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Page 1: STUDY ON STABILIZATION OF SOIL USING INDUSTRIAL WASTES · Stabilization using lime and industrial wastes; brick powder and rice husk ash by using different concentration of these

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Kanav Seth1, Abhishek2

1M.Tech Scholar, ECE Department, Galaxy Global Group of Institutions, Ambala, 2Assistant Professor, ECE Department, Galaxy Global Group of Institutions, Ambala.

Abstract- Soil stabilization is any process which improves the physical properties of soil, such as increasing shear

strength, bearing capacity etc. which can be done by use of controlled compaction or addition of suitable

admixtures like cement, lime and waste materials like fly ash, polypropylene etc. This new technique of soil

stabilization can be effectively used to meet the challenges of society, to reduce the quantities of waste, producing

useful material from non-useful waste materials. The research focuses on three main objectives, the first one is

improving the properties of the soil at the construction site so it doesn’t bend under the pressure from the weight

of the building structure, while the other important part is how to minimize the excessive usage of the cement in

this purpose and try to use other materials which can do the same job, one of these materials is the rice husk ash,

its production is increasing yearly and annually 20 million tons are produced, which quite large amount. Rice husk

ash consist of 85%-90% silica, this is why it is a great replacement for silica in soil stabilization, silica is considered

to be a great binding agent along with cement, however due time its price is increasing, so new materials are used

for the purpose of geotechnical works. There are three objectives of the research; one is to determine the Atterberg

limits, maximum dry density, optimum moisture content and maximum shear strength of the soil without

additives, another is to determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the soil with 5%,

10%, 15% rice husk ash and 6% cement as additive and lastly compare the results between the sample with

additives and the sample without additives to determine what is the change that occurred. The tests are Atterberg

limits test, grain size analysis, proctor compaction test and shear box test.

Keywords- Soil Stabilization, Maximum Dry Density, Optimum Moisture Content, Direct Shear.


In the modern industrial age most of the production work is done in factories and industries, be it clothes or

construction materials everything is manufactured in industries. After or during the production of these

materials or products there are left some unwanted materials. These materials are dumped; they take space and

are hazardous to the environment if left untreated of a long period. But these materials have some properties

that can be utilized for the better and as an advantage they are very cheap, hence their utilization is cost


The following materials are the most common industrial wastes we find around us: Fly ash, Brick Powder,

Sugar Cane Dust, Rice Husk Ash, Plastic products etc.. Due to the limited scope and time of this project we

have chosen only two of these wastes in our research: Brick Powder and Rice Husk ash.

This dissertation work deals with the complete analysis of the improvement of soil properties and its

Stabilization using lime and industrial wastes; brick powder and rice husk ash by using different concentration

of these additives in the soil, thereby enhancing the soil properties for better stability and durability.

Rice husk is an agricultural waste obtained from rice milling. About 108 tons of rice husks are generated

annually in the world. Meanwhile, the ash has been categorized under pozzolana, with about 67-70% silica and

about 4.9% and 0.95%, Alumina and iron oxides, respectively. Thus, using RHA as an additive seems to be

economical particularly in regions having high production capacity. It has been observed that RHA is a superior

inexpensive material to enhance the geotechnical properties of soils.

Brick Powder is a waste powder generated from the burning of bricks with the soil covered by Surroundings.

Due to burning of soil bricks it hardened and at the time of removal the setup we get the powder form of brick.

It has red color and fine in nature. It has great ability to reduce the swelling potential of soil. The most common

stabilization agent used is lime as it has very good stabilization properties, using waste materials along with

lime enhances the properties of soil more than using lime alone.

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II. Literature Review

Joel H. Beeghly, 2003, “Recent Experiences with stabilization using fly ash of Pavement Sub-grade Soils, Base, and

reprocessed asphalt" as per author Highway engineers have long recognized remote future benefits of increasing the

strength and durability of pavement sub-grade soil by mixing fly ash with sub-grade soil during new construction.

Federal and state highway engineers have a revived interest in “perpetual pavement” which will befit from “perpetual

foundations”. For a low cohesive, silty soil or for converting full depth asphalt pavement recent investigations and some

recent experiments demonstrated that lime and F class fly ash stabilization can be economically engineered for long-term

performance. For relevant soils, LFA is able to provide cost savings by minimizing material cost by up to 50% as

compared to Portland cement stabilization.

