Download - St. Veronica Church · 2015. 6. 25. · Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor Fr. Rafael de Avila, Parochial Vicar Deacon Roger Beaudry Deacon Joseph LeBlanc Ms. Lennie Perreras, Administrative

Page 1: St. Veronica Church · 2015. 6. 25. · Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor Fr. Rafael de Avila, Parochial Vicar Deacon Roger Beaudry Deacon Joseph LeBlanc Ms. Lennie Perreras, Administrative

Fax: 650-588-1481 Phone: 650-588-1455

434 Alida Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080

Established 1951

St. Veronica Church

September 29, 2013

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 2: St. Veronica Church · 2015. 6. 25. · Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor Fr. Rafael de Avila, Parochial Vicar Deacon Roger Beaudry Deacon Joseph LeBlanc Ms. Lennie Perreras, Administrative

Parish Office Hours

Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Closed for lunch from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. (unless otherwise posted)

Phone: 650-588-1455 Fax: 650-588-1481

Parish Staff Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor Fr. Rafael de Avila, Parochial Vicar Deacon Roger Beaudry Deacon Joseph LeBlanc Ms. Lennie Perreras, Administrative Assistant & Bookkeeper Ext. 304 Ms. Patricia Spiteri, Parish Secretary Mrs. Karen Guglielmoni, Faith Formation & Wedding Coordinator Ext.305 Mr. Christopher Lindstrom, Music Director 650-588-1455 Ext. 308

St. Veronica Catholic School

Phone: 650-589-3909

Mrs. Kathryn Lucchesi Mrs. Geninne Ruegg Principal Vice Principal

Parish Office email: [email protected]

St. Veronica Parish


Sacrament of Baptism Baptismal Preparation classes are held once a

month. Call the Parish Office 650-588-1455

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Call the Parish Office to register 650-588-1455


Faith Formation: 650-588-1455 Ext. 305 Catechetical instructions (1st to 8th grades)

Confirmation Classes: 650-588-1455 ext. 305

Mass Intentions WEEK of September 29, 2013

Sun 09/29 6:45 Aaron & Byron Spiteri 8:00 † Josephine Borg 9:30 † Adeline Rodrigues 11:00 † Glenda Abellana 12:30 People of St. Veronica

Mon 09/30 6:30 † Amado Palaad Jr. 8:30 † Carlos Dabu

Tue 10/01 6:30 † Frances & Alex Sarantopulos 8:30 † Pete Cinquini

Wed 10/02 6:30 † Ed Canizares 8:30 † Fernando Martinez

Thu 10/03 6:30 † Maria Carissa F. Santos 8:30 † Amalia Del Rosario

Fri 10/04 6:30 † Gertrude Eberle 8:30 † Mr. & Mrs. Ignatius D’Souza

Sat 10/05 8:30 † Paul Cananea 5:00 † Luz Roque David and Consolacion Roque

Sun 10/06 6:45 † Hermenio Castelo Jr. 8:00 † Rafael Montalvo 9:30 † Anthony Bartolo 11:00 Rene & Norma Canizares 12:30 People of St. Veronica

Reflect ing on God’s Word

If anyone is the prophet of the punch line, it is Amos. He travels up from the south to preach to the people of the north-ern kingdom of Israel and he pulls no punches. “Woe to the complacent,” he begins, and then in a quick series of brush strokes lets them know how God sees them: lying upon their beds, stretched out on their couches, eating their tender lamb and calves, drinking fine wine while the music plays and they anoint themselves with the best oils. Then the punch line—they shall be the first to go into exile. The party is over! In a similar vein, Jesus paints a portrait of “Richman”—tradition has named him Dives (Latin for “rich man”)—dressed in the best, eating the best, insulated in his own little world, while at his door Lazarus lies starving, with only dogs coming to lick his sores. It is a scene of total indifference to the plight of the poor. God’s response is clear. The wheel will turn. And when it does, so shall Lazarus and Richman. What was a gap between them becomes a chasm. The Letter to Timothy today contains advice from a mentor to his beloved child in the faith. It offers a profile of how the baptized person is to live. It’s a shame that the read-ing does not begin earlier (1 Timothy 6:9–10) and end later (6:17–19), because these verses directly warn about the dan-gers of money, offering advice for the wealthy so that they may “lay hold of eternal life” (6:12).

