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AP Terms, Roles, Workflow


Available Resources

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The NYS Vendor File is a centralized database of all vendors:

entities that provide goods or services to, have an ongoing relationship with, and receive payment from New York State.


Improved vendor reporting Reduced payment processing time Allows vendors to manage their own state vendor records

NYS Vendor File

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Managed by the Vendor Management Unit (part of the Office of the State Comptroller’s Bureau of State Expenditures)

NYS agencies / entities must initiate the process for vendors to be added to the system.

Vendors are responsible for ensuring that their data is accurate and up-to-date

NYS Vendor File

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Single Payment Vendors

Entities who do not provide goods and services to the State, and their information is not maintained in the Statewide Vendor File .


Refunding revenue collected from individual Reimbursing SUNY & CUNY students Making assessment refunds (Insurance Department) Processing transactions to individuals who receive unclaimed

funds (OSC)

Payments are processed using a Single Pay Voucher and the Single Payment Vendor ID established for the specific use.

These vouchers are only paid by check.

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Special Use Payment Vendors

Vendors who cannot be added through the regular vendor add process:


Debt Service Advance Account Eminent domain

Payments are processed using a Regular Voucher and the Special Use Vendor ID established for the specific use.

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NYS Vendor File

A Vendor ID is a 10-digit number which uses specific numbering convention.

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NYS Vendor File

Adding Vendors to the Vendor File:

Use SFS and complete the “Vendor Add Request” Complete the Single Payment Vendor Request form Complete the Special Use Vendor Request form Complete the Foreign Vendor Registration Request form

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Vendor Questions?

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Types of Vouchers

Regular Voucher – Used for entering both non-PO vouchers and PO related vouchers.

Adjustment Voucher – Used for entering credit and refund of appropriation transactions.

Single Payment Voucher – Used for entering a voucher for a one-time vendor without having to record the vendor information in the Vendor file.

Prepaid Voucher – Used for making P-Card payments. Prepaid vouchers require another voucher for reconciliation purposes.

(NOTE: P-Card prepaid vouchers are reconciled after P-Card reconciliations are entered and approved in the Purchasing module.)

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Template Vouchers

Template Vouchers are used for creating a template for regular vouchers that have similar information, such as utility bills.

Template vouchers receive a Voucher ID when they are saved.

These vouchers are not submitted for approval.

The Voucher ID indicates that the template exists in SFS

When the Template Voucher is used to enter a new invoice, this voucher will be assigned a new Voucher ID.

Create a Regular Voucher when using the Template Voucher.

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Journal Vouchers

Used when reclassifying amounts within the same Fund

The Invoice Number field is optional

Relate the original voucher to the journal voucher by using the “Related Voucher” field

Distribution lines must net to zero

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Employee Reimbursement

Travel and Expenses

Employee reimbursement is handled in the SFS Travel and Expenses module

Vouchers are not used for this purpose

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Accounts Payable Roles

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Accounts Payable Roles


AP Processor Enters vouchers

AP Coordinator Enters and deletes vouchers

AP Approvers (5 Levels) Approves, denies or rejects vouchers

AP Match Exception Processor

Resolves matching exceptions during the processing of AP transactions

AP Batch Processor Runs budget check on an ad-hoc basis when the agency cannot wait for the regularly scheduled process.

AP Inquiry & Reporting This role has been split into two: AP Inquiry and AP Reporting.

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Primary Permission Lists

Define what data users can see in the system

Users who work for an agency that hosts other agencies (e.g., OGS) will have access to multiple permission lists.

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AP Workflow

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Budget Checking

An automated process that checks the amount of the voucher against the budget to ensure that the necessary funds are available to pay the vendor.

Are the necessary funds available to pay the vendor?

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SFS compares voucher information with the purchase order, receipt and inspection (if applicable) to ensure that duplicate vouchers don’t exist.

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AP Approval Workflow Overview

Voucher Originator

After the voucher is saved:

Voucher ID assigned

Budget Checking

Matching (if applicable)

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AP Approval Workflow Overview

Voucher Originator Supervisor

Voucher Originator checks to see if the voucher passed Budget Check and Matching (if applicable)

If not errors exist, the voucher is submitted into Workflow

Vouchers created by AP Processors or AP Coordinators will first go to their supervisor for approval.

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AP Approval Workflow Overview

Voucher Approvers

1) Dept Approver

2) AP Manager

3) Budget Office

4) Fiscal Office


Vouchers move through the workflow process from one level to the next and approvers can: approve, deny or reject vouchers.

NOTE: No dollar thresholds in workflow

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AP Approval Workflow Overview

Pooled Roles(1) Department Approver (2) AP Manager (3) Budget Office (4) Fiscal Office

All approvers have the ability to: approve, reject, or deny the voucher

Once one of the users in the pooled role takes an approval action, the voucher is removed from the worklist of the others in the same role.

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AP Approval Workflow Overview

Fiscal Office

Your agency’s Fiscal Office has final approval before the voucher is sent to OSC.

Once at OSC, the voucher will go through OSC’s audit/approval process.

NYS Office of the State Comptroller (OSC)

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AP Approval Workflow Overview

Contact your Agency’s Workflow Administrator if your voucher does not move to the next level within workflow.