David J. White, Dale Harrington, and Zach Thomas, 2005, “Fly Ash Soil Stabilization for Non-Uniform Sub-grade

Soils" In results it is seen that the soil compaction characteristics, compressive strength, wet/dry durability, freeze/thaw

durability, hydration characteristics, strength gaining speed, and plasticity characteristics are all altered by the mixing of

fly ash. Specifically, Iowa self-cementing fly ashes are effective at stabilizing fine-grained Iowa soils for earthwork and

paving operations; fly ash increases compacted dry density and reduces the optimum moisture content; strength gain in

soil-fly ash mixtures depends on cure time and heat, compaction energy, and compaction delay; sulfur contents can form

expansive minerals in soil–fly ash mixtures, which critically reduces the whole strength and durability; fly ash increases

the California bearing ratio of fine-grained soil–fly ash excellently dries wet soils and provides an early rapid strength

gain; fly ash reduces swelling of expansive soils, soil-fly ash mixtures cured under freezing temperatures and then soaked

in water are highly sensitive to slaking and loss of strength, soil stabilized with fly ash exhibits increased freeze-thaw

activities. Soil strength can be improvised with the mixing of hydrated fly ash and conditioned fly ash, but at greater rates

and not as effectively as self-cementing fly ash. Mohd Ashraf bin mohdhussin (2010), “stabilization of sub-grade by

using fly ash related to road Pavement thickness design at jalanjaya gad1ng”…… This project aims to study the

effectiveness of adding fly ash by percentage to the sub-grade with increasing the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value.

The fly ash will be added to the plain soil (sub-grade) by using 4% and 8% fly ash and tested by following ASSHTO as

guidance steps. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is a commonly used directly as to assess the stiffness modulus and shear

strength of sub-grade in pavement design work. If the CBR value is increasing by adding the fly ash to the soils it's shown

its effectiveness in increasing soil strength and vice versa. Overall, when California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value increases,

the thickness of pavement design can be reduced and subsequently the road construction of the affected road section will

be more economically. S. Siva Gowri Prasad, 2014, “stabilization of pavement sub-grade by using fly ash Reinforced

with geotextile”……according to the authors the behavior of a pavement depends very much on the characteristics of the

soil sub-grade, which provides platform for the whole pavement structure. For that reason of sheer significance the

enforcement of pavements is enhanced by adopting proper design and construction methods. Fly ash is produced from

various thermal power plants is low unit weight, non- plastic, very fine and disposed in slurry form into ponds covering

large area. Such materials have a low load carrying capacity, degraded settlement and their proper use in civil engineering

works is quite difficult. In this investigation, samples of fly ash are compacted to its maximum dry density at the finest

moisture content is organized without and with Geotextile layers in the CBR mould. Geotextile sheets equal to the plan

dimensions of CBR mould is placed in distinct preparations of 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th layers at different locations (i.e. at

different embedment ratio, z/d)in the CBR mould. Subsequent to each arrangement of Geotextile, the CBR (California

Bearing Ratio) values are evaluated in the laboratory and compared with the results of CBR values earlier than including

geotextile. Based on the tests conducted and discussion the authors concluded that by addition of fly ash, the CBR value

is increased by 27% when compared to unmodified soil. The CBR value is increased by 28.4% where the geotextile is

placed at 1st layer when compared to other three layers. The CBR value is increased by 64% where the geotextile is

placed at 2nd and 4th layers when compared to 1st and 3rd layers. The CBR value is increased by 158.0% by placing the

geotextile at all four layers .


Tests performed

3.1 Specific Gravity Test:-

Purpose: - Specific gravity of soil solids is the ratio of weight, in air of a given volume; of dry soil solids to the weight of

equal volume of water at 4ºC.Specific gravity of soil grains gives the property of the formation of soil mass and is

independent of particle size. Specific gravity of soil grains is used in calculating void ratio, porosity and degree of

saturation, by knowing moisture content and density.

W1= Weight of Empty Pycnometer = 640g

W2= Weight of Soil + Pycnometer = 840g

W3= Weight of Soil + Pycnometer + Water = 1660g

W4= Weight of Pycnometer + Water = 1540g

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G= (W2-W1) / (W2-W1) – (W3-W4)

G= (840-640) / (840 – 640) – (1660- 1540)

G= 2.5

Figure 3.1 Pycnometer

3.2 Sieve Analysis Test

Grain size analysis is used in the engineering classification of soils. Particularly coarse grained soils. Part of suitability

criteria of soils for road, airfield, levee, dam and other embankment construction is based on the grain size analysis.