—Rev. Richard Zajac Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Page 3: St. Veronica Church · 2015. 6. 25. · Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor Fr. Rafael de Avila, Parochial Vicar Deacon Roger Beaudry Deacon Joseph LeBlanc Ms. Lennie Perreras, Administrative

Mass Schedule

Saturdays: 8:30AM & 5:00PM Sundays: 6:45, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00AM, and

12:30PM Holy Days: 6:30, 8:30AM, & 6:30PM

Monday - Friday: 6:30 & 8:30AM

Spanish Mass First & Third Sunday of each month at 6:30 PM

unless otherwise announced

Confessions Saturdays: 4:00—5:00PM

Liturgy of the Hours Monday - Friday: Morning Prayer at 6:00AM

Eucharistic Adoration

Monday - Friday: 9:00AM - 9:00PM

Parish Registration

Please complete and return form to the parish office, or simply drop it in the collection basket.

Kindly print all information

Name(s) _____________________________________

Name(s) _____________________________________

Address ____________________________________


City & Zip ___________________________________

Phone ______________________________________

E-mail: _____________________________________

Updating Current Parish Registration

Moving / Please remove from mailing list.

___This is a new registration Please call me.

On the Horizon

♦ Sept. 27-29: Annual Parish Festival ♦ Sunday, Oct. 6: Blessing of the Ani-

mals following 12:30 p.m. Mass ♦ Oct. 19-20: Annual Spanish retreat

Thank you for supporting St. Veronica Parish and its works.

Envelopes received in the First Collection:

Welcome Newly Registered Parishioners!

Our parish continues to be blessed and enriched by the presence of new parishioners:

Joseph, Theresa, Ryan & Ryley Saavedra

May St. Veronica Church offer you a place where you can bring your sorrow and joys, your pain and triumphs

and peace for your soul.

We welcome you with open arms and hearts!

Sept. 07 & 08 332

Sept. 14 & 15 269

Sept. 21 & 22 285

Mass Time 1st Collection Maintenance TotalsSaturday 9/21/2013 5:00 PM 1,375 241 1,616 Sunday 9/22/2013 6:45 AM 827 165 992

8:00 AM 879 222 1,101 9:30 AM 1,873 372 2,245 11:00 AM 835 215 1,050 12:30 PM 1,027 179 1,206

Totals 6,816$ 1,394$ 8,210$


A Bit on Mass Etiquette

Be on time. If you are late, enter at a proper time and enter quietly.

Turn off your cell phone. Better yet, leave it in the car.

Open your mind and heart to the Lord, and seek Jesus through participation and the spirit of the mass.

Leave the Missal Book at church. It belongs to The Body.

Page 4: St. Veronica Church · 2015. 6. 25. · Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor Fr. Rafael de Avila, Parochial Vicar Deacon Roger Beaudry Deacon Joseph LeBlanc Ms. Lennie Perreras, Administrative

Parish Festival: This weekend finally the Parish Festi-val has arrived. Enjoy the various activities, great mu-sic, food, and friendship. The greatest pleasure in this Festival is seeing children enjoying it thoroughly. My hope and prayer is that this Festival will be happy and safe for everyone and that it will bring people together and build up the community. Let the international fla-vors that characterize our parish bring joy to everyone!

Visit to Father Wilton Smith: On Friday Sept. 20, I made a visit to our dear Father Wilton Smith at the Naz-areth House in San Rafael and passed on your wishes. Father was happy to see me and receive See’s Candy as a gift from our parish. We think of Father with gratitude and remember his wonderful ministry in our parish for many years. As pastor, he inspired people with holiness, gentleness, and kindness. He sends his warm wishes and prayers to you.

