Adventure Video Series Pitch

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Adventure Video Series Pitch



A series of films exploring different travel experiences, and profiling travelers, all inspiring adventurous travel.



A look into the life of an adventurous working photographer, exploring a new city for the fi rst time.

This is a l l about that feel ing of possibi l i ty t ravelers have just after landing in a new city for the f i rst t ime.The f i lm would fol low the story of an establ ished photographer explor ing the v isual ly r ich ci ty of Marrakesh for the f i rst t ime, react ing to the environment and improvis ing scenes there.

The prof i le would be just as much about the ci ty as the photographer, with their words providing a voiceover to cinematic images of the ci ty, and focusing on how they approach explor ing a new place and why that is worthwhi le.

I want to keep this accessible to a broad audience by staying away from going to deep into the art ist ic process of the photographer, and keeping i t very focused on the sense of excitement and wonder of being in a new place.


This concept is about pushing your boundar ies as a traveler, and taking part in act iv i t ies that are s l ight ly out of your comfort zone, in a good way.

Iceland is a great place to focus on because there are so many adventurous things to do there, with the comfort of a modern ci ty, Reykjavik to go back to.

The f i lm would be pr imari ly a prof i le of an exper ienced ice cave guide, giv ing an insight into the r isks but a lso immense rewards of explor ing the incredible ice caves of the south coast of Iceland.

Using this prof i le as an anchor, the f i lm would also take t ime to show off Reykjavik and some of the other s ights around Iceland in a cinematic sty le, including the Northern Lights.

We would use drone technology to capture the vast beaut i fu l landscapes, contrasted against the darker beauty of the ice caves.

Video references:Fragments of Iceland

GoPro | To Climb an Iceberg -


This concept is about immersing yoursel f in local culture, and searching for authent ic exper ience in an often over ly product ized tour ist industry.

The indigenous Mapuche people of the Atacama Desert region celebrate new year at the winter solst ice, the 24th of June, in a fest ival a lso known as We Tr ipantu. The fest ival is about celebrat ing the beginning of spr ing and the return of the sun, and is fu l l of l i fe and colour, set against the stunning vast landscape of the Atacama desert and lake distr ict .

The f i lm would feature voiceovers from locals, speaking about the fest ival and what i t means to share i t with v is i tors. We would also show off the beaut i fu l landscapes and immersive v isuals of the fest ival i tsel f . The Atacama Desert is a lso one of the best places in the world to see the night sky from, so we would be able to show parts of the fest ival and landscape with incredible starry skies in t ime-lapse.


Video references:Ode to Black Rock City -

Atacama -


This concept is about opening up the possibi l i t ies of when and how you can travel .

Digi ta l nomads work remotely or run businesses whi lst t ravel ing the world. This f i lm would prof i le a Digi ta l nomad l iv ing in Chiang Mai, a c i ty where people l iv ing this l i festy le gravitate to and cross paths.

The idea isn’t necessar i ly to sel l the idea that everyone should become a digi ta l nomad, but more just to open up the whole idea of t ravel , to plant the seed that t ravel can be more than just what you do for your two weeks of vacat ion t ime a year.

Video references:Koh Yao Noi -

Palladium: Explorer Series (Rotterdam) -



This is again about broadening the audience’s ideas about when and how travel can happen.

By prof i l ing a long term traveler, the f i lm would not be aiming to get more people to quit their jobs and travel long term, but more having the intent ion of gett ing people to think ‘ i f they can do that for s ix months, I can be a l i t t le more adventurous with my two weeks’.

DUNCAN W.Available until mid June


Duncan is an accompl ished long term traveler, having spent years on the road across Europe, Austral ia and New Zealand, where he current ly works as a glacier boat guide in the Southern Alps of the South Is land.

He is a charming subject with an infect ious enthusiasm for t ravel and l i fe, and comes across wel l on camera.



This concept is about the journey i tsel f , the people met and stor ies swapped along the way, the s ights you see out of a tra in window.

Inter-rai l ing is often seen as something that only twenty-somethings do before gett ing a real job, but i t ’s actual ly something that people of a l l ages do and enjoy.

This would appeal to an American audience who may be coming to Europe for the f i rst t ime and want to see as much of i t as possible, but a lso to a European audience who are interested in having a cost effect ive way of taking in the s ights of neighboring countr ies.

Video reference:The Balkans by Train -



This concept is a l l about f inding peace and sol i tude away from our busy l ives.

Instead of being a prof i le piece, th is f i lm would have a poet ic sty le narrat ive, set against the v isual ly engaging landscape of the Stockholm archipelago. The voiceover would be based around the idea that we need to take more t ime out f rom our busy l ives to appreciate nature al l around us, and that beaut i fu l natural landscapes are never too far away.

