Issue 13 - Calling - (5 May 2011)

Dear Members of the St Patrick’s Family, At St. Patrick’s College, the presence of the Christian Brothers has been an integral part of the College’s history since it began in 1952. Edmund Rice established the order of the Christian Brothers in Ireland over 200 years ago. Since this time thousands and thousands of people throughout the world have benefited from the legacy left by Edmund Rice and the Christian Brothers. Today the College celebrated the feast day of Edmund Rice with a full school liturgy. It was a special liturgy for our Community as we gave thanks to Edmund Rice, the Christian Brothers and those who continue to live Edmund’s dream today. As part of the liturgy I presented certificates to the staff who have given 20 years or more to Edmund Rice schools. The recipients were as follows-: Mr Ray Celegato Mr Chris Campbell Mr David Gardiner Mr Steve Tilyard Br Chris Pritchard Br Col Fitzgerald Ms Heather Kopp Mr Dan Reid Mrs Sandra Fowlie Mr Patrick Bourke Mr Michael Bramwell Mr Lee Dowling Mr Stephen Graham Ms Judy Kelly Mrs Avril Perkins Mr Geoff Samuels Mrs Jan Thompson Ms Nicole Draisey-Wellings Mr Kevin Van Der Weide Mrs Anne-Maree Bliss Their contribution over the years has been significant and I take this opportunity to thank them for their valuable contributions over many years. Thankyou and well done. Another part of the liturgy was to present a number of Year 12 students with their House Leaders badges. As part of the leadership program at St. Patrick’s College, Year 12 students who have displayed outstanding leadership during Term 1 can be nominated for a House Leadership role. I congratulate the following students for their appointment as a House Leader for 2011. Joshua Parry Coffey House Leader Nathaniel Trappett Mooney House Leader Wyatt Bailey O’Rourke House Leader Douglas Howieson Rice House Leader Jordan Budgen Rice House Leader Aidan Molloy Ryan House Leader Congratulations to these young men. This week sees the beginning of the AIC Rugby, Soccer and Chess seasons. As part of the 2011 launch a Spirit Assembly was conducted today. At the assembly the players in the First V Chess, First X1 Soccer and First XV Rugby were presented. The captains of each of these sports were also presented. I congratulate the following students for their appointment as captain of their respective sports for 2011. Captain of Chess Samuel Wright Captain of Soccer Mitchell Taylor Captain of Rugby Giles Beveridge This week also saw the first mass conducted in the new College Chapel. Approximately 70 staff, students and parents joined Fr Liam in this special celebration. It was also special because the Chapel has been named “The Father Liam Chapel” and to have Fr Liam celebrate this Mass was a significant occasion for St. Patrick’s College. Fr Liam celebrates mass each Tuesday morning at 8am. All parents and welcome. Finally this week I wish all of the Mothers in our Community a Happy Mothers Day on Sunday. Thankyou for the outstanding work you do and the unconditional love you give to your sons. “Happy Mothers Day”. God Bless Dr Michael Carroll College Principal 5 May 2011 No. 13


At St. Patrick’s College, the presence of the Christian Brothers has been an integral part of the College’s history since it began in 1952

Transcript of Issue 13 - Calling - (5 May 2011)

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Dear Members of the St Patrick’s Family, At St. Patrick’s College, the presence of the Christian Brothers has been an integral part of the College’s history since it began in 1952. Edmund Rice established the order of the Christian Brothers in Ireland over 200 years ago. Since this time thousands and thousands of people throughout the world have benefited from the legacy left by Edmund Rice and the Christian Brothers. Today the College celebrated the feast day of Edmund Rice with a full school liturgy. It was a special liturgy for our Community as we gave thanks to Edmund Rice, the Christian Brothers and those who continue to live Edmund’s dream today. As part of the liturgy I presented certificates to the staff who have given 20 years or more to Edmund Rice schools. The recipients were as follows-:     Mr Ray Celegato Mr Chris Campbell Mr David Gardiner Mr Steve Tilyard Br Chris Pritchard Br Col Fitzgerald Ms Heather Kopp Mr Dan Reid Mrs Sandra Fowlie Mr Patrick Bourke Mr Michael Bramwell Mr Lee Dowling Mr Stephen Graham Ms Judy Kelly Mrs Avril Perkins Mr Geoff Samuels Mrs Jan Thompson Ms Nicole Draisey-Wellings Mr Kevin Van Der Weide Mrs Anne-Maree Bliss Their contribution over the years has been significant and I take this opportunity to thank them for their valuable contributions over many years. Thankyou and well done. Another part of the liturgy was to present a number of Year 12 students with their House Leaders badges. As part of the leadership program at St. Patrick’s College, Year 12 students who have displayed outstanding leadership during Term 1 can be nominated for a House Leadership role. I congratulate the following students for their appointment as a House Leader for 2011. Joshua Parry Coffey House Leader Nathaniel Trappett Mooney House Leader Wyatt Bailey O’Rourke House Leader Douglas Howieson Rice House Leader Jordan Budgen Rice House Leader

