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Page 1: Training & Seminar Catalog - LifeWork Strategies · • Building Positive Relationships at Work ... Discover tips to rein in this powerful emotion. Balancing Work & Family This seminar


Training & Seminar Catalog

Help Your Employees Find Their Own Healthy

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Find Your Own Healthy

On-site seminars and webinars are a great opportunity to engage and educate employees on healthy living and life/work balance. We can help you hold successful events by assisting with:

Selecting popular wellness topics

Offering promotional materials

Providing dynamic presenters

Evaluating each session to improve future events

Each of our courses can be selected to be a single presentation or combined to be part of a series. You can develop a customized program with the support of our experts, or you can select one of our popular seminar series, which include:

Professional Development • Building Positive Relationships at Work

• Strategies for Mastering Time

• Effective Communication

• Creating Goals for Success at Work

Effective Parenting• Got Parenting Stress?

• Raising Responsible Children

• Communicating Effectively With Your Child

• Back to School Strategies for Success

Healthy Habits for Life• Nutrition for Life

• Fitness for Busy Professionals

• Smoking Cessation

• Better Sleep for Better Performance

Enjoy exploring the course descriptions in this catalog, including those of the courses listed above. If you have questions or if you are ready to schedule a seminar or webinar, please contact our team at 301-315-3374 or [email protected] so we can help you get your employees started on the path to wellness!

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Emotional Topics

Accent the Positive: Building Self Esteem This training will explain how to manage your inner critic and discuss how to create a personal plan for developing positive self-esteem by looking at three components: self-awareness, self-respect and self-compassion.

Avoiding the Guilt TrapAttend this seminar to learn about the negative effects of guilt, such as anxiety and low self-esteem. Discover tips to rein in this powerful emotion.

Balancing Work & FamilyThis seminar will provide an opportunity to examine your different life roles and make a plan for achieving harmony and reducing stress.

Coping Skills for Managing Work/Life StressThis seminar will give you the opportunity to measure the degree of stability in your life, and help you begin your action plan for finding better life/work balance.

Coping with Stress: The Road to ResiliencyThis seminar defines stress and resiliency, provide strategies for recognizing personal stressors, identify the qualities of effective coping, and discuss the skills necessary for building resiliency.

Effective Communication for Work & HomeAttend this training to develop and enhance communication skills to positively impact interactions, even those that involve criticism and disagreements.

Got Parenting Stress? In this seminar, you will identify techniques for managing parental stress. Explore how to prioritize, delegate and identify personal stressors and triggers.

Let Go – You Don’t Have to Do It AllAttend this seminar to become more aware of how your feelings influence task management. Learn how to remove mental roadblocks when delegating tasks at work and home.

Stress Management, Mindfulness and Relaxation

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Emotional Topics

Making the Pieces FitMake the pieces of your life fit to create better balance. Learn how to control stress and increase productivity.

Managing Change and Life TransitionsUnderstand how to react and navigate through change. Discuss how to create a personal plan for managing your emotions during times of change.

Maximize Thinking Power & ConcentrationAttend this session and assess your learning style to maximize thinking power and concentration. Learn different approaches to improve brain function and maintain function as you age.

Mindfulness and MeditationDiscover simple meditation techniques to get you started on de-stressing and improving your health.

Practical Relaxation for the Working ProfessionalLearn simple relaxation techniques including meditation, deep breathing and yoga to de-stress and improve your health. (Also in Professional Topics.)

Preventing & Overcoming BurnoutAttend this seminar to identify behaviors associated with burnout and learn strategies for coping with and preventing it.

Stress Management 101Learn strategies for recognizing personal stressors, identify qualities of effective coping and discuss the skills necessary for building resiliency.

The Stress Management/Parenting Connection Attend this workshop to review the connection between stress management and parenting.

What Every Parent Needs to Know About Guilt This practical workshop will teach the various forms of guilt and give you important tools for managing this powerful emotion.

Stress Management, Mindfulness and Relaxation

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Emotional Topics

Mental Health and Stigma: Let’s Start the Conversation Attend this workshop to recognize signs and symptoms of mental health disorders and find out how you can support yourself and others through resources available to you.

Stress and Self-CareFind out about the impact that stress has on your mind, body and spirit in this seminar about self-care and stress management. Identify your personal motivations and learn about strategies to develop a growth mindset and strike out your stress.

Intro to Compassion Fatigue and Self-CareAttend this presentation to review factors leading to compassion fatigue in your work. Learn coping strategies and ways to find and provide support to your colleagues, and develop a growth mindset to help combat stress.

