)

Villanova Park, Manly Rd Tingalpa

13B 1:00pm – 5:30pm Villanova Park No.3 (Turf)

Villanova Park, Manly Rd Tingalpa

13C T/20

1.00pm – 4.30pm Camp Hill State School Oval (Synthetic)

Camp Hill State School, Wiles Street, Camp Hill




CIC Cricket Round 7 St Patrick’s College vs St Joseph’s Nudgee College


St Patrick’s College Venues: Curlew Park, Curlew Street, Sandgate St John Fisher College, John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge Nudgee College Venue: Nudgee College, Sandgate Road Boondall

AIC Volleyball – Round 7 St Patrick’s College vs Villanova College

17 March 2012 Goold Hall, Villanova College

Villanova College Venue: Eighth Avenue Cooparoo

Team Time Venue Location

7A 30


8.00am – 11.30am NC Ross Oval (Turf)

Nudgee College Sandgate Road, Boondall

7B T/20

8.00am – 10.30am St John Fisher College Oval 3 (Synthetic)

St John Fisher College John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge

7C T/20

8.00am – 10.30am

NC Flat Oval 1 (Turf)

Nudgee College Sandgate Road, Boondall

6A 30


8.00am – 11.30am Curlew Park Oval 3 (Turf)

Curlew Park, Curlew Street, Sandgate

6B T/20

10.30am – 1.00pm Flat Oval 7 (Turf)

Nudgee College Sandgate Road, Boondall

6C T/20

8.00am – 10:00am Curlew Park P&F Oval (Concrete)

Curlew Park, Curlew Street, Sandgate

5A 30


8.00am – 11.30am Wilkes Oval (Turf)

Nudgee College Sandgate Road, Boondall

5B T/20

8.00am – 10.30am

St John Fisher College Oval 4 (Synthetic)

St John Fisher College John Fisher Drive, Bracken Ridge

Time Court 1 Time Court 2

8.00am 14C 8.00am 13C

9.00am 14B 9.00am 13B

10.00am 14A 10.00am 13A

11.00am 3rd VI 11.00am 15C

12.00pm 16A 12.00pm 15B

1.00pm 2nd VI 1.00pm 15A

2.00pm 1st VI




Round Date Fixture Location

Trial 24 March AIC vs SPLC (A) CIC vs BBC (H)

Away at SPLC (Lambert Rd, Indooroopilly) Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Shorncliffe)

Trial 31 March AIC Rugby Only vs SLC (H)

Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Sandgate)

Trial 21 April AIC vs VILL (H) CIC vs PAD (H)

Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Sandgate) Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Sandgate)

R 1 28 April AIC vs SPLC (H) CIC vs SLC (H)

Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Sandgate) Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Sandgate)

R 2 5 May AIC vs SLC (A) CIC vs TSS (A)

Away at SLC Playing Fields (Nathan Rd, Runcorn) Away at TSS Prep (Lupus St, Southport)

R 3 12 May AIC vs MCA (H) CIC vs MBBC (A)

Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Sandgate) Away at MBBC (Manly Rd, Wynnum West)

R 4 19 May AIC vs SEC (H) CIC vs GT (H)

Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Sandgate) Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Sandgate)

R 5 26 May AIC vs IONA (A) CIC vs BBC (A)

Away at IONA (North Rd, Wynnum West) Away at BBC (Miskin St, Toowoong)

R 6 2 June AIC vs PAD (A) CIC vs PAD (H)

Away at PAD Playing Fields (Elliott Rd, Banyo) Home at SPC (Curlew Park, Sandgate)

R 7 9 June AIC vs VILL (A) CIC vs NC (A)

Away at VILL Playing Fields (Manly Rd, Tingalpa) Away at NC (Sandgate Rd, Boondall)

SPC Rugby and Football Fixture Calendar 2012 Please Note: The information supplied above is the current information available to us at this point in time. Changes to venue information may occur as the season commences and progresses.




