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Veolia Water Company

By: Tierra WallaceDue: January 12th, 2012Who Runs the Company?Jean-Michael Herrewyn, Chief Executive Officer of Veolia Water and Senior Executive Vice President in charge in France

Mission Statement:Our mission is to continue to offer value-added services to our customers, make a profit for our shareholders and maintain a good and loyal workforce across our main sites in Birmingham, Mirfield and Stoke. Missions: -Manage the Water Cycle -Save Water -Protect Water Resources -Minimize Environmental Impact -Develop Alternative Resources -Promote Access of water to all -Educate and Inform

Where is Veolia?The Veolia Water Wompany is located in 66 locations around the world: Europe, Asia and Pacifics, the Americas, Africa and Middle East Its subsidiaries include: Engineering and construction networks (Sade and Veolia Water Solutions and Technologies), consulting engineering firms (Seureca and Setude) and joint subsidiaries( SEDE Environment, Proxiserve, and SIDEF) Veolia Water Timeline1853- Compagnie Gnrale des Eaux is founded by Count Henri Simon and obtains its first public service concession to supply water to the city of Lyons. 1879- the first international subsidiary is created in Venice 1907- Marius-Paul Otto establishes Compagnie des Eaux et de l'Ozone, the first ozonation plant creatd to sterilize drinking water. 1960- filtration is created and helps to increase the productivity of water treatent plants1997- Veolia Water creates the first customer service center in France.

1999- Veolia Water installs a nanofilitration system at the Mry-sur-Oise water treatment plant 2002- Veolia Water expands its operations by outsourcing water services to cities in Europe, China, and the USA.2005-2006- Compagnie Gnrale des Eaux becomes Veolia Water.2008- Veolia Water assists to achieve the U.N. Millenium Development Goals by creating the Grameen-Veolia Water Ltd. 2011- Veolia Water wins a nine-year public service concession conytact for water services in Montauban.Why was Veolia Created?The founders began the company in order to provide water services to the public in Lyon.

How is Veolia Viewed?Clients- many consumers such as industrial clients are greatful for the Veolia Water Company because the company helps to operate all or a portion of their water cycle, thus enabling them to focus more on the core of their own businesses.Water conservationalists- Many are in favor of Veolia Water because they aim to improve conservation of the natural environment and the prevention of health risks while also keeping costs to a minimum. (work with politics)Me- I think that Veolia Water is an outstanding water company because they provide access to fresh water and wastewater services for all, as well as providing consumers with modern Customer Service Centers worldwide.The World BankThe world bank is a source of financial and technological assistence to developing countries.The World Bank has created the Water Partnership Program to help in the assistence of prividing water to all in need. The World Bank is influenced by the concerned the goal of fighting poverty worldwide. The World Bank exerts this influence by creating programs and funds to help aid developing countries in need. Relationships With Other CompaniesVeolia& Coke- both are apart of IBMVeolia& Nestle- both want to privatize around the world Veolia& The World Bank- both are working together under OBA(Out-put Based Aid) to connect families to public water and wastewater networks on their level of satisfaction.Reflection:After completing this project I have learned that there are so many people around the world and even among us in this very moent that have to endure a life without safe and clean water. But fortunately there are programs that have been put in place to meet the needs of those who have been born into a world without their basic needs for survival. I live in a household of six(including me) and water is not a serious issue, however others may not be able to say the same thing. This project has also showed me that all it takes is for one person to have an idea, big or small to make a difference that spreads around the world. Just like the founders of Veolia Water company, they initially wanted to provide water for their city but that one idea turned out to be a beneficial aid in providing water to those everywhere.Bibliography:Make Water Suitable. Veolia Water Official Site. Veolia Environment, 2010.Our History. Veolia Water Official Site. Veolia Environment, 2010.Veolia Water Worldwide. Veolia Water Official Site. Veolia Environment, 2010.Veolia Waters Main Subsidiaries. Veolia Water Official Site. Veolia Environment, 2010. Water Partnership Program. The World Bank Official Site. The World Bank Group, 2011.THANK-YOU FOR WATCHING!!