Stress Management, Mindfulness and Relaxation

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Social Topics

A Meaningful Relationship with Your TeenagerNormal adolescent changes may interfere with communication between you and your teen. Attend this seminar to discuss tips to increase the quantity and quality of your interactions.

Active Parenting: Practical Skills for ParentsThis seminar highlights the importance of action versus reaction. Learn how active parenting can improve your family dynamic.

Appreciating Diversity in the WorkplaceThis seminar focuses on creating a respectful workplace where differences are appreciated and employees can communicate effectively.

Four Steps to Better Workplace RelationshipsAttend this seminar to discuss the elements of healthy professional relationships, the importance of avoiding gossip and setting expectations to guide your work with colleagues and clients.

Goal Setting for the New Year This seminar identifies critical elements of goal setting to strengthen resolutions and clarify goals. This workshop will help create a clear course of action to prioritize and achieve your goals.

How to Talk with Your Aging Parents about Their Future Learn about supporting an older relative in making important home, health, financial and legal decisions.

How to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits in Your Children Attend this seminar to gain strategies for developing healthy eating habits, tips on how to handle a picky eater and guidance on how to pack healthy school lunches.

Home Alone: Are You and Your Child Ready? In this seminar, learn how to prepare and assess your child’s readiness for being home alone.

Nurturing the Blended Family Attend this seminar to discuss the critical role of respectful communication, quality time, healthy boundaries and special considerations.

Conflict Resolution, Parenting Skills and Effective Communication

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Parenting Teens in the Technology Age Parents will gain insight into teen behavior and language, respond with effective parenting techniques and enhance safety while respecting privacy.

Personal Organization is Possible Learn strategies for organizing information, create short and long-term to-do lists and improve skills for prioritizing, time management and organizational communication.

Presence for the Holidays Attend this seminar focusing on the value of spending time with your children and the impact of overindulgence. Learn to create meaning for the holidays outside of gift-giving.

Raising Responsible and Independent Children Learn how you can support and challenge your children to develop responsibility throughout all stages of maturation.

Starting the School Year off on the Right Foot Discuss how to improve your communication skills for talking with caregivers, teachers and your child. Gain insight into homework, routines, setting limits, childcare, family activities and parent involvement in the school setting.

Successful Attitudes Learn why attitude is vital to personal and professional success and how to improve it for better, more effective communication with others.

Stress Management for the Sandwich Generation Discuss the needs of younger and older generations, learn about the financial and emotional impacts on family and work life. Learn coping strategies to help with the effects of simultaneously caring for younger and older family members.

Talking with Your “Tween” and Teen about Tough Issues Attend this seminar to learn tips for talking to your children about tough topics such as values, relationships, money, alcohol, sex and more.

Ten Concepts Every Working Parent Needs to Know This workshop gives practical information to deal with the challenges of being a working parent. Participants will discuss common mistakes to avoid, communication about work, the benefits of family meetings and more.

Social Topics Conflict Resolution, Parenting Skills and Effective Communication

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Social Topics Conflict Resolution, Parenting Skills and Effective Communication

Understanding the Spirit of a Two Year Old Discuss the development of a two-year old and how to nurture and foster independence and individuality.

Working Couples Parenting as a Team Attend this seminar to learn how to prioritize responsibilities and enhance communication to reduce the challenges you face as working parents.

The Family Dynamic: Working as a Team to Support Aging Relatives Find out how your role within the family affects care giving for your elderly loved ones.

Living Life with Laughter Learn about why laughter is good for all aspects of your health, and how to use good humor to overcome challenges and improve your mindset.

Domestic Violence Awareness Attend this presentation to recognize signs of domestic violence and how you can support someone who may be a victim.

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Financial Topics

Budgeting, Relationships & Life EventsThis informative training will identify ways to budget more effectively for today and provide tips for managing the financial road ahead.

Fiscal Fitness: Check Up for Yourself & Your Money Identify your financial goals, learn how to track your spending, and get tips for managing debt and saving money.

Holiday Budgeting Discuss financial goal setting for this holiday season, establish why the holidays are important to you and make the best of the season, without the financial stress.

It’s Not What I Make – It’s What I Keep That Is Important The training will focus on debt management, spending and investing strategies available to professionals today to build a comfortable lifestyle now and in the future.

Making Your Dollars Work for You Learn practical strategies and tools to help you meet your financial goals. This training will give practical tips and strategies for budgeting and making your hard-earned dollars last.

Preventing & Responding to Identity Theft Learn ways to detect incidents early, report activity, recover your assets and the steps to protect your identity.