Dear Parents of SPC Rugby Players, Week 8 sees the six week pre-season training block come to an end. Having been at the majority of sessions for each age group over the past six weeks I have to say that I am suitably impressed with our boys as I can see that they are improving their rugby specific fitness and skills. Your ongoing involvement in this process is incredibly im-portant and I completely understand the difficulties involved in getting your son to each session, and as a result com-mend you for your efforts. Please familiarize yourself with the following tables identifying training schedules for the next two weeks leading into the Easter break. Please see next week’s calling article for information regarding Easter holiday rugby opportunities (Clinics/Tours).


19TH 20TH 21TH 22TH 23TH 24TH 25th

WK 9



CIC Training Session


Curlew Park


CIC Training Session


Curlew Park


Kicking practice All Goal Kickers

(Curlew Park) Goal Kicking

Kick off (Place Kick)

Drop Kick (Kick off/ Drop Out)






Kicking Practice

11/14/15 Only (Back Oval)

Clearing Kicking For

Touch Clearing

Kicking For Territory

Clearing Pass 9 & 10 Only (Back Oval)

Lineout Throw/Catch All Hookers

Kicking Practice

11/14/15 Only

(Back Oval) Grubber

Chip and Chase

Clearing Pass 9 & 10 Only (Back Oval)

Lineout Throw/Catch

All Hookers

Kicking Prac-tice

11/14/15 Only

(Back Oval) Clearing

Kicking For Touch

Clearing Kicking For Territory







AIC Training Session

U13A/B/C U14A/B/C U15A/B/C U16A/B

OPEN RUGBY (1st XV/2nd XV/3rd XV)

Curlew Park


AIC Training Session

U13A/B/C U14A/B/C U15A/B/C U16A/B

OPEN RUGBY (1st XV/2nd XV/3rd XV)

Curlew Park





St Patrick’s Swimming Swimming has finished for Season 2011/12 and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved, particularly the coaching staff of Mr Alex Paznikov, Mr Craig Gunn, Mr Doug Locke, Ms Cas-sie Harden, Mr Peter Bancroft, Ryan Chapman, Chris Holley and Ivan Sladojevic. I’d also like to thank our Redcliffe coaches Ken, Wanda and Mary. Finally, a big thank you to all the boys who trained so very hard and the parents who gave up all those sleep ins to deliver their sons to training. At season’s end, the CIC boys finished an excellent 3rd place and the AIC boys a credible 6th overall. There were a number of gutsy performances throughout the course of the day. Special mention must go to William Butterworth Ben Giuliano, Gary Black, Lachlan Riordan, Jack Graham, Jordan Conroy, Tyran Hartley Wright, Keegan McCann and Tom McNamara, amongst a number of other boys, who backed up over many races and gave their very best in all. Also worthy of special mention are the CIC boys of Adam Palmer, Nyle Abad, Callum Sanders, Jared Megaw, Ben Colbert, William Sanders, Jack Smith, Matthew Palmer, Connor Clark, Elliott Schultz and Jack Colbert whose constant presence and enthusiasm throughout the season formed the core of the swim team spirit. We are now looking forward to an excellent swim season beginning in Term 4 this year, where competition for places in the team will be harder than ever. All swimmers should now be refocusing on their 2012 goals, and devising their winter training plans. If any boys need help with looking for prospective clubs to work with until next season, please feel free to see me.


Introducing Paladin Head Gear SPC Colours with College Crest

All orders are to be done direct to Paladin Try On head gear (for sizing – S, M, L)

is available from SPC Sports Department (Located within SPC Gym)




In 2012, St Patrick’s College would like all students and families of St Patrick’s College to support the following fundraising initiative. If your son (or daughter) requires a new fitted mouth guard, we ask that you please contact /make an appointment with the Bracken Ridge Denture Clinic, 2 Wurley St Bracken Ridge. The clinic is run by a St Patrick’s College family and they have kindly offered to donate some of the proceeds of each mouth guard back to St Patrick’s College. All money raised from this venture will go towards the purchasing of further equipment for our new College Gym (currently under construction). Below is a flyer outlining all details of what we would hope to be a successful fundraising venture and service to our College Community.