Information obtained from the grain size analysis can be used to predict soil water movement. Soils are broadly classified

as coarse grained soils and fine grained soils. Further classification of coarse grained soils depends mainly on grain size

distribution and the fine grained soils are further classified based on their plasticity properties. The grain size distribution

of coarse grained soil is studied by conducting sieve analysis.

Name of the soil is given depending on the maximum percentage of the above components. Soils having less than 5%

particle of size smaller than 0.075mm are designated by the symbols, Example: GP: Poorly Graded Gravel. GW: Well

Graded Gravel. SW: Well Graded Sand. SP: Poorly Graded Sand.

Table 3.1 Sieve Analysis Result

S. No Sieve size Weight of Soil

retained (gm)

% Weight



Parentage retained



1 4.75 7.16 1.43 1.43 98.56

2 2.36 33.33 6.66 8.09 91.90

3 1 80.48 16.09 24.19 75.80

4 600 micron 32.88 6.57 30.77 69.23

5 300 micron 21.08 4.22 34.98 65.01

6 150 micron 200 40 74.98 25.01

7 75 micron 85 17 91.98 8.01

8 < 75 micron 40 8 99.98 0.01

Fig. 3.2 Graph for sieve Analysis

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From the graph above following are obtained

D10 = 0.08 mm

D30 = 0.17 mm

D60 = 0.45 mm

Coefficient of uniformity Cu = D60/D10 = 0.25/0.08 = 3.12

Coefficient of curvature Cc = D302/ (D10 x D60) = 0.80

Percentage gravel (>4.75) = 1.432%

Percentage of coarse sand (4.75 to 2) = 6.66 %

Percentage of medium sand (2 to 0.425) = 22.672 %

Percentage of fine sand = 57 %

Percentage of fines = 8 %

3.3 Standard Proctor test

Compaction is the process of densification of soil mass, by reducing air voids under dynamic loading. On the other hand

though consolidation is also a process of densification of soil mass but it is due to the expulsion of water under the action

of continuously acting static load over a long period. The degree of compaction of a soil is measured in terms of its dry

density. The degree of compaction mainly depends upon its moisture content during compaction, compaction energy and

the type of soil. For a given compaction energy, every soil attains the maximum dry density at a particular water content

which is known as optimum moisture content (OMC).

Weight of mould = 4Kgs.

Volume of mould = 990 cm3

Metal rammer weight = 25 N

Height of fall = 300mm

Compaction of soil increases its dry density, shear strength and bearing capacity. The compaction of soil

decreases its void ratio permeability and settlements.

3.3.1 Original Soil Sample

Weight of soil taken = 2.5 kg

Table 3.2 Original Soil Sample Result

Water Added Mass (g) Water Content Density Dry Density

Wet Sample Dry Sample Wt. Content

4% 1860 12.09 11.23 7.11% 1.87 1.74

6% 1880 14.5 13.19 9.03% 1.89 1.741

8% 1930 15.31 13.8 9.86% 1.94 1.774

10% 1975 17.85 15.85 11.2% 1.99 1.794

12% 2000 18.97 16.69 12.01% 2.02 1.803

14% 2030 17.03 14.73 13.5% 2.05 1.806

16% 2025 18.39 15.73 14.4% 2.04 1.787

18% 1990 25.03 21.25 15.10% 2.01 1.746

This test was conducted on the original soil sample. The following results were obtained:-Maximum Dry Density =1.806


Optimum Moisture Content = 13.4 %

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Water Content Fig 3.3 Graph for Original Soil Sample

3.3.2 10% lime 90% Soil

Wt of soil = 2250 g

Wt of lime = 250

Table 3.3 10% lime 90% Soil result

Water Added Mass (g) Water Content Density Dry Density

Wet Sample Dry Sample Wt. Content

4% 1850 12.12 10.91 9.98% 1.86 1.69

6% 1985 4.81 4.15 13.72% 2.00 1.76

8% 2080 3.99 3.54 14.18% 2.10 1.84

10% 2050 6.14 5.24 14.65% 2.07 1.80

12% 2035 17.2 14.88 15.55% 2.00 1.77

14% 2020 15.14 12.76 15.71% 2.04 1.76

16% 2000 21.25 17.8 16.25% 2.02 1.3

18% 1980 20.63 16.96 17.78% 2.00 1.69

Water Content

Fig. 3.4 Graph For 10% Lime And 90% Soil

This test was conducted on a treated soil sample. The mass thus obtained consists of 10 % Lime and 90% Soil by weight.