Workflow Administrator

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Additional Information

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Conversion - Vouchers

No open vouchers were converted into SFS.

Agencies will enter open vouches into SFS after Go-Live

Bulkload agencies will re-send via bulk load after Go-Live

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Codes used to categorize financial and budget transactions.

Statewide ChartFields: Department, Program, Fund, Account

Agency-specific ChartFields: Operating Unit and Product

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Additional Chart of Accounts information:

Course GL 105: Introduction to Chart of Accounts

SFS website:

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A 10-character code, that once entered, will automatically populate one or more pre-defined ChartField combinations.

Available at “Go-live”

Created and maintained by the AP Budget Unit Approver

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Vendor Location

1. MAINCHECK (payment via check)

2. MAINEPAY (electronic payment/ACH)

3. OSCOFSET (Offsets - Liens)

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Vendor Location & Procurement Cards

A Business Unit (BU) specific Vendor Location DOES NOT NEED to be used when paying procurement cards.

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Invoice Number

SFS performs a duplicate check on the Invoice Number field

When making more than one payment related to the same invoice – each invoice needs to be unique.

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Print Invoice Button

Prints the system record of the voucher – NOT the invoice.

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Worksheet Copy Option

Use when entering a voucher from an exiting PO in SFS

Ability to copy the entire PO or specific lines from the PO

SFS RECOMMENDS NOT entering data into the “PO Unit” and the “Purchase Order” fields

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Agency Learning Session – Miscellaneous

Cancelled Checks

Prompt Payment Interest

Liens and Payment Intercepts (Split Pays)


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Cancelled Checks

Nixie checks – Marked “Stale Dated” in SFS and destroyed.

Lost or stolen checks – Follow the same process as today.

Reissuance for a vendor in the Vendor Management File – VMU will research for a better address and a check will be issued using the same voucher.

Single Payment Vendors – the voucher will be closed by OSC and a new voucher will need to be created with the updated address.

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Cancelled Checks

Reissuance of Vendor Check

CAS – the same check # is reissued from a different bank account

SFS – a different check # from the same bank account

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For all liens, OSC is exercising the Comptroller’s right to offset payments on behalf of DTF and other agencies and will redirect payments.

How does a vendor know about a lien?

OSC lien unit sends correspondence for every amount they offset: • To the entity that filed the lien “lienor” • The entity that is subject to the lien “lienee” • The agency whose payment is being offset

Correspondence from OSC is outside of SFS

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OSC processes lien offset payments as one payment - a payment line is added to the voucher affected by the lien. (Viewable on the Payments tab.)

The 2nd payment line will contain the necessary information to offset the funds.

OSC then processes an AC909, Reports of Money Received, to deposit to the Comptroller's Lien account.

The trace # for lien payments is a manual # created by OSC.

Questions: Contact OSC’s Bureau of State Expenditures’ Customer Service Help Desk at (518) 4744868 or email: [email protected]

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Reimbursing Petty Cash

Create a Regular Voucher

Use a specific Vendor ID - which exists for every Petty Cash Account

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Deleting a Voucher

AP Coordinator

Equivalent to cancellation of the voucher

Only users in the AP Coordinator role have the ability to delete vouchers

How to Delete a Voucher –included in the AP210 – Advanced Voucher Processing Course

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Report Catalog

Lists hundreds of available reports

Accessed reports:

Directly from SFS website SFS Reports

Listing is continually being updated

Lists the role(s) who have access to the report. If blank anyone can view.

Search functionality – Click “Search”

Exports the entire reports listing into Excel.

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Report ID Report Name Navigation

NYAP3213 Vouchers Ready for Approval Workflow

SFS Reports > Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Vouchers Ready for Approval Workflow

NYAP3312Vouchers in the Approval Workflow

SFS Reports > Accounts Payable > Vouchers > In-Flight Voucher Approval Workflow

NYAP3212 Vouchers Denied or Rejected by OSC

SFS Reports > Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Vouchers Denied by OSC

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SFS Website Resources


ILT Course Materials

All Training Courses

Job Aids and Reference Materials

Training FAQs

Agency Transaction Learning Sessions

OSC Resources

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Entering a Regular Voucher from a PO

POs must be in a “Dispatch” status

Price & Quantity can be updated, if needed

Data entered on the Add a New Value page will carry over to the Invoice Information page

Invoice Date and Invoice Received Date are required fields

Use the Worksheet Copy Option

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Entering a Template Voucher

Change Voucher Style to Template Voucher

Invoice Date and Invoice Received Date are required fields

The name of your Template ID needs to be unique within your Business Unit

A Voucher ID will be assigned after saving to indicate that the template exists in SFS.

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Using a Template Voucher

Template vouchers save keystrokes

Create a Regular Voucher

Use the Worksheet Copy Option to locate the Template voucher

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Approving Vouchers Using Workflow

AP210 > Entering and Maintaining Vouchers > Approving vouchers using workflow

Five Steps to Approving a Voucher

1. Access Worklist

2. Select the voucher

3. Review the voucher

4. Select an Approval Action (approve, deny, reject)

5. Click Save

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Please open AP205 from the Training Courses webpage and complete the survey.


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Thank you for your participation!