Aidan Molloy Ryan House Leader Congratulations to these young men. This week sees the beginning of the AIC Rugby, Soccer and Chess seasons. As part of the 2011 launch a Spirit Assembly was conducted today. At the assembly the players in the First V Chess, First X1 Soccer and First XV Rugby were presented. The captains of each of these sports were also presented. I congratulate the following students for their appointment as captain of their respective sports for 2011. Captain of Chess Samuel Wright Captain of Soccer Mitchell Taylor Captain of Rugby Giles Beveridge This week also saw the first mass conducted in the new College Chapel. Approximately 70 staff, students and parents joined Fr Liam in this special celebration. It was also special because the Chapel has been named “The Father Liam Chapel” and to have Fr Liam celebrate this Mass was a significant occasion for St. Patrick’s College. Fr Liam celebrates mass each Tuesday morning at 8am. All parents and welcome. Finally this week I wish all of the Mothers in our Community a Happy Mothers Day on Sunday. Thankyou for the outstanding work you do and the unconditional love you give to your sons. “Happy Mothers Day”. God Bless

Dr Michael Carroll College Principal

5 May 2011 No. 13

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Frank Torrisi

The Interhouse Cross Country Carnival was held today, 5 May. This is the next major Interhouse event and we expect every student to attend and participate. It is a Special Event Day and hence students absent will require a medical certificate to explain their absence. The Cross Country course can be run/walked by students of all fitness levels. All students will come to school dressed in their full correct sports uniform. The day will commence with the Blessed Edmund Rice Liturgy. At 11.00am students will gather in their house area and then walk down to Curlew Park under teacher

supervision. Buses will run as normal but will depart from Curlew Park at the conclusion of the Cross Country which is normal school time. All sport training will commence at the conclusion of the carnival Camps – The Year 9 camp will take place week 4 from Monday to Friday. Please ensure your son has all the required items on the ‘What to bring’ list, including plenty of warm clothing. All Year 9 students who have not returned their camp forms must do so by Monday next week.

Uniform – Please ensure your son’s uniform includes a top button on his grey shirt. The top button needs to be done up and his tie needs to be worn correctly. Appearance and pride are important aspects of a young man. All Year 10, 11 and 12 students are to have a College Blazer as part of the winter uniform. Immunization will occur on Tuesday 25 May, for Year 8 students who have handed in their permission forms.


Mrs Dionne Tually—Science/Mathematics Years 7-9

Mathematics Department The NAPLAN tests for 2011 will be held on Tuesday 10, Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 May. Naplan Preparation: NAPLAN is the acronym for National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy. These are National tests administered to every student in Years 3, 5, 7, 9. The best preparation students do for the NAPLAN test is to follow the teacher and the curriculum throughout the term and leading up to the tests, as the tests reflect the core elements of what has been taught in class at St Patrick’s College. The curriculum of the school exposes students to all of the concepts needed to achieve well. Teachers plan learning experiences for the students that will provide opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of the concepts. Students use their skills in class to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of concepts. Teachers refine learning experiences to suit the needs of the students when they are experiencing success or difficulties. In Mathematics, the tests are designed as follows: Test 1 Number Non Calculator – knowledge and use of concepts in number, patterns and algebra, measurement, space, chance and data Test 2 Number Calculator (Years 7 & 9

only) – knowledge and use of solving multi-step questions requiring more thought processing Test practice involves students completing examples of previous tests or sample tests for the purpose of familiarising them with test instructions and common forms of questions. Students have been supplied with booklets containing samples of the past 3 years Naplan tests. Teachers routinely prepare students for testing including, as appropriate, practice on sample tests. Adequate preparation ensures that students feel comfortable in the testing environment and are able to confidently demonstrate what they know and can do. A suggested time line in which to complete the tests will be discussed with the students’ classroom teacher. An electronic method of students responding to the practice tests has been devised and is available on the student intranet. Students have been advised as to how to access this facility. This will be marked by the classroom teacher and difficulties identified will be discussed within allocated classtime. Parents can assist at home in the following ways: Talk about the test with your child Develop your child’s confidence by encouraging them to try their best. Talk about test taking skills – answer easiest questions first, highlight sections of texts, mark questions to come back to, work must be done independently, have a go