The following results were obtained:-

Maximum Dry Density = 1.84 g/cm3

Optimum Moisture content = 8.2 %

Dry Density

Dry Density



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3.3.3 10% lime, 10% brick, 80% soil

Weight of soil = 2000 g

Weight of lime= 250 g

Weight of brick powder = 250 g

Table 3.4 10% lime, 10% Brick, 80% Soil result

Water Added Mass (g) Water Content Density Dry Density

Wet Sample Dry Sample Wt. Content

4% 1850 13.12 11.91 7.3% 1.86 1.74

6% 1970 5.81 5.16 11.3% 1.98 1.78

8% 2060 4.01 4.52 12.4% 2.08 1.85

10% 2045 7.12 6.12 13.2% 2.06 1.82

12% 2020 16.95 15.32 14.1% 2.04 1.78

14% 2010 15.98 13.21 16.3% 2.03 1.74

16% 1985 22.12 16.9 17.2% 2.00 1.71

18% 1970 20.31 17.01 18.1% 1.98 1.68

Water Content

Fig. 3.5 Graph For 10% Lime, 10% Brick, 80% Soil

This test was conducted on a treated soil sample. The mass consists of 10% Lime, 10% Brick Powder and 80%

Soil by weight.

The following results were obtained:-

Maximum dry density = 1.85 g/cm3

Optimum moisture content = 8.2 %

3.3.4 10% lime, 15% brick, 75% soil

Weight of soil = 1875 g

Weight of brick powder = 375 g

Weight of lime = 250 g

Table 3.5 10% lime, 15% Brick, 75% Soil result

Water Added Mass (g) Water Content Density Dry Density

Wet Sample Dry Sample Wt. Content

4% 1810 5.14 4.84 5.8% 1.82 1.72

6% 1870 7.15 6.63 7.2% 1.88 1.76

8% 1930 13.58 12.45 8.3% 1.95 1.80

10% 2000 12.43 11.23 9.6% 2.02 1.84

Dry Density


Lime 10 & Brick 10

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12% 2020 12.83 11.42 10.9% 2.04 1.87

14% 2090 17.13 15.12 11.7% 2.11 1.90

16% 2040 18.73 16.00 14.5% 2.06 1.80

18% 1990 17.49 14.84 15.1% 2.01 1.76

This test was conducted on a treated soil sample. The mass consists of 10% Lime 15% Brick Powder and 75% Soil by


The following results were obtained:-

Maximum dry density = 1.91 g/cm3

Optimum moisture content = 13.5%

Water Content

Fig. 3.6 Graph For 15% Brick, 10% Lime, And 75% Soil

3.3.5 10% lime, 20% brick, 70% soil

Weight of lime = 250 g

Weight of brick = 500 g

Weight of soil = 1750 g

Table 3.6 10% lime, 20% Brick, 70% Soil result

Water Added Mass (g) Water Content Density Dry Density

Wet Sample Dry Sample Wt. Content

4% 1780 10.33 9.48 8.2% 1.79 1.66

6% 1810 7.95 7.20 9.4% 1.82 1.66

8% 1935 8.94 7.98 10.7% 1.95 1.76

10% 1970 6.21 5.49 11.6% 1.98 1.783

12% 2040 7.79 6.81 12.6% 2.06 1.83

14% 2075 19.94 17.22 13.6% 2.065 1.81

16% 2020 15.17 12.98 14.4% 2.04 1.78

18% 1985 16.18 13.64 15.7% 2.0 1.73

Dry Density


Lime 10 & Brick 15

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Water Content

Fig. 3.7 Graph For 20% Brick, 10% Lime, And 70% Soil

This test was conducted on a treated soil sample. The mass consists of 10% Lime 20% Brick powder and 70% Soil by


The following results were obtained:-

Maximum Dry density = 1.83 g/cm3

Optimum Moisture Content = 13.2 %

3.3.6 10% lime, 10% RHA, 80% soil

Weight of lime = 250 g

Weight of RHA = 250 g

Weight of soil = 2000 g

Table 3.7 10% lime, 10% RHA, 80% Soil result

Water Added Mass (g) Water Content Density Dry Density

Wet Sample Dry Sample Wt. Content

4% 1770 3.10 2.84 8.3% 1.78 1.65

6% 1815 8.80 8.05 8.5% 1.83 1.68

8% 1865 5.23 4.71 9.9% 1.88 1.71

10% 2000 8.55 7.52 12% 2.02 1.8

12% 2065 12.57 11.00 12.5% 2.08 1.85

14% 2030 9.67 8.32 14% 2.05 1.79

16% 1990 8.68 7.32 15.6% 2.01 1.74

18% 1980 8.32 6.98 14.87% 1.98 1.51

This test was conducted on a treated soil sample. The mass consists of 10% Lime 10% RHA and 80% soil by