Word of God: Jesus is a storyteller par excellence. His stories are all about God, love, generosity, forgiveness, grace, humility, and such necessary qualities for disci-pleship. Today’s gospel narrative is one of the most memorable stories of Jesus: the rich man and Lazarus. The details of the story create vivid and colorful pic-tures in our minds. Caring for the poor is an essential quality of a Christian. The rich man in the parable is oblivious to the presence of the poor man. Can we be Christians and not do anything to help those in need? Our God is a God who always loves the poor in a pref-erential way. Jesus searches for the poor and uplifts and loves them in a special way. We will be ultimately judged by our love for the poor: whenever you have done this to the least of my brothers and sisters, you have done it for me. Mother Theresa’s love for the poorest of the poor highlights the way we Christians need to care for the poor and needy.

Food for Thought: “The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”---Oscar Wilde

Joke: A priest, running late for an appointment, parks in a no parking zone. He quickly writes a note, leaving it under the windshield wiper, "I've circled the block 10 times. If I don't park here, I'll be late for my appoint-ment. Forgive us our trespasses." An hour later, he comes out to find a citation next to his note. "I've circled this block for 10 years, Father. If I don't give you a ticket, I'll lose my job. Lead us not into temptation."

Your Friend & Pastor,

Father Charles Puthota

Dear Parishioners,

Catechetical Sunday: Sunday, Sept. 15th at the 9:30 a.m. Mass, we celebrated Catechetical Sunday. The theme this year is: Open the Door of Faith. If we can make our choices in light of faith and if we can look at everything through the eyes of faith, we can gain a deep-er insight into our human existence and destiny. We can become more deeply aware of God’s presence in our lives and share that experience with our family and friends. We celebrated and thanked all those who teach faith in our Catholic School and Faith Formation pro-gram. We gave a special prayer of blessing on them and certificates of recognition. I commend all the fabulous work these catechists do in sharing faith with our chil-dren. It’s an inspiration for all of us that we are called to preach the good news in our own circumstances. Haven’t you heard this reminder? “You may be the only Bible many people get to read in their lives.” Our lives can become a channel for God speaking to others. So shall we open our door faith and share it with others?

4th Grade Mass: Last Sunday at the 9:30 a.m. Mass, the 4th Graders from our School and Faith Formation re-ceived Bibles, reminding us that the Word of God is vital in our lives. We need to read the Word of God prayerful-ly, hear it proclaimed, and put it into practice. Jesus em-phasizes again and again that it is not enough to hear the Word but we have to translate it into our lives. Faith al-ways needs to issue forth in action. Congratulations to the 4th Graders on receiving their Bibles, and blessings on their families. Maybe the parents could browse through the Bible sometimes and make it part of the fam-ily by making their children read and reflect.

Pope’s Recent Comments: Pope Francis’ recent inter-view in a Jesuit magazine has received a lot of attention in the media all over the world. His emphasis on mercy and compassion, which reflects Jesus’ own emphasis, has struck a chord everywhere. Not that the Pope is saying anything new, but the tone of his comments has come across to everyone as something beautiful and meaning-ful. The Church is a sacrament of God’s presence and an instrument of reconciliation. The Pope’s comments bring home to everyone the image and function of the Church, the Bride and Body of Christ. He says: “I see the church as a field hospital after battle. It is useless to ask a seri-ously injured person if he has high cholesterol and about the level of his blood sugars. You have to heal his wounds. Then we can talk about everything else.” There is much healing that needs to happen within the Church and in the world. The Holy Father is showing us the way to be engaged in a merciful, compassionate, tender min-istry of healing and helping.

From the Pastor’s Desk

Page 5: St. Veronica Church · 2015. 6. 25. · Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor Fr. Rafael de Avila, Parochial Vicar Deacon Roger Beaudry Deacon Joseph LeBlanc Ms. Lennie Perreras, Administrative


Cost projections for Phase II will be passed along to our parishioners when they are obtained.