Save Smart, Retire Well Attend this training to start the retirement planning process and gain an understanding of what to consider during planning.

The Basics about Your Credit Attend this training to define and discuss credit, understand your credit report, and learn about resources available to you to improve your credit.

Tips for Going Green at Home Small changes can have a big impact on reducing energy usage and your cost. Attend this training to discover ways to go green at home.

Budgeting, Saving and Preparing for Retirement

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Financial Topics Budgeting, Saving and Preparing for Retirement

Spend Better – Save More Workshop Learn how to track your expenses, create a budget, establish savings goals and make financial and behavioral changes needed to move forward.

Student Loans 101 This seminar will provide an overview of different types of student loans and tips for how to apply for the loan that’s best for you.

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Physical Topics

Alternative Medicine & Therapies This training introduces various forms of alternative medicine, their benefits and effectiveness.

Better Sleep for Better Performance Attend this seminar to learn what behaviors interfere with or support sleep and make a commitment to yourself to improve this area of your life.

Cardio and Weight Training: Back to the Basics Focus on the main components of setting up an exercise routine. Learn about the health benefits of stretching, strengthening, and increased cardio.

Ergonomics at Work Attend this training to gain a better understanding of how workspace adjustments can help or hinder your performance and find ways to improve your environment.

Family Fitness = Family Fun In this training, participants learn ways to incorporate fitness activities that appeal to all members of the family.

Field of “Leafy” Greens Attend this training to introduce yourself to more leafy greens and ways to bring out the natural flavors and enhance nutrition.

Fitness for Busy Professionals Attend this motivating seminar to learn realistic techniques for making exercise work in your life, on your terms and even at your own desk.

Fitness with Resistance Take a break and boost your energy with an innovative, exciting exercise class. Choose from two versatile resistance bands and focus on strengthening your body at your own pace.

Food-Mood ConnectionAttend this seminar to learn how to get the most out of meals. Learn how you can use food to enhance your well-being, relieve minor symptoms and reduce stress.

Get Motivated to Get Moving Attend this seminar to explore your readiness and motivation to exercise. Receive ideas for staying active when faced with intrinsic challenges and external roadblocks.

Nutrition, Fitness and Well-being

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Getting the Best Nutrition in Every Season Attend this seminar to learn more about how your body can benefit from eating with the seasons and eating locally-sourced food.

Good Nights & Good Mornings Attend this seminar to learn strategies and tips to help you get a good night sleep and prepare for tomorrow’s challenges and activities.

Grocery Store Tour Join us on a virtual grocery store tour to understand healthy and budget-friendly food shopping. Learn how to shop in-season and maximize freshness.

Headache Prevention Attend this informational seminar to learn headache triggers, understand the causes of headaches and ways to prevent and treat them.

Healthy Living to Prevent Heart Disease Review the basics of preventing heart disease and learn new strategies for incorporating heart healthy activities in your lifestyle.

Healthy Skin & Aging Discover ways to protect yourself against sunburn and other skin related issues, learn about preventative screenings and receive information on the effects of diet and stress on your skin.

Healthy Strategies for Surviving the Holidays Learn different ways to avoid excess calories and the negative health effects associated with holiday meals.

Low-Stress DietThis training will explain the short and long-term effects of stress and lifestyle behaviors such as diet that will help minimize those effects.

Manage Your Energy, Not Just Your Time Learn some of the best strategies, ideas and rituals to boost your energy and become fully engaged in life.

Nutrition for Life This seminar will define critical factors that shape your dietary choices and present “key ingredients” for a diet that enhances your personal satisfaction and well-being.

Physical Topics Nutrition, Fitness and Well-being

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Quick & Healthy Recipes for Busy People This seminar will present guidelines for efficiently creating a variety of healthy and balanced foods and meals with less time.

Sugar Cravings or Sugar Blues Learn the root causes of cravings and how to curb them with healthy, wholesome options.

Setting Your Personal Wellness Goal for Success Hear strategies for setting SMART wellness goals, tips for overcoming roadblocks and ways to set up a healthy support system.

Sitting is the New Smoking Attend this seminar to learn about the effects of a sedentary lifestyle and how to get your body moving.

Tobacco Cessation: Information & Support Join us for an informative, supportive seminar on tobacco cessation. Discover methods to kick the habit and improved health that results from quitting.

Strong Bones Building strong bones and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be critically important for long-term bone health. This seminar will cover early detection and prevention methods.

The Benefits of Massage Therapy Attend this seminar to discuss the different types of massage, the benefits of massage, and what to look for when selecting a massage therapist.