Maximum Dry Density = 1.85 g/cm3

Optimum Moisture Content = 12%

Dry Density


Lime 10 & Brick 20

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Water Content

Fig. 3.8 Graph For 10% Lime, 10% RHA, And 80% Soil

3.3.7 10% lime, 15% RHA, 75% soil

Weight of lime = 250 g

Weight of RHA = 375 g

Weight of soil = 1875 g

Table 3.8 10% lime, 15% RHA, 75% Soil result

Water Added Mass (g) Water Content Density Dry Density

Wet Sample Dry Sample Wt. Content

4% 1750 12.28 11.57 5.7% 1.76 1.67

8% 1800 10.75 9.74 9.4% 1.81 1.663

12% 1980 18.11 16.0 11.6% 2.00 1.792

14% 2070 19.32 17.02 11.9% 2.08 1.87

18% 2000 15.95 13.52 15.2% 2.02 1.753

22% 1940 13.98 11.23 19.6% 1.95 1.64

This test was conducted on a treated soil sample. The mass consists of 10% Lime 15% RHA and 75% Soil by weight.

The following results were obtained:-

Maximum Dry Density = 1.87 g/cm3

Optimum Moisture Content = 13.5 %

Water Content

Fig. 3.9 Graph For 15% RHA, 10% Lime, And 75% Soil

3.3.8 Table showing the maximum dry density and OMCs of each sample:-

Maximum values of dry density and OMC was observed from the results. Those values were tabulated as shown in the

table below.

Dry Density


Lime 10 & Brick 20

Dry Density


Lime 10 & Brick 20

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Table 3.9 Table showing the maximum dry density and OMCs of each sample

Sample MDD g/cm3 OMC %

Original Sample 100% soil. 1.806 13.4

10 % Lime 90% Soil 1.84 8.2

10% Lime 10% Brick 80% Soil 1.85 8.2

10% Lime 15% Brick 75% Soil 1.91 13.5

10% Lime 20% Brick 70% Soil 1.83 13.2

10% Lime 10% RHA 80% Soil 1.85 12

10% Lime 15% RHA 75% Soil 1.87 13.5

3.4 Direct Shear Test:-

The shear strength of soil means is its property against sliding along internal planes within itself. The stability of slope in

an earth dam of hills and the foundation of the structure built on different types of soil depend upon the shearing

resistance offered by the soil along the possible slippage surface. Shear parameters are also used in computing the safe

bearing capacity of the foundation soils and the earth pressure behind retaining walls.

Shear strength is determined as below (after Coulomb)

Where S = Shear strength of soil C=Cohesion

The parameters c and ᶲ for a particular soil depend upon its degree of saturation, density and the condition of laboratory

testing. In a direct shear test, the sample is sheared along a horizontal plane. This indicates that the failure plane is

horizontal. The normal stress on this plane is the external vertical load divided by the area of the soil sample. The shear

stress at failure is the external lateral load divided by the corrected area of soil sample. The main advantage of direct shear apparatus is its simplicity and smoothness of operation and the rapidity with which testing programme

can be carried out.

3.4.1 Test for original sample

Table 3.10 Result for 0.5 kg Normal Stress

Proving ring Dial gauge

1 1.8

2 5.4

3 9.8

4 14.4

5 18

6 22.8

7 30

8 37.2

9 48.4

10 70.6


Shear box = 60 x 60 mm Area = 60 x (60 – ( 48.4 x 0.002)) = 3594.192 mm2

Thickness of specimen = 40 mm Area = 35.94 cm2

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Volume of specimen = 1440 mm2 τ = 0.313 Kg/cm2