The imagery would subt ly show the ease of which travelers can reach the archipelago from central Stockholm, staying in modern comfort there, without over ly focusing on the logist ics of t ravel ing to the is lands.

Video references:The Journey - Tomorrow Starts Without Me -


This concept is about f inding ways to see the world from new perspect ives. The way our opinions and thoughts about the world are changed by seeing new parts of i t f rom different perspect ives.

Paragl iding is a good choice to feature, because i t combines di fferent e lements that t ravelers often seek: adventure, peace (once airborne) , and seeing the world from a fresh perspect ive. I t is an accessible act iv i ty, with centers worldwide offer ing tandem f l ights for beginners.

Paragl iding is v isual ly engaging on screen, and

the Hautes Alpes in France is a stunning locat ion to have as a backdrop for the exper ience.

The f i lm would prof i le an exper ienced paragl ider, ta lk ing about their f i rst exper iences paragl iding, and how they would recommend i t as a travel exper ience. Their words would be the anchor to immersive aer ia l imagery of the paragl iders.

Video reference:The Balloonist -



This concept is about indulging in the best food local culture has to offer.

The Karaköy distr ict of Istanbul , Turkey is world renowned as a dest inat ion for food lovers. The authent ic outdoor markets and street food vendors f i l l the streets by the water’s edge with steaming dishes, and exot ic smel ls.

The f i lm would prof i le a food blogger, in search of new dishes and fresh inspirat ion.

We would fol low them on a journey through the ci ty, explor ing markets, a l leyways, and interact ing with the var ied characters who sel l their unique dishes from colourful stal ls.

LOVE LETTER TO LONDONThis concept is about the personal connect ion that locals have to their towns, and the parts they want to share.

The f i lm would be a ser ies of voiceover narrat ives taken from different Londoners, a l l on the subject of what they love about their c i ty.

The idea is to show the very best of the ci ty, but a lso the quirky s ide of i t that isn’t on the tour ist guides, the odd l i t t le places that the locals keep secret but would love to share with a f r iend coming to v is i t .

Video reference:Love Japan -

SHARING THE JOURNEYThe f i lm would be a portrai t of a travel-blogging fami ly, planning their next t r ip whi lst a l ready on the road in an exot ic place. We would focus on the specif ic chal lenges that face them in br inging young chi ldren with them, but a lso the posit ive effects that t ravel can have on the development of k ids.

Although the other ideas do aim to appeal to a broad audience, and of course be fami ly f r iendly, th is concept is a l l about thinking more about the ways your can travel as a fami ly. I t ’s about br inging more adventure into fami ly vacat ions without necessar i ly making them more r isky.


This concept is a l l about the feel ing that t ravelers have, of being more al ive than they are at home. Of not want ing miss a moment in a new city.

The f i lm would fol low a young traveler explor ing a buzzing night t ime Ber l in. I t would be a shot in a documentary sty le, but instead of featur ing a real indiv idual , the piece would be more poet ic and be anchored by an authored voiceover and the images of a f ict ional character explor ing the ci ty, wander ing in and out of c lubs.

The narrat ive would focus on the idea of escaping to a new place, of the feel ing of f reedom and intensity found in night t ime ci t ies around the world.

Ber l in is a good locat ion to feature, as i t is a world famous dest inat ion for young people in search of long nights and var ied night l i fe. I t a lso has an internat ional feel , meaning that the v isuals in the f i lm wi l l not necessar i ly l imit the piece to being specif ical ly about Ber l in, but more about the idea of f inding a night t ime escape anywhere on your travels.

ADVENTURE DOESN’THAVE AN AGE LIMITIn a s imi lar way to the fami ly concept, th is idea is about broadening the audience, and making more kinds of t ravel seem more relevant to more people.

Older often have the most t ime to travel , but the percept ion is often that they are l imited to cruises and heavi ly organised act iv i t ies. There is nothing wrong with those kinds of t ravel exper iences, but th is concept is about opening up possibi l i t ies for t ravel in your older years.

The f i lm would prof i le an older couple l iv ing an act ive ret i rement ent i re ly without a f ixed address.

ALISON AND DONDepending on availability


Al ison and Don are a couple in their 60s / 70s l iv ing l i fe on the road, and wri t ing about their exper iences on al

They are just as enthusiast ic about travel as any youthful backpacker, and have an insightful perspect ive on the advantages travel can have in one’s l i fe.

As they are on the move constant ly, the f i lm would take place wherever they happen to be. Their past t r ips have taken them to Spain, India, Bal i , Austral ia, Southeast Asia, Sweden, Mexico, South America, and more.

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”

– Unknown