Total Body Workout Discover new and innovative ways to be active with your own body weight. Attend this training to learn how to get your body moving without leaving your home or office.

Weight Management: Are You Ready? Attend this informative seminar to assess your readiness to begin or continue your weight management efforts.

Whole Grains Learn about 15 different types of whole grains including why they are important to our health and basic cooking techniques.

Women’s Health & Aging This seminar covers women’s health and how nutrition, fitness and stress management influence healthy aging. Topics also covered are screenings and how to talk to your doctor.

Physical Topics Nutrition, Fitness and Well-being

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Professional Topics

Building Positive Relationships at WorkDiscuss the elements of healthy professional relationships and how to handle conflict. Learn ways to increase your receptivity to feedback and improve work relationships.

Coaching for High Quality Performance Learn different coaching styles and strategies to produce positive outcomes and change.

Conflict ManagementLearn to manage conflict effectively. This workshop focuses on necessary skill sets to prevent discord within the workplace.

Conversations in Performance ExcellenceCommunication is a skill and it is necessary to take time to assess our personal communication challenges. Attain strategies to become effective senders and receivers of feedback.

Coping Skills for Managing Work/Life StressThis seminar will give you the opportunity to measure the degree of stability in your life, and help you begin your action plan for finding better life/work balance.

Creating a Positive Work EnvironmentAttend this seminar to learn strategies for building a work environment that is cohesive and inspiring.

Creating Goals for Success at WorkIdentify the critical elements of goal setting, discuss strategies for creating balance and develop a plan for encountering unexpected change.

Dealing with Difficult PeopleAttend this training to understand why challenging interactions take place, how certain problems are created and how to solve and improve difficult interactions.

Developing Your Diplomacy SkillsAttend this seminar to learn to effectively mediate and build productive relationships in order to meet workplace goals.

Effective CommunicationJoin us to develop and improve communication skills to become an effective listener, both in and outside of the workplace.

Conflict Resolution, Effective Communication and Time Management

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Professional Topics

Four Steps to Better Workplace RelationshipsAttend this seminar to discuss the elements of healthy professional relationships, the importance of avoiding gossip and setting expectations to guide your work with each other.

Gender CommunicationAttend this seminar to examine gender-based differences in communication styles and learn tips for interacting more effectively at home and at work.

Generations at WorkExplore strategies for overcoming potential challenges while working together and prepare for the future of teams in the workplace.

Heads Together: Collaborative Problem Solving SkillsThis seminar focuses on an eight-step model for identifying goals, creating harmony, and encouraging collaboration.

Managing Your CareerAttend this seminar for tips on assessing career satisfaction and interests. Discover effective communication techniques to assist in success and provide opportunities for growth at work.

Maximizing Team PowerAttend this seminar to learn about the impact of team dynamics on success. Learn about effect team communication and ways to improve team processes to motivate for success.

Powerful Presentations and Persuasive SkillsAttend this seminar to learn techniques for becoming a persuasive and impressive speaker. Learn how to build rapport with an audience, manage difficult people and enhance your confidence.

Pursuing Excellence in Leadership and Management Learn best practices for establishing credibility and authority. Discuss the difference between being a leader and being a “boss.”

Recognizing and Responding to Workplace EmergenciesLearn the basics for recognizing and responding to common workplace emergencies such as heart attack, stroke and first aid situations.

Conflict Resolution, Effective Communication and Time Management

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Professional Topics

Setting Realistic ExpectationsIn this seminar, learn to set goals for your personal and professional success based on realistic expectations from personal and environmental examination.

Skills for Effective TeamsIn this seminar, understand team dynamics and how to be a successful teammate.

Strategies for Mastering Time (Employee and Manager Versions)This training gives employees the opportunity to identify time management concerns, strengths and areas for improvement.

Tips for Effective Professional Email & Business WritingThis seminar discusses the essential guidelines of professional business writing and gives you tips and strategies needed to improve and enhance your professional communications.

Tips for Giving and Receiving FeedbackAttend this seminar to learn strategies for better communication and coping skills for handling difficult situations in both giving and receiving information and feedback.

Workplace Harassment PreventionThis seminar will cover the elements of respectful communication and discuss strategies for responding to inappropriate behavior.

Delivering Outstanding Customer ServiceAttend this seminar to learn about the foundations of effective customer service and strategies for building stronger relationships through effective communication.

Enhancing our Management Styles Attend this seminar to understand communication vehicles and styles, and learn strategies to improve feedback and practice communication between a variety of management levels.

Conflict Resolution, Effective Communication and Time Management