τ = load / area Load = 112.5 N Therefore τ = 3.13 N/cm2

Table 3.11 Result for 1 kg Normal Stress

Proving ring Dial gauge

1 3.2

2 4.2

3 5.4

4 7.2

5 8.6

6 10.8

7 13.4

8 16

9 19.2

10 22.6

11 27

12 33

13 39.4

14 47.4

15 52.6

16 74.4

Length = 60 mm τ = 5.22 N/cm2

Breadth = 59.89 mm τ = 0.52 Kg/cm2

Area = 35.93 cm2

Table 3.12 Result for 1.5 kg Normal Stress

Proving ring Dial gauge

1 8.4

2 11.4

3 14.2

4 17.4

5 20.6

6 24.2

7 28.2

8 32.2

9 36.4

10 42

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11 47.4

12 54.8

13 63

14 72.4

15 85.6

Length = 60 mm τ = 6.27 N/cm2

Breadth = 59.89 mm τ = 0.62 Kg/cm2

Area = 35.88 cm2

3.5 California Bearing Ratio

A CBR of less than 3% indicates poor soil; a CBR of 3% to 7% indicates Normal soil. A CBR of 10% to 15% indicates

good soil.

Compute CBR value as follows: CBR = (Pt / Ps) X 100

Where, Pt = corrected unit (or total) test load corresponding to the chosen penetration from the load penetration curve,

and Ps = unit (or total) standard load for the same depth of penetration as for Pt taken from the table.

Generally, the CBR value at 2.5 mm penetration will be greater than that at 5 mm penetration and in such a case; the

former shall be taken as the CBR value for design purposes. If the CBR value corresponding to a penetration of 5 mm

exceeds that for 2.5 mm, the test shall be repeated. If identical results follow, the CBR corresponding to 5 mm penetration

shall be taken for design.

Penetration (mm) Unit Standard load Total Standard Load (N)

2.5 70 13700

5 105 20550

3.5.1 CBR value for original soil sample

Table 3.13 CBR values for original sample

Penetration (mm) Load (N) Load (Kg)

0 0 0

0.5 6.25 0.625

1 12.5 1.25

1.5 25.00 2.5

2 37.51 3.75

2.5 54.18 5.14

4 114.62 11.4

5 189.64 18.96

7.5 158.38 15.83

10 141.7 14.17

Weight of sample = 4.470 Kg

Load corresponding of 5 mm = 190 N

Total standard load corresponding to 5 mm penetration = 20550 N

CBR value at 5 mm penetration = 190/ 20550 x 100 = 0.92 %

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3.5.2 CBR for treated soil sample:-

Table 3.14 CBR for 10% Lime 15% Brick powder 75% Lime

Penetration (mm) Load (N) Load (Kg)

0 0 0

0.5 20.84 2.08

1 60.43 6.04

1.5 133.37 13.33

2 168.80 16.88

2.5 258.416 25.84

4 575.18 57.51

5 673.70 67.37

7.5 616.86 616.8

10 533.50 53.35

Load corresponding to 5 mm = 637.7 N

CBR Value at 5 mm penetration = 637.7/20550 x 100 = 3.103 %


5.1 Conclusion

After using varying proportions of industrial wastes with a constant 10% proportion of lime the following

results were obtained:-

The combination of 10% Lime 15% Brick and 75 % soil by weight was used. This sample was selected

after performing standard proctor test on various samples and the one with maximum dry density was

chosen for the rest of the project. The maximum dry densitywas improved from 1.8 g/cm3 to 1.91

g/cm3. This has an effect on the bearing capacity and also on the shear strength of the soil. Another

sample that showed good dry density was 10% Lime 15% RHA combination but that sample required a

lot of water content to achievethe maximum dry density i.e 1.87 g/cm3 and was hence not considered

for practical implementations.

After performing the direct shear test on the treated soil sample and comparing the resultsit was

observed that the shear resistance of soil was improved from 0.75 kg/cm2 to 1.01 kg/cm2. Which means

that the soil will perform better under earthquake conditions? And will be less susceptible to foundation

failure due to floods and other calamities.

The CBR of the soil which indicates its bearing capacity was improved form less than 3% (0.92%) to

3.1%. This result indicates that the soil which was initially unfit for engineering purposes now can be

used for construction or engineering purposes. Soil replacement need not be done on this site now.

All of these results indicated that the soil which was initially unsuitable for construction or engineering

purposes was stabilized and made of suitable quality using lime in combination with industrial wastes. The

wastes which were considered a hazard for environment can now be put to positive use and can benefit the

human kind and also the environment.

5.2 Future Scope

Further research can be carried out on this topic by adding certain other easily available materials like lime,

gypsum etc. in addition to RHA and cement and also by performing other major tests used in pavement design

for future study.

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