Encourage students to use their time now to prepare. Relate test taking skills to real life situations.

NUMBER • Incorporate numeracy and the 5

strands into everyday activities Number – number facts and counting Space – where can different shapes be seen Patterns and Algebra – what is missing from the equation Measurement – talk about different methods of measuring Chance and Data – talk about possibilities of things happening

• Count aloud with your child – whole numbers, decimals, dollars, metres, fractions

• Read maths questions with your child and help them understand how and where to start

While doing Maths together Help your child with ……

• reading the whole question before starting

• knowing other words for plus, multiply, divide, minus such as add, product, share, subtract

• using everyday activities that require numeracy concepts

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“Just Us Magazine” During Term One of this year teaching staff have put a huge amount of energy and enthusiasm into ensuring that social justice and peace form a significant focus of classroom teaching and learning. A key component of educating for justice and peace is students being

advocates for the poor and marginalised, and the things that we can all do to make a better world for all. As a channel for students to take part in this form of advocacy we have created a student magazine “Just US”. The first ever edition of “Just Us” magazine contains a selection of the outstanding work that students took part in during Term One to make the

world a better place. Please find a few minutes to view or download the magazine from the College website and see the difference we are making in our classrooms. We hope you enjoy.

Mark Ellison - Curriculum Leader Justice and Peace

Alteration of Assessment date

Mr Torrisi’s Year 12 Geography Exam Changed from Wednesday 4 May to Friday 6 May (Periods 3 & 4)


Marthy Watson

At the end of last term we celebrate Easter liturgy through song, drama and prayer. It was a moving presentation and the per-formance took the audience on a pilgrimage through the 15 Stations of the Cross. The Year 7 students wrote prayers and recited them as part of the performance. In this prayer they asked for peace and reconciliation. Pope Benedict XVI, in his Easter ad-dress, also called for peace in the world. He said: "May the Lord arouse, in individuals, families and communities, the craving for more and more unity and harmony. Place your strength in the strength of the cross and in the resurrection of Jesus Christ; it's a strength that supports all those who generously work for common good." At the end of last term we also started work on permanent garden beds in front of the Year 5 classrooms. Mr Michael Phillips and his Year 12 Cert 11 Work placement class designed constructed and build the garden beds. They are ready and are await-ing the planting of seedling that will in turn provide the Paddy’s Van with vegetables for stews and soup for homeless people. The Ministry Team is also launching their new program STOP – Serves to other People– next week. Students can sign up for the following events. Please contact the Ministry Office. God bless

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Marthy Watson

Activity Description

RSPC Dakabin Students volunteer time to work at the shelter once a months on a Saturday morning be­tween 8 am – 12 pm

Food Collection for RSPC Group organise  food / blankets collection

Blanket Drive for Paddy’s Van

Group organise blankets  / clothing collection

Year 5 Reading Program Y 9 ­12 Students volunteer to do a one–on­one reading session with members of the Y5 class during period 6 on a Friday. (Senior lunch)

Environmental Action Collection of plastic shopping bags;Assisting with the Year 5 garden.Recycling bins / paper recycling in classrooms.

Mass Students attend Mass every Tuesday morning at 8 ­ 8:25 am in Chapel at school

World Vision Global Lean­ing Project

Attend conference and promote 40 hour famine program

NAIDOC Week Promote activities and prepare assembly presentation and Cherbourg visit with SJF ministry group

World Youth Day Promote this event with activities at school and an assembly presentation

Live below the line:$2 a day Challenge

From May 16th ‐ 20th, participants will spend just $2 each day on food, and use their daily experiences to bring extreme poverty to the centre of conversation in homes around Australia. We'll do all of this because whilst we struggle to Live Below the Line for one week, there are 1.4 billion people who do it every day.