St Patrick’s College Mouth Guard Fundraiser

For every mouth guard made by Bracken Ridge Denture Clinic

$10 Goes Directly To St Patrick’s College

Teams can order colour matching mouth guards or players can

choose their own colours!!!

Teams can come on a Saturday or Sunday or players can make their own appointments. (after hours available)


Junior Mouth Guards (Grades 5 to 7) $80.00 Senior Mouth Guards (Grades 8 to 12) $120.00

Bracken Ridge Denture Clinic ABN: 82361931575

2 Wurley St Bracken ridge 4017

PH: 0403706685 Ken Warland RDT/RDP New Dentures Full & Partial Dental Prosthetist Repairs & Relines Medicare Provider No. 4279081H















60th ANNIVERSARY POLOS in Mens & Ladies Fit have arrived and are available for $55. 60th ANNIVERSARY CAPS are also available for $25. BLAZERS & GREY TROUSERS are compulsory wear for Years 10,11 & 12 for Terms 2 & 3. TIES are compulsory for all students for Terms 2 & 3. Trousers & Ties are currently in stock and some blazer orders have arrived. INTRODUCING MUSIC BOOK YEARS 5,6,7,8 are in stock for $18. SECONDHAND FOOTY BOOTS reasonably priced. Check them out.

TRADING HOURS TUES 12-4pm, WED 10AM-2pm THURS 7.30-11.30am.

Tuesday Morn BBQ Decker Park, Sandgate

7:25am - 9:00am

Thursday Morning BBQ Humpybong School 7:30 am - 9:00 am

Thursday Evening Street Van Brisbane City

5:00 pm - 8:45 pm

Saturday Night BBQ Sandgate Rotunda 5:45 pm - 8:30 pm

Tuesday, 20 March Jayden Carson, Tom McInnes,

Tyler Brinkhoff, Mitchell Holland 

Thursday, 22 March

Ben Duffy, Jacob Lawrence, Sheldyn Saseve

Thursday, 22 March

Matt Cole, Christian Rizzali, Lachlan Rologas, Matt Trotter

Saturday, 17 March Riley Campbell, Samuel Ricks, Sam Cronk, Aidan Woods 

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mrs Righetti ASAP.

The Paddies Van is

Proudly Sponsored by:-


Fri 16/03 Jenny Evans, Trisha Fitzpatrick, Maree Denkes, Christine Crowther

Tue 20/03 Chris Hare, Gina Macpherson, Janelle Lake

Wed 21/03 Bonnie Flaherty, Noelene Jones, Theresa Browning

Thu 22/03 Guistina Lawlor, Tabitha Baker, Marianne Refoy, Mandy Crossan

Fri 23/03 Debra Phillpot, Sandra Messina, Vera Woods

Mon 19/03 Madonna Hoelscher, Monique Bubendorfer, Cheryl Keesley









March 19

Year 11 & 12 Exam Block

March 20

Year 11 & 12 Exam Block

March 21

QDU Year 8/Sen A Round 1

March 23

Photo Day

March 23

Rugby/Football Trials AIC (A) CIC (H) Parent/Son Retreat

March 17

AIC/CIC Cricket, V’Ball Round 7 (A) SHINDIG


March 27

Year 11 Legal Studies excursion/Year 12B Marine Studies excursion

March 28

Year 11/12 Work Placement/Year 11 Marine Studies excursion

March 29

Year12A Marine Studies excursion

March 30

Easter Liturgy Shore to Gate Students Dismissed at 12:30

March 31

AIC Rugby Trial (H)