Start date for Phase II will again be based on dona-tions received

Submit your donations, pledges and brick orders - the Legacy Courtyard is slated to be part of Phase II.

Join us for the Capital Campaign Casino

Bus Trip to

Big Thunder & Feather Falls Casinos Saturday, October 19, 2013

Reservations may be made to Josefina Pablo (650) 270-8320 Cost: $40.00

Bus departs at 6:45am Breakfast & Bingo on the Bus!!!

Ministry Training Visit Youth in Jail

San Francisco County

Date: Saturday, October 19 and 26, 2013

8:00am to 5:00pm St. Brendan Parish Hall

29 Rockaway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127

Requirements: ο Interview is required before attending ο Must be 18 years old ο Visit incarcerated youth 11-17 years old ο Attend mandatory monthly meetings

To register, call:

Julio Escobar (415)244-5594

Please join us in honoring our retired priests at the Third annual St. John Vianney Luncheon on Friday, October 25 at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Tickets are $100 each. For more information, please call the Archdio-

cese Office of Development at (415) 614-5580.


Registration is still being accepted for Faith Formation classes, but only through September 30! Forms are available on the parish web site under the “Faith For-mation” link or by calling Faith Formation Coordi-nator Karen Guglielmoni at 650-588-1455 ext. 305. Faith Formation classes are offered to children beginning in First grade and concluding with Con-firmation (9th grade or older). Please note that there are two years of sacramental preparation for First Communion and Confirmation.

RCIA 2013-14

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is offered for adults 18 years and older who wish to become Catholic, or baptized Catholics who wish to complete their sacraments of initiation (Communion and/or Confirmation). Please call the office to sign up and receive more information. Classes begin on October 6 in the Pastoral Center.

Visit the Capital Campaign Booth during the Festival for the Phase II kick-off!

Representatives of the Capital Campaign will also be on hand to answer questions and

accept donations and Legacy item orders.

Mark Your Calendars for more Fun Fall Events benefitting the Capital Campaign!

Saturday, November 2 - Thanksgiving Bingo Luncheon in the Parish Cen-ter Saturday, November 9 - “Sister’s Christmas Cate-chism” in the Parish Center (from the producers of “Late-Night Catechism”)

Page 6: St. Veronica Church · 2015. 6. 25. · Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor Fr. Rafael de Avila, Parochial Vicar Deacon Roger Beaudry Deacon Joseph LeBlanc Ms. Lennie Perreras, Administrative

Santa Verónica Grupo de Oración Salvación y Alabanza


19 y 20 De Octubre del año 2013

Renovación Carismática Católica de la

Arquidiócesis de San Francisco Lugar: Parroquia de Santa Verónica

De 8:00am a 6:00pm

Dirección: 434 Alida Way, South San Francisco

Cristo te espera con los brazos abiertos.

Conferencistas: Rev. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Rev. Ra-fael de Ávila, Rev. José Corral, Rev. Moisés Agudo, Su Excelencia Monseñor José Elias Raud , Rev. Reynaldo Sorto, Hno. Pepe Gómez, HNA. Conchita Blanco, HNA. Josefa Sánchez, HNO. José Álvarez. Maestro de Ceremonia: Ramiro y Delmy Castillo Ministerio de Música: Salvación y Alabanza.

Información: Fam. Blanco: (650)984-0139 (650)228-3658

Donación: $5.00 por día.

MISA DOMINICAL EN ESPAÑOL A partir del primer domingo de octubre, 6 de

octubre del 2013, se celebrará la misa en español todos los domingos.

De esta manera la parroquia de Santa Verónica quiere prestar un servicio pastoral a la comunidad latina presen-

te en el área de Sur San Francisco. Con esto se pretende que la comunidad latina

participe de una manera más significativa en la vida parroquial.

FRECUENCIA: Todos los domingos del año. HORA: 6:00 PM.


Los bautismos en español se llevan a cabo el se-gundo sábado de cada mes.