Face to Faith Video confer­ence

Students participate in video conference with schools from around the world.

Paddies Action Group Share online activities with the whole school community.

Emily Rotta

Next Weekend: 13-14 Brisbane Careers and Employment Expo Pathways to Medicine Information Evenings at Griffith University (GU) These evenings will include a presentation about study options and an opportunity to meet GU lecturers. They will be held on 16 May 2011 at the South Bank Campus and 18 May 2011 at the Gold Coast Campus. Registrations are now open at

“Investing in your Future” Scholarship Information Evening Investing in Your Future will provide information about scholarships, FEE-HELP and financing your degree. Wednesday 15 June 7:00pm to 8:30pm Sofitel Hotel 249 Turbot Street, Brisbane Register online at[email protected] The University of Queensland (UQ) New courses: Bachelor of Exercise and Nutrition Science Bachelor of Paramedic Science three years full-time

pre-requisite subject: English recommended subjects: Biology, Chemistry or Physics Open days: St Lucia campus 7 August Gatton campus 21 August Ipswich campus 24 August

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This week has seen the first of our St Patrick’s College students utilizing our new GYM facility. It is truly a great facility and will greatly enhance both our sporting and physical education programs run at the College. The SPC Sport Department is also now located within the gym precinct. The offices of Corey Meehan (Gym Coordinator and Sports Assistant), Ryan Schultz (Coaching Administrator) are just inside the main doors to the Gym.

Below is a copy of the Gym Rules and Procedures which all students who intend on using this facility MUST adhere to: The SPC gym is ONLY for SPC Students and Staff. Students must follow the gym rules at all times: Enter ONLY via Main Doors (Pool Side)

NO Towel = NO Training (no exceptions) Appropriate Clothing and Footwear ONLY (FULL PE UNIFORM) NO Food (Eating) in the Gym at any time

All users MUST use approved program’s ONLY (No Program = No Gym) NO equipment is to be removed from the Gym at any time All equipment MUST be replaced in its correct place after use SPC Gym usage is a privilege and not a right


Rugby & Football Photo Day will be held on Back to Shorncliffe Day 14 May 2011. A schedule will be placed in next week’s Calling advising times.







MORNING 6:30am-8:00am

Open Session Open Session Open Session Open Session Closed

JUNIOR LUNCH 12:35pm-1:15pm

YEAR 8 YEAR 5,6,7 YEAR 8 YEAR 5,6,7 Closed

SENIOR LUNCH 1.15pm-2.00pm

Senior & Year 11 Year 9 & 10 Senior & Year 11 Year 9 & 10 Senior & Year 11

AFTER SCHOOL 3:00pm-4:30pm

Open Session Closed Open Session Closed Closed

CONGRATULATIONS • Harry McVeigh (U12 – 8th), Lucas Lutter (U11 – 1st), Pearson Locke (U11 – 3rd), Tom Berry (U11 – 6th), Lachlan Sinclair (U11 – 8th), William Sanders (U10 – 7th) – Selected into the Bramble Bay District Primary Cross Country Team to compete at the Metropolitan North Cross Country Championships later this month. • Giles Beveridge (Year 12) – named as St Patrick’s College 2011 Rugby Captain • Mitchell Taylor (Year 12) – named as St Patrick’s College 2011 Football Capta Sporting Wet Weather Procedures The College provides you the following option when dealing with wet weather or cancellations: Junior and Secondary Sports Information Line is 36319080. This line is ‘live’ and will be updated as often as required. Decisions on training status (poor weather) will be made at 2.00pm

(training days). Please check for the status of training or weekend sport as often as possible. For Saturday sport, the line will be amended by 7.00 am after consultation with opposition school sports masters and college grounds staff. It is asked that all parents firstly use the Sports Information Line to obtain any ‘up to date’ changes on training and game status. We ask that you only contact the College’s Student Office or Main Office only if the matter is urgent. Metropolitan North Regional Sport Information All students and parents requesting information regarding any up and coming Met North Regional trials are asked to go to the Met North Website to find out such information - Metropolitan North Trial Information for the following Sports may now be posted on the Met North Website. • Regional Under 12 and Under 19 Golf • Regional Under 14 Baseball Trials

How to Access Met North Trial Information 1. Look up the Met North web site and then click on the sport you wish to find information about. 2. Once in sports specific section scroll down and if there is a prompt that says ‘Sports Name Trials’, click on the ‘read more…’ 3. This will let you access the trial letter/notification, down load all relevant information regarding the trials. If there is no information regarding trials then nominations have not yet been called for. 4. Lastly, your son will then need go to the Sports Department at St Patrick’s College to collect ‘Availability for Selection’ forms etc. to be filled out and signed by the school Principal, Dr Michael Carroll before taking ALL forms to the appropriate sporting trial and handing them into the Carnival Convenor with any required levy to be paid.

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AIC Rugby St Patrick’s College Vs Peter’s Lutheran College 7th May 2011 Rugby Game Details

Mayer Oval – St Peters Lutheran College – Harts Rd entrance, Indooroopilly Other Venues & Games Mt Maria College Playing Fields (Oval 2) – Mott Street Enoggera

CIC Rugby St Patrick’s College Vs Brisbane Grammar School Saturday 7th May 2011 Curlew Park, Curlew St Sandgate

Rugby 1 and Rugby 2 – Curlew Park, Curlew St Sandgate Other Venues & Games


Time Mayer 1 Mayer 2 9:00am SPC 13C vs ASH 13 Blue

10:00am SPLC 13B vs SPC 13B ASH 14D vs SPC 14C

11:00am 14B SPC 13A vs ASH 13B

12:00pm 14A 15B

1:00pm 15A 3rd XV

2:00pm 2nd XV 16A’s

3:15pm 1st XV

Time Game Venue

9.00am SPC 15C vs MCA 15D Mt Maria Oval 2

12:00 noon SPC16B vs MCA 16C Mt Maria Oval 2

Time Rugby 1 (Edmund Rice)

Rugby 2 (Grundy)



(Ref – Christiaan Van der Nest)


(SPC – Liam Anderson to Referee) 9.00am SPC 7A

Vs BGS 7A (Ref – Christiaan Van der Nest)


(Ref – Liam Anderson) 10.00am SPC 6A

Vs BGS 6A (Ref –Thymon Venter)

Time Game Venue

8.20am SPC 5A vs BBC 5B Toowong College Oval 1

8.20am SPC 5B vs BBC 5C Toowong College Oval 2


Toowong College Ovals – Miskin Street, Toowong (Opposite BBC Rugby Ovals)

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AIC Football St Patrick’s College Vs Peter’s Lutheran College

7th May 2011 Football Game Details

Middle School Oval Stolz Oval 8:30am 14A 8:00am 13A

9:45am 15A 9:15am 13B

11:00am 16A 10:15am 14B

12:15pm 2nd’s 11:15am 15B

1:30pm 1st’s 12:15pm 3rd XI

Middle School Oval – Harts Rd entrance, Indooroopilly

CIC Football St Patrick’s College Vs

Brisbane Grammar School Saturday 7th May 2011 Curlew Park, Sandgate

Time SPC Football Oval 1

Time SPC Football Oval 2


SPC 7A Vs BGS 7A (Ref – Nathan Jenkins )

8.00am SPC 6A Vs BGS 6A (Ref – Daniel McLaughlin )


NC 7C Vs BGS 7B (Ref – Nathan Jenkins )

9.00am SPC 6B Vs BGS 6B (Ref – Daniel McLaughlin)

10.00am 10.00am

[All CIC Games – 20 min Halves] Football 1 and Football 2 – Curlew Park, Curlew St Sandgate

Other Venues & Games

Time Game Venue

9.00am SPC 5A vs NC 5B NC Flat Oval 9

7.30am SPC 5B vs VILLA 5C VILLA Field 7

10.30am SPC 5C vs VILLA 5D VILLA Field 3

NC Flat Oval 9 – Nudgee College, Sandgate Road, Boondall (Flat Ovals are behind main college precinct) VILLA Field7 & Field 3 – Villanova College Playing Fields, Manly Road, Tingalpa - UBD Map 162 (K14)


Please be advised that Pets are not permitted at any CIC or AIC Sporting Venue

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CIC Cross Country Invitational Meet Date: Friday 6th May Venue: Victoria Park, Gregory Terrace, Spring Hill Time: 4.00pm Program of Events 1. U9 1500m 4.10pm 2. U10 2000m 4.20pm 3. U11 2000m 4.35pm 4. U12/13 3000m 4.50pm

AIC CHESS After months of training the AIC Chess Season is upon us with a home game commencing this Friday against St Peter’s Lutheran College. I would like to thank Mr Paul Arcodia for his tireless efforts in preparing this year’s teams and congratulate the following boys on their selection in the First V Chess team for 2011;

Sam Wright – Captain. Hayden Mula – V Captain Liam Polkinghorne Daniel Reed Aidan Molloy

We wish all teams well for the opening round fixtures.