La plática preparatoria para el bautismo se lleva a cabo el mismo día del bautismo. Esto es, se da la plática e inmediatamente después se

tiene la ceremonia del sacramento del bautismo.

FRECUENCIA: Sábado segundo de cada mes HORA: 11:00 AM PLÁTICA: Antes de la ceremonia del bautismo. PROXIMAS FECHAS DE BAUTISMO:

Septiembre 14 Octubre 12 Noviembre 9 Diciembre 14

Para mayor información llamar a la oficina. Tel: 650 588-1455

St. Veronica Men’s Club Proudly Present the 21st Annual Santini Golf Classic Tournament

Each golfer, please complete this reservation form and make your $150 check payable to: St. Veronica Men’s Club

Mail to: St. Veronica Catholic School, 434 Alida Ave., So. San Francisco, CA 94080 ATTN.: Danny Campbell, President – SVMC Due By: Golf RSVP deadline is October 4, 2013

LOGO WEAR (indicate quantity of each shirt size): S______ M______ L______ XL______ XX______ XXX______ SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES:

Name: ______________________Co. Name: __________________Tel: (_____) ____________ Email:________________________

Tee Sponsor: $50.00 Includes your name or company name at a hole (shared sign with other sponsors). Tee & Dinner Sponsor: $100.00 Includes your name or company name at a hole (dedicated sign), recognition at dinner, and name acknowledgement on dinner placemat.

_____ I would like to attend the DINNER ONLY @ $30.00 pp x ______= $_____________ _____ I am unable to attend, but wish to make a donation to the St. Veronica Parish Sports Program. I have included a check.

_____ I/my company would like to donate an item / service / gift certificate to the raffle.

Name: ______________________Co. Name: __________________Tel: (_____) _____________ Email:________________________

Golfer’s Name: Contact #: Email Address: #1) #2) #3) #4)

Page 7: St. Veronica Church · 2015. 6. 25. · Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor Fr. Rafael de Avila, Parochial Vicar Deacon Roger Beaudry Deacon Joseph LeBlanc Ms. Lennie Perreras, Administrative

WHEN: Saturday, October 26, 2013 WHERE: Sharp Park Golf Course, Highway 1 & Sharp Park Rd., Pacifica, CA 94044 WHO: Tournament is open to all Parishioners, family and friends — men and women. WHY: This tradi on was started 21 years ago by two fathers from the SV Men’s Club,

Bob Petrini and Andy Sanchez. This tournament has become a major fundrais-er for the SV Men’s Club ever since. All proceeds from this en re event go di-rectly to support the St. Veronica Parish-Wide Sports Program.

FORMAT: “Four Person Scramble” — all and no skill levels welcomed! TIME: 10:30 am-11:30 am Golfers Check-In 11:00 am-12 pm Pu ng Contest 12:30 pm Shotgun Start 6:00 pm No Host Cocktails at the Parish Center (All-you-can-drink for $10) 7:00 pm Dinner for player and guest at the Parish Center A er dinner Raffle, Prizes and Awards Ceremony

WHAT: $150.00 per player includes: Green Fees and Cart, Box Lunch, San ni Logo wear (shirt), and Dinner for two people at the St. Veronica Parish Center. Or $30 per person for (non-player) dinner only op on at the St. Veronica Parish Center.

HOW: COMPLETE THE ADJACENT RESERVATION FORM. In order for everyone to have a cart, we are limited to 120 golfers. Therefore, please SUBMIT YOUR RESERVA-TION FORM ALONG WITH FULL PAYMENT IN EARLY TO ENSURE YOUR SPOT. RSVPs are due by October 4, 2013.

QUESTIONS: Please contact 2013 San ni Golf Classic Chairpersons: Danny Campbell | 650-922-9291 | [email protected]

Kieran Cronin | 650-255-8496 | [email protected]

St. Veronica Men’s Club Proudly Present the

21st Annual Santini Golf Classic