COLLEGE MUSICAL THE BOX OFFICE IS NOW OPEN!!! Tickets for THE WEDDING SINGER are on sale in the College resource Centre for just $15. Performance nights are ; Thursday May 26 – 7:30 pm Friday May 27 – 7:30 pm Saturday May 28 – 7:30pm

Please gather a group of friends and family members and come and enjoy a great night of musical romantic comedy gold!

Preparations continue to build momentum with performances of “The Wedding Singer” now just weeks away. Tuesday’s performance of the song “Casualty of Love” proved a real hit with boys at our assembly. Congratulations to all those involved. It is vital that all cast, band and crew members attend ALL required rehearsals between now and opening night. Please review the following schedule carefully. Please note the following amendment to tomorrow’s (Friday May 6) rehearsal – NO NEW YORK or NEW JERSEY chorus members are required on this day.

Fri 6 May 12:00 - SJFC Assembly Boys in blacks by 10:45

Fri 6 May 3:30- Act 2 run Leads / Staff chorus

Mon 9 May 3:30- Review and Polish CAST/BAND/CREW Cast are "off script"

Fri 13 May 3:30- Review and Polish CAST/BAND/CREW

Mon 16 May 3:30- Review and Polish CAST/BAND/CREW All costumes complete

Fri 20 May 3:30- Review and Polish CAST/BAND/CREW Sat 21 May 9am - 9pm BUMP IN TECH CREW Sun 22 May 9am - 7pm Set Lights/Sound Run CAST/BAND/CREW Mon 23 May 5:00 - 9pm Tech Run CAST/BAND/CREW TUE 24 May 5:00 - 9pm Full Tech & Dress Run CAST/BAND/CREW Costumes Labeled Wed 25 May 9:00am call Matinee Performance 11 am CAST/BAND/CREW Lunch provided

NO WED EVENING PERFORMANCE Thu 26 May 6:00pm call Performance 7:30 pm CAST/BAND/CREW Fri 27May 6:00pm call Performance 7:30 pm CAST/BAND/CREW Sat 28 May 6:00pm call Performance 7:30 pm CAST/BAND/CREW

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The props dept. for the musical is trying to source all things 80’s Can you lend/donate any of the following items!!! • Rubic’s cube • Colourful 80’s track suits • Parachute pants • Large “Boom Box” • Old tape “Walkman” with headphones • Bride /Groom wedding cake ornaments • “Huge” old school mobile phone • Engagement ring boxes • Fake flower bouquets • Garden Arch

If you can help us with any of these items please contact Geoff Samuels at [email protected] or simply drop them to the Cultural Office (in the breezeway)

at 8:30 any morning.”


Junior Art Club is cancelled due to dismissal from Curlew Park after Inter-house Cross Country this Thursday. Senior Art Club will be on Friday afternoon as planned. Miss Spencer

DEBATING Congratulations to both our Year 8 teams who were victorious last night. Of particular note was our Team 1 boys who put in an incredibly impressive rebuttal performance to successfully argue the challenging topic ‘That we should ban tattoos’. William Sked proved an accomplished third speaker with an astonishing six points of rebuttal. Thanks again to the Debating Fanatics for turning out in force to support our boys. If you want to see what all the debating fuss is about join our Year 10’s and 12’s at St Paul’s next Wednesday: Year 10 – 8:15pm Firsts – 8.15pm Seconds – 7.00pm

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Sport Support Group To the St. Patrick's College Community, On behalf of the Sports Support Group, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued loyal support of the Curlew Park Canteen during the current Football and Rugby 2011 season. I would also like to extend a special thanks to those parents who have assisted in the canteen and on the barbecue during our recent home trial Match against Villanova, Saturday 30th April; your assistance and friendly service are very much appreciated. I would like to mention, especially, the Row family, Mrs Karen McArdle and Aidan Molloy of Year 12 who did the lion’s share of work during a busy day – thank you! All money raised by this volunteer group of cheerful parents goes back into supporting our children in their sporting endeavours whilst at St. Patrick's College. It has been a great way to meet other families within our community. Lastly, I would also like to personally thank our group of tireless supporters who, each and every week, gave freely of their time and energy to set up the fields and to provide the service that we all enjoyed. Thank you one and all. Kind regards, Cameron Herpich Chairman

Edmund Rice Feast Day Thursday 5th May 2011

Today we, with the 3 000 Christian Brothers worldwide and the many Colleges and various apostolates associated with the Congregation and Edmund Rice Net, celebrate the Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice, Irishman, business man extraordinaire, married man, father of a disabled child, widower at 25 years old, educator and Founder of two Congregations of men. Born in 1762,died 1844, this astute businessman, loving husband, devoted father, grieving widower, innovative educator, courageous founder, compassionate champion of the poor, devout Religious with the emphasis of devotion to the Mass, Eucharist, Scripture reading in an age when it was not customary, Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rosary, Edmund Rice was declared

to be Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice by Pope John Paul II in Rome on 6 October 1996.


SUPPORTERS’ CAPS & SHIRTS – These are available for $20 caps and $35 polos. Please check them out and support the current sporting seasons. CLEAN BAGS ARE REQUIRED FOR RECYCLING THROUGH THE SHOP. Thankyou to those who have already provided some. TRADING HOURS TERM TIME – TUES 12-4PM, WED 10AM-2PM, THURS 7.30-11.30AM

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The Paddies Van is Proudly Sponsored by:-

Date  Helpers 

Fri         06/05  Kim Oakes, Michelle Litchfield   ***HELP NEEDED*** 

Tue       10/05  Cally Egerton, Louise Stringer, Vicki Wolstenholme, Leigh Gilligan 

Wed      11/05  Sandra Appleby‐Lake, Joanne Casey 

Thu        12/05  Jacqui Baldock, Andrea Massey, Liz Dittbernor, Cheryl Manche’ 

Fri          13/05  Sue Fuhreister, Susan Norden Foster, Tanya Smith 

Mon     09/05 Karen Smyth, Melissa McKerihan, Katerina Camiller, Donelle McVeigh, Francesca Jacovelli 

Tuesday Morn BBQ— Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25 am—9.00 am

Thursday Morning BBQ —Humpybong School 7. 30 am—9.00 am

Thursday Evening Street Van —Brisbane City

5.00 pm—8.45 pm

Saturday Night BBQ—Sandgate Sandgate Lagoon

5.45 pm—8.30 pm

Tuesday, 10 May

Justin Manwaring, Liam McGrann, Thomas McNamara, Jesse Mohr, Jacob Molyneux, Steele Paterson, Riley Pennisi

Thursday, 12 May

Robert Peredo, Nathan Pitt, Jackson Roberts, James Sanders,

Brodie Tebbutt, Jack Vogler, Benjamin Woods

Thursday 12 May Brad Hamilton, Callum Rolph,

Joshua Rutledge, Damian Tatum

Saturday, 14 May

Jack Pashley, Jayden Carson, Trent Barrett, William Friedman

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mrs Righetti ASAP.

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May 05

Edmund Rice Day Liturgy / I/H Cross Country

May 06

Yr 12 QCS Practice Per 3-5 / AIC Chess Rnd 1 (H) / CIC Cross Country Meet (A)/ Shore to Gate Rewards Day

May 10

Kairos 3 & 4/ NAPLAN Yr 5,7,9

May 07

AIC Rubgy/Football Rnd 1 (A) / CIC Rugby/Football Rnd 2 (A)

May 09

Kairos 3 & 4

May 11

NAPLAN Yr 5,7,9 / QDU Rnd 2 Yr 10 & 12

May 12

NAPLAN Yr 5,7,9

May 13

AIC Chess Rnd 2 (A) / CIC Cross Country Meet (A)

May 14

AIC Rugby/Football Rnd 2 (H) / CIC Rugby/Football Rnd 3 (H) / Back to Shorncliffe Day

May 16

Year 9 Kennedy/O’Rourke Retreat / Year 9 Coffey, Mooney and Quane Camp

May 17

Year 9 Ryan/Xavier Retreat / Year 9 Coffey, Mooney and Quane Camp

May 18

Year 10 RE Excursion / BIS Chess, Debating